Slightly More Nuanced Answers To Simple Questions

Quod Atrios:

Simple Answers To Simple Questions

Thers asks:

Has there ever, ever been a sorrier, more discredited asshole than Glenn Reynolds? Ever? In the entire history of discredited sub-moron-level pompous assholes?


But wait…

This has been another edition of simple answers to simple questions.

Because also, there’s…

And that’s not even counting the…

[Hanx! ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©]


Comments: 41


Palin’s wearing her hair down, according to a photo at Bagnewsnotes.

so the wire’s in.


Pizza place!!! Pizza place!!!

One last time.


Drinking game word – “mom”


If we’re going to get all nuancey, we’re going to need a bigger boat. How many of these twits pass muster as discredited sub-moron-level pompous assholes, anyway?

Much like Sarah Palin’s news sources, “All of them!”


Drinking game word – “mom”

How about “Russia”



Yur wlecmoe, avGin.

(I been pre-dreenking)


Being a logic geek, I think this would make a fantastic “do this while drinking” game tonight.


Take the Poll

Is Palin’s lip-liner a tatoo?


I was going to drink every time she lied but I only have 1 1/2 quarts of gin left. And I damn sure aint dipping into my Lagavulin! Not for that pasty faced badger bitch.


Don’t know nuffin ’bout lip liners. Her brain now, that could well be a tattoo. A tattoo is of the appropriate dimensionality for her.


Ok, I have a really hard time watching people make complete idiots of themselves in public. I either want to hit them with a pick handle or repeatedly punch myself in the groin.

So I’m not convinced I’m gonna be able to watch. Of course, the phucking phillies are beating the sox off the brewers, so that’s not an interesting option.

I will point out that even *I* have enough equipment to monitor a hall for wireless comms. A freq sniffer and a couple of scanners would do it. Sure, it might be encrypted, but the FACT that comms were set up would be easily established. And if nothing else, you could jam the shit out of the whole band. If bush was wearing a wireless wire in that famous debate (and I really kind of doubt it – the exposure is WAY too risky), it was the last, one and only time that a hall won’t be relentlessly monitored for RF emissions by both sides…



OK mikey.

But what if an entire row of fckuing pelicans were concentrating their brain waves into Bible Spice’s head, so she could correctly reiterate gooper lying points?

Where are your RF emissions then, Moses?


I can only recommend claymores at that point, Thunder.

Pelicans? Explosives. QED



One! Two! You know what to do!

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. Dude, where’s my recession? The media is in the tank for Obama.


mikey – maybe, maybe not.

Low power spread spectrum comms can be tough to find and very very hard to jam. I’m sure the McBlame campers would have arm twisted the folks at No Such Agency or some black project for the latest and greatest.


The other thing about the wire conspiracy theory is, how the fuck are you going to listen to the moderator and the person in your ear at the same time? Or is the idea supposed to be that Bush was and Palin will be trying to listen to someone else while talking at the same time? Not possible. Especially not for those two so I don’t buy it in either case. I spent the last debate trying to break in a new baseball glove and had to put it down after a while so I could focus and I’m smarter than those two put together.



Overall, the president’s approval rating has dropped five points from last week and is now the lowest of his presidency. Only 22 percent of Americans approve of the job he’s doing, while 70 percent of Americans disapprove – a new high.

President Bush’s job approval rating has dropped 68 points from its all time high of 90 percent back in October, 2001. It now matches Harry Truman’s previous all-time low, recorded by Gallup in February 1952. The 70 percent disapproval rating is higher than any measured since Gallup began asking about presidential job approval in 1938.

Troofy? Anyone else?

hahahahahhahahaahhaaaaahahaha oh i’m bustin a gut here!


The fact is, your hatred of Sarah Palin only makes her more powerful. The Heartland supports her, only eletists and socialests like Joe Biden and Obama, of course the liberal media is biased against values and morals. Also, if you do not provide more tax cuts and incentives to invest now and keep black people from getting access to money when they are so irresponsible, we will be in another Depression and you need to wake up.


Oh, the Char-coal Grillin’ Confederate Yankee and the Daffyds and the Powerline Kids are all stellar, stellar examples of discredited sub-moron level assholes. No question. But, still, Glenn is their God, their Robot Overlord. The fact that I even know all these other loons exist is in large part his goddamn fault and he should be held accountable for that.

Joe Biden Fucked The Truth's Hideous Mother

Yay! The Shit is here!

Well tough titties, you pathetic micropenis piece of shit. So am I, your eternal nemesis. So get your grubby hands out of your own asshole, sit down, shut the fuck up, elsewise I’m going to stick my spiked boots down your throat, just like Joe Biden stuck his mammoth cock down your mother’s gullet.

Sack of shit. Fuck off, The Queef.


The fact is, your hatred of Sarah Palin only makes her more powerful.

Darth Palin.

Joe Biden Fucked The Truth's Hideous Mother

Oh, by the way, The Pussy, have you checked the polls lately? The ones that give your pathetic bitch candidate about a 0% chance of winning!

Oh, that’s right…you like to print out the Wikipedia article on the Bradley Effect, roll it up, and masturbate your little micropenis with it. And when you’re done you tongue your own asshole while thinking about Michelle Obama.

Why don’t you just eat shit and die, The Fart?



PeeJ said,

October 3, 2008 at 2:36

mikey – maybe, maybe not.

Low power spread spectrum comms can be tough to find and very very hard to jam. I’m sure the McBlame campers would have arm twisted the folks at No Such Agency or some black project for the latest and greatest.

Absolutely disagree, PeeJ. Spread Spectrum, Freq Agile, microwatt, pulsed, directional, encrypted, microwave, doesn’t matter. If Palin can receive it, if I have access (ie. Obama’s tech staff) I can trap it. Even if I can’t read it or decode it, I can PROVE it’s there and I can disrupt it. Broad spectrum noise is a blunt instrument, but a delicate micropower signal is REALLY vulnerable…


Joe Biden Fucked The Truth's Hideous Mother

BAHAHHA what a fucking coward. Come out, come out, where ever you arrrrrrre! Heeeeeere Queefy Queefy Queefy! Come out and meet your fucking maker, shitnuts.


The fact is, your hatred of Sarah Palin only makes her more powerful.

No, the fact is the more she tightens her grip the more star systems will slip through her fingers.

Joe Biden Fucked The Truth's Hideous Mother

Man, Soledad is bangin. Much like I banged The Truth’s mom.


That liberal boosh has failed us, and it’s time for newt change in Warshinton:

John McCain, just the man to send there from like wherever he’s been forever to shake things up.

Change jingling in pcookets, that we can believe in!

In an interview aired Thursday, Sarah Palin claimed that Dick Cheney’s worst act as vice president was his “duck hunting accident.”



Blogs for Bush???


I keep hoping Palin just loses it entirely, pulls up her skirt in the middle of the debate and screams “LOOK AT MY PUSSY! LOOOOOOK AAAAAT MYYYY PUUUUSSSSSSSY!” over and over until they cut to a commercial.

I don’t know, maybe I’ve just watched Magnolia too many times.


Wow. Pinko and Tbogg in the same thread!


I’m gonna pound another scotch.

Is this the VP debate thread?

What are y’all using for a soundtrack?


Joe Biden Fucked The Truth's Hideous Mother

I keep hoping Palin just loses it entirely, pulls up her skirt in the middle of the debate and screams “LOOK AT MY PUSSY! LOOOOOOK AAAAAT MYYYY PUUUUSSSSSSSY!” over and over until they cut to a commercial.

Otherwise known as a Tuesday night at The Truth household.


Troll said,

October 3, 2008 at 2:52

the things trolls say

Is that you, D.N.?

Just cut it, that act is teh suxxorz.


I shouldn’t get into this witchya mikey but I caint hep mahsef!

Now, I aint a PhD RF guy with thirty+ years at Raytheon. That’s my brother. But I do know my RF well enough to have geeky chats with him. They’se dopin shit you aint got a clue, bruddah. It’s WAY out there. Direct sequence with picosecond hopping, that kind of shit. I know that no shop I ever worked with had the gear to work in those domains.

Anyway, let’s suppose, just for the sake of argument, that theere are Secret Sevice people in tis place and THEY’ are using some secure comms. How would you know whether Palin was using that band, perhaps on orthogonal codes?

And finally, I gotta go get a drink and watch the show.


PeeJ, you may well be right.

I’m just an old grunt with a fondness for Physics and a history of HAM.

But I’ll say this. I could SEE the SS Comms, even if I couldn’t copy them. I could PROVE that someone was running a secure wireless communincation net under a set of specific parameters. And while I most certainly wouldn’t be able to decrypt it (hardware encryption co-processors with hardware one-time keys), I could both a: prove it was there and b: disrupt (most of) it.

I might take down the audio of the entire broadcast (but maybe not – I could bandpass that and even if not, I could advise them of some “clean” bands).

The upside is the downside. Computers and DSPs can keep up with each other, y’know? There’s signal analysis software out there. If they’ve got a way to hide RF, that’s almost in the realm of Ming the Merciless. Encryption’s solid. But a signal is a signal…



Um, I suppose it’s worth mentioning that if I was blocking the SS comms, they would use their OWN equipment to take my equipment off line. Probably hard and angry. With bruises and handcuffs and pointed weapons. So that would be a problem.

But for that matter, if the debaters were shown to be using SS commo methodology to pass data, that would be pretty ugly all by itself…



“rear that head!”


Hindrocket said (at Gavin’s link):
“The Mayor of Casterbridge is the only book I’ve read that has a character I really identify with.”
That would be the main character, right? The one that got drunk and sold his wife and daughter? And later, as a dry drunk, garners political power as a defense mechanism against his own guilt, while remaining impulsive and McCain-level angry?


The other thing about the wire conspiracy theory is, how the fuck are you going to listen to the moderator and the person in your ear at the same time?

TV sports broadcasters do this all the time. And what was Sarah’s first career choice?


Quod Quoth Atrios:




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