David has a great idea!
According to David Brooks, you might be able to get good work out of morons if you let them work with the smarter kids:
If I were McCain, I’d make the divided government argument explicit. The Republicans are intellectually unfit to govern right now, but balancing with Democrats, they might be able to do some good.
Bonus points:
Many liberals claim to love working-class families, but the moment they glimpse a hunter with an uneven college record, they hop on chairs and call for disinfectant.
Dude, us many liberals are so busted.
Added: Not as great as David’s idea is the following: read your own fucking blog, Sadly, No! [Thanks to Big g in the comments.]
The Republicans are intellectually unfit to govern right now, but balancing with Democrats, they might be able to do some good.
Isn’t that affirmative action, mixing the special ed kids in with the regular classes?
been there, done that?
I’m from a working class family that never hunted for even one minute. That said, what the fuck is he babbling about?
David Brooks – now THERE’S a fine example of unctuousness.
As well as fatuousness.
Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey
It’s just like when you’re making sausage and you’ve got some meat that’s contaminated — there’s a certain allowable parts per million of foodborne pathogens, so rather than throw out all that contaminated meat and lose money, you mix it with the good stuff and sell it all.
“uneven college record”? Does he mean like the original vinyl of Sgt. Pepper’s I left in the apartment window while tripping on blotter at the end of my sophomore year?
To think the leftwing media actually thought Obama had a chance to carry North Carolina.
John McCain is now leading there with a 20 point lead 58% to 38%. There was just no way that a socially conservative state like North Carolina would vote for a race-baiting babykiller like Obama.
I always knew we could count on the solid south.
Is that like George Bush’s
“Uneven Military Record”
Hunting is really more of a pastime for the gentry, as is bouncing around multiple colleges. Of course you’re really supposed to do one or two years of college and then tour Europe for a year, but people do things differently. I don’t imagine Mrs Palin has ever been as far as the Countchocula peninsula (as it is properly known).
Many liberals claim to love working-class families, but the moment they glimpse a hunter with an uneven college record, they hop on chairs and call for disinfectant.
As opposed to the hearty greeting conservatives extend to a city kid with a large quantity of melanin.
been there, done that?
It’s worth repeating, repeatedly.
By the way, David Brooks wrote that “the Republicans are intellectually unfit to govern right now.”
Saul, you ignorant slut, that NC poll is what non-knuckledraggers call an “outlier.” Try reading big boy polls that indicate *shocker* McShame got a convention bounce:
Moreover, I’m positive that having difficulties in the wingnut south was wholly unanticipated by the Obama folks. I bet they didn’t dump money down there to force McBBQ to compete or anything.
Since Republicans are intellectually unfit to govern, in what sense do they help achieve “balance”?
Do you think Brooks meant “ballast”?
What I wouldn’t give to sit at the feet of the Master, David Brooks.
I’ve convinced all my children to name their next born after him.
Even if they’re girls. Think of the honor it must be to David’s peers
to be able to just be close to him when he pontificates.
Their IQs must skyrocket.
Brooks’ argument is akin to mommy forcing the older, more athletic child to take along the younger, gawkier sibling to play baseball football in the park. Why? Because it gets the younger kid out of the way for a minute. Give McCain the gig, and I promise the older kids won’t let him set fire to the house – that kinda thing.
David Brooks adds important, um, roughage to your intellectual diet. If not for David Brooks they would have to fill that column space with lorem ipsum or something.
“I always knew we could count on the solid south.”
Ignoramus. Have a look at GA and FL.
GA is almost within the MOE, and FL is a tossup. I’ll gladly trade you NC for GA (both of which have the same number of electoral votes), especially if I get FL into the bargain.
Man, you’re stupid.
Shorter Brooks: “It’s true that Dwayne Hector Elianzo Mountain Dew Camancho is a total fucking idiot, but with Vice President Not Sure at his side, he might be able to do some good.”
Did Bobo actually use the phrase “The Republicans are intellectually unfit to govern”? When, exactly, did he have that revelation?
As opposed to the hearty greeting conservatives extend to a city kid with a large quantity of melanin.
Shouldn’t that be “a laurel, and hearty handshake”?
Some more interesting commentary on the NC poll.
I don’t know. I think Doug Feith has plenty of competition for World’s Stupidest Fucking Person.
Exhibit A: McBobo and his rough and ready band of working-class heroes.
Exhibit B: Jules McSciencefuck.
Exhibits C-M: The eleven idiots from today’s Shorter Clownhall.
That’s an awful lot of stupid in only three entries. How to sort it all out?
What we need here is a Cinderella-type contest. Post something that no sane person could possibly believe about Barack Obama and see who comes forward to see if the stupid fits. Ravingist looneytune gets the Official Title of World’s Stupidest Fucking Person (TM) and a little trophy of Alfred E. Neuman with an arrow through his head.
Stupid You Can Be Proud Of.
Stupid You Can Believe In!
…I sense a bumper sticker.
McPOW’s campaign came out today and actually said, about his candidates endless lying, that “facts don’t matter” and that the “story” of the POW and the PorkQueen are what really matters.
John Feehery, a Republican strategist, said the campaign is entering a stage in which skirmishes over the facts are less important than the dominant themes that are forming voters’ opinions of the candidates.
“The more the New York Times and The Washington Post go after Sarah Palin, the better off she is, because there’s a bigger truth out there and the bigger truths are she’s new, she’s popular in Alaska and she is an insurgent,” Feehery said. “As long as those are out there, these little facts don’t really matter.”
As we already know, America is doomed. Sadly, there is no cure for rampant republican lying, thieving, killing, and pedophilia
> Post something that no sane person could possibly believe about Barack Obama
This has already been done. It was also known as “the speeches at the RNC”.
Moreover, I’m positive that having difficulties in the wingnut south was wholly unanticipated by the Obama folks.
Truly. Our own Demoncratic governor here in the glorious border state essentially told the Obamians to not even bother campaigning here.
[heaves 268th deep shuddering sigh of the day]
More on that NC poll.
Affirmative Action is fine. Provided only Repubilcans benefit.
And I ask again. When the hell did being an “insurgent” become a compliment?
Richard Cohen’s latest idiocy is worth a parsing, methinks. I was reading it while sitting in my “library” which is the only place to read that shite, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
Brooksie! Gosh, I wish I knew how to make money being a moron. My parents were wrong!
I understand that Howard Dean was influence by a book, Whistling Past Dixie, that posits Democrats have been watering down the party’s stances in a pointless attempt to go after the South. Haven’t read it yet, but I’m on the hunt for it.
Since the McCain bounce seems to be mostly in the South, he hasn’t gained any electoral votes from this move. He’s turned his supporters from room temperature to rolling boil, but the crucial movement he would need is lacking.
This was inevitable, really. I thought he would pick Huckabee, a proven vote-getter in certain states. He had to reach out to the Base, because no one wanted him.
I am getting a sick kick out of his standing there like the guy with the cloak, waiting in the wings for James Brown to wear himself out. On his own, he can’t draw a circle.
It’s the hunter with the man-sized “safe” that makes this liberal nervous.
McCain can’t lose any more states and win. Period.
CO and NM fell out of his column last month, swinging 14 EVs to Obama.
So far this month, ND and NV (another 8 EVs) have bailed on him and gone to Obama. And now FL’s 27 EVs are a tossup. Kids, that’s almost 50 EVs slipping through his fingers since summer vacation. And we’re supposed to be worried?
Mathematically, McCain could still win if he flipped PA (21 EVs) and managed to win FL back, but he would have to retain every state that’s currently in his column. He could lose one or two small states that totalled less than 8 EVs (say MT and WY, summing to 6 EVs), but otherwise, he couldn’t lose any more states. And frankly, Obama’s got a better chance of flipping OH, IN or VA (all of which have been tossups or leaning Obama over the summer) than McCain’s got of flipping PA.
McCain’s chances in the Electoral College are extremely slim, and are nothing to fear.
There was just no way that a socially conservative state like North Carolina would vote for a race-baiting babykiller like Jesse Helms.
1. Without the extra shot of enthusiasm, I’m guessing his campaign would have started smelling way too much like fail. Rather than vote for a loser, the wingnut base would have fled to the protest candidates (Ron Paul, Barr). That would would have been disasterous for the Repugs.
2. Huh huh. You said movement.
There was just no way that a socially conservative state like North Carolina would vote for a race-baiting baby killer like Jesse Helms.
Yeah, we tried that where I work. Doesn’t help the retards, and annoys the smart kidz, who just have to do twice as much work anyway.
My dad always said, “You’re either helping or your hindering. If you’re not helping, either get outta the way, or go the fuck home.” Wise man.
Look, if you make policies just with the smart people, then you leave the perspective of the dumb people out, and since there are a lot of dumb people in America, and their natural party is the Republican Party.
So when people say that some policy’s half stupid, smile, because you know it was designed right so as to be fair to our dumb people.
the moment they glimpse a hunter with an uneven college record, they hop on chairs and call for disinfectant.
Well, no. Actually it’s the reek of dumber-than-dog-shit righteousness all over her that calls for the Mr. Clean…
CO and NM fell out of his column last month, swinging 14 EVs to Obama.
There’s shit-pots of fundies here in NM, mostly rural, but the Crystal/Calvary/Holy Cootie church here in Abq has satellite facilities and thousands of superstitious (white) adherents, to whom Palin will appear as the answer to prayers…
There is no way McCain is gonna lose North Dakota a solid red state that Bush won with 63% of the vote in 2004 and hasn’t gone blue since 1964. Virginia the same as North Dakota, hasn’t gone blue since 1964, has a large population of military veterans who tend to vote Republican and has a higher than average percentage of gunowers, you know the people who are bitter.
Indiana, a very rural Midwestern state that is socially conservative and a Republican stronghold, Obama’s in dreamland if he thinks he stands a chance their. Bush carried Indiana with 60% of the vote in 2004, and Obama running on a platform that advocates abortion rights, gay marriage and gun control won’t do any better their than Kerry did.
Ohio is now in McCain’s column by around 4 percentage points and his lead will continue to grow in this socially conservative state thanks to Sarah Palin. Florida has been in McCain’s column by around 3-5 percentage points since June and shows no signs of tilting.
Nevada and Colorado two states with high levels of gunowership and a libertarian streak of low taxes and limited government will not go for tax and spend gungrabber Obama.
McCain on the other hand has a very good chance of carrying the swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Pennslyvania, all states that are socially conservative with a tradition of gunownership.
I would say that McCain’s chances are better than average.
Olexicon said,
Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey
He fixes the cable?
Yes indeedy. The working class would be working 12 hours a day, alongside their five year olds, if it weren’t for the Republicans!
Is Obama really going to apologise for the “lipstick on a pig” line that McInsane has used so many times? Given the fact that Johnny-boy’s campaign has just uttered the “facts are stupid things” idea, Obama ought to assert (repeatedly, in every speech, from now on) that his opponent raped a little crippled boy during a Pentacostal service and then forced him to have a gay abortion with money swindled from NRA membership funds!! I mean, none of this shit matters, right? It’s just down to “personalities” (which is different from the dreaded “celebrity”, somehow), so Obama ought to get downright fanciful when he attacks McCain/Palin, calling them defective replicants who have no ability to be repli-CANS, that evil Nazi space-aliens control McCain’s movements and that he’s given birth to four lizard-like beings which sprang out of his face (that whole “cancer” thing was just a cover-up), that Palin trains polar bears to attack and eat Inuit children and that she eats the world’s most expensive chocolate, charged to the state of Alaska, while watching the kids being ripped apart by her gigantic cryo-zombic bears!! Think of the children, people!
Being a hunter requires more than an uneven college record. Some sort of weapon is the usual thing, Iron Butterfly’s “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” is considered by many to be lethal but pales beside a say, Mauser M 03 or even a pointed stick, for that matter.
All we want is the facts, Mr Brooks, not vague intimations of damaging music.
She’s an insurgent? WTF, really? Is that what he’s saying? The people she used to hang around with, the guy who got killed buying explosives, THOSE guys were insurgents.
Sarah Palin, insurgent!
Y’know, that might confuse your audience, since you’ve been using “insurgent” for the past seven years as a euphemism for terrorist. And well, when your VP is an Alaskan secessionist, maybe euphemisms that signify terrorists won’t sell you right.
Has Brad posted about this yet?
Stupid you can count on!
Liberal abhorrence for the working classes, clearly shown in their desire to raise wages, ensure workplace safety, guarantee the right to collective bargaining, and universal healthcare, contrasts with Conservative love for the rabble, seen in their desire to allow them to work endless hours for meager wages with no time off and no health care.
“Intellectually unfit to govern” is just another way of saying “real American.”
In any case, I once saw a hunter with an uneven college record, but with the help of one of those laser levels we got his degree straightened out. Then we had some venison chili, mm mm good! I have to say it wasn’t scary at all.
I wonder how exactly Brooks thinks his straw-liberals know when a hunter with an uneven college record is approaching anyway? Most hunters I know don’t wander around town wearing bright orange vests with guns drawn, and most college grads I know don’t wander around waving their college transcripts, so I’ll assume that the chances of someone doing both are sorta low. Then again, I’m not aquainted with the cocktail circuit like ol’ Brooks, so I couldn’t say what goes on behind the beltway.
Yeah, well, none of you liberals who love the working class so much have ever been out to the leafy suburbs of Philadelphia to go to the Wal-mart for birdseed.
It’s also worth pointing out that most hunters I know don’t have an uneven college record at all: they just didn’t go. What Cheney does doesn’t count as hunting, and any real hunter would scoff at the idea of a canned hunt. Actual hunting is very time-consuming and difficult. No rookie is gonna bag any wild hogs.
A lot of people call themselves hunters, but what they really are is drunk-drivers wandering the back-roads looking for a pheasant who’s dumb enough to stand near one. This type would probably fit right in at Cheney’s fake-ass hunt.
But, but… I don’t hunt, and I don’t have any college either! This is so confusing, what with people not simply filling in roles like they came from a jar in Brave New World. I give up, reality is just too complicated.
Sadly, Bobo!
I’m not sure how people here feel about Papa Hemingway, but a guy who could pack it away like that sure gets some respect.
I wonder how often David Brooks, University of Chicago alum – visiting professor at Duke, goes hunting? And what of the other David, Broderella has a graduate degree and a couple of honorary doctorates.
The whole reverse education snobbery thing is stupid. Doubly so coming from the latté sipping wast coast media elite, but even ignoring the “without sin – cast the first stone” bit, it’s still dumb. I mean, sure there are plenty of examples of well educated ignorant assholes (see the two Davids) as well as plenty of examples of liberal heroes with little or no formal education. Using blanket generalizations to level accusations that a group engages in blanket generalizations is, well it’s fucking ignorant.
Although to be fair, if either Hunter S. Thompson or Ernest Hemingway came walking into this room right now, I would flee screaming.
It says a lot about America that enjoying murdering animals is considered a plus for a leader.
I’m a hunter, grew up in West Virginia. graduated from UVA with honors, worked with a shovel and hammer and saw for over 20 years as part of my career path, and I’ve never shot anybody in the face. But hey, I never taught at Duke like Brooks, or lived in the leafy suburbs of Philadelphia like Camille Paglia.
Wasn’t there a movie where some Brooks-type guy is ordered by a rifle toting nut to “start running,” and then is hunted through the woods desperately trying to outwit his pursuer and survive?
Maybe I dreamed it.
…rather than throw out all that contaminated meat and lose money, you mix it with the good stuff and sell it all.
Great way to summarize this idea.
Somehow the notion of mixing Republicans in with the government makes me think of the old saying:
If you add a teaspoon of wine to a barrel of sewage, you get sewage.
But if you add a teaspoon of sewage to a barrel of wine, you get sewage.
There are many things I would not hold against my fellow man, but I would hold against someone who may become the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
Is that so bad of me?
I’ve had friends in trouble with the law or battle substance abuse and I am there for them and I love them and I accept them, but I do not want a president who breaks the law and/or is addicted to drugs!
Is it elitist to think that our president should be amongst the best of us and simply in line with the lowest common denominator? If it is, God help us all.
I don’t fault anyone for sucking at baseball, but if they want to play in the majors, I expect them to be able to hit a 90 mph fastball even if no one I personally know is capable of doing that.
This is common sense. Somehow that eludes David Brooks. No surprise there.
if either Hunter S. Thompson or Ernest Hemingway came walking into this room right now, I would flee screaming.
Well Duh, cuz they’d be zombies and shit.
HST got a few good ones off, and he’s Gonzo so that’s cool. Papa Hemingway could write, no doubt, but, well.
Because the babbling Brooks knows so gosh darned much about the world we live in–His aim is true, no? It’s almost like he knows things, things the rest of his can’t fully discern. The amazing magic David and his light saber of wisdom, ready to slice, dice, and disinfect. And propose innovative solutions to our most pressing problems.
As Seen On TV. And all for almost free. No refunds.
Dr. Zen: Word. When will they ever learn? When lipsticked pigs fly, I guess.
My in-laws are all hockey-obsessed people who spend the winter riding snowmobiles and regular hunt moose, elk, deer, and caribou (they are from rural Canada). Do I look down upon any of them? Not at all. I love them and cherish my time with them. Do I think they should be the leader of the free world? No. Nor would I want them to represent the USA in the 100 meter dash. Being regular folk doesn’t make you qualified to do whatever job you want, especially when that job is the single most important job in the country, if no the world.
We have 300 million citizens. Does Bobo really think she is the best amongst us? (or 2nd best as in the case of the VP?).
Do I think they should be the leader of the free world? No.
I think your relatives would probably be better choices than Palin. If you love them, I’m guessing they’re much nicer people than she is, at the very least.
Well Duh, cuz they’d be zombies and shit.
Although, again to be fair – it’s not like I was using these BRRRRAAAIINNZZZZ.
Pardon me – did someone say ZOMBIES?
Poor Our Miss Brooks. He actually has to get rid of his old moron friends and kiss ass to people who can actually think. What a row to hoe for a yutz like David.
“Hogwash. . . I would say that McCain’s chances are better than average.”
Well, that’s because you’re not actually looking at the numbers. But I can help you with that.
“There is no way McCain is gonna lose North Dakota a solid red state that Bush won with 63% of the vote in 2004 and hasn’t gone blue since 1964.”
He already is losing it. The only polls that show his ahead are Rasmussen’s, which are known to be partisan, and are almost always outliers when compared with other polls and with final election results.. There’s a reason the Freepers are in love with Rasmussen. Too bad he’s not very accurate.
“Virginia the same as North Dakota, hasn’t gone blue since 1964,”
And which has been too close to call for the entire summer. You rely too much on the goodwill of the voters that your party has been fucking over.
“has a large population of military veterans who tend to vote Republican and has a higher than average percentage of gunowers, you know the people who are bitter.”
They also don’t like racist and sexist language, which is what cost Republican Felix Macacawitz a Senate seat in 2006. They have also installed two consecutive Democrats in the Governor’s Mansion in Richmond (Mark Warner and Tim Kaine) and of late, have also installed a Democrat in the US Senate (Jim Webb). Quite frankly, VA has been trending Democratic for quite some time, and there’s not much your party’s been doing to change that.
“Indiana, a very rural Midwestern state that is socially conservative and a Republican stronghold, Obama’s in dreamland if he thinks he stands a chance their.”
IN was solidly in the Obama column all summer long. It didn’t flip until after Palin was named as McCain’s running mate, and even now, McCain’s only ahead by a point or two there. His grasp on that state’s EVs is tenuous at best. And McCain absolutely cannot lose IN if he is to win the election.
“Bush carried Indiana with 60% of the vote in 2004”
Which means nothing when McCain’s only ahead by 2-4 points today.
“and Obama running on a platform that advocates abortion rights, gay marriage and gun control won’t do any better their than Kerry did.”
I knew it. You haven’t even read Obama’s platform. I bet you call him a nigger in private, too, don’t you?
“Ohio is now in McCain’s column by around 4 percentage points”
In polls of likely voters. Do you even know what that means? It means ‘people who voted last time.’ Given that the Democrats have registered thousands of new voters in key states (including OH), Obama’s support in many of those states is significantly understated. Plus, I’m looking forward to seeing the new Republican vote-caging strategy backfire on them.
Oh, yes, and any Ohio Republican who ever shook hands with Bob Ney should sit down and shut up if they want to keep their seat.
“and his lead will continue to grow in this socially conservative state thanks to Sarah Palin.”
Unlikely, given the shitty economy there. Ohio’s not an especially socially conservative state, but it IS a strong labor state — and if all Palin’s got to offer is her one single stump speech and her lipstick, the people of Ohio will see right through that. But just as with Indiana, McCain absolutely must hold Ohio. If he cannot, then he cannot win the election.
“Florida has been in McCain’s column by around 3-5 percentage points since June and shows no signs of tilting.”
You are just simply wrong. Florida has been even up (within a point or two) since Labor Day. Even now, conservative pollster Rasmussen has FL as a dead heat between Obama and McCain.
“Nevada and Colorado two states with high levels of gunowership and a libertarian streak of low taxes and limited government will not go for tax and spend gungrabber Obama.”
Wrong answer. They’re already IN Obama’s column.
“McCain on the other hand has a very good chance of carrying the swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Pennslyvania, all states that are socially conservative with a tradition of gunownership.”
Not likely on any count.
MI: Michigan has been very, very hard hit by the Bush economy. Voters in this state are going to want to know what McCain’s going to do to help them, and he simply hasn’t got an economic plan. McCain’s not going to win here. Plus, there’s a good chance the GOP will lose as many as two seats in Congress just in this state.
WI: Well, if we were to adopt your ignorant-ass methodology of ‘they’re going to vote for the same party they’ve always voted for in the past,’ then this state’s going for Obama. Besides that, partisan pollster Rasmussen hasn’t even had the race closer than Obama by 5-6 points all year long. At any rate, Wisconsin is another economically hard-hit state, and face it — McCain’s got no economic plan. And he wants to tax your employer-provided health-care benefits, which means that working Americans get a tax increase under a McCain Presidency — while millionaires get more tax breaks. Yeah — sure, Wisconsin will go Republican.
MN: The state GOP has done an awful job running the state, and stands a good chance of losing significant numbers of seats in the state assembly. The GOP is also losing ground in state polling at the Federal level, and the split has never been closer than 10% all year long. McCain will be unable to carry this state.
NH: Bob Barr is polling at 11% there, and you can count on all that support coming from disaffected McCain voters. McCain will not carry this state.
PA: As Wisconsin above. In fact, almost exactly like Wisconsin above.
McCain’s chances are remote and he knows it. His only chance is to keep Sarah Palin away from the press, to keep the public conversation away from the real issues and to make the election about personality. If McCain lets himself (or worse, Palin) get drawn into a debate about actual issues, he’s sunk and he knows it. That’s why he and Palin will be hiding out in Cheney’s bunker until Election Day.
Florida: They can’t decide who scares them most, the schvartze or the shikse.
Indiana: Amazing that Obama has come anywhere close to doing well in a state that was run by the KKK within living memory.
“socially conservative” = stone racist
Oh, even better. A piece in today’s Atlanta Journal-Constitution indicates that local boy Bob Barr has asked Ron Paul to rejoin the Libertarian Party and to be his running mate in the 2008 election. Paul is said to be considering the offer, as Barr’s current running mate has agreed to step aside if Paul accepts the offer.
If Paul accepts, then McCain loses the election. With Paul onboard, Barr’s chunk of the vote would easily climb over 10% in multiple states, and he wouldn’t be getting that support from Obama voters.
Guess I’ll be sending Barr another check today. I’m not going to vote for him, but I’ll send him money to help him convince Ron Paul to join up.
Many conservatives claim to love working-class families, but the moment they glimpse a worker with a predatory loan, they hop on chairs and call for disinfectant.
Time to test Brooks’s hypothesis: Put him with a smart person and see if he starts writing intelligent stuff.
If Paul accepts, then McCain loses the election. With Paul onboard, Barr’s chunk of the vote would easily climb over 10% in multiple states, and he wouldn’t be getting that support from Obama voters.
Here in elitist liberal San Francisco, Ron Paul has a lot of fans in the “clueless hipster” demographic, but I don’t think it would be enough to shave off much of the Obama vote. So, yes please, bring it on!
Well, J. Neo, send him some love. Let’s encourage t3h cr@z0ids to peel off McCain’s support. It’s entirely possible that Barr could help Obama flip a red state or two.
Looks like you can get a Barr bumper sticker for $3, a hat for around $20 or a pack of 100 Barr Issues Trifolds for $25. I’m thinking about ordering the trifolds and then going to the next McCain event in my area so I can pass them out to the Troo B’Leevers.
Four wingnut stars. OB says check it out.