Feh. Indeed.
Why do hurricanes that hit Texas get so much less attention than hurricanes that hit New Orleans?
Ike should be getting more attention. That it’s not, maybe has something to do with stuff like this:
Covering the hurricane’s aftermath brought additional challenges. Literally adding insult to injury, Galveston’s mayor, Lyda Ann Thomas, “on Monday ordered all city employees not to talk to news reporters. She did not say when that order would be lifted,” according to an article by the Daily News’s Rhiannon Meyers …
But don’t bother the Ol’ Perfesser with details. He’s more interested in the meta narrative:
UPDATE: Another reader emails: ‘If you want to discuss lack of coverage, wasn’t the hurricane that hit New Orleans the same hurricane that nearly wiped the Mississippi gulf coast off the map?” Yes. Why did New Orleans get so much more attention? Is it because the media wanted to paint the Bush Administration as racially insensitive, or is New Orleans just the only place they could find on a map?
As a native San Franciscan, this touches on a detail that’s always bothered me. Why did the media focus so much on the devastion to the city from the 1906 earthquake and fire, and not pay as much attention to damage in lightly populated outlying areas where orders of magnitude less people were killed or made homeless? Why, the press of the time didn’t even say much at all about the actual epicenter of the Great Quake! In the context of Katrina, is Muscle Shoals the Mussel Rock of modern media failure?
Heh. Indeed. Read the whole thing.
Not sure why he’s bitching about the lack of coverage. From what I understand, the Houston mayor, who is almost universally respected for his preparedness, is mighty pissed off at FEMA for–wait for it–dropping the ball.
Why did the press commit so much coverage on 9/11 to the World Trade Center, when the Pentagon got hit too? Huh? Instaputz? Got an answer for that?
Off topic, but I’d like to point out that today is International Talk like a Pirate Day.
Arrr-men to that.
Arr, say it like ye mean it, ya scalleywag. Fer Instance, the Ole Perfesser sucks Whale Dick so says me anonymous sources.
Yore a foine lad, Ol’ Perfesser, arr. Avast, ye swabs! Clear out to the poop deck and leave me and the Perfesser be! Now then, Ol’ Perfesser, c’mere where I can see’s ye, arr. Closer. That’s a good lad. Now touch it where it smells, ye young scamp. Touch it where it smells, arr!
the Ole Perfesser sucks Whale Dick so says me anonymous sources.
He blows! He blows!
‘If you want to discuss lack of coverage, wasn’t the hurricane that hit New Orleans the same hurricane that nearly wiped the Mississippi gulf coast off the map?” Yes. Why did New Orleans get so much more attention? Is it because the media wanted to paint the Bush Administration as racially insensitive, or is New Orleans just the only place they could find on a map?”
Mississippi Gulf Coast is full of Republicans. Nobody really gives fuck how many of them die.
Like Duh!
Like Duh = 21st century Pirate
Off topic, but I’d like to point out that today is International Talk like a Pirate Day.
Well, there goes this thread. For my own part, I plan to start quoting The Dead Parrot sketch in the next one. Or maybe Cheese Shop. Then sit back and watch 200 posts consisting of nothing but Monty Python quotes, like people made them up themselves or something.
In the context of Katrina, is Mussel Shoals the Mussel Rock of modern media failure?
If you’re referring to the Alabama town, it’s “Muscle Shoals,” not “Mussel Shoals.”
f you want to discuss lack of coverage, wasn’t the hurricane that hit New Orleans the same hurricane that nearly wiped the Mississippi gulf coast off the map?”
Yes, Professor Bass, but the Mississippi folks got money right away because they had Republican governors.
Stupid son of a bitch.
Why do hurricanes that hit Texas get so much less attention than hurricanes that hit New Orleans?
Because Dubya, Rove and Tom Delay are from Texas, and karma’s a bitch.
Well, we’re in last place in the NL Central, but we have a lot of young talent that we hope to develop in the next few years and get us the pennant.
Oh, wrong pirate.
If you’re referring to the Alabama town, it’s “Muscle Shoals,” not “Mussel Shoals.”
Arr! Them’s the pirate spelling, ye swab! Ahem. Will fix. Um … arr?
Arrr! Pirates prefer mussels over muscles.
What’s all this “no attention” horse hockey? I channel-surfed the idiot box all last weekend hoping to find out how Governator Lipstick’s 20/20 “interview” with CHARRLEEE went. All I could find was dipshit TV weather guys in logo-ed rain slickers running up and down the Gulf coast pointing out driftwood and wildlife (snakes. and rats. seriously.) and other dipshits who didn’t have enough sense to get in out of the rain fer crissakes.
If this stupid asshole had gone to New Orleans in the months following Katrina, he would KNOW why it got so much coverage. “Biggest natural disaster in America’s history” ring a bell?
Fucking asshole. Sorry, but he pulls that “they don’t know anything about that region” crap and seems to speak from complete ignorance himself…
owl bear–
Bull’s eye, lad. Or lassie. Take the rest of the day off, me d00d.
This man teaches law* at a university, people.
* Space/robot law, or whatever. Somebody’s gotta teach the kids how we’re gonna legally militarize the moon. Somebody’s also gotta gobble up taxpayer money to sit in his office all day and link to such esteemed intellectuals as Bob Owens.
FYWP and arrrrr, DA, would ye please remove me from the spammers list, matey?
Me, would ye like to go on an expedition to Lake Pahoe with me?
Even the NYT got into the spirit today with a pirate themed crossword puzzle.
A blast from the past from Instaputz.
i’ve seen some pretty spectacular pics of the destruction from bot Katrina and Ike. but there was one thing missing in the Ike pictures that was all over the Katrina pics : dozens of corpses floating in the streets. the loss of life from Ike is a couple orders of magnitude smaller than that from Katrina.
think that might have anything to do with the coverage? or, maybe the meltdown on Wall St is taking some media attention? or maybe the election?
the professor is a shill. fuck him. fuck hi, right in the ear.
Instapundit: sophistry you can’t believe in.
I don’t understand why the press doesn’t cover the SF Giants nearly as much as it did when Barry Bonds was hitting a shit load of homeruns.
Oh, and fuck pirates. They get too much press coverage.
By the way, what exactly is Reynolds’ point? He’s usually too chickenshit to ever say what he really means, but let’s just admit the obvious- Dude thinks that black people get too much attention paid to them in this country. There’s not really much you can say in response to that, other than sheesh…get a life, OlePerf.
How many levees failed in Mississippi or Texas? Did Mississippi or Texas flood unexpectedly after the hurricanes hit? How many people were trapped for days in Mississippi and Texas? What was the comparison of lives affected and value of damage? Is the comprehensive failure of relief efforts at every level of government more of story? Is the failure to prevent a risk everyone in government was aware would eventually happen a bigger story? Someone tell the ol’ perfesser about the ol’ chestnut that dog bites man is not a story.
Arrr. Swab the mizzen-poop. Avast, ye scabrous dogs.
Umm, so what the fuck is he talking about? That Ike’s getting less coverage than Katrina did? Or is he comparing to Gustav?
Either way, it’s a stupid fucking question. If it’s about Katrina, he should be FUCKING ASHAMED. It’s like asking why the Bali bombings received less coverage than FUCKING 9-11.
But, Gustav? He might have a point if there were a serious discrepancy in the coverage between those two hurricanes – or if Gustav didn’t make landfall during the GOP convention, three days after the fucking anniversary of Katrina’s landfall.
Says I.
Has anyone else noticed that the black people who stayed behind in New Orleans during Katrina were “stupid” “lazy” “stubborn” and “pitiful”, while the white people who disobeyed the evacuation order in Galveston were colorfully “hard-headed” “self-sufficient” “rugged individualists” who stayed behind to valiantly “protect their property” and “would rather die before they would let the government rescue them”?
Did he mention the No Fly Zone or nearly complete media blackout imposed by the gov’t? Or does he not understand the difference between “didn’t cover it” and “couldn’t cover it”?
I’ll guess No on both counts.
Arrrr….somebody needs be tellin Instaputz abouts ye meeeedddia blackout.
I sort of wonder how many Galveston residents circulated emails like this, or this, or this, or this, or this, back in 2005…
Arrr…thank ye, Mr. Aristophanes!
Man, it seems like the last talk-like-a-pirate day was two months ago. Maybe that was talk-like-a-buccaneer day. Freebooter day?
Here’s an interesting story:
It’s been less than a week and they’re starting to re-open grocery stores and gas stations. Contrast with:
At least two more months to count the fucking dead. Note the dateline on that article is FUCKING MARCH!
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I mean, a nods as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh?
And now for somethin completely different. Arrr.
It just doesn’t seem right that International Beat the Hell Out of People Who Talk Like Pirates Day is a full week away.
Geez, no one tell Glenn about the Peshtigo Fire; he’ll never shut up about how the nineteenth-century media ignored the extinction of all those fine upstanding Teutonic/Nordic dairy farmers and boo-hooed about those dirty Irish having their shanties burned down.
I’ve asked off for the entire week of Beat the Hell Out of People Who Talk Like Pirates Day. I’ve got preparations to make.
Tis yer diffrance batween forragin and lootin mateys
My theory: It’s because it’s Galveston. Anyone who grew up watching network news in the 80s knows that there’s only one reason Galveston exists, and that’s to get hit by hurricanes.
Galveston was also necessary for a Jimmy Webb song.
Why does the media lavish so much attention to Talk Like a Pirate Day, yet Talk Like an Officer of the Royal Navy Day is virtually ignored?
I am talking like a robot zombie ninja today, because I am aware of all other Internet traditions.
They make a real fine covering for steel there too…
I can haz ruler of Queen’s navy?
Uhm, which “Royal Navy”?
Or, Sadly, perhaps it has to do with the lack of helicopter footage of dark-skinned looters.
I can’t fucking believe that Reynolds thinks the fucking media is somehow more vested in the plight of blacks then whites. This fucking media. He should practice explain his argument to Shoshana Johnson.
Uhm, which “Royal Navy”?
Not Bhutan’s.
Help! I need Twoofie to explain to me why the polls have Obama pulling nicely ahead in, *gulp* Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania!
What? Oh, alright. Arrrrrrrrr.
Yeah but all those missing black female college students were probably dating drug dealers or something.
Talk like a software pirate day?
OT/ Scherer has managed the much coveted WOTD title defense.
Ol’ Perf couldn’t REALLY be skull-echoey enough to not know that a lot of Ike’s target area was a no-comment/no-fly/no-entry zone … right?
If he is – who is the poor soul that feeds, clothes & cleans him? They deserve a raise. He obviously does not.
T.L.A.P.-Day really kind of sounds like something you come up with when you kill the 40-pounder, eat the worm –then eat the worm you saved from the previous 40-pounder, as a double worm-shot.
Pirates likely never really said hokey shit like “avast” (at least not if “hey, fuckface” was available)… let alone “arr” … but they sure did spew some ripe invective around quite generously, you cunt-biting pack of syphilitic whoreson snake-fuckers.
Oh, I happen to be directly related to Sir Henry Morgan* on Dad’s side of the family, so I don’t gotta talk like Errol Flynn crossed with Mr. Magoo if I don’t feel like it.
Fuckin’ arr.
*A nasty & repellant yet cunning creature of over 500 lbs. If you read up on the battles he won, against what kind of odds & numbers, you’ll shit bricks.
I clean my gun…
and FYWP! and dream of Galveston
Talk like a software pirate day?
y34h LOL!!!1 1 M 1337 h4xx0r! u = n00b! n0 r0d3ntz!
noquarter is truly the craziest place on the internets. even worse than americandigest. holy shit are those people angry. who are they?
admittedly, off topic, but cut a brother some slack ok? as someone who survived the northridge quake of 94 in beachwood canyon, you can imagine the pain i felt when no one wrote about my collection of urge overkill CDs and bongs falling off of my ikea bookshelf. o tempora! o mores!
Just an FYI…The Mississippi Gulf Coast is still devastated. I grew up there and still have parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc all there. Two of my aunts lost their homes in New Orleans (one was on vacation; the other evacuated to an uncle’s house in Gulfport).
Considering most of my family are Democrats along with a number of friends, I really don’t appreciate your insults towards them nor do I appreciate it towards my Republican relatives who live down there either.
Fortunately, none of my relatives or friends died, but there were many many who did die:
Effects of Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi
I’ll have to post a link to my Katrina experience later, if anyone is interested.
Core of every single right-wing argument ever made:
Mom, why does my sister get more attention from you than I do? Why? Whhhhhhhhhhhhy?
Considering most of my family are Democrats along with a number of friends, I really don’t appreciate your insults towards them nor do I appreciate it towards my Republican relatives who live down there either.
The Ann Coulter defense.
Snark doesn’t fit too well when corpses of dead families are found on the beach a few days later.
Also at the root of every right-wing argument in the history of right-wing arguments:
Johnny Future-Conservative: Mom, why is there a “mother’s day” and a “father’s day,” but there’s no “children’s day”? Why? Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy?
Mother: Oh, for god’s sake, Johnny, you ask that every day. It’s because every day is “children’s day.” Now go to bed, like you were supposed to do an hour ago.
Johnny Future-Conservative: (under his breath) One day I’ll get you, Mom. You’ll see. The world will know my revenge!
That would be the esteemed scholar, Dr. Helen, AKA Dr. Mrs. Ole Perfessor, AKA That Blogger Who Tells Nerdy Wingnuts That It’s Not Their Fault They Weren’t Asked To The Prom Twenty Years Ago.
Additionally, let’s not go through the whole to snark, or not to snark debate for the trillionth time, lest we once again welcome visitors from certain shakesy corners of the ratfuckosphere.
Avast ye! Surrender yer volume license keys and prepare to be barrrrded!
SoulCatcher – no disrespect meant on my part. The point is that Reynolds is too stupid/deceitful to state the obvious – more devastation and lives lost gets more media coverage.
As for owl bear1’s comment – I’m pretty sure ob1 was sarcastically ‘reading’ Reynolds’ unspoken thoughts on the subject, not expressing ob1’s own feelings on the subject.
“you can imagine the pain i felt when no one wrote about my collection of urge overkill CDs and bongs falling off of my ikea bookshelf.”
Urge Overkill released more than one record?!
I believe the winger argument is also embodied by my cousin from Indiana wondering aloud whey there’s a black history month, but no WHITE history month. Huh, LIEbruls?! Why why why why why?!?!
As for owl bear1’s comment – I’m pretty sure ob1 was sarcastically ‘reading’
I think that’s right and that I misread.
Urge Overkill released more than one record?!
This, on the other hand, is funny, in the dad-aspiring-to-be-hip kind of way.
Aaarr! Yonder lubberly Liberal MSM do be engagin’ in Affirmative Action coverage o’ disasters, with a wanion!
“Galveston’s mayor, Lyda Ann Thomas, “on Monday ordered all city employees not to talk to news reporters.”
Fortunately the Bill of Rights does not apply in Texas. If the nightly news programs were showing images of the (non) response of FEMA people would associate Ike with Katrina and realize the GOP and the Bush administration are a bunch of fuck-ups.
My name is John (POW) McCain and as a former POW of the pinkocommieIslamicliberalterrorists — did you know I was a POW? – and I approve this non-POW message.
(Ar! The kiddies! Being ye orf me lawn! Ar.)
please go to pbs.org and vote on the question “do you think sarah palin is qualified to be the vice president of the united states”:
Gee, Ol’ Perfesser, you got me there. You know what else I’ve noticed? I’ve noticed a complete lack of news pundits saying “Geez, why are we being asked to rebuild a place that is practically begging for a hurricane to destroy it?” like they did after Katrina. That’s what I’ve noticed.
D. Aristophanes – It’s fine…I was not bothered by anything you said.
My family and I have a different take on things. We don’t begrudge New Orleans anything and in many ways, we feel just as bad for them as for us, and in some cases, even worse. I know part of that comes from the magnitude of the loss as well as my two aunts and what they suffered.
My mother works in the Harrison County tax office in the County courthouse so she’s pretty wired in to things since she gets alot of info first hand. She said pretty much everyone was on the same page … you could think of it as everyone is in the same boat.
Personally I knew what was happening to New Orleans and knew the danger it was in the day of the storm and I live in Memphis! By 5:00 pm after the storm hit, I heard about Nagin’s blowup with regards to the Corps of Engineers and when I heard he pulled his pump crews and the ACoE was not going to repair the main levee breach any time soon, I knew the city was lost. What’s funny is that I knew more about it than Bush and his dumb fucks and how to solve the problem and my information came from a Junior High local history class.
Anyway this is all somewhat OT.
With regards to owl bear1, I can only say there are some times where I just don’t use snark. I am an active (albeit) lurking Sadly, No! reader and I love the snark here but I just have my own limits and when it comes to major disasters like this or the tsunami in south east Asia, I just pass on it.
Plus and also:
Thousands of destitute corralled into Superdome.
Dykes bursting after hurricane passes.
Bush playing fake guitar.
GOP callousness laid nakedly bare.
White House indifference.
FEMA incompetence.
FEMA corruption.
White cops terrorizing black refugees.
Army occupies devastated city.
Just another ho-hum bad weather story, right, Glenn?
they pulled the same silliness with the Midwestern floods.
While the floods were terrible, people were able to get to shelters and be fed and given water, and have someplace to go to the bathroom.
The fact that in New Oreleans old ladies were dying on the sidewalk from dehydration after 5 days in 90 degree weather while people with shotguns prevented survivors from walking out of the city seems to have slipped the Ole Perfessor’s mind.
you could fill the superdome with contradicting-his-actual-point thoughts that have slipped the perfesser’s mind.
but why would you want to?
also, Saturation is a great album, still stands up.
other things that fell off my book case on that fateful-day-that-no-one-cared-about-in-the-media-in-1994: senor frog’s candle holder, copy of Godel, Esher, Bach, NARAL 1986 march on washington platic bottle, collection of jesse jackson for president pins, The Saints “Eternally Yours” color vinyl out of jacket (regret regret regret that i do), tottenham hotspurs toy monkey, old bottle of bad tequila (it broke), roommates collection of nirvana vinyl. and so on.
not. one. MSM reporter. called.
I dunno.
A keyboard, a thread, poor impulse control…
Next time it would help if the aftermath of a hurricane didn’t come right after one of the largest financial collapses in our nation’s history and the resulting trillion dollar bailout.
What am I thinking? LIBERAL MEDIA CONSPIRACY! is always the answer.
Ok, way OT, but I think the Corner has posted the single worst column ever:
It buries the needle for tendentiousness.
” It just doesn’t seem right that International Beat the Hell Out of People Who Talk Like Pirates Day is a full week away. ”
I can wait….
Ike should be getting more attention.
Umm, on KHOU there was something like 100+ hours of non-stop streamable coverage of the hurricane. The professer would have had to be on crack to watch it all.
PS: After what’s happened this week, can we change ‘talk like a pirate day’ into ‘talk like a wall street investment banker day’? Same difference.
Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a Gaffe-O-Matic! Dude, where’s my recession? Anne Althouse on why Obama is doomed!
EBL, you there? To arrange return of camera. pm me: vmweenie UNDERSCORE 98 AT yahoo DOT com
The Saints “Eternally Yours” color vinyl out of jacket (regret regret regret that i do)
That IS tragic. I weep empathetically at the thought.
erlking said,
September 19, 2008 at 20:06
Ok, way OT, but I think the Corner has posted the single worst column ever:
Hoo boy. That is a stinker. Reading it in a pirate voice doesn’t make it any better either.
Via erlking’s NRO article, what wingnuttery have I missed here?
Bubba, I don’t know WHAT that’s about–it’s like a greatest hits album of crazy.
I’ll stop by Samo High on the way in today. Check the kerning and the counter tops.
And the principal of Santa Monica Straw High School is….(scary music, creaking door sounds, muffled screams) Ward Churchill!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooOOOO!
as i said on the guy’s blog–what’s up with the quotes? did someone at SM high actually say any of those things in the course of teaching at the school?
because if not, those symbols don’t mean what you think they mean.
also, you are a lying tool.
And he was hired by School District Superintendent Kamau Kambon!!!! Won’t someone think of the white children??
I hear there are FRENCH fries in the cafeteria.
can we change ‘talk like a pirate day’ into ‘talk like a wall street investment banker day’?
OK, I’ll try:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh…. [SPLAT!]
My theory: It’s because it’s Galveston. Anyone who grew up watching network news in the 80s knows that there’s only one reason Galveston exists, and that’s to get hit by hurricanes.
Nonsense. Everyone knows that this particular role has traditionally been filled by Cape Fear, North Carolina. The situation, however, may have changed now that Mother Nature’s wrath no longer has Jesse Helms to attract it…
Anyone who grew up watching network news in the 80s knows that there’s only one reason Galveston exists, and that’s to get hit by hurricanes.
And to have Glen Campbell sing shitty songs.
phleabo said,
September 19, 2008 at 15:59
Off topic, but I’d like to point out that today is International Talk like a Pirate Day.
Second comment and there goes th’ thread, a-veerin’ off course like a drunken pirate’s sloop, arrrrrrrrrrr
OH GOD NO! I’m infected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Via erlking’s NRO article, what wingnuttery have I missed here?
What a barreload of crazy, but it hits epic fail earlier on when he mentions LoR in relation to 9/11 from then on, read it like comedy.
Too day I em speeking like eet’s MSM has been Outsourced to India Day:
Hello and welcome to Punjab Pundits, Kevin speeking.
How may I help you?
Damned iff’n I can find a recording…
Men, men, men, men,
Men, men, men, men…
It’s great to be on a ship with men
And sail across the sea-o,
We don’t know where we’ll land or when,
But it’s great to be with men.
(It’s great to be with men)
‘Cause men can sweat and men can stink
And no one seems to care-o,
We’ll throw the dishes in the sink
And clog the drain with hair-o
(And clog the drain with hair-o)
Men, men, men,
It’s a ship all filled with men,
So batten down the ladies’ room,
There’s no one here but men!
Men, men, men, men
Men, men, men, men…
There’s men above and men below
And men down in the galley,
There’s Butch and Spike and Buzz and Biff
And one guy we call Sally!
(and one guy we call Sally!)
Men, men, men,
It’s a ship all filled with men,
You’ll never have to lift the seat,
There’s no one here but men!
Men, men, men, men
Men, men, men, men…
We’re men and friends until the end
And none of us are sissies,
At night we sleep in separate beds
And blow each other kissies!
(and blow each other kissies!)
Men, men, men,
It’s a ship all filled with men,
So throw your rubbers overboard,
There’s no one here but men!
Amen (pronounced “Ahhhhh, men!”)
This is off topic, but Bill Whittle has published a really wonderful and inspiring article at National Review Online and I just thought I’d take a moment to share it with you all.
It’s called The Undefended City…
This is off topic, but Bill Whittle has published a really wonderful
Pirate rap, yo ho, ho.
this would be a nice place to tell mr. whittle how much you appreciate his fine work.
Aha! Pirates!
All you pirate haters, what’s wrong with a little rum, sodomy and the lash? [emphasis on the “little bit” vis a vis the lash] Sounds like a fine, fun Friday to me.
I wonder if I should go pick up my second-ever bannination at that fool’s site. From his warnings, looks like it’d be incredibly easy to manage.
I read Ringo’s bullshit so you don’t have to.
Shorter Bill Whittle-you-down-with-inanities:
The defining characteristic of civilization is the eagerness to go forth and kill people who are different than you.
And now that it seems I no longer be on the spammer list (thanks!) here’s that Lake Pahoe link.
Talk like a software pirate day?
All your base belong to us. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Here’s some questions for Bill Whittle:
1. How does he feel about warrantless wiretapping? Or just generally giving yp civil liberties for national security purposes?
2. How does he feel about reinstating the draft?
3. When you talk about the Legion of Narcissists do you refer also to people with the audacity to type the following:
4. Did you make a good poopy today or was it another hour of sitting and grunting?
“All your base belong to us.”
(and I say that with the utmost respect, actor)
OneMan fails.
That bullshit about the trumpets cracked me up, DKW. And the comments section has several
sockpuppetsreaders writing in the same pompous style. Then there’s his defending of “the businessmen that provide the prosperity we take for granted” followed shortly by his railing against elitist millionaires. My favorite part though is this bit:Who the fuck is he talking about? HBS turns out leftists? There’s only one nationally prominent politician I can think of with an MBA from Harvard and I wouldn’t trust him to man a pump at a gas station let alone run it so I guess he does have a point.
robert green said,
September 19, 2008 at 21:28
this would be a nice place to tell mr. whittle how much you appreciate his fine work.
Shorter comment thread:
“Questioner”: What do you know about Santa Monica? Where’s your evidence? Did you make this up?
Everyone else: Ooooh, ignore the bad man who wants facts! Oh Bill, your essay was so dreamy!
J Neo Marvin,
Whittle probably found the information regarding Santa Monica High School in an article by a Santa Monica High School student named Steve Miller which was published in a few So. Cal newspapers as well as at some conservative websites, including FrontPageMagazine:
Of course, Whittle could have used as an example any number of similar incidents which have occured in public schools and Universities across the country. I assume he chose Santa Monica High school because it is close to where he lives.
Ringo: if you saw an article on Democratic Underground entitled “How I Changed My Right-Wing High School” written by a 17-year-old who was the darling of the anti-war protest circuit, would you be totally credulous about every unsourced quote and unverified anecdote provided by the author?
I agree. There are plenty of better documented sources that Whittle could have used to demonstrate his point.
‘If you want to discuss lack of coverage, wasn’t the hurricane that hit New Orleans the same hurricane that nearly wiped the Mississippi gulf coast off the map?”
Obviously it’s ’cause of the niggis. They got de media in dey pocket. I mean, loogadem all on the TV. Oprah, Fred Sanford, and whatnot.
Good lord, where do these painfully stupid people like “Ask a stupid question and let the stupid people answer it” Reynolds get off? New Orleans metro area used to be (before Katrina came and FEMA committed to the largest diaspora of blacks since the 1700s) the biggest goddamned city between Atlanta and Houston – how’s that for attention-worthy, you fucking retard law professor?
New Orleans got all the attention.
Haley Barbour’s lilly-white Republican state got all the money.
You go figure it out, Insta-Asshole.
There are plenty of better documented sources that Whittle could have used to demonstrate his point.
Name one.
Bill Whittle’s screed is the biggest crock of horsesh*t I’ve read in a long time. I am quite familiar with SAMOHI, both faculty, students, and PTSA alike. He doesn’t know jack.
I didn’t make it past the first paragraph of Whittle’s spittle. Observe:
I dunno jackass, maybe the point of D&D was to create a story collectively with your friends, not to see how much pretend loot you could rack up. The lesson he took from playing RPGs was that the only purpose in life is to make as much money with as little effort as possible, and I’m supposed to take anything else he says seriously?
Can’t do it.
Nice of him to point out that he thinks somebody working selflessly to help others in need is just dumb. Why do that when you can rack up teh phat lewtz? It’s conservatism in a nutshell.
J Neo Marvin,
This one comes to mind:
Of course, anyone who has ever been a conservative on a college campus knows quite well the overtly Leftwing slant that dominates almost every classroom discussion.
Hell, you can’t even take a ceramics course at a local community college without having to listen to your Lefty teacher’s political views.
You know it’s true.
Hey Ringo, is the oppression of the poor conservatives on campus anything like the liberal media bias that prevents any conservative thought from reaching the yearning masses? The horrible unfair bias that’s prevented any conservative from gaining political power for the last thirty years?
That teacher gave the students speeches from both Hitler and Bush. It’s not the teacher’s fault that they both used the same rhetoric. Sorry that reality is so biased against you, you poor downtrodden thing you. Besides, that teacher was punished for his crime of telling his students what Bush said, so what are you bitching about?
Crybabies. Fucking crybabies who think the mere existence of liberals is an unbearable affront. Pathetic babies who think people disagreeing with their psychotic beliefs is oppression. Suck it up, whiner.
Something that you might want to consider – if just about all of society has a Leftwing liberal slant, maybe the problem is you.
The whole liberal bias BS is such a fucking joke. Seriously, take a good look around and try to point out some influential liberals. Go ahead you ignorant jackass.
Oh, but teachers are all lefties, and college profs and the guy that steals my parking space and those dirty fucking hippies at the grocery store that give me dirty looks for not bringing my own shopping bags and….
Hell, you can’t even take a ceramics course at a local community college without having to listen to your Lefty teacher’s political views.
BWAHAHAHHA. That’s fucking hilarious. Tell you what, we’ll get all the fucking patchouli reeking moonbats out of community college ceramics courses (WTF is a conservative taking that class for anyways…) if we can get all the neo-cons out of EVERY FUCKING POLICY-MAKING ENTITY IN THE COUNTRY.
anyone who has ever been a conservative on a college campus
I doubt Ringo has ever been on a college campus at all.
I’d have to leave the issue of leftwing bias among community-college ceramics instructors to those who have been there and done that, Gringo. But as a general rule, you might consider that liberal consciousness on college campuses and at other institutions of higher learning might be because that’s where smart people hang out.
J Neo Marvin,
This one comes to mind:
Way to deflect. I thought you were going to give us some hard evidence of Santa Monica High School’s flag-trampling indoctrination. Silly me.
Damned iff’n I can find a recording…
There’s one on YouTube.
I am giving props to Aristophanes for calling this financial crisis last Sunday evening. I was skeptical. He was right, I was wrong.
This is some historical shit.
“OneMan fails.”
Oh, and fuck pirates. They get too much press coverage.
So-o desu ne !!!!!ichi!!!ju-ichi!!!
OT (but maybe not so much), I just read a Yahoo-linked AP article about how Obama’s race might cost him the election. Shorter AP: Many Dems are racists.
Buried deep within, however, way down at paragraph #13, was the real story: “Race is not the biggest factor driving Democrats and independents away from Obama. . . More than a quarter of all Democrats expressed doubt that Obama can bring about the change they want . . .
Exactly. I turned away from Obama — and Reid, Pelosi, et al. — I don’t plan to vote this year — when he/they refused to stand up on the issue of the Bush-Cheney surveillance state and telecom immunity. (Seriously: name one thing that’s different today because We the People succeeded in electing the Dems in ’06.)
Yes, We Can! (But apparently “we” don’t want to!) Meanwhile, it’s all good for McPOW; and “Dems are racists” is good for the GOP. Whatever. Too much nonsense; this is why I left.
I don’t plan to vote this year
You realized you’ve effectively doubled the power of a vote cast by someone like Ringo, don’t you?
Fwiw. My point is that if the corporate media would tell the truth . . .
(to wit: that while McPOW has been furiously pandering to his base a la Palin, Obama has done nothing but alienate his, and that is the real story behind the drag on his poll numbers)
. . . then Obama might be forced to start acting again like the candidate who once excited so many of us. and thus give people like me something to vote for. Instead the corporate media portrays this, falsely, as all about race; and thus Obama moves ever more to that ever-elusive (and in my opinion non-existent) “middle”.
The fact is, the radical left is seeking to undermine Senator McCain’s candidacy. The leftwing newspapers and polls are all claiming that Osama is in the lead. They are all filled with bias and USA hate. I recently read a newspaper article that claimed that the “Palin effect” on the election is over. These liberal journalists should all be put up against a wall and shot. As should the liberals on wikipedia.
then Obama might be forced to start acting again like the candidate who once excited so many of us.
What would be different? Have his policies altered any?
The most exciting thing about an Obama presidency is that he’s not a religious lunatic and he can actually speak somewhat better than Corky from Thirtysomething. He was never the fire-breathing left-wing radical some of us would like, but he’s far better than our alternatives.
Baby steps…
What would be different? Have his policies altered any?
Yes. Once upon a time he opposed the Bush-Cheney surveillance state and telecom immunity. But after securing the nomination, he voted for those things. And he trumpeted his opposition to the occupation of Iraq’s oil fields to win the nomination; but has refused to actually vote against it; and he now “admits” the surge has worked, which might be politically expedient but is otherwise preposterous.
As far as the details of what Obama says he’ll do as president, who cares?. In the American system there is a world of difference between what a candidate says he wants and what a president* actually gets. As a senator Obama has been far more interested in pleasing Wall Street and the military-industrial complex than in fighting for We the People. Leaving me with nothing to vote for.
* Unless it’s a Republican president, of course, in which case the Dems in Congress bend over backwards to give him everything he wants and more.
Per the government’s report:
80% of New Orleans was flooded. In some places up to 20 feet deep.
Hurricane Katrina, and the subsequent flooding of New Orleans, displaced roughly one million people from their homes in Southeast Louisiana.
Bodies were not retrieved for days and lay bloated floating in the streets.
Sounds like a big news event to me that deserved some focus.
Our hurricane did a lot of damage, but it was mostly relatively minor. It only rained for one day; that’s very little water for a hurricane. It didn’t flood extensively, another difference from Katrina. And Houston isn’t as poor as New Orleans. Plus after a week, we are mostly back to normal.
Some people deserve to be stuck in a house with no electricity and nothing but their dark thoughts to keep them company, the wankers.
Our hurricane did a lot of damage, but it was mostly relatively minor.
Susan of Texas, I’m glad to hear you’re OK. Now when will you start your own blog; or have you already?
You owe it to the world; seriously.
Yes. Once upon a time he opposed the Bush-Cheney surveillance state and telecom immunity.
Yeah, you’re right. USA! USA!
Also clicking on Susan’s name is a good thing to do.
Also clicking on Susan’s name is a good thing to do.
Ah, yes, I see. Thanks. Though I don’t know what you mean by USA! USA!
I’ve always associated that particular chant with maroons; no?
I’ve always associated that particular chant with maroons; no?
It can be used ironically, like everything else since the death of irony.
It is said that Glenn Reynolds is a passive agressive racist. I make no judgement: I just draw people’s attention to it. Heh. Indeed.
Yeah, and why do the Jews hog the Holocaust so much?