Nailed It!
Posted on September 27th, 2008 by D. Aristophanes
Obama KILLED McFAIL. Pwned him. Forgive the implications, but he was the Globetrotters and McCain was the Washington Generals. Discuss. I’m drinkin’.
Obama KILLED McFAIL. Pwned him. Forgive the implications, but he was the Globetrotters and McCain was the Washington Generals. Discuss. I’m drinkin’.
(comments are closed)
Fuck you, Mark. Obama lost!
Now after another tequila, I realize that Mark is being sarcastic. This is Sadly, after all.
I didn’t watch. I find it too stressful. I’ll take your word for it. Yeah!
I laughed the whole way through. I love this shit, especially when McOld-face was losing it near the end.
Big Palin reveal coming Monday. Re: Anon. Will alert teh krew as it hits.
Whenever I watch the debates, I always ask myself: if I knew nothing about anything—didn’t read the blogs, didn’t follow current events—who would I think was winning?
So, yeah, I agree with Dhalgren. And although the effort to front-page close, but a narrow Obama win across every lefty blog is understandable, it’s a sad, sad spin.
Thank you, D., for just going balls out in your mendacity. Made my night. Time to fade.
McCain’s paternalistic view of government and political leadership is gross.
Zapatero gets a shout-out!
Dhalgren, scythia – did you see McFAIL try to pronounce ‘Ahmadinejad’? FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL biggest sound-bite of the night …
I’m disappointed ‘cos McDumbass didn’t have a stroke.
I lost a bet over it, in fact.
i hate to say it, but i agree with brooks — neither of them said anything new, anything that would change the mind of an opponent’s supporter or capture the vote of an undecided. neither won the debate, neither did anything spectacular and that’s really fucking disappointing. obama should have mopped the floor with mccain. that was just sad.
McCain failed to wear a flag pin. I think we all know what that means…
McCain started rather poorly, but had a strong finish. Obama needs to throw the “he doesn’t understand” thing back in McCain’s face.
I’d call it close to a tie, myself. McCain had some decent points, but Obama held his own and *looked* better doing it.
But Obama’s currently ahead, and this subject was always going to be McCain’s strongest debate. He needed a clearer win than this to reverse Obama’s recent gains, and he didn’t get it.
Obama was a bit brutal, laying into mccain so much…I felt sorry for the old dude.
Who is this “Mark” that Dhalgren is referring to?
Watch this debate again, TiVo or YouTube or Crooks&Liars. Obama mopped the floor with him. Really.
I think my favorite moment was McCain’s sole, late mention of the current administration, comparing it with the Democratic candidate.
I too try to watch as if I don’t read blogs, newspapers, etc., and I gotta say that to someone less informed, it was a toss up. Neither really messed up.
I found McCain’s “miss congeniality” mentions and his attempt to call himself a maverick painful to watch. But I think he really pounded Obama on the “he doesn’t get it, he’s naive” thing. As an Obama guy, I found it annoying and stupid, but it may have played well for McCain for people on the fence. Obama came off as graceful and informed, but he stumbled over his sentences a little bit. The sentence sometimes wrapped itself half-way around the auditorium before it got to its point. I thought McCain really tried to misconstrue Obama’s positions and played looser with the facts whereas Obama was pretty honest about things (esp. taxes, budgets, and that Kissinger exchange), but lots of people don’t know the facts so they wouldn’t have caught that.
I say it was a tie But, overall, everyone is going to say their guy won.
I thought Obama did good, but I’m biased cuz I like him and I’m going to vote for him. My older cousin who served as a pilot in the Navy who loves McCain will probably say McCain did great.
One thing is for certain, the debate itself was done really well and Lehrer was awesome. Growing up, he was the nightly news and I think he’s one of the best journalists / anchors out there. He really pushed both to confront each other, and to speak honestly about issues and never once hinted at his personal politics. He should host every debate.
I’m glad to hear it, and the comment thread one down was a delight to peruse – but I didn’t and don’t think I can watch it. Even for $50 an hour, sitting through more McCain talking is something that I can’t do. I just can’t do it, my friends.
McCain mentioned more than once about how all the earmark guys got corrupted and many are in jail. Why didn’t Obama ever go, “Yeah, and they were ALL Republicans!”??
I didn’t understand that. It was such an obvious way to hit the GOP.
he really pounded Obama on the “he doesn’t get it, he’s naive” thing.
That just made McWrinles look like a patronizing, grumpy, old man while he was trying to be all “folksy.”. I don’t think it helped him one bit
According to the poll, 67% vs. 27% think Obama pwned McCain.
Obama is naive. Obama just doesn’t get it. Clearly talking points or catch phrases McCain’s campaign had decided he needed to use repeatedly. Wingnuts I’m sure loved it. I thought it was condescending and patronizing and in terms of the issues at hand, evasive. How did independents and undecided voters respond to it? I would hope they got tired of it too.
And the refusal to make eye contact was obvious and bad.
McCain came off as disoriented on several responses. He got weaker as Obama got stronger. Obama had more zingers, delivered more naturally and with more authority. McCain’s zingers were FAIL (the bear DNA line?) because he was reciting them and EVERYBODY COULD TELL.
I was literally NERVOUS for McCain as he was answering several questions. A president SHOULD NOT make me feel anxious and nervous.
Obama WINS. Stop second-guessing yerselves Libs and tell it to the world!
According to the poll, 67% vs. 27% think Obama pwned McCain.
That’s good to hear. I agree with Nylund, Arjuna, Brooks, etc. that both candidates said what they needed to keep their supporters. So if only the 27% dead-enders are going to respond to those talking points, then McCain was successful in not doing any worse than that.
Still, it’s comforting that McCain didn’t achieve some kind of Steve Jobs® Reality Distortion Field™ effect and snow over the low information voters. He’ll always have the Truthies but he needed to win over Independents and I think he epic faild that one.
Forget the CNN online poll. Ever read the comments on their political ticker? It’s practically an Obama cheering squad.
D. Aristophanes said,
September 27, 2008 at 4:52
Big Palin reveal coming Monday. Re: Anon. Will alert teh krew as it hits.
Barracuda Suit?
McHale and Parrish were really tough under the boards at both ends, and Bird’s outside jump shot was totally on all night.
I also thought DJ and Ainge did some nice work setting up plays.
And for a bunch of old guys, they really kept the game moving.
The Lakers looked flat, and never really caught up.
OK! OK! I’ll take your word for it. I’m just so used to Democrats wimping out just when we need them.
For what it’s worth, I thought it was a tie, I turned on ABC to find that George Will agreed with me.
But if it’s a tie, according to Will, that means Obama won – because more people had doubts about him, so he had more to prove and a tie means he held his own.
And the refusal to make eye contact was obvious and bad.
He’s avoiding exploding and saying “FUCK YOU!”
It’s practically an Obama cheering squad.
Awesome. My guy’s got an online cheering squad? He must be inspiring smart people. He must be WIN.
I wish Obama had gone after McBush for selecting Ms. Dipshit from Alaska to be his running mate.
Leave Johnny aloooooooone! You bastards! After all she’s done for you! And you crap on her!
Agggghhhhhhhh! you bastards!
Barracuda Suit?
E-mail hack-related.
McCain failed the moment he started with that bullshit sympathy card for Kennedy. I mean, come on! That was so scripted.
As for the missile defense issue from the previous thread, it’s not actually a software problem so much as a laws of physics problem. My layman’s understanding is that there are trivially inexpensive countermeasures such as firing off many extra decoy rockets and chaff that would defeat the most sophisticated guidance systems.
But apparently we don’t have the most sophisticated guidance systems either because AFAIK there have been no successful tests of “missile defense” that weren’t completely rigged with homing beacons in the “enemy” rockets for the missiles to lock on to, a kindness that I doubt the Russians or the North Koreans or Chinese could be convinced to extend to us.
Gotta delurk for a minute to give the opinion of someone who spends far too much time with the “independent, low-information-voter” crowd. My first gut reaction was that McCain’s aggressive nastiness would play well with these people, but the more I think about it, he seems to have said some shit that will get him in trouble… For whatever reason, this seems to be the first election in decades where blatant lies are turning off the Indies that I know. And I kind of suspect that the whole McNasty thing won’t play very well when the debate isn’t focused on foreign governments or our ENEMIES ABROAD. All anecdotal, yes, but I’d like to make the prediction that we’re going to see some very interesting poll returns from independents soon.
Amy Alkon cracked the case?!!!?
Ha ha! Wolf Blitzer just pointed out that they couldn’t get Palin to do an after-the-debate interview! Can the repubs do any more to make themselves look like assholes?
Maybe I’m biased. Maybe I’m young. But everybody, everybody I know expected Obama to crush McCain. Tie=Loss
Look, after the past two weeks, I was smelling blood in the water. Obama needed to go for the kill—McCain is simply not qualified to be Pres. The debate tonight was his shot to do that. Instead, it relegitimatized McCain. Again, tie=loss. Again, maybe my expectations are not realistic. But I see Obama back at 49% on Monday.
I’m BEGGING here. Someone PLEASE OH PLEASE stitch together a video of all the times McCain condescnedingly chuckled / smirked at Obama! It’d be like Al Gore’s infamous “sighing” problem, but worse!
You know what? Kissinger didn’t say we should hold talks with Iran without preconditions. He said we should hold them “without conditions.”
Eat it, Naive One!
This discussion is irrelevant, as Sen. McCain had already won the debate by this morning:
there have been no successful tests of “missile defense” that weren’t completely rigged
I have a hazy memory of one test actually doing something noteworthy, but so what.
Okay, look. How did Obama win? Because he’s steady-as-she-goes personified. But with a reserve of nasty when it’s necessary. McCain is floundering for talking points and dwells on the past. His brain ain’t clicking and his points ain’t sticking with 21st-century leadership as it has been defined in the last two weeks of hell-in-a-handbasket economic shitstorm implosion.
Obama has command. Command of the issues, command of the way to communicate the issues. His is serious. He is steady. He is relaxed, but nimble.
Folks, people watching this debate … they GET THIS. In these times, they want STEADY and they want SMART and they want NIMBLE. Many of us seem to be overthinking the punditry’s corrupt take on this debate, or are so used to second-guessing that, you know, why stop now?
Obama NAILED this. He won handily. McCain is through … it’s just that the Wake has to be observed for another few weeks out of courtesy.
Obama has command. Command of the issues, command of the way to communicate the issues. His is serious. He is steady. He is relaxed, but nimble.
Folks, people watching this debate … they GET THIS. In these times, they want STEADY and they want SMART and they want NIMBLE. Many of us seem to be overthinking the punditry’s corrupt take on this debate, or are so used to second-guessing that, you know, why stop now?
Obama NAILED this. He won handily. McCain is through … it’s just that the Wake has to be observed for another few weeks out of courtesy.
Thanks, DA.
Since, as we all know, McCain is a lying, grandstanding buffoon who’s never thought any of this stuff through and will never discuss policy seriously, how exactly is Obama supposed to ‘mop the floor with him’? Since McCain doesn’t engage, it’s not a real debate. And since the media, from all directions, persists in presenting McCain as a credible candidate, of course they`re going to call it a toss-up.
This discussion is irrelevant, as Sen. McCain had already won the debate by this morning
I swear, it seems like someone on the inside of the campaign is out to get McCain.
Truthy: You cry yourself to sleep every night, dontcha?
Since McCain doesn’t engage, it’s not a real debate.
I would hope this came across clearly to viewers and listeners at the end when, after Obama raised the important point of the United States’ weakened credibility internationally, Lehrer asked McCain to address this, and McCain totally avoided the issue.
I have to say, I was a little disappointed that McCain didn’t give us more of his patented “my friends” approach. I had a drinking game all planned and I only got one “my friends.” Sad, really.
I can’t wait for Palin to debate
Yeah, since she completely humiliated Katie Couric.
I know you want to chest-thump in your echo chamber here, but I see that even here some liberals are acknowledging McCain did well.
We think for ourselves, and express our opinions without feeling the need to check with what our superior want us to say before responding. That’s one of the reasons why we’re liberals: the ability to think independently.
Maybe I’m biased. Maybe I’m young. But everybody, everybody I know expected Obama to crush McCain. Tie=Loss
Look, after the past two weeks, I was smelling blood in the water. Obama needed to go for the kill—McCain is simply not qualified to be Pres. The debate tonight was his shot to do that. Instead, it relegitimatized McCain. Again, tie=loss. Again, maybe my expectations are not realistic. But I see Obama back at 49% on Monday.
Going for the kill == Angry Black Man
IMHO Obama did exactly the right thing by being firm but not any more aggressive than he was: that would have certainly lost him points among swing voters who would’ve had their racist and/or “elitist” buttons pushed by such behavior, even if fully justified. By staying classy, Obama consolidated his supporters and didn’t lose any swing voters leaning McCain who would have seen such behavior as an attack and perhaps become stronger McCain supporters rather than hopefully rethinking some of their received (from talk radio) wisdom after seeing another point of view articulated that wasn’t the tie-dyed hippie naive and wimpy “loonie lib” stereotype they’ve been conditioned to expect.
I don’t know what The Truth is putting in his own Metamucil, but I’m saddened that he hasn’t shared with the class. It must be some primo shit.
I have to say, I was a little disappointed that McCain didn’t give us more of his patented “my friends” approach. I had a drinking game all planned and I only got one “my friends.”
I just drank every time I disagreed with McOldy. It was a super-fast way to get hammered.
IMHO Obama did exactly the right thing by being firm but not any more aggressive than he was: that would have certainly lost him points among swing voters who would’ve had their racist and/or “elitist” buttons pushed by such behavior, even if fully justified.
In other words, he kept working the ground game, and didn’t let Garo Yepremian attempt a pass.
BTW, did anyone here watch the 4-part interview of Obama on Bill O’Reilly? I was amazed how well Obama did against such a simultaneously belligerent and ignorant interviewer, but he just kicked all sorts of ass. It is inconceivable for me to imagine McCain doing even 10% as well against someone like Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann.
For low info voters, Obama needed to be a steady, serious, knowledgeable non-angry African-American man. He needed to not be a scary radical. And he succeeded. Fox viewers needed to be reminded of that black president on 24. Obama’s performance was perfectly fine for that. He seemed knowledgable and presidential. He didn’t need to throw Hail Marys. People got enough of that this week.
(not that Rachel or Keith are “belligerent or ignorant” I hasten to point out. But then we’re the ones with facts on our side, so naturally our interviewers would have to be tough and intelligent to be a fair counterpart to Papa Bear).
I think that if you listen to what the candidates SAID, the debate was not a clear winner for either candidate. That may be how we, who are deeply invested in the issues, are likely to think. But these debates, like movies, are, for the rest of the country, more of a visual experience than an aural one.
I know that I am prejudiced, but I think Obama came off as a person that most people can be comfortable with for the next four years. I don’t think that McCain did. This is the sort of thing that reaches undecided voters, and it is, I suspect, much more important than their positions on the issues. Republicans have spent three decades making presidential races about comfort level, and maybe they are going to pay for that now.
By the way, how about that makeup job on McCain, huh? Talk about putting it on with a trowel.
middlewest: Thank you for your comment. Very insightful.
Fox viewers needed to be reminded of that black president on 24
Dennis Haysburt? I love that guy!
I can’t wait for Palin to debate
I can’t wait for her to utter a coherent sentence. Well, I guess I’ll have to wait for it. Maybe forever.
Guys and gals, take a deep breath! McCain was supposed to run circles around Obama on foreign policy and Obama more than held his own. And on the economy and tax policy, McCain had nothing. It was close, but Obama gets the points on technical difficulty and artistic merit.
FWIW, I thought McCain held serve in this one. He was supposed to, so, really no biggie for me.
The thing I would like to see for once is the MSM who have been in the tank with McGrumpy so long but supposedly now are comically pearl-clutching because he (gasps) has built his campaign on lies–what I would like is for these people, just this ONE FREAKIN’ TIME, spin Grampa’s performance as condescending and mean-spirited AND build up Barack as the likeable guy we would all like to have a presidency with. Or something.
Would that be slightly unfair and exagerrated? Yes. Would the wingers complain. Probably. But. So. F’in. What.
After what the narratives they spun for Gore in ’00 and Kerry in ’04, they owe us on this one.
Of course, I read too much Somerby so I know better than to expect that.
mccain lied repeatedly. obama won, but barely.
what i dont get is why no one, especially obama doesnt say to mccain, “sure, you have experience, experience with being wrong abotu everything.” then just rattle off everything mccain has been wrong about since 2000. pause. then add, “and thats just this century.”
obama gets shit right and ill take that over mccains “experience” any day of the week.
Very true. From the link I mentioned in the last thread about McCain knowing about the hundreds of POWs we left behind in Vietnam and thereabouts but covered the whole thing up, just like the POW/MIA activists have been saying all along:
Jake H, and cleter, the focus groups seem to back you up, so I will defer…
It’s a good thing McCain reminded us at the end, that he was a POW, I had forgotten all about that.
Oh and BTW, I don’t know if this got mentioned on the thread below, but did anyone else catch McCain calling Jong-Il “Dear Leader”? Talk about your POW troubles…
I think he was being sarcastic, but it FAILed. Hard.
I agree with the commenters who’ve noted that Obama’s remaining cool and informed and amiably engaging, without attacking McLame in an overtly aggressive way, was the way to go. Obama only increases his persona as the candidate whose calm, rational approach to the crushing issues of the day is much preferable to the grumpy, out-of-touch, talking points-reliant old fartbag who can’t even condescend to make eye contact with the “naive” young black man who is so uppity he dares to run for president. It’s powerful, and it’s slowly sinking in, I think/hope, with the “undecideds,” whose lack of commitment by this point I can’t fathom.
I almost vomited when McCain called himself a “maverick”. After that, everything he said just felt like dry heaves.
Fortunately, whatever he medicated himself tonight with, he didn’t embarrass himself in any blatant PTSD type of way. He didn’t kick over the lectern or call anyone a cunt. But, watching it on PBS in HD for the second half, I noticed that his eyes just seemed so… scared. And he always gave away a nervous smile whenever Obama was hammering him on a point that he knew was a genuine weakness.
The worst part for me was at the end when the candidates’ wives came up. I couldn’t see Obama’s expression because Michelle had bounded up on stage to hug him so quickly (does anyone else get the impression they run back to the hotel and have crazy sex after these things? Michelle always seems so proud of Barack but also hot for him too, I think it’s kinda cute). In contrast, I could see McCain’s expression for several awkward seconds before Cindy came up to him and he just looked so like an insecure child seeking approval from mommy, the one person who will always tell him he did a good job… because she doesn’t want to be called a cunt again or be subject to his hurt whining at the least. Compare and contrast.
I think he was being sarcastic, but it FAILed. Hard.
Totally. Combine that with the Communist brainwash memo, and you’ve got comedy gold! Better even, I thought, than when he talked about how his pen didn’t work too well because it was old, realized what he said, froze, and blinked HARD. I was dying…
3 observations –
1) Obama was talking about the issue. McCain was trying to “win” the debate. I wanted to know what their positions were. Obama spoke to that. McCain was acting like he was trying to ace “American Idol.”
2) In the back-and-forth encouraged (in a kind of creepy way by McLeher) Obama LOOKed at McCain. McCain never looked at Obama. That’s creepy, ungracious, and unpresidential. Oh, and can I also mention – weird. These guys are Senatorial colleagues. Why didn’t McCain even LOOK at Obama? Our Senate’s customs have ritualized courteous treatment even of your most extreme opponent ( unlike the Brits). Why couldn’t McCain conform to those customs?
3) McCain beat to DEATH his big talking point of “Senator Obama doesn’t understand” to the point that it became a frickin’ joke, kind of like “I spent 5.5 years without a table or chair,” that he trotted out whenever he got bested. You know, you use that thing only a couple of time, note 10 or 12. And it really doesn’t fucking work when the guy comes back and says, “Well, actually, I do understand – ” and then explains the issue in a way that fucking blows your ass off the planet.
McCain looked creepy and weird, and you could tell his $5500 makeup artist had had her way with him. And he kept grinning all the time. Kreepy
Oh, and “Miss Congeniality?” Puhlease, John. Don’t repeat it – how fuckin dorky.
And – let other people call you a maverick. Don’t call yourself one.
Another thing to the point about Barack needing to have hit back harder against McSame’s lies. You know, I actually think this sets up well for him in the next debates, where he can start getting in some tasty digs like the kind we’ve seen in his recent speeches.
Something like:
McCain: What he just doesn’t understand is…
Obama interrupted: What I can’t understand, Senator McCain is how you can stand here and pretend to everyone that you’re not part of the same Republican establishment that’s set this country on disaster for eight years. Oh, oh, and by the way, I also don’t understand why you insist on stealing other people’s campaign slogans about “change.” What’s wrong, you can’t come up with any of your own? Oh, and I also don’t understand that you think the answer to the problems facing American’s is to rail against spending in Washington but promise us we’ll stay the course and continue a 2T dollar war that is more unpopular everyday.
Now, tell me again, what else I don’t understand.
I can’t wait for Palin to debate the raging mouth of Joe Biden.
Heh. Neither can I, Troofy. It’ll be hilarious!
Thanks, MzNicky.
One thing I personally take away from this debate is that if the liberal blogs aren’t awash with “Miss Congeniality” jokes for the next week, I’ll be very disappointed.
I am of the opinion that McCain got kinda pwnd on the whole ‘torture’ thing.
Maybe I’m too drunk.
different jake.
read this book or find the article Franklin wrote in the atlantic in 1991.
pow/mia is a myth.
Sing it, Sen. Biden.
Awe crap, CNN’s replaying the debate. I think it’s time for bed.
McCain is certain to have lost ground when he mentioned his $5000-for-every-American-for-health insurance plan. Like 5K is going to cover it. Plus he continues to support the private sector managing health care and health insurance.
That statement alone will decrease any support McCain had before the debate:
Health Care Costs Increase Strain, Studies Find
Obama nailed him on the tax Americans will be paying on this piddly
President David Palmer from 24 and Pedro Cerrano from Major League are the SAME person.
“Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball.”
Why didn’t McCain even LOOK at Obama?
g: Again, to me that was the most telling thing of all. Two reasons come to mind:
1) As someone else pointed out, liars have difficulty making eye contact.
2) Weighted down with rich white male privilege as he is, McShame just couldn’t lower himself to acknowledge that a “naive” young upstart Black Man dared challenge him for what he seems to consider rightfully his by default. It was unspeakably arrogant and hateful. I hope lots of undecideds absorbed that, even if iunconsciously.
Subtract the extraneous “i” from the front of “unconsciously.” I’ve been drinking.
Oh, and “Miss Congeniality?” Puhlease, John.
Odd he should use that. Gov. Lipstick at one time claimed she was “Miss Congeniality” in her infamous beauty-queen pageant — which has now been debunked as a lie. Shocking, I know. Seems like McFuck wouldn’t have used that, especially in what he seemed to think would come off as a weirdly not-at-all self-aggrandizing way. Or something.
Lesley: $5,000 wouldn’t pay three months of our health-insurance PREMIUMS. Under McCreep’s “plan” we’d remain uninsurable at any speed. I mean rate.
While I’ve been sitting here commenting amongst myself I see two more posts have arrived.
And – let other people call you a maverick. Don’t call yourself one.
If you feel you have to call yourself a maverick, you really aren’t a maverick.
the raging mouth of Joe Biden.
Band name of the thread.
Odd he should use that. Gov. Lipstick at one time claimed she was “Miss Congeniality”
yeah, the McCain campaign for the last couple of months have had this weird, almost Freudian-slip use of phrases or ideas that actually call to attention the lies, weirdness or disconnectivity in their rhetoric. It’s been very odd to witness.
If you feel you have to call yourself a maverick, you really aren’t a maverick.
If you feel compelled to remind everyone of your integrity…
McCain is happy that he has a maverick-y partner in Sarah Palin. And you know what? I’m happy for him.
When McCain talked about government waste, he sounded a lot like my ex’s Dad. Whenever we would visit, when he’d get mad at us for using too many paper towels or turning the light on. What a miserable little man.
Well, the two early polls I have seen have rather surprised me. Voters, particularly undecided voters favored Obama by a quite large margin.
Obama’s job tonight was not to savage McCain with his rapier wit, or destroy McCain with superb logic. It was to convince the American people that they would be comfortable with him as President. He accomplished that very well, if the polls are any indication. I find it hard to believe that McCain made much headway with anyone who wasn’t already on his side.
When I watched the debate, I thought it was much closer, and I only came to understand this afterward. We are so used to our candidates caving in to Republicans that we expect it to happen. I am happy to say that Barack Obama seems to understand this game a lot better than I do.
McCain mentioned more than once about how all the earmark guys got corrupted and many are in jail. Why didn’t Obama ever go, “Yeah, and they were ALL Republicans!”??
Because there’s always that one guy that gets caught with a lot of cash in his freezer and ruins it for everybody else.
Aww, look! It’s The Queef, attempting to make coherent thoughts! Remember, The Shit, when you told us we’d all see how great McPussy was after the debate? EPIC FAIL! And EVEN MORE EPIC FAIL now that you’re beating off your microscopic micropenis in front of us at how great McShithead is! You’re pathetic, you faggoty sack of assscrapings. Why don’t you go take a gun to your temples and finish the fucking drill. Eat shit and die, shitnuts. You disgust me. Literally. I puke half my damn insides thinking about you beating off your little micropenis to how badly Obama took a shit in McCain’s mouth. In fact, I might puke my innards out in your mouth, rip off your micropenis, and feed it to my pet shark. A fitting end to your pathetic fucking life. Now fuck off.
Am I banned?
Aww, look! It’s The Queef, attempting to make coherent thoughts! Remember, The Shit, when you told us we’d all see how great McPussy was after the debate? EPIC FAIL! And EVEN MORE EPIC FAIL now that you’re beating off your microscopic micropenis in front of us at how great McShithead is! You’re pathetic, you faggoty sack of assscrapings. Why don’t you go take a gun to your temples and finish the fucking drill. Eat shit and die, shitnuts. You disgust me. Literally. I puke half my damn insides thinking about you beating off your little micropenis to how badly Obama took a shit in McCain’s mouth. In fact, I might puke my innards out in your mouth, rip off your micropenis, and feed it to my pet shark. A fitting end to your pathetic fucking life. Now fuck off, clown.
I heard The Truth’s micropenis fell off the other day, so I guess I can’t rip the little pecker off and feed it to my pet shark. Oh well. I can still take a shit in his pathetic mouth, though.
I completely understand the hand wringing — having been burned ssssoooo many times, we’ve got a strong candidate and want to see them kick some ever-loving ass.
It’s like the sports team that sucks for a while, and then when they good, you just want them to shutout every opponent and ease your nerves.
But don’t worry, folks. Back down off the ledge.
This debate is a huge win if the pundits deem it a “tie” — this was supposed to be McCain’s night to shine, to show his bona fides, and put that young little whippersnapper in his place.
He didn’t, and the pundits are noticing. They’ll form the narrative on this, and it won’t be good for McCain.
Yes, I realize that we (or a few of us) thought Obama should pound McCain into the dais, but the fact is McPOW is a damn fine debater and loves to talk foreign policy. Pundits know this, so for Obama to stand toe-to-toe with the dude and come out totally unscathed … ?
Huge. Gigantic. Enormous.
Just watch — the narrative will be how Presidential Obama looked, and how McCain had to flail just to keep up (e.g. the “Obama-as-Bush” line toward the end).
@ 7:23
Methinks someone needs a hug …
or got one too many from their creepy uncle. Not sure which.
Obama always comes off as if he’s talking to the undecideds and earnestly asking for their vote. I don’t think a lot of candidates can do that consistently… they need more ego stroking from their base.
Sam Kinnison is dead and all he left us was his Asshole.
I think that the talking heads have lost a LOT of money in the last week or so, and are less inclined to give the Republicans any slack at the moment.
I am so glad I didn’t watch it. I only know of it by the comments I have read about it on the internets.
You really don’t need to see these things. Hell, the candidates don’t even need to really be there. We could pretend like they were there and let the gasbag bloviation afterwords determine the outcome just like we do now.
Sam Kinnison is dead and all he left us was his Asshole.
I leave my arsehole, and all necessary integument thereto appertaining, to the Faculty of philosophy; let it be stretched upon a steel frame so that each New Year’s Day the senior professor may blow through it, uttering a rich fruity note, as my salute to the world of which I now take leave, in search of the Great Perhaps.
Off topic, sorta,
Whoever the guy on Bill Moyer’s show tonight is, he’s fucking fantastic.
Justme, the complete transcript and video of Moyers’ interview of Andrew J. Bacevich is available:
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©, Baracuda Suit: Best comment on the Palin swimsuit video on YouTube: “My Putin head is rearing!”
Obama should attack McCain’s “Maverick” conceit more. I believe that if Obama does focus his attacks there, he will find that the “Maverick” concept is surprisingly brittle, and also wounding. The “Maverick” conceit is really very little other than vanity, but McCain seems to believe it. Obama did attack it last night, but too subtly.
Obama won big just because the damn thing actually happened. MCain had to crawl back form his “can’t go! too busy!” ploy.
Be thankful you can’t see me drooling right now.
Anon delivers!
Goodbye Blue Monday!
Much like I’m still awaiting that “hopeless mumbling retard without the guidance of his teleprompter” Obama I’ve heard so much about. You just don’t get it: McCain is LOSING with time running out, so a “draw” just isn’t good enough – he HAD to destroy Obama to up his tally. Destroy. As in, conclusively win EVERY debate. For Wet-Start, a draw = epic fucking fail. Personally, I didn’t even see a draw there – Obama didn’t bootfuck him into a coma, but he sure did win. Just remember: foreign-affairs is supposed to be McFail’s STRONG suit – the next debate may very well be his Waterloo.
I thought he looked damn near pathetic, rattling off rehearsed lines like a two-bit actor … & he just couldn’t resist slinging even MORE easily refuted bullshit, as well as casually spouting nutbar nonsense like “Krazy Obama’s gonna nuke Pakistan” or “I’ll freeze everything but wartoys & vet bennies” – either one of those dandies is like an antidote to drawing undecideds, which he needs badly now. Your hero screwed the poodle.
Trick Question: who’s smarter – you, or Palin?
If you get WHY that’s a trick question, A WINNAR IS U!!!
I’m old enough to remember Gerald Ford’s “The Poles don’t consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union” moment. That was the Bill Buckner of gaffes. Next to that, everything else seems like mush.
P.S. Ford almost won anyway. Pretty frightening.
Because there’s always that one guy that gets caught with a lot of cash in his freezer and ruins it for everybody else.
Yeah, you know who he really ruined it for? His constituents. *raises hand*
BTW – anyone know if Pakistan was actually a failed state before Musharraf? I mean, Zia al-Haq was awful, but I didn’t think it was a failed state. It didn’t reach Somalia territory…
I mean, Zia al-Haq was awful, but I didn’t think it was a failed state.
Depends on what you mean: in certain parts of Pakistan the federal government has simply never held sway. Al-Haq started Pakistan down a troublesome road.
EPIC FAIL! Check the poll numbers now! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!