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ABC News just now:
Is there anything Sarah Palin can say or do that will make people realize that she is too crazy to be vice president? A quick rundown of the atrocities so far:
- As mayor, her town charged rape victims for their medical exams.
- As mayor, she inquired about banning books and then subsequently tried to fire the town librarian for not showing sufficient loyalty.
- The constant and shameless lies about the Bridge to Nowhere.
- She supports teaching creationism side-by-side with evolution in science classes.
Anything else? Could she do anything else that would just make her beyond-the-pale crazy for most people?
UPDATE: OK, so the whole quote is apparently this:
“I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.”
Which is why Georgia and Ukraine probably shouldn’t be brought into NATO. But hell, since Obama has stupidly endorsed the same position, I don’t see this getting all that much traction.
Gavin adds: On the other hand, here’s what Pam Atlas got out of the story:
G-d bless this woman. This is exactly what America has been lacking. The era of a foreign policy driven by an impotent and dhimmi State department is over.
I can only pray it’s a McCain/Palin presidency like Bush/Cheney.
Well really, why not attack Russia? After the lesson of Iraq, it’s just obvious that we’d win the wars against Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and North Korea that the neocons have been spoiling for. A quick invasion of Russia China… No wait, I mean China — no, Russia. I mean Russia. An invasion of China Russia might be just the challenge that America needs.
Maybe a ground war in the winter or something — we’ll figure it out as we go.
The Poor Man’s got the goods on her quoting from some dude who was so anti-Semitic that the John Birchers’ said he was too far out for them.
She might go so far as to speculate about arugula prices.
She could shoot somebody in the face.
Oh, wait…it’s been done.
Put lipstick on a pig maybe?
don’t forget the classic, using the power of her office to investigate and personally terrorize a public employee, opening private files and firing their superior when objections were raised…
Why is she not willing to go to war with China too? Are they not godless and atheistic? This is so not fair.
Wrap it up, this campaign is over. If Obama can’t win with this gift something is terribly wrong.
You haven’t been paying attention lately, have you? (And when I say “lately” I mean at least the last sixteen years).
Zowie. I never, ever, nenevneverevrever imagined that McSame’s VP pick would be evev more of a warmonger than himself. My mind is now thoroughly boggled.
Well, I have a lot of foreign policy experience, so I can safely say that if Huckashe wants to use the Alaskan National Guard to invade Kamchatka, she’d best use three offense dice!
It’s good to know while everyone was preoccupied with pig lipstick and rotting fishes the Russians were playing war games in Venezuala amd the Bolivians expelled our Ambassador and A-Quida was making some progress in Afghanistan.
The next four months better go by fast, because shit is hitting the fan, I suspect in honor of Bush’s descent into a madmans quest for a legacy.
Anyone thinking Palin is up to the tasks of the latest developments are out of their minds…
Serious issues being overrided by Americans thirst for tits, dead wolves and hey…being a beauty queen can’t hurt.
I won’t be one of the shocked ones when President McCain is sworn in in January.
She’s the 2.0 version of the Cheney model.
They figured the first one was too abrasive, so they made this model.
The most improved feature is the bionic Kegel muscles capable of holding a baby, after the water has broken, for up to 12 hours.
Why is she not willing to go to war with China too?
Two words – Chinese food.
Can you imagine a world with no good Chinese food? Not me.
Rusian food? Pfft – it’s all just moldy potatoes and cheap vodka.
I have no idea what you’re hinting at Handy. Everything is a conspiracy is that it? Sorry but that nonsense won’t get anywhere with me.
Even with the updated point that she was talking about an attack on a NATO member this is still a gift. Tact and discretion go a long long way and she has none of those. She is reckless and frankly, out of her f*cking mind. But the Obama campaign knows what they are doing. They should have no trouble tearing her and McCain to shreds now.
Christ. Seriously, read her statement. Woman has a fetish for the verb “to be,” and she didn’t say anything.
But hell, since Obama has stupidly endorsed the same position, I don’t see this getting all that much traction.
Brad, here’s a rat, spread eagle on the bed with a come-hither look — the exact kind of rat you believe needs the grudgefuck of a lifetime — hell, it’s all but said it wants you to spitefully pound her while swearing at the top of your lungs, and you….think about the policy.
So after all that. All the angst and the Need for Spite and the hectoring that Obama’s playing too nicely and cerebrally, you find yourself using logic and rationale. Liberal.
She’s a buggy warmonger. After 8 years, can we really afford another?
The most improved feature is the bionic Kegel muscles capable of holding a baby…
Anything else?
Nonsense? We know they have a political team in place to game the vote. we know that corporate media wants McCain to win. And the American electorate is a proven lot of dumb-asses. (Bush in 2004? Are you kidding me?)
No conspiracy there, noen. Just simple facts.
Here’s what she said. Fuck context Brad:
“And we’ve got to keep an eye on Russia. For Russia to have exerted such pressure in terms of invading a smaller democratic country, unprovoked, is unacceptable,”
Even if there was the “NATO blahblah” thing there, can’t someone — anyone, a single guy on a bus, maybe a skywriter working freelance — point out what’s the difference between that and Iraq?
Shit, this isn’t even ratfucking. it’s asking what these fucking lunatics mean when they say things.
Anything else?
She doesn’t believe in anthropogenic global climate change.
oh — ‘democratic’…Got it.
So in short: Nominally democratic countries like Russia and Georgia shouldn’t invade other nominally democratic countries. But “republics” like ours can bomb the fuck out of autocratic countries for no reason at all.
Got it.
Palin seems to be equal parts Cheney and Pat Robertson. She’s off the charts kooksville.
Three words:
Laser Beam Nipples.
t4toby – We just “know”? Sorry, we know no such things. Besides I was replying to Handy and asking simply what it is that I am supposed to just know. Ninety percent of the time when someone tells I am supposed to just know that something is true it turns out to be wako conspiracy BS. But I am reserving my judgment until I actually, you know, know.
Overheard on the straight-talk express:
What’s the difference between and Alaskan hockey mom and a pitbull?
– A pitbull won’t bite your nuts off if you ask it to be your running mate.
Forgive me if my point wasn’t plain enough, but Republicans make the message. They drive the media narrative. They’ve done that as far back as I can remember, right around the time when a guy named William Jefferson Clinton was inaugurated. So in reality, Obama has two opponents he’s campaigning against, the McCain ticket and the media.
If you think that’s nonsense, then I have a few questions for you:
Did you know Al Gore invented the internet?
Did you know that some people saw John Kerry shoot himself in the foot, and was rewarded a Purple Heart for his effort?
Did you know that Sarah Palin is a reformer whose only crime is that she was “for the bridge to nowhere” before she was against it, but eventually she came around and did the right thing so all is forgiving?
Somerby’s got the juice on the Bridge to Nowhere lie and it needs to get hammered relentlessly. It’s the part about ‘I told Congress’ in the ‘I told Congress thanks but no thanks on that Bridge to Nowhere.’
When did she tell Congress? Who did she tell in Congress? Does she have any record of telling Congress this?
The chronology, of course, shows that Congress had already stopped offering a ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ while Palin was still supporting it. So by the time she cancelled the project, there was no reason for her to say ‘thanks but no thanks’ to Congress for something they weren’t even offering.
Unless, of course, she’s literally insane and makes a habit of rejecting things that nobody is actually offering to her. Maybe she also told Congress, ‘thanks but no thanks on that shipment of purple cheese’.
I’m not ruling out that she’s just nuts, but I’m leaning towards the only other explanation, which is that she’s a big fat liar.
She makes my uterus hurt. And my wife’s, too.
— As mayor, she racked up a $20 million debt in six years. Even if we go by the very generous estimate of ~8,000 people in Wasilla, this is $2,500 for every man, woman and child.
I’m surprised she was even elected governor (though she did fail her first bid for gov). I guess the previous guy was a real fuck up.
Sometimes when I listen to politicians I get annoyed because they are talking down to us — oversimplifying things they know perfectly well just so us rubes will be able to keep up.
This is not like that.
This is like … the local sports reporter filling in at the top of the show because the news person is ill … oh wait …
Jay B.,
Don’t you know democracy is the new buzz word. McCain wants to form a league of democracies to defend each other (read, US protects Israel).
“a successful working mother”
So far, I have seen absolutely no evidence of this whatsoever.
I see, noen.
I am certainly worried about the Ace they have up their sleeve.
I just can’t imagine Cheney/Rove willingly giving up power. Unless they want to lose, to dump the mess they made, in the lap of the Democrats so their brand might get some traction in 2012.
But that would be assuming that Rove/Cheney do anything other than seek instant gratification. But with their weight/health issues, who can blame them? Fascist
It must be tough knowing that
IslamofascistsMr Massive Coronary could be lurking just around the cornerWell, if you set the bar really, really low, like say, she’s not pimping herself on the streets, living under a bridge, and so strung out on drugs that her kids wander around aimlessly, then yes, she’s “a successful working mother”.
Weird. that ‘Fascist’ thing just slipped in there. Subliminal typing?
Link to first video clip here. http://www.tagg-lines.com/2008/09/be-afraidbe-very-afraid.html
oops, should be “when someone tells me”. Sorry
here’s a rat, spread eagle on the bed with a come-hither look
Damn that’s a nice looking rat. All wrapped up with a nice shiny bow too. Oh! and here’s a note: “Dear Obama, I want to lose in every state and be completely humiliated (I get off on that) . Can you help me out? Love McCain.”
Dear The Truth:
Nobody is freaking out over Mooseburger.
We are just freaking out about how many America-haters are lurking here in America and endorse such a Titanic – in the sense of the ship – Mooseburger.
Here’s the thing about Palin that I thought conservatives would really get a kick out of. As Mayor of Wasilla, she tripled the size of town government and left the previously balanced budget $22 million in the hole.
As I’ve said before, the town I live in is almost exactly the same size as Wasilla. If our town manager ran up a $22 million debt for us, we’d be using his body parts as lobster bait. AFTER he was rat-fucked. And this is a fairly liberal, Democratic town.
The amazing thing is that the questions were submitted in advance.
All the repigs are whining cowards. They need their questions in advance.
Perfect for helping in the Real Goal of the repigs: Destroy America at all costs.
But hell, since Obama has stupidly endorsed the same position, I don’t see this getting all that much traction.
Uhhh, you know that NATO’s mutual defense clause is the entire point of the alliance right?
It was the legal underpinning for the multinational invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11 for instance.
Still, it doesn’t apply in this case. Palin’s just mentioning war because it always appeals to the right to have an angry Russian bear to wrestle with.
They drive the media narrative.
Sure, to some extent. I’m sorry but when you hinted that I was supposed to “know” something I made a leap to some extreme conspiracy. My mistake. I ought to have known that sadly No was better than that but… I guess I didn’t.
Says a lot about John McCain that he lets his running mate run away with his campaign.
He just can’t control her. Looks like the Daddy party had Mommy issues.
Wait a minute. Sarah Palin doesn’t know that Georgia isn’t in NATO? That’s some serious gaffe-type shiznit.
…We should have expected it from a man who lives in his wife’s seven houses, though.
“her kids wander around aimlessly”
So having a knocked-up teenage daughter doesn’t disqualify one from being “successful?”
Sarah Palin knows nothing about nothing – except that she’s the one declaring the wars now.
I’ve finally got it!
McTheusalah/Huckashe ’08: A Bridge To The Stone Age
No sweat. I don’t touch that voting malfeasance stuff…there’s this part of me that just doesn’t want to even believe it’s close to the truth, because if that ever came to light I’m not sure I would ever bother voting in an election of any consequence ever.
Overheard on the McCain campaign bus…
Sarah, Sarah Palin!
King of the wilder frontieeer!
Anything short of a total screaming meltdown on live television will pale in comparison to Obama being caught without his flag lapel pin.
My hopes in this election are pinned on two things: the likely record breaking Dem turnout and the American people finally tiring of our media force-feeding us petty pseudo-scandals while our world crumbles to the dust. It’s not my nature to be hopeful, but it’s a fact that the last six months of fake-ass bullshit flung at Obama had a negligible effect on his polling.
Note that I have absolutely no faith in our media to actually cover the issues in any meaningful way, despite some hopeful progress in that direction. Just as it happened with the Olberman/Matthews debate flap, their corporate overlords will put the smack down on any trouble making.
Let’s not forget that Amy Goodman, along with many others, was arrested for practicing journalism not a whole two weeks ago.
Did you hear Sarah Palin’s qualifications for VP?
She shot an old moose in the face.
Overheard on the Straight-talk Express:
What’s the difference between Cheney and Palin?
Cheney likes to run the show from behind the scenes.
I think Obama should have picked Ritt as his veep.
Noooooooo! I woke up this morning and my micropenis had been replaced by…nothing!
Hey, Fake Truth…in case you haven’t noticed, no one gives a shit. You’re a fucking pathetic gasbag pussyfarting sack of vile pigshit who likes to go down on Karl Rove’s scaly cock. Fuck off and die, you belching idiot.
Ummm, what do you mean this isn’t gonna get any traction?
Let’s all pretend like we’re Republicans:
“Oh my dear god, Sarah Palin wants to invade Russia!”
Scream at the top of your lungs. Repeat. Appear all over the media. Repeat. Send out an army of pundits. Repeat again. Post ad feature a vulture attacking a small child with the words “She Wants to Invade Russia” superimposed, followed by the words “And Destroy the World!” superimposed over the most scary picture of Palin in the archives. Repeat. Repeat Again.
Visit every conservative blog you can find and first post messages saying “I’m a huge Republican, but I’m very worried about Sarah Palin’s plans to launch a nuclear attack on Russia and destroy the world.” Then post under a different name (in all caps) “PALIN IS A SLEEPER TERRORIST AGENT WHO’S GOING 2 START A WAR WIT TEH SOVIETS SO BIN LADEN CAN RULE TEH POST-AP4OCLYPSE.”
Call all the networks and demand to know why they aren’t giving enough coverage to Sarah Palin’s plans for a nuclear holocaust (even though it’s by this point pretty much 24/7 on the news rotation). Call again. Repeat. Start online petitions and blog-centered letter writing campaigns demanding more news coverage of Sarah Palin’s plans to sacrifice the earth to Satan in a violent nuclear bloodbath and insist that any news anchor that doesn’t spend the entirity of his or her show on the subject should immediately be fired. Repeat.
Repeat all of the above ad infinitum.
SOMEONE’S run out of their lithium prescription.
She did praise the end-product of some of George Soro’s work as making Ukraine and Georgia a good fit for NATO, I wonder how the right wing will ignore that.
Also, Turd, you haven’t given one iota of a reason why you actually like this corrupt moron other than the fact that you like to stroke your baloney nipples at the thought of pissing liberals off. That’s it. That’s all you got. How fucking pathetic you are. How absolutely pathetic your shit life must be. Go kill yourself.
So is not knowing the difference between Sunni and Shi’ite, yet our press puppy-dogs assured us that McCain really does know which is which, he simply misspoke eight times. We haven’t heard about that in awhile because McCain took care of the problem. No silly, he didn’t learn his mid-eastern politics, he just stopped talking about it. Let’s face it, if a Repuke isn’t blast-faxing about something, it doesn’t exist.
Naturally, had Obama made that error it would have been the top story for a month straight. Lucky for us that he’s not a drooling fuckwit, which uncivilly forces our press corpse to focus on his use of a phrase that was old when McCain was in potty training and has probably been used by 90% of this country’s politicians at one time or another, yet they just can’t seem to remember what it means. Lipstick on a pig? Never heard that one, it must be some sort of sexist attack!!!
Now if you’ll excuse me, my head isn’t going to just bash itself against that wall.
And I mean that. Off yourself. Do it. Do the world a favor.
Well, BB, she hasn’t been shot dead for the heinous crime of consorting with maybe-drug-dealers (unspecified) while holding one of her ‘litter’ in her arms.
So by Republican standards, that’s successful mother. That and being rich, white and Republican, of couorse.
“My God, you liberals are Freaking Out about Sarah Palin. This is fascinating to watch. Every liberal hate website is spewing its bile on a successful working mother who happens to be (and this is her real crime) a Republican. I mean, it is all Palin all the time.”
Ah, Troof. Shitting out our mouth again. I guess with an asshole for a face it’s inevitable.
As is so often the case you are so fucking catastrophically stupid you have no idea what the real issue is, you mouth-breathing troglodyte.
Sarah Palin’s crime is to be crazier than Pat Robertson when it comes to matters of religion and government.
Palin believes religion should have a place in government. The primary place in government. Americans do not.
Palin is also a revelation, a nobody whose Stone Age policy positions were unknown before McTheusalah plucked her from total obscurity.
You would never have seen this outpouring of shock and dismay over Kay Bailer Hutchison or Olympia Snowe, two Republicans who would have made far better choices on any number of different levels than Paleolin.
What is always missing from the neocon narrative is reason. Hutchison or Snowe would have been reasonable people as reasonable choices
Paleolin is nothing but a giant hunk of babealicious red meat thrown to misanthropic douchebag Cro-Mags like yourself. By any other reasonable measure she is a cipher who brings nothing but theocracy to the table.
Now will you please just fuck off? The adults are talking.
Overheard on the Straight Talk Express:
Why does McCain call Sarah Palin his soul-mate?
He can’t remember her name.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to threaten Russia with war?
What kind of fucking assclown does a damn emicron while talking about politics? Kill yourself, shitbag.
“And I mean that. Off yourself. Do it. Do the world a favor.”
After you, of course…
“Kill yourself, shitbag.”
Again, I’d like to follow your example…you first.
I think Obama should have picked Ritt as his veep.
Clearly, Obama should have picked Hillary Clinton as his veep. Had he done this, he would be polling strongly right now and would have many ordinary Americans on his side. Also, in this proposed strategy, ‘Hillary Clinton’ is named ‘Sarah Palin’. And Barack Obama is named ‘John McCain’. Such a principled electoral calculus would truly demonstrate that Obama is serious and prepared to assume the presidency. But alas, he did not take this sound advice when offered to him by the Beltway concergnoscenti.
Cornsympinko, I’m talking about the other crapclown in here who calls himself “The Truth.”
Emicron? Wasn’t he destroyed by Optimus Prime?
Yeah I’m sure it would go down exactly as you said.
There’s a reason why NATO generally doesn’t allow a country to join if it’s likely to be invaded or suffer civil war in the near future. It’s to keep apocalyptic wackos like Palin quiet.
Overheard on the Straight Talk Express:
Why did Sarah Palin accept the nomination?
John McCain’s injured arm makes a nice handbag rack.
“I’m talking about the other crapclown in here who calls himself ‘The Truth.'”
A world without The Truth is a flag we can all rally to, regardless of how we get there.
It’s hope you can believe in..
Overheard on the McCain campaign trail:
Why did Sarah Palin theaten war with Russia?
She likes to press John McCain’s buttons!
That’s cold, man.
Overheard in The Truth’s mom:
Ohh…fuck me harder, garbage man Bob!
Theocons in charge? Wooooooohooooooooo!!!!!!
Threatening to bomb Russia? W00000000000000t!!!!!!
Maybe I’ll put that in-ground pool in after all.
I’ll need a good shit moat to protect it, though.
Anybody here know a guy?
Overheard on the McCain Campaign Bus
Why did McCain choose Palin as VP?
She threatened to show Cindy the photos of their illegitimate daughter.
ha ha ha … the Malkineers over at HotAir are sweating bullets over this Gibson interview:
‘Yep- this going to be hit piece on Palin- no doubt about it. Agreeing to an interview like this is far too risky.’
‘Ohhhh how important is this 30 minutes? I will pray for Sarah and that she is able to effectively put forth who she is without it being misinterpreted and blown out of context! Errrr wait we are talking about the MSM arent we?’
Gonna ‘pray for Sarah’ to not completely fuck up when she’s staring down Putin, are you?
The question isn’t Palin. She fielded the scripted questions like the not very bright trained seal she is. The question is McCain and his enthusiastic support of all of Bush’s failed policies. To focus attention on this trailer park, white trash bimbo is missing the point. McCain is the one who’s going to destroy this country.
You know who Obama should have named as his V.P.?
The Statue of Liberty.
I mean, think about it: she’s a woman, and (much like Sarah Palin) she won’t respond to questions from the press. But everyone will know they can trust her because, literally, you can easily get inside her head. She’s even older than John McCain (I think) which wins the geriatric vote. She’s big on welcoming minorities, so she’s got their vote. She looks good on t.v. and anyone who doesn’t like her is unpatriotic.
(The only drawback is the GOP would have used the “she looks French” sh*t they pulled on John Kerry.)
I just don’t know about the campaign signs: would they read “Obama/Statue” or “Obama/Liberty”?
Some important data points.
Russia did not invade Georgia “unprovoked”. There were negotiations on an agreement on the status of South Ossetia, and Georgia violated it by massively crossing into that region under air and artillery support. Now sure, nobody was negotiating in good faith, but they were NEGOTIATING. Let’s be clear here – russia no more wants NATO fucking around on her doorstep then america wants russians in cuba or venezuela – when presented with an opportunity to make the nations comprising her “near abroad” recognize the risks of becoming too friendly with the west, she didn’t pass it up.
Mutual defense alliances between small, weak states and large powerful states are, and always have been, foolhardy. The weak states can provoke their neighbors all they want, because they know they have serious military capability available without having to develop it on their own. If Georgia and Ukraine are admitted to NATO, it is the perfect shortcut to a nuclear exchange. Which is why, ultimately, the european members won’t stand for it.
You think a ship and two bombers constitute “war games” in venezuela? Well, hold on to your tinfoil beanie, my friend, because the big bad bear knows exactly how to counter aggressive american moves in eastern europe. And that is aggressive russian moves in latin america. And with oil and gas wealth and advanced weapons, she is a counterweight in our hemisphere all out of proportion to her global relevance. Look for additional military assistance programs with other latin american nations, including mexico and cuba…
“Which is why Georgia and Ukraine probably shouldn’t be brought into NATO.”
Remind me why NATO even exists anymore?
Oh, right! It’s the security apparatus of the Western Military-Industrial Complex.
Just because you don’t have an actual enemy doesn’t mean you don’t need a kick-ass army to spread democracy and capitalism and shit.
Lehman Brothers
At the same time, The Washington Post reported that the U.S. government, including the Federal Reserve, are helping broker a deal to sell Lehman that would be completed this weekend. Bank of America Corp (NYSE:BAC – News) is said to be one possible suitor, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Good thing the evil socialist liberals aren’t in charge, people.
The historians are going to look back on this as the beginning of the end for lockstep feminist identity politics.
Dude, you’re in the wrong thread. Camille Paglia is over there, in aisle four.
Question: if NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, why are countries half a continent or more away from the Atlantic considered for membership? Why don’t we just call it the “Everybody but Russia Club?”
Overheard on the Straight Talk Express:
Why did James Dobson force McCain to choose Palin as running mate?
Terri Schiavo was unavailable.
Gonna ‘pray for Sarah’ to not completely fuck up when she’s staring down Putin, are you?
Come nao, D.A.
Putin’ on the Ritz!
Yep… exactly. The entire purpose and mission statement of NATO was to counter the Soviet Bloc. Since the Cold War had ended over 15 years ago, it’s no longer necessary and should’ve been disbanded long ago.
Did you all read ole Billmon on Georgia and Russia and S. Ossetia and Ukraine? I’ll quote the tail end.
“Well, hold on to your tinfoil beanie, my friend.”
Wait a minute. We don’t sell beanies!
We sell balmorals, berets, bowlers, chupallas, cloches, cowboy hats, engineer hats, fedoras, fezes, kepis, kufis, newsboys, pork pies, skull caps, ski masks, Tam O’Shanters, tagiyahs, trilbys, tuques, turbans, ushankas and yarmulkes, but no beanies.
Are you getting your custom metallic surveillance deflectors from other vendors?
ARE YOU?!1?!?1?
I’ll set the building on fire…
JF Sebastian – I like it. You know, the Dems could go with this. Forget about Obama entirely – they should nominate the Constitution for president. Constitution-Statue of Liberty 08.
The cabinet would be:
Secretary of State: The Liberty Bell
Secretary of the Treasury: Fort Knox
Secretary of Defense: The Unknown Soldier
Attorney-General: The Declaration of Independence
Secretary of the Interior: The Washington Monument
Secretary of Agriculture: The World’s Biggest Butter Sculpture
Secretary of Commerce: The Mall of America
Secretary of Labor: Mt. Rushmore
Secretary of HHS: The Hippocratic Oath
Secretary of HUD: The Boston Tea Party
Secretary of Transportation: The Whiskey Rebellion
Secretary of Energy: The Lightbulb
Secretary of Education: The Lincoln Bedroom
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Semper Fi
Secretary of Homeland Security: 9/11
Secretary of
So do you think TEH CRAZY! will come through over the TV? Can the cameras pick up that kinds of thing? Will it be obvious enough to people? Would watching the broadcast in HD sell it better, make it more obvious? I am genuinely interested.
A new joke from Sarah Palin’s stump-speech:
What do Russian ICBMs call Alaska?
Fly-over country.
Palin is anxious to declare war on Russia because Boris and Natasha are her main rivals in bagging that pesky Moose.
Paul Begala – Why attack the monkey when you should be attacking the organ grinder?
HoneyBearKelly?GoGiants | Homepage | 09.11.08 – 6:51 pm | #
It is sheer insanity to imagine that there are a significant number of U.S. citizens willing to vote for these two.
After all this.
What do they do for fun in Alaska?
Be fucking morons.
D. Aristophanes, I like all your choices except “Secretary of Education: The Lincoln Bedroom” as I’m sure the McCain campaign would find some way to turn the education/bedroom connection into a sleazy ad that implied President Constitution would be a child molester.
Why won’t the Army accept The Truth?
No, the answer isn’t “because his baloney nipples are big targets.” It’s a trick question- Pathetic pecklerless is too chickenshit to enlist!
What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?
A pit bull knows it’s not qualified for Federal office.
From those HotAir comments:
“I didin’t watch, but I get the impression from the comments that it may have been a tougher interview than Obama has ever been subjected to by the MSM – is that true?”
Man, I haven’t seen the Palin-Gibson thing yet, but how predictable was it that the wingnuts were going to say that Palin, in her first-ever fucking press interview as a national candidate, on her own home turf, with a pushover of a questioner, who her own team selected, has now faced down tougher media scrutiny than Obama has in 18 months on the Sunday douchebag circuit?
She was as we expected, DA. Sounded like a Wikipedia-parroting moron on foreign policy.
I still need to know why John McCain & the Republican Party are on the side of pedophiles & child molesters, when Barack Obama was trying to make our vulnerable youth more able to detect sexual predators and seek help? Why do John McCain and the Republican Party oppose making our children safer from molestation?
Overheard on the Straight Talk Express:
Why did John McCain need a woman in his campaign for the White House?
It’s worked seven times before.
What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?
Has anyone else noticed that Palin didn’t even tell this joke right? She weirdly made it into a half-declarative half-interrogative mush job: ‘Do you know they say the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.’
Not well executed.
D. Aristophanes said,
September 12, 2008 at 1:30
From comments on another blog (atrios, coff coff), I see mention of the Loud Obbs response: Biden is going to have to brush up on his homework.
That’s putting lipstick on the hagfish!
Overheard on the McCain campaign trail:
What’s the difference between an Alaskan Hockey Mom and a pit bull.
You can neuter a pit bull.
I’m steeling myself for the poutrage among the wingnuts on how unfair all the questions Big Bad Charlie asked were.
And that, my friends, will be the content of tomorrow’s blast-fax: “The Liberal Media is Out To Get Poor Sarah.”
I weep.
Like everything the dumbshit does.
Anything else?
She claimed executive privilege for emails sent through her Yahoo! account (gov.sarah@yahoo.com) and copied to her husband.
Overheard on the McCain campaign trail
What’s the difference between an alaskan hockey mom and a pit bull?
A pit bull knows who’s in charge.
What’s the difference between an alaskan hockey mom and a pit bull?
Pit bulls have a reputation worse than they deserve.
Anything else?
Thread over.
Dear Sadly, No!,
Please alert your readership on this article, and issue an appropriate Photoshop challenge.
Thank you
–the liberal blogosphere
Rob Riggle’s take down of Palin last week is precious.
http://watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart/full-episodes/september-4-2008/#clip89338 (near the end of this clip)
Overheard at RNC headquarters:
What’s the difference between an Alaskan hockey mom and Catwoman?
Only John McCain likes being pussy-whipped by a hockey mom.
Sheesh! And I thought this was just parody. It’s starting to look more like a trailer for a Ken Burns piece.
I’m sure Palin faced far tougher questioning from Charlie “Smiley” Gibson than Obama did from Bill O’Reilly. So very sure.
Gibson could have spent the entire interview licking Palin’s asshole and trying to guess what she had to eat the day before and the wingnuts would still whine that his lapping seemed somewhat combatitive. Nothing less than the sort of deference white suth’nahs once enjoyed from black people will satisfy them.
‘Cause only a weak, helpless nation would choose to live in peace with her neighbors. The only way to create a healthy, prosperous nation with healthy, educated citizens and a strong economy with balanced global trade and a modern, safe efficient infrastructure that doesn’t poison the planet is to focus the vast majority of all available resources on fighting wars that could not only be easily avoided, but that everyone else WANTS desperately to avoid.
How did we get to this point? And can’t we at least TRY to make somebody fucking explain why weapons and armies and wars and bombers and submarines are better than schools and hospitals and jobs and roads and bridges and a working electrical grid and a modern air traffic system and science and a space program and hope and growth and a future?
‘Cause I’d really like to hear the answer to that…
More hi-larity from HotAir:
“She will not blink….
What more do you want in a leader….when the call comes she did not blink…she answered the call to serve…she did not blink….I’m sorry but that phrase just keeps going around in my head…like a bee buzzing….It was so strong, steadfast, it raised goosebumps on my arms when I heard it….It soo captured her persona.
She did not blink…when faced with a life changing option she stood up to it and accepted the responsibility…when faced with a DS baby she did not blink…when her daughter was pregent she did not blink…when her son joined the army…she did not blink…when faced with a speech of a life time…she did not blink…when faced with a hostilepress she did not blink…when faced with a last second shot for the championship she did not blink…when faced with all of lifes challanges she did not blink…”
She’s the Clockwork Orange candidate!
McWetstart at Columbia right now. His idea of “public service” is “block watchers”. Welcome to Nazi America.
Know what?
I’d kinda prefer someone who blinks…
I particularly enjoy the fact that the excuses are already starting to be written.
That’s nice, teh troof.
But you already know that all of us are fascinated by everything you’re feeling and doing.
What did you have for lunch? How about your commute to work? Come, on share with your loyal fans.
Maybe a ground war in the winter or something — we’ll figure it out as we go.
The fact is, now that was teh funny.
first entry
I assume there are enough sane NATO countries to prevent the US from dragging us all into a war over overt US anti-Russian aggression (hello ‘Missile Shield’ to prevent apocalyptic Iranian nuclear war – hahaha, try saying that with a straight face). NATO members, particularily European ones, know what is potentially at stake if we were to accept Russian border states into the alliance and, I assume, would not be keen to find themselves backed into a fight with one of their major oil and gas suppliers. Look at the current NATO troop committment problems in Afghanistan.
Course if McInsane wants to get up his whole ‘League of Democracies’ (hello empire!!), I’m sure they would be glad to drag the world into World War III (or whatever roman numeral the neocons want to shoot for). Canada will hopefully just sit it all out on the sidelines and pick up some sweet deals on whatever is left of the US afterwards.
My theory is that liberals will turn on the…Americans who vote for McCain
80% of the electorate turning on 20% would be…ungentlemanly.
Overheard at the GOP Convention:
What’s the difference between a squirrel and John McCain?
A squirrel knows where his nuts are stored.
Mikey – yeah. Be nice to have somebody who blinks before launching global thermonuclear war, fr’example.
Mikey, your post reminded me of one of my favorite parts of the Principia Discordia:
Maybe a ground war in the winter or something — we’ll figure it out as we go.
And just think of the literature that will come out of it!
The fact is, Hitler attacked Russia, and the results were spectacularly successful. We would have little problem dispatching their military.
This might be a little off-topic, but:
You know how a few years we were kind of wondering how the hell torture could be a political issue? Now teaching children to avoid pedophiles is a political issue.
I think his next trick will be to call the victims of the priest scandal faggots. You know: maverick stuff.
So what does the Post say? Liz Spayd, editor of washingtonpost.com, told E&P an unedited caption was mistakenly posted on the Web site on Wednesday for a video. “It wasn’t intended to go on the site,” she explained. “We mistakenly published a caption to a video.”
Liz Spayd.
I know we’re evil people for being looksists already, so how can we afford to indulge in the sin of namesism. And she seems very qualified, she “helped edit the newspaper’s coverage of President Bill Clinton’s impeachment.”
But, Liz Spayd.
The fact is, people who think they’re the second coming of Christ don’t need to blink.
Know what?
I’d kinda prefer someone who blinks…
Damn right. If someone or the other hadn’t blinked in the Cuban Missile Crisis none of us would fucking exist.
I think the Republicans are using this as some kind of campaign strategy: making the world scary enough that fearmongering actually makes sense instead of being pathetic. Really, it’s not like it’s anything new – the devastation Bush inflicted on Louisiana for partisan advantage is at least a millionth of what a red-blooded nuclear exchange would do.
Damn right. If someone or the other hadn’t blinked in the Cuban Missile Crisis none of us would fucking exist.
The fact is, that’s a good point. Probably most Americans think we got Russia to take those missiles out without doing anything in return. Most probably aren’t aware that they put them there in response to us putting ours in Turkey, and that we removed those partly in exchange for them removing the ones in Cuba.
At least, that’s the history that I’m familiar with about it.
Russia did not invade Georgia “unprovoked”. There were negotiations on an agreement on the status of South Ossetia, and Georgia violated it by massively crossing into that region under air and artillery support. Now sure, nobody was negotiating in good faith, but they were NEGOTIATING. Let’s be clear here – russia no more wants NATO fucking around on her doorstep then america wants russians in cuba or venezuela – when presented with an opportunity to make the nations comprising her “near abroad” recognize the risks of becoming too friendly with the west, she didn’t pass it up.
See, my take on it is this: Georgia has pretty much done nothing with South Ossetia but low-level ethnic cleansing at any point it’s ever been a modern independent state.
You see the videos and the coverage, you’re looking at the Georgians blasting away at commercial and residential buildings on empty streets. It was the first act of a fucking genocide.
Anyone who keeps Georgia out of South Ossetia is a fucking hero; he could be the love child of Bin Laden and Hitler and he’d still in doing so avert unmeasurable human misery. The only way to come to any other conclusion is to (a) pretend the Georgian incursion never happened or (b) pretend that the Ossetians are the ancestral homeland of Judeo-Bolshevism.
Speaking of namesism, isn’t it interesting that two of the leading members of McCain’s Truth Squad are Oliver Swindle and Jane Swift?
Those names just scream “truthiness.”
…spent the entire interview licking Palin’s asshole and trying to guess what she had to eat the day before
Breakfast – whole wheat toast, no butter; bacon; grapefruit; tea with Splenda
Lunch – low fat cottage with sliced peaches (canned); melba toast; Nature Valley granola bar; spring water
Afternoon snack – GNC protein shake made with 1% milk
Dinner – Alaskan King crab leg cocktail; broiled chicken breast with Dijon mustard sauce; steamed broccoli florets; pan-roasted baby Yukon Gold potatoes; cardamon pound cake; Camomile tea
“Especially when you consider your VP is… Joe Biden. It is to laugh.”
“Is everyone excited about Nov 4? What ever will you all do on Nov 5?”
Whatever the outcome, come November 5, we’re all going to get totally faced.
I’d like to quote Clark just to rub it in Troof’s face:
It seems as though there are only two possible reasons for John McCain to be taking this hardline pro-NAMBLA stance: Either he really dislikes children and wants them to suffer more sexual abuse, or else he really admires sexual molesters and wants to ensure that they remain free to carry on doing what they do.
Now, to be fair, it’s possible that John McCain is not the driving force behind the decision for his campaign to embrace the sexual abuse of children. Perhaps it was his campaign manager, lobbyist Rick Davis, or his senior campaign adviser, lobbyist Steve Schmidt, who insisted — perhaps for intensely personal reasons — that the protection of sexual predators become a key part of John McCain’s agenda.
Let me be clear: I am not suggesting that John McCain is opposed to teaching children about appropriate and inappropriate touching just because he is himself a sexual predator. I am sure he has other reasons for making children more vulnerable.
Nor am I suggesting that Rick Davis or Steve Schmidt is promoting such an agenda only because it would make it less likely that they will ever be indicted for touching small children inappropriately. I doubt either of them is scared of getting caught doing that.
It is strange, though, that all three of these men felt so strongly about this issue that they chose to inject it into the national campaign.
Now that the issue is out there, though, just remember what their ad says: John McCain promises to keep children vulnerable and to make life easier for sexual predators.
That, my friends, is change that NAMBLA can believe in.
alec: I don’t know why John McCain and the Republican Party are trying to gain the pedophile & child molester vote, but it’s a question they should be made to answer.
“She did not blink.” Times eight.
As an eye doctor I can say with some authority than not blinking is a bad idea.
Punctate keratitis, band keratopathy and all forms of keratoconjuntivitis are just a few of the pathologies that can result from the exposure of never blinking.
It goes along with the whole “vision thing.”
No blink for no blink leaves the whole world’s eyes diseased.
Then they go blind. So it’s kind of the same thing as “eye for an eye,” only not as immediate.
Blink, you stupid fucker. BLINK!!!!
broiled chicken breast with Dijon mustard sauce
Dijon mustard? That fancy elitist double Musl–
(Wait, who was it?)
Uh, Palin’s simply demonstrating her savvy experience with cooking. She’s a hockey mom, you know. Not like you can feed a hungry family with French’s served with whatever kind of spoon it is that isn’t encrusted with diamonds.
Heard at the RNC:
Why did James Dobson choose Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate?
He heard she knew how to handle Johns.
She doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is. She also has bad posture.
“G-d bless this woman. This is exactly what America has been lacking. The era of a foreign policy driven by an impotent and dhimmi State department is over.
I can only pray it’s a McCain/Palin presidency like Bush/Cheney.”
So I assume you’ll be carrying a weapon in the advance guard, then, right Pammy?
It’s just so easy to get behind other people fighting and dying without doing shit yourself.
Fuck you, Pammy. Fuck. You.
Overheard on the Straight Talk Express:
Why is John McCain like a polar bear?
Both feel threatened by Sarah Palin.
G-d bless this woman. This is exactly what America has been lacking. The era of a foreign policy driven by an impotent and dhimmi State department is over.
Man, how unusually magnanimous of Pam Oshry, accepting a candidate who happily attended a lecture by the head of Jews for Jesus at her (deeply anti-Semitic) church, and who was one of the stauncher backers of Pat Buchanan’s run in ’96.
Of course, it could be that Oshry doesn’t actually give a shit about any Jew who isn’t actively slaughtering the brown people she hates. Naw – how could that possibly be true?
If not blinking is now a sought-after leadership trait, isn’t it time to cut to the chase and put Hannibal Lecter on the ticket?
Overheard at the McCain campaign headquarters:
Why doesn’t McCain speak up at the McCain/Palin joint appearances?
He’s afraid she’ll cut him off.
If not blinking is now a sought-after leadership trait, isn’t it time to cut to the chase and put Hannibal Lecter on the ticket?
Duh: McCain’s afraid he’ll look weak if he chooses a VP who has killed fewer people.
Well, that’s all right for the Little People, but the Big Guns didn’t settle for a cash cow. They let their whackos loose and tore down everything they could get their hands on. It’s a smash-and-grab at this point.
No patience, that’s their problem. Unbridled greed is now bringing down the whole financial house of cards. Okay for the Little People, like Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. Meanwhile, the big winners are making plans to go offshore and buy servants.
People who only think they are players, like Karl Rover? He’ll be left holding the bag. Whatever money he got out of this is chump change, and servants are only patted on the head while they are performing. Someone has to do the perp walk while their betters are cruising through customs.
I think the puppet masters are getting out of the whole schmeer. They’re going to go off and rampage through another country somewhere, since this one is no longer fertile ground for them. They will leave the party to the wingnuts, because no one, but no one, really handles wingnuts.
It’s just a matter of threatening people with that sweating dynamite while they empty the till, and then they get the hell out while the wingnuts are still waving their guns and frothing at the mouth. Leave them behind to slow down the authorities.
At least, that’s how it seems to me, right now, with some Pinot Grigio running in my veins. On black rum, I’m much more cheerful.
Cheers to this.
It’s amazing how fast the coverage of the event changed when it became clear that Russia would intervene.
The day it happened, and (the real) Josh Marshall noted this in TPM, the first CNN headline was something along the lines of “Georgia invades autonomous region.” By the end of the very same day, CNN changed the headline to read “Russia invades Georgia.”
No, you see, it says right here; firefighters are supposed to burn books.
Overheard on the McCain bus
What’s the difference between an Alaskan hockey mom and a pit bull?
You can call a pit bull a bitch.
Man, I thought this post was gonna be about Obama appointing Chuck D as his campaign spokesman.
I got so much trouble on my mind
I refuse to lose….
Do yourselves a favor and just ban The Truth. I’d rather be ridden by Saul harder than Truth’s mommy took it up the ass from Barack Obama than listen to that shitlicker fart out the same four things, over and over, mantits a-jigglin.
Hey, Truth, you were told to kill yourself. Do it. Nobody likes you. You’re a witless titted asswhipe. Kill yourself. Or let me do it for you.
Also, when Barack Obama was done tearing The Truth’s mommy a bigger asshole, I wonder if he then unloaded on The Truth’s pig face.
She doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is.
No, she didn’t. She bungled that one. Biden, whenever he comes out of hiding or whatever the fuck it is he’s doing these days, should totally push this stuff in their faces. She’s an amateur.
Settle down, d00d.
Teh troof is merely a particularly unctuous parody troll.
Picture Felix Unger, waving his neocon freak flag.
At best.
Look, Truth! It’s your bestest friend in the whole wide world getting pimpslapped by fucking Charlie Gibson! Imagine when Joe Biden’s going to do. Almost as bad as Obama Obangin’ your mom.
Barack Obama Fucked The Truth’s Mom–
I’m worried about you.
They say that internalizing anger and not being fully forthcoming about your feelings is not good for your psyche.
I urge you to remove the restraints you’ve put on yourself and freely emote.
We’re here for you.
TPM has a wonderful video of Charlie Gibson trying so very hard not to call Palin a clueless loser because she doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is. I’d post the link, but WP might eat me.
In fact, WP can eat me.
Oh never mind. Somebody got the link up already.
Overheard at the GOP Convention:
Why are Palin and McCain campaign events like Abbott & Costello shows?
They can’t decide who’s on first.
Teh troof is merely a particularly unctuous parody troll.
What? The Truth is a pay roadie? Why doesn’t anybody ever tell me these things!
And here I thought TalkLeft would have been the last ones at this particular party.
The Truth’s a pay roadie for Air Supply, who is the only band in the world who doesn’t make his fatboy titties bounce while he’s rocking out. Pathetic sack of shit. He makes Larry Johnson look awesome.
Ummm…….I don’t know if anyone posted this downstream but……people from the University of Idaho, where Palin supposedly graduated from (the last of 5 schools in 6 years) are saying no one there remembers her, not even the folks who would’ve been her profs. The local paper put out a notice looking for anyone who could recall her being there and came up empty. Geez, you don’t suppose a truth-teller like Palin might’ve padded her resume with a fake diploma, do ya?
No faker than The Truth’s mom’s DDs.
Wow, the blink stuff is just stupid—trying to pass off recklessness and arrogance as some bullshit maverick-type preparedness and resolve. From Gibson’s interview:
Chávez is looking at McCain and Palin and saying to himself “Please, please, let them win. I can play these fools like a cuatro.”
Sarah Palin: Not a Blinker!
Ummm…….I don’t know if anyone posted this downstream but……people from the University of Idaho, where Palin supposedly graduated from (the last of 5 schools in 6 years) are saying no one there remembers her, not even the folks who would’ve been her profs. The local paper put out a notice looking for anyone who could recall her being there and came up empty. Geez, you don’t suppose a truth-teller like Palin might’ve padded her resume with a fake diploma, do ya?
Anyone tried giving ’em a call before it becomes a big conspiragami deal? These things are normally kind of easy to verify…
reform of this country and victory in the war
I’m sorry, what?
This country needs reform because YOU assholes broke it, wiped your ass with the constitution and refused to allow oversight and, oh yeah, our guys couldn’t be fucking BOTHERED to prosecute you for it.
And let’s talk about your “victory” in “the war”. First, there is no war. Remember the spoon? That’s your war. No matter how you tend to feel about aggressive invasions of nations with whom we are at peace, america won “victory” in the america/iraq war in late april, 2003. Since then, there has not been a “war”, there has been an “occupation”. You cannot win one of those, and lot’s of historical people could have told you that if you’d bothered to ask.
So how bout you go back and try again, sistah.
There is only one way to win an occupation and it is terrible. People like Victor Davis Hanson have made a career of claiming otherwise, but he’s a cherry-picking liar.
“I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.”
The bylaws of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club express much the same sentiment:
“When an Angel punches a non-Angel, all other Angels will participate.”
For fucks sake, Charley, couldn’t you have at least asked her who we’re fighting in iraq?
Who we need to “defeat” in order to win this “victory”.
God DAMN it, is it so hard to get from A to B you fuckstick??!!
I need a drink…
Ahh well.
At least fucking wordpress lets me fucking talk normally without fucking censoring myself…
“She supports teaching creationism side-by-side with evolution in science classes.”
Every week I feel more and more that I need to start buying some of these
I’m just glad we can now finally stop worrying about if this election will be about substance and ideas or razzle dazzle; it’s gunna be about the razzle dazzle.
Overheard on the Straight Talk Express
Why did Wasilla elect Sarah Palin as Mayor?
Her voice kept the mosquitoes down.
So why did CNN decide to cut the interview? The thing is, Putin came off pretty darn well. Sure, the chicken embargo was embarrassing, but the McCain/neocon conspiracy theory wasn’t as crazy as some would want you to believe. Gary Brecher has been saying all along that this little war had the mark of a half-baked neocon plan for world domination. As Gary says, Georgia’s move makes no sense at all from a Georgian perspective. Somebody must have told those idiots they’d be safe to retake South Ossetia. And who better than Cheney?
I like to see the furor over Palin (at least most of it) as being something of a feminist triumph. There has never been a woman in this country taken seriously enough to be villified as an open and dangerous fascist; even the Clinton hacks merely saw Clinton as an abstract, personal threat. She’s been the first actual villain from the whole chorus of right-wing hags we’ve been dealing with since ’94, and everyone seems to notice it: even that despicable cretin Paglia has seen the writing on the wall and the tenor of her lie tells volumes of the truth.
That link alec posted takes you to a sweet VDH smack down.
Thanks for that.
If you aren’t reading the War Nerd as part of your global geopolitics, along with many other pundits from John Pike to Danger Room, you aren’t even trying to keep up…
Teaching creationism is slowly becoming mainstream. Check out this guy. The Royal Society are not a fringe whackjob group: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/sep/11/creationism.education
Overheard at the GOP conference:
Why did Cindy McCain allow John to choose a woman?
She knows he’s a flip-flopper.
If you aren’t reading the War Nerd as part of your global geopolitics, along with many other pundits from John Pike to Danger Room, you aren’t even trying to keep up…
Yup – Dolan (who sometimes posts under his own name when it’s become clear his latest scheme for tenure has failed) is a particularly insightful and funny writer. He does sometimes make novice mistakes – but he doesn’t cover them up as most would. The article linked makes the particularly baffling mistake of inflating the size of legions by a factor of ten – which actually strengthens his point when corrected, but still.
Everything by Dolan as both Dolan and the War Nerd is thoroughly worth reading. It’s great stuff, and it’s a good thing he’s gone back to doing it. I can’t even imagine getting through the South Ossetia war without it.
Also; war with Russia if they don’t start playing nice? Come on. That’s up there with, “we need to invade Burma to save Burma” bullshit posturing; she can say it to sound tough and macho, and make the warmongers happy, because she knows it’s never going to happen. Might as well sponsor a law making it illegal to use yellow submarines to smuggle dinosaurs to Pluto.
Might as well sponsor a law making it illegal to use yellow submarines to smuggle dinosaurs to Pluto.
Or build roads to the bridge to nowhere. Which you courageously** told Congress not to build, after they said they would not pay to for it.
** No record of any such courageous conversation is available, it is all ad-hockeymom.
I just got home from work and heard a little about the interview on the radio in the car – I heard she said that her foreign policy qualifications include the fact that she developed oil and gas production in Alaska.
Aside from the fact that I don’t know what that has to do with foreign policy, what I want to know is – when did she have the time? She’s only been in office 20 months; she spent all that time driving back and forth to home 45 miles, cooking for her family, selling jets, having a baby and harassing a state trooper – when did she have the time to develop oil and gas production?
What else is she going to say she’s done? Did she invent the internet too?
Mr. Kurtz knew how to win an occupation, but he died before he could implement his plan.
Besides, the bureaucrats back in Belgium wouldn’t listen.
I am getting the feeling she is scaring people who have enough sense to know, despite what they might say on the teevee.
What’s more, she’s scaring the finance people, too.
It was fun to run their kind of nut. But now they have really stepped in it, and gotten a genuine nut.
Thanks for the golem. The rabbi in Krakow thought he had it covered, too.
Mooseburger is already shaping up to be made out of Teflon.
Actually, teflon republicans are just lying, death-loving crooks who have a compliant media to give them cover.
I also think that the more people hear her voice, the more will be turned off.
Fingernails on a blackboard.
Awesome! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26661483/
Former GOP senator calls Palin a ‘cocky wacko’
The former mayor of my former hometown, this guy is one of the few remaining Repubs who are good people. I only voted for Sheldon Whitehouse in 06 because I wanted a Dem majority (shit lot of good that’s done us!).
Pssst. Hey, you.
Yeah. YOU!
Wanna see that Palin/Gibson interview clip (“Bush Doc…wha?”) juxtaposed with some girl on girl action?
reform of this country and victory in the war
And let’s talk about your “victory” in “the war” […] america won “victory” in the america/iraq war in late april, 2003. Since then, there has not been a “war”, there has been an “occupation”.
Mikey, you’re assuming that Palin was talking about the Gulf war. Isn’t it equally plausible that the victory she seeks is against unbelievers, in the war on the home front?
Thanks for the golem. The rabbi in Krakow thought he had it covered, too.
[cough cough] Prague [cough].
Thanks, Smut Clyde! Weak on my Eastern Europe cities.
And I passed the final Jeopardy exam, too!
They said they’d call…
I answered him yes because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can’t blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we’re on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can’t blink. So I didn’t blink then even when asked to run as his running mate.
This is the mantra of a robot.
She’s going to cut off foreign aid.
[Prague Prague] cough [Prague].
She’s going to cut off foreign aid.
I thought she understood the money-go-round.
and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.
Maybe some Tom Lehrer lyrics would put things into perspective. Here’s what he called a bit of “pre-nostalgia”.
So long, Mom,
I’m off to drop the bomb,
So don’t wait up for me.
But while you swelter,
Down in your shelter,
You can see me,
On your TV.
While we’re attacking frontally,
Watch Brink-a-lee and Hunt-a-lee,
Describing contrapuntally,
The cities we have lost.
No need to miss a single moment
Of the agonizing holocaust!
Little Johnny Jones, he was an Air Force pilot,
And no shrinking violet,
Was he.
He was mighty proud when World War III was declared,
He wasn’t scared,
And this is what he said on,
His way to Armageddon!
So long, Mom,
I’m off to drop the bomb,
So don’t wait up for me.
But while you swelter,
Down in your shelter,
You can see me,
On your TV.
Remember, Mommie –
I’m off to kill a commie,
So send me a salami,
And try to smile somehow.
I’ll be with you when the war is over,
An hour and a half from now!
A lesson for John McCain.
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Empty Pantsuits.
Could she do anything else that would just make her beyond-the-pale crazy for most people?
For most American voters, sadly, no.
You know, that Pam Atlas really is a crazy person. Sh’e really just wants to see shit burn.
What if Russia won’t fire her brother-in-law? What then?
Russia will wake up to find a moose head in their bed.
Back in ’04, the War Nerd, writing under Mark Ames auspices, explained in very simple, clear – eyed terms why the existence of the RPG prevented the Americans from winning the occupation of iraq.
Thing is, he made a good case and nobody in our military chose to have that conversation. Part of the whole bush/cheney “if you ignore it it can’t affect you” methodology for dealing with reality.
But it was so bloody obvious that if you weren’t figuring out how to deal with this threat, you had no chance to succeed.
Overwhelming force my ass…
Look, you go into Russia with a small mobile force, enough to take Putin out, and bam you’re done. The oil revenues will pay for the war and heck, the Russians want to be liberated.
I try to keep up, mikey, but as it is I’m already hiding my blog reading from my family and friends, I’m reading blogs at work, I’m missing sleep to read blogs, I skip social occasions to read blogs, so ok if you insist I guess I’ll READ ANOTHER GOOD BLOG.
as a dog returns to his vomit, so does a fool to his folly.
And the bounties offered by the Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard for Russian wolves, polar bears, and tigers will do wonders to stimulate the local economy.
you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help
Stryx. C’mon.
What’s important here?
That you share joyful time with your family, enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh fall breezes?
Or that you continue to find more reasons to think dark, hopeless thoughts, and continue to obsess over the most embarrassingly stupid false concerns?
I think you know the answer…
bam you’re done
Palin’s new tag line.
This is how the Idiocracy commences.
I’m voting for Beef Supreme!
Bam, baby, bam!
…people from the University of Idaho, where Palin supposedly graduated from (the last of 5 schools in 6 years) are saying no one there remembers her
It should be easy enough to check. A call to the office of admissions should do the trick.
and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower
Nick? Nick Danger? Is that you?
Of course I return to my folly. It was designed by Burges.
K-Lo on the interview:
No, not just Sarah, you too, K-Lo.
To misparaphrase a favorite story, if I saw a sign that said “All the Internet you can read- $1”, I’d say that sounds great- I’ll take two.
You’re right.
She could suggest expanding welfare.
She could suggest a significant cut to the military budget.
Either would end her career, whether she was Repuke or Dem-ass.
Could she do anything else that would just make her beyond-the-pale crazy for most people?
For most American voters, sadly, no.
The wingnuts are so in love with her that if she were to strangle a kitten in front of a bunch of kids in wheelchairs, it wouldn’t phase them in the least.
Lawnguylander: I’ve been impressed by Andy McCarthy’s series of posts tonight on Palin, Gibson, and the Bush Doctrine.
Can she and her husband just secede Alaska from the union and fight Russia themselves? Lord knows it’s the closest state to Russia.
By the way, do you think that most Americans are thinking “Georgia? We better fucking attack Russia if they try to go after Georgia or where are the Falcons going to play?”
Ann Coulter is still alive? Who knew?
By the way, do you think that most Americans are thinking “Georgia? We better fucking attack Russia if they try to go after Georgia or where are the Falcons going to play?”
Well, seeing as at least 27% of Americans still think Bush is Teh Bomb, I imagine that there probably are some ‘murkins who think there is only one Georgia, sittin’ down there south of the Mason-Dixon line, where cotton is king and the mint juleps are sweet sippin’ on the long afternoons on the porch. I sadly wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. Horrified, but not surprised.
LOL! It’s The Tit once again! Hey, Trooth, it’s time for your family reunion…I’ve brought out your mom!
What’s that, Mrs. Truth? I can’t hear what you’re saying. What’s that? You’re mumbling! Ohh, right, it’s because Barack Obama just dumped a hot mess down your throat, and you’re choking on it! Shall I beat your chest with a shovel until it all goes down? Or shall I just kick the shit out the flabby piece of shit you dropped out of your roast beef sammy? Hell, I think I’ll just kick the shit out of him anyway!
Since Charlie the Moron Gibson took a dump all over Sarah Failin tonight, and since the dumb idiot can’t answer a single fucking question without sounding like she’s got a crayon lodged up her nose, I think it’s time to ask The Turd some questions!
Question 1- Why do you hate Obama?
Answer- This one’s easy. Just check my name! Over and over and over, he did, with no remorse.
Question 2- Why does The Poot have a micropenis?
Answer- Karmic retribution for his deranged father eying little children.
Question 3- Why does The Shit keep coming around here?
Answer- The attention, obviously. And not the kind he gets when he masturbates in his local Dollar General.
Again, The Fuck, go kill yourself, or have someone assist. Eat shit. Die. Toodles, pigfucker! And no, I don’t mean Sarah Failin. Actually, I do.
LOL! The Queef thinks Ann Coulter shitting out some Bushlove is groundbreaking! Why I am not surprised?
Again, kill yourself, idiot. And don’t get your rancid blood all over the furniture, I want to sell it and your mom all on eBay.
Local police were baffled after large clouds of powdery orange dust were reported emanating from several basements in the town’s suburban neighborhoods accompanied by muffled triumphant roars.
“Smells like cheap snack food”, said one officer.
The alumni page at the University of Idaho’s web site shows that Sarah Palin graduated with her BA in 1987.
Down goes The Truth! Down goes The Truth!
“Barack Obama Fucked The Truth’s Mom”: How about putting a sock in it already. You’re ridiculous.
Face it. I’m doing the work no one else wants to do. Someone’s got to shovel this little shit out, and I’m just the man for the job.
God, this is brilliant. If you liberals could write half as well or as cleverly as this woman, your hate filled web sites could at least be entertaining.
Coulter’s screeching is so high-pitched these days that only dogs can
hear it.
Poor dogs.
What’s the over/under on Truth and Barack Obama Fucked The Truth’s Mom being the same person?
Can we get an IP ref in here? Actually, fuck it, who cares? More pie for all of us.
We’ve lost.
We’ve well and truly lost.
Just out at the dive bar, arguing with completely uninformed mainstream idiots drunk out of their minds on PBR.
They think violence is right. Regardless of the circumstances.
Kill them all for god will know his own.
I’m a doctor. My life is devoted to doing my utmost to save the life of anyone who walks through my door.
These people, all they want to do is kill the MOOOOOOSSSSLLLEEEEEMMSSSS and all the rest of the darkies.
This is in Central New Jersey.
It’s all over. War, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war.
We’re finished. Enjoy martial law. Your neighbors will have gleefully acquiesced in the face of “tyranny.”
I’m on my way to Holland.
She nodded ‘uh huh’ and said ‘that’s nice’ as production proceeded apace.
Much like I’m doing right now.
Don’t worry, if John McCain comes calling, I’ll say no.
After blinking a couple of times.
cosmypinko – I’m headed to Italy myself, if we don’t pull out of the nosedive in this election.
Seriously. How long will it be until it’s open season on everyone with an IQ over 100?
LOL. Clowns like The Ass can barely find their own dicks. Fear not.
“How long will it be until it’s open season on everyone with an IQ over 100?”
I took innumerable rounds trying to explain to the troglodytes that violence is wrong.
It’s already open season.
My advice? DUCK!11!!!!!!11!!
It’s like that song, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb the Rooskies.
-Johnny McPastyLiar
Also, I’d never considered the ramifications of being called “cosmypinko.”
That’s got to have a whole different connotation than comsympinko, don’t you think?
Ooops, my bad. I’ve been misreading your nym for months now.
Ok, so I won’t be one of the first ones shot….
Drink lots of water before you go to bed.
I’m just an occasional visitor but I’m pretty sure that crap doesn’t fly here.
You must mean his efforts to push the idea that nobody really knows what the Bush Doctrine is for sure.
So if Norman and Andy can’t agree on exactly what the Bush doctrine is how can Sarah Palin be expected to do anything but stare blankly at Charlie Gibson when asked about it?
Update: he’s gone from saying the Bush Doctrine is something he and Podhoretz have hotly debated the definition of to saying it’s not really definable because Wikipedia’s not so sure either.
“Ok, so I won’t be one of the first ones shot….”
No worries about my pseudonym. Cos My Pinko just seems like a sexual assault defense.
I’m not the one doing the shooting.
They’ll decide whether or not you’re shot.
If you are shot, I’ll be the first one there to assist, provided you’re in Central Jersey.
Otherwise you’re probably out of luck.
I’m on an Alaskan’s email list, which is handy these days. This is from someone who is on a first name basis with Palin. The first few paragraphs read like a promotional flyer but reading further you realize Palin is unfit.
oh dear, I guess this counts as “posting on web sites” but there are no kooks here at sadlyno, (except Gary and Truthy who seem harmless enough) so I won’t worry about it.
Just about everyone here (or anywhere else) has read the Kilkenny email.
It doesn’t mean for a moment that it’s not critically important and needs to be disseminated to everyone who gives a shit.
I’m just fairly certain that most of the commenters and lurkers here have read Anne Kilkenny’s destruction of Sarah Paleolin.
But for the few who didn’t know? Welcome to knowledge!
“Sarah Palin: Not a Blinker!”
I guess it doesn’t count as “blinking” if it’s only one eye, and your face is tilted knowingly toward Big Oil while you slide your hand shyly into their lap?
“Ooops, my bad. I’ve been misreading your nym for months now.”
Please! No hard feelings? We’re all on the same team here!
CosMyPinko was awfully humorous. Seriously.
You also acknowledged that you’ve been reading my pseudonym for months.
Seriously? That’s fucking fabulous.
I know yours also. Jennifer=Jennifer, correct?
Hope I didn’t get that wrong. I’ve been reading you for months as well and you’re a fucking superstar.
There is no substitute for complete bilateral blinking.
All else leads to band keratopathy.
No one wants that!
…And “Barack Obama Fucked The Truth’s Mom” is kinda freaking me out too. Seriously, why do you have to attribute your creepy geriatric-rape fantasies to our next president? Just own up to your particular perversions, don’t try to project them on happily married men with loving families!
“Commenter NutellaonToast continues his insistence that I am a sort of Republican fifth column, using my alleged support for Obama to secretly support McCain. Meanwhile, my Republican commenters accuse me of being a pandering shill, supporting Obama only because it gets me in tighter with my cozy liberal coterie.”
McMegan on the horror of having to choose.
Pick a fucking side you overpriveleged Manhattan cunt (see McCain, John for a definition of ‘cunt.’) Also trollop (see McCain, John for a definition of trollop).
Or you can get them both together:
“Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.” McCain’s excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.”
Providing your readers with certainty about your beliefs can only strengthen the brainlessness of your “column.”
Rusian food? Pfft – it’s all just moldy potatoes and cheap vodka.
You’ve obviously never had any vodka that is actually made in Russia. That shit is good. Stop buying Mr. Boston or anything else distilled and bottled in NJ.
Fleischmann Royal in da hizzie!!! Yay yay!
Stolichnaya is the best vodka for the money.
Ittttttttttssssssss obbbbbvyussss.
Stoli sux. Duff Forever!!!!11!1
The whelz on teh bus go round and round and round and round and round and round and round and BBBBLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHH!1!!1!!
Say…is that your sister?
I’ll make sure she gets home OK…
What the fuck are you looking at!?!?
Beat it, you fucking degenerate!!!!!!
A land war against Russia would be a snap for us. Just ask Napoleon or Hitler how to do it.
Urp…what I’zz tryin’ to say wuz…
Bleargh…not feelin’ that well…
Wizh I didn’t drank all that coff syrup…
From McMegan’s House Of The Ineffably Stupid And Otherwise Idiotic–
“Update A commenter on Marginal Revolution complains that she thought Fannie and Freddie were government entities. I think we have to give her a pass on this, given how many of the world’s central bankers made the same mistake.”
Seeing how the rest of us, including the world’s central bankers, were appraised of the national and global economic crisis caused by the dissolution of the Fannies and were aware of their non-governmentally supported over-leveraged situation, I’d refrain from broadcasting your complete ignorance regarding the circumstances of how this catastrophe occurred and your role in its promotion.
It’s bad an economics blog to be THIS wrong.
But she’s always wrong, so I guess it’s OK.
I bet McArdle wouldn’t know good hooch if it poured itself down her throat and sent her ass to rehab.
Been slogging through McMegan’s comments.
Tough row to hoe, I’m tellin’ ya.
The stupid could drag you under if you’re not careful.
They cite CitizenLink to accuse Obama of infanticide, fer chrissakes!
Off-Topic, maybe, but check out the thread Ground Zero etiquette: A tale of two roses over at MichelleMalkin.com. It is the most disturbingly out-of-balance wingnuttery I have ever read. A tiny, trivial detail of Obama’s behavior used to rationalize a tsunami of hatred and suspicion.
MM and her cult painstakingly analyze the way the two presidential candidates placed their roses at the NYC memorial on 9/11 and the commenters almost unanimously agree that it all demonstrates how McCain is the noblest of heroes but Obama is soulless, devoid of integrity, and indifferent to anything but his mad plan to destroy all that is or ever was Holy and Good in the history of western society.
As you read, remember that these are the people who are always bitterly and condescendingly referring to “Bush Derangement Syndrome” and “Palin Derangement Syndrome.”
Dissenting commenters are dismissed as hateful without a hint of irony, and one brave voice offering video evidence of errors in Malkin’s description is pretty much just ignored.
It’s so plain crazy you might even hope this could be a jump-the-shark (Nuke-the-fridge?) moment for MM, even in the minds of conservative readers. But don’t hold your breath.
The thing is, the batshit-crazy wingtards are all deranged beyond the meaning of the word..
They have no idea what “derangement syndrome” might mean.
They are the second most deranged group of toejam-sucking hobgoblins currently in existence.
The most deranged group of toejam-sucking hobgoblins currently in existence are their readers.
They can’t even come up with this shit.
BTW, I ran into Anon Y. Mous over at McMegan’s place citing CitizenLink.com as gospel truth that Obama was responsible for a bill requiring fetuses that survive abortion to be killed by negligence in a back room of the hospital.
What can you say?
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly do make you want to keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll eeeeeeeeevreeeeebodeeeeeeeeeeee.
BARACK OBAMA: “In a conference call with reporters, Obama said Clinton would continue the “Bush doctrine” of only speaking to leaders of rogue nations if they first meet conditions laid out by the United States.”
Looks like Barack doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is either!
“Looks like Barack doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is either!”
Barry X is unfamiliar with the single worst foreign policy doctrine in the history of foreign diplomacy?
Hoo fucking ray.
Crawl back under your rock, Shakes. You fucking clown.
Look, you go into Russia with a small mobile force, enough to take Putin out, and bam you’re done. The oil revenues will pay for the war and heck, the Russians want to be liberated.
Man, Putin puts polonium-210 in people’s sushi. Palin (and Pammy) have no clue what a bad fucking idea it is to fuck around with Russia.
Shorter Malkineers: Barack Obama paying respect to the victims of 9/11 is evidence of Barack Obama’s disrespect for the victims of 9/11.
There could never be enough corpses in the Middle East to satisfy these people.
“Man, Putin puts polonium-210 in people’s sushi. Palin (and Pammy) have no clue what a bad fucking idea it is to fuck around with Russia.”
Just ask Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Hitler, Hirohito, Roosevelt, Nagy, Dubcek, Reagan, Yushchenko and Saakashvili.
All tried, all failed.
All had WAY better ideas on kicking in the door and watching the whole rotten structure come crashing down than McTheuselah/Huckashee.
I don’t think we want to be next in the queue.
I’m all for blowing shit up and killing everyone.
Too many fucking people on the planet.
Dream on loosers.
When are these nutjobs going to realise that you do not wanna fuck about with China and Russia – people have been trying and failing for years.
They can tell themselves that God has blessed America from now till eternity, but Putin and Co don’t care what they think, don’t care what there own people think, don’t care what foreign governments think, and they sure has hell don’t give a rats ass what god thinks.
God, if only the rest of us could vote.
“Either president may disappoint us
Geoffrey Garrett
September 12, 2008
The McCain-Palin ticket may have stolen the headlines and taken the lead from Obama-Biden in the US. But a new BBC survey shows that Barack Obama overwhelms John McCain in global opinion by a four-to-one margin.
Sarah Palin Interview.
If the whole war with Russia thing doesn’t work out, Sarah Palin’s back-up plan is to try and ban Doctor Zhivago from her local library.
Go read Juan Cole today – a magnificent smack-down of Palin’s drivel.
gandhi: got link?
Some talking points for Obama’s campaign, culled from various sources around the InternetsTubes:
“Am I running against John McCain or Sarah Palin?”
“If the Republicans wanted her to be president, they should have nominated her.”
“Maybe Republicans are used to a vice president that runs the show.”
(cf. Rude Pundit)
(Re: McCain’s many flip-flops — Roe v. Wade, Bush, using same smear merchant as the one who smeared his own family, etc.) —
“John McCain will do anything to become president. If John McCain can’t stand up for himself, how can he stand up for you?”
(Point out shameless distortion of ads such as “sex ed” and turn it back on him):
“John McCain is on record as opposing legislation that would help make children safe from sexual predators. Why does McCain hate America’s children?” etc.
Where is Michelle Obama? Couldn’t we all use some media images that contrast between an intelligent, truly happily married professional woman and successful mother and the autobot rich-bitch Cindy McCain and the ambitious-hockey-mom-from-hell Palin? And how about getting Joe Biden in there somewhere, and his lovely wife? Perhaps the image of marriages that are solid and children who aren’t fucked up would help set up a subtextual vibe among those undecideds who I’d guess are starting to hunger for that sort of thing, perhaps even in spite of themselves. Yes, I know Dems aren’t as eager to whore themselves and pimp their families out as the Rethugs are, but, well, we are at war for the future of our country, as someone once said.
Anything else?
Can we arrange to have her lead our US American Map Reading Troops barebreasted and strapped to a moose? John McCain deserves to be freaking horsewhipped in the public square.
OK, guys, relax. This was just a minor misunderstanding. What Sarah wanted to say is that we would beat at hockey. No war, hockey! Remember, the Miracle on Ice in Lake Placid!
Oh, gosh, who am I kidding, we are going into Russia… Well, at least it’s not a desert…
When I lived in upstate New York, I went to the Duty Free Store in Canada, to get inexpensive booze, all the time. This qualifies me to be VP!!!
Somebody probably already quoted this, but to paraphrase Vizzini from the Princess Bride, “Never get involved in a land war in Asia”.
“Look, you go into Russia with a small mobile force, enough to take Putin out, and bam you’re done. The oil revenues will pay for the war and heck, the Russians want to be liberated.”
I hear that the invaders will be greeted as liberators.
It’s so touching that Malkin is paying her respect to 9/11 by spewing hate.
Wait, are we entirely sure she said in that interview that she didn’t blink? Doesn’t “think” make a lot more sense? When her son said he wanted to join the giant debacle in Iraq, she didn’t think to actually learn anything about the conflict. When her unwed daughter told her she was pregnant, she didn’t think it seemed in poor taste to parade her and her boyfriend in front of the cameras and brag about her daughter’s decision in order to deflect rumors about covering up that same daughter’s alleged earlier pregnancy. When she was told her own child wold be born with Down Syndrome, she didn’t think it might be wise to take off more than three days after his birth before going back to work. Heck, when her water broke, she didn’t think anything of hopping a few flights to travel across the country after giving a speech despite the obvious risks. When the McCain campaign asked her to be the vice-presidential nominee, she didn’t think there was anyone more qualified for the job. When she wanted to build a sports complex (unlike the water treatment center she’d promised), she didn’t think to see if the government had the rights to the land before plowing ahead. When she… you get the idea.
> This is in Central New Jersey.
We were in Atl City this last weekend. I wore my Obama button the whole time. You could see the rage and hatred in the old folks’ eyes who recognized it as being an Obama button, but nobody said anything to me. I was just waiting for somebody to, so I could’ve wised them up…
“Mainstream opinion is that Palin did just fine on her interview.”
There is absolutely no evidence of that whatsoever.
This, of course, is the same standard used to determine malfeasance on Palin’s part with respect to the Troopergate scandal.
’m surprised at you, liberals, I’ve never seen you like this before. You are absolutely Freaking Out. It’s funny, fascinating, and just a little bit scary.
It’s like you’re broadcasting from Bizarro World or something.
In Peter Gent’s excellent novel North Dallas Forty, at one point the main character sez, “I was filled to my eyeballs with hate.”
That’s the way I feel this morning. I’ve just had it up to the eyeballs with the Malkins, festering boils on the asshole of decency that they are. I’ve had it with the boo hoo hoo I-hate-Obama-cause-he’s-not-in-possession-of-a-womb shit we’re still hearing from certain quarters, I’ve had it with people who only look at this election from the narrow perspective of their own immediate wants and needs, and I’ve had it with the fucking media not doing its fucking job.
I’m getting a chuckle out of poor Charlie Gibson’s predicament, though. Talk about being damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Got us over here yelling “Ask her the tough questions!” and them over there screaming “Stop being mean to the nice soccer mom!” If that doesn’t sum up the effed up state of American politics I don’t know what does.
Sarah Palin got owned by Charlie Gibson. She falls into the Evil/Stupid quadrant of the graph, I guess. If I believed in a god or gods, I’d be praying and crying out: God help us. If McCain/Palin wins the elction, America can take the proud title Dumbest Nation In The World.
I learned to be simultaneously arrogant and ignorant at the feet of my Dark Lord Chimpo.
I’m trying to create a pro-republican narrative here so I get some attention from SOMEBODY.
Didn’t you claim that McCain jumped 20 points in NC after the convention the other day?
Well, look and be ashamed:
So tell me, why should we listen to anything you say? Ever?
> If McCain/Palin wins the elction, America can take the proud title Dumbest Nation In The World.
I am about 25% convinced that if the McPOW/Mooseburger ticket wins, there are a number of major nations that will start a shadow economic boycott of America.
They are that disgusted with the crimes and death handed out by repigs, and some of them are probably a bit afraid, if they have natural resources the repigs want to steal, of being “liberated”.
Not that I would normally care about The Truth making the One Post He Always Posts for about the zillionth time, but on this one, I’m thinking- Oh, great, he’s summoning that BOFTTM guy again. Why don’t you two just go somewhere?
Anyhoo, if you want to hitch your wagon to this potatoe of a performance, go right ahead.
Um, I meant hockey mom, not soccer mom. Soccer’s for them thar effete Yurpeens. Nice hockey mom. Oh fuck it.
Well, at least there are a few folks in the media who are actually on the case:
Blizzard of Lies
“You are absolutely Freaking Out.”
I can’t speak for others, but I’m not. In fact, I’m not especially worried, since McCain’s chances in the Electoral College are still slim to none.
Also, if Ron Paul decides to join Bob Barr as the Libertarian VP candidate, McCain’s electoral chances are out the window.
“So tell me, why should we listen to anything you say? Ever?”
Guessie, like many GOPig commentators, is only interested in spreading FUD and convincing Democrats to give up and go home. It’s part of the two-pronged GOP strategy to reduce the Democratic vote count.
Phase 1: discourage as many likely Democratic voters ahead of the election — try to make them think that their cause is already lost.
Phase 2: disenfranchise and discourage as many Democratic voters as possible on Election Day by challenging their ballots, putting few/poorly-functioning coting machines in heavily Democratic precincts, etc.
This is just part of their plan. It’s nothing but desperation — since they can’t win an issues debate and they don’t have a positive record to point to (not to mention the fact that the GOP is sinking the economy as we speak), they have to lie, misrepresent and quite simply try to talk us out of our votes.
The fact that Guessie is so incredibly easy to debunk indicates to me that their effort is little more than perfunctory this time out, and that when the votes are in, it’s going to be Dewey Defeats Truman time for the GOP again.
Count me as another that’s not “Freaking Out.” Palin’s a disaster; she can’t even admit she doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is. That she’s meant to get McCain elected is farcical.
Shorter The Truth said,
September 12, 2008 at 17:09 (kill)
I’m trying to create a pro-republican narrative here so I get some attention from SOMEBODY.
Shorter Shorter The Truth: Oops.
In fact, I’m not especially worried, since McCain’s chances in the Electoral College are still slim to none.
Mmm. Check out electoral-vote.com. Things aren’t looking so rosy anymore.
“Looks like Barack doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is either!”
No, looks like you don’t know what the Bush Doctrine is. It has seven points, one of which is what Obama said in your little quote there.
Rusian food? Pfft – it’s all just moldy potatoes and cheap vodka.
The bad trips are indeed terrible, but what’s so bad about cheap vodka? Ever tried cheap vodka on your Wheaties of a morning? The breakfast of Chumpions!
Sully has an interesting thing or three on The-Politician-So-Awesome-She-Was-Pwned-By-A-Small-Town-Librarian and Kristol’s defense of her absurd “interview”.
Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record. Broken record.
I will say this. As much issues as that guy clearly has, at least BOFTTM is a heckuva lot more exciting than your usual droolings.
Ah yes. It is to laugh. You’re full of hate, libs. Ah, yes. It is to libs. You’re full of libs, laugh. Ah, laugh. You’re full of arugula. It is to Ayers. You’re Michelle of Rezko, ah yes. Ah yes. Ah yes. Ah yes. Ah yes. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah y-y-y-y-y-y-yzzzzzzz
Maybe a ground war in the winter or something — we’ll figure it out as we go.
Woot, the Winter War!
So who gets to be Finland?
“Ah, yes, electoral-vote.com. McCain wins the Electoral College at this point,”
Nope. Not in the least. (laughing)
Did you even bother to educate yourself after what I asked you yesterday? Do you still not know what *likely* voters means?
Go check out how many new voters the Democrats have registered in the last twelve months. Then ask yourself what the polls are going to do when all those new Democratic voters show up at the polls in November. Your paid “attorneys” won’t be able to turn them all away.
“and this is with built in proObama bias in the polls.”
You can go on telling yourself that, but given your demonstrated ignorance of statistics, polls and sampling techniques, as well as your ignorance of what pollsters are biased in which direction, I think I’ll rely on my own counsel in this area. Suffice it to say that you simply don’t know what you’re talking about.
“Not panicking yet?”
Not a bit. But you are; that’s why you’re here. Saint Sarah has been unmasked as an ignorant cretin, and McCain’s sent her back to Alaska because the one stump speech she managed to memorize isn’t hitting with the crowds any longer. Your game’s falling apart, and I suspect that you know it.
I look forward to Saint Sarah’s next deer-caught-in-the-headlights appearance in the media. And I can’t wait to hear the next set of applause lines her handlers manage to get her to memorize. Tell me, did installing a new hard drive in her head cost the McCain campaign very much, or did Saint Sarah just claim it on her per diem expenses?
“Have a sweet day, liberals.”
It only gets sweeter each time you post here, O Desperate One. Please come back soon so I can school you some more.
Of course, it could be that Oshry doesn’t actually give a shit about any Jew who isn’t actively slaughtering the brown people she hates. Naw – how could that possibly be true?
You have to learn to distinguish between Jews (bad folks who have refused, refused!, to accept the Saviourshipness of Jesus, and Zionists or Israelis, our brave Kosher comrades-in-arms.
They are two different things! No repeat after me: Zionists and Israelis- good, hurray! Jews?- not so good, filthy shicksa marrying liberals. Some of them even consort with Negroes!
BTW, who wants to make book on how long it is till we hear the awful epithet “ni***r-lover” in the campaign? When you get right down to it, it’s the Repug’s most powerful weapon. They have to bring it out soon, now that “uppity” has been unleashed. “Ni***r” was trotted out a while ago, so bet on the under, not the over.
Also, if Ron Paul decides to join Bob Barr as the Libertarian VP candidate, McCain’s electoral chances are out the window.
Is this a possible possibility, a probable possiblility, or wishful thinking? I haven’t heard any speculation about this, but then my ear isn’t really to the ground in libertarian circles. Please tell me there’s reliable talk that this might happen?
Oh please oh please oh please oh please . . .
“Is this a possible possibility, a probable possiblility, or wishful thinking? I haven’t heard any speculation about this, but then my ear isn’t really to the ground in libertarian circles. Please tell me there’s reliable talk that this might happen? Oh please oh please oh please oh please . . .”
Barr asked, Paul hasn’t replied.
Again, Truth, why should we listen to a word you say?
Democrats have 5:1 and some places 6:1 voters registering Democrat. Deployed troops are giving money to Obama at a rate of 6:1 over McCain.
My feeling is, YOUR scared because you know in your heart of hearts that McCain doesn’t have a chance.
Who does Sarah Palin remind me of?
I can;t quite place the meme of lack of global knowledge here…come on, folks, help me out!
Don’t bother The Truth, he’s been outted as a faux troll.
“I know on campus it’s cool to wear your Obama shirt, but just because people aren’t wearing McCain shirts doesn’t mean they won’t vote for them.”
Yes. You wouldn’t believe how many students at the all-women’s college I attend have posters of McCain secretly tacked inside their rooms, where they can giggle and sigh at his dreamy cheekbones and chocolatey, taut skin, his tall-dark-and-handsome frame, his intense honest eyes– um, wait. Nevermind.
I know McCain isn’t as pretty or smart or talented or sane or decent or educated or competent as certain other politicians, but we liberal arts college girls love him ’cause he respects us! You can tell by how happy and successful his firs– um, *second* wife is. Or something. Heartland.
“Are you relying on the same youth surge that won failed to show up for Kerry?”
Of course not. That was 2004. This is 2008. Catch up to the rest of the class.
The Democrats built a massive, 50-state registration drive that has yielded several million newly registered voters that are not — repeat, *not* captured by pollsters. The term “likely voters” excludes new registrants, therefore polls of “likely voters” (which most polls at this point are checking) do not include said new registrants.
Since Republicans like you are terrified of losing, your best bet is to simply discourage as many Democrats as possible from voting in the first place. That’s why you’re here.
“Or are you still hoping that the massive voter fraud the Democrats perpetrated in places like Wisconsin will carry the day for you this time?”
You have as much evidence of “massive voter fraud” on the part of the Democrats as I have that the new Palin child isn’t actually Sarah Palin’s spawn. IOW, you’re simply engaging in fabulism.
“Either way, the polls are indicating a narrow lead for McCain,”
By ignoring the several million new Democratic voters now on the rolls.
“and all of us who are brave enough to admit to ourselves know that McCain has a massive silent majority.”
Then you’d better get them out to the polls, shouldn’t you? It’s a shame that you have to act like a school kid on the basketball court, talking smack instead of bringing your “A” game.
Of course, if you actually had an “A” game to bring, you’d have actually nominated a candidate your party could get behind instead of saying ‘ah, well, none of these candidates are any good, so let’s let McCain have a turn.’ It wasn’t so long ago that your party was agonizing over whether Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Rudy Julie Annie or Ron Paul were even worth showing up for. Plus, you couldn’t even fill your convention venue, the President didn’t bother to show up and quite a few state and Federal congressmen and senators stayed away.
Well, when your choice is driving into Minneapolis over a collapsed bridge or flying into MSP and risking an accidental photo-op in the Larry Craig Memorial Tearoom, I suppose we can’t fault your ideological fellow travelers for punking out.
But don’t try to make that lackluster display into something “brave.” That’s bullshit, and we all know it.
“I know on campus it’s cool to wear your Obama shirt, but just because people aren’t wearing McCain shirts doesn’t mean they won’t vote for them.”
I wouldn’t know about what’s going on over “on campus;” I’m far too old for that. And as far as your fabulist construct goes, you appear to be saying that popularity doesn’t determine who’s going to win. In that case, I’m very interested in why the polls are always the first thing you cite. Either popularity matters, or it does not. You’re quite clearly trying to have it both ways, and that’s just another sign of your desperation, troll.
“You are going to be very, very surprised at the vote totals on Nov 4.”
Yes, I am. I’m going to surprised that any Democrat was ever worried about losing this election in the first place, given how high Obama’s vote totals will wind up being.
“There is a massive, massive anti-Obama groundswell amongst the American people right now.”
Which explains why Obama routinely beats the pants off McCain in terms of raw numbers of campaign contributors and total amount of contributions raised from individuals. But perhaps reality just has a liberal bias?
“Liberals are talking about narrowing polls, fundraising drying up, and a sense of momentum loss”
Evidence? Corroborating evidence of your claims?
No? Didn’t think so.
” – let me tell you, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
Says the ignorant, anonymous internet troll who is known to make things up. Remind me why anyone should believe anything you say?
“You’ll see.”
Yes, you will.
Well, OB-GYN, that isn’t as hopeful and I’d hoped . . . Ah, well, dream to bright to last and all that.
Considering that Ron Paul *refused* McCain’s request for an endorsement (see article), I wouldn’t paint the sky so dark.
Shorter Teh Truth: The liberal scorn is the only thing that makes me feel alive.
Regarding NATO membership for Georgia: Obama DID NOT say that Georgia should be a member of NATO, as McCain repeatedly has. Obama has only said that Georgia should be able to participate in a NATO “Membership Action Plan,” which is a long-term plan for moving an aspirant nation toward membership — it does not guarantee membership, and the process can take many years. Also, and really important, countries with a Membership Action Plan are obligated to resolve outstanding territorial disputes before they can become NATO members.
So everyone please stop saying Obama’s position on this is the sae as McCain’s — because it is very, very different, and way smarter.
Shorter OB-GYN Kenobi: Guessie is my bitch.