Shorter Butt-Missile
Posted on October 6th, 2008 by Tintin
“I wonder where all the nurses have gone?”
- The real reason the market is down is that Obama is up in the polls.
Seb adds: Shorter Ross Kaminsky
ABOVE: Ross Kaminsky, Derivatives Trader, leaves work
with all his worldly possessions
- Banks would have never gotten into this mess were it not for excessive government regulation.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Thanks to Steam Powered Opinions for the second link.
This logic brought to you by the same folks who said “The reason I hit you in the face is because you’re mad at me!”
Once again showing that some folks do not understand a implies b.
I’m sure if we just took out a few CEOs and had them shot morale would improve immediately.
Where was he the day after Missy Palin’s acceptance speech? The DOW tanked -300 that day, too.
Obama is even more powerful than we realized!
The disturbing thing is, I have to ask which parts of that picture were added, which are original? There’s verite in every element.
And he even goves us a bonus:
Via The Corner. The fundamentals of the economy are indeed strong, and John McCain shouldn’t hesitate to say so.
Please please please please
Even shorter AssRocket: “Post hoc, ergo propter hoc!”
He’s a lawyer, you know.
Brilliant photoshop, btw.
That was the fault of Trotsky/Snowball/The Liberal Elite, just like the economy, Iraq, the erosion of personal freedom, warrantless wiretapping, torture, and so on.
KiLo agrees – or make that a “reader”.
COINCIDENCE? [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Question from a reader:
Does the selloff on Wall Street have anything to do with the increasing likelihood that Obama will be our next president?
Note that the two trends — the financial meltdown, despite passage of the bailout, and the solidification of Obama’s lead — are coinciding. At a minimum, the market’s behavior is not a vote of confidence in an Obama presidency.
But Clinton!
Sigh. This again. Threat of a Democratic President = THE MARKET WILL TANK! Noted upthread but I’ll note it again…the market also took a dive during good-news days for the GOP.
Sure. You do that, John.
“nation of whiners” Ding ding.. another percentage point for Obama
“the fundamentals of the economy are strong” Ding ding ding, another point added to Obama’s lead..
It is becoming painfully obvious to even the most braindead voters that President Mcain means no job, no healthcare, and no home.
It’s a long long walk to Canada.
“The fundamentals of the economy are indeed strong, and John McCain shouldn’t hesitate to say so.”
Yes, that’s what people who are losing their houses and jobs need to hear. Good call. Be sure you don’t talk about falling real median income. Because, you know, that’s an economic fundamental that presents serious challenges to a CONSUMER BASED ECONOMY.
I think buttrocket deserves the benefit of the doubt here. I mean, I’m sure we all remember the dark economic days of the 90’s when we last had a Democratic president.
Darn tootin it does! It has everything to do with the alleged, ungrounded baseless claim that some towelhead nigra might possibly (though it will never happen) get elected. Correlation is causation, doncha know [winkie wink]
I saw that Obama was up 10 to 12 in Virginia and then on my way to lunch dropped a quarter down the storm drain. Coincidence?!?!?! I’m storing all my change in my underwear drawer just in case he wins.
Jim Manzi, his source at the Corner:
My suggestion for McCain’s campaign comments on the economy:
A guaranteed success, maybe even a game changer!
You know, before the current financial crisis exploded in their faces, people like McCain, Phil Gramm, and George W. Bush were running around insisting everything was fine because GDP was on an upward trend. They of course ignored or refused to discuss other macroeconomic indicators, like stagnant wages, for example.
Keep up the GDP drumbeat, Hinderaker. It’s a sure winner for your side.
Shorter John Sidney Mcain:
My hedge fund manager assures me all is well. My doctor on the other hand..
It’s Bill Ayers fault too!
Also, there’s that inconvenient truth, the stock market prefers Democratic Presidents to Republicans.
Those fucking facts just keep getting in the way of true social progress, don’t they?
Even Shorter Kaminsky: Only Scary Negros are poor!
No no no. Buttmissile is bang on. Here’s some clear and level headed advice that Team McCain she take to heart:
she, should, he, hould…I dont know what’s wrong wif mi tpynigs. Must be all these electrodes…
When Kamau Kambon called for the extermination of all Dow Jones equity you guys just kept telling jokes.
The best thing about Butt-rocket’s slice of stupid there is that “the market” is not exactly “the people’s” favorite thing right now. Politically, saying that Obama scares the market is probably a plus for Obama. So, this lump of stupid, taken to its conclusion, is still stupid.
I was trying to come up with a good response to the Ross Kaminsky post, but holy shit – that guy is a fucking asshole. I think I’ll just leave it at that.
Must be all these electrodes…
Shock the monkey.
Even shorter AssRocket: “Post hoc, ergo propter hoc!”
Or, as some brilliant commenter here once said (was it you, Arky?): “Post hoc, ergo what the fuck.”
people like McCain, Phil Gramm, and George W. Bush were running around insisting everything was fine
I read this as “were running around fisting everyone,” which also works.
Geez, the second one could be an Onion spoof.
This Might Make You Feel Better
Now that’s a gee-whiz graph.