From Case File: Rubber v Glue

Above: Legal media expert Levin

Appearing at The Corner with the usual abruptness, it’s legal expert Mark Levin, as usual declaiming a sentence-length thought in a tone suggestive of statements such as “My feet are killing me,” “Aah, quit your yapping,” and “The Puerto Ricans ruined this neighborhood”:

re: Free Palin [Mark R. Levin]

I would LOVE to question Katie Couric about her knowledge of the Constitution, let alone Supreme Court decisions.

10/02 03:14 PM

Disappearing from The Corner with the usual sound effect of Archie Bunker’s toilet flushing, and with the familiar lingering odor of Bay Rum and sock feet on the ottoman, it’s legal expert Mark Levin.

You know, we would LOVE for. . .oh, let’s say Dahlia Lithwick for instance, to question Mark Levin — the right-wing talk radio zealot and wingnut welfare author, the character who used the National Review to falsely claim that he had nominated Rush Limbaugh for a Nobel Peace Prize — about his knowledge of the Constitution, let alone Supreme Court decisions.

The Limbaugh Code: The New York Times best seller no one is talking about
By Dahlia Lithwick
Posted Friday, April 1, 2005, at 6:21 PM ET


I use the word “book” with some hesitation: Certainly it possesses chapters and words and other book-like accoutrements. But [Mark R. Levin’s] Men in Black is 208 large-print pages of mostly block quotes (from court decisions or other legal thinkers) padded with a foreword by the eminent legal scholar Rush Limbaugh, and a blurry 10-page “Appendix” of internal memos to and from congressional Democrats—stolen during Memogate. The reason it may take you only slightly longer to read Men in Black than it took Levin to write it is that you’ll experience an overwhelming urge to shower between chapters.

It gets more scathing from there. Luckily, Mr. Levin is also a financial expert.


Comments: 35


Also new at the NRO, everybody’s favorite happy couple Art & Laraine Bennett tell us that lunatic whackos make better presidents


When Couric is up for the office of VP I will welcome Levin’s diligence.


Lunatic wackos and just plain boors as well.


Ahh, Levin’s the whiny guy Hannity calls “the great one”. Blind leading the blind, eh?


Is there anything more pathetic than the wingnuts whinging about being beaten up by Katie Couric?


I’d say no, but wingnuts never fail to top themselves in the pathetic department.


Is there anything more pathetic than the wingnuts whinging about being beaten up by Katie Couric?

I’m trying to decide between that and the “we were fooled by Bush, who was never anything but a great big liberal all these years!”


I’d like to question Levin about hair care. You know, he can say anything, right off of the top of his head….


I would LOVE to question Katie Couric about her knowledge of the Constitution, let alone Supreme Court decisions.

From the “I’m but you’re even stupider,” department. So Levin’s point is that if Couric doesn’t know anything about the Constitution then it’s OK for the person who is one heartbeat away from being president to not know anything about the Constitution? But why stop there? I think if anyone doesn’t know more than Palin then they have to vote for her. Of course, that will only get her the editors of the National Review.


Couric only has an American studies degree…what the hell would she know about this country?


I would LOVE to question Katie Couric about her knowledge of the Constitution, let alone Supreme Court decisions.
Is anything stopping him? Does he not have e-mail access?


Bible Spice is wearing her hair down: developing.

P.S. The drudgereport is 100% whiney assed titty baby crying.


Let us imagine Levin pwns Couric. As Couric pwns Palin, this proves Palin is…what?


…with the familiar lingering odor of Bay Rum and sock feet on the ottoman
Is it wrong of me to imagine Dahlia Lithwick throwing her inkwell at Levin in order to drive him away?


Will this be the live-blogging debate thread? Cuz otherwise I’ll have to watch it with the Spouse, and he’s not so tolerant of my choleric outbursts.


I would LOVE to question Katie Couric about her knowledge of the Constitution, let alone Supreme Court decisions.
Is anything stopping him? Does he not have e-mail access?

Levin was a prisoner of the North Vietnamese, who subjected him to prolonged scalp-polishing sessions that have left him permanently mentally impaired and unable to compose coherent e-mails.


Katie Couric would make a better VP than Ms Palin by a factor of about a million. She’s also very nicelooking, although she doesn’t have that friendly uncle thing Joe Biden has going on.


Let us imagine Levin pwns Couric. As Couric pwns Palin, this proves Palin is…what?

Applying the transitive law and Glibert’s little lemma, then transubstantiating by Toesnquist’s theorem, she’s a pelican.


I want to punch him based solely on his face.


I’d like to question Levin about hair care. You know, he can say anything, right off of the top of his head….

The fact is, that was a demonic conservative ridicule machine.


If they sent every Corner writer to the corner with a dunce cap on there’d be no room in the corner of the Corner to accommodate them all.

(Personally, I’d opt to weld a dunce cap to Mark Levin’s head.)

John McCain's starboard Ann Althousticle

Life isn’t fair!!!!

dim-witted badger

she’s a pelican.

i knew it!

fucking pelicans.


Oh my fucking Christ..this will make your eyes bleed:



You call that a pelican? This is a pelican.


Yah, I suspect that Katie could come up with quite a few SC cases off the top of her head. More than I could, I’m sure, and I’m not even running for veep. I’d be willing to bet she has some well thought out opinions on them, too.

I’m not really any sort of huge Couric fan. Just sayin’.



At least he realizes that any content there is completely worthless, and so doesn’t require any sort of legibility.


Pizza place!!! Pizza place!!!

Just gettin’ in my last bit of practice in case the earpiece goes winky.


From the NuCraque Review article Pee J linked to up top…It’s lunacy rarely observed:

McCain, by contrast, is what Hippocrates would call choleric. Cholerics are passionate, decisive, opinionated, stubborn, and driven. To paraphrase one notable choleric, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (largely regarded as a great president), there is nothing cholerics love so much as a good fight. McCain’s temperament is, in part, what enabled him to survive imprisonment and torture at the hands of the Viet Cong.


First, the collection of words in that paragraph may make a kind of sense, provided you don’t obey rules of logic, have a understanding of history or even care to have a point made for you.

FDR who was a great president, was also well known for enjoying a great fight among his aides. Far from being passionate, decisive and stubborn, FDR was great because he was aloof, crafty, pragmatic and kept his cool while fielding plans and opinions from those closest to him. He was manipulative, but he was also open minded. He was a leader, surely, but that came from an inner calm and confidence that he was able to project to Americans. He encouraged

Left unsaid: How the fuck being rash and impulsive helped McCain survive the Viet Cong (by the way, Tim Dickinson’s piece in Rolling Stone completely EVISCERATES McCain’s heroic tale while in captivity).


I very badly want the era of DUMB to be over but I fear it will take more duct tape than the world can ever produce.


at the hands of the Viet Cong


…or to be more explicit, the best way of “surviv[ing] imprisonment and torture at the hands of the Viet Cong” is to be caught by the NVA.


Hey, I actually read that whole book “Men in Black” during a lunch break last month.
It was great satire.

connecticut soccer mom

Just hearing his nasally whine when I’m changing radio stations is enough to almost make me drive off the road and into the nearest tree. Good God, I’ve heard of having a face for radio, but that voice….


Tom, they’ve been making false equivalencies for years, and it seems to work for them. Remember how George H.W. Bush disarmed Dan Rather with a mention of Rather’s leaving his anchor chair during a tennis match. Obviously, not being in the chair of a news show at a specific time is as bad as selling arms despite a congressional ban — dead air is as bad as dead people.


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