Hack in two acts
Posted on January 30th, 2005 by
Wednesday, January 26, 2005:
Bush Urges Iraqis to Vote, Lowers Expectations
Sunday, January 30, 2005:
Rice: Iraqi Election Tops Expectations
Thanks to Blair for the links.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005:
Bush Urges Iraqis to Vote, Lowers Expectations
Sunday, January 30, 2005:
Rice: Iraqi Election Tops Expectations
Thanks to Blair for the links.
(comments are closed)
I’ve been watching the “official” estimates of voter turnout in Iraq sink lower than Dick Cheney’s standing on the “Sombre Occasions Best-Dressed” List.
Do I hear 76%?
Do I have 60%
36%, anyone?….anyone at all?
You’d think with a promotion toothy would read the memos.
Misunderestimation at it again
How do we know the Iraqi elections were a success?
I liked this AP quote: President Bush cautioned on Saturday that Iraq’s elections will not put an end to terrorist violence, but insisted the vote will mark the beginning of peace…. (from Scriptoids)
Instead of peace with honor we have peace with violence. Interesting.
Sounds like a Scotty – try and decrease expectations beforehand, so everyone says “gosh wow!” afterwards.
Gosh, wow…isn’t Der Mockracy just supercalifraj! I’m having multiples over the Iraqi elections! Yep, everything’s clear-sailing from here on out.
Anyway, off to The Gap…*la la la la lah…*
Now that the latest magical event that would really for sure bring peace (see also: the fall of Baghdad, Saddam captured, Fallujah pacified, Fallujah pacified redux, etc) has come and gone, expect to see lots more douchebags blaming further violence on liberal obstructionism, cynicism, “providing de facto aid and comfort to the enemy,” and so on.
“We really expect the elections to worsen everything.” “The elections were better than we expected!” Who would fall for this crap?
Oh, wait. Journalists.
This CYA brought to you by BushCo.
Yeah, where is the “Mission Accomplished” banner? Oh wait, that is going to happen during the SOTU speech when the BushCo players and their friends in the US Congress will all be sitting with gleaming faces, smiling for history.
Interesting, dontchyathink, that their “election” happens a few days after Bush’s coronation and a few days before his SOTU?