Exclusive: Secrets of Pantload Punditry Revealed


ABOVE: Jonah Goldberg (left) and bag of cheetos

Like many of us, you’ve probably always wanted Jonah’s gig. You know, getting paid to sit at your laptop all day, swilling down mocha frappuccinos, and posting your random thoughts, emails from readers, and links to time-wasting games. Well, even if you’re not Lucianne Goldberg’s son, you too could become another Jonah, if you just follow the few simple rules which have served Jonah so well and which we’re about to reveal in this Sadly, No! exclusive report.

To discover these rules, we need look no further than Jonah’s post on Westbrook Pegler, a nasty right-wing nutjob quoted by Sarah Palin in her “Gitten’ Ta Know Ya” address to the RNC. When Palin was criticized for quoting Pegler, Jonah started muttering “must protect, must protect” to himself and started typing away:

I’m not much interested in defending Westbrook Pegler. But I find this very earnest screed by Marty Peretz, in which he beats up Sarah Palin for a completely innocuous quote by Pegler quite amusing. … The line Palin used: “We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity.” And from that Peretz launches into a parade of horrible quotations from Pegler, some of which may well be out of context.

This clever rhetorical flourish, which we will dub the “flying reverse shuffle ploy,” is central to Jonah’s effort-free theory of blogging. You don’t need to know if the quotes are out of context. You just say that they “may” be out of context, thereby subtly shifting the burden of proof away from your own fat and lazy ass and onto your critics.

There are a number of possible uses of the “flying reverse shuffle ploy.” For example: “Jonah may well be unable to move around much because of gerbil bites inside his rectum” or “Jonah’s book Liberal Fascism may well have been made up in large part while Jonah was addicted to, and under the influence of, injected Oxycontin.”

Among the parade of horrible quotations cited by Peretz is a statement Pegler made hoping for the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. Pegler said he hoped “some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies.” Truly a loathsome sentiment, but Jonah has this covered:

While I don’t have time to hunt down the context of [the RFK quote], it might be kept in mind that Pegler often spoke in other people’s voices, often to mock them. In the 1930s … Pegler skewered the Klan with this literary device. If memory serves, he also pretended to be Jimmy Hoffa in a column attacking Bobby Kennedy. For all I know that’s where the gross Kennedy quote is from.

This is truly brilliant and contains a number of devices that you too can use in your quest to emulate Jonah. First, there is the “pre-emptive research diversion” — a standard device where Jonah claims to lack time to do research in order to divert the reader from the fact that Jonah does nothing but blog all day and has plenty of time to answer the question. By appealing to his overloaded schedule, Jonah cleverly disguises that he doesn’t hunt this down because (a) that would require work and (b) Jonah has already made up the context of the quote on his own. Then we have the faulty memory defense (“if memory serves”) deployed in order to allow Jonah to avoid being accused of making stuff up if in fact what he allegedly remembers — a Pegler/Hoffa/Kennedy column — never was written. And finally Jonah deploys, with a striking flourish, the solipsistic slam dunk — “for all I know” — which shrewdly allows Jonah to admit pulling something out of his ass while still claiming to have some basis for the statement. Another use of the solipsistic slam dunk: “For all I know, Jonah hasn’t seen his own penis without using a mirror for seven years.”

Now you have to stand back in awe and wonderment at what the Pantload has accomplished here. Without a single shred of evidence or research, Jonah has deployed these four simple techniques so that the RFK quote no longer represents what Pegler thought but represents instead what Pegler might have thought Hoffa might have said about Kennedy in a column that Pegler might have written about Kennedy in Hoffa’s voice.

And for those expecting an apology from me for impolitely mocking Jonah’s penis, I was just quoting, if memory serves, what, for all I know, K-Lo may have said about Jonah in a post I think she wrote, but which I don’t have time to find, after he rejected her invitation to come to a private “slumber” party at her house.


Comments: 105


Damn. I clicked on the Jonah link, and I am officially much stupider for it.


I’ve stopped clicking links here, for the most part. The folks here have never failed to quote the original to devastating effect.

Tim (The Other One)

If memory serves me, I once said something pithy whilst sitting upon a toilet. One would be wise not to take this fact out of context, for I shall simply return to the toilet and say it again !


My managerial judgment may be questionable, at best.


Shorter Pantload:

I don’t have time to blog about this. I’m too busy blogging.

Roy Edroso did a pretty good job covering this tactic:

What the famously flatulent Goldberg seems to be prescribing is the famously flatulent Goldberg prescription, e.g., “Anyway fffffaaaarrrrttttt it’s late and I don’t want to get into the weeds and Cosmo has to go for a walk but we’ll revisit another time and ffffaaarrrrrttt kthanxbai.”

The point here, of course, is that whenever Jonah starts doing this- which is all the time- then he’s full of shit- which, again, is all the time.


While I don’t have time to hunt down the quote from Nancy Reagan that I just pulled out of my ass, for all I know Pantload might well have blown goats on an hourly basis while singing The Red Flag to a bust of Richard Nixon. If memory serves.


Pegler fantasized about FDR’s assassination, too. No doubt he was assuming the persona of a disappointed Henry Wallace acolyte.

Here’s a whole trove of Peglerabilia from, of all people, Marty Peretz. Finally he’ s good for something.


Who knew Charles Coughlin was a left-winger? Jeebus. How is it possible to respond to the mountains of idiocy this man writes?


Pantloadian Logic = Sophistry for Slobs


Damn. I clicked on the Jonah link, and I am officially much stupider for it.

Never, ever click on a link from Sadly, No! unless you are sure it goes to another Sadly, No! post. In fact, maybe our loyal arbiter’s of hte funny wouldn’t mind letting us know when they link to something stupid-free, so that we will know when our collective heads won’t explode?


Well, he may not have the evidence to directlly back up any of the claims he makes, but basically you can trust him and his memory. Because when has he ever been wrong about anything?


Pegler lost his job at a New York newspaper (Herald Tribune?—can’t remember) for telling an audience that the Jews who perished in the Holocaust deserved to die because they were all Communists. IIRC, he drifted to the John Birch Society, which bounced him because he eventually got too icky even for them.

Nice role model you’ve got going there, Republicans.


Thanks a lot for the mental image of the Jonah/K-Lo slumber party. It’s going to take several shots of tequila, an ice pick, and careful aim to erase the flappita-slappita sounds that are currently playing in my head.


Please let me out of this skull! Please! I have to explode real bad!


If memory serves? Someone should tell him about “the Google.”

And if memory serves, Jonah called Barack and Michelle Obama “both true disciples of Alinsky” after she said something vaguely similar to something Alinsky(and Jesus, and Gandhi, etc) once said.


Oh, and this should be causing tear-tracks to carve through the Cheeto-dust on the Pantload’s cheeks:


Note to self: proximity of the words “Pantload” and “cheeks” inadvisable in future.


I’m not much interested in defending Westbrook Pegler.

Then STFU. Try writing about something you are interested in, you stupid fuck.


While I am terribly busy this afternoon, doing research, I don’t have time to research Pantload’s statement of an intense afinity for barn yard animals. But I can assure you, that Teh Load may have copulated with some sort of water fowl as recently as last Tuesday.


Jonah is…brilliant. His pieces are impervious to criticism, rendered as they are in the present subjective tense, which, since I don’t have time to look into it right now, for all I know, may well be a grammatical invention pulled straight out of his ass. Why do the commenters here cruelly mock him so?


Pegler was a horrible man who would fit right in with the modern conservative movement. My parents told me about him making fun of Eleanor Roosevelt’s teeth.


My parents told me about him making fun of Eleanor Roosevelt’s teeth.

Oh my heavens! I mean sure, he was a racist, virulent anti-semite and a total fuck in his beliefs, but he was also rude?


It would be an amusing little contest to choose which rightwing hack most benefitted from their family connections.

Little Doughy Pantload? He seems like he has the easiest gig as befits the son of Lucianne. John J-Pod Podhoretz? Cultural critic given the keys to Commentary magazine by his daddy? William The Bloody Kristol? Perhaps having two iconic conservatives as parents is what catapulted this lamebrain onto the pages of the New York Times.


I moved and I don’t have the Internet at home anymore, so I often miss the day by day progress of the media minutiae machine. I didn’t miss it during the Palin-mania stage of the campaign, but right now, watching the Repugs and the Bride of FrankenMcCain go down in flames, I think I am very sorry that I was Netless for two days.

Which is a bit off-topic. I find it very amusing that Doughy Pantload says he has no interest in defending Westbrook Pegler, and then he spends an entire column defending Westbrook Pegler.

Yep. Jonah Goldberg. There’s a voice to be taken seriously.

I would call him dogshit in human form but it would be an insult to Mike Huckabee.


My question is — who over there at the RNC is flipping through Pegler’s work, culling out pithy quotes for the candidates to read?

In this case, I hardly blame Palin, because I seriously doubt she ever heard of the guy, and someone else wrote her speech for her.

She doesn’t strike me as much of a book-reader.


Pantload should take the prize as the most to benefit from his family connections. The man is literally unqualified to do ANYTHING. But for his connections, he would be *that guy* (pick one) in “Clerks.”


No offense to clerks.


Who is lazier, Goldberg or Instahack?


Who is lazier, Goldberg or Instahack?

Reynolds has a real job.


Please let me out of this skull! Please! I have to explode real bad!

The man whose head expanded
was corrupted by Mr. Sociological memory. Was corrupted by Mr. Sociological Memory Man.
Could not get a carrier bag for love nor money.

The man whose head expanded.
The soap opera writer, would follow him around and use his jewels for T.V. prime time.
The man whose head expanded.
Turn that bloody blimey space invader off!

The man whose head expanded explained:
The scriptwriter would follow him around,
of this he was convinced. It was no coincidence.
The lager seemed poisoned.

The man whose head expanded. The man whose head expanded.
Does not want to appear illiterate.
Crack! Crack!
Does not want to appear illiterate.
Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!


Ah, teh pantload.

Needs to update his blog header. Seriously.


Weasel Word Bingo with Jonah is the best! By the end of his first sentence, everyone is a winner.


Jonah Goldberg (left) and bag of cheetos (right).

He is what he eats!

Btw, Clif, the frappuccino is the afternoon beverage of the liberal elite. Wingnut welfare pundits prefer cheetoccinos.


“some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies.”

Does anyone here have the context of that quote?

I have read some of Westbrook Pegler’s writings from the 1920 and 30’s and that quote sounds nothing like anything I’ve read.


and someone else wrote her speech for her.

IIRC, it was written before anyone even knew she’d be the nominee. “Insert generic Republican here” speechwriting at its finest.

So, yeah, you have to wonder which, or how many, of the behind the scenes McCain folks running the show are big Peg-boy fans.


I’m not much interested in defending Westbrook Pegler.

It’s just that being a rank apologist of the first water comes so naturally.


I made the mistake of reading his post: Jesus, he’s so dense he warps space and time. I could actually feel my brain spaghettifying as I read. I do love the whiny bit about how this proves just how UNFAIR the critics of Liberal Fascism were all along, though.


All politics aside, this was just the funniest damned thing I’ve read all day. Thnx!


There are a number of possible uses of the “flying reverse shuffle ploy.”

Jonah may be a pedophile.

Jonah may be a serial murderer.

Jonah may be a crossdressing sailor servicing leather fetishist.

Jonah may be the vaginal discharge afterbirth from the sister who survived.

No, wait, that last one is true.


Reynolds has a real job.

Perhaps. Wingnut welfare may be a healthy donor to U-Tenneesee, in which case it’s a sinecure as much as Lucianne’s whelp’s is, albeit a bit less blatant (assuming Professor Earnest T. Bass didn’t blow LBJ on a regular basis).


I thought I’d draw your attention to a new side of Sarah Palin – witch-hunting – which is starting to hit the UK press; and congratulate you for covering it 3 years ago. OK, you didn’t realise back then that a VP candidate would believe the crap you were laughing at, but not many people predicted just how bad a choice McCain would make for his insurance policy …

The pastor whose prayer Sarah Palin says helped her to become governor of Alaska founded his ministry with a witchhunt against a Kenyan woman who he accused of causing car accidents through demonic spells.

According to accounts of the witchhunt circulated on evangelical websites such as Prayer Links Ministries, after Pastor Muthee declared Mama Jane a witch, the townspeople became suspicious and began to turn on her, demanding that she be stoned. Public outrage eventually led the police to raid her home, where they fired gunshots, killing a pet python which they believed to be a demon.

After Mama Jane was questioned by police – and released – she decided it was time to leave town, the account says.

Pastor Muthee has frequently referred to this witchhunt in his sermons as an example of the power of “spiritual warfare”. In October 2005, he delivered ten sermons at the Wasilla Assembly of God, the audio of which was available on the church’s website until it was removed around the time Mrs Palin’s candidacy was announced. The blog Irregular Times has listings and screen grabs of the sermons.

It was during that these sermons that Mrs Palin, who was then preparing for her gubernatorial run, was anointed by Pastor Muthee. His intercession, she says, was “awesome”.

The Times blog (prop: R. Murdoch)

And it’s got into the Daily Mail too – right wing (and ‘wingnut’, frequently), but if there’s one thing guaranteed to get the British public against you, it’s blowing a pet to smithereens.


That picture of Doughbob always makes me laugh.


Here ya go. It’s from the book “Robert Kennedy and His Times” by Arthur M. Schlesinger. No really, no trouble at all, I just Googled it. Took about 45 seconds. You’re welcome.


Better look out for commenter “Jay B”. He throughly befouled the comment thread (along with twin SteveB) at alicublog. He isn’t even funny.


Actually its from — and Schlesinger cites to — Fair Enough: The Life of Westbrook Pegler by Finis Farr. The book isn’t available on line so its not clear where Farr gets the quote, whether a Pegler column or some other writing.


I only eat Cheetos because I am trying to become Too Big To Fail.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> She doesn’t strike me as much of a book-reader.

Mooseburger doesn’t read books.

If one somehow finds its way into the house, she hunts them down. Shoots them. Then field dresses them.

They have a whole trophy wall of blasted books at their Hillbilly Hideaway up in Abstinence Only, Alaska.


I can’t see this from work, but apparently there’s video of Palin with Pastor Muthee:


…to erase the flappita-slappita sounds that are currently playing in my head.



THIS IS SNARK HEAVEN…thanks for a wonderful deep laugh on a day I haven’t had many. I know I shouldn’t laugh at the “bites on his rectum” line but I couldn’t help myself.

You are evil and devilishly clever Clif…keep it up–we need all the laughs we can get these sorry days!


I never thought I’d see the day when a “witchhunt,” used in a political context, would refer to _actual witches_. Thanks, Sarah Palin! Maybe next it’ll turn out that she literally requested barrels of pork from the federal budget.


> She doesn’t strike me as much of a book-reader.

While I don’t have time to go hunting down the source, it is my recollection that the Palin family’s library consists of the Bible, the Left Behind series and The Turner Diaries.


Better look out for commenter “Jay B”. He throughly befouled the comment thread (along with twin SteveB) at alicublog. He isn’t even funny.

Ouch. It’ll take me a while to get over that display of killer wit Fonz.

Funnier still is that Steve and I completely disagree with each other. We’re like the original odd couple!


Hey! I’m not funny, but I don’t see anyone rep’ing my name!


Oh, and this should be causing tear-tracks to carve through the Cheeto-dust on the Pantload’s cheeks

Hardly. Wick Allison was National Review publisher at the same time Bill Buckley was editor. Even if any of the sub-mentals currently residing at NR had even heard of him–which I’m pretty sure they haven’t–they wouldn’t give a shit what he had to say.


Wick: short for Wicked?


We need a unitary theory of conservative Googling. On the one hand, you get the Walter Reed green screen debacle at McLime’s big speechifying. On the other hand, you get Pantload’s crimes against thought. It’s as if they can take humanity’s greatest information tool and use it to become simultaneously more full of inane trivia and more ignorant.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Watch out Doughboy. I’m drinking your milkshake. Here is my audition for becoming a wingnut welfare recipient.

“We all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood. But what this fable was really about, as far as I know, was the Big Red Menace. The Big Red Menace is rearing its ugly head right now in Georgia. As I recall, Liberals are duly noted in many highly factual tomes as being only slightly less evil than a googleplex of satans. Because the previous sentence occurs right after my reciting of the Big Red Menace, it naturally follows that Liberals are the Big Red Menace.”

How’d I do?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> While I don’t have time to go hunting down the source, it is my recollection that the Palin family’s library consists of the Bible, the Left Behind series and The Turner Diaries.

It is highly possible that it also contains field manuals for the enormous secret cache of illegal and high powered weapons she owns, as far as I know.


Seriously: I’ve never read such a blatantly obvious subtext as the overriding message of Mr. Load. While teh Perfessor reeks of passive-aggression, Load is screaming so loudly, “Yes, I AM worthy” you, OK, I, almost can’t read the actual words. Defensive-aggressive, maybe? Is that a diagnostic term?


Actually its from — and Schlesinger cites to — Fair Enough: The Life of Westbrook Pegler by Finis Farr.

Thanks Clif for that clarification. I see “Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.”, historian and Pulitzer-Prize winning Kennedy biographer, and I figure he knows what he’s talking about.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Thanks Clif for that clarification. I see “Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.”, historian and Pulitzer-Prize winning Kennedy biographer, and I figure he knows what he’s talking about.

You’re a very bad man.

Mentioning Schlesinger in a thread about Doughboy will probably cause the universe to collapse upon itself.



Load is screaming so loudly, “Yes, I AM worthy”

Jonah is a human LOLcat. That’s all there is to it.

I can haz validashun?


“You’re a very bad man woman.”



The pwnage of the day is Palin’s extra-governmental accounts getting hacked by a bunch of /b/-tards.

What a Yahoo!


hey dumbasses:

you do not, under any circumstances, inject oxycontin.

it will give you an abscess, from what i understand. polymers in the pills or something. bad stuff.


I wonder if Jonah, as a distinguished writer, has noticed the difference between “may” and “might.” Perhaps he will devote some time to the study of English grammar after he has finished disposing of the history of political philosophy.


hey dumbasses:

you do not, under any circumstances, inject oxycontin.

Thanks rageahol! Most useful comment of the day.


So, the quotes MAY have been out of context but I’m to lazy to find out, and Pegler MAY have been satirical when he was asking some white patriot to blow RFK’s brains out, but I’m to lazy to find out about that to. Therefor, it is the Liberals who are the true bigots!

Why the fuck does ANYONE listen to anything this guy says? You’d think even the most hardcore Reichwingers would find this an embarrassment.


Help me Wick!

I just couldn’t help myself.


You’d think even the most hardcore Reichwingers would find this an embarrassment.

They live happily everafter in a world where embarrassment is unknown.

Addict with Abcesses

you do not, under any circumstances, inject oxycontin.

But the abcesses hurt, so I NEED to inject the oxycontin.


Imagine the confusion when the Abkhazia Secessionist Adherents and the Seborrhoeic Addicts with Abcesses find they have both booked the same hall for a meeting.


the Seborrhoeic Addicts with Abcesses

Which includes Rush Limbaugh.

Now that’s a meeting!


Imagine the confusion when the Abkhazia Secessionist Adherents and the Seborrhoeic Addicts with Abcesses find they have both booked the same hall for a meeting.

And things got even more out of hand with the unexpected arrival of the Abnormal Swedish Adulterers, a splinter group formed by dissident members of the far larger Swedish Legion of Unimaginable Depravity (see above thread).


Pegler was Roy Howard’s (Scripps-Howard) yappy dog during the 1930s, and was tasked to pen wingnut hatred towards FDR in that period which Howard himself (who had to appear to stay above the fray) couldn’t write as publisher (to say Pegler was Howard’s Charlie McCarthy is not going too far, except Howard never had to put his hand up Pegler’s…back. He was so eager to please his master(s), that he’d write anything that would scratch his publisher’s itch. Pegler was the spiritual ancestor of such as Jonah the Cheeto-eating whale). To go from Pegler’s FDR hatred and America First-ism to wishing a Kennedy dead during his declining years is but a mere shuffle. The antisemitism was just a bonus until the Holocaust, after which it became a liability in some quarters. When you get booted from the John Birch Society, your only admirers left then were the KKK and George Lincoln Rockwell. Attempting the rehabilitation of Pegler will get about as far as the attempted rehab of alcoholic nutcase Joe McCarthy and boyfriend Roy Cohn. A few Regnery books of whitewash and some defensive articles from the usual suspects is all it’ll amount to.


I wonder if Jonah, as a distinguished writer, has noticed the difference between “may” and “might.” Perhaps he will devote some time to the study of English grammar after he has finished disposing of the history of political philosophy have the wish he wished tonight.

Fixed that for you: we had to bring it down to Jonah’s level.


“If memory serves, he also pretended to be Jimmy Hoffa in a column attacking Bobby Kennedy. For all I know that’s where the gross Kennedy quote is from.”

What memory? jonah was born after both RFK and Hoffa and Pegler were dead. Does he have memories of sitting around with ma Lucy and reminiscing about old Westbrook Pegler columns? Or has he researched the writings of Pegler in the past (and why?)

I’m also having a little trouble imagining even Pegler’s version of Jimmy Hoffa, born in Indiana and a Detriot resident saying something like “some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies.”


Jonah doesn’t deserve credit for this, but with Marty Peretz, it’s a safe assumption he didn’t check the context of the quotes either. So we have a bum who owes his job to his mother fighting a moron who managed to ruin the journal he bought with his wives’ money. Brilliant!


“We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity.”

Undeniably true, but equally undeniably meaningless. We also grow bad people in our small towns, with venality and hypocrisy and stupidity. We also grow both good and bad people in our large cities, and in our teeny villages and our medium-size communities and our unincorporated townships.

Big fucking deal.


Honest and dignified people in small towns won’t be voting for Republicans.


Defensive-aggressive, maybe? Is that a diagnostic term?

It may be!


There may be some come in your ear
Perhaps jizz and shit drip from your rear
Your cock might be tied up
And nuts could be dried up
In which case stop sucking that steer.


We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity pods.


Folks are dumb where I come from
They ain’t had any learnin’
Still they’re happy as can be
Votin’ fer the GOP

Folks like us could never fuss
With schools and books and learnin’
Still we’ve gone from A to Z
Votin’ fer the GOP


Jonah’s plea for “context” is much the same as Uncle Miltie’s:



For the top count against gambling and the whole enchilada, scandal-wise. Again, I keep noodling until now – while I got into the sanctum sanctorum of sluttiness to attack from someone who gets to put up my mind the previous post of other in office.
I guess it’s nice to find these articles admit that I made the educational utility of doubt the more important discipline which would hope that newfangled doodad, the way Clinton was basically pleased. I don’t endorse gambling.


I believe the adage, “if you can’t bedazzle them with your brilliance, then baffle ’em with your b.s.,” fully applies here to everything J. G. ever wrote. Which is central to his schtick point.


Why does strikethru appear in preview, but not in reality? Does the latter’s liberal bias have anything to do with this?


Use “strike” and not “strikethrough”.


Janus Goldberg said,
I hope no-one is waiting for me to suggest an appropriate musical background for Janus Goldberg. All I can think of is a Bavarian oom-pa-pa tuba band. Lederhosen are optional.


Why the fuck does ANYONE listen to anything this guy says?
My understanding of the situation is this: Your average independent newspaper wants to print a range of political opinions, to prove that they are not in the tank for one end of the spectrum or the other. Thus they shop around the various syndicated opinion columns that are available, and they may even toy with the idea of publishing Jonah’s. At this point it is up to local readers to point out to the Editor that the column is a waste of money, if the evidence with which it backs its opinions are couched in so many reservations and caveats that it becomes information-free vapour-ware; if it is basically an extended admission of the author’s ignorance; or if it is caged in a framework of syntax that is so predictable, and bedecked with such a limited range of metaphors, that it would not pass the Turing test.
Now this is not a central purpose of S,N!, but if a S,N! dissection of one of Jonah’s columns provides the local readers with arguments to include in their Letters to the Editor, than so much the better.

I hope this doesn’t sound like an incitement to censorship, or I’ll never hear the end of it from MM.


I hope no-one is waiting for me to suggest an appropriate musical background for Janus Goldberg.

How about a little Stan and Yosh.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

“You’re a very bad man woman.”


Sorry, I know you’re a woman…I was merely trying to throw an Babu Seinfeld ref in to make it a bit more ha-ha. But those damn accents are hard to put into bits.


This was a great, laugh-out-loud start to my Thursday morning. Thanks, Clif.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well, closing in on a hundred comments – and way too lazy to read them all, so if someone’s already laughed at this, I apologize for stepping on your toes.

But I find this very earnest screed by Marty Peretz, in which he beats up Sarah Palin for a completely innocuous quote by Pegler quite amusing.

See, the quote used was innocuous – therefore Palin (or speechwriter Matthew Scully) isn’t an anti-semitic racist who had presidential assassination fantasies. That’s FUCKING RICH JONAH. Did you look at the top of the page that your inane tripe is pasted on? “Liberal Fascism” ring a fucking bell? You fucking wrote a whole fucking book comparing liberals to fucking Hitler and the Nazis based on shared VEGETARIANISM!!!! It’s no fucking surprise that you have a soft spot for a guy who thought FDR was a Nazi and Eleanor was Hitler in drag. This is stupidly offensive of so many fucking levels it’s fucking nuts.

FUCK YOU JONAH. Fuck you with a unit train of melamine-tainted Cheetos. I hope you fucking get stuck in a six-hour fucking traffic jam with the Virgin recently married Ben.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., calls Pegler an outright fascist, but it’s at least worth noting that RFK Jr. is an unreconstructed buffoon when it comes to his understanding of fascism.

Pot calling the kettle blacker than the blackest black TIMES INFINITY!


A truly brilliant takedown. The beauty part is that the very TNR piece Jonah links to cites the author, book, and exact page number of the RFK quote, and he still can’t bother to look it up.

As one of the most sublimely self-unaware people on earth, Jonah also flatulates thusly: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., calls Pegler an outright fascist, but it’s at least worth noting that RFK Jr. is an unreconstructed buffoon when it comes to his understanding of fascism. (my emphasis for obvious reasons)


RFK Jr. is probably also an “unreconstructed buffoon” when it comes to quotes from hatebags that foreshadowed the assassination of his father.


My parents told me about him making fun of Eleanor Roosevelt’s teeth.

Oh my heavens! I mean sure, he was a racist, virulent anti-semite and a total fuck in his beliefs, but he was also rude?

From Wikipedia:

Mad Magazine once ran an article on how a routine happening (a little boy taking another child’s tricycle) would be treated by various print media and columnists. Under the heading of “As Pegler Sees It,” the magazine ended this hypothetical column with:

which brought together such Commie-loving cronies as you know what I think of Eleanor Roosevelt.

It stinks. The whole thing stinks. You stink.

Doughy Pantload is indeed Pegler’s intellectual and political heir, only not so bright.


Doghouse Riley once left a scattering of Cheetos dust and atomized Jonah flesh after conducting one enthusiastic exegesis:

“Would you…could you…is there any way you could just quit this? I don’t mean accusing anonymous leftists of saying things you’d like them to say–I have no reason to care what you think, Jonah–but the hedging every motherfucking thing you ever write? Just quit? Go through everything and strike it all out, if you refuse to be edited? Because whatever you imagine it accomplishes (razor-sharp accuracy? The illusion of razor-sharp accuracy? why would you even try?) it’s just an annoying tic, and god knows you’re the last writer on earth who needs one.”


“The man whose head expanded”

We are the Fall, the white crap that talks back! hup!


“We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity.”

Yes, “we” do. But those good people usually migrate to the bigger towns and/or cities, once they get tired of all the dishonest, insincere and undignified asses they have to kiss in order to get along in a small town where good people usually grow only as random mutations.


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