Big Tent Democrat summarized in two sentences

He writes:

Trying to make it funny is not the right approach. Cut out all the attempted humor…

Yeah, that about sums it up.


Comments: 119


Hand that baby over to someone with some skillz and its a killer.


There is enough unfunny (ie serious and true) material to work with, sadly.


Nothing’s funny any more anyway. I haven’t laughed in weeks; not since my officemate fell over the trash can and broke her wrist. The cartwheeling! the tangle of heels and skirt! the cussing and whining! I could use a giggle right now; too bad I don’t have it on video.

I wonder if the consumption of alcohol is actually measurably up at this point. I know I’m self-medicating like a lab monkey on crack for the stress-induced chronic pain. Be funny, you fuckers! I need it! And another bottle of that mid-range tequila, too.

Cuppa Invader "Jrod" Palin

Armando is possibly the most useless pseudo-leftist on the internets. This is a guy who used to have a website devoted to losing debates to fucking Ticky-Tack, for Eris’ sake.

By Jrod, speaking only for me.


John McCain is like so fifty years ago, man.


I’m trying to remember a time when Armando knew what ‘humor’ was.


I thought at first you were talking about an official campaign video. The video in question is just an amateur effort (though well done, IMO), not for broadcast.

Did this really merit its own post? Just asking.


Did you know that for 5 1/2 years, John McCain couldn’t laugh at any jokes?


…and two for flinching!


But for those five and a half years, he did not blink. No, he did not blink. In fact, he still hasn’t blinked. John McCain never blinks.

By J—, speaking only with his eyes


Big Tent must either be a DLCer or a recently converted moderate Republican (oh yeah, they are the same thing, sorry). Actual progressives have a functioning sense of humor and thoroughly enjoy ridiculing wingnut insanity and inanity. Besides, it drives them nutzoid when we laugh at them.


Shorter Armando: You are doing it wrong!

He’s that guy in warcraft who knows an alternative way of bringing the boss down in a five-man and thinks your way of doing things sucks and he’s going to sit there and tell you about it instead of doing his job and when it fails because he has his thumb up his ass he’s right. You obviously have to do it his way.


of course his way involved a bunch of DLC bullshit and Clinton and Ohio and there is no way you could do it right now according to him.


Armando apparently takes the “the internet is serious fucking business” meme a little too srsly.


Sarah Palin: Bush and Cheney, all rolled into one disgusting package.

Seriously, I’m beginning to see her as a bigger threat than McSame.


no laughing said,
September 14, 2008 at 4:12

Did you know that for 5 1/2 years, John McCain couldn’t laugh at any jokes?

No, no, no… you got wrong. For 5 1/2 years, John McCain didn’t have any jokes. And now due to his injuries as a POW, he’s physically incapable of laughing at any jokes (though he can still break out in an awkward grin).


A name like “Armando” on a guy (as opposed to a pet) is pretty funny all by itself.


What’s this ‘five and a half years’ thing?

Did something happen to John McCain for that period of time that makes him immune to all legitimate criticism?


I thought Tent Pole Armando swore off blogging recently, or something.

Maybe it was just an angry rumor. Too bad.


Take my wife…



Hey, a serious thing happened to me on the way to the club tonight…

No, seriously…


Removing the funny would mean cutting all the clips of Bush. Wtf?


You’ve been a great crowd tonight, no really! I haven’t enjoyed myself this much since my last root canal…


In light of Ed’s keen (and totally not funny!!!11) observation…

Armando = Leeroy Jenkins



“The pedant and the priest have always been the most expert of logicians — and the most diligent disseminators of nonsense and worse. The liberation of the human mind has never been furthered by dunderheads; it has been furthered by gay fellows who heaved dead cats into sanctuaries and then went roistering down the highways of the world, proving to all men that doubt, after all, was safe — that the god in the sanctuary was finite in his power and hence a fraud. One horse-laugh is worth ten thousand syllogisms. It is not only more effective; it is also vastly more intelligent.” — H.L. Mencken


TO: The McCain/Palin 2008 Campaign

Your weak-ass spin-shamans are really dropping the ball by limiting the number of foreign countries that you can claim the VP-2-B has arguably *visited* (cough) to a measly five — Canada, Ireland (a refueling stop, she never actually left the plane), Germany, Kuwait, Iraq (she presented some soldier with a re-enlistment commendation on the tarmac of some border post which may-or-may-not be technically on Iraqi soil).

However, just to get to these far-flung foreign photo-ops, she evidently had to penetrate the air-space of a much larger number of foreign countries…and therefore by a faultless logic, may be said to have *visited* these said locales: she could see them out there beyond her plexiglass porthole, and hey, seeing there is as good as being there, don’tcha know!

That being a given, she can also be said to “been to” Russia, because you can see Russia from Alaska, which all reasonable people have agreed to agree, gives her immense knowledge and insight into U.S./Russian geopolitical issues — and anyone who disagrees with this proposition is manifestly a sexist, pointyheaded, elitist motherfucking fatherraping terrorsupporting poopoohead!

Q.E.D., bitchez!

Oh hey, McCain/Palin 2008, no need to thank me — I’m more than happy to bill you for this consultation.


Always worth getting advice from BTD – the Red Klotz of liberal interneters.

Speaking for me only, of course


I mean, we could do serious…but it’s been a bit hard since Dan LaFontaine died to find the sufficient deep-voiced narrator of doom.


What do you do with a Clinton with three balls?

Walk it and pitch to the Obama!


And speaking of vomitous attempts at “humor,” have any of you seen this?

What can you say? God, what can you say? I really thought we were beyond this (hah).


Oops, sorry screwed up the link…..

try again</a


the problem with this whole approach is not the lame attempts at humor, it’s that it’s reassuring. not for a political junkie like myself, but for a lot of people I know that don’t like bush but are afraid of too much change.

this lets them know that things won’t get any worse, and mccain is clearly no change at all, who might be better. It’s easy to overestimate how much people don’t like Bush–most don’t hate him, they just think he’s not doing a good job.


Armando Llorens is a litigation attorney in San Juan, Puerto Rico with a practice focused on intellectual property, media and Internet matters and antitrust and trade regulation (including for Wal-Mart, Shell and Unilever as well as smaller local companies.)

No wonder he has no sense of humour.


armando’s blog. apparently it’s under new management but his name is still associated with it.

Cuppa Invader "Jrod" Palin

Here are the current front-pagers at Crossed Swords:

* Ender – secular fiscal/defense conservative, site owner (recent posts favicon)
* Brendan – moderate liberal (recent posts favicon)
* John – independent libertarian (recent posts favicon)
* Stinerman – independent liberal/libertarian (recent posts favicon)

You can’t say they’re not following in BTD’s and Tick-tack’s footsteps.


Armando Llorens is Hen Waffle in the Sarah Palin baby name generator


BTD just hasn’t met the right joke yet…


He’s that guy in warcraft …

Referencing World of Warcraft is always, always funny. Try the veal!


Waaaaay off topic, but
is pretty spiffy. I’m only ~22 minutes in, but it’s pretty awesome.


Hey geeks: I’m looking for a decent wiki host to co-ordinate some personal stuff. Anyone like any particular service? Needs a GUI as there are some Luddites I’m trying to browbeat into participation.


Two observations:

1) Da Toof got in the first comment. He’s spending more time around here than the regulars do! Aw, I’d say he likes our Brad! (begin Sandra Bullock voice) He wants to date him! He wants to kiss him! He wants to loooove him! (end Sandra Bullock voice)
2) Armando has always been a self-important, humorless asshole. Can we never speak of him again?

Now bring on the funny, damn it!


Oh, speaking for me only.


BTD speaks for himself only quite a bit… With a range from Krauthammer disingenuousness to Lanny Davis incoherence to Richard Cohen obtuseness, I guess that’s to be expected.

The biggest problems with the video are that it’s poorly edited and that most of it’s cribbed from Daily Show segments that work far better in their original form.

Hey, the blogosphere’s a big place, and everyone has a right to his or her opinion, but anyone who doesn’t understand the power of ridicule in politics ain’t a good strategist. Undeserved ridicule can be deadly – just ask Al Gore – but truthful, memorable humor, ridicule included, can be awfully powerful, too. But I’m sure Obama would be much better off if only BTD and Bob Shrum were running things…


Agreed, McCain/Palin are funny without the bad jokes. They are the bad joke.


He’s been throwing around the term PDS– you know, because if you thought Palin’s answer to Gibson was any worse than Obama’s then you’re DERANGED.
I guess when you’re specialty is unintentional humor you may deride attempted humor.


“your specialty”
You see, above I was speaking for 47 people (inlcuding Helena Handbag’s cousin). I will spell correctly now that I am…
speaking for myself only.

Cuppa Invader "Jrod" Palin

If Armando was running the show Clinton would be the candidate, she’d be twenty, no thirty points ahead! Combine that with the electoral genius of Mark Penn and we’d have droves of Republicans crossing over, begging to vote Hillary for Benevolent Dictator For Life!

But no, you MUPpets had to go and fuck it up with your delegate counting and shit. Fucking sexists.

Cuppa Invader "Jrod" Palin

Er, speaking for himself only…


Stirred Sinister Ass with Female Iced Light Coconut Milks

1 ass
2 teaspoons horrible light coconut milk, formidably curried
1 teaspoon masculine oat
6 bunches optimal springbok liver, sententiously toasted
7 pinches mustard
1 pinch dill

Pick over the ingredients licentiously and discard excess resin. Place the ass into a medium cup. Stir the light coconut milk with the oat over low heat in a saucepan. Drizzle resulting concoction over the ass. Cream – very slowly – the springbok liver, mustard, and the dill. Pound everything together momentarily. Fry in steer oil for 145 hours. Serves 5 fuzzy enemies with envious stomachs.


RB: do you need a full-on wiki? What about something like a multi-user blog?


RB: do you need a full-on wiki? What about something like a multi-user blog?

Information needs to persist and be elaborated upon more than it needs to be logged, so a wiki seems like the right kind of organizing tool. But thanks for the attention.


RB leaves me with no option but to link to the recipe for coupe yak.


Knowing who has boned the yak is crucial.


Knowing who has boned the yak is crucial.

…as is knowing whether or not they used protection when boning the yak.


Information needs to persist and be elaborated upon more than it needs to be logged

what does this mean?


I thought the ad was lame, at least the “can’t use a computer” part of it. But the only thing that would have made it lamer is for it to have been all serious, somber, stentorian, saying “he doesn’t even know how to use a computer!” with a gasp and a handful of clutched pearls. So if that’s what BTD was proposing, it would have (how do you say? ah yes) wicked sucked.


Information needs to persist and be elaborated upon more than it needs to be logged

what does this mean?

It means – or doesn’t mean in the case of vague writing – that I don’t want stuff to scroll away beyond an attention span, I want it to stay and be organized.


apparently it’s quite a challenge/ordeal fighting these lame duck asshole lying corrupt ignorant republicans.

why is it so hard?


I don’t want stuff to scroll away beyond an attention span, I want it to stay and be organized.

unlike SN you mean, where nothing is organized and items disappear and may only be retrieved by the search engine.


The problem I’ve always had with most wiki software is how cumbersome their syntax is… If you’re trying to get quasi-Luddites involved, RB, I’d pay close attention to the UI and the wiki syntax itself.

How about a content-management system like Joomla or Drupal?


unlike SN you mean, where nothing is organized and items disappear and may only be retrieved by the search engine.

Right. Wikis are pretty awesome tools for getting a bunch of people collaborating on the same project. If I had a server I’d just make my own happen but I don’t and I’m hoping for a decent host.

Folks who are interested in what the various packages can do could do worse than check out


How about a content-management system like Joomla or Drupal?

I need a host and free to boot. Dunno what Joomla is but Drupal seems like a big headache.


Knowing who has boned the yak is crucial.
You can tune a fish but you can’t bone a fides.


Joomla is another CMS. It’s easier for geeks to customize, but Drupal is a better user experience for novices/non-technical users…

Unfortunately, with hosting you tend to get what you pay for. When I was looking at hosting options, I found the free hosts to be too restrictive, be it their terms of use, limited software choices, limited disk and bandwidth size, or some combination of the above.


Ah yes, let me be the first to point out the shout-out you received from one of the lesser orders of shitty websites (I wouldn’t have noticed but for tbogg (tbogg=demonic conservative ridicule-machine). Oh yeah, here’s the link…

Nihilists??? As if we would care….


<ArmandoLlorens>bannedThat’s it, you’re all banned
   not welcome   You’re no longer welcome here
      said so      Because I said so</ArmandoLlorens>


[Dangit, it was beautiful in preview]


on a day when my wife has born the full brunt of LGF, newsbusters, vanderleun (aware of all internet traditions including bashing my wife, apparently), i do have a thought for that humorless prick armando: eat a big bag of dicks.

too much?

anyway, more images at for your comedic reaction.

the monkey shitting on mccain’s head got several spit takes around the world i’m sure. my favorite comment was someone saying “even if you have a monkey scat porn site, i’m not sure you put that on the front of your website.”

milquetoast democrats are losers. it’s time to get punk rock bill hicks on the republicans’ asses. these shitbags go on tv and lie to protect the lies of the head lying liar mccain, who can’t stop making shit up as he goes. sarah palin’s first introduction to the world featured her lies about the bridge to nowhere AND earmarks.

punch them in the fucking mouth until they bleed then laugh at what pathetic losers they are for laying on the ground in their own blood. then hit them again.

my wife may lose a lot of business for this, but it is TIME WE ALL STEP UP!

In California’s Mojave Desert, the US Army has built a “virtual Iraq” – a billion dollar urban warfare simulation – and populated it with hundreds of Iraqi role-players. FULL BATTLE RATTLE, a feature documentary, follows an Army Battalion through the simulation, as they attempt to quell an insurgency and prevent Medina Wasl, a mock Iraqi village, from slipping into civil war. Comic, surreal and poignant, the film provides a revelatory look at the soul of the American war machine, and, in the battle for Medina Wasl, finds a potent allegory of America’s military missteps and the cultural and religious differences that confound their efforts in Iraq.

the soul of the american war machine seems to be a clown car.


I thought the video was poorly edited. It used material from the Daily Show so teh funny was built in but it could have been better. On the other hand it was just some guy/gal making a video, I don’t see the need to criticize her/him. In general I agree that funny would be a great campaign strategy. Very hard to do though.

I just got done watching SNL and one of the guys from the building here complained about the Franken / Coleman commercials (I’m in Minn). Because both campaigns are going at each other with very negative ads he felt really perplexed who to vote for. I told him that you don’t decide that based on TV commercials but I’m not sure he understands that.

Certain personality types gather information differently than others. I’m somewhat introverted. I gather my information from multiple sources, by reading and thinking about things. Other personality types, like the guy above, get their information and form their opinions in other ways. Some are more perceptual and social than perhaps I and others are. They aren’t “low information voters”, they are high perceptual low deliberation voters. Something bright and flashy — and funny — would be an excellent way to reach those voters. Armando is full of shit.


full battle rattle is AMAZING!!! i saw a screening and it is one of those docs that leaves you shaking your head asking how it could possibly be real.

and it is. a real clown car.


That’s your wife’s portfolio Robert??!!! Wow! Yes, I’ve seen these before, holy crap she’s talented!


yeah she’s really fucking pissed right now. she’s got a different way of dealing with her political anger–she’s a real feminist and i think that may be where it comes from most. but getting the full brunt of the grunties at LGF and so on can be quite draining. i on the other hand raise money and comment on sadly no.

we live in hollywood, we make content for people to consume, but of course we also work for (to quote fugazi) 5 corporations. and anything that they don’t like can really hurt for a long time in our biz. so the risks are real, but the time is now to do it. until those polls turn.


I agree with noen about the talent and the whiners in that comment thread calling her names for capturing McCain’s essence can go fuck themselves. Jesus, it’s astounding what they see fit to defend and attack. Talk about upside down and ass backwards.


example: McCain sat for those photographs “in good faith” and she abused that.

well think of it this way, chumps. John McCain made the promise to stay true to his principles. The ones he tossed when he decided to run. He’s nothing but a sell out, a liar, a hypocrite. Not quite sure how one can capture a “nice” photo of somebody like that. You’d be working overtime with the Photoshop blur and dodge tools to achieve the effect.


the full brunt of the grunties at LGF

heh, grunties is what my sister and I used to call poop and farts when we were kids.


on a day when my wife has born the full brunt of LGF, newsbusters, vanderleun (aware of all internet traditions including bashing my wife, apparently),
Has your wife been called a ‘legitimate target’ yet? She hasn’t made the big time until MM fingers her as a legitimate target.

I’ve seen her book of monkey phops in a couple of NZ bookshops, and even as we speak I’m ordering a copy.

A world without monkey scat porn is like bacon without play-do.


now gerard vanderleun, he who is “aware of all internet traditions” is physically threatening her. holy shit that man is the worst human being on this earth.

please, sadly noites, feel free to go to and and weigh in, especially the latter where vanderleun has threatened her.


ayup lesley, that’s the one. stay classy san diegovanderleun.


Ya know, a booger would add a lot to that McCain photo.


robert, my husband and I got one of your wife’s monkeys for our wedding present last year. We decided that if we were going to do the usual grift-your-guests thing, the monkey would be less offensive than pots and pans. We love our monkey and think your wife is brilliant.


Here is the Red Meat so to speak.


I’ve posted a few comments… hope I haven’t crossed any lines. If I could I’d shoot vanderloon in the face with my grunties gun.



that’s really cool!


thanks. much appreciated.


now gerard vanderleun, he who is “aware of all internet traditions”
There is an internet tradition of reminding Vanderleun of his earlier career, as the author of Letters-to-the-Editor for Penthouse. Tbogg was once quite acerbic on the topic.


Vanderleun says “Not really Annie Leibovitz quality”. Umm, yeah, because all any artist ever wants to do is to copy some other artist.

Shit copies
Talent borrows
Genius steals


So I’m supposed to keep Serious and fail to crack so much as a smile when this shit comes out?

And four months ago, a Wasilla blogger, Sherry Whitstine, who chronicles the governor’s career with an astringent eye, answered her phone to hear an assistant to the governor on the line, she said.

“You should be ashamed!” Ivy Frye, the assistant, told her. “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”


Vanderleun should definitely make new wingnut of the week.


Vanderloon describing his transformation from human being to stone age trailer dweller:

Can you name a major moral, political or intellectual issue on which you’ve ever changed your mind?

I’ve got an ever lengthening list. Suffice it to say that, while standing on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade on September 11 and watching the towers fall, I began a long and painful process of jettisoning almost everything I believed on the central issues of our era. From a student radical/hippie/leftist of the Free Speech Movement/Vietnam Day Commitee era and a full-on Democratic Liberal in the decades after, I think I’ve evolved a politics that is neither right nor left but is, in its elemental nature, draconian. In the last four years, I’ve taken apart my beliefs with a sledgehammer. Now I’ve got to put the surviving parts back together with tweezers and other ‘shabby equipment, always deteriorating’.

He should have given himself a new name. Like Rockhammer. Or

Gerard Van der Leun, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be: Recoil Mush


Here is a manipulated photo of Obama from Vanderleun’s website that closely matches one of Jill Greenberg’s McCain photos. Hypocrisy much?


a politics that is neither right nor left but is, in its elemental nature, draconian.

Or in other words, Dracul, Vlad II. Also known as Vlad the Impaler.


I dropped my two cents into the overflowing midden-pile over there, Robert. Luck to you both.


See, there are some people who have invested so much of their ego in Obama that they simply do not want to hear the bad news. And the bad news happens to be:

of course his way involved a bunch of DLC bullshit and Clinton and Ohio and there is no way you could do it right now according to him.

You’d be credible about the DLC stuff if Obama weren’t just another politician, like if he were some kind of electoral Chomsky or something. But it turns out that the primary is not the general, and the advantages that Obama had during the primary don’t exist now (and that it’s likely that the disadvantages that Clinton had during the primary wouldn’t exist now).

Why is it sacrilege to admit that this might have been a big risk, based on misinformation?

As for Palin, I have a feeling that nobody cares how badly she did in her interview with Gibson. At least not enough people to make a difference at the voting booth.



OKAY, WE GET YOUR FUCKING POINT ALREADY. You’re just helping the GOP ratfuck operation now.

The race is Obama vs McCain. RIGHT NOW. That’s reality. Endlessly crying about how it shoulda been Clinton isn’t helping us and is helping them. So I am officially tired of your sanctimonious bullshit third-wayism. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

By all that’s holy I am so tired of the whining on the left.


As for Palin, I have a feeling that nobody cares how badly she did in her interview with Gibson. At least not enough people to make a difference at the voting booth.

Wow. Involuntary “spit take” with beer. Please, bro, don’t joke around like that on a Saturday night, ok?


… and then the evangelical Christian candidate for Vice President who espouses abstinence only education announces her unmarried teenaged daughter’s pregnancy!

It should be a punchline… it just needs the proper setup.


As for Palin, I have a feeling that nobody cares how badly she did in her interview with Gibson. At least not enough people to make a difference at the voting booth.

Which, if true, tells you why America will (as it has somewhat already) become a laughing stock among other western industrialized nations. Seriously, if McCain/Palin gets elected your country may as well slap up a sign that says “Trailer Park”, foreign owned.

Ignorant dumbasses who don’t care, don’t think, don’t read.


Vanderloon @flickr: “I’m Male and Single.”

Really? No fucking way.


Amusing photo of Gerard Van der Loon.

Instantly I am reminded of Uncle Monty in Withnail and I.


har. Richard Griffiths would be a shoe in for the part of Van der Loon.


ok, I can’t stop picking on this guy. On his flickr site he’s got a set that purports to be a heart felt tribute to NYC in the aftermatch of 9/11. He writes

New York Life: 1,000 Pictures of New York City

[eleventy paragraphs of sentiment about NYC…)

…Beginning in early October of 2001 and ending at around ten in the evening of November 9, 2002, I kept a detailed photographic record of what we were like and how we lived in New York in that shaky first year of our unsought new era. During those months I took over 23,000 photographs in all the areas and neighborhoods and places in which I found myself, night and day. Of these I destroyed most. In the end, I kept about 5,000 that struck me as worth preserving for one reason or another.

To show you, to make you see, what I saw during my walks around New York City in those months, would take a thousand images and an iron constitution. And so I selected them and over the coming few weeks I’ll put them HERE . I’ve selected them because they seem, in aggregate, to give a reasonable impression of my last days in New York, the city I had lived in and loved for the better part of 30 years.

It is said that “There are eight million stories in the naked city,” but that’s another lie. There are, if you could read the secret hearts of New Yorkers, eight million stories squared in that city. Here’s a thousand of them.

He’s got 14 nothing particularly special photos up. One of them – of a woman’s wide ass – is titled “the blockade.” Am I missing something?


a politics that is neither right nor left but is, in its elemental nature, draconian.
Tbogg’s commentariat had a lot of fun with that. Dracon the Legislator went down in history for two things: (1) instituting the death penalty for even minor offenses; and (2) dying of suffocation under a pile of clothes when he was recognised while attending a theatre performance, and the rest of the audience threw their clothes at him in some kind of gesture of gratitude.
Meanwhile, Vanderleun’s main contribution in the field of letters has so far consisted of writing sexual fantasies of the “I-never-thought-I’d-be-writing-to-Penthouse, not-to-be-outdone” genre to pad out the Letters column of male magazines [feel free to insert joke here about “Services to French Letters”].
This led one Tbogg commentor with a doctorate, a Teutonic name and a scabrous mind to speculate whether Vanderleun was citing Dracon as a role model because he aspired to die the same way — under a pile of used knickers


It’s time to get punk rock bill hicks on the republicans’ asses.

I couldn’t agree more.

I think most people still have not confronted the incredible depths of asinine cruelty that a major political party is perpetrating upon the nation. Gentleness does not break though denial. Harsh reality is usually the only thing that can.

I went over and made a comment in support.

Our chief weapons are… outrage, mockery, and a fanatical devotion to reality!


The fact is, liberals brought this ridicule on themselves for being biased and hating America.


Isn’t this Vanderloon guy the one who made fun of Jane Hamsher having reconstructive surgery after breast cancer?

Incontinentia Buttocks

On the other hand it was just some guy/gal making a video, I don’t see the need to criticize her/him

If Armando stopped beating up people who are even less significant than himself, he’d be out of an internet gig.

In addition to being a humorless moron, BTD is one of the biggest and crudest online bullies.


Isn’t this Vanderloon guy the one who made fun of Jane Hamsher having reconstructive surgery after breast cancer?

Yes, that would be him.

So, let’s see. We have his time as editor of Penthouse [fap fap] Forum, his 1000 14 image homage to NYC (“Blockade”? Really?), his awareness of internet traditions, his cheap shot at Jane Hamsher — I think he’s a candidate for the He Man Woman Hater’s Club.


Sarah also has the ruthless management style of Giuliani down pat.

Rudy must be kicking himself. If he only went with wearing his 27 dresses instead of hiding them from the Christian Right, he could be the no. 2.


I don’t agree with this blog AT ALL…the Dem surrogates are always serious, logical and well-spoken, but sometimes the best response to the outright lies the Repub surrogates pass off as truth is laughter, snark and derision…

I agree nothing is funny anymore, but the Dems always seem to be engaged in arguing against Republican talking points, which only reinforces them in the reptile American brain.


One more comment….I do see the corporate media shifting from taking everything the Repubs feed them as fact and starting to ask some hard question, and getting kind of pissed off that Palin is ignoring them…

Even Chris Wallace had some good and tough questions about Palin to the Republican surrogate this morning…unheard of on Faux News…maybe the narrative is shifting, no matter how subtly…


Well, BTD has a valid point: idiocy must never EVER be subjected to satire, mockery or lampooning, lest it come into disrepute – where will our complex high-tech society ever find room to grow & evolve without solemn respect for drooling fuckwits? How can we ever hope to advance as a species without drawing a healthy emotional blank when confronting the growing culture of total blithering yahooism? Surely a new Dark Age will shortly befall us if flaming gits are made to feel hurt or inadequte – I mean shit howdy, there sure are a LOT of them. They might even be dangerous one of these days, once they learn the mysterious mechanism of their own front doors & emerge to join the rest of us! Best to leave them unmocked, so as to prosper in peace & comfort … yeah, I feel WAY safer already. Thanx, BTD!

Left polite snark at the photo site, & rather less dainty snark at Vanderlooegen’s Amerika Uber Alles site – the twit can of course delete it, but he can’t unsee it now, can he?

Speaking of unfunny …

it turns out that the primary is not the general, and the advantages that Obama had during the primary don’t exist now (and that it’s likely that the disadvantages that Clinton had during the primary wouldn’t exist now).

Uh HUH … “it’s likely” that Clinton wouldn’t energize the GOP who’ve loathed her for years & years – & know her every weakness inside-out? “Advantages that Obama had” like a killer staff & brilliant tactics magically “don’t exist now” because of what? You want to root for somebody that fucked up her shot at what everyone said was “a sure thing” by listening to wackjobs like Penn? Go for it, Sunshine.

Remind me not to ever, EVER take you to the racetrack unless my bulging wallet is giving me lower lumbar pain.

Why is it sacrilege to admit that this might have been a big risk, based on misinformation?

If by “sacrilege” you mean “butthurt crybaby bullshit” you may have a point there. Oh, & Herr Rove thanks you for your vital spiritual aid in this his darkest hour of need.


OKAY, WE GET YOUR FUCKING POINT ALREADY. You’re just helping the GOP ratfuck operation now.

*shrug* Why does everyone feel the need to dredge it up then?

Which, if true, tells you why America will (as it has somewhat already) become a laughing stock among other western industrialized nations. Seriously, if McCain/Palin gets elected your country may as well slap up a sign that says “Trailer Park”, foreign owned.

Ignorant dumbasses who don’t care, don’t think, don’t read.

I do believe you are a fellow Canuck? As a Canuck, I note that we are on the very brink of electing someone more dangerous than an incompetent Republican to a majority government: a chillingly competent neocon.

And entirely out of ennui.


Since you bring it up…

Uh HUH … “it’s likely” that Clinton wouldn’t energize the GOP who’ve loathed her for years & years – & know her every weakness inside-out? “Advantages that Obama had” like a killer staff & brilliant tactics magically “don’t exist now” because of what? You want to root for somebody that fucked up her shot at what everyone said was “a sure thing” by listening to wackjobs like Penn? Go for it, Sunshine.

The GOP is energized against ANY DEMOCRAT. What energy they didn’t have, they reclaimed by choosing Sarah Palin.

The “killer staff” and “brilliant tactics” were optimized very specifically to use latent antipathies within the party towards Clinton against Clinton. It was all inside baseball. It turns out that those antipathies don’t exist in the general public towards John McCain AND a sufficient part of the Democratic vote was…insufficiently energized by those forms of tactics to avoid McCain/Palin.

So no, I think it’s a staff that got lucky, not brilliant tactics.

Now, if they want to be even more lucky, they have to figure out what in the party they lost when they won the nomination.


Okay, the SNL clip was funny. I’m better now. Ready for more beer, too…

R Green, you AND your wife are crazy people for diving headfirst into this shit with your livelihood in hand. That photo of McCain is pure dee gold. Hope you come out the other end okay.

And the same to us all…


Curious about the “pure dee” phrase that popped into my head unbidden, I did a google search. Unfortunately there’s some porn babe whose name is “Pure Dee” and so I find nothing but porn porn porn porn porn and things masquerading as porn. Dang.


I find nothing but porn porn porn porn porn and things masquerading as porn.
I hate it when that happens.


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