Dirty Tricks For Troopergate Dicks?

The media is dutifully reporting that Sarah Palin’s Yahoo email account was hacked by some malicious third party. The wingnutosphere has dutifully transmogrified the /b/tards into a partisan liberal affinity group, if not an official arm of the Obama campaign apparatus.

Thing is, we still don’t know much about who spread Palin’s Yahoo login and password around the Intertubes. And would it be entirely tinfoil-hatted to wonder a little bit about the convenience of Palin being victimized yet again, even as economic turmoil threatens to move the national narrative away from spunky, disrespected moose hunters to, you know, important stuff?

Or whether a governor whose email correspondence has been subpoenaed as part of an ongoing abuse-of-power investigation might benefit from some serious media fog being blown over said email correspondence?

To be fair, there’s probably no other way for the mainstream press to report this thing at the moment, other than to take the third-party hacker story at face value. And really, /b/tards being /b/tards isn’t exactly an implausible explanation for L’Affaire Lulz. At least the Em-Ess-Em doesn’t seem to be taking the wingnut bait to label Anoymous as a ‘liberal’ enterprise.

Still, you’ve got to wonder if more is going on here. There’s certainly the whiff of a Rovian gambit here.


Comments: 194


Oh come on.

It’s not like she bugged her own office…


Oh please let Michelle Malkin get into a nerd fight with Anon. Please Zombie Jesus, let this happen, you owe me.


Here’s my guess:
1) they see all the people trying to get to her account, while they have the thing locked down (disabled the password retrieval, if we can believe what Malkin says, and no we cant)
2)they make sure there’s nothing really damning there,
3)say “what the hell” remove the added security and let the internets take their course.
4) Profit!!!


I’m listening to Thom Hartmann right now,and what’s happening in Alaska in regards to the Troopergate thing is getting reallllly innnnteresting. McCain’s campaign operatives are up there now pushing the honest people out of the way and subverting the law. According to the local progressive radio host,it’s turning into a GOP slugfest,the few honest repubs up there are being replaced with McCain cronies as fast as possible. There’s an awful huge rush to cover up alot of nasty stuff,stuff that could sink the campaign.

The timing on the email thing,IMO, is in direct response to that. Those rats don’t fuck themselves people.


To coin a phrase, “whatever.”

I invite–invite? insist!–Palin and her peeps to stall, evade, bury, and try to shut down Troopergate. Don’t they know the coverup is always worse than the crime?

Barry’s Gang ™ can, and should, then point to it, in its unresolved Heisenbergian living/dead state and demand, “What are they afraid of? What are they covering up? What ELSE do we not know about?”

Etc. To the extent that revealing-Palin-is-a-political-criminal will sway anyone, the unresolved state of the investigation allows the undecideds to fret about it and even blow it out of proportion, by using…*their imaginations.*


Still, you’ve got to wonder if more is going on here. There’s certainly the whiff of a Rovian gambit here.

I don’t believe they’re adept enough. Hacking through those Virtual Shit Moats takes a lot of skill.


Nah, she was using a fucking Yahoo account fercrissakes. The password was probably one of her kid’s birthdays.


If this was a Dem dirty trick, they would at least have copied all the incriminating state-business emails and released them to the press first. If this was a GOP ratfuck they would have deleted the incriminating emails, and then released all the personal, tacky but innocent ones.

Instead, we get the lulz-boys being half-assed about it. I would love to read all those state-business emails, bastards.


Why hasn’t anyone pointed to the most likely culprit:

the dastardly president of Spain!

Nuff Ced McGreavey

I’m for going after the hackers and after Palin.

There is a public records law in Alaska that requires that state business correspondence be archived. Trying to avoid government transparency by using personal email accounts is not only unethical, it’s illegal.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

Leave me the hell out of it, now.

Jeez, you Americans piss me off


Dude, Anonymous isn’t Obama’s personal army. Nor are they yours, Xenos.


Trying to avoid government transparency by using personal email accounts is not only unethical, it’s illegal.

I laugh at your ignorance of the Unitarded Executive Theory.


Thing is, what little I know is that the Trooper in question was a pretty bad apple. Why did they put on the Full Court Press to cover up, when they could have been open and cast her as a heroine dealing with a really brutal, corrupt cop?

Unless what’s there is so bad it would trump the image of a cop who tasered his own kid.


There’s certainly the whiff of a Rovian gambit here.

Hm, someone who could do this could be capable of bugging the office of a small-time Texas political thug running a drunk for gov–

Oh. I see your point.


Some random hackers with no apparent political motive hack into the easily-hackable Yahoo mail

and that excuses the smearing of a 12 year old and stalking his family.

Thank FSM I’m not one of these people or I’d have to eat a bullet from the sheer shame of it all.


I don’t see the upside for the Rovians. Nor do I see the upside for the Obamians. Sadly, I think the most likely explanation is also the simplest: malicious internet meatballs hacked her account because it was fucking easy.

The wingers get to run around with their tinfoil hats on and whine about the mean liberals being mean to Lady Mooseburgers, and we get to point and laugh at the moronitude of doing official state business on a Yahoo account (which is against the law by the way), AND we get to publicly wonder about the substance of her goings-on on Yahoo. Since she won’t make her records available, it would be irresponsible not to fear the worst – i.d. goat blowing and / or fucking.


that excuses the smearing of a 12 year old and stalking his family

Did she go there, really?


they make sure there’s nothing really damning there

That was the first thing that struck me. A lot of innocent and boring nonsense, the type of thing you’d expect to see in pretty much anyone’s email account. It all seemed just a bit too innocuous.


Oh, My. Praising Title IX

Last night in a joint townhall meeting, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) touted their supposed support for gender equality, especially equal pay. Palin called herself “a product of Title IX”

The K-mart Coulter’s head is going to explode!


I’m glad you brought this up. Someday, an enterprising journalist will prove that “Memogate” was itself a case of ratfucking. It conformed very well to what the Pentagon was doing at the same time with stories about Koran desecration: leak a story that’s essentially true, but have one element of your version of it be demonstrably false so that you can seem to refute the whole of it. Obviously a different thing going on here, but it’s hard not to wonder.


If Rove had engineered this, he’d have “found” something really nasty (love letters, bribes, whatever) and then “proved” that they were fake.

Me, I’m waiting on World War, um, what number are we up to now?


Press Release:

“Any hackers intending to spelunk the depths of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin’s e-mail and internet activities are directed to hack John McCain’s campaign e-mails and internet activities. Gov. Palin’s e-mails and internet activities will be unavailable for hacking until hackers treat her with proper respect and deference.

Gov. Palin will be signing copies of her new book, Mitnick Shrugged, at the Wasilla Barnes & Noble on Sept. 30th, from 6-8PM.”


Yeah, I hate it when Republicans use personal accounts to break the law with impunity, but I hate it even more when our side does it.


No just kidding. I don’t feel like doing that again :).


malicious internet meatballs hacked her account because it was fucking easy.

And because she’s a public figure. That’s all it takes, though hackers also seem to like hitting arrogant assholes, too. That makes Palin 3-for-3 when it comes to being 733t h4x0r bait.


José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero said,

September 18, 2008 at 20:41

Leave me the hell out of it, now.

Jeez, you Americans piss me off

You Latin American dictators are all alike.


Was Sarah Palin using a weak password, like, say, “Track123??

Does Sarah Palin use the same password in any other place? For instance, does she use the same password for her on her official governmental e-mail login?

Has anyone checked whether, since the hackers guessed it, they have used her password to access any of her other accounts?

Was Sarah Palin using Yahoo’s secure HTTPS login, or was she using a clear-text HTTP password transmission that any network administrator between her house and Yahoo could sniff?

Was Sarah Palin cognizant of the fact that Yahoo is a private company to which she was entrusting her governmental e-mail?

Was Sarah Palin aware that a large number of Yahoo personnel could and can inspect her stored e-mail at any time, without necessarily needing her password at all?

Is Sarah Palin’s computer compromised by a “Back Orifice”-style rootkit, allowing hackers to watch her as she uses her computer?


More head-explodey for Debbie Schlussel:

“I’ll tell ya, I’m a product of Title IX in our schools, where equal education and equal opportunities in sports really helped propel me into the—I guess into the position that I’m in today.”

This was in answer to a question from the town hall ” Give us some details and examples of your strategies and plan for economic empowerment for women.”

McCain then interjected, “Could I mention she was a point guard on a state championship basketball team.”


If Palin had said up front: “Yeah, I fired the jerk. He wouldn’t get rid of my abusive, dangerous B-in-law. Maybe it was illegal, but I’m tryin’ to protect my fambly here, get it?” People would have “understood & forgiven”. Luckily, she’s too stupid to tell the truth.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Speaking of Troopergate.

It looks like I may owe Trooper Mike Wooten an apology. At first, I was all like “well Mike Wooten sounds like a piece of work, so while I disagree with a state Govenor interfering with local personnel issues, I can’t get too worked up about it”. Well, Trooper Wooten – I’m sorry.

1. The Taser thing. The phrase “tasered his 11 year old step-son” invokes an image. Apparently it’s not an accurate image of what actually happened. Apparently the 11 year old volunteered to be tasered in order to impress Bristol. Precautions were taken to minimize risk. Still not a great idea – but nowhere near as sinister as it originally sounded.

2. Death threats on Molly’s (and Sarah’s) father. So our source for this is known liar Sarah Palin:
And, wow – talk about “made-up” testimony. It must have been extra special double scary since Mike was wearing his gun in a threatening manner! Except that Palin was eavesdropping on the conversation via speakerphone…

3. The “technical” charges – shooting the moose and driving a mile with an open beer. Violations? Sure. But not the egregious abuse of power that most cops get away with. Not that I approve of shooting moose – but if you read what he was actually found to have done – it really isn’t that bad. Also, the only sources we have for these charges are the ex-wife and her dad.

So, I jumped to conclusions before. It’s clear that, based on the evidence available, it’s impossible for me to tell if Trooper Wooten is a bad cop who got away with all sorts of shit or not. Either way, a fucking five day suspension for “failing to use turn signals” is fucking bullshit.


Regarding Sarah & Title IX, from Salon (Wednesday)

“‘Sarah Barracuda’ — she’s proud of that name now, she uses it in her campaigns,” said her former mentor. “But she got that name from the way she conducted herself with her own teammates. She was vicious to the other girls, always playing up to the coach and pointing out when the other girls made mistakes. She was the coach’s favorite and he gave her more playing time than her skills warranted. My niece was on her team; she was a very good player. I used to sit there in the stands, and I would wonder, Why on earth is Sarah getting so much playing time?”


The real reason Palin wants the Troopergate investigation shut down is so people can’t start getting into her official e-mails and discover that she plagiarized the “lipstick/pitbull” line from a “Cathy” cartoon someone forwarded to her six months ago.

When confronted with this allegation, Plain replied “AAACK!”


i get the impression that they used the password recovery feature for this, which is really the weak link in the chain no matter how secure your password is, unless you use non-obvious or false information to fill in the answers to the questions.

she didnt.


also, i think this underscores the fact that these public records laws are to protect the privacy of government officials as much as they are to make sure the public has access to the product of their tax dollars. when she decided to break the law, she was the one putting her privacy at risk. these guys were actually, imho, doing a more aggressive form of civil disobedience.


Ooops. That should be “Palin,” not “Plain.” It should be plain it’s Palin.


Dollars to dumbasses her password was ‘Natasha’.

Serious, a Yahoo email account for official business? That’s like wearing a big “Please Fuck With Me” sandwich board.

Do these lowlifes have records of any of this? Any IP addresses? Any names? Anything, other than sexist, book-banning, market crashing liberals did it?

Is this the best you can do, Rove? Will someone fire the repukes already, fer christ’s sake?


Could be Papa Rove -but I don’t think so.

She’s enough of an idjit to use Yahoo(!!!) for her e-mail, & to have a weak password … but I doubt that even Caribou-Klaus-Barbie is dense enough not to delete “politically sensitive” material, so this little fishing-trip is an exercise in wanking for the /b/tards … who nobody, including themselves, has any control over.

Now, if they’d hacked CHENEY’S account … mmmmm!

The real issue here is her using a private account for official business – which is both a crime & a shameful indicator of what a scumbag she must be as a politician. I’d guess that with a rise as warp-speed as hers has been she’s got a LOT to hide, & I bet she’s pretty damn good at hiding it too.

But that GOP “Delete Fucking Everything” Posse up in Alaska right now looks bad – VERY bad. That’s worse than a crime … it’s a mistake, a big fat bone-headed mistake, & it may come back to haunt them very soon. Don’t they know that this kind of approach just makes everyone all the more inquisitive – & that you can NEVER totally kill a nasty story if people want to find out about it badly enough? You’d think eventually they’d run out of feet to shoot.


2. Death threats on Molly’s (and Sarah’s) father. So our source for this is known liar Sarah Palin:
And, wow – talk about “made-up” testimony. It must have been extra special double scary since Mike was wearing his gun in a threatening manner! Except that Palin was eavesdropping on the conversation via speakerphone…

I’ve been saying this for 2 weeks. The ONLY supposed witnesses to the alleged threats are Sarah & Bristol Palin and Molly Heath – people who not only have a motive to lie but HAVE lied about him in the past as well.

I’ve seen ugly divorces. There is NO WAY a person should be fired based only on uncorroborated accusations made by his ex’s family. NO WAY! The state troopers knew that they were being lied to by the Palin/Heaths and they refused to be suckers. Thats why Palin slashed their budget and then replaced their boss with a known sexual harasser who would owe her bigtime for the favor.

3. The “technical” charges – shooting the moose and driving a mile with an open beer. Violations? Sure. But not the egregious abuse of power that most cops get away with. Not that I approve of shooting moose – but if you read what he was actually found to have done – it really isn’t that bad. Also, the only sources we have for these charges are the ex-wife and her dad.

It’s worse – Sarah and Todd Palin ATE that moose. 2 years later they pointed their fingers at Wooten, after he cheated on SP’s sister, and blew the whistle on a crime they participated in.


It’s worse – Sarah and Todd Palin ATE that moose.

Clearly, conservative voters have no problem with bestiality.

I woulda thought they’d’a been agin’ it.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Apparently the “False Equivalency” accusations have go Michael’s back up. http://www.time-blog.com/swampland/2008/09/using_votes_to_obscure_policie.html

His example of McCain’s bad ad – was it the “Sex Ed for Babies” ad? No – some stupid tax thing about people making $42K+. Which is false, but really doesn’t push the buttons as much as the Sexual Predators for America ad does. Anyways, even Scherer recoginzes – ad is false – it’s misleading at best.

His examples of Obama “doing the same thing”? Two ads, not being run nationally. The first – McCain wants to privatize Socail Security. But Scherer points out that McCain only wants to privatize part of social security. i.e. the ad is true – the quote taken isn’t even the more damaging “all options on the table” one. The “dated” vote is from 2006. Sure Michael, that’s totally the same. Well how about #2?

Then the ad says McCain wants to give $4 billion in tax breaks to oil companies. This is all a nifty bit of misdirection. The oil company tax breaks the ad refers to are a corporate tax cut McCain favors, which would apply to almost all profitable companies, not just oil companies–including those companies that work on wind, solar and biofuels.

Except that the statement is true. McCain wants tax breaks going to all sorts of people – and the amount that oil companies would receive is $4 billion. It’s not $4b tax breaks to everybody, and the oil companies get a smaller slice – it’s tax breaks for “almost all profitable companies” of which the slice for the oil companies is $4 billion. I mean holy fuck Michael – the line is exactly true – McCain wants to give tax breaks to oil companies in the amount of $4 billion.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


I guess it’s just my instinctual Anarchistic “Fuck da Police” bias, but I kinda didn’t think the accusations were totally unbelievable, also they way they were presented really pushed my buttons – so I didn’t look to deeply into it. In my own defense, I only griped about it once and then dropped it.

Still, I was wrong. And now, knowing more about Sarah Palin, I think I’d be more sympathetic to anything or anyone she’s against.


The fact is,


I wants me some Popcorn!


As usual everyone ignores the momcorn.


Now, if they’d hacked CHENEY’S account … mmmmm!

Trouble with that is Cheney is clever – if he commits anything to to any medium, it’s paper that can be conveniently and quietly shredded or not at all.


Hey everybody, Gary’s Here!!!!


Hey PeeJ
You knittin’ back together OK?


#Ripley said,

September 18, 2008 at 21:07

Gov. Palin will be signing copies of her new book, Mitnick Shrugged, at the Wasilla Barnes & Noble on Sept. 30th, from 6-8PM.”

Brava! Well done.


Righteous Bubba said,

September 18, 2008 at 21:25

Via Pharyngula, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases.

Those clerics better back off. Attacking the United States is one thing, but taking on Disney is a whole ‘nother mousetrap.


Looks like someone got the memo.

Limbaugh baseless smear: “Obama thugs” responsible for Palin email hacking

“Obama, folks, is showing who he really is. A community organizer, the street agitator, the Chicago thug, clear the playing field, is finally being — it’s on display for everybody to see. Sarah Palin’s emails, personal emails, have been hacked, no doubt by Obama thugs. They dropped 30 people up there in Alaska trying to dig up dirt on her. Now they got some thugs that found her personal email address.”

No word on the fate of the Chicago city comptroller.


One thing that annoys me is all this talk of “hacking”. I know we’ve long lost the original use of the word, but come on. In what way did this guy “hack into” the account? There was no keylogging, no exploitation of buffer overruns, no rootkits, no dictionary attacks, no encryption cracking. The guy googled the answers to yahoo’s security questions, put them in, and was given access. You could have done this. Your mom could probably have done this. This is “hacking” like rifling through desk drawers to find the postit with the combination is “safecracking”. Honestly, these people did her a favor by exposing how vulnerable her information was.


I guess it’s just my instinctual Anarchistic “Fuck da Police” bias, but I kinda didn’t think the accusations were totally unbelievable, also they way they were presented really pushed my buttons – so I didn’t look to deeply into it. In my own defense, I only griped about it once and then dropped it.

I feel you because the allegations make him look like the kind of Bully-cop many of us know and they struck a chord with me too.

I’ve just seen some messy divorces so I never take accusations that are first raised during divorces seriously unless there is real evidence and not just the word of a bitter ex and his/her family. Especially regarding allegations of molestation and abuse – which I have seen raised only to be recounted years later after the accuser was less angry and had time to feel shame for their lies.

I certainly CANNOT blame a boss who refuses to fire an employee based only on unsupported allegations made by people who clearly hate him because he openly cheated on their relation. Especially when that family had supported him in the past and waited till the divorce to unleash and avalanche of abuse on him.


Sorry if someone’s pointed this out, but according to the AP and other reporting, they only hacked one of her Yahoo accounts – gov. palin.

Her gov.sarah Yahoo account was not hacked, and I’ll just betcha that’s the one she really used for govt business.


g: Title IX? Does that mean Wasilla High School received federal funding?

Cuppa Invader "Jrod" Palin

If /b/ is a liberal stronghold, why is it infested with racists, homophobes, and pedophiles? Sounds more like the RNC to me.


I B doing prety well, all things considered. Only got one more (scheduled) surgery to go.

Thanks fer askin!

Also, POOP.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

” Give us some details and examples of your strategies and plan for economic empowerment for women.”

“I’ll tell ya, I’m a product of Title IX in our schools, where equal education and equal opportunities in sports really helped propel me into the—I guess into the position that I’m in today.”

No strategy or plan, merely a mention of her benefitting from the good work of others… good work she’d work hard to undo


good work she’d work hard to undo

And no doubt would have voted against/vetoed if she’d been given the chance.


Those are some pretty stupid choices for account names…

I usually find that a good password choice is to spell my name backwards. I can remember it that way, except I have to write it down first.


And she still hasn’t endorsed Don Young or Ted Stevens. Nor has she rejected, denounced and disclaimed them. Which makes me wonder if we’ll ever get to find out what happens when a barracuda tangles with an alaskan mink.


Can anybody else see the the moon from your window?
We’re all astronauts! Dang!


The fact is, the economy is fine, the fundamentals are strong. Stop hating the USA.


I allowed them to get into my account. All in the interest of transparency which is one of the new things we’re bringing to Washington. We’re going to make everything transparent, including my naked ambition and complete lack of ethics and incedibly lightweight credentials.

See! We deliver on our promises! Obama hasn’t done anything!


This is “hacking” like rifling through desk drawers to find the postit with the combination is “safecracking”.



Let’s play Global Thermonuclear War.


As long as it is abstinence only, I’m game.


CNN’s Political Ticker:

“We’re going to do a few new things also,” she said at a rally in Cedar Rapids. “For instance, as Alaska’s governor, I put the government’s checkbook online so that people can see where their money’s going. We’ll bring that kind of transparency, that responsibility, and accountability back. We’re going to bring that back to D.C.”

“We’ll call it the Coburn-Obama Transparency Act,” she added.


The fact is, few people in this country know more about banking crises than John “Keating 5” McCain.


Ooh, let’s have a password contest!



we get to publicly wonder about the substance of her goings-on on Yahoo. Since she won’t make her records available, it would be irresponsible not to fear the worst

Sarah_Palin_Yahoo_account was released on WikiLeaks. Server is overloaded for the moment.


Ooh, let’s have a password contest!



Off topic, but if you need a chuckle,

Northern Virginia Republicans, realizing they need to improve their appeal among the region’s large ethnic population, will stage a “unity” rally Saturday that they say will draw 1,000 people.

Hyland said he expects as many as 1,000 supporters to turn out for the event at Edison High School, where former senator George Allen and Reps. Tom Davis and Frank R. Wolf are expected to speak. Former Virginia governor James S. Gilmore III is planning to attend, as is a widely known surrogate from McCain’s campaign, organizers said.

I can’t even snark this properly. Once again, their reality has lapped our satire.

I wonder if they’ll have nooses hanging nexgt to the flags.


Ooh, let’s have a password contest!



PW: TitleIXchamp
PW: 1stDudeBoner


I can’t think of anyone I’d more like to see motivating the black vote than George Allen.

Drill Swollen "OneMan" Palin

I call fake Sarah:

I allowed them to get into my account. All in the interest of transparency which is one of the new things we’re bringing to Washington. We’re going to make everything transparent, including my naked ambition and complete lack of ethics and incedibly lightweight credentials.

Much too intelligent and readable. Work on your “trailer trash” dialect.


Sarah Palin = Sharia Plan



We’ll bring that kind of transparency, that responsibility, and accountability back. We’re going to bring that back to D.C.
Yay! No more e-mails accidentally deleted, sealed by claims of Executive Privilege, or mixed in with personal correspondence!

Ooh, let’s have a password contest!
Type “friend” and enter.


You mean that Felix Macacawitz Allen will be making a rare public appearance?

Can the next coming of Alan Keyes (AKA The Reverend Batshit J. Crayzee) be far behind?


‘Sarah Barracuda’ — she’s proud of that name now, she uses it in her campaigns,” said her former mentor. “But she got that name from the way she conducted herself with her own teammates.

She certainly didn’t get it because of her defense.


Maybe Palin should get born again right quick. Remember Dubya. We had to forgive all his cocaine fueled shenanigans because that was before he found Jesus.


She certainly didn’t get it because of her defense.

At least she’s not flopping.


Now, if they’d hacked CHENEY’S account … mmmmm!

All that have tried, have died of a mysterious wasting illness characterized by lassitude and burned fingertips. It was as if their very soul had been drained from them as they typed.


PW: mooseshitsmellsgood2me


C’mon. Her email was hacked, they found nothing negative? Distraction. I smell turdblossom all over it.


Sup /sn/, I have noticed that the RW blogosphere has decided that Anonymous is a liberal group – proving that they’ve never /b/een exposed to it. Most /b/tards seem to be adolescent asshole randbots, and even those that don’t would respond to any calls for action with “not your personal army.”

in b4 “stating the obvious.”


Because she’d never think of deleting the incriminating emails? Hello! She got a Yahoo account for that very purpose.


Ooh, let’s have a password contest!

I use my last name, but put my first initial in front of it! It completely foils all malefactors.


Strangely, Rove criticised Palin and McCain the other day for their dirty advertising. I was stunned to hear him. Of course he also slammed Obama, but he said he thought the ad suggesting Obama was a pedophile supporter was inappropriate.


PeeJ, I’ve kinda been watching for you to show up again. Still haven’t established whether you have teh camera that went missing at the PDX drinkathon…?


I use my last name, but put my first initial in front of it!

You only have ONE NAME, LIEBERAL!


Lesley, I can only guess that Rove has “the numbers”.

I.e. He knows squirrel and moose have no chance, so he’s trying to distance himself from the trainwreck.

Of course, with Rove disciple Steve “Bullet” Scmidt ruining the show, it still has Rove’s porcine paw prints all over it.

Nonetheless, given a fig leaf, the Village idiots will give the genius a pass.


PW: wolfkiller


PW: Paw-cutter
(sounds better in German)


PW: Prez45

Drill Swollen "OneMan" Palin

PW: Ru55ia7here=>


If you can’t trust someone with a Yahoo account, I’m guessing you can’t trust them with nuclear launch codes and stuff.


Ahhhhh the camera. I don’t see it in front of me but I can’t imagine I threw it out. Must be here somewhere.


A brief search (no one get excited – that’s not what I mean) turns up a camera stuffed into a too-small case.

Did the toothbrush joke scare you away last time?


PW abstinence1!


PS – going out for a smoke. brb


“I’ll tell ya, I’m a product of Title IX in our schools, where equal education and equal opportunities in sports really helped propel me into the—I guess into the position that I’m in today.”

Gender rules are very different in Alaska. Non-existent in the circles I’ve hung with. Suffice it to say, the play-do and bacon crowd are gonna start getting over their endorphin rush pretty soon. Who will be the first to turn?

My guess is Swank, with “uppity wimmin,” at six weeks.


I thought abstinence makes the fart go Honda?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well considering that her two Yahoo accounts were gov.palin and gov.sarah, I’m guessing password = govenor

BTW, Scherer’s made the big time! If he keeps fluffing the way we know he loves to, he might one day join Broder amongst the emerituses.


Sarah Palin = Sharia Plan



From the day she was chosen I’ve figured this was all just a way to prevent her from having to testify against Ted Stevens.


BTW, Scherer’s made the big time! If he keeps fluffing the way we know he loves to, he might one day join Broder amongst the emerituses.

Woo Hoo!

Should I congratulate him for earning his FED? (False Equivalency Diploma)


1 – 2 – 3 – 4?

“That’s the sort of combination an idiot uses on his luggage.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, Gary Ruppert HTML Mencken Josh Marshall gets a good swing in too.

But the MMFA post Atrios links has the bestest headline in some time:
Dodgy Journalism: Time’s Michael Scherer debates strawman, loses


She probably originally wanted “sexygov2” but had to be talked out of it. Arnold Shwarzenegger, of course, had already taken “sexygov1.” Who was “sexygov”? Elliot Spitzer, but he doesn’t use it much any more.


So, liberals. Need some schooling on the laws of economics this week? I’d say you are getting schooled. This is what happens under a democrat congress, and when you try to reign in and regulate the free market.


The password is “swordfish!”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Ouch this is gonna fucking sting.
MS @ 6:54: “I posted a response to Media Matters and its echo chamber above.”
TomT @ 7:17: “Michael, also with all due respect, I can understand who you might view Atrios or Media Matters as partisan hacks (I disagree but that’s another debate), but Josh Marshall is ten times the journalist you’ll ever be.

He’s a legend, you’re a punk.”

Fucking yeah. First he falls back on the Bill-O “smear merchants” defense and then it’s pointed out that Polk Award winning journalist thinks he’s a fucking idiot. Here’s the TPM post in it’s entirety:

Wow, Time’s Michael Scherer might want to dial in on the Social Security policy debate a bit more thoroughly next time. Ouch. Not pretty. (He doesn’t seem to know any of the backstory about privatization, private accounts, personal accounts, etc. … Did I mention ‘ouch’?


Hey, what’s-a matter, you no understand English? You can’t come in here unless you say, “Swordfish.” Now I’ll give you one more guess.

Mo, I think that well describes the entire affair.

Cuppa Invader "Jrod" Palin

SowellFan is right. And could you Democraps stop sending hurricanes through the Gulf of Mexico already?


OK, confesssion time:

I stood behind George Macacawitz Allen in line to get into the UVA/USC game at Scott Stadium a few weeks ago.

Pleasant enough guy – asked him if he were going to dive back into politics and got a “not just no but hell no” type response.

Me, I wasn’t taking sides that day. I was wearing a green HUCK THE FUSKIES T-shirt.


I’m a product of Title IX in our schools
No-one expected Palin to claim the mantle of ‘Affirmative-Action Candidate”.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well, since he’s all huffity now and persecuted, I’d like to revisit my favorite Scherer moment. Remember, he categorically denies being biased towards one candidate or the other, and note how much of a stickler he’s being for accuracy in campaign ads (watch your verb tenses!).

UPDATE: Note one of the quotes used on screen in the McCain ad is under dispute.
Which McCain ad? The Fucking Messiah one. That’s right, Scherer thinks only one of the quotes is “under dispute”. He must mean the quote that starts at the beginning of the ad and ends at the end because the ENTIRE THING IS SIMPLY TAKING WORDS OUT OF FUCKING CONTEXT. Either that or Scherer honestly believes that Obama sees himself as Jesus.

Fuck, I’m glad he’s getting fucking hammered on this. What a fucking WANKER.

But back to his “defense”

I find it telling that the good people of Media Matters/Atrios/TPM found no objection to the much more significant distortion I identify in the second Obama ad about McCain’s plans for alternative energy. I am sure they are all working on their own posts to chastise Obama about this distortion presently.

Oh it’s coming you fucking ASS. Even me, with no mba or journalism degree, could fucking see that you’re full of fucking shit. Obama’s ad accuses JiSM3 of wanting to give oil comapnies four billion in tax breaks. FACTUALLY TRUE. Obama’s “argu(ing) with what their opponents say they will do, not with what can be inferred from a vote a decade ago”. Does McCain also want to give tax breaks to other companies? Yes he does – that does not change the basic fact that John McCain want’s to give oil companies four fucking billion fucking dollars in tax breaks.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh and about his point about decade old voting records – RIGHT IN THE FIRST FUCKING AD IS A 2006 DATE ON ONE OF THE MCCAIN VOTES. 2006. In the two thousand and sixth year of our vengeful gay-bashing Lord.

But, hey precision is only something that FUCKING POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ADS have to adhere to, not “reporting” or “journalism”.


This is what happens under a democrat congress, and when you try to reign in and regulate the free market.

Whew. It’s a good thing that McCain and Palin are advocating deregulation, then.

Oh, they aren’t?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Phew. I’m calling it an early night. Fucking Scherer getting reamed can’t be topped. Now for some Bejewelled.


haha, “moose and squirrel.”

I love the real moose (Bullwinkle) and squirrel (Rocky) and if they were on the ticket I’d vote for them.

I’m noticing a new trend with the citizen Cons in my neck of the woods in comment threads. They’re pretending they are impartial and only concerned with the issues. They are posing as undecideds who need more information before they can vote. At the same time they constantly suggest that anyone liberal is “biased” and “judgemental.”

This is what US Republican candidates are doing. Suddenly they’ve forgotten their association with the party they belong to. They won’t even say the word “Republican” in public because it’s so tainted. They’re all trying to pose as new conservatives now, as if they never voted for Bush and never supported the Iraq war, and aren’t responsible for the catastrophes of the past eight years. It’s completely dishonest and disingenuous but it’s what they do.

I got so fed up with one of these morons today I said Get back to me when *you* are impartial, not that I need you to be. Please try a little honesty at the very least. You are not impartial. People make judgements. People are supposed to make judgements. This is not a bad thing so get off the “everyone should be impartial or they are bad” bullshit.


…an honest journalist criticizes Obama at his peril…

Goodness gracious, Mr. Scherer. I look forward to your further perils of Pauline.

P.S. Congrats on earning your FED (False Equivalency Diploma).

I’m sure it was hard work.

Posted by ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | September 18, 2008 9:08 PM

Concerned Swing Voter In The Heartland

I came to this blog to get some information on which way to vote, but the foul language, biased and judgmental attitude, and the lack of respect for laws of economics and moral values are a real turnoff. I think I cannot support Obama, who can’t seem to distance himself from the angry left.


Leave us alone.

What’s that? My mutual funds are tanking?

Never mind, then……

Cuppa Invader "Jrod" Palin

…an honest journalist criticizes Obama at his peril…

It’s fortunate that so much Obama criticism is coming from dishonest hacks then.


the foul language, biased and judgmental attitude, and the lack of respect for laws of economics and moral values are a real turnoff.
I like to think that the unashamed halfwitted inanity also plays a part.


You’ve got half wits, have you, SC?



unashamed halfwitted inanity

Hey, half a wit is better than nun

(singing, flying, any of ’em)


Guys! Because the Internet forces me to make bad life choices, I totally hacked Dubya’s Hotmail account after reading about this!

(I know it’s old, but the whole thing’s LOLworthy.)


So, liberals. Need some schooling on the laws of economics this week?

1) you give me your money to hold.
2) I skim 6 figure salary off top for doing easy job
3) I lend your money out
4) I obscure the loan by selling it as a new ‘insturment’
5) I screw you
6) Buy another Bentley

I’d say you are getting schooled. This is what happens under a democrat congress, and when you try to reign in and regulate the free market.

Yeah, that Democratic congress with it’s Secretary of the Treasury making deals a and all. What a putz you are.


I think I cannot support Obama, who can’t seem to distance himself from the angry left.

If you cannot in good conscience support Obama, perhaps you should consider throwing your support to Hypnotoad.


…I think I cannot support Obama, who can’t seem to distance himself from the angry left.

Bob Barr is by far the most distant from the Angry Left. I heartily recommend a vote for him.


Concerned Swing Voter In The Heartland said,
I came to this blog to get some information on which way to vote, but the foul language, biased and judgmental attitude, and the lack of respect for laws of economics and moral values are a real turnoff.

You’re more of a swine voter than a swing voter. Oink.


The verb “to distance yourself” remains an abomination. Every time I hear it or read it I am forced to closeness myself to a drink.


…when you try to reign in and regulate the free market

Hey, you got something against monarchists?


Smut Clyde said,
The verb “to distance yourself” remains an abomination.

But Clyde, it’s so impactful!


Concerned Swing Voter In The Heartland said,
I came to this blog to get some information on which way to vote,

…your first mistake

but the foul language,

…thank you, thank you, thank you!

biased and judgmental attitude,

…are you sure you really want to know which way to vote?

and the lack of respect for laws of economics

…came here with supply – all I got was demand!!

and moral values

…nudge, nudge..wink, wink – say. no. MORE!

are a real turnoff.

…boo. hoo.


First post of the day, about bribing the electorate. The Republican Party is supposed to be our president and our commander in chief doesn’t know how to use a computer, can’t send an e-mail. For the record, it is entirely inevitable that if Kerry and Edwards keep man-handling each other and the West. The Closed Circle by NR’s own David Pryce-Jones. The Threatening Storm by Kenneth Pollack was great if, alas, flawed in hindsight (and I have great sympathy for that argument, but in reality Nevada is on the discussion about the law, but he’s pretty (no serious person I know Krugman’s a serious economist and there’s a hit job in the world, which is why they advocate their own lifestyles for the job and someone saying let’s frag Wilson’s wife.


Needs more closing parenthinghys.

But I loved your book…

Now contort yourself, dammit!


The verb “to distance yourself” remains an abomination.

Why is it that you can distance yourself from something you’re close to, but not distance yourself toward something you’re far away from? And why is it that Obama can distance himself and I can distance myself, but he can’t distance me and I can’t distance him? It’s all too confusing!!!


Why is it that you can distance yourself from something you’re close to, but not distance yourself toward something you’re far away from?

I think the complementary verb is to enclosen oneself.

Though it may be enclosenize.


Needs more closing parenthinghys.

Yes, yes, I know I’m a dime a dozen pundit but I cannot imagine readers haven’t made up their minds by now.


Reflecting on Janus’s comment, I realize that I actually prefer the 3G ipod nano’s “fat” design to the 4G “slim stick.” That is all.


Strangely, Rove criticised Palin and McCain the other day for their dirty advertising. I was stunned to hear him. Of course he also slammed Obama, but he said he thought the ad suggesting Obama was a pedophile supporter was inappropriate.

He probably realizes that beating youe enemy with a tire iron in front of witnesses can cause them to feel anger toward you and sympathy toward your enemy. Rove would beat his enemy’s wife with a tire iron in secret, then frame his enemy for the crime.


I’m not trying to rebut and explain a partisan conspiracy together. That doesn’t mean you can’t go after them successfully, I just think it depends on the absurd fetishization of swing voters etc as much as they are geared to win over the straw of the Center for American Progress variety insist that the lives lost before May were worth it. Uh, ok. But what makes him an American election makes some sense, doesn’t it?


Oliver Wendell Holmes believed that the heart of social reform wasn’t economics but the eugenic program to build a better mouse trap because of what I do.


Obama’s ad accuses JiSM3 of wanting to give oil comapnies four billion in tax breaks. FACTUALLY TRUE. Obama’s “argu(ing) with what their opponents say they will do, not with what can be inferred from a vote a decade ago”. Does McCain also want to give tax breaks to other companies? Yes he does – that does not change the basic fact that John McCain want’s to give oil companies four fucking billion fucking dollars in tax breaks.

He should wait for Pappy Bush to apologize to Michael Dukakis for the Willie Horton ad, because Dukakis didn’t release run on a platform of releasing all rapists from prison.


I’m feeling much calmer now that Maria Bartiromo was on the Colbert Report advising us to cool down and not pull any more money out of the stock market.


ckc (not kc):
shouldn’t that be “boo fucking hoo”?

A Different Jake H.

Lesley said,

Smut Clyde said,
The verb “to distance yourself” remains an abomination.

But Clyde, it’s so impactful!

I was going to say this on the “impactful” thread earlier. The corporate wanker expression that annoys me the most is using the word “ask” as a noun. It’s such an awkward construction that I had to Google “ask as a noun” to find some links.

It’s a big ask

The Microsoft Vocabulary (Part I)

I think using the word “ask” this way signifies a passive-aggressive attitude. Why can’t you just “ask” for what you want? “Here’s what we’d like you to do.” “We need to ask this from you.” Those are both normal. But saying “here’s the ask” like it’s this thing out in space that has nothing to do with the person asking for it.

BTW, “impactful” is in the MS Word spell checker. I read an interesting article recently about how they decide whether a word goes in or not:

In the last two years, few names have become as recognizable as Barack Obama’s, a rise that continues tonight as he accepts the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in Denver.

But until spring 2007, “Obama” was unknown to Microsoft’s spell-checker. The suggested correction was “Osama,” a name that differs by a single letter, but carries lots of baggage.

Even though Osama is a common name around the world, it is inextricably linked to terrorism and Osama bin Laden. And the association in the spell-checker was fodder for the ongoing, false rumors surrounding the candidate’s religion. (He is Christian.)

I thought this part was interesting also:

Calcagno has other reasons why the spell-checker should not be looked to as the authority on language. For one thing, correctly spelled words are often left out on purpose.

Take “calender,” for example. From the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, calender, with an -er, means “to press (as cloth, rubber, or paper) between rollers or plates in order to smooth and glaze or to thin into sheets.”

“You can find it in any dictionary,” Calcagno said.

But, the team asked itself, should “calender” be flagged, or squiggled — have the red squiggly underline that indicates a misspelling? Yes, because letting it go through as correct “more often masks the really common spelling error that people make for calendar.”

A Different Jake H.

Dunno why my second link didn’t come out correctly…


…letting it go through as correct “more often masks the really common spelling error that people make for calendar.”

And I’m glad they do things like that. A very early spell checker I used was much too impressed with itself and would flag things like “the”, saying “Did you mean the, the definite article, or thee, the archaic formal second-person mode of address?” Major fucking hassle.


whoops, forgot the [/parody troll baiting] tag.


O/T – but David Brooks is quoting Megan McArdle i his NY TImes op-ed tomorrow. A nexus of stupid.


Shorter David Brooks: More regulation of the financial industry could be bad. Why? You’ll just have to trust me.

A Different Jake H.

Oh, and apparently Wasilla is a real shit-hole.

A Different Jake H.

It’d be funny if people start Google-bombing to link Wasilla to that article. Big box stores and sewage run-off into the now-dead lake that Gov. Palin’s house looks out upon.

“Lake Lucille is basically a dead lake — it can’t support a fish population,” said Michelle Church, a Mat-Su Valley borough assembly member and environmentalist. “It’s a runway for floatplanes.”


Personally, I’ve come to the conclusion that David Brooks is even more sooper stoopid than Jonanism Doughwad.

I came to this conclusion listening to him rant, after Biden was chosen VP candidate, that Obama’s choice meant McCain had to, simply had to, choose Holy Joe Looserman as his veep. I dig it that even the idiot McCain doesn’t listen to Brooksie’s advice. (Although, I have to say, I think McCain would have been marginally better off with Holy Joe. He’d have lost the fundies but he wouldn’t be quite as much of a total fucking laff riot.)

Gary Ruppert Number Two

O/T – but David Brooks is quoting Megan McArdle i his NY TImes op-ed tomorrow. A nexus of stupid.

The fact is, personally, I’d pay money for another episode of The Megan, Matt, and Ezra Show. That shit is funny.

A Different Jake H.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,

September 19, 2008 at 5:34

Last commento of the night from moi:

Who’d a thunkit?

Just watched the video, and the disapproval is dripping off of the narrator’s voice. “Shorter” version:

Don’t vote for the crazy Negro because he’ll listen to his crazy Negro friends (who are all crooked and hate Whitey). This means you, Grannie.

A Different Jake H.

Oh, another report from my Austin cab driver friend. I was telling him about the Wasilla shit-moat lake story and he told me that all of his customers tonight have been talking about how inexperienced and un-ready to be President Palin is and how close to death McCain has been looking lately.


The fact is it is very painful for us heartland Reagan small government conservatives to watch out country stumble into socialism even tho we know its the best for us.


McCain needs to change the intro for all his videos to:

“I’m John McCain and I approve this lie.”


A Different Jake H. said,
September 19, 2008 at 7:45

Oh, another report from my Austin cab driver friend. I was telling him about the Wasilla shit-moat lake story and he told me that all of his customers tonight have been talking about how inexperienced and un-ready to be President Palin is and how close to death McCain has been looking lately.

Dude, I was riding a tuk-tuk in Dubai just this am and they said “Who is this Biden?”

A Different Jake H.

Speaking of lies, it looks like we can all start telling people that Cheney Lied, People Died and not sound like a DFH because it is in fact, literally true.


Lesley said,
September 19, 2008 at 7:48

McCain needs to change the intro for all his videos to:

“I’m John McCain and I approve this lie.”

The fact is, all your posts should read, “I like pie”.
Heartland rules!

A Different Jake H.

Here’s the money quote.

Gellman described how Cheney convinced former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, a leading Republican opponent of war with Iraq, to vote in favor of the war resolution.

“Cheney … had … a borrowed hideaway office in the Capitol building,” Gellman explained. “He brings Armey in … and he lays out a big stack of papers and says, ‘Let me explain to you what’s really going on. … Saddam is much more dangerous than we want to tell the public.'”

“He told Armey two things that he’s never said in public and that are not true,” Gellman continued. “He said that Saddam personally, and his family, had direct ties with al Qaeda. And he said that Iraq was making substantial progress towards a miniature nuclear weapon.”


The fact is that it is not against the law to lie to someone in private if you are not under oath. Unlike the Clenis and his dastardly fellatio lie that nearly destroyed America.


A Different Jake H. said,

Speaking of lies,…

I don’t give a shit what anyone says, I did indeed have hot smoking three-way monkey sex with Scarlett Johansen and Barbra Streisand.


A Different Jake H. said,

Here’s the money quote.

Gellman described how Cheney convinced former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, a leading Republican opponent of war with Iraq, to vote in favor of the war resolution.

“Cheney … had … a borrowed hideaway office in the Capitol building,” Gellman explained. “He brings Armey in … and he lays out a big stack of papers and says, ‘Let me explain to you what’s really going on. … Saddam is much more dangerous than we want to tell the public.’”

“He told Armey two things that he’s never said in public and that are not true,” Gellman continued. “He said that Saddam personally, and his family, had direct ties with al Qaeda. And he said that Iraq was making substantial progress towards a miniature nuclear weapon.”

The fact is. if youall don’t have the balls to demand impeachment, then this shit is no different than- http://www.911sharethetruth.com/
Get a job, hippie.


First thing to remember:

`) There are no Democrats in Alaska (well, none to speak of).

2) Palin has alienated so many of her “own” (former cohorts on City Council, disgruntled high school b-ball playerettes, her own MOTHER IN LAW(!)) that there is a formidably long line of possible suspects in this.

3) I am praying that the stonewalling continues. Whatever the voters can imagine will be worse than what she’s actually done.

A Different Jake H.

The fact is. if youall don’t have the balls to demand impeachment, then this shit is no different than- http://www.911sharethetruth.com/

It’s funny that you say that. I was just mulling over whether or not to post that, while not illegal, this is exactly the sort of shit that demands impeachment. So, okay, I demand impeachment. Where do I sign the petition? Since I’m not a member of Congress, I can’t really do much more than that. Oh, I suppose I should send an email to my rep, Nancy Pelosi, demanding her to immediately drop everything and start impeaching Cheney because that’s the sort of thing that could be fully wrapped up within the next couple months, I’m sure. </sarcasm>

Get a job, hippie.

Ok, I know this is part of your shtick, but the fact is that I have a job. I write software for Microsoft. The fact is that I have an expense report that I need to take care of. Going to Redmond is weird, especially driving from Sea-Tac airport, passing the exit for Enumclaw, and thinking about this poor guy.



Whatever the voters can imagine will be worse than what she’s actually done.

She let her daughter be inseminated by a walrus? “Water” birthing in a Aquamarine Fiberglass Spa full of warm moose entrails? Sport harpoon shooting live fetus dragged behind snowmobile? Human flesh fed to Iditerod dogs? Michele Malkin and William Kristol buttsexing in bikinis? Ronald Reagan’s corpse reanimated!? Four more years!


I write software for Microsoft

Eew, you are part of the problem.
Say, you knew Kenneth? Nice guy, just a bit twisted.

Okay, I’m of to address the continued elevated pressures in U.S. dollar short-term funding markets with my Linux computer.

A Different Jake H.

Well, since I started working there due to being assimilated into the Borg, and not through any conscious effort to go work there, I suppose if you mean the company is the problem, I’m part of it. But if you have some gripe with IE or Windows or Office, well, I can’t claim the credit or the blame, sorry.

Philosophically, I happen to use whichever tool makes the most sense. I’m actually typing this on IE (7) right now and the JavaScript stuff seems to work perfectly so I have no complaints. Word to the wise, don’t upgrade to IE 8 Beta 2, it has a nasty habit (I noticed) of eating (not rendering) pieces of pages, like parts of individual comments in a blog post, or an inline image, or whatever, without indicating in any way that something is missing. FAIL. I don’t know why they didn’t catch that in testing. Firefox and Chrome are nice too. Safari is nice on the Mac. “Leopard” is quite nice, but I’ve grown to quite like Vista SP1, except for a few rough edges. Use whatever, I don’t care.

I will send an email to Rep. Pelosi about the possibility of impeaching Cheney over this straight-up lying about Saddam to a guy who ended up playing a critical role in getting Congress to pass the Iraq War bill. One book I highly recommend that shows exactly how an impeachment would go down is U.S. v. Bush by Elizabeth de la Vega.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Yeop, PeeJ– that toothbrush crack rattled me a bit. See, I have a lot of diff’rent memory cards for sundry cameras and some of ’em are dedicated to, ah, specialized purposes. Coulda slipped the wrong one into that camera before heading to the PDX boozefest– and after all, it might have been one of my, um, associates who took those alleged toothbrush photos, TOTALLY unbeknownst to me.

–So what’s the ransom?

A Different Jake H.

And I had no idea about Kenneth until I read the story in Salon when it happened and the name Enumclaw stuck in my head because “enum” is a C/C++/C# keyword and “claw” is something on an animal, and the story is about bestiality so the name stuck in my head. I mentioned “Enumclaw” as a way to try to prove I’m not bullshitting about my job (of which I’m quite proud, strangely enough, I guess because we were “recruited”, albeit en masse, rather than going to apply to work there). And I apologize for the elitist phrasing of that last sentence.

I wouldn’t want to live up in Seattle, but it’s a nice place to visit when it’s not raining. Fortunately, my company is staying in the Valley where it should be. Everything is on a “need to know” basis just like the CIA and the military so I don’t know much about what’s going on in the other groups, and I can’t talk about the stuff we’re doing, of course.

So Ted, how’s the trolling business?


A Different Jake H. said,
September 19, 2008 at 8:35

Well, since I started working there due to being assimilated into the Borg, and not through any conscious effort to go work there, I suppose if you mean the company is the problem, I’m part of it. But if you have some gripe with IE or Windows or Office, well, I can’t claim the credit or the blame, sorry.

Philosophically, I happen to use whichever tool makes the most sense. I’m actually typing this on IE (7) right now and the JavaScript stuff seems to work perfectly so I have no complaints. Word to the wise, don’t upgrade to IE 8 Beta 2, it has a nasty habit (I noticed) of eating (not rendering) pieces of pages, like parts of individual comments in a blog post, or an inline image, or whatever, without indicating in any way that something is missing. FAIL. I don’t know why they didn’t catch that in testing. Firefox and Chrome are nice too. Safari is nice on the Mac. “Leopard” is quite nice, but I’ve grown to quite like Vista SP1, except for a few rough edges. Use whatever, I don’t care.

I will send an email to Rep. Pelosi about the possibility of impeaching Cheney over this straight-up lying about Saddam to a guy who ended up playing a critical role in getting Congress to pass the Iraq War bill. One book I highly recommend that shows exactly how an impeachment would go down is U.S. v. Bush by Elizabeth de la Vega.

Dude, tell your life story on your own boring blog. Link it and i’ll go there and laugh at you.


how close to death McCain has been looking lately.

I was just thinking how much healthier he looks. At recent appearances he seems to still be wearing that mighty meaty oiled-and-tanned makeup from the Atlantic cover.


IE 8 Beta 2 … I don’t know why they didn’t catch that in testing.


Drill Swollen "OneMan" Palin

Hey TW: Jake H. has contributed a fuckton more to this blog than you and your oh-so-funny troll posts. Blow it out yer ass.


“…the screenshot of Palin’s inbox…”

Vah vah voom!


I can haz “Sadly, No” Manhattan Meetup?

Seriouse cat is seriouse.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

Nah, she was using a fucking Yahoo account fercrissakes. The password was probably one of her kid’s birthdays.

More likely, it was her second son’s birthday, backwards, with her third son’s birth year, forwards.


Shorter Sadly, No!

* It is outrageous that right-wing blogs are trying to pin the blame for the hacking of Palin’s Yahoo account on a liberal when no one has any idea who the hacker was. Clearly, the hacker was a right-winger.


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