
The Real Gary Ruppert:

Freedom in America will fall if Obama is elected. Obama will institute a dictatorship to bring America down and put up a new state where the left is supreme.

Obama was brought up by extremist Muslims, brainwashed farther by a Black Muslim preacher posing as a Christian, he associated with terrorists in the middle of a time when America is at war with terrorism.

This is what the Republican base is, my friends: it’s angry, racially-charged paranoia. And mercifully, I think it’s going to lose big time.

UPDATE: pwn3d:

This also has the virtue of being true. Via.


Comments: 85


So, who launches the adult diaper & wet wipes collection campaign for all the Republicans who will continually wet themselves and weep uncontrollably as they watch America push the Reagan legacy over the side of an aircraft carrier to sink and rot in the deep?


And mercifully, I think it’s going to lose big time.

Yeah, but what will it do when its down? That’s the worry.


a new state where the left is supreme? Vermont? New Vermont? I don’t get it.

I would prefer it if he Dictates an Institution rather than instituting a dictatorship.


I know Real Gary. Real Gary would never say that.


a new state where the left is supreme?

Wouldn’t that be seven new states?

At least we were warned.


we are all New Vermonters now.


The local Republithug blogger has been pushing that a bit… “Obama will institute a nationwide Permanent Democratic dictatorship, and he will have us all killed!” He’s very big on projection.

He’s also madder’n spit that Obama hasn’t released his Real Kenyan Muslim Satanist Gay birth certificate.


I wish to god the Dictators would come back.

Grand Moff Texan

So, the Republicans are counting on the ignorant coward vote?

Good luck with that.


Well, I’m not the kind to kiss and tell,
But I’ve been seen with Malkin.
I’m never seen with anything less than a nine, so fine.

I’ve been on fire with Amy,
Gone fast with a girl named Ann,
But somehow they just don’t end up as mine.

It’s a death defyin’ life I lead,
I take my chances.
I die for a livin’ in the comments, can’t you see?.
But the hardest thing I ever do
Is watch my leadin’ ladies
Quote some other guy while I’m bandagin’ my knee.

I might ramble on about nothing,
I might paste a bit too far.
‘Cause I’m the unknown stuntman that made Ruppert such a star.

I never spent much time in school
But I taught ladies plenty.
It’s true I hire my keyboard out for pay, a Hey Hey.

I’ve gotten banned over Jane Hamsher,
Deleted for emptywheel.
But when I end up in the hay it’s only hay, Hey Hey.

I might jump an open thread now,
Or get drunk on Mad Dog wine.
‘Cause I’m the unknown typist that makes Ruppert look so fine.


I’m happy to say we’ve mastered Real Gary around here. The difference between Real and the Garodies is pretty much nil.

I mean…a dictatorship? Wow.


Well can’t you sympathize with their frustration? They have been shouting at their top of their lungs “Barack Obama is a stealth Muslim whose gonna raise your taxes, take your guns and make you gay marry while surrendering to the terrorists.” They believe in their heart of hearts that this will happen on Inauguration Day. And they scream it and scream it, and for the first time since who knows when, the voters are (at least according to polls) giving their “concerns” the due consideration they deserve.


even though the racist wingtards have guns, they are cowards. they will yell and snort meth and try to drygulch someone who’s weak and alone. they won’t be a threat to society as a group.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> I wish to god the Dictators would come back.

One of the finer musical moments of my life is seeing D. Manitoba live in a club on Ave. B that held about 25 (sweaty) people.


… & who’s that I see topping‘s “A-List Searches” under “People”?

Why, if it isn’t Charles Keating.


Did someone just hear an old jalopy backfire?


Methinks the wingnuts are coming unghinged right before our eyes.

Isn’t it wonderful?


How about New Bahamas? Vermont is too damn cold.


They have been shouting at their top of their lungs “Barack Obama is a stealth Muslim whose gonna raise your taxes, take your guns and make you gay marry while surrendering to the terrorists.”

And that’s obviously what people want.



You know, these are the happiest days of crackerstani lives. Years in the wilderness, daydreams of martyrdom, the daily shining of their resentment? Good timez.

No, really.


Gruppert projects so much his forehead has a hot lamp.

Wasn’t there supposed to be a “permanent Republican Majority?” Whatever happened to that? Oh, right….him….


Freedom in America will fall if Obama is elected. Obama will institute a dictatorship to bring America down and put up a new state where the left is supreme.

Gary, think you can reinstate habeas before January?

You guys really don’t think ahead.


Looks like Obama’s nefarious plan for global control has already begun. Well done, B. Hussein X! We await your further instructions.


Plus, TIDOS Yankee’s new grill will be toppled over every week by roving gangs of lesbian black, um, grill topplers…


Looks like Obama’s nefarious plan for global control has already begun.


Kenyan TV station KTN said Mr Corsi may be deported due to lack of a work permit.

Migrant workers are ruining Kenya!


You guys really don’t think ahead.

They really just didn’t think it would be a problem – what with stacking the DOJ full of christopaths and all. Democracy was supposed to become this weird little sideshow to distract you from the monarchy. And after seeing the Craven Cavin’ 110th Congress in action, I’m only about 70% sure they didn’t succeed.

Five of Diamonds

This is why Republicans hate health care. The more people who go off their meds…the more people who wrap themselves in a warm blanket of psychotic paranoia…the more GOP vote.

It’s a perfect plan.


Brad, you may be an optimist, but someone needs to tell Jillian to cheer the hell up. Poor guy is losing sleep.


And hey, the Sox won! It’s going to be a wicked awesome Tuesday. Obama is going to fight back today……in a perfect world.


Wasn’t there supposed to be a “permanent Republican Majority?”

I think that’s key to this entire meltdown. These loons honestly thought they owned America outright and would do so forever. They can’t believe those “other people” are actually Americans too and are even allowed to vote on issues that concern them. They just assumed they had succeeded in stamping out and disenfranchising any opinions that didn’t fall in lockstep with the marching orders.

The Repo Man is here to repossess the country, and they thought they had the only set of keys.


he associated with terrorists in the middle of a time when America is at war with terrorism.

Gary would prefer that people associate with terrorists at a time when terrorism is our ally.


Kenyan TV station KTN said Mr Corsi may be deported due to lack of a work permit.

You gotta think Mr Swiftboat was dancing a little jig when figured out what was happening – he will be the wingnut’s Mumia for the rest of his life, without having to actually be in prison or anything. He’s going to ride that Wingnut Gravy Train for decades (betcha D-Ho wished he had thought of it).


“Methinks the wingnuts are coming unghinged right before our eyes.

Isn’t it wonderful?”

I don’t know. It kinda scares me. Their rallies are one step away from riots. But it is fascinating to behold.


According to, we’ll actually be New Hawaiians.

Just sayin’

Posting this so The Truth doesn't even have to make an appearance

Bradley Effect, Robert Byrd, Michelle Obama, Bill Ayers.

All said with a ridiculous sense of superiority.


How about New Bahamas? Vermont is too damn cold.

There are many marvelous ways of keeping warm in winter.

Cross country skiing, for example.


Bill “Let it ride!” Bennet was on teevee this morning, saying that Obama will prevail because America is conservative. They think everyone is just like them, which conveniently lets them ignore questioning and dissent.

Psychoneurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous

We’re waiting for you, Gary. Your room is ready and the boys in white coats are on their way.

You’ll be happy here, Gary. You’ll feel safe and warm and nurtured.



Obama will prevail because America is conservative



Obama is going to fight back today

I hope if McInsane tries the “palling around with terrorists” horseshit tonight at the debate Barry X hits back with the well-documented MzGovernator’s “palling around with secessionists traitors.” I’d also love to see Grampy McGrump finally lose it, go all purple with rage and take a swing at Obama. I envision Obama gracefully ducking and smiling sadly as Gramps hits air, staggers around in a semicircle and collapses on the floor, his foot catching in the mic cord and pulling the podium down as he kicks his entangled legs around like an overturned cockroach and screams in a tantrum of impotent rage. It’s important to have dreams.

May I request at this time that S,N! again provide a debate thread tonite so that we may discuss amongst ourselves the salient points and drink-blog together? That’s about the only fun I have anymore (waaahhhh). I’m thinking of a color-coordinated theme: scotch for every “my friends,” tequila for every “maverick,” and lemon vodka for every “reform Washington.” Maybe a swig of Killian Red for any mention of Ms. Joe Six-Pack. All the colors of autumn!


You know, with a few names changed to reveal the guilty, you get:
“Freedom in America will fall if McCain is elected. McCain will institute a dictatorship to being American down and put up a new state where the corporations are supreme.

McCain was broke down by his Vietnamese jailers, brainwashed further by DC lobbyists posing as friends; he associated with crooks and criminals in the middle of a time when America is in economic crisis because of deregulation and greed.”


Obama will be cool and lofty and gracious tonight. McCain will be seething and impatient and patronizing. After, Biden will be all over the teevees, and Palin will be quarantined to avoid getting infected with MSM gotulism.


For more quality material for the Real Gary and the Fake Garies, I again recommend the Conservapedia entry on Obama. I’m especially amused by the list found in the section entitled “Secrecy.”


I’m guessing “Gary Ruppert” is just quality spoof. That’s too many blanket talking points just strung together.

I think S,N is getting played by a decent spoof.


I think we are watching the Republicans/wingnuts become unhinged as they’re unable to cope with the reality of the situation.

They do love the victim projection, the screaming – but only from positions of power. They can’t deal with being REAL outsiders, which is where they’re heading because their leadership screwed the country up and did a good job making the world a worst place. They are being rejected.

So of course they’re freaking out. They need to be in power IN ORDER to have their persecution fantasies because that’s safe. Now they’ve failed, people hate them, the world hates them, and they’re humiliated. They’re not safe.

This leads to ever-increasing irrational activity as we can witness in Gary’s post, in the media bashing at a Palin event, etc. Unable to cope with the situation, the right wing is losing it.

The plus side of this is it’s finally exposing the dirty underbelly of a lot of politics and the impotence of Republican ideas. The bad news is some of these people are probably unhinged enough to get violent. I frankly expect a spate of right-wing violence in this country when Obama is elected, if only because the craziness will seek an outlet.


I wish to god the Dictators would come back.

Sorry, Handsome Dick Manitoba has been sleeping with the TV on.

Tuned to Fox News.


Don’t you just love 7-house/13-car McCain suggesting what we should and should not be talking about. Next he’ll be threatening to send the military out with duct tape to seal the mouths of the masses.


The bad news is some of these people are probably unhinged enough to get violent. I frankly expect a spate of right-wing violence in this country when Obama is elected, if only because the craziness will seek an outlet.

I disagree. I think the 101st Fighting Keyboardists are spineless cowards. I think they will benefit from being out of power because they won’t have to accept that all of their policies failed. It is really funny to hear about how all of our problems are the fault of the liberals when their Dear Leader has been running the place for the last eight years.

“Projection” seems like a mild term for it. I think projection covers the “Obama is a Manchurian Candidate” meme. The Obama will be a fascist dictator meme is way too project-y to be simply “projection.”

I have trouble stringing words together to cover it. The best I can do is stammer and point at the current Chimp-In-Chief.


Unhinged wingnuts are a dangerous thing. It’s getting really ugly on the pit bull campaign. Obama Hatred At McCain-Palin Rallies: “Terrorist!” “Kill Him!”


Also, Labrys comment wins the thread.


You know, McCain is sleeping with a known drug addict, thief and tax cheat. What would stop Ms. McCain from trading state secrets to satisfy her addictions?

McCain’s running mate is sleeping with a known member of a radical secessionist cabal. What ideas is Mr. Palin secretly whispering into Ms. Palin’s ear at night?

I think I’ll take my chances with Obama.


They are freaking because every authority the trust is telling them they are the chosen of God and STILL losing…


Although, it is interesting that even the wingnuts have to admit everything isn’t rosy and nice with America. Remember when nothing was wrong with our great Union? The war was being won, the economy was strong, and those civil liberties were for fags… and everyone who said otherwise was wrong wrong wrong and hated America to boot.

Grand Moff Texan

Video: Palin’s phony accent.


I hope Michael G. is right, but while most of them will confine their rage to their keyboards, there’s always the few who do not.

They were bad enough during the Clinton years, when their thwarted desires were channeled into travesties of justice and media poo flinging. Now they have tasted more rotten fruit; not even a fig leaf for judicial action, their own cable channel, and actual torture.

How will we keep them down on the funny farm, after they have lived in the limelight?


The most amazing thing is that they believe there is a coherent Left in the U.S. Fuck, I wish there was, but if wishes were dinosaurs then Jesus could ride one.


When will a high-profile McCain/Palin supporter openly call Obama the “n”-word? By Oct. 15?


Remember when nothing was wrong with our great Union? The war was being won, the economy was strong, and those civil liberties were for fags… and everyone who said otherwise was wrong wrong wrong and hated America to boot.

Yeah, August 2008 was a good month.


The 101st Cheeto commandos don’t have the guts to actually go violent, they’ll just whine all the harder. The danger is another nutcase Timothy McVeigh who’s going to “show ’em all, and show ’em GOOD!”

We have to seriously worry about this.

Rip rappin' Bob Owens

Yo yo yo whats doin all up in yo greeeeeeyullllllll


The bad news is some of these people are probably unhinged enough to get violent. I frankly expect a spate of right-wing violence in this country when Obama is elected, if only because the craziness will seek an outlet.

I’m expecting some of that, too.

But seven years of “Terrorists are our greatest enemies!” will ensure that most people have no positive feelings about domestic terrorists, and the Patriot Act and other Bush policies will make it easy to eavesdrop on militia groups and throw their asses in Gitmo.

By early February at the very latest, the modern incarnation of the Republican Party is going to willingly reveal itself as a gleefully racist and billion-percent crazy pro-terror, anti-American organization. They’ll be completely flabbergasted at how small a minority their base has become. The ones who can keep their mouths shut will return to their normal status as unelectable outcasts, and the ones who can’t keep from blabbing will spend the rest of their lives in a cell next to Eric Rudolph.

So yeah, things are going to be rough for a while. Things may be very rough for those of us who live in red states. But I do think we’re watching the Republican Party start the process of self-destruction.


Methinks the wingnuts are coming unghinged right before our eyes.
Isn’t it wonderful?

It’s all fun until someone loses an eye.


May I request at this time that S,N! again provide a debate thread tonite so that we may discuss amongst ourselves the salient points and drink-blog together? That’s about the only fun I have anymore (waaahhhh).

Seconded. Yes, please.


I’m Sarah’s cousin, and I think that Alaska can be a self-sufficient nation, by golly youse betchum. We even manufacture our own snowmobiles here. Hmmm?…we don’t? Gee terwilligers, that’s a rum bit o’ news for us snowshoers.


wow. dig that crazy synth background in the ad.

Rip rappin' Bob Owens

Yo yo homiez Obamma be terrorizin the downsizin of libertizzle if ya catch mah charcoalizzle greeeeeyulllll


Has anyone seen my penis? I’m sure I left it around here someplace …


America still relies on having a 2 party system. Okay, the republicans are going to have very limited power for the next generation, but they arn’t going away.

The Overton window is just going to shift a bit. When they come back to power in 30 years time, they will STILL be to the right of the democrats, but only slightly. They will be too scared to publicly advocate getting rid of the very popular social reforms enacted between now and then, but will work to undermine them quietly.

They couldn’t openly kill social security after all. Too popular. In 30 years time, they will be faced with the same situation with universal healthcare. They will reduce its funding and try to undermine it, but they will not actually be able to say it is a bad idea, because of its sheer popularity.


I’m Sarah’s cousin, and I think that Alaska can be a self-sufficient nation, by golly youse betchum. We even manufacture our own snowmobiles here. Hmmm?…we don’t? Gee terwilligers, that’s a rum bit o’ news for us snowshoers.

You have to love secessionists in a state that gets more money from the federal government than it pays in taxes. Maybe Putin will support the Free Alaska folks like he supported the South Ossetians. It’ll be a constructive learning experience for the insane right-wing fringe.


Three years of manufacturing this comment-generator culminated in THIS?

Lou, Lou, the Dancing Panda

When I think of John McCain’s advisers huddled worriedly around the conference table, trying to plot out delicate ways to attack Obama without getting hammered by a fed-up electorate, or calculating the odds of winning this or that battle state, and then I think of how McCain comes rushing in to announce a suspension, or a character attack, or a mooseburger promotion, I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere before.

Oh yeah, right.

McCain-Palin ’08 — At Least They Have Chicken


noen said,

October 7, 2008 at 18:17

Unhinged wingnuts are a dangerous thing. It’s getting really ugly on the pit bull campaign. Obama Hatred At McCain-Palin Rallies: “Terrorist!” “Kill Him!”

No shit. Did you see the look on McCain’s face when that guy yelled “Terrorist”? He obviously wasn’t expecting it, and he just as obviously understands very little about this “base” (in more than one sense of the term) that he’s decided to court. His advisers must have told him “It’s just a bunch of church ladies and hunters, no big deal. Just pretend you’re religious, and you’ve got their vote”.

And now he finds himself smack dab in the middle of a lynch mob. I have no love for McCain, but I really don’t think he knew what he was getting into.


I don’t quite agree with the notion that one who associates with a former member of the Weather Underground idn’t like “you and me”.

How many Americans wouldn’t mind a Weather Underground right now.

Firebombings at AEI, Club for Growth, Lehman Brothers?


Force Grover Norquist to swallow an M80?


How many Americans wouldn’t mind a Weather Underground right now.

Firebombings at AEI, Club for Growth, Lehman Brothers?

I believe you have missed the point of almost everything in the thread.


There’s a real Gary Ruppert?


Grand Moff Texan said,
October 7, 2008 at 18:24

Video: Palin’s phony accent.

I’m an amateur phonetician/dialectician at best, but her accent sounds fairly consistent across the recordings in that video. There’s some differences in vocabulary (more “you betcha”s, etc.) and a much greater range of pitch in the debate recording, but I’d attribute that more to nervousness or excitement than a faked accent.

For what it’s worth, Bill Labov seems to think that Palin’s accent is authentic to her dialect region (listen here: For the non-linguists, Labov pretty much invented sociolinguistics as an academic discipline, and probably knows more about dialect variation in American English than anyone.

Joe's Throbbing-Sixpack

Does Rupert’s IP trace back to the Alaskan Governors office, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’reilly, Sean Hannity, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove or WIlliam Kristol?

America wants to know.


Maybe Putin will support the Free Alaska folks like he supported the South Ossetians.

East Kamchatka?


Labov pretty much invented sociolinguistics as an academic discipline, and probably knows more about dialect variation in American English than anyone.

I’ve attended a lecture on sociolinguistics by Labov, and he’s an amazing speaker. Not only does he know tons about dialects, he can speak them with unbelievable accuracy. He read off an example phrase in half a dozen of them, in turn, and you’d really believe that for two or three words at a time he was a native speaker of each, if that makes sense.

Dude knows his shit.

Smiling Mortician

Great video, ittdgy. Thanks. I’m assuming everyone’s seen this by now, but if not, it’s a good one to show to anyone in a state that allows late registration.

A Nation Of Whiners

Multifarious avenues of approach vie for attention as potential retorts to Prof. Gary D. Ruppert, Esq.’s uncongenial protests. Let me start by stressing that I am not attempting to suppress anyone’s opinions, nor do I intend to demean Prof. Ruppert personally for his beliefs or worldviews. But I do maintain that I must acknowledge that Prof. Ruppert’s apparatchiks will have to stop shouting “Me, me!” and learn to harmonize on “Us, us!”. We should not concern ourselves with his putative virtue or vice. Rather, we should concern ourselves with our own welfare and with the fact that if Prof. Ruppert sincerely believes that the majority of loathsome wantwits are heroes, if not saints, then he must be smoking something illegal.

We must confront and reject all manifestations of factionalism. Those who claim otherwise do so only to justify their own irascible perorations. Prof. Ruppert has been trying to convince us that diseases can be defeated not through standard medical research but through the creation of a new language, one that does not stigmatize certain groups and behaviors. This pathetic attempt to crush people to the earth and then claim the right to trample on them forever because they are prostrate deserves no comment other than to say that Prof. Ruppert likes thinking thoughts that aren’t burdensome and that feel good. That’s why he never seems to listen to anyone else’s positions and reasoning. Well, that’s another story. To get back to my main point, I ought to mention that all the deals Prof. Ruppert makes are strictly one-way. Prof. Ruppert gets all the rights, and the other party gets all the obligations.

What is happening between Prof. Ruppert’s forces and us is not a debate. It is not a friendly disagreement between enlightened people. It is an adversarial, vile attack on our most cherished institutions. Try as I may, I can’t understand why Prof. Ruppert would want to take control of a nation and suck it dry. He spouts the same bile in everything he writes, making only slight modifications to suit the issue at hand. The issue Prof. Ruppert’s excited about this week is sexism, which says to me that his programs of Gleichschaltung cannot stand on their own merit. That’s why they’re dependent on elaborate artifices and explanatory stories to convince us that the sky is falling.

In spite of the fact that slaphappy traitors are receptive to Prof. Ruppert’s addlepated messages and fool easily, it is not uncommon for him to victimize the innocent, penalize the victim for making any effort to defend himself, and then paint the whole deluded affair as some great benefit to humanity. An understanding of the damage that may be caused by Prof. Ruppert’s pompous diatribes isn’t something I expect everyone to develop the first time they hear about it. That’s why I write over and over again and from so many different angles about how what I have been writing up to this point is not what I initially intended to write in this letter. Instead, I decided it would be far more productive to tell you that Prof. Ruppert should start developing the parts of his brain that have been impaired by sensationalism. At least then he’ll stop trying to marginalize dissident voices.

Plan to join Prof. Ruppert’s camp? Be sure to check your conscience at the door. With Prof. Ruppert’s op-ed pieces, simple credos like “check your sources” and “argue the other side of the question” have gone out the window. That is to say, Prof. Ruppert’s secret agents must be exposed and neutralized wherever they lurk. Am I aware of how Prof. Ruppert will react when he reads that last sentence? Yes. Do I care? No, because if society were a beer bottle — something, I believe, that Prof. Ruppert holds in high regard — he would indeed be the nauseating bit at the bottom that only the homeless like to drink. Let me close by reminding you that the statements I made about Prof. Gary D. Ruppert, Esq. in this letter are in earnest. I will not equivocate. I will not excuse. I will not retreat a single inch. And I will be heard.


biff diggerence = ratfucker manqué.


Posting this so The Truth doesn’t even have to make an appearance Says:
October 7th, 2008 at 17:20

… but how will he EVER get that “free” McCain tote-bag?

He’s falling behind his scheduled flame-quota, & time is running out!

How DO you e-mail a puppy, anyway? By November 5th he’s going to want SOMEONE around that isn’t pointing & laughing.

(concur heartily on erecting a juiceblogging-post for the impending talking-point competition Town-Hall Meeting, BTW)


Damn it tohell. I thought we libs were already in charge of everything already. That’s what the right wing conspiracy nuts have been screaming for the last 35 years. And they’re hardly ever wrong.


(comments are closed)