Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies
Posted on September 12th, 2008 by D. Aristophanes
Palin-McCain’s latest TV ad, aired moments ago on the Today Show, is full of lies. The most glaring says ‘Obama and his liberal allies promise higher taxes on your income.’
Obama offers bigger tax cuts than Palin-McCain to 85 percent or so of households.
Pathetic. They’re desperate.
Update: Another tax plan breakdown.
This was on the teevee in GA yesterday,I saw it last night a couple of times. So much for not airing ads on 9/11 out of respect.
I’m sure when this is all over St. McCain will apologize and explain that he didn’t WANT to lie to us, but we really had it coming since we are always dressing up like trollops.
Obligatory, FYWP, shout out.
Another chart:
Tell that to They were trying to monitor that kinda stuff.
By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over! By mentioning something having to do with McCain/Palin, that means you liberals are desperate! I’m laughing at how desperate you are! Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! Affirmative action sucks! LOL, McCain has a 1-point lead; it’s over!
javafascist: That’s the end-game plan. Jesus S. Magic Moderate Maverick McCain III will come out at the very end, angrily, convincincly, emotionally denounce all the negativity, even that of his own campaign, and the entire press core / right wing / punditocracy nexus will fall upon their knees, thanking God that Their Prodigal Maverick HAS RETURNED!!!! Yay! HAIL THE MAVERICK!
The corporate media is calling out the bullshit bigtime today. Even the AP has gotten on board. Maybe there actually is a lying threshhold for them.
El Cid, you forgot the part about baby jeebus weeping for joy and all of us getting ponies but otherwise, yes, that’s spot on.
java, do you mean God’s anointed frontier daughter will weep for how she will get the Fourth Branch of Government all to her lonesome, unaccountable, apocalyptic self?
Me – links?
Maybe there actually is a lying threshhold for them.
And maybe this time, Lucy won’t jerk the ball away at the last minute!
Well, I’m quite certain my Senator, the Honorable Mr. Leahy, will hold her accountable at every opportunity with some very sternly worded letters.
Here’s a general roundup from GOS:
Er, that one just above is me.
I’ve got my escape plan in motion if Barry and co. don’t call out these lies for what they are and start pulling a Kerry on us.
McCain has no choice now – he can’t afford to piss off the “27%ers” by ditching Rove, who I’m sure is a flaming primadonna in terms of doing things HIS way – & that fat fuck will just keep shovelling more & more bullshit, because it’s the one thing he’s really good at … & the more he shovels the further McCain sinks.
I wonder if ol’ Karl got a nice thank-you note Fed-Exed to him from Obama?
And the latest McCain ad wags a finger at Obama while the female voice over says, “Disrepectful.’ It boarders close on telling a field ***** to know his place. Dangerously close. There’s even that recent ad that slightly darkens Obama’s image as the voice over says, “As he falls in the polls, he will destroy her.”
Rape her?
jim, what I don’t get is that he could afford to piss of the 27%ers. They would have fallen in line. Instead he decided to risk everything to attract the people no one can stand because a guy everyone hates wanted to prove The Math really will work.
Not that I’ll complain if this results in an O/B White House, but from if you look at the stratergery alone it really does boggle the mind.
Well, yes, they always have before.
So Occam’s Razor concludes that… this year, they couldn’t.
I figure that and the racist vote (with considerable overlap) is all they have left.
It will be extremely difficult to convince our media to go against thirty years of narrative and actually report that the Democrats will cut taxes more than Republicans. This is particularly true considering that the brightest stars (barf) are in that top bracket that will be paying more.
If the media admits to the facts at all, expect it to be framed as a class warfare issue, a la O’Reilly whining to Obama during his interview about income redistribution, which is *gasp* SOCIALISM. Cue menacing tune.
You know what else is income redistribution? Going to the fucking grocery store. Getting a paycheck. Paying the bills. The whole point of money is to redistribute the stuff.
Also, it’s sure funny that O’Reilly has no problem with income redistribution when it’s the top 1% carving out an ever bigger chunk of the pie, as they have been for many years now, but if you dare give a tax cut to the vast majority of the country without giving the super-rich an even bigger one? You’re an evil commie who just likes watching millionaires suffer.
Now, I’ll cop to that, but I’m pretty sure Obama is a little more magnanimous.
Not sure if this falls into the categories of Lies, Bullshit, OMG We’re Stupid, or some combination thereof, but, from the second linked article:
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, senior economic adviser to McCain, noted that the report does not take into account the spending reforms – such as eliminating earmarks – that are central to McCain’s strategy to support tax relief and help reduce the deficit.
Instead he decided to risk everything to attract the people no one can stand because a guy everyone hates wanted to prove The Math really will work.
Rove’s job here is the same as it was in 2000 and 2004: keep the election close enough to steal.
He’s not supposed to attract voters: he’s supposed to repel the other guy’s voters.
Also, it’s sure funny that O’Reilly has no problem with income redistribution when it’s the top 1% carving out an ever bigger chunk of the pie, as they have been for many years now, but if you dare give a tax cut to the vast majority of the country without giving the super-rich an even bigger one? You’re an evil commie who just likes watching millionaires suffer.
Well, no shit. Everybody knows that the billionaires don’t use public roads and harbors and airports to move themselves and their goods around like us plebes. And they never avail themselves of the publicly financed judicial system. And their sprawling estates and business holdings are protected by private security so why should they have to help fund the cops or the army at all? It’s so obvious that there should be a 0% tax on rich people and a 100% tax on the rest of us leeches.
The most twisted thing of all is that McCain wants to count employer contributions to health plans as income, and tax it. That would be _devastating_ to people. Sure, part of the point is certainly to come up with something Congress won’t enact, so that if he got elected (shudder) he can say that he tried his best but those clowns in Congress had to act like a bunch of clowns. But it’s an evil proposal. I would love an ad based on that.
Desperate and succeeding sadly.
So I heard on NPR on the way in to work (you should see the radio in my mothership — I can tune in from all dimensions) that the partisan Pentagon is going full-swing on “operation October surprise”. We can expect to see Bin Laden on a pike before November!
That said, I can destroy your puny world last since you’re already doing so well on your own.
–Destroying all of reality for the greater good of the Dalek race, etc. etc.
Because someone has to:
Ok, above was seriously incompetent, this should work
Country Club First!
The most glaring says ‘Obama and his liberal allies promise higher taxes on your income.’
Oh, it isn’t a lie. They just neglected to mention the “if you pull in over a quarter-mil a year” part. A mere oversight.