One-Man Peanut Gallery
Jimmy Carter really owns the inside of Jay Nordlinger’s skull*, doesn’t he? Why does the National Review continue to allow this weird time traveler from the Carter era to bore us all with his meandering, corny screeds?
I wonder whether any of the four candidates (Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin) could define the Carter Doctrine. I wonder how many of Palin’s critics could. But they have a view on the Persian Gulf, and what this country’s interest is there. Yes?
Look, George Ball knew the lingo as well as anyone — he was the one Carter really wanted for secretary of state. (He couldn’t follow his heart, however, because Ball was simply too anti-Israel for the country to accept.) And would you want Ball at the levers of American foreign policy? If you’re a devotee of NRO, probably not.
Anyway, you get my drift …
Maybe they pay him in 1979 dollars.
*Talk about your sub-primes.
As much as I like history, I forget certain things because I’m no longer taking history classes on a regular basis, so the historiography developing in my head isn’t so hot any more. But I still know to look stuff up if I forget, so here’s what I found at Wikipedia:
The Carter Doctrine was a policy proclaimed by President of the United States Jimmy Carter in his State of the Union Address on 23 January 1980, which stated that the United States would use military force if necessary to defend its national interests in the Persian Gulf region. The doctrine was a response to the 1979 invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union, and was intended to deter the Soviet Union—the Cold War adversary of the United States—from seeking hegemony in the Persian Gulf.
Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems fairly consistent with what national defense policy was at the time. I’m not saying it was a good idea, just that it more or less seemed to go along with what other presidents had done.
Now, while there has been some confusion over what the Bush Doctrine means, most people seem to think it means anticipatory self defense. That seems like a fairly big break from the past, or at least a big reversal from what people think the Clinton Doctrine was.
So I am not sure what NRO’s point is. Are they saying we should remember all foreign policy doctrines of previous presidents? It doesn’t seem like it. It seems like they are pulling out Carter’s Doctrine because (a) it’s old, (b) they don’t like Jimmy Carter, and (c) they think nobody knows what it is. They also seem to ignore the idea that the Bush Doctrine was such a big break from the past and thus more important than the foreign policy plans of other administrations that were more or less the same.
What’s the difference between ‘anticipatory self-defense’ and ‘naked aggression’? Lipstick.
Ahh, conservatives and the Carter obsession. Don’t forget…not a month goes by without Michael Ramirez drawing some Carter cartoon and acting like it’s relevant. Sheesh, we don’t talk about Nixon that much on our side, do we?
Also, once again, the NRO clowns completely miss the point. It’s not that Palin had issues with the nuances of the Bush Doctrine, it’s that she acted like she had no clue about a huge point of contention in current foreign policy.
Wow. Skipped right over blaming the Clenis and went right to Carter.
I wonder if any of the 4 candidates could name the doctrine where you treacherously negotiate with your nation’s enemy to get them to continue to hold American hostages until after the American election by promising them advanced arms technology.
I think it’s the Begin Doctrine. Or Sagan. Maybe Hagan. Possibly Fagin. Could be Nagin.
I can’t remember.
I wonder whether any of the four candidates (Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin) could define the Carter Doctrine. I wonder how many of Palin’s critics could.
That depends… will it be on the test?
It’d still be at least 3x more than he deserves.
Hey Nerdlinger
tell us about the Truman Doctrine
I know for a fact, though, that no one knows what the McCain Doctrine is, because he won’t tell anyone. Not even George W. Bush, who’s currently in charge of things like national security, commanding and chiefing the military, foreign policy and things like that.
Unless, maybe, the McCain Doctrine is just to say that you have a Doctrine but not share it with anyone because then they might steal the limelight and not give you credit for your wicked gnarly Doctrine.
They are going to blame Clinton (and don’t forget that dirty, communistic, Apple-using, global warming proponent Al Gore) for the economy. At least that’s what I think after seeing Robert Kuttner go on “Hannity & Colmes” last week, where Hannity said that Bush inherited the “Clinton-Gore recession.” Of course, if things somehow pick up, it’ll be because of Reagan.
I wonder whether any of the four candidates (Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin) could define the Carter Doctrine. I wonder how many of Palin’s critics could.
We can be damn sure Palin couldn’t; I wonder why he thinks questioning whether others are ignorant of historical policy makes her ignorance of current policy look better?
I know what the Carter doctrine is. Any crusty Chomskyite does.
I think the idea may be that actually knowing what standard American foreign policy is makes you an America hating traitor who is unfit for office.
“Anyway, you get my drift …”
Oh indeed I do, Jay.
Let’s see that one more time, everyone.
Watch how the discourse shifts, right … THERE.
Back several centuries, & to the right. Back several centuries, & to the right. Back several centuries …
“I wonder whether any of the four candidates (Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin) could define the Carter Doctrine. I wonder how many of Palin’s critics could.”
I wonder he thinks that means anything. No one’s worried about McCain being the next Carter after all.
What’s the difference between ‘anticipatory self-defense’ and ‘naked aggression’? Lipstick.
Exactly. Is he trying to say that the Carter Doctrine is just as relevant to 2008 politics as the Bush Doictrine?
Anything to make an excuse for the disaster that is Palin, right?
Since we’re asking embarassing questions about doctrines, I wonder if anyone want’s to ask about the Powell Doctrine?
Personally, I just want everybody to recognize the Wangchuck Doctrine:
Sorry about the superfluous’ apostrophe’s
If elected’ I’ will put all your’ extra apos’trophe’s to good’ work’s.
The Carter doctrine is that we can take Arab oil by force if necessary. The Bush doctrine is just a natural extension of this policy, just replace “necessary” with “when you want to”.
Keep George Bell out of Foggy Bottom! Down with disco! Freebird!
Some people never forgave President Carter for putting those solar panels up on the White House.
Actually, you just need to tune back to the right wing of that time, who screamed with disapproval as Carter suggested that Human Rights ought to be involved in our policies — even as he betrayed them by continuing to back the Somoza-allied National Guard tyranny in Nicaragua — because right wingers hate anything that even smells like it would get in the way of righteous slaughter.
And righteous slaughter was what they got under Reagan, in Central America, Southern Africa, and yes, in escalating Carter’s covert war in Afghanistan.
Wasn’t it more about using force to keep the dirty fucking commies from getting our Arab oil?
Not to be confused with the Wang Chung Doctrine: Everybody Have Fun Tonight!
Brian J,
There may well be confusion since there is a Wangtastic correlation between PENIS and Having Fun Tonight.
So I guess it’s fair to say that the Wang Chung Doctrine is a corollary of the Wangchuck Doctrine.
Ahh, conservatives and the Carter obsession. Don’t forget…not a month goes by without Michael Ramirez drawing some Carter cartoon and acting like it’s relevant.
Some people never forgave President Carter for putting those solar panels up on the White House.
He’s history’s greatest monster!
Maybe they pay him in 1979 dollars.
Yes, and it annoys the shit out of him that they’re the coins with Susan B. Anthony on them.
Mostly B, but A and C are gaining on it.
And now back on topic.
1. The Bush Doctrine. Everybody knows this – it’s the idea that George W. Bush can bomb the fuck out of whomever he wants so long as he pretends he’s doing it for national security. All this bullshit about how it’s an amorphous concept, about how the definition has fucking changed since it turned out so fan-fucking-tasic – irrelevant. FUCK. Her first answer was “His worldview?” She clearly had no idea whether it even fucking referred to snowflake babies or tax cuts. At a minimum, Nerdlinger isn’t using this dodge.
2. Palin’s perspective on it:
Umm, and a cure for cancer and a pony! Well Nerdlinger – does her answer make you feel more comfortable? Upholding the constitution means bombing people and invading their countries. This is your fucking set of standards Nerdlinger – she was told what the idea was (“The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us.”) and that’s how she responded. Is that deeply serious enough for you?
not a month goes by without Michael Ramirez drawing some Carter cartoon
Yeah, WTF is wrong with that fucking guy? I remember he did one when Gerald Ford died–a caricature of Jimmy Carter labeled “Edsel”. Who the fuck pays tribute to a dead president by mocking another one?
I repeat my opening question: WTF is wrong with that fucking guy?
How long do you think it will be before McCain blames the Iranian hostage crisis on Barack Obama’s refusal to do town hall forums?
More importantly, can they define the central premise of the Chariots Of The Gods films? They pay him in Billy Beer. It explains everything…
Anyway, you get my drift . .
Drift is right. Nordlinger writes like he’s been doing too much acid.
Near as I can tell the only reason he started babbling about Carter was so he could be a naughty boy and post the word ‘Ball’.
Interviewer: Govenor Palin, what is your perspective on the situation with Lehman Brothers?
Mooseburger: You mean that New Country band with the song about the girl and the truck?
Interviewer: Umm, Lehman Brothers – one of the biggest banks in the nation.
Mooseburger: Oh – I think it’s great that the US has big banks! It just shows how strong the fundamentals of the economy are.
Interviewer: They’re filing for bankruptcy.
Mooseburger: Hahaha. A bank – filing for bankruptcy! The word bank appears in bankruptcy! Well, when John McCain and I take over the White House, we’ll just fire all the people responsible for this mess. There has to be accountability! Get it – accountability – banks – because you have an account at the bank!
Nerdlinger: Well, all these people calling Sarah Palin a bimbo are way off base. Obviously she knows how to spell, and also is for punishing the people responsible for the credit crisis – a position that will play extremely well with everybody
that doesn’t know who’s running Team McCainDid anybody catch this quote from Lt. Gov. Patty Judge? From
“Sarah knows how to field-dress a moose. I know how to castrate a calf. Neither of those things has anything at all to do with this election. But since we know so much about Sarah’s special skills, I wanted to make sure you knew about mine too.”
— Iowa Lt. Gov. Patty Judge (D), quoted by Iowa Politics, on Sen. John McCain’s running mate.
That’s how you shank the opponent subtlety but effectively. They should send this woman all over the Midwest with Obama surrogates.
Jay Nordlinger responds:
You may not know that a particular gigantic investment banking firm has failed, leading to highly complex and far-ranging possible ramifications, including (but certainly not confined to) a sickening drop in the stock market, the collapse of the American financial system, and worldwide economic chaos, which in turn would be likely to have horrifying political consequences in nations all over the planet — but, once you’re told, you do. Takes about two seconds. Big deal.
That depends… will it be on the test?
As we type, the Obama-Biden team and McCain-Palin headquarters are compiling a cheat sheet. The contents:
The Reagan Doctrine
The Ford Announcement
The Dewey Theory
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff
The Hawley-Smoot Tariff
The Harding Manifesto
The Taft Lunch Order
The McKinley Credo
The Cleveland Dogma
The Fillmore Declamation
The Polk Promulgation
The Adams Blurb
The Monroe Doctrine
They should send this woman all over the Midwest
No, we need to send her on a special mission to D.C. There are quite a few bulls there that really need to be made into steers.
OG DFHs have the Drago Doctrine down cold.
Shorter Coach Urban Meyer: I like a Vice President with a lot of spunk. On her face.
Hey Nerdlinger
tell us about the Truman Doctrine – Olexicon
Back in the day when the Democrats were the party of Truman they believed in a tough foreign policy. For example, when the ChiComs started to have designs on Korea, Truman preemptively attacked China … oh wait a minute … that’s not how it happened? What’s this about Truman firing MacArthur? Why? … um … well … never mind.
WARNING!! Do not read this story while eating or sipping. You have been warned.
GOP delegate’s hotel tryst goes bad when he wakes up with $120,000 missing
That twin cities link seems to be bad — try
And when you get to the twin cities story, for extra fun, be sure to check out the video interview, linked from the news page or directly at
I’m trying to work out if this is a Colbert-style piece of performance art.
And catch the LinkTV interview, too. There’s a man who does not blink!
That anonymous woman is an American hero. I hope no one ever catches her.
OT: Sadlynauts, I love you and I’m not trying to be a pain or anything, or tell you what to do, but you may want to seriously consider deep-sixing the Palin T-shirt ad. Given how the blogosphere works, getting rid of it may save headaches. Just saying.
“GOP delegate’s hotel tryst goes bad when he wakes up with $120,000 missing“
I got funky results from clicking on this until I cut/pasted everything up to “?click_check=1” in a new tab (Firefox 3). It does some weird redirect otherwise.
Having read the article though, I have to say it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
you may want to seriously consider deep-sixing the Palin T-shirt ad.
Well, hooray for being unable to see ads.
George Ball? You mean the guy who warned Kennedy and Johnson not to escalate in Vietnam? That guy?
Yeah, I can see why NRO readers wouldn’t want him in charge of foreign policy.
…and can’t quite grasp the concept that anyone can use teh Google.
Exactly. Is he trying to say that the Carter Doctrine is just as relevant to 2008 politics as the Bush Doictrine?
ding ding ding!! We have a winnah!
Whomever gets elected as our next president needs to deal not with lingering effects of any presidential doctrines from the ’70s, but will need to deal with the immediate effects of the current president’s doctrine. Like, right now. That’s why Palin’s non-understanding of the current president’s doctrine is such a big deal. But then again, she doesn’t even know what the Vice-President does. Sheeesh!
What makes you think it was even a woman? Knowing Repubs and their kinks, it was probably a tranny or guy, but Guido doesn’t want to admit it.
Jimmy Carter really owns the inside of Jay Nordlinger’s skull*, doesn’t he?
Bought it during the heady days of 2005, when fly-infested urine-troughs imported from Bavaria were going for five mil a square foot, but now Jimmy’s upside down on it and can’t find a buyer.
See? Democrats can’t be trusted to run an economy.
From Schwartz’s résumé (pdf, my emphasis):
I love this guy.
Oh yeah. And then there’s the part where he “Owned and operated international businesses with offices in the U.S. and Russian Federation”.
* cough cough * Russian mafia * ahem *
Oh yeah. And then there’s the part where he “Owned and operated international businesses with offices in the U.S. and Russian Federation”.
* cough cough * Russian mafia * ahem *
Yep. Combine that with “tax issues when structuring business transactions,” “white collar criminal matters,” and “direct and conduct asset tracing and location as well as recovery/collection.” The CV reeks of offshore tax evasion and money laundering.
I wonder whether any of the four candidates (Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin) could define the Carter Doctrine.
Because a thirty year old foreign policy at the denouement of the Cold War is sooooooooooooooooooooo relevant today…
Well, they’ve got to keep criticizing Carter.
If Carter was right, about almost anything, then Reagan was a mistake.
And if Reagan was a mistake … well, let’s just say it’s best if the public never entertained that particular thought.
Nooo, I think she’d have more fun in a point-counterpoint interview with Tucker Bounds.
All your bling are belong to us.
Maybe, but I think the media personalities want Bounds for themselves. It’s not every day that you get someone to smack down with so little homework.
Anyway, you get my drift …
I don’t think the continents could get his drift.
“Doc Trine” would be a good name for a superhero with astrological powers.
Brian J: you meant “subtly”, an adverb. “subtlety” is a noun.
Brian J: you meant “subtly”, an adverb. “subtlety” is a noun.
Lolly’s has become a ripoff joint so the consumer must go elsewhere.
I believe that anonymous 9-year-old boy is an American hero. I hope he has a good time this year in the 4th grade.
Lolly’s has become a ripoff joint so the consumer must go elsewhere.
It’s too bad Capital I closed its door.
When they start countering with1979 you know they’re absolutely fucking DESPERATE.
?George Ball? You mean the guy who warned Kennedy and Johnson not to escalate in Vietnam? That guy?
Yeah, I can see why NRO readers wouldn’t want him in charge of foreign policy.”
Because we won the vietnam war- don’t you guys listen to chuck norris?
For that matter, what about the Taft doctrine?
It’s every bit as relevant today as Carter’s.
Brian J: you meant “subtly”, an adverb. “subtlety” is a noun.
Well at least his obsession is nearly 30 years more advanced than George Will’s odd obsession with hanging Alger Hiss on modern liberals.
Wait, solar panels? White House?
C’mon, nobody wants to talk about John McCain and vibrating butt plugs?
I would totally go back in time to the Carter Administration. Knowing what I know now, I’d have the courage to date the smart girls and I’d catch the Sex Pistols in concert while Sid was still alive.
You’d better move fast, ’cause Carter wasn’t inaugurated until 1977, and didn’t Sid die in February of ’78?