Now THIS is what I like to see!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present you with the single greatest ad of the 2008 election campaign:

This is the type of awesome viciousness against GOP candidates that makes my black little heart thump with delight. Go forth, yon 527s and NGOs! Kick ass without reserve!!!

Gavin adds:

Whoo-ee. Bartender, make that a double:

[Hanx! Houdini’s Ghost]


Comments: 187


In other news, why does John McCain heart sex offenders?


Surprisingly effective – I figured it would be pretty standard, but it’s a character issue thing the way its framed. It also isn’t anti-hunting, just anti-brutality.

If this is what the 527’s are gonna bring, then I’m glad Obama took the gloves off.

Just Alison, without Qetesh

In my mind’s eye, I can see an inevitable addendum to that ad: Sarah Palin, gun at the ready from her plane, hunting down poor folks on the streets.

A small step for one woman…


Erghm. Long-time reader, first-time poster? Does that sound really fucking stupid? Probably. I’ve really enjoyed your takedowns of idiots (I just read a Jonah Goldberg bit that made me want to throw up my own hip-bones, to borrow from Chris Morris).

But, fucking wolves? The most aggressive anti-Palin bit is to do with fucking wolves? Not rape kits, or lying. or, y’know, knowing less about global politics than a newspaper-reading eighteen-year-old?

(Apologies for the vernacular; I’m a Brit. I’d apologise for that, too, if I imagined you cared).

(Also, you may not be familiar with the work of Chris Morris. I think you’d enjoy it – I would recommend both The Day Today and Brass Eye. Apologies again if this is stultifyingly patronising and you’re looking at Blue Jam box sets and thinking ‘What a patronizing Brit tosser.’)


Jamie — it’s a start. There will be more. Do not kill the buzz. There will be plenty more between now and November.


But, fucking wolves? The most aggressive anti-Palin bit is to do with fucking wolves?

Yeah, but it’s an independent anti animal cruelty group, so that’s what they’re going to go with.

The point is the ad is pretty harsh – it’s graphic, uses words like “killing”, “barbaric” and “agony” to make the point.


thenthelightningwill (20 seconds ago)
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To HELL with Governor Mooselini!

Good ad. About time.


Jamie — word. I want that rape kit thing HAMMERED.


Someone should do an ad that likens what Palin does to wolves to what Michael Vick did to dogs. Something like this:


Weak. Way to play into “The Liberals and PETA want to take your guns away” meme. I can assure you that ads like this make it harder for us Obama supporters in states like N.C.

Jamie said it best, and it bears repeating: “fucking wolves? The most aggressive anti-Palin bit is to do with fucking wolves? Not rape kits, or lying. or, y’know, knowing less about global politics than a newspaper-reading eighteen-year-old?”


Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t piss in her mouth if her teeth were on fire. But from the perspective of Airstrip One, I’d rather see people going after her on her more seriously disastrous viewpoints than the wolf issue, which I don’t see getting a lot of traction outside of Manowar.

(By the way, if you ever want to cover the wet paper bag limply blowing off the end of a stolen traffic cone that is our weak-ass UK politics by comparison, this wildly apathetic native voter would appreciate the kick up the arse).


Didn’t assholes like to hunt buffalo from moving trains back in the old days? That’s what this makes me think of.

The wolves issue is one that I think would make the manly-mans of the Conservatard crowd like Palin even better, but it could be off-putting to the mushy middlers. Not a bad start for a possible harsh ad season.


How about a few more? Like one about charging rape victims for medical exams, one showing her support for the bridge to nowhere, one showing her support for banning books, one showing her ignorance about the “Bush doctrine.” All prefaced by a clip of her wondering, in all sincerity, what the role of a VP is?


Like one about charging rape victims for medical exams,

If it’s not on its way, I will be disappointed.


The fact is, that ad is beautiful.


There are a lot of people who go out and kill geese, rabbits, ducks, and bunnies…really cute bunnies, for no other reason than they think its fun. You think they care if someone shoots a wolf from a plane? They’d probably ask for a sign up list.

Many people have no problem with shooting ANY animal, much less one that most people think of as being scary and dangerous. No one would want a wolf wandering around their property. Most people, if put face to face with a wolf would shit themselves.

They may as well as made a video that said, “Sarah Palin thinks we should kill more rattlesnakes.”

Its an ad that’ll only work on people who already contribute to PETA, and none of those people were going to vote for her anyway.


They’d have to be insane to run this ad in pro-gun states anyway. My guess is this is a targeted buy in coastal states that are already anti-gun, and might do some good pushing moderate suburban voters into Obama’s camp when they realize Palin may not actually share their middle-class suburban values (despite how much she claims to).


Wolf stuff. I don’t care and I don’t think it’s a big deal for anyone but people who are either already voting Dem, voting Green, or not voting.


Nylund said,

September 13, 2008 at 1:32

There are a lot of people who go out and kill geese, rabbits, ducks, and bunnies…really cute bunnies, for no other reason than they think its fun. You think they care if someone shoots a wolf from a plane? They’d probably ask for a sign up list.

Those people who’d sign up shooting wolves from a plane aren’t going to vote for Obama, or any other Democrat.


Or put more wisely, wrod to Nyland. Alaska is where you shoot animals.


Polar bears, goddammit.
Polar bears.

Doctor Missus Marita

Grrr… hideous Palin woman slaughters wolves, and I have to think about it on the day my dog dies.

I hope he sneaks down from doggie heaven to chew up all her best shoes.


I was going to vote for Bob Barr, but now I’m switching to Obama.

So there, RB.


Gah, of course, I didn’t think about the animal rights people; it’s a flaw of the native politics again, I’m afraid, as it increasingly appears our choice boils down to “who is least likely to require you to jizz in a tube in order for you to become a citizen”.

For what it’s worth, I get the situation; I don’t think Obama can win by pretending he’s the most moral Pokemon trainer and therefore Team Rocket will fail; that doesn’t mean I wish the situation you find yourselves in for your general election wasn’t operating on the intellectual level of a marginally-more-challenging-than-usual Pokemon episode. (Yes, I’m a geek, I could’ve gone Batman: The Animated Series here, but my understanding is that The Dark Knight has been appropriated recently by people who evidently missed the bit about “a superstitious and cowardly lot”).

I do think you guys have more chance of accountability – possibly through the proliferation of assault weaponry, but I’d like to think rhetoric plays a part – and bluntly, I envy your way of doing things in terms of the Constitution, but I think a lot of the time – much more noticeably recently – your politicians (on both sides) aren’t really living up to the options America has forged for itself.

That said, I’m a contrary sod *and* a nerd, so (a) I know that with adequate prep time Batman always wins and (b) if you’re going to stoop to your opponent’s level, don’t fuck about.


Jelperman said,

Someone should do an ad that likens what Palin does to wolves to what Michael Vick did to dogs. Something like this:

Right on.

Hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to tourism-dependent Alaska every year to see wildlife in pristine untouched environments. I’m picturing all those American Alaskan cruise-takers seeing such an ad (including the one SN posted) and being totally turned off Palin. Some farmers may hate wolves and coyotes but the travelling and zoo-going JQ public has a better appreciation for wildlife now.


Its an ad that’ll only work on people who already contribute to PETA, and none of those people were going to vote for her anyway.

No way. Shooting wolves from a helicopter during the winter is like three levels worse than deerjacking. Hunters will hate this, I’ll guarantee it.


I want a 527 that flat out lies about McCain.

My name is Andy Dick, and John McCain raped me.

Did you know Sarah Palin was born with both a penis and a vagina?

Doctor Missus Marita

There are a lot of people who go out and kill geese, rabbits, ducks, and bunnies…really cute bunnies, for no other reason than they think its fun. You think they care if someone shoots a wolf from a plane? They’d probably ask for a sign up list.

Not remotely true. Most of my family are avid hunters, and they’re appalled by hunting from aircraft. Most of them are also not fans of hunting things that you don’t intend to eat (unless they’re threatening livestock, etc.). Believe me, they care about this.


Dr. Mrs. you have my condolences.


Oh lord, the hyphens! Apologies for the stream of consciousness, which I am now appallingly flip-flopping on by going to bed. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, and by way of a parting line:

Isn’t the corner where they put the kids with the dunce hats?


How much for Sarah’s foreleg?


The most aggressive anti-Palin bit is to do with fucking wolves?

If she were fucking wolves, that would be pretty scandalous.


Little Red Riding Hood. The Three Little Pigs. Peter and the Wolf. Werewolves….what to these have in common? The wolf is the villain.

Show a video of a little cute white bunny getting eaten by a big bad wolf

and half of America would want to shoot the beast.

“Sarah Palin wants to kill scary animals that eat cute little bunnies!”

THAT is the best we can do?


My grandma is a Republican on the verge of voting for Obama. I keep telling her that she’s way more liberal than she gives herself credit for, but she calls herself, and votes like, a Republican.

Well, as soon as she heard about this, her mind was made up. No fucking way was she going to vote for that horrid, cruel woman who would undo all the work the wildlife groups did to bring the wolf back from the brink of extinction. Seriously, this sealed the deal. She’s voting for Obama.

I’m gonna bet she ain’t the only one. This is a really fantastic ad, and they need to blanket Michigan with it, if they haven’t done so already.

Doctor Missus Marita

Thanks, Bubba. It’s hard because I can’t have a dog over here in the city, so he lived with my parents on their farm. I didn’t even get to pet him and say goodbye.


Yeah, baby! Keep ’em coming!


I’m sorry to hear about that, Dr. Missus M.


I’m gonna bet she ain’t the only one.

I am okay with being completely wrong on this.


McCain voted against free rape exams too.


I did a funny.

I’m my own low-budget 527.


“You think they care if someone shoots a wolf from a plane? They’d probably ask for a sign up list.”

Nylund, you’re missing the target of the ad.

You’re right that it won’t affect hunters but hunters are a small and shrinking subset of the populace. This is all about the suburb / exurb liver who loves to hike or innertube down a river. It’s the same audience that gets all upset about the vanishing polar bear but couldn’t give a crap about an endangered newt.

They will be affected by this ad.


Sarah Palin = Michael Vick?


jrg, NC has some Republican pro-gun people who are also pro-animal rights.

However, they are too fucking racist to vote for a black guy.


remember when michael vick was made into history’s greatest monster because he maltreated dogs?

people love dogs, but they dont really care about any other animals, even if they happen to have the same basic dna.


It is an effective negative ad but the “issue” is total BS. There are so many real issues to nail her with that could be used. An absolutely brutal “character issue” ad could be made about the rape kit deal, for example.


Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t piss in her mouth if her teeth were on fire.

There’s a way to do this and make it right. EAT ASPARAGUS FIRST.


You’re right that it won’t affect hunters but hunters are a small and shrinking subset of the populace.

It will effect hunters.

What they are doing isn’t hunting and hunters know the difference.

Doctor Missus Marita

You’re right that it won’t affect hunters but hunters are a small and shrinking subset of the populace.

Again, I disagree. People who consider hunting a sport do not appreciate those who cheat, even if they are ok with hunting wolves.

I don’t know about other states, but in Oregon you aren’t allowed to hunt within eight hours of being on an aircraft (with the exception of one that lands at a commercial airport), to prevent people from even spotting game from the air.


A lot of people like wolves. Until recently, Minnesota was the only state in the lower 48 with any significant wolf population. There’s been a lot of education about wolves, and the public (including hunters and farmers) appreciate them a lot more than they did twenty years ago.

Wolves are *cool*. Hunting them down from airplanes is *not* cool.


It’s an awesome ad. Evil bitch. Now back to my drinking.


It is an effective negative ad but the “issue” is total BS. There are so many real issues to nail her with that could be used. An absolutely brutal “character issue” ad could be made about the rape kit deal, for example.

By itself, it’s probably not going to tip the election. But combine this with a slew of other similarly aggressive 527 ads and we’re at least starting to even out the “ratfucking” score. I totally agree with Brad– this is the kind of tone the 527’s need to take, and there’s certainly a whole cornucopia of issues with which to hammer Moose Lady.

Straight Talk Express

My friends, those wolves could have brought our intelligence secrets to Russia, which borders Alaska. Those wolves were protected by an earmark, and Sarah Palin hates earmarks. Obama believes those wolves should teach sexual positions to dead, aborted fetuses. The liberals called Sarah Palin a wolf with lipstick. I was a POW. KILL!!!!!!!! KILL!!!!!!!!!!! AIIEEEEEEE!!!!! ….I mean, I hate war. Obama is uppity for not slaughtering wolves.


And I must say, I wouldn’t hit that. Seriously. No way.


An elephant researcher in Kenya with 30 years of experience says that shooting a wild elephant for sport is equivalent to shooting the poodle in your neighbour’s yard. It requires no courage or hunting skills. Most of the time the victims are just standing placidly in some pasture grazing when they’re shot. They have no idea what’s coming.

Shooting wolves from a plane over an open field is worse. The animals haven’t got a chance and there’s no risk whatsoever to the shooters. Some of these assholes also use cherry bombs to scatter and slaughter herds of animals.

People who kill wolves (and other animals) from planes are culling. Culling is the polite word for murder. Mass murder, actually.


Planned Parenthood is on the sex ed case:

Robert Greenwald’s Brave New PAC is on lies in general:

And the Obama campaign is getting more direct (from previous thread):
“… it’s clear that John McCain would rather lose his integrity than lose an election.”

“So when American workers hear John McCain talking about putting ‘Country First,’” Obama said, “it’s fair to ask – which country?”


Kinda leaves her troupe plenty of room to give the answer they prefer. “Yep. That’s just what we want. Suck it, libs.”

This, OTOH, should get so much play Magic Johnson would be embarrassed…

PALIN: I was for infrastructure being built in the state. And it’s not inappropriate for a mayor or for a governor to request and to work with their Congress — their congressmen, their congresswomen, to plug into the federal budget along with every other state a share of the federal budget for infrastructure.

From tonights installment of “Why the fuck did we bother with this, anyway”, starring Sarah Palin.


AND ANOTHER thing. It may not appeal to anyone but animal rights lovers, and it may not swing (m)any votes, but if it gets a few a them hippie youth enraged enough to GOTV, or some rich arugula eaters to donate more to Obama, it’s done some good.


you’re fucking, god damed right.

rhetorically club this asshole like a baby seal and skin her ass in public.


Check out Hot Air, Malkin, Powertools, Wankee, etc. Its mostly about decrying the “smears” against Palin, about how her positions were distorted in the ABC interview and debunking slanderous rumors about her. In other words they are on the defensive. The Dems and allies should keep up the attacks on all fronts. The late night talk shows will soon be exploiting her for the joke bonanza that she is. Hopefully the meme of her being a lightweight will catch on and they won’t be able to shake it off.


What a sexist ad!


Keep ’em coming!


If it’s an issue, and not somebody’s kid or what they eat or who cuts their fucking hair, I’m all for it. It’s not a big deal issue, and when you are violating Pakistan’s sovereignty almost every goddam day, when you’re letting a bullshit diplomatic disagreement with Bolivia turn into a major international event, when you support independence for kosovo but not for South Ossetia and insist that Georgia’s territorial integrity be respected but not Iraq’s, Afghanistan’s, Pakistan’s or Iran’s, when the current governments incompetence in international affairs is exceeded only by their malfeasance in domestic matters, I honestly have a hard time giving a shit about a wolf.

But hey, there is certainly no downside to it…



Doctor Missus,

From someone you don’t know and have never met, I too am truly deeply sorry about the loss of your baby puppy today.
(They’re always puppehs, I don’t care the age.)


She’s waffling harder than a block long string of IHOPs. Republicans will forgive any sin but one, and that’s weakness. Backpedaling gets you zero points with these people. She would be better of lying even more.

And this from a softball interview, one on one, with plenty of prep time. Hoo-wee, it should be fun to see what happens without a net.

Incontinentia Buttocks

I like the ad, too.

But Al Giordano over on The Field emitted an awful whine about this one. But then again his blog, which was really essential reading during the primary, has more or less become an endless repository of concern trolling directed at those who concern troll the Obama campaign.

Really the only thing more tiresome than whining about a campaign’s inadequacies is whining about those who are whining about the campaign’s inadequacies.

I’m so ready for this election to be over with!


And let’s take another look at that answer about birth control.


Alli gets it right: this isn’t for hunters, it’s aimed at women who think She’s Just Like Me! Until they realize that they probably wouldn’t want to, you know, pay people to barbarically kill an animal from an airplane.


The aerial wolf-hunt thing is a HUGE argument up here. You wanna set people off no matter where you are, you mention one of three things: aerial wolf hunting (or the oh-so-clean euphimism of ‘predator control’), Pebble mine and/or ballot measure 4, or the gas pipeline.

One of the biggest things about the wolves is that they’re pretty much out in the middle of nowhere — you may rarely see coyotes and foxes in Anchorage, but the only wolves are in the zoo. Out in the bush, you’re more likely to see all three, but wolves tend to keep to themselves. In order to hunt wolves from an airplane, you have to go out of your way to find them — it’s not like hunting pigeons.

Personally, I’m firmly on the side of the wolves in this — they’ve got a role to play in the environment, so we humans should leave them alone unless and until there’s a reason not to do so. Alaskan farms are small and generally tend toward the vegetable side of things — unless wolves’ diets have changed significantly, I doubt they’re “attacking” local farms. (Plus that kind of think would have made the front page, and I’ve not heard a word of it.)

This ad is an okay start, but I too would like to see things that center on the fact that the republicans think that the unwashed masses are barely intelligent enough to feed themselves; the multiple lies that Palin’s been telling (and I’ll even stop whining about the ‘bridge to nowhere’ moniker!); etc.


Lesley said,

September 13, 2008 at 1:50

“Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t piss in her mouth if her teeth were on fire.”

There’s a way to do this and make it right. EAT ASPARAGUS FIRST.

Best. Web. Exchange. Evar.


The add is effective for several reasons, one is that Wolves are innocent, and can’t fight back. Hunting a rabid wolf, or a pack which is dangerous to people is one thing, Hunting from an airplane for FUN is just disgusting. I’m sending the group money, too.


Hopefully the meme of her being a lightweight will catch on and they won’t be able to shake it off.

She is a fucking lightweight. Here’s a Republican wannabee pitbull power broker that couldn’t fire a disloyal small town librarian and just had the crucial vote for subpoenas cast against her by a Republican from her home town.

She’s not even a very good fascist.

What’s that Bogart line about it being “cut rate ones that I object to”?


The charging for rape-kits is bad, but many people don’t know what a rape-kit is; they may imagine it something like the little cosmetics bag one gets at nicer hotels, you know: a wash cloth, soap, shampoo and shoe polish.

Remember Lieberman’s “Short ride” fiasco. It wasn’t as effective as it should have been.

But killing wolves and bears and moose just for fun, and so unfairly from a plane! That will shock people.

Doctor Missus Marita

Thank you ITTDGY and janefromhell.

I shall now attempt to use my commenting mojo to share a picture of Samson:

He was an incredibly sweet and gentle dog, but if Sarah Palin tried to pet him, I’m fairly certain he would have bitten her. He was a good judge of character.


This is just one of the FIRST spots since Obama finally unleashed the wolves (so to speak). I expect them to be daily and relentless from here on out. Seriously, there is so much material between Molly Mooseburgers and St. McPOW to last months.


“Do we really want a vice-presidential candidate who champions such savagery”?

Unfortunately, a large proportion of the electorate says “Fuck yeah”.


The charging for rape-kits is bad, but many people don’t know what a rape-kit is

It shouldn’t be too difficult to convey the message. Here’s one example. Note the vocabulary used.


It’s a great ad & it can do damage to her. It makes me physically ill, and everyone I know to see such cruelty. You assholes who say “who cares” must be sociopaths. You don’t care when innocent animals are chased, terrorized and gunned down? Fuck you.


My condolences, Marita, Ph.D. That’s a sweet dog.

my commenting mojo

So that’s what you Sadly, No! insider good old boys and girls call it, huh? It’s time to shake things up in Sadly, No! and bring real reform, real change.


Sarah Palin kills little kittens and feeds them to John McCain for breakfast.


Holy sh*t.

Did any of you go watch the ad from Planned Parenthood Action Fund which asks “Doesn’t John McCain want our children to protect themselves from sex offenders?” that Houdini’s Ghost linked above, which was in response to his attack on the bill Obama supported which aimed to help young children recognize sexual predators and seek help?

You need to do that.

Seriously, you need to go watch that ad, and then forward it.

The wolf slaughtering ad is cool. But not like “Does John McCain want to help pedophiles & child molester” cool.

It’s exactly what wags like us have been writing on here for the last several days.


Nice one, J—


[…] saw this at Sadly, No! and I have to agree that this is the kind of ad we need more of, not […]


“Does John McCain want to help pedophiles & child molester”

Well of course he does. I mean, what would he do without any other Republicans on the Hill?

Also, the line was,

I don’t mind a parasite. I object to a cut-rate one.

from Bogart to Peter Lorre in Casablanca.

Just in case that was going to bug anyone else…


“who is least likely to require you to jizz in a tube in order for you to become a citizen”.
Does this mean that if, um, a friend happened to be jizzing in tubes already, this would entitle him to citizenship? Which countries?


Don’t kid yourself that this will be a turn-off to the hunters. Remember how most hunters reacted after Cheney shot an old man in the face when he was trying to shoot quail in a canned hunt? It wasn’t pretty – for Cheney. The consensus among hunters was pretty much that Cheney was a huge cobag.

Regarding the rape kit thing, let’s take a page from the Republican playbook and have some ads calling it “the rape tax”.


Anyone else suspecting that the Obama camp was biding its time until after the 9/11 anniversary, and now they’re letting everyone off the leash?

(DMM, that’s one sweet-looking doggie, sorry about the loss)


Sarah Palin kills puppies and hacks off their forelegs. Damn right this is an effective ad.


Why are Republicans all such horrible people anyway? Did it always used to be the party of empathy void sadists, or is that a relativity new development? Seriously, you may as well sit in your fucking recliner and shoot animals in cages or something. Ace of Spades probably thinks it’s pretty heroic, but I can’t see most people reacting favorably to that sort of thing.



(McCain and Palin)

VO: John McCain and Sarah Palin think they can lie their way into the White House.

(Tax Plan Comparison Chart)

VO: McCain lied about Barack Obama’s tax plan raising your taxes, when in fact, non-partisan research foundations say Obama’s plan puts more money back into the pockets of more people than McCain’s own plan … and still does more to shrink the deficit.

(Palin holding up ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ shirt)

VO: Palin lied about telling Congress ‘no thanks’ on that Bridge to Nowhere … in fact, Congress killed that earmark a year before Palin was PROMOTING it to get elected governor … and she’s STILL got that ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ money sitting in the bank.

(Images stagger in: lipstick, McCain’s advisors, kids)

VO: They’ll lie about pigs and lipstick … they’ll lie about fighting lobbyists … heck, they’ll even lie about protecting our children from sexual predators … if they think it’ll help them win an election.

(McCain-Palin on campaign trail)

VO: And even when they get caught lying … they go right on doing it.

(Images stagger in over stock White House pic: Cheney, Rove [or Libby or Gonzales maybe] … Nixon)

VO: After eight years of failed policies … does this country really need more liars in the White House?



Don’t make me post pics of our Ridgebacks.

The gun nuts won’t care, no, but where’s the fucking SPORT in using helicopters? Jesus Christ on a Triple-Decker Bun. You want to track (!) deer or whatever through woods, and in some small way acknowledge their habitat and give yourself over to meeting its requirements, fine. And if you eat the venison, all the better. But why not just drop bombs on them? What kind of pathetically crude sensibility does that display, to fly over these animals with your high powered rifle? Christ, I don’t really *care* that much and I’m steaming.

And don’t tell me those wolves aren’t handsome and noble animals if you don’t have to deal with them regarding your livestock, like most of us don’t. Gorgeous.

I like this ad. And it’s not “no, no, let’s have the rape kit ads instead.” It’s both.


I like the Planned Parenthood one a lot.


Samson was really sweet puppeh!

(I looked into his eyes and saw his soul.)

Doctor Missus Marita

Don’t make me post pics of our Ridgebacks.

Ooooh. Ridgebacks are lovely dogs.

And if you eat the venison, all the better.

Perhaps I will brand myself as a redneck by saying this, but who in their right mind would shoot a deer and not eat the meat? Venison is some seriously tasty stuff. There’s a restaurant here that serves Venison au poivre. It’s from farmed, not hunted deer, so the meat doesn’t taste quite the same, but it’s amazing.


OMG! Here’s another one!! Commenters already reacting very pro-Obama to it:


That Planned Parenthood ad is what I’m talking about!

McCain chose to go there and he will surely pay for it.


The more I think about it, the more I like this ad because:

1) It completely true.

2) Has no blowback potential.

3) Has good graphics.

4) It’s hard to spin.

5) It directly undercuts the image they’re pushing of Palin as some sort of paragon of motherhood… I mean, if you found out the neighbor lady was drowning puppies, wouldn’t you worry about her kids?


Except it should say “want our children to be protected” rather than “want our children to protect themselves”

Plus the “they think you’re stupid” line should keep coming. There are different grades of barbarism among hunters, Republican voters, anti-abortion activists. The extremists have the hardest-hitting tactics, but that doesn’t make them the most successful.
We had a PM who successfully ran the line that he “had great faith in the intelligence of the Australian electorate” for two victories after the first win (and never lost an election but was rolled from the inside).


Just re-watched the ad. The shot of the creepy dude sipping a beer while watching the kids get on the school bus is golden!


Magda Carter: The reason the ad is worded that way is because the original bill actually was about teaching children to protect themselves from sexual predators, so as to directly deal with McCain’s ad’s claim that it was about teaching kindergartners Kama Sutra techniques.



mtraven said,

September 13, 2008 at 2:24

“Do we really want a vice-presidential candidate who champions such savagery”?

Unfortunately, a large proportion of the electorate says “Fuck yeah”.

Are you kidding me? Yeah, I know, it’s “savagery” to shoot wolves from the air. But all these people, even Obama and Biden feel like it’s ok to advocate shooting PEOPLE from the air, and bomb them, blowing up their houses and tearing their women and children into little pieces. In all sorts of places. Missiles in Pakistan. Bombs in Afghanistan. Guns in Iraq. Iran and Syria on the radar screen.

I’m not saying animals don’t count.

But here’s the news. These fucking people are animals. They speak so casually of the brutal destruction of human life on an unimaginable scale. Unimaginable at least to americans, who routinely visit death, destruction and horror on other people without ever feeling the consequences (outside of that pesky 9/11 blowback thingie) of their savagery.

When are we going to talk about that?


HelenWheels said,

September 13, 2008 at 2:27

It’s a great ad & it can do damage to her. It makes me physically ill, and everyone I know to see such cruelty. You assholes who say “who cares” must be sociopaths. You don’t care when innocent animals are chased, terrorized and gunned down? Fuck you.

Ok. Sure. You betcha.

But if this kindergarten level brutality makes you “physically ill”, you must have to take near lethal doses of medication every day to manage in the reality created by your brutal, murdering government.

This is bad, but it’s totally kid stuff. People are dying. Every day. Hard, with their entrails in the dirt, limbs lying unconnected, bones shattered, organs shredded, without doctors or meds or even cool water for the forty minutes it takes for them to bleed out.

Our bombs. Our planes. Our guns.


It’s a very nice thing to care about animals. But you need to seriously consider the very special accident of history and geography that gives you the option to do so today.

While so many can only mourn, or die…


Doctor Missus Marita

It’s a very nice thing to care about animals. But you need to seriously consider the very special accident of history and geography that gives you the option to do so today.



mikey, just another idiot who thinks that because I abhore the slaughtering of wildlife in cruel and unusual ways, that logically it means I advocate the killing of people or don’t care about it. What the hell dude?? THIS POST is about the ad against aerial gunning of wolves and Palin’s assault on wildlife. How does saying that the ad sickens me automatically mean I don’t care about other issues, esp. war?

It’s a very “nice” thing to care about animals? Listen douchebag: WE are animals. I don’t think ANY human life is any more important than any other animals. And don’t even get me started on those who are most “intelligent” get to have more reason to live. There are dogs out there who work harder and do more good for the world than you probably do.

Yeah, caring about animals makes me a war-backer… IDIOT.


What, I’m an idiot and you can’t read?

Where did it say that, Helen?

Having a seriously defensive moment here?

Here’s an editorial comment about the quality of Sadly, No, these days.

It’s become pretty poor. I guess that happens.

You get illiterates, and outrage junkies, and people looking for a fight.

I’m beginning to think I gotta find something else to do with my time..



Mikey, you’re pretty much right, as damn near always. But:

There are plenty of people who seem to care MORE about animals than other people. Perhaps it’s fucked up, but there it is. Other people care more about fetuses than people. Or money. People don’t count much to people, it seems.

But Michael Vick provoked widespread outrage. How many murders provoke outrage? (Or, how many crappy airbrushed wolf sweatshirts do you see compared to crappy airbrushed murder victim sweatshirts?)

Plus, there’s the “war is hell” thing that some use to explain away the human carnage. The “what do you expect” argument. Once sold on a war, they sit back and love the carnage. Ass Kicking Is Manly!

But dog-kicking is for scumbags…

Since Americans politically can’t seem to focus on anything of substance, why not swat them with something less-substantial that might actually grab them? Do we really have to get people to vote the right way for the right reasons—or, this time around, is it enough that they freaking vote the right way?

(yes, i’ve been drinking)


It’s about goddamn time we reclaim the “luxury” of fighting for animal rights.



Planned Parenthood is responsible for the content of this comment.


They should have made the child molester older with really thining grey hair and when he drank his beer he should have had to move his head to it because his shoulders don’t work so well.


(and Helen is way overreacting, but also a case in point to my earlier note…)


I in no way said I care more about animals than people. Can’t you read? And yes, it’s obvious you’ve been drinking, mikey’s friend. mikey assumed I don’t care that people are being shot up in Iraq and Afghanistan because I said fuck you to people who are OK with murdering animals in cold blood.


Yeah Mikey, in it’s own way this is just as much a “hey! look at that shiny thing!” maneuver as the Palin selection in the first place… the role our country plays in world affairs is the true untouchable ‘third rail’ of American politics.

One of my personal fears is that we will need to go through an isolationist period before we find our way to having a more positive role in the world. That would be a tragedy, but it might be the only way we get to were we need to be.


Righteous anger is not a zero-sum game.


Compare ” I don’t think ANY human life is any more important than any other animals.”

with “I in no way said I care more about animals than people. ”

Well, that’s pretty close. Stepping on a cockroach and killing my next door neighbor are not equivalent events.

And you’re still overreacting. But it shows that the ad’s effective, which is really all I give a shit about.


I’m beginning to think I gotta find something else to do with my time..

OK, but you’ve got to take us all with you.


Does John McCain support aerial pedophile assault on wolf pups?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I can just see the next 527 ad. Maybe by some Libertarian group that has been taken over by sane people….

(visual of Mooseburger’s husband at a meeting of his Alaska successionist organization, or her addressing them [available on YouLube])

“Why does a person who endorses the breakup of the USA want to be in line to be its president? Is there a hidden agenda here? Call Sarah Palin and ask her to please ask what her plans are for the United States Of America.”

Fade to chants of “USA! USA! USA!”


Palin’s next interview will be with Hannity

“Governor Palin, (fap, fap, fap) given your state’s proximity to both Russia and Canada (fap, fap, fap) and the fact that you are the greatest expert on “energy” in the United States (fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, …) …”


re the update, could it be any clearer that Karl Rove must be in charge of marketing McCain? This is right up his alley.


“Almost a century and a half ago, we fought a bloody and bitter civil war to keep this nation united and to end the horror of slavery.

“But some people [insert image of Sarah Palin, Todd Pailin] seem to want to break us apart again.”

[Images of Alaska breaking away into ocean…]

“Maybe they just don’t value the sacrifice our forefathers made to make this the Greatest Country Ever ™.

“But then, what do you expect when your separatist’s group’s founder was murdered in a plastic explosives deal GONE WRONG.

“Sarah Palin — maybe she doesn’t value the ‘United’ part of United States of America, but we sure as heck do.”


Hey, Mikey, got your back (and my own scotch)


Doctor Missus Marita, it looks like your beloved beastie was designed by Thurber himself. The expression, the ears, all very Thurberish.

I’m very sorry for your loss. Dogs are the best.

As for Palin, the best take down I’ve seen has been Rob Riggle’s Daily Show sketch (from last week) that conveyed the typical Palin supporter is thrilled by her because she’s either as dumb as they are “or worse” and there’s nothing a dumbass likes more than the idea that they could be President one day (even though they can’t read, keep huffing out kids they can’t support named Glunk, Chug and Rockhammer and like liquor a little too much.)


Bill Maher on Palin’s joke:

What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?

You can neuter a pitbull.


You know, now that I think about it, I can’t help but think that the unleashing of the 527s just a couple of days ago is yet another example of Obama’s political jujitsu.

Think about it. By calling off the 527s back at the end of June, he not only positioned himself as above the fray and practicing clean campaigning, he gave McCain two and a half months to smear shit all over himself…the Republicans gleefully got down and wallowed in the sewer, thinking “he may have a lot of money, but he won’t have enough to push back against all the shit we’re flinging”…at the same time, Republican 527s have been relatively quiet due to there being no one on the other side to counter them. Which left McCain for the most part on his own to smear the shit.

Outcome: McCain himself has pissed away his only advantages over the past couple of months with his transparent lies and sleazy tactics, forcing even his “base”, the media, to call him out on it. And now the Obama campaign, playing Mr. Burns for just a moment, says “Smithers…release the hounds.” But only after McCain waved around a bunch of red meat.

Let the ripping of flesh commence!


Via TBogg: Goldberg is pulling shit straight out of his ass again.

although as Tom points out he is so lazy he relies on the shit his readers come up with.

Talk about desperate.


Most people were in favor of hard-hitting, gut wrenching tactics.

Well, here they are.

Yes, Mikey is right about caring about people. But humane treatment is humane treatment.

Whether it’s an enemy, another mammal, or our children.

The fact that Republicans endorse wide scale brutality is the point and purpose.

However many ways we can get the point across. Some will hit with some groups more than others, but we need not neglect anyone.

Speaking as an animal rights activist, it’s odd how some people have armored themselves against war or poverty, but helpless animals will touch their heart.

Any way I can get it.

I’m sorry about Samson.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Another good 527 ad would be one that hammers home the fact that Mooseburger is kept in a little cocoon far, far away from journalists asking pesky questions.

If the Wacky Twins somehow get elected, it is really the end for America. Next election they’ll run a backwoods racecar driver who couldn’t make it in NASCAR, with missing teeth and no high school diploma – and American dispshits will eat it up.

“He is JUST LIKE ME! Yahoo! Maybe he can help me with some food since I never seem to beat the hordes at the soup kitchen to get any”


Regarding the rape kit thing, let’s take a page from the Republican playbook and have some ads calling it “the rape tax”.

Jennifer for the win

The Juul Haalmeyer Dancers

This may be the ugliest election I have ever seen, and I grew up in Cook County, IL.


Great ads, but too little, too late.

If Obama hadn’t decided it would be real savvy to shit on the dirty hippies by shutting down those SCANDALOUS, UNCIVIL progressive 527’s, he would be leading by 20 points by now.

As it is, he’ll be lucky to escape with a dignified defeat instead of a humiliating rout.


some groundhog: Whoomp, there it is. Thanks for that.


Isn’t extreme cruelty to animals a sign of sociopathic behavior?


Putting aside the idiot extremists who run around killing others in the name of saving animals (or fetuses) – i.e. the nutbags, I don’t see how caring and being compassionate toward animals takes away from caring about humans. I think it enhances and compliments it. For example, fighting against factory farming ultimately supports humans in that it helps to change a system that ultimately produces a poisonous food product consumed by humans. Herbivores that are fed animal protein, meat that is filled with antibiotics, hormones, adrenalin and other destructive substances…all of this is done by humans to animals to provide food for humans that is unfit for consumption.


kept in a little cocoon far, far away from journalists asking pesky questions
Next time If I’m ever applying for a job, I’ll try the same trick of refusing to refusing to attend job interviews with representatives of my potential employers until I’m sure that they’ll treat me with sufficient respect. It’s bound to work.


Link broken? It says video is no longer available…


Herbivores that are fed animal protein,
Does that include putting lipstick on pigs?
(Yes, the manufacturers insist that they no longer use pig-fat as an ingredient of lipstick, but they would say that, wouldn’t they?)


moron: We’ve got time. Today there is cruelty to animals and push-back against pedophiles and calling McCain out on honor and lies. I look to lots on healthcare and the economy. I think the Obama campaign is doing OK. It won’t be the landslide we once hoped for, but they’ll win.

BUT they are wrong on the war in Afghanistan, and they’re not that good on Iraq. I dunno, with all due respect to Mikey, I’d keep them low-ish profile. Obama’s best line on Iraq is that he opposed his party and brought not only them but Bush round to his point of view.

Afghanistan/Pakistan is a whole other kettle of corpses. But frankly the Repugs cannot attack Obama on that. We can, and on November 5th I intend to.


As it is, he’ll be lucky to escape with a dignified defeat instead of a humiliating rout.

He will not. McCain is at his bet moment right now, just got a convention bounce, etc… He’s at high water. He’s still in a statistical dead heat for the popular vote and it’s skewed by Palin bringing home the fundies in states that weren’t ever going to go to Obama anyway.



Isn’t extreme cruelty to animals a sign of sociopathic behavior?

Yes, and most mental health specialists regard it as an early warning sign. I’m a signatory on this petition:

Ensure That Animal Cruelty is Treated as a Serious Crime

Since it would be a valuable tracking tool, and can save not only animals, but the people who might be their eventual target.


Mad DOG and Were BEAR, I’d say more like psychopathic, not sociopathic. Serial-killer strength.


Washington Bullets.

ITTDGY will no longer be taking kweschuns from insufficiently deferential common taters, until tomorrow, maybe.


I think we can all agree that people who shoot – or support shooting – helpless animals en masse from planes for sport or some other nefarious reason have no trouble slaughtering human beings “without blinking an eye” and it doesn’t matter where the victims of their dreams of war and destruction live.

It’s not as if any of the shitbag Bush/Iraq war enthusiasts have shed a single genuine tear for the Americans who’ve lost their lives and limbs over the past five years. And here they are chomping at the bit for more of the same from McBatshitcrazyliarliarpantsonfire.

The Republicans we’ve endured for the past eight years (and before that when they were gunning for Clinton) aren’t caring or compassionate. They’re the proverbial sociopathic corporation; diabolically evil with no accountability. They’re the kind of people who pull wings off of flies for fun. Something integral to being a humane being seems to be missing in each and every one of these shit bags. I’d give the equivalent of a right nut to know what makes someone like this (besides the proverbial “bad childhood”).


Damn straight, PS. Once Obama is in, we have four years to scream at him to get what we want done, and you know what? He’ll listen.

If McCain wins, we’re just fucked. The best we can do is hope that the Dem Congress can prevent the worst of it, but I’ll be god damned if I ever trust a Dem Congress after they spent the last two years licking Bush’s sack.

Eyes on the motherfucking prize, please.


Regarding the rape kit thing, let’s take a page from the Republican playbook and have some ads calling it “the rape tax”.

Make sure it’s called the Wasilla Rape Tax, to emphasize that Wasilla was the only town in Alaska where the cops collected a fee from rape victims for their own evidence. The only people who wouldn’t find this idea repulsive are hardcore libertarian let’s-privatize-the-fire-department types, and misogynist assholes who think she probably deserved it. And they were never going to vote for Obama anyway.


Make sure it’s called the Wasilla Rape Tax

That’s pretty vicious. Heh.


[…] has raised a point that I think many are feeling as the anxiety of this final sprint to the election ratchets up to an […]


Righteous Bubba said,

September 13, 2008 at 5:09

Make sure it’s called the Wasilla Rape Tax

That’s pretty vicious. Heh.

What’s vicious? Charging rape victims a fee for a medical exam or giving the fee a name that suitably describes it?

Or is this “vicious” similar to what the kids mean when they say “that’s sick!”?


Planned Parenthood’s ad is made of win.
Looks like someone put out one attack-ad too many … even the media looks like it’s about to switch teams. D’uh-oh.

Sideshow Bob, rake. Rake, Sideshow Bob.
I believe you two know each other.

Haven’t hunted since I was a kid, but yeah, nobody in their right mind would call sniping an animal down from the air “hunting” … those folks are fucktards, as is anyone who’d encourage them with a big fat bounty.

Wolves’ main dietary staple is mice.
They’re shy & take great care in raising their litters.
Like any other natural predator, they actually improve the caribou, deer & elk they hunt by reducing overpopulation & disease.

In other words: the exact opposite of neocons.

No wonder Palin’s okay with paying people to butcher them from aircraft.


Something integral to being a humane being seems to be missing in each and every one of these shit bags.

Most people are not psychopaths/sociopaths (the terms are considered interchangeable) in that they are capable of twinges of conscience, but have successfully suppressed these warnings so they can pursue their goal.

As mikey beautifully pointed out in a way-back thread, this is only suppression, and these rationalizations can lose their power when the psyche bill collector comes around.

One thing I find most insidious about the coercive religions (I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to call them cults) is that they hem their followers in with so many dire directives about their human urges and emotions that they cannot feel positive emotions unless it is in a religious setting. It’s “wrong” to enjoy a movie or song unless it is a “Christian” work, for instance.

This creates great frustration and the emotions will take any outlet. Directing their followers frustrated emotions towards hate and anger of enemies provides a way of discharging this energy momentarily, but it does not satisfy, and must be repeated again and again, increasing the frustration instead of discharging it.

Obama got a lot of flak for calling these people “bitter,” when he was simply being both insightful and honest.


Haven’t hunted since I was a kid, but yeah, nobody in their right mind would call sniping an animal down from the air “hunting”

Deer jackers. That’s it. Any right wing retard who thinks this is good doesn’t have a clue about hunting. I told a guy I knew from way back in Ducks Unlimited and he didn’t believe me about the wolves. This guy is an NRA member, has a picture on his wall shaking hands with GWB. He wasn’t a pioneer but he was in that territory and he told me I had to be crazy. When I asked him “What if I’m not?” he told me he’d switch sides but it didn’t matter because what I was telling him was a bunch of nonsense.

I also know a very republican cop whose main charity is the timber wolf preservation society and he will absolutely freak.


werebear, they also seem to lack imagination.


Out of curiosity, Ed Marshall, how would this police officer respond if told the city of Wasilla under Mayor Palin charged rape victims for their forensic exams?


I think the difference in the Mikey and Helen dustup is that we have not yet seen an ad with somebody shooting up an Iraqi wedding from a helicopter. We are not very good at imagining death and torture – we need pictures.

Also, I’m down with cruelty to animals as an indicator of sociopathy, the Shrub being Exhibit A. You can tell the quality of people by the way they treat the life forms they out-rank.


Also, I’m down with cruelty to animals as an indicator of sociopathy, the Shrub being Exhibit A. You can tell the quality of people by the way they treat the life forms they out-rank.

I’m having some difficulty imagining what life form Shrub out-ranks.

Perhaps a spirochete. Though giving it more thought, he’d probably be roughly equivalent to a spirochete, since both are acquired through a fucking that in the long term turns out to have not been worth it.


I think the difference in the Mikey and Helen dustup is that we have not yet seen an ad with somebody shooting up an Iraqi wedding from a helicopter. We are not very good at imagining death and torture – we need pictures.

eh? There are lots of those pictures about, and I think it’s pretty safe to say that most of the spilled blood wouldn’t have been, had Bush fils not decided to take out Saddam. Add to that the damage we’ll be seeing from depleted uranium ordnance and undetonated cluster bombs. And realize that this misadministration won’t allow the remains of American dead to be reported by the press: no wonder no one thinks there’s a war on.

But I’m 1000% in agreement with the rest of your comment: that’s clinically proven, I think.


I think aerial-hunting of mosquitoes with high-powered rifles would be fairly sporting. Especially considering that the ones we have up here are probably capable of taking down a small plane.


[quote] I’m having some difficulty imagining what life form Shrub out-ranks.

Perhaps a spirochete.

And even he had the decency to resign the office in 1973.


For the record, I think the aerial wolf killing is terrible and I want to see it stopped. I never said I don’t care about wolves being killed from the air, I just doubted any present Palin supporters would (or rather that it would outweigh their reasons for wanting to vote for her) My only point is that I do not see it changing many minds. Or, I didn’t. Some good points and insights were made in this thread. I still have my doubts that this would be the deal-breaker. Maybe it will work on some suburban moms who previously felt she was relateable.

I just feel like if I were to go talk to one of my local Texans and get into a debate about why they should vote for Obama instead of McCain (and I know plenty of Texans that will be voting McCain), I doubt I’d change many, if any, minds with the aerial wolf hunting argument. I could find plenty of Obama supporters to agree with me that its a terrible and cruel act, thats for sure. And I could probably get plenty of McCain supporters to agree that its a terrible act, but will any of them vote differently because of it?

Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll show it around to people and see what they say.

Our goal is to get people not presently planning to vote for Obama to vote for Obama. Maybe you’re right and it will be able to change some minds, but I just have strong doubts that the wolf issue will be a deal-breaker for any hesitant McCain voters. And, I think its just too obscure a subject to get much traction. Do you think it’ll ever get brought up in the debates or in interviews? Possibly, but only with a HUGE amount of grassroots action and I think that energy is better spent elsewhere.

In short, lets save the wolves after the election.


doctor missus, i’m sorry about your dog. he looks like a total sweetheart. i hope you feel better soon, and thank you for sharing that photograph with all of us.


“Do we really want a vice president that champions such savagery?”



Jamie, you should never try to read Jonah Goldberg on an empty stomach. Or sober.


Its an ad that’ll only work on people who already contribute to PETA, and none of those people were going to vote for her anyway.

No, I think this ad is smart because it goes after the independents/swings who are big on animal cruelty. You’d be surprised at how many people don’t give sh*t about cluster bombs dismembering Iraqi children will wet their pants over wolves and bears. Just another one of the perversities of our fun species.



Its an ad that’ll only work on people who already contribute to PETA, and none of those people were going to vote for her anyway.

No, I think this ad is smart because it goes after the independents/swings who are big on animal cruelty. You’d be surprised at how many people don’t give sh*t about cluster bombs dismembering Iraqi children will wet their pants over wolves and bears. Just another one of the perversities of our fun species.


Our goal is to get people not presently planning to vote for Obama to vote for Obama. Maybe you’re right and it will be able to change some minds, but I just have strong doubts that the wolf issue will be a deal-breaker for any hesitant McCain voters. And, I think its just too obscure a subject to get much traction. Do you think it’ll ever get brought up in the debates or in interviews? Possibly, but only with a HUGE amount of grassroots action and I think that energy is better spent elsewhere.

I see your point, but I still think it is effective because animal cruelty is not just about the animals—-it is revelatory in terms of the kind of person with whom you are dealing. There is definitely an “ick” factor about it, as well, and again we are not preaching to the choir here; we are targeting indies and swings who can be made to feel a revulsion based on character rather than a single issue. Always an effective strategy IMO.


Sorry to hear about Samson, DMM. 🙁 Looked like a damn fine dog.


What jgmurphy just said.

You can say that anyone who likes Palin is “acting emotionally” and is not persuadable by argument or reason. But the ads themselves target emotions, as they should. “This woman loves this brutal activity.” “Spunky hockey mom? How about airborne sadist.” Etc.

The indies who think they “like” her (or they like “the way she handles herself” or whatever) can be just as likely to start feeling they don’t like her.

a concerned citizen

Stupid lie-berals. It’s not hunting:

Our science-driven and abundance-based predator management program involves volunteers who are permitted to use aircraft to kill some predators in specified areas of the state where we are trying to increase opportunities for Alaskans to put healthy food on their families’ dinner tables. It is not hunting and we have never claimed that it is.

It only seems like hunting to you libtards because it makes absolutely no sense as science or anything else.

This story is quintessential Palin — stupid, cruel, corrupt and actively hostile to reality. She introduced the bounties because fewer wolves were being killed each year despite the fact that any non-retarded person would take fewer wolves being killed as being a sign that there are fewer wolves to kill, perhaps caused by some sort of systematic program to lower the population of wolves by shooting at them from fucking airplanes. Then she fired the scientists that gamely tried to explain to her how, you know, causality works.

When people got up in arms about the program for being not just cruel but completely ignorant, she spent $400,000 of taxpayer money on a disinformation campaign and said the program was to help out the poor indigenous people of Alaska — the same people she likes to refer to as “Arctic Arabs” when they’re pointing out that development and global warming rather than wolves are what’s really hurting them.


“rape tax” is goddamned brilliant framing. they should run “rape tax” ads all the damned time. oh, and mccain should be asked if he supports governor palin’s rape tax scheme. his beffuddlement would be pure gold.


If you like the Planned Parenthood ad, please consider donating (if you haven’t already).

Snark Based Reality

The wolf ad is brutal and it will be effective.

This ad seems to be custom made to target my Mother. She is a middle aged white woman who used to consider herself a conservative before switching to Independent a few years ago. She, her brothers and most of her friends all hunt. She also has a touch of a Wolf fetish. Her house is lined with native american themed artwork featuring Wolves.

This ad along with some positive words about Obama might override the touch of racism inherent to everyone who grew up where she did.

I can only hope the wolf ad combined with a brutal ad about the rape kit and child molester bits are aired over and over again on CBS primetime and other programming popular with her demographic.


“Shooting wolves from planes? Gee, Elmer, that looks like fun.”

This is how Obama wins: make it all about McCain. This is why he’s losing: it’s all about Palin.


I read Giordano’s take on the ad and thought it was over the top. Al, that is, who seems totally in love with himself at this moment in time. And given to Biblical screeds. Wish I could just knock myself out now and wake up in 2010. SO fucking sick and tired of this shit and I just can’t get off it.

I like the ad too … And agree with those above who said hunters are proud folk who respect their prey — and the art of hunting. This isn’t about hunting and guns.

This wolf shit from planes is just a NO and ties into Enough is Enough and Sarah is a nasty bully and an ignorant slut from the meth kingdom of an a clear day you can see Russia from the top of my adolescent sex perdiem house. Fuck these people. And fuck anyone who doesn’t see this shoot em up from on high killing as the despicable practice that it is.

The Al thing may be contagious.


Wolf spot was a bit weak. Only speaks to the initiated. Otherwise counter-productive bordering on silly.


El Cid,
Just got back to this thread via the ‘Mikey with love post’ and wanted to answer, not that these things get revisited.
I know the legislation was about protective behaviours. Which involves kids telling trusted adults and those adults doing something about it. Kids cannot protect themselves alone, and this is what I think should be highlighted, because that’s the whole point of teaching kids about grooming and not keeping criminals’ dirty secrets.
And yes, I am speaking as an adult who was trusted by a child to deal effectively with what she told me.


I LOVE the “rape tax” approach! It is easily as intellectually defensible as the Rethugs’ use of “death tax” to describe a tax on about 3% of American estates.


Stupid lie-berals. It’s not hunting:

Our science-driven and abundance-based predator management program involves volunteers who are permitted to use aircraft to kill some predators in specified areas of the state where we are trying to increase opportunities for Alaskans to put healthy food on their families’ dinner tables. It is not hunting and we have never claimed that it is.

It only seems like hunting to you libtards because it makes absolutely no sense as science or anything else.

I feel this is an important distinction myself: there’s an element of sport in hunting, whether or not we want any more to do with it than watching a guy turn left for six hours. There are rules.

Calling what Palin does ‘hunting’ is like calling what Charles Manson did ‘chess’.

This story is quintessential Palin — stupid, cruel, corrupt and actively hostile to reality. She introduced the bounties because fewer wolves were being killed each year despite the fact that any non-retarded person would take fewer wolves being killed as being a sign that there are fewer wolves to kill, perhaps caused by some sort of systematic program to lower the population of wolves by shooting at them from fucking airplanes. Then she fired the scientists that gamely tried to explain to her how, you know, causality works.

When people got up in arms about the program for being not just cruel but completely ignorant, she spent $400,000 of taxpayer money on a disinformation campaign and said the program was to help out the poor indigenous people of Alaska — the same people she likes to refer to as “Arctic Arabs” when they’re pointing out that development and global warming rather than wolves are what’s really hurting them.

‘Arctic Arabs’? Really? Jesus. Source?


Its an ad that’ll only work on people who already contribute to PETA, and none of those people were going to vote for her anyway.

I think you underestimate people’s capacity for empathy. I’ve had some of the most violent, frustrated debates of my life with people in knee-jerk opposition to wolf culling and yet I find both the policy and the footage repugnant on a level beyond understanding.

This is part of where I can see the Republicans finally losing – where their drive to stir up more fear can’t go any further without running into the basic nature of humanity. You can make someone afraid and angry for themselves all you like, but because of the way we evolved – because we’re frail naked apes with inguinal canals the size of a dog’s and a natural post-puberty life expectancy around 12 – we’re programmed to look at that wolf being destroyed and, with a sinking dread, imagine our loved ones.

Things might get a whole lot better before they get worse, but I’m convinced that even someone who thinks of wolves as an unconditionally deadly threat won’t be able to stomach watching too many of them strafed from on high. We are social animals; that we can tolerate the cruelty of the human experience at all is a testament to our singular advancement. You tie your political movement to cruelty, and you’re eventually going to cross one line too many.


That ad is lame. It might as well say “Sarah Palin is killing the big bad wolf before it can eat your baby.” for all the good it will do. A smarter ad would say “Sarah Palin is killing the planet your grandchildren live on!”. Look at how Karl Rove twists the truth and focusses on issues close to the heart, and wake up. An effective ad would focus on something in the here and now, perhaps how she hates the kindly neighborhood librarian or some such.


I’m a Canadian, so this won’t mean jack, but;

To any one who owns a farm, acreage, ranch, trapline, etc; wolves and bears are not your friends. If you’re managing a population of wild elk/deer/antelope, wolves and bears are not your friends. If you live in a rural area and have small pets, wolves and bears ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS.

Shooting them from an airplane is efficient; totally unsportsmanlike, but still efficient. Thing is, we’re the only predator species capable of controlling wolves, bears & coyotes; and without those controlls, these species will decimate other wildlife populations and then turn on farm animals, pets, and on rare occasions, people, as thier natural food supplies dwindle. Wolves re-introduced into Yellowstone have wreaked havoc on the ungulate populations there, and once they’re done with the other animals, they’ll be forced into eating garbage or raiding outlying urban areas for food.

I’m a Canadian; I can’t vote in your upcoming election and if I did I’d be voting Democrat, but don’t go after a state-level leader for enacting efficient wildlife management methods.

Go after her for all the other, valid, reasons she’s already given you. The many, MANY other valid reasons…


[…] Yes, Go There Filed under: Election — cleek @ 9:08 pm […]


The wolves ad was good but lLease, PLEASE make something for the Polar Bears that she fought against being put on the endangered species list.

People will zoom in immediatly to that one because Oprah had a brutal indictment on about global warming that broke everyone’s heart when they narrated over how the Polar Bears had to swim such lengths for rest because of the ice melting that many just died trying. The image of them struggling to get out the water for rest is heartrending and still in the forefront of peoples mind

The same show just played recently in summer hiatus.
PLEASE PLEASE take advantage of that image and attach to Palin. It is true. Fight their lies with truth and we will roll to victory. The polls are showing a slide in the Palin effect Obama back up and climbing.


I’m giving some bucks to Planned Parenthood to run this far and wide.


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