Know when to fold ’em

Surprise, surprise, surprise:

The status of a rescue plan for the nation’s financial system was in doubt on Thursday, at least for the moment, as lawmakers emerged from a meeting with President Bush to say that negotiations had a ways to go.

The Treasury secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. and the Federal Reserve chairman Ben S. Bernanke quickly returned to Capitol Hill to try to revive the proposal. One critical snag seems to be opposition to the $700 billion plan by conservative House Republicans.

“My hope is that we can get a deal,” said Senator Christopher J. Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, hours after House and Senate negotiators had announced that an accord was at hand. President Bush had hoped that an agreement could be announced after the late-afternoon meeting.

Mr. Dodd, looking tired and annoyed, complained that the late complications were making the episode sound more like “a rescue plan for John McCain,” the Republican presidential candidate, than one for the financial system. […]

Democrats said that Senate and House Democrats and Senate Republicans and the White House were ready to hammer out a deal, but that House Republicans balked.

“We were ready to make a deal,” said Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, who attended the meeting and was standing next to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as Mr. Paulson Jr. asked for more time.

“The House Republicans now tell us we’re not for this, we have got something else,” Mr. Frank said.

He complained that the new House Republican counter-proposal included ideas about private mortgage insurance and a cut in the capital gains tax that Mr. Paulson had already testified would not work.

It’s time for the Democrats to call the GOP’s bluff. They have to hammer the SOBs and tell them that they had a deal all set before John McCain and his big fucking ego decided to ride in on his white horse and fuck everything up. They cannot allow themselves to be used as pawns to get John McCain elected.

Democrats, give them the finger and walk away until they meet your demands. And then go on television every day and loudly blame for the coming stock market crash. Crush them and don’t stop crushing them until you’ve won.


Comments: 112


The GOP just saved the Democrats from doing what was possibly the prudent, but not best, thing. And then did it in a way that is bugfucking stupid that it defies belief. Less oversight AND capital gains cuts?

Holy FUCK that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re absolutely right Democrats should tell them to fuck themselves. Say they were trying to be sober, responsible folk — while (however imperfectly) were trying to keep the taxpayers interests in mind. They were wrong to get rolled by the Bushies again, but Dodd seemed to craft a pretty sensible (for the crazy demands they were given) plan that would (wrongly, but possibly prudently) help Wall St.

Thankfully, the conservatives were heard from. Holy shit is this fucking stupid. And they absolutely gave the Democrats every single reason to tell them to fuck off until November.

Don’t blink. Don’t negotiate. Don’t do anything. Blame them. Crush. Them.



I waaaant moooore meeeeeeeeeeeeeee


You know what would be nice? If the Dems didn’t cave, for the first time in my life.


A cut in capital gains tax? WTF?? It’s not enough that the petulant assholes on Wall Street are holding the economy hostage for $700 billion, now they want another motherfucking tax cut? Oh, and when a deal is finally made and we’re not suddenly plunged into a great depression five minutes later, John-boy McCain gets the credit for saving the world.



I want to believe that the Democrats will do the smart thing and not tie President Obama’s hands come January on this very stupid bill, but I’ve seen this particular Dance of Legislation before…

Bush: “Give me my [war/warrantless wiretapping/legalization of torture/blank check/whatever].”

Dems: No.

Bush: “Do it or I’ll call you a pussy on national television.”

Dems: Well, maybe…

Special Interest standing to profit from proposed law: “There’s a nice check for you and an awesome party if you pass this bill for us.”

Dems: Okay, I’m sold! But can I at least get [cosmetic provision] in the bill?

Bush: “No.”

Dems: Eh, whatever.

*bill passes*

[Exit stage right]


Democrats, give them the finger and walk away until they meet your demands. And then go on television every day and loudly blame for the coming stock market crash. Crush them and don’t stop crushing them until you’ve won.

If only there was such a large group of chunderloads doubleplus-unhelpfully calling themseves Democrats.

Thanks, Bill Clinton, for DLC. The gift that keeps on enema-ing.


Looks to me like a golden opportunity for Dems in Congress to say “since y’all can’t make up your minds, we’re just going to pass this li’l ol’ Dodd proposal. It’ll just, you know, be on the table for you to take it or leave it, whenever ya finish your posturin’ and get around to actually gettin’ serious about this.”

McCain made a monumental error of judgment, though. He offered a counter-proposal to further deregulate and give tax breaks to investors. Just when everybody thought his coffin already had enough nails to go around, he adds another one…


Dambit Anne Althaüs got me drunk, that little hussy!


Oh, and when a deal is finally made and we’re not suddenly plunged into a great depression five minutes later, John-boy McCain gets the credit for saving the world.

No way. This is his plan. Deregulation and tax cuts. Yesterday he was all about “saving Main St. from greed”. Today, he’s back to being John McCain.

It’s so fucking stupid on its face that I want to think there’s something devious and clever behind it — but he’s been THAT insane. Dodd already told the Treasury Secretary, a guy who is actually respected by these people, to fuck off. He’s not going to give in to McCain’t lunacy on regulations.

The minute McCain gave a counterproposal was the minute he was doomed.

Beat the hell out of this.


AGAIN with the goddamned capital gains tax cut??!?


Ish seems to me this is a negative capital gains tax credit.


They’re on the edge of being able to hand a trillion dollars of taxpayers’ money directly to the richest people on Wall Street. They’re not going to let political matters get in the way of that. To them, this is the greatest gold discovery of the last 1,000 years, and they are not simply going to let it go. This is history-book level rapid transfer of wealth to the ultra-elites, and they’ve got the political power to do it and all the excuse they need. They’re going to do it.


Crush them like a WITCH!


I agree, call their bluff. It will be a repeat of when Gingrich tried to shut down the Federal Government.


The ball really is in the Democrats’ court. They have the power to make the Republicans look very very bad right now, and not through any manipulation of the facts either. The public is overwhelmingly on the side of restraint and holding finance CEOs accountable for their crimes and misdemeanors. The Dems should not be agreeing to any plan that doesn’t have regulation and accountability built in. And they should not be giving a dime to any corp or person that is under criminal investigation.


Kick the repubs in the nuts.

Then, as they’re doubled over from having been kicked in the nuts, poke ’em hard in the ass with a sharp stick.

That’ll make ’em stand up straight again, at which point it’ll be time to kick ’em in the nuts.


The Machine sure was rolling on the very little I heard of Hannity today; all capital gains tax, cut this cut that, trickle down BS. They cannot cave on this one. McCain is hardly a night in shining armor here but the spin continues on the AM. So I switched back to NPR as usual.

Call the bluff. NOW!


Has nobody in Congress ever had to haggle for something?

Whenever someone wants you to buy something off them, no matter what they give as their first price, tell them politely to ‘go fuck themselves’.

The number they gave was a high-ball. A number sufficiently high enough that anything lower would seem like a really good deal.

Just look at how everyone has reacted to the proposal.

‘Oh noes $700 BILLION!!! What if we only give you $150 Billion?’

What’s even worse is that they are treating the proposal as though they can’t just politely say ‘go fuck yourselves’.

Here’s my simple policy:

Don’t want oversight – ‘go fuck yourselves’.

Don’t want restrictions on how you can use the money – ‘go fuck yourselves’

Don’t want to introduce new regulations to prevent this sort of thing happening again – ‘go fuck yourselves’

Don’t want to help the people who fell for your predatory lending standards – ‘go fuck yourselves’

Don’t want to cut the salaries of your employees – ‘go fuck yourselves’

You’re our hostages and if you want to see a good end to this you better meet our demands.


You guys ever play “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose”?

Guess what.

They now have you rooting for the thing they want so much they can’t keep from spontaneously orgasming. And they’ve got you FIGHTING to let you implement it.

Oh, it’s going sideways on us fast.

When are we going to be allowed to have a real conversation about how we’re going to survive this.

I mean, for those of us without eight figures stashed offshore..



Q.: What do the moon, and a rolling doughnut, have in common?


They’re both sugar coated?


capital gains tax cut? The taxpayers are laying out 7000 billion. How about a capital gains tax increase to help pay for it. Any tax cut is insanity now. this bullshit about you can’t raise taxes in a recession id=s bullshit. Clinton did it in 1993, without a single republican vote, and balanced the budget and eliminated unemployment three years later. Fuck the republicans, raise taxes. pay for the bailout. raise capital gains and the top two brackets, 5% each.


You’re on a roll, Brad, keep ’em coming…


Q.: What do the moon, and a rolling doughnut, have in common?

I can see them from my house!

Woop Diggy The Magic Death Pony

InsaneInTheCheneyBrain said,
You know what would be nice? If the Dems didn’t cave, for the first time in my life.

Would be nice. Won’t happen. I knew it was too good to be true when I heard today that it was pretty much ready, that Barney Frank had announced the plan that was pretty much Fuck You GOP. That fat sack of cancer and shit had to come in and crush it all.

El Cid is right. This is their last-gasp-kleptocracy endgame for the nation.

The Dems, watered down by years of DLC shit (thanks indeed to Billy Boy!), will find a way to snatch defeat. Epic Win kids!


Shorter Tom Purcell

Change we can spare

I have a conversation with an imaginary person and convince him to vote for McCain.


To misquote the inestimable Johnny Rotten–Ever get the feeling you’ve been ratfucked?

Mikey’s right. Unless the entire nation has a moment of clarity, this will only burnish the armor of Mavericky McMaverick, who rode in to stop the giveaway, for all the regular folks like Saracuda, his bestest gal ever. Dems falling all over themselves trying to blame McCain for NOT letting them give away billions to Wall Street is like a Karl Rove wet dream.

I’d like to think the Democrats were smart enough to avoid the trap, but I’ve been a Democrat too long.


I hope John McCain does indeed get all the imaginary voters. Then you libruls will be sorry because he will win by 40,000%.


Democrats, give them the finger and walk away until they meet your demands. And then go on television every day and loudly blame for the coming stock market crash. Crush them and don’t stop crushing them until you’ve won.

Ha Ha Ha

This truly is a comedy blog!


Democrats are getting fucked by Bush yet again. Barney Frank is incoherent and also a whore for big banks. This is going to explode in the Democrats’ faces once again, just like the bullshit war, illegal spying and any other fucking thing these shitheels have tried to oppose for the past 20 years.

Talk about your ineffective, milqutoast bitches. That’s our modern Democratic party.


We are fucked like prison bitches with no friends.

Deal with it. Circle the wagons. Vote third party if you live in a safe state this year.

Mikey, I’m shopping for sniper rifles again.

The Dems won’t walk on it, in large part because they’re chronic pussies, but in some part because they don’t want the financial system to collapse.

Barney Frank for fucking POTUS.

Buchanan said tonight it was 200-1 against the bailout in Congressional contacts. That says a lot.

I told my Congressman (Kirk, IL-10, in trouble and talking sanity) that I would rather see the whole system come down (quicker fix!) than bail out another greedy rich motherfucker.

Though I was polite.


The fact is, even if it was 200-1, who cares? Average people do not understand high finance, and they do not pay most of the taxes, like the rich do. It’s about time those who are nothing but a drain on the Treasury give back to the productive classes.


Seriously. Tell them to go fuck themselves with an epileptic porcupine.

Actually, I’m potentially very happy about this.
A). It shows the pubes as the greedy little unable to compromise or “work across the aisle” fucktards that they are. You give ’em what they ask for, an unprecedented $700 fucking billion worth, and they immediately come screaming that it’s not enough. They want their taxes cut to zero, too. So there. <poutyface> Jesus fucking Christ on a pink popsicle stick. Can you imagine raising one of those things as a child?

B). I didn’t much like the plan anyway. It was already too much of a cave. Start with, say, $100 bil, and work from there. If they don’t like it, I can find a breeder of those aforementioned epileptic porcupines. If I can’t, I’ll take a small percentage of the money slated for the plan and happily produce mechanical equivalents. I can’t imagine that a garden weasel, a fan belt or two and a chainsaw motor would cost that much.

At this point, they need to be told that they had their chance, thank you very much, and have blown it. Now the only option left on the table is to sit down and make a new, more careful and guarded proposal that is all about regulation and strapping the dickweeds who got us into this mess down and publicly humiliating them, then taking all their money. So sorry.


Fucking wordpress. There wasn’t even any html in there.


We have seen the rat-fucked, and it is us.


Right on, Gary!

200-1, who cares? LOL.

I loves me some S,N!


Gary, you’re right. We SHOULD bail out the failed enterprises of the richest 1% who pay all those taxes.

And then we should kill and eat them.



Your post cracked me up, not only because that’s real “class warfare,” but because I sent an e-mail to a family member tonight wherein I said I would sooner drive to a very close, very wealthy suburb, using Google Earth to find some investment banker’s pad set it on fire, than support a bailout for people who have the money to own islands and cities and such shit. I’m done. Give me a meltdown.

Of course, there was a big caveat which makes the idea impossible to consider in real terms: Insurance, i.e., you and me, will cover the costs.


If the whole system does come down the banks etc. will have to reveal their losses and deal with the consequences. The country will slide further into recession.

If more money is pumped into the system it will let the financial system continue to hide the losses on the balance sheets, until that money runs out. Then they’ll ask for and get the rest of the $700 million. The system will stay afloat until that runs out. But by that time year-end bonuses will have come and gone, as well as the election. And then the system will slide further into recession anyway.

Congratulations, America. You are about to finance more jets, million dollar bat mitzvahs, and island cruises for the elite. As well as our Squirrel/Moose presidency.


Oh Jesus Fucking Murphy.

The GOP has now become a member in good standing of The Bugshit County Wackadoodle Club: Paulson has already said this tax-cut pigshit has no legs, but they’ll play Russian Roulette with the global economy anyway, just to see if they can sneak it in?

Conservative Republicans, in particular, have said that such a huge government intervention violated their free market principles.

I wonder if a global economic meltdown violates their precious fuckin’ free market principles too? Looks like that’s a no. HMMM. How about all those massive subsidies to agriculture & industy? They’ve seemed awfully quiet when its their lobbyist bumboys getting that sweet sweet lolly – guess those are some real Stretch Armstrong principles when it’s convenient for them to be … what a bucket of warm piss.

Yep, this sure looks a lot like the “ZOMG! Quick, Rescue John Sidney McFail’s Crashdiving Campaign!” plan to me.

If I was Dodd, I’d say NO WAY, now you’ve got 24 hours to run with THIS plan – after that, fuck your bailout, & your hopes of still being a viable political party after this November. Or, come up with an even stingier plan (with a big-ass C-G Tax HIKE added for good measure) & smile as you remind them that a) the clock is still ticking & b) you just cornholed your Wall Street buds out of many billions of greenbacks with your moronic grandstanding – WYSIWYG, it’s not going to get any better than this. Ever.

The Goopers just strapped themselves down ass-up, bent over the proverbial hood, fully lubed & ripe for the plooking. Just Do It, Dems.

Wowee zowee. Talk about boning the poodle.


Is there some sort of index of new yacht sales which would be an indicator of where the bailout money will go unless Democrats figure out a way of parceling it out such that mere “signing statements” and fiat won’t go around the limits?


John O.

Question. What role do you see yourself filling?

Sniper rifle? Um, ok, sure. But if all you want to do is kill the fuckers, you can’t build a new society.

The violence is secondary. The question stands. What are we fighting for? What are we killing for. Because make no mistake, blood will be spilled. But it will be the blood of our neighbors. So fer gawds sakem make sure you now WHY


Let ’em hang. If the bailout doesn’t pass and things go kablooey, it’s the Republicans’ fault for fucking around. If the bailout doesn’t pass and things don’t go kablooey, then we keep the damn money. There’s no reason, political or otherwise, to accommodate any of the wishes of the Republicans in Congress.



mikey said,

September 26, 2008 at 4:50

John O.

Question. What role do you see yourself filling?

Sniper rifle? Um, ok, sure. But if all you want to do is kill the fuckers, you can’t build a new society.

The violence is secondary. The question stands. What are we fighting for? What are we killing for. Because make no mistake, blood will be spilled. But it will be the blood of our neighbors. So fer gawds sake make sure you now WHY you’re killing them.

What you’re getting.

They might be racists, or winguts, or some kind of hate-and-fear filled american without an anchor. But you’re still killing your neighbors. Many others have had to understand this equation. Americans have been insulated. You might have to spend that coin. But spend it judiciously, ok?



I say dear fellow, I seem to be in a bit of a pickle. I believe I have wandered into the swamp and the water is rising above head!

Take this life preserver.

Well that’s very kind of you, but I’d much rather have something more in line with my station in life: perhaps a first-class cabin on a luxury liner?

Go fuck yourself.

*glug* *glug*


Seriously. Tell them to go fuck themselves with an epileptic porcupine. Vigorously.

Actually, I’m sort of glad it’s going like this.

A) It shows the Repubs as the rotten, greedy, little unable to compromise or “work across the aisle” fuckwits that they are. Give them what they want, an unprecedented $700 billion worth, and immediately that’s not enough. NoooOOOooo. Now they have to have their taxes cut to zero on top of it, and oh, nobody can send them to their rooms if they’re bad, either. Jesus Haploid Christ swimming in a shit-moat, can you imagine trying to raise one of those things as a child? “Me. Me! MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! DAMN IT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


B) I didn’t much like the bill anyway. It was way too much of a cave in the first place. Start them with maybe $100 billion, ’cause, y’know, that’s just beer money, and have ’em come back when we can see what that has done. Tack on complete fucking sunlight, and, if not outright caps, then at the very least executive pay linked directly to performance.

At this point, they need to be told that they had their deal, thank you very much, and they fucked it up. Now it’s time to think about what really needs to happen, and implement something that doesn’t just ream the American people to line the pockets of a few assholes.

If they don’t like it, I can find a breeder of the aforementioned epileptic porcupines, and if I can’t, I’ll be happy to take a vanishingly small portion of the allocated funds and create mechanical equivalents. After all, how much can a garden weasel, a couple of fan belts and a chainsaw motor cost?


Though I was polite.

That is seriously the one thing that is keeping me from writing my Congressthing. There is No. Fucking. Way. that I could possibly be polite about this. I’m still having a hard enough time just trying to wrap my head around exactly how hard we’ve been assraped already. To be able to express myself in a coherent and restrained manner is just asking too much.


Jesus Haploid Christ swimming in a shit-moat, can you imagine trying to raise one of those things as a child?

I can.


The niave left is gonna cry like little school girls when McCain is elected President in November. I can just see it, liberals whining about how reactionary and “stupid” the American people are for electing another Republican after eight years of Bush! While the MSM questions shrieks about how bad America is compared to their beloved Europe.

While the left and their bosom buddies in the media are doing that I’ll be on my porch sipping a margarita and relishing the moment the American people once again snubbed their noses at the left and their radical agenda.

I have an outstanding list of cabinet appointees to give McCain once he is elected President.

Secretary of State: John Bolton.
Secretary of Defense: Duncan Hunter.
Secretary of Homeland Security: Tom Tancredo.
U.S. Attorney General: Alan Keyes.
Secretary of the Treasury: Ron Paul.

This would be a Conservative Dream Team. Not sure if the Democrat controlled Senate would approve any of these guys for cabinet postions. But hey, nobody said you can’t dream, right?


I believe I have wandered into the swamp and the water is rising above head!

All we need is a little determination;
Men, follow me, I’ll lead on.


The niave

Made it past “the”. Good work.


Amen, brother. AAAAmen.


Robert White–

“snubbed their noses”?
Nuff said. You’re an asshole. It’s “thumbed their noses.” Now take your
lunatic fantasies and go play in the wading pool.


Radical agenda. Like demanding the taxpayer shore up the “free” market, which now has a price tag of $700 million.

It doesn’t matter who wins. We are the fucked, and the Republicans are the fuckees.


Er, We are the fuckees and the Republicans are the fuckers. Somehow I never parsed “fuck” in University, but now I’m making up for it.


For a while I thought Robert White might be a legit wingnut, but he’s just another boring parody troll.


Here’s the latest “Honest McCain Campaign Poster”:

These GOPers are shameless.


Jeb Hensarling, the chair of the House Republican Study Committee and one of the people responsible for pushing this GOP counter, is a Phil Gramm protege.

The 48-year-old Hensarling is short, wiry, and energetic. He was barely out of high school when he came under Gramm’s influence: He enrolled in Texas A&M and signed up for a banking class taught by a professor who was beginning to think about politics. “Everybody knew that if you were a serious economics student, you had to get with Gramm,” he says. Several years later, after Gramm had won a seat in the House, Hensarling got with him again, by securing an internship with former professor. It was the beginning of a long professional association in which Hensarling coordinated Gramm’s constituent services and served as executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee when Gramm was its chairman. The experience positioned Hensarling not only to make his own bid for Congress, but possibly to inherit Gramm’s reputation as one of the smartest strategists in Washington’s frustrating budget battles.

That’s from a John Miller National Review article from December 2005.


If the Democrats had balls, they would be cutting commercials as we speak accusing the GOP House leadership of being unpatriotic, of wanting to let the American economy implode, of putting Party above nation.

I still think Paulson and Bush are full of shit, but why waste the opportunity?


U.S. Attorney General: Alan Keyes

Didn’t Alan Keyes get disbarred?


Jay B got it right in the very first post. I think I understand what the Repubs are trying to do here–they wanna put Democrats (especially Obama) on the side of Bush, who is less popular than herpes.

The problem is their proposal–tax cuts for the rich and less regulation. This plays right into Obama’s hands, since generating outrage over those very things has been his main economic message from the beginning, and especially lately.

This smells like a last ditch desperation move by Repubs, no doubt encouraged by McCain. I can’t be quite as pessimistic as some in here are being–this looks to me like a gift to Democrats that even they can’t fuck up.


The government took control of Washington Mutual today and sold some of its assets to JP Morgan. Let’s see how Wall Street responds to today’s events tomorrow.

The House Republicans who put this forward can push deregulation and tax relief and private capital over public capital all they want, but if credit markets are frozen, ain’t no money gonna be moving, and that goes from Wall Street on down to local loans for college, cars, and contractors. And there are only so many Warren Buffets out there.


Its incumbent House Republicans and McCain fabricating a division between themselves and the Bush administration (and the House Dems as a bonus). Whatever deal eventually emerges they will run against it. This has been transparently obvious for several days now.


There is no situation so terrible, no crisis so dire, that McCain can’t make it worse.

As far as *His* bail-out goes, its EXACTLY what he did after the Lincoln Savings & Loan crisis, isn’t it?


For those who liked the financial meltdown, just wait till you hear what John Sidney III wants to do to the insurance industry. Can you say “deregulation”?
Sounds kind of crazy to me, but he’s the econ guru, so it just might work. Can’t wait for the fallout and the call for a bailout. Sweet.


Didn’t Alan Keyes get disbarred?

What makes you think that that would be some sort of impediment to being a Republican’s AG?


Brad, you just may be ruthless enough to make it in american electoral politics, provided they never find your more inflammatory posts here…


And don’t forget Gramps is still calling for the privatization of Social Security.


As far as *His* bail-out goes, its EXACTLY what he did after the Lincoln Savings & Loan crisis, isn’t it?

I thought what he did was to delay any action until Keating could finish swindling his depositors.



It’s like they’ve been caught shoplifting in the candy store, and even as they’re being escorted out, they’re grabbing as many lollies as they can.


Country first, hee hee.


Just heard Barney Frank on the BBC news say that if Bush and McCain are leaders they will get the House Republican back to the table. The trouble is, they aren’t leaders.


Yes, let the intransigent House Republicans and John McCain run on privatization, tax cuts for the wealthy, and the minimization of government regulation. I think they’ll find the national political climate a little less warm to such doctrinaire, tone-deaf neoliberalism than in recent years.


they wanna put Democrats (especially Obama) on the side of Bush, who is less popular than herpes.

More precisely, I think they’re trying to distance themselves, and somehow trying to whip up some “conservative cred” in the bargain. If they can stick the whole mess on the Dems, so much the better, but I think they just really want to be able to pretend independence when they go home to campaign. And what better way than to politicize the potentially biggest financial disaster in longer than John McCain has been alive?

And actually, George Bush is just about as popular as herpes. What, about one in five American adults have the disease? Just about the same number with herpes.



There’s a whole yard sign thread over at teh GOS, complete with a great blank.

Heh, indeedy.


Beavers squeeze Trojans; Sanchez dirty

Final score 27-21.


If they can stick the whole mess on the Dems, so much the better, but I think they just really want to be able to pretend independence when they go home to campaign. And what better way than to politicize the potentially biggest financial disaster in longer than John McCain has been alive?

“justme”, that is exactly what these shitbags are up to.


Hey, I’m very popular.


Christ almighty. I just got done watching Michelle Bachman on Larry King

She’s got to be the stupidest congresscritter in the world.

But – I have to say – McCain choosing Sarah Palin is an insult to the intelligence of Michelle Bachman.

At least Michelle can string three words together and make a sentence out of them.


Anybody wacthing Chris Rock on Larry King?

God damn! I’m dying laughing.


Christ almighty. I just got done watching Michelle Bachman on Larry King

She must be so jealous now that she is no longer head cheerleader of the GOP.


Not that anybody thought otherwise…


In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.

“It’s not based on any particular data point,” a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. “We just wanted to choose a really large number.”


Abbie Hoffman’s Many Hippopotamus Syrup

4 bags brazen hippopotamus, curried
1 bean, appeasingly marinated
1 bag Reblochon cheese
5 tablespoons obnoxious kitten tongue
1 gallon mint
7 jiggers unsweeted chocolate

Pick over the ingredients and discard excess mud. Place the hippopotamus into a medium saucepan. Use a food processor to mix the Reblochon cheese with the bean. Drip resulting concoction over the hippopotamus. Stir – very dispiritedly – the kitten tongue, mint, and the unsweeted chocolate. Knead everything together. Grill for 127 minutes. Serves 9.


Justme, I thank you! Too effing funny!


4 bags brazen hippopotamus, curried
Brazen. That was the word I was looking for yesterday, for the Mark Steyn thread.
Other options were ‘arrant’ or ‘egregious’ or ‘bare-faced’.


A Moose in Every Pot !!!


Thanks, Justme !


Didn’t Alan Keyes get disbarred?

Your point?

This is Republican administration we’re fantasizing about.


What Brad said. McCain shows up, listens to the Boner Gang, and fucks things over.

If the Wall Street fatcats want to cut themselves to get their bailout, let them. Let’s see who goes the fuck overboard and let’s see what’s left. If they want their fucking bailout, let them come beg for it on their knees, and not after taking a flight in their fucking private jets. You fucked, up, now beg for mercy.


Hi everybody! Pardon the off-topic post but I just wanted to remind all of you that I am A BIG FUCKING DRAMA QUEEN and if anybody posts comments in my name, I will make completely unrealistic legal threats which will be all the more preposterous coming from someone who supposedly holds a law degree and should have at least a passing acquaintance with satire as a defense against libel and slander suits!

There! Showed you, I did!


Fozzetti said,

There is no situation so terrible, no crisis so dire, that McCain can’t make it worse.

Yeah Democrats too. G’damn what a bunch of pussies. I know McCain is a war hero and all, but c’mon he’s old and not that aware. Fuck, I could take him in a fight or an argument and I’m a barely functioning moron.

Nader is ready to debate in Oxford. Hope they call him up if McCain is too busy saving the financial world. Cuz that would be great youTube.


Lesley said,

The ball really is in the Democrats’ court. They have the power to make the Republicans look very very bad right now, and not through any manipulation of the facts either. The public is overwhelmingly on the side of restraint and holding finance CEOs accountable for their crimes and misdemeanors. The Dems should not be agreeing to any plan that doesn’t have regulation and accountability built in. And they should not be giving a dime to any corp or person that is under criminal investigation.

Interesting. You seem to be under the impression that these so-called “Dems” aren’t also bought and paid for by Wall Street.


mikey said,

Sniper rifle? Um, ok, sure….

…. But it will be the blood of our neighbors. So fer gawds sake make sure you now WHY you’re killing them.

You obviously have not met my neighbors.


El Cid said,

Is there some sort of index of new yacht sales which would be an indicator of where the bailout money will go unless Democrats figure out a way of parceling it out such that mere “signing statements” and fiat won’t go around the limits?

You are so insensitive. Despite what you hear from the “MSM”, recessions don’t just impact the poor.


ahem said,

If the Wall Street fatcats want to cut themselves to get their bailout, let them. Let’s see who goes the fuck overboard and let’s see what’s left. If they want their fucking bailout, let them come beg for it on their knees, and not after taking a flight in their fucking private jets. You fucked, up, now beg for mercy.

Yeah, that’s how it works. Americans are, after all, finally ready to drag their giant bottoms off the sofa and go all Ceau?escu killing spree. Wake me up when the rioting starts.

Malfunctioning Coach Urban Meyer robot

Ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly ding dong diddly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doodly doo, libs! Urban out!


Democrats, give them the finger and walk away until they meet your demands. And then go on television every day and loudly blame for the coming stock market crash. Crush them and don’t stop crushing them until you’ve won.

The President sounded drugged, the rest of the administration might as well be on crack, and our esteemed Congressmen are looking out for their best interest, god love ’em!


@ smut clyde 3:52
Ah, it’s a lovely old hymn, i can’t remember all the words but it goes something like
“why don’t you take a flying f**k at a rolling donut,
why don’t you take a flying f**k at the mooooooooon”
I think there’s something in that for all of us.


At this point, they need to be told that they had their chance, thank you very much, and have blown it. Now the only option left on the table is to sit down and make a new, more careful and guarded proposal that is all about regulation and strapping the dickweeds who got us into this mess down and publicly humiliating them, then taking all their money. So sorry.

And while we’re at it, let’s adopt the Chinese custom of expecting CEOs who turn out to be major f*ck-ups to engage in sepuku so the State doesn’t have to go through the bother and expense of executing them.


seppuku is not Chinese.


Yarghh. WordPress hath posted me late once again. 4:36 was a no-show originally, hence 4:39 and 4:57. I knew that was going to happen.


Hilarious. Not only do they get to fuck you out of nigh on a trillion dollars, they can make it look like the Republicans didn’t want it. “Oh go on force us to give a trillion bucks to the rich; no really, twist our arms.”

And when it doesn’t work — and it won’t — the Dems get the blame! Superb.

You know, the past ten years have been men against boys. Who would have believed they would even have a hope of winning again? It should be impossible. And with that fucking dwarf McSnakeoil and the Naughty Librarian! WTF.


From the McCain campaign’s press release:

…John McCain suspended his campaign and returned to Washington, D.C., today to help build a bipartisan consensus

At today’s cabinet meeting, John McCain did not attack any proposal or endorse any plan… stressing that all sides would have to cooperate and build a bipartisan consensus…

However, the Democrats allowed Senator Obama to run their side of the meeting. That did not work as the meeting quickly devolved into a contentious shouting match that did not seek to craft a bipartisan solution.

Let’s see if I understand the timeline here:
1. Dramatic McCain mercy dash to Washington DC.
2. McCain spends day at cabinet meeting [with only occasional breaks for press conferences] but contributes nothing.
3. Obama herds cats and ensures that Democrat members of the meeting adhere to a common agenda.
4. Obama is therefore responsible for Republican failure to agree on a single policy.

If anyone can suggest a more charitable interpretation of McCain’s own press release, I would dearly like to read it.
Personally I am opting for the Stroke theory (on top of pre-existing Picks syndrome).


Yes, let the intransigent House Republicans and John McCain run on privatization, tax cuts for the wealthy, and the minimization of government regulation.

Well, there you are. It is so beautifully crafted a plan we are tempted to see genius in it.

I was worried, not because the bailout plan was good, but the Democrats had added some provisions, which are now going to get stronger thanks to this bonehead, utterly Republican move.

And now people are going to see it that way. Heck, Paul Begala, on CNN, called George Bush a high functioning moron last night, and three commentators sat there, looked guilty, and did not defend the President of the United States.

The R’s are trying to distance themselves from him, but this move does not do that. Some people are going to see it as the Republicans demanding Bush’s old plan back. So now Republicans are still for the giveaway, only on the terms Bush asked for in the first place.

Republicans have become a toxic brand to the point that they are arguing about who is the “real” Republican?

Can a schism be far behind?


All hail mikey. He’s right.

We need to be thinking constructively, not just playing defense.


The fact is, shut up. Wuthout more tax cuts and disincentives to work hard (salary caps), this will get far worse and you liberals will lose your houses and your jobs only for political purposes.

Also, let’s see how popular Obama is after demanding to debate a man who is not there because he is working hard to save our country well Obama is just in it for himself.

humbert dinglepencker

In a refreshing example of candor, today’s Denver Post (not a well known liberal scandal sheet) carried the headline: GOP STALLS DEAL. Yep.


Can I be the first to say it here:

WhooHoo! WaMu!


Stir – very dispiritedly – the kitten tongue, mint, and the unsweeted chocolate.

Is that how Rocco Dispiritedly would do it?


[…] Sadly, No! is smarter than everyone else. It’s time for the Democrats to call the GOP’s bluff. They have to hammer the SOBs and tell […]


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