Palin’s Prime Time VPOTUS Power Grab

Do you like Dick Cheney? Then you’ll love Sarah Palin:

Of course, we know what a Vice President does. And that’s not only to preside over the Senate and will take that position very seriously also. I’m thankful the Constitution would allow a bit more authority given to the Vice President if that Vice President so chose to exert it …

Like stove-piping? You’ll luuuurvvve Sarah Palin:

IFILL: Governor, you mentioned a moment ago the Constitution might give the Vice President more power than it has in the past. Do you believe as Vice President Cheney does, that the Executive Branch does not hold complete sway over the office of the vice presidency, that it it is also a member of the Legislative Branch?

PALIN: Well, our founding fathers were very wise there in allowing through the Constitution much flexibility there in the office of the Vice President. And we will do what is best for the American people in tapping into that position and ushering in an agenda that is supportive and cooperative with the president’s agenda in that position. Yeah, so I do agree with him that we have a lot of flexibility in there, and we’ll do what we have to do to administer very appropriately the plans that are needed for this nation.

Like Macbethian ambition? You’ll laffervvurraffff Sarah Palin:

IFILL: … Probably the biggest cliche about the vice-presidency is that it’s a heartbeat away, everybody’s waiting to see what would happen if the worst happened. …

PALIN: And heaven forbid, yes, that would ever happen, no matter how this ends up, that that would ever happen with either party.

As for disagreeing with John McCain and how our administration would work, what do you expect? A team of mavericks, of course we’re not going to agree on 100 percent of everything. As we discuss ANWR there, at least we can agree to disagree on that one. I will keep pushing him on ANWR. I have so appreciated he has never asked me to check my opinions at the door and he wants a deliberative debate and healthy debate so we can make good policy.

Or perhaps you like the Constitution. Then Joe Biden’s your man:

IFILL: Vice President Cheney’s interpretation of the vice presidency?

BIDEN: Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous Vice President we’ve had probably in American history. The idea he doesn’t realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the Vice President of the United States, that’s the Executive Branch. He works in the Executive Branch. He should understand that. Everyone should understand that.


Comments: 67


Yeah, get ready for a Palin = Cheney adfest from Camp Obama after that Constitution whiff. Subtle nuances? Not so much, Saraccuda.

Eric (an halibut)

As far as Joe Biden’s concerned: hells yeah.

That Constitution thing is more than for ceremonial purposes, you motherfuckin’ authoritarian cocksuckin’ motherfuckers.

By which I mean Republicans, naturally.


Biden won. Or rather, sobriety and rationality won. It will take a little bit more time for that to sink in than it did in the first pres. debate, when it was clear that immediately that Obama was the big winner.


Also, Biden choking up for a second about his child was the most human thing I’ve seen in the past 8+ years.

Eric (an halibut)

What D. said (about Biden choking up).

I thought Joe won hands down, and yet we’ll be awash in alternative interpretations by dawn tomorrow.


Well, our founding fathers were very wise there in allowing through the Constitution much flexibility there in the office of the Vice President.

Interesting… look who’s not a strict constructionist.


My fantasy SNL sketch would be her primary Republican debate “handler” gives her the rousing speech like Warner Baxter did to Ruby Keeler in 42nd Street, and Fey would go on with Palin’s mechanical performance, while the handler is in the booth, sweating and chainsmoking, yelling “C’mon! More human, more intelligent! Oh shit, she’s killing us!”.


I looked at my dog (I’m a lonely, lonely man) and said holy shit she’s not lipstick on a pitbull, she’s lipstick on Dick Cheney!!!

Then i cried.


Okay, I’m not lonely I just thought my fiance’ would disapprove of my disparaging remarks about a woman candidate and really I’m a pussy


Ok my fiance’ thinks Palin is a “douchebag” .


…lipstick on Dick Cheney!!!



Sarah Palin is a regular mom from main street America who wants reform.

Biden is an angry politico who just doesn’t get it. You can’t change America if you’re stuck in reverse.


You know what I’d love to see in one of these debates? The moderator asking the debaters to take the opposite ideological stance on a particular issue, say how to structure tax cuts. The idea being that a good policy-maker will know the strengths of the opposition argument.


You know what I’d love to see in one of these debates? The moderator asking the debaters to take the opposite ideological stance on a particular issue, say how to structure tax cuts. The idea being that a good policy-maker will know the strengths of the opposition argument.

That would just confuse people. Or so Bobo and friends would have us believe.


Matthew’s banging away on Mooseburger’s Vice President power grab nonsense. I think he’ll be picking at it for the next couple days – good for him. I hate Tweety so much less than I used to.

Now I’m watching Goopers on parade in front of cameras trying to spin the triumph of Down Home Sarah while throwing up in their mouths a little. Except for that goat-blowing tool Pat Buchanan – sometimes I wonder what keeps Maddow from kicking him in the balls under the desk.


That would just confuse people.

But would it confuse the right people?


You liberals think Biden won because you, simply, don’t believe in America.

It’s because of assholes like you that I have to clap twice as hard.


I was really struck by the whole “You can’t be about change if you point out that the Bush administration was bad” thing. Such an odd and ridiculous attempt at a frame.


Also, anyone else notice that when she talked about “diverse support for McCain,” she just mentioned three Northeastern neoconservatives?


You can’t change America if you’re stuck in reverse

The truth is, for once I find myself completely in agreement with Gary.


Actually it is Article II of the Constitution Joe. That can be overlooked since you didn’t have 3/4 of your answers written on note cards like a certain Moose lovin’ Hockey Mom.


Moose lovin’

I don’t think that’s legal, even in Alaska. Even if those winter nights are long and cold…


Biden was right to mention Article 1. See Article 1, Section 3.


Darn right! You betcha! Say it ain’t so, Joe, there you go again pointing backwards again it’s a toxic mess but change is coming I’m not going to wave a white flag of surrender but talk straight by golly to the Amerigursork flapagorgle grubuzlnixz… [winkwinkwink…wink!]


But it doesn’t outline the powers of the Vice President in regards to the Executive Branch and I think that was his point.


“A team of mavericks, of course we’re not going to agree on 100 percent of everything.”

uhhhh, you know how, back in school, the rule of thumb was, ‘If you have to tell everyone how cool you are, you’re not’?

Informal survey; does anyone even read Gary’s posts anymore? I see the name, and my eyes just reflexively glass over and drift past it to the next post.


DA, I’d like to see that too. But given that the majority of the populace (your country and mine) are too damn dumb to notice whether the debatees (mass debaters? Oh, that’s joke’s been done already? Rats) actually answer the fuckin’ question that’s been asked, expecting them to understand incisive and nuanced role-reversal commentary is like expecting a bee to play the violin.

Or a moose.


Palin’s sign off was god awful, truly cringe worthy.


I simply cannot stand Palin’s verbal mannerisms, even in print they bring me to the edge of teeth-grinding. Anybody else in the same boat?

I’d much rather hear ol’chimpy stammer through a sentence than listen to Palin spam folksy bullshit while she tries to remember her coached answers.

Wells are for drinking water and trapped children, not for the begining of every goddamn sentence.


I was really struck by the whole “You can’t be about change if you point out that the Bush administration was bad” thing. Such an odd and ridiculous attempt at a frame.

Not to mention illogical. If you think the Bush administration was good, why would you want to be about change?


SO – yeah, Palin’s voice, inflection and word choice drive me fucking nuts, too. You ain’t alone.


I simply cannot stand Palin’s verbal mannerisms, even in print they bring me to the edge of teeth-grinding. Anybody else in the same boat?

Her refusal to clearly pronounce words infuriates me. It has nothing to do with her accent and everything to do with an interest in appearing folksy and ordinary. She lathered extra mustard and relish on this hayseed act for the debate. People who once believed it from Bush are no longer so gullible. They’re emerging from eight years of being anally raped by the folksy shirt sleeves rolled up guy. Now they see him as one of the characters out of Deliverance.

Her all “Merican gal from the boonies act came across as condescending and patronizing. Another Republican bald faced liar.


Palin wasn’t speaking English. She strung together English words, but the francophones in the Canadian debate did better than her when it came down to basic grammar and comprehensibility.

There was an audible ‘WTF?’ gasp during that bit when. Biden mangled the answer a bit, but Art I says ‘Veep presides and only votes to break ties’ and Art II puts the Veep as part of the executive branch.

Lipstick on a Cheney. Smithers plus evil. Secrecy, off-books communications, dreams of executive power, love of shooting unsuspecting animals. She has delusions that she can go and sit in that gosh-darned chair in the Senate and say ‘gee, yoo folks will do what I say because I’ve got a gun, not a gavel’.





They’re emerging from eight years of being anally raped by the folksy shirt sleeves rolled up guy.

Can ya blame them? Those shirtsleeves chafe!


Worse is Fuckin A!


Palin’s sign off was god awful, truly cringe worthy.

I got the impression that she had just blown her wad on the question before and knew she couldn’t repeat the same drivel. I think she figured on a couple more questions before getting hit with “sayonara”. Her WTF? stumble was priceless.

From there it devolved into something that lost the country measurable IQ points, even from those not watching, just from hanging in the air, broadcasting.


Also, anyone else notice that when she talked about “diverse support for McCain,” she just mentioned three Northeastern neoconservatives?

McCainiac diversity: an I-talian, a Hebe, a chick, and a cultist.


Here’s Palin’s final bit as it was originally written in 1712-13:

Remember, O my friends, the laws, the rights,

The generous plan of power deliver’d down,

From age to age, by your renown’d forefathers,

(So dearly bought, the price of so much blood)

O let it never perish in your hands!

But piously transmit it to your children.

Do thou, great Liberty, inspire our souls,

And make our lives in thy possession happy,

Or our deaths glorious in thy just defence.

[Joseph Addison’s _Cato_, Act III. George Washington’s favorite play. John McCain must have seen it at Valley Forge.]


Finally the spirit has come on her (ew):

“Palin’s former pastor, Tim McGraw, says that like many Pentecostal churches, some members speak in tongues, although he says he’s never seen Palin do so. Church member Caroline Spangler told CNN, ‘When the spirit comes on you, you utter things that nobody else can understand … only God can understand what is coming out of our mouths.'”


Informal survey; does anyone even read Gary’s posts anymore? I see the name, and my eyes just reflexively glass over and drift past it to the next post.


The real gary disappeared ages ago, there have been a few crappy impersonators just going through the motions. This is another one, the only question is, who is doing the impersonating????


Finally, the spirit came on her (ew):

Palin’s former pastor, Tim McGraw, says that like many Pentecostal churches, some members speak in tongues, although he says he’s never seen Palin do so. Church member Caroline Spangler told CNN, “When the spirit comes on you, you utter things that nobody else can understand … only God can understand what is coming out of our mouths.”


I forgot to mention that Joe Biden is from an alternate universe.

In Biden’s universe, Bush let Hezballah into Lebanon and supported elections in the West Bank that Obama opposed.

In REALITY: Hezballah has been in Lebanon for over 20 years, Bush had no say in elections in GAZA (not the West Bank) and supported cutting funds. Also, Obama never said a damned thing about the elections and supports the Hamas government.

Biden is a raving nutjob.


Even more annoying than her hayseed act is the plaster cast smile. She probably mastered that at beauty pageant school where they teach you to smile through everything, even your own vicious hate.


I just caught a segment at tpm and I can see how funny it is when Palin mixes up her talking points. Here from the transcript, what she says is:

It is a crisis. It’s a toxic mess, really, on Main Street that’s affecting Wall Street.

So she’s saying that it’s Main Street/s fault? I think she meant to say it was a toxic mess on Wall Street that’s affecting Main Street, but she got mixed up.


There were so many times when she related that John tried to do something all bipartisany but his colleagues in the Senate didn’t go along with him….that it really undermined her and McCain’s whole point that they were so mavericky they would get stuff done.

You wanted ask, after a couple of these anecdotes, “Okay, so if he couldn’t get them to go along with him, I guess maybe he’s not that good at it, is he?”


on Main Street that’s affecting Wall Street.

That was fairly early on, I think, wasn’t it? I remember hearing that go by and yelling something obscene and anatomically unlikely at the TV.

I’m not quite sure what my neighbors think of me during election season.


“When the spirit comes on you, you utter things that nobody else can understand
This is particularly common when the spirit in question is akvavit.


So just wondering if anyone’s pointed out that Palin’s big ending was a quote from Ronald Reagan … warning about Medicare.

(Reagan) no doubt terrified many of his listeners with his conclusion, telling them that if they did not prevent the passage of Medicare, “one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.”



Please consider also, though, that Camp McPOW failed to tell Governor Palin what it is the Vice President, does. Doggone it!

Really? “Change is coming. I’m going to not point backwards by doing things just like Dick Cheney!”



Something I’ve said repeatedly is that if John McCain wanted to put Sarah Palin in Dick Cheney’s magical Fourth Branch unitary vice-executive position, it’s because he WANTED HER TO HAVE THAT AUTHORITY.


So she gave memorized speech number 2 pretty well. She failed in the only “follow-up” questions asked her in the recent interviews. I can name another SC ruling, give the names of newspapers that I read, and could give the vp’s job description months ago. Throw in that I had a passport when I was a 20 and since then have traveled to 3 continents, but can I memorize and give a “gotcha”, perky speech? No. There goes any vp aspirations I might have had.


I seriously doubt whether a VP Sarah Palin [FSM and UBL forbid!] will even be allowed to scope out the inside of Cheney’s “man-sized” safe under a McCain administration, for just the reason El Cid alludes to: John McCain is not an exact duplicate of George W. Bush — the easily-manipulated, glad-handing, slacker POTUS we have all come to know-if-not-love, for lo these eight endless years. In fact, he is probably a much worse and more dangerous personality type to be invested with the powers which Cheney has been industriously hoarding up in the Executive, and a man whose massive ego and inveterate misogyny will no doubt shield the Republic from the worst-case scenario of VP Sarah moving into the Cheney-seat at the center of the OVP spider’s lair, which has been tailored to the precise contours of Dick(head) Cheney’s legendarily tight ass.

This is what her widely-recognized lack of qualifications for the office of VPOTUS amounts to: our widdul Caribou Barbie is manifestly incapable of filling the void soon to be left by Dick(head) Cheney on that Frabjous Day of 01/20/09. [FSM and UBL willing!]

Therefore, CHENEY’S AUTHORITAH WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO HER, and the Republic will be safe — from her, at least — for just as long as John McCain manages to avoid 1) a recurrence of his melanoma, 2) apoplectic aneurysm and/or vapor-lock, 3) actuarial death from other natural causes, 4) assassination by Milleninial Xtian zealots determined to force the Apocalypse, 5) assassination by any of sundry Zionist/Wahabbist/Hubbardist/Buddhofascist zealots acting out their own version of scripturally-justified insanity, 6) etc, etc.

Until then, we only have McNitro himself to worry about.

I feel better already.

No, Really…I do!



Biden, of course, is probably the best potential President of all the four people we have to deal with right now.

Realistically, however, he lost the debate.

Yes, he actually addressed issues. Yes, he was articulate and knowledgeable. He lost the “zippiness” contest, however, and that’s what people want. Zippy. Perky.

About halfway through, when Palin had not experienced an onscreen attack of explosive diarrhea, when she had not vomited all over her cue cards, when she did not actually tap her hidden earpiece and ask Rove or whoever to repeat the approved answer, it became clear that she had won.

I gave up at that point and turned the damned thing off.


Palin’s folksy manner scored points with voters (requires sound):


I wonder what the word count is on her saying “ENERGY!”, because she sure said that a lot. I also can’t believe that she gave the “Things are swell in Iraq! The surge worked!” speech. “We built schools!” and the wonderful flypaper theory….so 2004.


. . . because he [McCain] WANTED HER TO HAVE THAT AUTHORITY.

The common assumption seems to be that McCain is in charge of his campaign and that everything that happens does so because McCain wants it that way. From my observation of events, that seems, at best, only partly the case. At the risk of being accused of sporting a Reynold’s Wrap cap, I believe that there are other “authorities” in the deep weeds guiding many of the most crucial decisions (such as the Palin pick) who have other agendas, perhaps much longer term agendas, to play out using McCain’s campaign as a tactical delivery system.

So, as to the hypothesis above, I’m not at all sure that McCain personally gives a flying fuck one way or the other about this, but others – perhaps working out of nondescript office space somewhere, nominally on behalf of the Republican Party – may care very deeply about maintaining this impression of inherent VP authority (the “Cheney Precedent”, if you will) even within the context of a losing campaign.

Indeed, it actually would be irresponsible not to speculate.


It seems her performance was just good enough to satisfy people who are going to vote for Mcain no matter what, but not good enough to have any effect on the undecided.

I think most of the remaining “undecided” are right wingers who are just starting to see the light, or simply think Obama is closer to the old school Tory they always wanted. For those people the appearance of stability and competence count for a lot. Palin plays well with the neo-cons, but I don’t think she is doing at all well with the vast numbers of rightwards leaning voters who hate the current administration.

Palin is doing nothing to deal with her image as an erratic and dangerous politician. I think a lot of people can spot the same self assured stupidity in her, that they grew to hate in Dubya.

Bush got ~50% of the vote in 2004, and now has something like a 70% disapproval rating. That means a minimum of 20% of voters are right-wing enough to seriously consider voting red, but have become allergic to the Bush administration.

It doesn’t matter how, or if, Mcain separates himself politically from Bush, I think people still make the mental connection between them.. Because Mcain and Palin both do similar things. They awkwardly try to use the same folksy “charm”, have trouble stringing together coherent answers, and generally look constipated and confused when put infront of a microphone. Palin and Mcain, are both slightly dim. Like Bush. And it shows! All three of them rely entirely on scripts, and generally come across as puppets with tangled strings.

These superficial things are very obvious, and reflect the deeper similarities very well. Even people that don’t know jack about policy will pick them up, and many will vote accordingly. Seeing Biden and Palin, or Mcain and Obama side by side, only makes the contrasts more obvious.


East Cost Senators = Jewy McJewJews.

“Biden,” eh? Sounds made up to me. Are you sure you don’t mean Bernstein? What’s that? He’s Catholic? Well, they’re just the Jews of Europe, so I still win.



Things will work out for the Dems this time. But if for some inexplicable reason the American people should have a change of heart and vote for McCranky and Bible Spice, then I say we run a litter of puppies in 2012. Sooooo cute!


Palin’s VP power grab isn’t such a stretch.


[…] as D. Aristophanes said, “perhaps you like the Constitution.” If so, then Joe Biden gave the correct answer: […]


Just saw a radio host from Anchorage named Shannyn Moore on CBC Newsworld (I’m Canadian). Shannon was surprised by Sarah’s accent — evidently she doesn’t have such a down-home accent in real life. That ought to be fodder for quite some time, I think.


Bush got ~50% of the vote in 2004, and now has something like a 70% disapproval rating. That means a minimum of 20% of voters are right-wing enough to seriously consider voting red,

Are you getting that number by subtracting 50 from 70? There’s also the mass of people who disapprove of Bush but won’t vote at all, or who will be kept from voting by caging, intimidation, etc.

(I found a figure of 64% for voter turnout in 2004. Bush got ~50% of that.)


It wouldn’t be so bad if you folks didn’t go on…and on….and on………….


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