This election is over

Epic, epic fail:

Senator McCain has spent the morning talking to members of the Administration, members of the Senate, and members of the House. He is optimistic that there has been significant progress toward a bipartisan agreement now that there is a framework for all parties to be represented in negotiations, including Representative Blunt as a designated negotiator for House Republicans. The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the Senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners.

Man, does St. BBQ’s judgment look downright insane. This is the single silliest stunt I have ever seen a major party candidate pull. You fail big time, St. BBQ. Thanks for handing Obama the election.


Comments: 108


Can we now refer to this as the “McCain Bailout”?


Have you seen the banner ads that are already out proclaiming McCain the debate winner? The incompetence of these people is astonishing.


I expect Barack to disembowel McCain tonight.


In order to turn my attention toward the economic crisis, I will suspend commenting on blogs.


Now that my honorable suspension has had it’s intended effect, I shall resume commenting on blogs.

John McCain is a hilarious old coot.


Maybe he got scared Bob Barr was going to take his place tonight.


That was a bizarre 36 hours.

I would love to know who suggested to McCain that this was a good idea. The only way it would have worked is if Obama had meekly followed along every step of the way. Which wasn’t going to happen to begin with. And now McCain has to back down and go to the debate he swore he wouldn’t attend without a finalized deal.

Has a self-inflicted wound this insane ever occurred before in a campaign? Because I can’t think of anything that comes close.


First Sarah Palin, now this, and Obama’s lead is still only in single digits.


Is anyone else reminded of the time Perot claimed the CIA invaded his yard and he chased them off with a gun?

McCain is reaching that level of insanity.




Has a self-inflicted wound this insane ever occurred before in a campaign?

See above post, re: Perot.



Has a self-inflicted wound this insane ever occurred before in a campaign?

“Who am I? Why am I here?”


First Sarah Palin, now this, and Obama’s lead is still only in single digits.

Wait until the debate is over. McCain will get eaten alive.

And then wait for when the VP debate doesn’t happen because the McCain campaign has realized she can’t be trusted speaking freely into a microphone.


I came up with my own answer for largest self-inflicted wound.

It was in the primaries in 1992, but Jerry Brown was giving Clinton a hard race and needed to win New York. He said, at a meeting of Jewish-Americans in NYC, that he would consider Jesse Jackson as his vice-president.

And so ended Jerry Brown’s shot at the White House.

McCain’s mistake is worse, but not by much.


Those other ones are good as well. Perot’s campaign was a wonder to behold. Remember that half-hour of national airtime he bought for his little pie-chart presentation?


“I expect Barack to disembowel McCain tonight.”

I don’t like that “disembowel.” “Gut him”– yes, let’s say he will gut him. /Sideshow Bob

As for the McCain stunt, I think the key point is that he was IMPOTENT. It was an impotent attempt at leadership. We can’t stress that word enough. He tried to remedy his irrelevance with a Washington trip, but he is now sitting on a plane to Mississippi unable to cross his legs and wondering why his “partner” had such bad timing. And yes, his campaign needs to call a physician.


“Who am I? Why am I here?”

In Admiral Stockdale’s defense, he was, in contrast to Senator McCain, frank.


Gridlock! Gridlock!
Gridlock! Gridlock! Gridlock! Gridlock! Gridlock! Gridlock! Gridlock! Gridlock!


Just noticed this sentence from the Couric/Palin interview:

So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions…

Oh. My. God.

Palin actually said: “reducing taxes … has got to accompany tax reductions”

I’m speechless.



See, I was so flabbergasted, I forgot to close the blockquote.



McCain made one fatal mistake. In his arrogance and vanity he let Obama’s popularity rattle him, and he took it out on the media. No longer wined, dined and flattered, they began to report his mistakes instead of covering for them. Now he’s a laughing stock.


I’m suspending my campaign again. The earth is threatened by a giant meteor. Sarah, who is the most qualified person in the US to be VP says only I can deal with this crisis. I also have to repel an invasion of giant radioactive man-eating bats. With laser eyes.


I think Gary Hart’s challenge to the media to follow him around to prove he wasn’t having an affair while he was having an affair is still the gold standard here.

Although the cumulative McCain “strategy” of bugfucking insanity on every single point (from going to the mat with Russia over Georgia to Palin to this to bitching about Fannie Mae while seemingly every fucking member of his campaign was on their payroll to the lime jello backdrops to the death rictus smile to NOT KNOWING THE ANSWER TO HOW MANY HOUSES HE OWNS) makes this a sui generis in political history.


And it’s only September 26! Oh, what fun is there to be had in the next six weeks? Time will tell.

the guy in the Cubs hat who was shy

Just saw this is a FARK thread about the debate going forward tonight:

“McCain is the Super Dave Osborne of political stuntsmeisters.

“SMACK! Right into a wall.”

Kind of a little too “’80s,” but I loved it.


Brad, that paragraph reads more like an obit than a statement. All it’s mising is “In lieu of flowers…”


Gramps is just thrashing now. The humane thing would be to put him in rubber room with a debate podium and some taped applause. Then lock the door.


Has a self-inflicted wound this insane ever occurred before in a campaign? Because I can’t think of anything that comes close.

Agree on Perot

Agree on James Stockdale (wow)

And how about Michael Dukakis + M1 Tank?


It was in the primaries in 1992, but Jerry Brown was giving Clinton a hard race and needed to win New York. He said, at a meeting of Jewish-Americans in NYC, that he would consider Jesse Jackson as his vice-president.

While the incident is true, Brown was running third, behind Gore and Clinton in New York already.


Has anyone figured out why he’s turned into St. BBQ McTwitchyeye?

Serious, his left eye has gone haywire, or did I just not notice for the last year and a half?


Did anyone see the new 527 ad that states that McCain’s multiple bouts with melanoma probably means that he’s going to die soon? It was teh awesome!


The scary thing is there is still a good chance that McWattle will be the next President.

For folks that simply cannot believe there are enough morons in America to vote against their self-interest I have three little words: George. Walker. Bush.


Serious, his left eye has gone haywire, or did I just not notice for the last year and a half?

The left side of his face is messed up from the cancer surgery but, yes, there is something new going on with his left eye.

BTW, McCain has not released his complete medical records to the public. Looks like he’s not going to.


The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the Senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate,

Just to be clear, exactly what activities are being resumed?

Other than making a grandiose claim about suspending activities, what activities were ever suspended?

I.E. I’m calling Bullshit.


The media needs some kind of cover so that they can declare McCain the winner of the debate, which would be damn well impossible under ordinary circumstances, as it’s like some weird combination of Droopy Dawg and Mr. Magoo versus, well, Barack Obama.

So now McCain has handed them their reason: he’s lowered expectations for himself to a historic level, in that, now, they can say that just by showing up he’s done more than anyone expected. Can’t you just hear it now:

Tom Brokaw: Well, there was a high hurdle for John McCain to pass with this debate, but he’s definitely proven himself to the American people: if elected President, he will, in fact, most likely show up. He really knocked this one out of the ballpark.

David Gregory: Yes, and Obama just did what everyone expected of him– how boring– he showed up and talked, talked, talked about the issues. Nobody’s gonna be energized about that tomorrow. [rap music begins to play] Sorry, Tom, gotta go; it’s time to dance with my homie, MC Rove.


First impotence, now premature congratulation.

Robotic Richard Simmons

I feel stable compared to this campaign.


I’m betting on McCain showing up at tonight’s debate shitfaced drunk and staggering, challenging Obama to a fistfight- a total Jett Rink move. Jim Lehrer will jump up and eventually restrain McCain but not before Obama, in a defensive move, lands an uppercut in McCain’s gut causing an eruption of caviar and Johnny Walker Blue to spew forth.

This is gonna be AWESOME.

Marion in Savannah

Another thing to consider with the eye, and weird impulsive behavior (Palin, debate debacle, etc.), would be sundowning.


JF, I’m tempted to be as cynical as yourself.

Those who remember history are condemned to be depressed about it.

But look!

Poll Tracker | VA-Pres

Sep 26 RasmussenObama (D) 50%, McCain (R) 45%
Sep 24 Mason-DixonMcCain (R) 47%, Obama (D) 44%
Sep 22 RasmussenMcCain (R) 50%, Obama (D) 48%
Sep 22 ABC/WaPoObama (D) 49%, McCain (R) 46%
Sep 22 SurveyUSAObama (D) 51%, McCain (R) 45%

Something’s happening in Virginia. About time, too.


“Has anyone figured out why he’s turned into St. BBQ McTwitchyeye?”

Best guess I’ve heard is that it’s Bell’s Palsy, which can have a number of causes. It’s an inflammation of a facial nerve. Could be caused by anything from a minor infection to a stroke.


Just for the hell of it, I went by Michael Barone’s blog at US News. What a sad, sad little man he is.


Um. I get a serious (as in visible from more than a yard away) eye twitch when I’m really, really nervous or stressed. I haven’t had any surgeries on the head or face, haven’t been a POW and I’ve been like this since I can remember.

I’m just sayin…


He panics because his campaign is collapsing on multiple fronts, stages a fake “suspension” and holds the debate hostage unless a bailout deal is reached. He drops into DC, accomplishes nothing except disrupting the negotiations he is so concerned about. Then he realizes (or more likely Cindy tells him) that he has become a national embarrassment. He panics again, issues a giant “never mind”. He “restarts” his campaign and says he’ll debate. WTF John? There’s still no bailout deal. Aren’t you urgently needed in DC?

This beat Macaca. This beats Eagleton. I’ve never seen a flame-out like this before.


Something is wrong with Grampy,physically and it’s effecting him big time.

My hope is he calls Obama a “c-word”right on national teevee. I would ADORE that with all my tiny,dark,lump of coal,liberal heart.


I lit the Auerbach cigar, so to speak, Wednesday morning when McCain first unveiled the ‘suspension’ stunt. Call me a cocooned lefty blogreader if you like, but I just couldn’t see this stunt working with anyone still undecided.

I wouldn’t expect a big-play offense from Obama tonight, satisfying as it would be to see Senator Uriah Heep get the beatdown of his life. Obama knows that, EC wise, he’ s way up and the clock’s running out. Accordingly, his play selection will strictly be runs up the middle for the rest of the campaign (which, indeed, is the approach they’ve taken from the beginning).


FYWP!!11! (shakes fist)


Accordingly, his play selection will strictly be runs up the middle for the rest of the campaign (which, indeed, is the approach they’ve taken from the beginning).

That’s fine, as long as they don’t let Garo Yepremian attempt a pass.


When I walked in through the door
Thought it was me I was looking for
She was the first song I ever sang
But it stopped as soon as it began

Our love is over
It’s all behind me
They’re all ahead now
Can’t hope to find me


I would love to know who suggested to McCain that this was a good idea.

It was probably his own idea. You know what a maverick the guy is!


The InTrade numbers look good for Obama. And us. From a monthly high of 62 in early Sept he dropped to a low of 47 around the 16th. He’s now trading at 57 and climbing fast over the last few days while McChickenshit is tumbling.

Trilateral Chairman

“Has anyone figured out why he’s turned into St. BBQ McTwitchyeye?”

Best guess I’ve heard is that it’s Bell’s Palsy, which can have a number of causes. It’s an inflammation of a facial nerve. Could be caused by anything from a minor infection to a stroke.

IIRC Bell’s palsy is usually only diagnosed when there *isn’t* an obvious cause. Got a video? My first guess is “old guy with messed-up face who has run himself to exhaustion,” but I don’t know.


he took it out on the media.

And that, my friends, was a serious, grave error. His campaign’s fatal error was to tell the media to kiss their asses re: interviewing the Palindrone. You do NOT want those vicious lying jackals on your bad side, even if you’re a vicious lying jackal your own self.


Actually, the Yepremian play is almost as good a metaphor for the McCain suspension as the Chris Webber time-out. Except the fish still won; that part is unlikely to recur.

Oddly enough, Obama as campaigner is more like Trent Dilfer with the 2001 Super Bowl winning Baltimore Ravens, than a brilliant 2-minute guy like Montana or Elway. Not much of what Obama did this year will ever appear on a highlight reel; rather, the fundamentals in the trenches favored Team Obama, they had a solid game plan, didn’t get knocked off of it, and didn’t make mistakes.


In spite of all this I don’t think the debate tonight will necessarily be a cakewalk for Obama.

Don’t get me wrong. There is a good chance that McCain will be so physically, mentally and emotionally frazzled that he will implode. That’s what everyone will be watching for, of course, the NASCAR ten car wreck.

But all McCain really has to do is hold it together. He doesn’t have to win the debate in the technical sense. Media “fairness” will come up with some way of interpreting it as a win. Uggh, they might even spin the avoidance of a train wreck as a moral victory. Bush lost all his debates on points but still was declared a winner by many.


eidos, I don’t see it. Obama would have to give the media some flimsy reason to take it away from him, like sighing or rolling his eyes, but he’s too disciplined for that.

Marion in Savannah

Pretty much all McCain has to do is not drool and/or call Obama a n****r on national television and he’ll be declared the winner.


kth: Yeah, but B. Hussein X tends to say “uh” a lot. Therefore he’s clearly he’s less qualified to be president than McGrampy.


This beat Macaca. This beats Eagleton. I’ve never seen a flame-out like this before.

The only thing missing: Sexually explicit e-mails to minors.


And Marion in Savannah encapsulates my fears perfectly…


eidos, I don’t see it. Obama would have to give the media some flimsy reason to take it away from him, like sighing or rolling his eyes, but he’s too disciplined for that.

You should be right. We have a Harvard educated law professor at the top of his game who is objectively right the issues vs. a burnt-out ex-fighter jockey hocking a platform steaming excrement.

Still I do fear it could go down like…

Pretty much all McCain has to do is not drool and/or call Obama a n****r on national television and he’ll be declared the winner.

That really is not much of an exaggeration. Again, remember the Bush debates.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Watching your furious, impotent ravings after Election Day, demanding to know what crass Chicago shenanigans led to Obama winning, and your warning to us that 2012 will be different, and won’t we poor liberal droogs worry then.

giant radioactive man-eating bat

What a liar. We do not have laser eyes. Jeez, get it right.


I just figured out who The Truth reminds me of.

That Iraqi Minister of Information who kept broadcasting about the Iraqi Army’s glorious victories over the Americans as the Marines were taking Baghdad. He just needs to be a little more over-the-top to be really entertaining.


Can we make a list of liberal celebrites who have attacked McCain and Palin?


Kathleen Parker, Kathryn Jean Lopez…


I’m betting on McCain showing up at tonight’s debate shitfaced drunk and staggering, challenging Obama to a fistfight

That might actually give him a boost in the polls.


It’s the economy, stupid.

It always is.


Face it, you fucked up. You had the house, senate, and judiciary as well as a slim majority of the populace. You had wall street and the military. And you lost it all, out of greed, stupidity, and weakness. You are Epic Fail, and always will be, given enough rope. You’re the disgraced remnants of failed movement of immoral, superstitious, selfish people.

You’re not fooling anyone. You’re a joke. Hear the laughter?


The intrade thing is sort of interesting, as now and then someone comes in and dumps what has to be no small amount of cash beating the Obama price down and trying to prop the McCain price up. It doesn’t seem to have a lasting effect on the market as a whole. The prices stabilize back to where they were fairly quickly, but it’s odd.

If you look on the “time and sales” charts, you can see it.


Oh, and you need to look up what the word “droog” means.

Um, hate to break it to ya, but there is no English word “droog”. It is part of a made up language conceived by Anthony Burgess for his novel A Clockwork Orange. Burgess used much transliterated Russian, which is where “droog” comes from. As its intended meaning is “friend”, you really have no place using it, certainly not here and probably not anywhere.

Rake, etc…


Although I am honored that Senator McCain chose to mimic my show’s historic 30-second suspension/unsuspension, I can’t help but feel some recognition should be thrown my way for blazing the trail. *hand motion* KUDOS, PLEASE.


McCain is confused!

McCain hurts himself in his confusion!


Why are wingnuts always bringing up the topic celebrities?

And they think that is some sort of attack against us?

“Martin Sheen SUCKS!! SO there!!!!!111”

Any lefties here really hurt by that? Not me.

What is your point, Da Twoof?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Troofy, you’re talking to the droogs of society. But I totally understand your point – McCain basically single-handedly fucked up the bail-out deal that was reached earlier this week – looks like a tool – and is exposed once again as a big fat liar.

You are absolutely right – this is good news for McCain. Why? Because shut up.


And our point is that waving shiny object only works with your and your friends.

But by all means, go on fuming about Olberman and Berhardt and Sheen, while my Republican relatives are wondering in panic if they can stretch their newly shrunken retirement account to pay the bills, or keep their daughters in college.

Thumbs up!


Isn’t it adorable when wingnuts try to put together a coherent argument? It’s like when your three-year-old bangs his spoon on the table like a gavel and yells, “Murder in the core! Murder in the core!”


Hmm, debating a person who keeps telling us that Flamey McCrash-and-Burn is a shoe-in. Yep, I can’t wait to debate that genius.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hi, Troofy. My points in this thread – which I have yet to see anyone refute – are (1) U R A POOPYHED. (2) See number 1!One111!

Also, as a fan of laughing at you, I laugh at you.

Keith Olbermann? That’s your example? Holy Hay Zeus! I appreciate you watch a lot of FAUX NEWS so it must be shocking to see someone on teevees that doesn’t automatically repeat GOP talking points or fawn over the bad-ass conservative big daddies. Hey, you know who also had a slobbering sycophantic response to Obama’s nomination speech? Fucking Pat fucking Robertson. Have you considered for a moment that maybe it was a FUCKING AWESOME SPEECH?

Jock-sniffer. That’s really fucking hilarious. Remember the coverage of “Mission Accomplished”? That’s jock-sniffing.

And in closing, I’d like to point out:



Maybe repition will help, but I doubt it.

You are not smart or sane enough to debate. You are trying to expose a mote while the biggest fucking beam in the world is sticking out of the Republicans’ eyes. The corruption of your party has created this hideous mess that is making Wall Street crap its pants in fear.

You are not smart or sane enough to debate.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


WTF are you talking about? nice fucking smear jorb there – your McCain points get cut in half if you don’t provide the links yourself. If you really fucking believe that the spectre of “dirty Chicago politics” is going to affect the vote then you are queerer than a – well you obviously know.

The only Duffs that the overwhelming majority of the American public knows is Hilary and her sister – so your ill-defined vague guilt by association smear about some guy from Chicago is pretty damn weak.


“the unintentional comedy of Jason Bourne trying to be taken seriously as a political commentator.”

Well here you are trying to be taken seriously as a political commentator and I suppose you are roughly as qualified as Matt Damon is (though a lot more wrong, in my humble opinoin). You are an American citizen with a medium to get your views out there and you are using it, just like him. I just don’t get why some people are so offended by celebrities expressing an opinion.

I am glad to hear anybody expressing a sensible political oponion whether it is Matt Damon or Warren Buffet or my mom. But you are mistaken if you think that celebrity support is some essential supporting pillar of liberalism, as is suggested by how you (and other conservatives) attack celebrities as if we liberals are gonna be bothered by that, other than to wonder what your deal is.

You are the one that brough Matt Damon into this thread, after all.

Sorry to everyone else if I am derailing the thread, I just am always baffled by how conservatives bring this particular topic into the conversation ALL THE TIME. I am just curious what drives that wierd compulsion.

Nigel von Lancastershire

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Dumb is at it again!

The Truth = Bob “The Confederate Wankee” Owens. Just so everyone knows.

Nigel von Lancastershire

And his recent rash of BS posts just underlines how desperate Camp McCain has become. You earnin some coin on these rants, The Clown?


While the incident is true, Brown was running third, behind Gore and Clinton in New York already.

Gore didn’t run in the ’92 primaries. I think Tsongas was out by then; maybe you mean Bob Kerrey?


Thanks for informing us all about what Americans think and what they care about, TT. I am sure that you imagine none of us have ever met one, and certainly not that any of us could BE one.

This crap is what bothers me most about a certain brand of conservatives. You just casually told me “what Americans think” like you were some ambassador from a foreign culture. You know most of the people on this blog are Americans, right? or is just being liberal grounds for revocation of citizenship in your worldview?


Yeah, the Gary Hart thing wins at failing.


You are an American citizen with a medium to get your views out there and you are using it, just like him.

Nope, he/she is a Canadian. Admitted it an eariler thread.


“(1) that Obama comes out of a vicious, corrupt Chicago Democratic machine and
(2) it is a pitiful and hilarious sight to see celebrities express leftist political opinions in the hopes that will persuade the public.”

Ok. In response to 1)
So what? Is Chicago politics more crooked than Alaska politics? Almost all of Alaska’s Congressional delegation is under investigation or actually on trial. What evidence of corruption is there regarding Obama specifically? Not vague insinuations regarding his geographical proximity to people. Is he currently under investigation, like your VP candidate? Is he currently violating subpoenas, like your VP candidate, or your candidate’s advisor, Karll Rove?
Has he been censured for ethical violations, like your presidential candidate, McCain?

In response to 2)
A. Ronald Reagan, actor who parlayed his celebrity into elective office
B. Arnold Shwarzenegger,actor who parlayed his celebrity into elective office
C. Fred Grandy (Love Boat) actor who parlayed his celebrity into elective office
D. Actors who parlayed celebrity into rightwing causes
1. Charlton Heston
2. Chuck Norris
3. Ron Silver
Is that enough? Got a list of celebrity Democratic elected officials? How many states are currently governed by celebrity actors? Are they Democrats, or Republicans? Seems to be largely a Republican phenomenon.


These are the people that populate the Chicago Democratic machine.

Well that’s good. Those Washington Rethugs aren’t going to kneecap themselves.


I may be a poopyhead, but you’re a bigger poopyhead for not caring about the corrupt Chicago machine from which Obama was expressed like fecal matter being forced out of an impacted anal gland. In fact, real heartland Americans, once they learn Obama is from Chicago, will reject this product of a mid-Western city and endorse a rich guy from Arizona and his fly-blown bint from bumfuck Alaska. Heartland!


shady election tactics … dealing with convicted real estate defrauders … vicious and openly corrupt control … investigated a few years ago …connection with some thoroughly nasty types … incredibly nasty, filthy corrupt political environment…

Best descriptors I’ve seen evar of the Republican party. Thanks, Truthless!


Gloating aside, the race is still way closer than it should be if generally people found your interpretation of McCain’s actions to be the obvious one. Don’t get complacent!


(1) that Obama comes out of a vicious, corrupt Chicago Democratic machine

If he didn’t have some vicious homies watching his back, the Clintons would have taken out to the railroad tracks and shot him, duh.

(2) it is a pitiful and hilarious sight to see celebrities express leftist political opinions in the hopes that will persuade the public.

Okie doke. I’ll “celebrities” to the list of sources that you and your little green redstate friends don’t find persuasive:

– facts
– news (from any source other than FauxNews, the Moonie Times and WingNutDaily)
– expert opinions from people with advanced degrees
– the Pope
– empirical evidence
– the Sermon on the Mount
– scientists
– conservative political figures that you agreed with for years up until they started saying stuff you disagreed with at which time they instantaneously liberals
– logic
– Paris Hilton’s Mom
– celebrities

See? It’s right there at the bottom. I underlined it for you.


Seems to be largely a Republican phenomenon

It is. That’s why conservatoids are so enraged at liberal celebs.


He is optimistic that there has been significant progress toward a bipartisan agreement now that there is a framework for all parties to be represented in negotiations, including Representative Blunt

Amazing how having Representative Blunt, Representative Doobie, and Senator Mary Jane around can smooth things out.

It’s a shame Representative Bonghits was, like, on vacation, man.


Here is how I envision the debate going tonight. The part of McSame will be played by Raleigh.

The part of Sublime will be played by Obama.


Oh crap, you need to click” Raleigh Soliloquy Pt.2″ on that page.

Wp wants me to die spammer die, when I link to youtube. What happenin?

So just click it.


The Truth said,

September 27, 2008 at 0:59

Mandos understands what is going to happen on Nov 4. I promise not to gloat too much.



I promise not to gloat too much.

I understand what is going to happen on Nov. 4. I hereby promise to gloat like a motherfucker the day after McCain/Palin go down in electoral flames. I pledge to laugh as I piss on your metaphorical grave, you piece-of-crap troll.

That doesn’t matter because, after Nov. 4., you’ll never post here under the name of “Truth” again.


When even Lisa Schiffren at the Corner says it might be better to lose and not get stuck with cleaning up Bush’s mess, you know the Republican party is washed up.

And few people will spend one second thinking about the disappointment of the Republicans. We’ll be too busy trying to undo the damage they did. When the puppy poops on the rugs, chews up your ties and bites your kid, you’re too busy to gloat.


LOL, maybe some people will spare a moment.


I know a guy who says that if Obama wins, especially if he wins big, he’ll take a month off of work just to keep calling right wing radio stations all day, just to call up and insult and laugh at them.


If Obama wins this debate, that may basically be that.




Yes, yes, you think I’m a Truth sock-puppet. *rolleyes*

So, my bad feeling about this whole thing started when there even existed a PUMA phenomenon. Everyone dismissed it as a fringe movement—and so it is, in terms of the actual number of people who call themselves PUMA. But it is a bellwether or harbinger or whatever -er you want to call it. It didn’t happen in the Kerryverse and it didn’t happen during Gore’s campaign, and I’m pretty sure it was not all astroturf as bloggers I’ve known to be reliable (D) folk for years started identifying that way.

But the way they interpret McCain’s actions is likely to be the way a lot of the electorate interprets it, and that’s totally different from what Sadlynosians think of it.


What, is that reverse reverse reverse psychology?


First Sarah Palin, now this, and Obama’s lead is still only in single digits.

I think mikey has it right – the folks who’re behind either candidate just won’t budge, & those are the ones who make up the vast majority of the poll results … it’s those vital 5-10% that are fence-sitting who will determine the winner, & a lot of them may not even get off the fence until they’re literally in the polling-booth.

McCain made one fatal mistake. In his arrogance and vanity he let Obama’s popularity rattle him, and he took it out on the media.

Yeah, because that approach worked so well for Richard Nixon.

My points in this thread – which I have yet to see anyone refute – are (1) that Obama comes out of a vicious, corrupt Chicago Democratic machine and (2) it is a pitiful and hilarious sight to see celebrities express leftist political opinions in the hopes that will persuade the public.

Glad I’m not so insecure & pathetic as to troll around to score cheap-shot ego-rush points from content-challenged drivel. Must suck hard to be you, dude.

1: put forward bait in the form of statements of opinion that by definition can’t be “refuted” because they’re utterly subjective
2: wait for fish to take bait
3: ?????
4: PROFIT!!!

You have no “points” TO refute, so I think you may be waiting a long, long time. Do you just get off on abuse, or are you a total attention-whore, or what? Because it’s really really pitiful.

But I have to disagree with this post: the Debates were not the headshot Obama needed – he was MUCH too gentle in the face of repeated McCain lies & let him bloviate repeatedly with little or no response. I really doubt McCrash’s little stunt will be remembered by those all-important undecided voters on E-Day. But if Obama keeps tying him to Der Chimperor, & uses the facts to keep on torpedoing the “Maverick!” tripe, he’s got it in the bag – his opponent’s own voting record is his strongest weapon.

The Truth's Micropenis Fell Off

Fuck off, you pathetic prick, before I take a big shit in your mouth.


(comments are closed)