McCain campaign jumps the shark, the humpback whale AND the giant squid
This latest Hail Mary pass is too stupid to be believed, my friends:
McCain camp prays for Palin wedding
In an election campaign notable for its surprises, Sarah Palin, the Republican vice- presidential candidate, may be about to spring a new one — the wedding of her pregnant teenage daughter to her ice-hockey-playing fiancé before the November 4 election.
Inside John McCain’s campaign the expectation is growing that there will be a popularity boosting pre-election wedding in Alaska between Bristol Palin, 17, and Levi Johnston, 18, her schoolmate and father of her baby. “It would be fantastic,” said a McCain insider. “You would have every TV camera there. The entire country would be watching. It would shut down the race for a week.”
In other words:
See, I already placed money on McCain bringing a helper monkey onstage during the next debate in an attempt to throw Obama off his game. The monkey would bring a laptop with him and would be actively fact-checking Obama’s claims on the Internet in real time. Whenever Obama misspoke, the monkey would screech loudly and hurl poo at his face. McCain would smirk throughout and would say, “Seeeeeee, Senator Hussein? I don’t need to use the Intertubes when I can have Mr. Billzo here KICK YOUR ASS with it!!!”
Again, I did actually place money on this possibility. But even I didn’t think that McCain would be desperate enough to resort to a shotgun wedding stunt. Holy crap.
And we liberals mocked the wisdom of a Palin pick! Yes, she brings problems, but she also brings solutions.
I have no doubt, at all, any more, that this event will take place. These are the people who bullied the Alaska legislature, voters in several states, and their own candidate.
They would regard two teenagers as a piece of cake.
The wedding alone would not be enough.. What is needed, right after the couple says “I do,” is for Bristol’s water to break (God sanctioning a child in wedlock). She’ll be over seven months along by Nov. 1. The baby will be battling prematurity, and their heroic battle to help the kid live will only underscore how “fetuses” that haven’t reached full development have rights, etc. Even Kathleen Parker will coruscate with rage at the “hateful” left who dare to ask why Palin and McCain have moved their entire campaign to Alaska.
That poor girl is gonna kill herself if they don’t knock it off. Jesus Christ,it’s bad enough they had to slut shame and parade her ass around like a freaking new toy once the Enquirer story broke.
These fucking people are evil.
Wow, I guess there is someone else awake here in the early morning wasteland of the t00bz.
I don’t know why but this wedding thing doesn’t even surprise me. I think they picture it as sort of a Princess Di wedding for wingnut rednecks. I wonder if they’ll get the witchunter general pastor guy to conduct the service. I would actually pay good money to see that.
I hope they do this. It would indeed be a distraction, but not in the way they think. I don’t have a lot of faith in the “public” but I think most folks would be appalled by such a stunt.
The McCain campaign: Stoopid Stunts ‘R Us!
A couple of weeks ago, after the nomination of Miss Congeniality Alaska as vice-presidential candidate, half of us here were wondering what level of venality or cynical mendacity were required to piss off American voters. And the other half, being more sarcastic, were replying that nothing would alienate the Republican base, short of Miss C. A. being unavailable to support McCain after a presidential debate because she was holding court in an Irish bar in Philadelphia to prove her christian ideals.
Support for the McCain-Palin ticket is holding steady at 45%.
It has become impossible to comment on the election without over-using the interrobang ???
it goes without saying, that the pastor from Kenya will wed them and will pray for a long witch-less marriage. The road to the presidency is clear, my friends.
I’ll take your funny-looking second-generation Kenyan-American and I raise you a crazy Kenyan pastor performing a teenage-wedding between a fucking redneck and a prego teenage girlfriend. Check-mate, my friends!
Wedding after wedding after wedding. And did someone say “long-lost triplets”?
Weirdest October Surprise ever.
And here McCain could finally complete becoming the Ross Perot of the neo-Khan right: this time, he could once again suspend his Presidential campaign (although not) and blame Obama for a mysterious plot to disrupt Bristol’s wedding.
Don’t be so naive. The McCain campaign isn’t planning a Hail Mary; it’s planning its own Cal Play. It’s worked before!
It has become impossible to comment on the election without over-using the interrobang ???
This election has also demonstrated the need to elevate WTF to the level of punctuation mark.
Only one problem with this “plan”…
Why in hell’s name would the McCain folks want to “shut down the race for a week”? Dude’s losing. The last thing he ought to be trying to do is running the clock.
This must never hae been about winning for McCain. It’s just a spectacular piece of conceptual performance art. There’s really no other explanation for his campaign.
Well, they can’t just sit around and collect their paycheck. They have to come up with something.
And now I’ve got the feeling that whatever they come up with, McCain will see their crazy, and raise them.
The fact is, here is proof liberals do not like traditional values, and proof you will loose this election. Here in the Heartland, this is an event of joy and a celebration of love, not hate like rap concerts that liberals love.
The fact is, the financial crisis is all the fault of liberals and dems. They forced banks to make loans to blacks and poor people who of course could not pay.
Gary’s right. Over the last 5 years, while we weren’t looking, black people snuck in and stole all our mortgages. And then they split them up into the mortgage-backed security credit default swap market, which is just the financial version of a chop shop, so we’ll never find our mortgage values again. The fiends.
“But even I didn’t think that McCain would be desperate enough to resort to a shotgun wedding stunt. Holy crap.”
What? Are you kidding me?
Oh. You are. This campaign, as we all know, will do anything, let me repeat that, ANYTHING to try to take the office. A shotgun wedding is a mild bit of theater in comparison to voter suppression, media manipulation, blatant disregard for all campaigning laws and regulations….you get it.
The wedding idea surprises me.
I bet money one of the Palin kids (Tick? Grommet? Tumor?) would either lose a limb or attempt suicide.
I wouldn’t bet on an actual death. Then again, I wouldn’t put that past ’em, either.
I dunno. I think Piper may be the type who’d take the playing of “Here Comes the Bride” as the cue to immolate herself in Sterno.
There is one way McCain could pull out of his tailspin. It’s even Mavericky.
McCain could disavow all knowledge of his campaign actions, talk about how “stuff go out of hand,” blame his staffers, and exit with some dignity.
Then they could put in Huckabee instead.
Huckabee/Palin! The fundies would expire from so much joy at once.
The rest of the voters, faced with a pure Wingnut ticket, would decide that maybe they don’t want Armageddon next year.
Yep, they’ll get in a black pastor for sure, if they can find someone who will do it rather than spit on the slimey offer it is.
My stomach is churning with fear that the electorate might be stupid enough to fall for this crap. Won’t believe it, refuse to believe it.
Maybe the nausea is a delayed effect from going to that stupid web site for my new name.
Regards to all,
Pistol Tanker.
I agree. We’ve seen such sights in this campaign (Tucker Bounds getting pwn3d by a Faux News interviewer, the most bugfuck insane pick for a VP candidate ever, McCain biting reporters – all right, I made the last one up, but just you wait) that I’m beginning to suspect this is all just a ploy to distract us while Bushco run out the back door with all the White House furniture and complimentary mints.
Even we nasty Canadians have noticed this important story. I’m happy to report that you can give a little gift to the happy couple, I believe they’ve registered here.
Speaking of nasty Canadians, the leftist (leftish?) NDP stands a chance of displacing the Liberals as the Opposition. It’s so bad, the right wing Prime Minister and Bush friend is worrying that not only might the NDP and Liberals form a coalition government — the NDP might lead it.
Can we possibly survive if our strange northern neighbors with their ice wine and their bizarre politeness turn to socialism right on our doorstep, which is an even bigger doorstep than Russia possesses on Alaska?
What anangryoldbroad said.
This poor girl — I’m starting to feel nauseated every time her name comes up, wondering what her sociopathic parents and this evil Rethug presidential campaign has cooked up to exploit and torment her with now. This is not even funny.
have cooked up.
Not wishing to change the subject from Canada, but I just have to point this out:
A couple of weeks ago, after the nomination of Miss Congeniality Alaska as vice-presidential candidate, half of us here were wondering what level of venality or cynical mendacity were required to piss off American voters. And the other half, being more sarcastic, were replying that nothing would alienate the Republican base, short of Miss C. A. being unavailable to support McCain after a presidential debate because she was holding court in an Irish bar in Philadelphia to prove her christian ideals.
During the debate, McCain compared the US business tax to the business tax of Ireland. It’s all starting to make sense!
OK, maybe not. It’s still kind of early in the heartland.
“…desperate enough to resort to a shotgun wedding stunt.”
Next week, on The Capital Hillbillies:
Sarah Mae’s husband Cooter searches for his formal weddin’ 12 gauge, not knowing that Grampy is using it to chase away revenuers. Also, to help defray liquor expenses, Otis, Luther, Ray-Nathan and Bucephelus attempt to build a corn-squeezin’ still in the Rose Garden, with hilarious results.
So remind me again, when’s eighteen-year-old Levi Johnston being arraigned on statutory rape charges for having unlawful sexual congress with a seventeen-year-old?
(Mmmmmmm. Seventeen-year-old.)
Edwin S. Simon, NBS News Anchor: Think of your children pledging allegiance to the maple leaf. Mayonnaise on everything. Winter 11 months of the year. Anne Murray – all day, every day.
Even now the Communist hordes of Canada may be massing to cross our designer borders and force us all to marry gays and socialize health care. And eat gravy on our good clean American Freedom Fries.
And the dark socialist masters of Ottowa will force us to build more mass transit so they can control our movements!
Oh, BTW – another quote from “Candian Bacon”:
U.S. President: Jesus, is this the best you could come up with? What about, ya know, international terrorism?
General Panzer: Well, sir, we’re not going to re-open missile factories just to fight some creeps running around in exploding rental cars, are we, sir?
Little did we know back then…
More on, The Capital Hillbillies:
Robert-Bob thinks Grampy’s “spending freeze” will apply to him, so he invests in the stock market. The snow gun used for the sled races malfunctions and an avalanche traps Congressional Republicans in their conference room, where they’ve eaten all the danish. Tensions rise! And don’t miss the bonus short, “Sarah Mae goes to Cram School.”
The McCain campaign is now pushing the idea that a ‘shotgun’ wedding is a joyful event that must be paraded before the world?
Nothing, and I mean nothing demonstrates more clearly the level of mental illness that IS the Republican mind set.
They really think every camera would be there? Those dudes are on some heavily-laced Fla-Vor-Ade, if you ask me.
Sure, cameras will be a-clickin’, but unless Ms. Palin is going to give a toast at a public gathering then I don’t think the campaigns will be on hold for a week. I doubt Morley Safer and Hugh Downs will comment on the tuxes on the high-school-aged best men. I have a feeling Bill O’Falafel won’t have much spittle to spare for such subjects as caketoppers and the length of the train needed to offset a bulging belly. Maybe CNN’s Elsa Klench would be sent to comment on that, though I wouldn’t watch even if the wedding dress top was see-through and… I’ll just not comment further on that.
So I’ll just turn the crazy to 11:
What would Obama have to compete with a shotgun teenage wedding? I know just the thing: an AK-47 Pre-teen Nuptual Extravaganza! Would he have to resort to marrying off his daughters to a Muslim clansman from Waxiristan in exchange for Osama’s head on a stick? Of course he would!
And to think it could have all been avoided if Obama would have just agreed to a series of town hall meetings. /sigh
Dear trools, THIS is how it’s done.
– Trool Consulting, Inc.
Dear trools, THIS is how it’s done.
– Trool Consulting, Inc.
That is some quality work. The subsequent two comments by the same troll pro are also impressive.
THIS is how it’s done.
Thank God – at least he wasn’t tortured.**
**No intent to cause death or major organ failure
More Swampland fun.
Karen Tumulty attempts to communicate with a trool.
Gary do some reading on the subject. The Clinton Adm.’s 1995 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations did not cause these current problems. The financial institutions subject to CRA weren’t the ones leading the way 2003 to 2006 when the subprime lending binge took off. The culprits were the mortgage brokers who made the loans and the Wall Street investment banks that sold them as private-label mortgage-backed securities. These people were not regulated like banks are. In addition, banking companies moved these lending and bundling activites to their less-regulated affiliates (stand-alone investment firms, hedge funds, mortgage brokers, etc.) where there weren’t ANY banking regulators.
Tell me what was so wonderfully conservative and compassionate about how Bush handled the Katrina crisis.
Sticking with the Great White North, has anyone seen this piece (of shit) from insane fuckwit Adam Yoshida?
He starts by stating that conservatives are a minority in Canada but because of the vote splitting between the left leaning parties, the conservatives will end up with a majority in parliament.
What to do with this majority?
Destroy all social programs. “Burn them down and salt the Earth.” Take the programs that have been built over the last 40 years and make sure that it will take the Liberals another 40 years to rebuild them.
What to do with the money saved?
Build aircraft carriers. I swear that’s what he says. “Build a pair of Aircraft Carriers – giant, expensive, deadly, and useful symbols of Canadian pride that children can hang on their walls.” Did I mention he is an insane fuckwit? Good.
Since all brilliant schemes need 3 prongs – each more fiendishly fuckwitted than the last, what would Adam like for an encore? How about torturing and humiliating criminals? “What Harper needs is someone creatively evil to serve as the Justice Minister – or perhaps Deputy Minister (I’m not too busy!) to spend the next five years thinking up new ways of brutalize and humiliate criminals “. Notice that he’s not even talking about terr’ists – he’s talking about regular, everyday criminals. And besides the boner it gives him, why does he want to do such a thing? So that when the Liberals protest, the Conservatives can play the old, ‘If you love child rapists so much, why don’t you marry them?’ card.
What a goof, eh?
“Leave John McCain alone! He was left a drooling quadriplegic by Jane Fonda and the Viet Congs!”
Freshitt, you need to stop being informative and insightful and become much more aware of all internet traditions.
So do they have Waffle House in Alaska?
Waffle Wedding
You know what the Conservative Canadian government should do to spend all the money saved from slashing and burning the population? Not build a pair of aircraft carriers. Pshaw. Passe.
They should build a life-sized Star Trek Enterprise — in space. Now that could get fun Canadian kids like Yoshida to buy a poster to hang on their walls, their subterranean hideout walls where they hang out for a couple of weeks before the vengeful population tracks them down again.
The McCain campaign has become the most fun thing since Perot. Except weirder. I really want them to play this shotgun wedding “card”, if you can call it that. It’s not even a joker, it’s more like the card with the rules printed on it.
It’s not even a joker, it’s more like the card with the rules printed on it.
It’s more like the plastic wrapper outside the card deck package. It sucks that hard.
It’s a start, but the scenario calls for more pizzazz if they really want to capture the public’s attention. During the ceremony, they need to stage an attack by radioactive space aliens who get gunned down by cowboys with six-guns, followed by a little nude dwarf mud wrestling.
And bikers. And hula girls dancing with guys in gimp suits. And some penguins with kittens.
Shotgun Wedding Fever, Catch it!
The wedding gives ’em an excuse to cancel teh
rebatesdebate.Wedding planning, beaches!
jon, lol, I know, you caught me at it again!
Wow, I kind of figure the Oct surprise would be far less tacky than a Wal*Mart wedding… attacking Iran, say. McLoser must be even more desperate than I thought.
And eat gravy on our good clean American Freedom Fries.
Put some cheese on there and I will gladly bow to our Canadian overlords.
I want to know what’s on the menu. And who’s the entertainment.
I swear to god, I saw this yesterday and thought it was from The Onion.
Hey, cheer up! We may not have to worry about the global warming skeptics anymore, since the warming of the Arctic and the retreat of sunlight-reflecting ice might allow the methane ice present by the gigatons on the oceanfloor to become atmospheric methane which is a mere 20 x more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2.
So, we might not have to worry about all this ‘Global Warming’ stuff any more because soon we may just be globally warmed, past tense.
TV Guide Listing for October 17
CBS 8:00 p.m. The McCain Campaign Reality Show
Premier epidsode: Bristol and Levi’s Wedding
Anna Nicole Smith meets Grey Gardens – hijinks ensue
Nope. It would play to the “base” but not the undecided women we are told are the linchpin. They would be horrified.
I think Palin will be gone before Thursday. And they don’t even have to come up with a sick kid. They release a statement saying that upon further consideration, it would be best for the country if Sarah steps down. It’s mavericky, it puts Country First, it’s McCain acknowledging a mistake and moving quickly to correct it (what a Great Leader does), and most of all, it focuses all attention on McCain and removes it from Obama for a week or more. That silly old bastard is shame-free.
If it were possible to take this seriously – it’s actually disgusting. I can’t contemplate someone being vile enough to even think of something like this.
WHEW!! That’s definitely the last time I go scuba diving in the Arctic after eating homemade chili. Hope no one else noticed!
Have any bookmakers put up odds for a pre-election wedding? I’d be curious to see.
I heard they are bringing in a designer from Paris to do the ceremonial shotguns.
In some ways it would be brilliant. It would provide an excuse (albeit a ridiculous one) for Palin to be incommunicado for a week (naw, they could stretch it to two weeks) in the final weeks of the campaign. It would certainly completely distract the base. Heck, a freak show like that would distract the whole country. Are Todd and Sarah Palin actually craven enough to exploit their daughter in this fashion? Absolutely.
*has a vision of a Hail Mary pass using a newborn baby as football*
Nothing would shift those swing voters better than turning the shotgun wedding of a self-described “f***ing redneck” and a pregnant teenager into a media circus.
Other sitcom plots the McCain-Palin campaign can trot out:
1. McCain delivers the baby in a moving car.
2. A Russian defects and hides in the closet of national headquarters.
3. McCain and Palin get stuck in an elevator and learn how to become friends with one another.
Tune in for next week’s episode of McCain! and see the introduction of Denise’s future step-daughter Olivia. Make sure the edge of your seat is sturdy enough for when you witness the Harlem Globetrotters arrive just in time to foil the Great Gazoo’s scheme to prevent Zak and Screech from going to college. Who contracts total amnesia? Easier to ask who doesn’t!
Next week on McCain!
ZOMG this can’t be happening. Here’s McCain as Father of the Bride.
(Best with sound on.)
Damn, another perfectly good Weirdometer busted to hell.
Thats like my 5th or 6th one burned to a crisp this month!
It just struck me … y’know, if Frank Zappa could’ve been well enough to seriously run as an Independant for president back in the late 80s, I’m pretty sure he’d have run a totally wild campaign (Jeezus, just imagine what that guy would’ve done with photo-ops & press-conferences!), & he’d’ve STILL come across as straight-laced & restrained compared to McCain.
Maverick, well, no.
Deranged Raving Sick-fuck Psycho, oh yes indeedy.
That would be never, Jamey. Guess what the Great Gazoogle has to say about the age of consent in Alaska?
I wouldn’t bet on an actual death. Then again, I wouldn’t put that past ‘em, either.
To be honest, my second thought after reading that article (my first was “What? No, seriously, what?!“) was that if ever there was a time for Bristol to have a tragic-yet-convenient miscarriage…
It has become impossible to comment on the election without over-using the interrobang
Leave me out of it. I’m damn tired already, and ain’t my election in the first place.
Love and kisses,
Good analysis overall, but then ya gotta go dissing Favre – I think I preferred the Brady man-love tributes. God help me…
I bet Bristol and Levi’s marraige NEVER ends in divorce.
“We couldn’t be happier!” *strained smile. fight the tears FIGHT THE TEARS!*
This will play well with the base, but let’s be honest; McCain could go on stage and bludgeon a kitten to death with one of his spare $600 Italian loafers, and it will play well with the base.
I’m totally in favor of that IF it’s the NCC-1701-D, El Cid.
This would be really cool if the groom got drunk and tried to consummate the wedding with his new mother-in-law!
That Yoshida creature said: “Intrade puts the odds of a Tory win at 95%. I would put them higher than that. I would say that the odds of a Tory majority are, at this point, higher than 90%”
Lol wat? Can we please have another Adam Yoshida shorter soon?
“…On Tuesday, The Independent revealed that scientists on board a Russian research ship had detected vast quantities of methane breaking through the melting permafrost under the seabed of the shallow continental shelf off the Siberian coast….”
I can see Siberian methane plumes from my house, in Alaska.
Hey, a wedding will always boost the ratings…
…of your Soap Opera.
so is this how McCain would govern as president? One zany stunt after another?
North Korea starts building more nukes – McCain declares National Hug A Warhead Day!
Russia sends troops into Ukraine – McCain parachute jumps into Kiev to prove his gritty determination to stand up for Ukranians!
Gasoline prices rise to $6/gallon – McCain temporarily moves his office to ANWR until Congress approves drilling!
McCain proves the saying, ‘when the going gets tough… the tough turn weird!’
(but not in a good way, in his case)
I got an exclusive preview of The Dress…
Well, that is one interview that Sarah Palin would finally be qualified to give. And to E! Entertainment Television, no less. I can’t wait.
Wonderful idea, GOP. Put Todd Palin in the same room as the snotnosed jock who took his daughter’s v-card, and keep plenty of liquor on hand. That’s must-see TV all right.
Even respect liberals (like me) had for him as a war hero and a good America totally went out the window went he picked Palin! Did someone like replace John McCain with a clone or whatnot? McCain! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED??????
Hmmmm – was this post about a poo flinging howler monkey pet of McCain, before or AFTER Joe the Plumber made his appearance?
So this is where there hate-mongering liberals hang out, Who knew ya’all could be so hateful and perverse. Oh wait, we all knew that already, you just show your true sick colors afterwards you fooled everyone.
Fuck off back to your funky bunch, you crybaby.
Anyway, McCain should have tried that Helper Monkey stunt. It seriously and genuinely may have won him the election.