Shorter John McCain campaign
Posted on September 24th, 2008 by Brad
- Barack Obama needs to stop kicking my ass for the sake of national unity, my friends!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Looks like Obama has agreed.
If he can hold McCain to the debates, that would be good enough for me.
Not to be all looksist or anything, but it hurts my eyes to look at that guy. No wonder Cindy does drugs.
I was really, really looking forward to that debate. This sucks.
Keep a sharp eye out for whackjobs/wingnuts defending adultery after the new Enquirer story about Mooseburger “adventures” gets legs.
We will see no end of the whackjobs/wingnuts proclaiming that cheating on your spouse is as American as Apple Pie.
And that, naturally, it is all the Clenis’ fault.
Whoops! Wrong article.
Let me see if I can find it again.
OMFG, what he is doing to that lobster, is it legal?
Alternate Even Shorter McPOW: I Kan Haz Xtenshun, PLz?
Christ. I guess if that doesn’t work Brave Brave Brave Sir McPOW will have his mommy write him a note excusing him from debates because of his asthma.
Now please tell me you pshopped that eyebrow.
They will try to use this excuse to get Mooseburger out of debating Joe. They’ll say that Mooseburger is needed desparately in Alaska to uhhh….ummmm…well….
keep an eye on Russia.
IF Obama agrees, I’m so done with him.
Nope. I was totally wrong.
If you want to delete my previous comment (as it could give people the wrong impression) or simply call me names, I’m good with that.
The stunt campaign continues.
After the bump from the Palin stunt has worn off and the polls are continuing to show movement to Obama, McCain has pulled his latest stunt. “See! I’m a serious stateman who will put country ahead of the campaign! Vote for ME!”
Anything to try and seize the headlines.
After this wears off, maybe it’ll be the Palin/McCain Lovechild. “I’ll give my lastborn for the presidency!”
What does it mean to “suspend” a general election campaign?
IF Obama agrees, I’m so done with him.
Agrees to what? Obama’s ahead in the polls and is not a great debater as far as I’ve seen, so what the heck. If what you mean is that Obama goes to Washington with McCain, big deal.
You called this exactly right.
And screw “the leadership.” This is a matter for the entire Congress.
What does it mean to “suspend” a general election campaign?
It means you don’t conduct any electioneering or campaigning activities yourself, but rather have your surrogates, PACs, lobbyists and 527s perform them.
Obama camp, “The debate is ON, bitches.”
It is a big deal, it’s the Republicans making the Democrats their bitch, again.
McCain gets to define the politics, McCain pretends he’s about country first, McCain gets to pretend that this bailout is an emergency situation that requires immediate attention.
There wasn’t any shortage of campaigning while the economy was collapsing…the only urgency now, is an election a little over a month away.
I suggest McChicken to replace McSame as Grampy’s official internet nickname.
Obama camp, “The debate is ON, bitches.”
Also from the article:
Obama is willing to return to Washington “if it would be helpful.” But reiterated Obama intends to debate on Friday.
What I hoped he’d do.
Even shorter McCain: “Look! A shiny thing!!!”
Does this mean we can suspend the Iraq war to focus on Afghanistan?
Wot, she turned me into a newt!
A newt?
I got better.
Christ. This isn’t just the Phillip K. Dick surreal-as-we-can-make-it campaign, it’s the PKD-crossed-with-every-awkward-Monty-Python-moment campaign.
If it were sheerly for entertainment value, and meant nothing as far as the future of our country and the world goes, I might be enjoying this immensely.
How about McNugget?
And um, yeah. Does Camp McPOW really think it is a good idea to have the debates CLOSER to the election?
Wow. If Obama asked for an delay for ANY reason, including but not limited to invasion by giant radioactive man-eating bats, McPOW would scream blue murder.
Except Obama put out the olive branch first.
This smells a mile away.
Obama is willing to return to Washington “if it would be helpful.” But reiterated Obama intends to debate on Friday.
What I hoped he’d do.
Yes, that’s the right move. McCain can’t duck the debate now without looking like the big wuss he is.
chick chick chickun!
Even shorter McCain: “Look! A shiny thing!!!”
It has worked — you’ve given everything away — I know where the poison is. And I choose what in the world can that be?
Thinking some more about this, I wonder just what exactly he can do in DC. He’s not on the banking committee, is he? He’s not on the Judiciary committee, is he? He’s not on the finance committee, is he?
Here’s what I tink. The show in DC is definitely not going his way, no more than the polls. He wants to go strong arm some people to influence the bill to favor his kleptocrat philosophy. That he gets to make some supposedly noble gesture is the icing.
How about McNugget
Wouldn’t that be Palin?
McChicken/McNugget ’08!
Nobody pays any attention to me.
So does that mean the Obama campaign can release a slew of lying ads and when called on it just say, “We wouldn’t have been forced to do that if you’d debated like we asked.”
Why does this remind me of when you know you have to fight the bully after school, and you develop a whopping stomach ache after lunch and just have to go home?
That he gets to make some supposedly noble gesture is the icing.
It’s hard to think about this clearly when you’re of the wonkitudinal group, but heading to Washington to preside over the fall of the house of cards doesn’t seem smart to me.
I for one welcome our giant radioactive man-eating bat overlords.
Om nom nom
Thinking some more about this, I wonder just what exactly he can do in DC. He’s not on the banking committee, is he? He’s not on the Judiciary committee, is he? He’s not on the finance committee, is he?
He’s the Democratic nominee for president.
What he says matters, because he’ll be the president that has to deal with it. In one sense, he should be there in Washington dealing with it.
In another, much more realistic sense, he should be campaigning to make sure that he gets to sit in the oval office next year. I’ll bet good money that Obama has a cell phone, or at least knows how to use a payphone. He can do all he needs to do on the road with his people sitting in for him in Washington.
And finally, campaigning in Washington is all positives, no negatives.
Generation-X flashback…..
John Cole mentions the obvious, McCain is suspending his campaign because everybody who works on it is a lobbyist, and they’re all bolting for DC as fast as they can to get their fingers in the pie.
John McCain spent five and a half years debating himself in VietNam.
This morning the Obama campaign communicated privately with the McCain campaign about working out principles the two candidates could agree on with regard to the financial crisis. Then, later in the day McCain campaign the turned on the Maverick machine and unilaterally went Pow!, campaign suspended, back to Washington to discuss a topic about which our candidate understands little if anything at all.
Come on, just this fucking once, do not cave to the GOP.
If it were sheerly for entertainment value, and meant nothing as far as the future of our country and the world goes, I might be enjoying this immensely.
That’s how I feel about the whole situation, in a nutshell.
Witchhunters, Alaskan separatists, Mr. “I don’t know much about the economy” McCain doin’ the Mr. Smith goes to Washington to save the economy! act, kerning, stealth Muslims . . . you can’t make this shit up.
If McCain won’t debate, I recommend Obama do what primary Dem Congressional challenger Ed Fallon did when Blue Dawg Leonard Boswell refused to debate citing pressure of business in Washington: Ed put an podium for Boswell on the stage, complete with microphone and decanter of water and Boswell name tag, and stood behind his own podium and answered questions from the crowd for an hour. It rocked. Sadly, it didn’t rock enough, as Ed lost the primary.
As I’ve consistently stated, McCain is and forever will be a weasel. His own party knows it, but they thought his weaselly traits would benefit them in a Trojan Horse-type stratagem. The Palin nonsense is a clear sign that that was the strategy. Now his true colors are revealed. WEASEL!
Oh, and he’s a fucking brat, too.
A bratty weasel.
I know Obama ain’t gonna take this bitchy bait of McCain’s.
With less than 50 days to go in the campaign, it cannot ‘wait.’
And what the hell does ‘suspend’ mean? I’m sure McPOW will still accept donations tomorrow morning.
I have a picture of the McCain debate prep staff at about 11:30 this morning, listening to McCain vomiting a five-minute barrage of slurs and epithets, asking themselves, “Maybe we can just bail on this?”
Leiberman is on MSNBC confirming my take on it.
How DO you suspend a campaign? Do the candidates have to promise not to mention each other or each other’s policies? Do their advisors and associates have to shut up, too? Can they discuss their *own* policies? Can they make speeches on the Senate floor? Do they have to call on independent groups to stop advertising? Is it even *possible* to stop a campaign this close to the election? Sure, candidates in the primaries often halt their campaigns, but attention just shifts to the other candidates. I’m pretty sure that any putative “agreement” would break down in days if not hours.
Meaning you’re wrong.
Meaning the McCain campaign is using this ‘economic crisis’ as a cheap stunt.
Here are Sen. McCain’s committee assignments:
* Senate Committee on Armed Services – Ranking Member
* Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
o Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security
o Subcommittee on Interstate Commerce, Trade, and Tourism
o Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Innovation
o Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Insurance, and Automotive Safety
* Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
I’ll give a nickel to the first person who can explain to me what McCain will accomplish by going back to the Senate, unless there is as yet unannounced floor debate. You think Chris Dodd is just going to give him the gavel? And I hope that if he does open his yap, somebody gavels Mr. McKeating into silence on account of his talking makes everyone who listens stupider.
For those who care, here are Sen. Obama’s committee assignments:
* Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
o Subcommittee on African Affairs
o Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs
o Subcommittee on European Affairs
o Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance
* Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
o Subcommittee on Children and Families
o Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety
* Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
o Subcommittee on Investigations
o Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information and International Security
o Subcommittee on State, Local, and Private Sector Preparedness and Integration
* Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
How DO you suspend a campaign?
They really, honestly, truly tried to make the website go dark, but it didn’t work so they just left it up.
I’d really like to see the ranking Republicans on the committees that are actually working on this bailout proposal, someone like that yahoo Shelby, for example, to say, “Thanks but no thanks, John. We really don’t need you here right now. We’ll call you when it’s time to vote on the bill.”
Yeah, Obama ain’t took that bullshit about canceling the debate.
Let’s see McCoward weasel his way out of this one.
But keep an open mind, folks – these upcoming debates may be rigged in McCraven’s favor. But the sheer bullshit of McCo-opt-another’s-campaign-platform “SUSPENDING” his campaign is an utter joy to behold. Let’s pray that the “coward” meme can stick, as it well should.
Spread the word, folks.
We do this until the craven bastard caves and walks back his declaration.
And here’s Reid saying it. Come on, Republicans in Congress, tell McCain to get out the way.
What’s up with McCain’s eyebrow?
The fact is, the McCain campaign is suspending operations because they have this election so completely in the bag.
When McCain gets there, maybe he can indulge in a little more of this kind of behavior…
Gary, which bag would that be? The colostomy bag or the hate e-mail bage?
This is how it’s gonna go:
McCain “suspends the campaign” in advance of the debate.
swift boat 527s are unleashed. i predict we will see some of the most vile race baiting ads of the campaign yet during this window. of course, thats not too hard to predict, since the race baiting dogwhistle stuff has been increasing in volume anyway.
so, then johnny mcmaverickpowkeatingfive goes “i didnt do it! i suspended my campaign! not responsible!”
obama’s response should be along the lines of:
Is anyone reminded of A-Rod slapping the ball out of Bronson Arroyo’s glove in 2004?
I am.
This is a moment like this.
McCain is demonstrating leadership and bipartisanship, and if the Dems work with him they will inadvertantly reinforce this.
And if they don’t work with him, then they will look partisan and political.
The fact is, the McCain campaign is suspending operations because they have this election so completely in the bag.
Ah, Gary, that was a good one! Yep, the McCain campaign is in the bag along with a good sized rock, hanging by a fraying rope above the
rivershit moat.J- that yahoo Shelby defeated Alabama Senator Jeremiah Denton back in ’86. Denton was also a famous POW and close friend of McCain’s. McCain has held a grudge ever since. Something McCain is known for. So your scenario might well happen, even if it wasn’t reported. I don’t think McCain intnends to actually do anything in DC. Just to be there appearing to do something.
btw why is no one mentioning the fact that the last major banking scandal in the country, the collapse of the S&L over inflated real estate, McCain was caught enabling one of the biggest crooks, Charles Keating? Or is part of what McCain is suddenly running from?
i predict we will see some of the most vile race baiting ads of the campaign yet during this window. of course, thats not too hard to predict, since the race baiting dogwhistle stuff has been increasing in volume anyway.
Do you have some examples of “race-baiting” from the McCain campaign?
Thanks for the background, mako rojo.
cram it, honky.
Aww. Ringo really thinks he’s smart.
Except for the fact that this country seeks a damn partisan solution to this crisis (as in, your homies shouldn’t be leading the charge). But nice try, cool guy.
Ringo Teh Dingo, face it. Your candidate is just a big fat fatty fat chick chick chickun! He even clucks when he talks. Bawk!
How is “showing up to hang around Congress when you’re not a member of any relevant committee, generally being dead weight” demonstrating leadership and bipartisanship?
Dan Riehlly Stupid has a fine thought: Let Palin debate in McCain’s place! Because everyone knows this nation is still enraptured with PalinMania! Ahead of the curve, these wingnuts.
> Do you have some examples of “race-baiting” from the McCain campaign?
Gramps claimed that Obama “played the race card” a couple of months ago, based on absolutely nothing, but Obama told the truth about the charge and it didn’t get any traction so it was dropped.
You should read the newspapers so you can keep up with current events.
And the guy you responded to didn’t even say that Gramps would do the race-baiting.
You should read the posts you reply to so you don’t look like such a clueless republican nutjob.
But don’t worry. Being a nutjob or a whackjob is a prerequisite for being a republican.
The last two paragraphs of McCain’s “Remarks on the Economic Crisis” (9/24/08):
Only a maverick can get this thing all wrapped up over the weekend. By the way, 9/11.
How is “showing up to hang around Congress when you’re not a member of any relevant committee, generally being dead weight” demonstrating leadership and bipartisanship?
Because wingnuts are brilliant! How else can you explain the sharp eye they have for logistics that has given us Iraq, Katrina, etc.
Next step for the foundering McPOW campaign:
Centerfold spread in Playboy for Mooseburger.
Perot/Palin 08
Anyone heard from McCain’s (former?) campaign manager? Last I heard he was bailing on a luncheon. Could it be that the McCampaign is a headless chicken?
Let Palin debate in McCain’s place!
The Althousians are also fantasizing about this extremely unlikely possibility and proclaiming pwnership.
We declare this baseball season suspended effective immediately and urge the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim to join us in putting our country first.
Wait, didn’t McCain say that the fundamentals of the economy were strong, and that by “fundamentals” he meant American workers? So is he now saying that our valiant, stalwart, intrepid American workers aren’t incapable of handling this crisis without the help of …ugh… politicians like himself? That’s not pandering we can believe in.
“John McCain spent five and a half years debating himself in VietNam.”
…and losing.
How is “showing up to hang around Congress when you’re not a member of any relevant committee, generally being dead weight” demonstrating leadership and bipartisanship?
Well, the Straight Talk Express can have all the press hang out in his offices, so they don’t bother the worker bees. Oh, wait, he doesn’t talk any more, does he?
Oh this stinks to the heavens. Those lobbyists working for Grampy’s campaign must be itching to get their hands on a piece of those billions.
I’m all for sending the campaign some yellow feathers…bwak!!!
John McCain spent five and a half years
debating himselfmasturbating in VietNam.Fixed.
Okay, maybe it’s the PKD/Python/Pynchon campaign.
George Will was less than impressed by McCain’s response to the financial crisis last week. I wonder what he’ll say about this stunt.
“John McCain spent five and a half years debating himself masturbating in VietNam.”
My friends, now is the time to join together in national unity behind our great leader. This is no time for such distractions as election campaigns. No, we are not canceling the elections, we are merely postponing them until such time as the crisis is past. But have no fear: President George Bush will remain in office until January, and not a moment longer, before ceding his position to the most experienced and qualified candidate available.
I am frighteningly reminded this picture while looking at the above picture.
Even K.J. Lopez isn’t having it. Goldberg, on the other hand, goes with the old title with question mark combined with reader email without comment routine.
Oohh Oohh Oohh! Dear Sadly, No!. I present to you, K-Lo:
You know, at this rate I should start trolling left wing websites for McCain, to claim my Valuable Prizes.
I hear those Dewey campaign buttons go for quite a sum on ebay.
> Many readers relay that they’d like McCain to just offer Palin step in for him.
Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please make this come to pass!
Ringo or Gary or whoever: “Brilliant!” Well, I’m sure McCain thinks so.
What’s all this liberal claptrap about “John McCain spent five and a half years defecating himself in VietNam.”?
“What does it mean to “suspend” a general election campaign?”
He’s conceding defeat? Obama wins?
Dan Riehlly Stupid has a fine thought: Let Palin debate in McCain’s place! Because everyone knows this nation is still enraptured with PalinMania! Ahead of the curve, these wingnuts.
That is about as awesome an idea as I have ever seen.
I like how the Democrats are responding so far. Obama says the debate is still on, and Harry Reid told McCain to stay away. And at least initial media and public reaction is less than stellar.
McCain may have really put his foot in it.
I call photoshop! Because of his treatment at the hands of his Vietnamese captors, John McCain can’t lift his eyebrows above his chest.
What I can’t believe is that as badly as the GOP has screwed up there is still only a 3.5 point gap. Are people nuts, or what?
McCain must now show-up at the debate. It’s going to be a great moment:
“Senator…..thank you for showing up. I had heard this rumor that you wouldn’t!” [Smile]
– Barry
I’m curious, if the economy tanks and I’m living in a cardboard box in November can I vote where I used to live, or do I need to re-register? Can I just use “the underpass at Rt XXX and Elm Street” as my address?
What I can’t believe is that as badly as the GOP has screwed up there is still only a 3.5 point gap.
As someone else pointed out, many of younger and newer voters don’t have land lines. My guess is that all these polls are skewed for McCain simply because the pollsters don’t target cell-phone numbers, and thus don’t accurately reflect Obama voters.
Of course, anyone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
Here is McCain explaining why the debate should be postponed.
I no longer wonder how different the response time to Katrina would have been had the storm somehow mostly affected a bunch of sleazy bankers.
Msg to Ringo the Gringo:
“Bipartisan” from a Repuke generally means:
“Let’s forget all about the fact that i have been a cheerleader for 25 years for exactly the kind of deregulation and Wild West atmosphere on Wall Street that has led directly to the current crisis; also that I turned my own rotten stinking herring (a.k.a. Keating Five) into Chanel No. 5 by claiming to be a convert to Purity and Enlightenment under its chastening influence.”
Let’s not point fingers” = “Let’s not point fingers at ME. Even though I richly deserve it.”
p.s. He beats his wife. Seriously.
Anyone heard from McCain’s (former?) campaign manager? Last I heard he was bailing on a luncheon. Could it be that the McCampaign is a headless chicken?
So now they’ve “disappeared” Phil Gramm, Carly Fiorina, and Rick Davis. And virtually disappeared Sarah Palin. Buncha dead people running the campaign. It’s the McFrankenChicken express!
Let’s not get too hasty here. Perhaps this is a calculated move by the campaign:
1. Announce that you want to suspend debates. Expect that Obama will insist the debate will continue.
2. Media starts talking about how ill-prepared you must be for the debates if you wanted it delayed.
3. Show up to the debate. Manage to say one sentence that’s over 15 words long without stammering.
4. Media announces you beat expectations, therefore having won the debates. Conservative idiots repeat this over and over again, until it becomes fact.
On cells vs landlines — a Pew study in July found some difference but not much:
for Spirula, from TPM.
Sadly, no: (third paragraph under “survey methods”)
Ringo the Gringo said – Classy.
All I can say about McCain’s Hanoi years (other than note his 5 and a half years of frenetic self-abuse) is: Thank God – at least he wasn’t tortured.**
**No intent to cause death or organ failure.
Also reported at TPM, plan is 98% done deal.
What’s going to be really sweet is when McChicken shows up in DC tomorrow and they “Nice to see ya Gramps! You’re just in time to vote. Guess you won’t need to chicken out on Friday after all. “
St John will be a side show at best and will be brushed aside by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. They are the ones who actually understand the economy. Get out of the way and let the adults do their jobs, Sid.
Hilarious crap like this makes it worth getting up in the morning. The wingnutters are actually kinda cute when they’re so pathetic. Terrifying when they’re being so mendacious, of course.
You foolish liberals, don’t you realize that there are more important things in this world than politics and partisan bickering?
By asking for the debate to be postponed in order to deal with our Nation’s financial crisis, John McCain has shown true leadership, putting the Nation ahead of his own ambitions.
Senator McCain is a man with practical solutions to real world problems. Barack Obama has no solutions, he’s just full of empty talk and hype. I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama is hoping for an economic collapse. As he thinks it would help his own candidacy. As usual Senator Obama is putting partisanship and personal ambition ahead of the good of the Nation.
On another note, I know how you liberals claim to support America and to oppose islamic terrorism. But talk is cheap. So how about put your money where your mouth is?
What I mean is this, I’m sure you’re aware that the British government just legalized sharia law. So in order to prevent the same thing from happening here in America, Congressman Tom Tancredo just introduced a bill in the House of Representives called the “Sharia law prevention act.” In short this bill would do three things. First it would allow the Federal government to deny visas to any foreginer that has ever advocated sharia law. Second, it would revoke the visa and deport any foreign national in the U.S. that has advocated for sharia law. And third, it would revoke the naturalization and citizenship of any American citizen that advocates sharia law.
So liberals, I hear by invite you to be outspoken in your support for this bill. I know you liberals really love America and don’t want sharia law, so won’t you support Congressman Tancredo in getting this bill passed? Anyone you votes against this commonsense bill is a traitor to America and has no purpose serving in public office. Expect any
Democrat Congressmen and Senators who vote against this bill to be booted out of office.
On the other hand, this is the guy who has missed 230 out of 286 votes since Q4-2007. Phillip Dick had to do massive drugs to get so weird. Is McCain naturally talented at surrealism or has he been hitting Cindy’s stash?
First Phil Gram, then Carly Fiorina, now Rick Davis have been thrown under the Straight Talk Express.
Now Gramps wakes up and realizes he’s been cutting classes all term and the friggin’ final is this Friday!
Ben Smith:
This economy thing is important, but PUMAs are really important.
Sorry for the link to Drudge, but this is going to be funny:
The fact is, Letterman apparently mocked the hell out of McCain for cancelling on him during today’s taping.
What I mean is this, I’m sure you’re aware that the British government just legalized sharia law.
Well, sort of. If by “legalize”, you mean that two parties can agree to be legally bound by the determination of the “sharia court” then yes. Over here we call it “binding arbitration”.
What the fuck are you so afraid of, son? You really should stop pissing yourself so often. And shitting your pants over the least thing. It makes you smell rilly rilly bad.
Wow, the trolls are swarming today. What gives, shitstains? Getting a widdle nervous?
Now THAT is teh funnay!
Lady Lynn de Rothschild, a Clinton backer who recently came out in support of him.
Old news, of course, but I still love the fact that he’s supported by a Rothschild.
Obama ain’t havin’ it:
McChickenshit’s campaign has been nothing but hail marys and pointing fingers. Now he wants to weasel out of his responsibilities for a phony bipartisanship photo-op. Deer, meet headlights.
I believe the first sentence of “Robert White”, if that is his real name, says it all:
You foolish liberals, don’t you realize that there are more important things in this world than politics and partisan bickering?
Masterful satire. Can this be Jon Swift himself? I’d think so, but then the bit about Tancredo’s “Muslims want our women!” rabblerousing was just, well, not quite over-the-top enough.
Are you implying the Rothschilds might be a bit…elitist?!?! What nonsense.
” … the pollsters don’t target cell-phone numbers …”
What’s the provenance of this? I worked for a local political polling firm and our numbers were mix of landline and cell numbers. Some cell customers would complain that we were calling their cell numbers for a poll. Maybe we were unusual…”
Well, Robert White, with WorldNetDaily and Tom Tancredo on your side, you can’t possible go wrong.
And I’ll vote against Sharia thought crimes when you vote against Roman Catholic or Protestant laws that try to control my private life too.
Poop. That was me.
What I can’t believe is that as badly as the GOP has screwed up there is still only a 3.5 point gap.
I do think both conscious and unconscious xenophobia and racism are playing a part in that.
This economic crisis has really focused a lot of people on what matters, though. And Obama has been doing a great job of showing calm reason, good judgement, preparedness and foresight in his statements.
Which worries me still. Someone asked Paulson straight out, “Hey, bucko. You say you’re going to spend $50 Billion per month with this. Hows about we give you $150 Billion, and you come back in three months so we can see how you’re doing?” Paulson refused to answer, sticking to his NOW, NOW, NOW, OR YOU’LL ALL EXPLODE!!!111!!! strategy.
They’re not interested in a good, level-headed plan to see the economy through a troubled time. They’re interested in robbing the Treasury even blinder than they have already. It just shocks me that people fall for this bullshit.
Congressman Tom Tancredo just introduced a bill in the House of Representives called the “Sharia law prevention act.” In short this bill would do three things. First it would allow the Federal government to deny visas to any foreginer that has ever advocated sharia law. Second, it would revoke the visa and deport any foreign national in the U.S. that has advocated for sharia law. And third, it would revoke the naturalization and citizenship of any American citizen that advocates sharia law.
only if they include Biblical Law into it as well. I would love to see all Colorado Springs and half the South deported
justme – you have a point with which I am sympatico. As I understand it, the 98% refers to the House bill which does at least include strong oversight and the other stuff. “Treasury caved on every demand” was the quote I saw. (Which, in itself, is cause for worry but that would involve pure speculation).
What bothers me about this, and I think the Senate is somewhere in the same library if not on the same page, is, is buying a bunch of “worthless” securities the right plan at all? Sheesh, I wish they’d called Krugman in to consult. On the bright side, Krugman seems to like Dodd’s draft.
Now please stop making me get all serious. I wanna throw some ℙ◎◎ℙ at the trolls.
” … the pollsters don’t target cell-phone numbers …”
What’s the provenance of this?
Seems to be a continuation of the Truman defeating Dewey “nobody had phones” poll legend.
Hey! I used to have a Robert White!
It’s one of those auto-pen things, it signs hundreds of letters a day, making them look like they were signed by a real person.
We also called our coffee-maker ‘Gertie,’ and our copying machine went by the name of ‘Mister Copy Machine.’ They were quite the Muskateers, those three.
Krugman says it better than I can.
Let Palin debate in McCain’s place!
Oh please let this happen please please please please please
On another note: notice how we’re already acting as if McCain or Obama are president, not Shrubya?
On another note: notice how we’re already acting as if McCain or Obama are president, not
ShrubyaCheney?Fixed that for ya, Edmund.
Robert White:
Thank you for coming here and informing us about this important legislation. Unfortunately for you, and any of Clarence’s ex-clerks who came up with this, there is a wee problem you need to take care of first. Specifically, you need to amend the Constitution to eliminate the First Amendment, otherwise, your legislation is unconstitutional. Clarence might not see it that way, but even Fat Tony isn’t as stupid as you and Tom Tancredo.
MC Lame is now officially running a “point at me and laff” campaign.
I advocate Sharia Law!
Come and get me, Tommy T, with your mighty ThinkPolice Brigades! I shall fight you with my Homoshesual AgendaTM brand fencing dildo. Be forewarned that it is tipped with poison that automatically turns you into a Mohammadean and gives you a very strong desire to show tunes by the almighty Babs. If I win this battle, I will inscript you into my horde of slaves that is relentlessly checking the kerning on John McCain’s birth-certificate, for I know that you are experts in the ancient art of Kerning.
ZOMG! You HAVE TO go look at the Enquirer’s Palin’s Lover. Not for the story but for the picture. Toooo tooo easy!
Actually, Loneoak, that sounds like fun. Where can I get one o’them fencing didlos? How big are they? Do they come in black?
More in the “These people seriously want us to let them have trillions” category…
Fuck. Me.
I’ll email you the address to send the new keyboard.
Even a blind pig with lipstick on finds an acorn now and then. Americans, in dire need of a good laugh, are indeed looking at McCain. And pointing. And giggling uncontrollably. As he does, on this proposal, what he does best.
I’m sure this has been mentioned before, but why is this page still up at McCain’s web site?
The answer is, this was a trap. McCain tried to get Obama to agree to a postponement, and then reverse. This is school yard bullying at its worst.
“obama’s response should be along the lines of: ‘i can multitask, motherfucker.'”
Obama, today: “And I think that it is going to be part of the president’s job to deal with more than one thing at once.”
Matt Yglesias, today: “Meanwhile, I think walking and chewing gum at the same time is part of the president’s job.”
I’m trying to let that sink in. It’s burning a fucking hole in what thin veneer of sanity I have left.
Did they spin a fucking wheel? Toss 3D20* and tack on a bunch of zeros? Yarrow twigs? Goat hooves? What? “Eh, it’s not important for us to really figure out, y’know, like numbers and stuff. It’s not like we’re fucking bankers, or anything. So we’re just going to pull something out of our asses, and make sure it’s big enough so the American people freak the fuck out and think it’s critical.”?!?!?!?!?!?!?
*My ubernerd years were before they came up with that hideous, lopsided D10.
Yer right. That is a perfect picture.
The only reason McCain’s campaign is not a complete joke is that his fans don’t have a sense of humor.
I, for one, am not really that interested in watching a septuagenarian trying to pinch a loaf.
Do they come in black?
They only come in black and purple rhinestone. All are Xtra Large.
Seeing McCain trying to “suspend” his campaign reminds me of an episode of Celebrity Boxing where Paula Jones—yes, that Paula Jones, Bill Clinton’s alleged victim—was pitted against Tonya Harding. Tonya, being five times more athletic and about 20 times meaner, was waling the stuffing out of Paula, and poor Paula was trying to make a time-out signal with her gloves, apparently unaware that there’s no such thing as a timeout in boxing.
“We just wanted to choose a really large number.”
The fact is that is an excellent strategy. They couldn’t really estimate how much they’d need for the bailout, so they wanted to aim high. This is solidly conservative principle.
Awww, man. Now they’re going to jump all over someone for making fun of President Ford.
New McCain Campaign song: Desperado
I wonder if McCain is going to pull a Norm Coleman? When Paul Wellstone was killed in a plane crash, Coleman went on a radio show to announce that he was suspending his campaign. And then he went on another radio show to announce that he was suspending his campaign. And then he went on a TV show to announce that he was suspending his campaign. And then he called a press conference to announce that he was suspending his campaign. And then he aired commercials to announce that he was suspending his campaign. Etc. It was all very meta—campaigning by not campaigning.
Just gets better! From TPM:
These people are fucking comedy savants. Schmidt & Co. should write for the Daily Show.
From the Forbes link:
Dodd proposed his own counter-proposal to Paulson’s plan earlier this week. Among other things, it calls for limits on executive compensation at troubled firms and for the Treasury to take a contingent equity stake in those firms. On Tuesday, Paulson rebuffed both ideas, as it might discourage firms from participating in the bailout program.
When is someone going to stand up and say, “this is not a fucking negotiation. If we offer you a deal to keep your entire fucking company from going down the tubes, your only decision to make is whether you want your company to survive or not. Take it or leave it, you feckless motherfuckers.”
No way.
There’s gonna be a heartache tonight.
Schmidt & Co. should write for the Daily Show.
They might even be able to make Saturday Night Live funny again.
The Eagles said,
September 25, 2008 at 2:07
New McCain Campaign song: Desperado
No way.
There’s gonna be a heartache tonight.
Witchy Woman
There’s a new kid in town.
Paulson rebuffed both ideas, as it might discourage firms from participating in the bailout program.
“Sure, we might be drowning, but we reserve the right to reject your offer of a life preserver and demand a yacht. But hurry, it’s an emergency!”
When is someone going to stand up and say, “this is not a fucking negotiation. If we offer you a deal to keep your entire fucking company from going down the tubes, your only decision to make is whether you want your company to survive or not. Take it or leave it, you feckless motherfuckers.”
The fact is, Word.
Is this like the funniest day of Presidential campaigning, EvAr, or wut?
So far.
Like Eric Cartman used to say: “Screw you guys. I’m going hooome!” & Johnny Gigolo McCain has at least 8 to go to.
(& I didn’t read all 168 responses, so excuse me if anyone else caught the Cartman similarity)
Is not “suspending the campaign” the same as conceding defeat or, to put it another way, quitting?
So listen. I, uh, I kinda bought this…
Lemme start over. See, ok, so I bought this weed.
It was a pretty good deal, and it was bright green with firm buds. Smelled pretty good. No shake, y’know? So I bought 4 ounces.
So anyway, I, uh, look, this is HARD for me, ok?
Anyway, I got home and I rolled up a fat one. A FAT one, y’know? I mean, I’ve got a quarter pound of this shit, I’m gonna get down with the program, y’dig?
So I smoked that big fat double-wide. And?
Nothing. Not. One. Thing.
I’m sitting there just as Not-Stoned as I was before I began the process.
The shit’s no good. It’s worthless.
So. Here’s the question.
I’ve got this, er, um, underperforming asset in my inventory. And it’s having a very negative effect on my balance sheet. So I think you guys need to step up to the plate and create a fund to purchase these products in order to get them off my books.
Oh, and I’m thinking. You ought to value this crap at $1600.00 an ounce. I mean, who’s to say what it’s worth, but if I can realize a profit on this transaction I can move ahead without having a negative impact on the marketplace.
If McCain doesn’t show up for the debate, why not just have a sound file of him saying “I was a POW”? Obama can answer whatever question the moderator asks and then they’ll pan over to McCain’s podium and play the “I was a POW” clip. It will be exactly like the real debate.
Oh for fuck’s sake. McLame’s suspending his campaign and backing out of the debates (including the VP debate, according to CNN) so that he can rush back to DC and stick his nose into committee negotiations he has no business in, all because he’s hell-bent on pushing through a plan he hasn’t even read? And his campaign staff is so bumbledicked that they sent out talking points to the media pointing out his ignorance? If he’s not down by double digits tomorrow I’m going to drill my eye sockets out with, I dunno, a Fijian brain fork or something. Seriously, I have one on my living room wall. Don’t think I won’t do it.
And if Sarah Palin doesn’t show up for her debate for some reason, they can just get an actress who repeats the question from the moderator back to the moderator, but not as a question, like someone who has no f*cking clue whatsoever about what she’s being asked.
Like, for example, this, from the new Palin interview with Katie Couric:
Couric: You’ve said, quote, “John McCain will reform the way Wall Street does business.” Other than supporting stricter regulations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac two years ago, can you give us any more example of his leading the charge for more oversight?
Palin: I think that the example that you just cited, with his warnings two years ago about Fannie and Freddie – that, that’s paramount. That’s more than a heck of a lot of other senators and representatives did for us.
See how that works?
You can list it right here, mikey.
Ooops, I mean here:
I listed Michael Gerson today for 5 cents, which is infinity times what he’s worth.
Smiling Mortician,
In other news, Bible Spice was pwned by Katie Couric.
by Katie Fucking Couric.
Imagine that.
Holy shit, he may have even lost K-Lo!
Don’t look at me. I told him to go with the egg-beater.
Am I the first?
I hereby volunteer to be McCain’s surrogate in the debate.
“Ouch! Touche, Mr. Obama. I suggest we move on to the rock-paper-scissors round.”
We can only imagine Sarah Palin as a middle school student, as her teacher asks her about this weeks’ assignment:
Teacher: Miss Palin, your assignment was to read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. What did you think about the novel?
L’il Sarah Palin: I thought the novel was very dramatic. Scarlet is a very dramatic color. Maybe it’s the most dramatic color. And letters: wow, that’s just super important, too. I mean, Nathaniel Hawthorne, who wrote the Scarlet Letter was a genius for bringing together the idea of scarlet with the idea of a letter. I think that’s his most important achievement.
Now they want to postpone Daisy Mae’s debate with Biden.
Bible Spice?
Thunder for the Win!
Does Palin’s oh-so-on-message requirement of referring to the candidate as “John McCain” and only that, in any and every context no matter how awkward, remind anybody else of the much-fun-poked-at Bob Dole?
Just wondering.
Truthy, I wish you were more Mavericky.
Teh Toof,
Protip, voting for an Onnibus spending bill does not equal support for every earmark. Not even you are stupid enough to believe that. Were that the case, I’m sure we could look at Sen. McCain’s voting record and come up with some doozies if you’d like.
Now, go fuck yourself. That rake is getting lonely.
I’ll need to see the official rules.
Is sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling ‘LA, LA, LA, LA, I can’t hear yooo!’ allowed?
In waht respect, justme?
/Bible Spice
Mickey Edwards, who served in the House for many years (Republican, Oklahoma) and now teaches at Princeton.
Maybe Tracy Flick can sub for McCain on Friday.
Forgive me for not checking if it’s been posted already, but the first poll on McCain’s gambit is out, and he is total fail.
FYWP, as a preemptive precaution.
Let me get this straight. . .
Genius John proposes that he go to DC and set down behind closed doors and do a deal instead of laying out his ideas before the American People. Cmon!!!
Sounds like McCain has rolled snake eyes.
“Michael Jordan! Michael Jordan!“
Truth: Actually, I have no fucking idea whether the “Bridge to Nowhere” was worthwhile or not. I don’t particularly care. On the other hand, Palin claims to have said ‘thanks but no thanks’ to the bridge, which she did not. That’s the point on which I see liberals attacking Palin, and it’s completely valid regardless to whoever else supported the project.
British Columbians prefer Obama… for prime minister. Count me among them.
Our choices SUCK.
Yeah, “Bible Spice” is sooooo full of win it ain’t even funny.
Are they havin’ a laugh?
Are they havin’ a laugh?
What are the odds of Bible Spice ever debating Joe Biden? I’m afraid they aren’t very good. There is no effin’ way they are going to let that stupid, pig-ignorant, Jebus-raddled woman debate Joe Biden. They can’t afford the damage. I think they figure they’ll be better off to just take the hit for pulling her out of the debate.
I’m going to be extremely pissed if I am deprived of a Palin/Biden debate. I’ve been really looking forward to that smackdown for weeks now.
If he’s not down by double digits tomorrow I’m going to drill my eye sockets out with, I dunno, a Fijian brain fork or something. Seriously, I have one on my living room wall.
Dude, DO NOT use that Fijian brain fork, it’s an important cultural artifact! If you’ve gotta do it, use a Fijian bran fork replica, fer christmas’ sake…
New McCain Campaign song:
DesperadoI’ve Got Tears in My Ears From Lying on My Back in My Bed While I Cry Over You
Oh, God. I am so watching this tonight.
Oh, my.
Bible Spice.
LOLOLOL! Looks like The Queef is still at it here on Sadly, No! Yo, Bob Ow…er…shitfuck, nobody likes you! Not even your mother, and damn near not your father…Barack Obama himself!
Have a sweet day? Why don’t you fuck a sweet goat, you cumdumpster fuckfart? Eat a dick, assclown.
Is not “suspending the campaign” the same as conceding defeat or, to put it another way, quitting?
Just so long as he doesn’t blink, everything will be fine. It’s when you blink that reality catches up to ya’. Sneaky fuckin reality.
Bible Spice is epic win.
I could do that, Orange Tom, but then the kerners would be all up in my grill, outing my other faux cultural artifacts.
In other words, The Fuck’s micropenis just got even smaller at the news that McFuck has absolutely no chance of winning this election. Sorry, The Fart. You’re up shit creek, and as usual, your stick arms can’t carry a damn paddle. Go fuck yourself, pussy.
Animals. You’re all animals!
I know why! Because The Ass keeps trying to put The Micropenis(TM) in it…unfortunately, for The Prick, that’s like throwing his hot dog down a hallway! So sad, so sad.
The attached YouTube is “an hour of ridicule boiled down to nine minutes.”
“He’s now on Rachel Ray making veal piccata.”
Ya know, Arky, I was wondering the same thing, but I thought I was crazy and that it was just some part of the picture. But on closer inspection, it is definitely a porno bar.
I’m real interested to see what Obama says after his meeting with Bush tomorrow. We already know what Bush will tell him–scary stories, complete with campfire and creepy shadows on the walls, and a climactic “Now I’m gonna GETCHA!” shriek at the end, just to watch everyone jump.
I wanna see Obama come out of that meeting deeply skeptical.
Oh, fer gawd’s sake.
If the “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE” gambit hasn’t been worn down to a pathetic nub by this point, fuck it, lemme just get my underpants outta yer way and I’ll start squealing on my own.
Fer crissakes, THEY’RE LIARS. We know that.
So we learn to disbelieve them when they lie about shit they’ve lied about before.
But every time they lie about something new? It’s all “holy shit, we’re gonna DIE!!”. Bush SAID so!!!!
Fuck it. Fool me twice, well, um y’know…
I used to go to a porno bar in san francisco.
This chick from el salvador kinda liked me.
And yeah. There were bennies around that…
More like a natural 1 on his d20. Now where did I put that critical failure table?
I used to go to a porno bar in san francisco.
Talk about pinning the moron-o-meter!
Did Wet-Start lose a bar-bet here, or what?
This just SCREAMS desperate, craven & chickenshit.
Jesus Fuck, it’s not like they both don’t get ALL the questions in advance, anyway … he may as well change his name to Sad Sack Of McShit.
MY knowledge of this fiscal crisis is likely about as good as his (hey, at least I didn’t graduate at the bottom of my fucking class), but I was brought up to believe that if you’re about to get your ass whupped, you take it like a creature with a spine. The fuckers can beat you but they can’t take away your self-respect … & there’s no store to get a new supply at, once yours is gone.
This shows that all his bloviation about “the harsh lessons I learned as a POW” is pure bullshit – there is literally no cock too ugly or too diseased for him to bob, as long as it gets him a few more lousy votes or headlines – this proves it.
Which is worse: a “debate” with an empty chair, or the opprobrium that goes with postponing or killing a real debate entirely? If it goes ahead – & it looks like it will, LOL – the bar is going to be set extra-low for poor old Grampaw.
Letterman nailed it: personally, I’m picturing Teh Crashmeister stomping out of a high-level diplomatic meeting, bawwwwwing to reporters, “He made fun of my POW story! I’m going h-h-home! Waaa-aa-aah!”
McCain / Palin 2008: The Political Equivalent Of A Pity-Fuck!
Somebody get me Ethan Winner. WE need a ‘Bible Spice’ video, stat!
Let’s recap McCain’s day…
After some ridiculous attempts at spin over being until a month ago a Fanny Mae Lobbyist, campaign manager Rick Davis disappears.
Video of Palin being warded against witches comes out.
In spite of this protection Palin is still made a fool of by Katie Couric.
A panicky McCain tries to pull the bizarre stunt of delaying a Presidential debate in a feeble attempt to appear presidential. He amends the farcical scheme to also cancel the VP debate (nice try, John).
During this day of unprecedented national urgency he is meeting with noted anti-elitist Lady de Rothschild.
McCain’s day ends with being mocked more than normal by David Letterman.
Did I forget anything?
Mmmmmm, lobster porn.
Get the butter.
Did I forget anything?
I dunno, can you type it all out again?
Did I forget anything?
Nope, seems like a good wrap.
When’s her next speed dating session in/around the UN?
Yeah. Pretty sweet day, huh?
Oh, you forgot that he inspired the winning Fark headline, “Frail old man runs from African American asking for change“
My favorite fix offered by McToast: The Depression starts on Monday !!!
Woohoo ! The message is pithy and easy to understand and best of all, a grabber !!! And Palin echoes: We could have a Depression by Monday !!! The wingnut/rapture money has gotta be flowin’ in!!!
The fact is, if you liberals do not support this solution to the crisis you created by making Fannie and Freddie loan money to minorities when everyone knows they are not good for it, you will suffer. You will lose your homes, jobs, family, savings. Do you really want that just to stick it to some hardworking investment bankers that you are envious of there compensation? Go ahead.
Here’s McToast’s contribution to this negotiation, “Just cut the shit!”
Harry Reid and Bernanke say “Thanks John, or by your childhood nickname, Thanks Asshole! We never would’ve realized the stakes here without your friend Vicki Iseman’s suggestions!”
Ain’t that the truth, Gary.
The fact is, we had to pull a lot of all-nighters thinking up ways to suck every last spare nickel out of this economy.
If you think McCain is having a bad day, you should see what happened to that porn lobster. Butter lube is tough to clean up.
Lying son of a bitch who can’t be trusted and has never been right about anything issues warning to Americans. Does anyone even listen to this asshole anymore?
Congress Objects to Lack of Help Aimed at Homeowners . The lawmakers objected strenuously to the broad authority Mr. Paulson was requesting, the lack of additional steps to help homeowners avoid foreclosure and the absence of any demands for ownership stakes in the banks that would be helped.
Because the first priority of the finance industry is protecting their own ASSets, naturally.
Palin video’ed being heebee jeebe’ed is only part of the story. She also had to eat some clay, and bury her wart by the moonlight, and use a cootie-catcher ten times in a row in order to find out if Brad Hanson would dance with her at the box-lunch sociable. Tarnation !!!
Fred Thompson, Drew Carey, Gary Sinise, Jon Voight, Ron Silva and Arnold Scharzenegger are mocking McCain?
Are there any more choice spreads of pampas land overlooking the Rio Pilcomayo left or did the Criminal Cabal scoop them all?
Frankly, I am surprised none of the usual suspects have started touting that $700bn giveaway as a “surge of funding” to win the “war on bad debt.”
Teh Last Toof,
Thinking about it, You’re right. They are still going to win. Those Hollywood and media elites win every time.
I’m Thinking Deeply here, The (Skidmarking) Truth !!!
So, so so deeply…oooh…I’m getting this image…of a charcoal grill…toppled!
But wait…there’s more! The name on the grill…it’s embossed…but something’s wrong…its the kerning! A teenager in Tennessee…has broken the password of a major government official’s e-mail! Some morons think its no big deal…but there might be info pertaining to major busts of meth drug dealers…or security protocols for the interactions of state government officials and officials of military bases in that state…so its actually an important lapse of security for the citizens of Alaska and irresponsible of whoever let it happen! Is that deeply thinking enough for you, The (Panywaist) Truth?
Why does the media refuse to investigate all these allegations regarding McCain’s crustacean kink? Or, maybe they are being bought off.
Those poor, innocent lobsters. I say it’s just not normal.
Nope, CB. Did you know Spec?
I shot one of his dump trucks full of holes one very confused and scary night. He made my pay for the repairs.
Daily Show mockery of Paulson and Bush last night (a little past intro)
That photo really brings out the Gilded Age plutocrat in McCain.
He looks like the guy from Monopoly.
I think McCain’s just a little out-of-sorts because all those lobbyists running his campaign need a flow-chart to figure out whether to pony up for cheap stocks – or lawyer up for a plea-bargain.
Oh goodness me! Did I just hear The Trout use the word “hypocrisy” to DEFEND Sarah “Pinocchio” Palin?
Which one of them took your fucking money, pin-dick?
Which one’s still lying her smug face off TO THIS DAY about taking it?
Guess you don’t mind supporting liars – even after they’ve robbed you over & over again.
Too bad for you a lot of folks mind a lot. Have a sweet fail.
You want classy, go to Obsidian Wings.
This is Sadly, No! where we’re all about the masturbation jokes.
i love you people. well, most of you. thank you for helping me retain my sanity during this election season.
ps: bay area drinking sadlyly would make me really happy. just sayin’.
That photo really brings out the Gilded Age plutocrat in McCain.
I do like the black band over the lobster’s face, to preserve its anonymity.
Where can I get one o’them fencing didlos? How big are they? Do they come in black?
Here you go.
Doubles up as a Fijian brain fork for drilling your eye sockets.
They place it in their Edwardian claw-foot bathtub
But they just can’t drown the beast…
I don’t know whether to be happy or sad.
On the one hand, the Republicans are running two whackjobs on their ticket.
On the other hand, this is the way the Democrats will win, despite having two really smart guys on their ticket.
Like I said. Torn.
Did somebody say something about dropping debates?
Why would the rethugs want to drop debates, I wonder?
On the other hand, this is the way the Democrats will win, despite having two really smart guys on their ticket.
Obama remains a black guy with a funny name.
This is the year when his election is possible.
I love the way the Troof Fairy reads whatever he wants to into the posts here, or just flat-out pretends that they say what he wants them to say. He could walk into Democrat HQ during a huge party with 200 carnival girls dancing to “Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot”, and he’d say “Oh ho, wallowing in your own despair again, liberals?”
It’s especially ironic because, just from the tone of his posts, I can conclusively tell that he’s a cross-dressing goatfucker.
That’s it? That’s all you have? That’s the ace up your sleeve?
No, I don’t know they are still going to win. In fact, I think they’re going to lose. Pretty badly. Best hope for McPalin is a turnaround to make it a close election, but if you hold this thing now Obama’s getting 300+ EVs. The Palin bounce was unsustainable- just like we all knew it was. And that’s it. That’s all McPalin has- stunts.
But please, continue to serenade us how Michelle Obama is going to turn a gazillion people off of the Obama ticket even as their 401(k)s go down in blazes. Keep telling us that the mean ol’ Hollywood types picking on poor ol’ Sarah is going to make people straight up ignore the economy. Keep doing that. It’s working so well for you.
It makes me smile to watch you liberals still not getting it. You’re all baffled because you only won the election by 100 electoral votes instead of 150. That’s why I keep coming here- to see you people wallowing in your own sorrow. Why so sad, liberals?
There, I win infinity plus one times! Truth out!
That’s pretty much The Truth’s whole gig, though.
If we’re discussing a smear on Barack Obama, we’re miserable and desperate.
If we’re discussing a goofy comment by McCain or Palin, we’re deluding ourselves since we all know that McCain will win anyway.
If we’re discussing good news for the Obama campaign, we’re “whistling past the graveyard” as we try to ignore how Reverend Jeremiah Rezko Ayers will destroy the campaign.
If we’re talking about absolutely anything else, we’re a bunch of looney libs desperately trying to ignore reality.
Pretty basic when you think about it.
I think you liberals must think, “Why is McCain even hanging on in this race?”
Nah. We know the answer to that: to get Alaskan poon.
Already Gone, if I’m any judge of the attempt to delay the VP debate.
Off topic, but if they”re are inny engulist teechers out there, please help me understand this string of words:
“Arrogance is what many of us think you are unqualified to be a President, Barack.”
Seen on the innernets – some entity called “Rod_Patrick”.
The Trout Strikes Back – & We Poor LIEberals Must Quake With Fear!!!11!
Incredibly idiotic stunts (like spontaneously cancelling one’s campaign – for no real reason – in a desperate bid to look “statesmanlike” that just looks cynical & childish) in fact DO baffle smart people, because they’d never dream of being such flaming asshats. Living deep in the heart of Colon Kingdom as you do, where “we create our own reality” from old Ayn Rand novels & long-ago-debunked Voodoo Economics, I know this amuses you – good, good. Keep right on giggling … you’ve got another 5 weeks for jollies, then the baby-eating homo-islamo-narco-satanists take over. Smoke ’em if ya got ’em, kiddo.
If by “drop” you mean “take a whole 5 minutes to find & cite hard evidence to the contrary” then yeah, you sure schooled my ass good & proper.
Please, Mister Trout sir, PLEASE stop hitting my steel-toed boot with your face like this! I just can’t BEAR it any more! WAH!
You seem to care about it a LOT more than I do … not too shocking though: your country now has a virtual economic/legal Berlin Wall to try & keep anyone from leaving, yet I’m hearing more & more folks every day saying “to hell with the money” – Canada’s better off than the US per capita now anyway – if the GOP steals it a third time, they’ll just pack up & head north … & not just The Usual Liberal Types, either. Sort of a gutshot to that whole nativist “Bestest Nation In Teh Universe EVAR” meme, huh?
Increasingly, people come to the US for bargains, not jobs – & that “megatrend” looks like it’s just going to pick up steam as 8 years of kleptocracy catches up with the national economy. I’m not gloating here, I’m disgusted … so much talent & potential, all flushed pointlessly down the bog.
Once the world admired & envied America – now it either fears it, laughs at it or pities it. That’s a crying shame.
Your bafflement is priceless.
What next, Troofie?
“You GIs in M*A*S*H 4077! You wives bouncy bouncy on mattress with man from postal office! You should no be here! You belong home with them! Go home! You do not need fight anymore! You lose! They sitting home with local cop onna beat, drinking sherry and laughing at you!”
Man, I STILL hate the fuckin’ Eagles.
bay area drinking sadlyly would make me really happy. just sayin’.
sarah, I’m totally down, especially if we coordinate around a prez debate. How do we set it up?
My kids have a joke–one picks up the other’s hand, lightly hits himself with it, then yells, “Stop hitting me!”
The Truth reminds me of the kids.
loneoak—i’m not exactly sure how we make bay area drinking sadlyly happen. i am sure that, as long as it’s not a monday, tuesday, or wednesday night, i’ll be there, and i’m happy to help organize. sadlyoverlords, if you get a chance in between slandering the good name of *nn alth**se and blaspheming the advice goddess, please advise!
shorter Ann Coulter:
It’s all Bill Clinton;s fault for throwing money at Negroes.
She is seriously advancing the idea that Wall Street is blamelessly prostrate before the tin god of political correctness and is in trouble now only due to the fact that it selflessly threw all regard for profits to the wind because the liberals horsewhipped them into it(???!!!).
Man, wingnuts will swallow anything.
Methinks Coulter harbors a secret crush on old B.C. Hell, the guy’s been out of office for eight fucking YEARS and she is still obsessed,
BTW anyone notice anything werid about her website ( The pic she’s got on the banner looks nothing like her (at least, nothing like the photo on her laatest book). So…which one is her?