Dear America
Posted on September 10th, 2008 by Brad
Yeah, I know she shoots guns and eats mooseburgers.
But look: I really don’t want my vice president to be a crazy woman who thinks it might be a good idea to ban books from public libraries.
The Republicans are insulting your intelligence, America. Please do not prove them right.
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein lipstick on a pitbull! Sieg Heil!
Brad, Republicans insulting intelligence is a feature (the only one besides Pissing off Liberals), not a bug.
If you give a pig a pancake.
She’s like Alaska’s own little Veruca Salt. With Lipstick!!!!
Quite frankly, I’m sick to death of the morons who have infested my party, who have insulted my intelligence, who have sold this country down the river for their piece of silver, who have applauded ignorance and tastelessness and the lowest of low class. McCain won’t be getting my vote, Palin won’t be getting my vote, and not a single one of the tools who have sat by a let this happen to my party will ever get a single atom of my support. To hell with my party.
Libs, I apologize for the things I’ve said and the things I’ve done. Never again will I support the Republican Party. Never.
In other news: up is down is actually up?
You can put lipstick on a pit-bull hockey mom, but you can’t make her think.
The McCain campaign has been totally taken over by Karl Rove. He has set the agenda and established the rules of the game. More here.
Whoah, someone put lipstick on Troofy.
DRILL, DRILL, DRILL the fact Sarah Palin is a book-banning, anti-evolution, anti-intellectual religious wacko.
And Saint McCain is hiding under her skirt.
Again. Please do not prove them right again.
Why no one has come out and said the obvious is a mystery to me: You can put lipstick on a Pitbull but you still wouldn’t want one in your neighborhood.
Big difference from 2000: Then the Reps had a two-pronged strategy of deliberate lies — (1) lie about your opponents, especially by claiming that they lie; (2) lie about yourself, notably by claiming to be a “compassionate conservative.” It worked well enough to bring the election within stealing range, partly because Bush’s daddy had already softened people up for that “compassionate” bullshit.
They’re trying it again, and they will fail — partly because it’s a tired rerun, partly because McCain as an “agent of change” is just not remotely credible.
Also Ms P is loony tunes and it’s beginning to hit the national TV news.
McLame and Pit-Bull got their mugs live on CNN and MSNBC right now. CHRIST where are Obama and Biden? What are they thinking? Get some face time Dems!!
Pardon, I thought I just saw ABC News actually doing its job.
I’m going to go lie down.
Vice President Palin: Mr. Pooter, or whatever, I just want you to know that, um, I told Congress NO on the Bridge to Nowhere!
Putin: What?
Palin: I said NO to earmarks!
Putin: What are you talking about? All I said was I’m taking over Poland and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Palin: We make GOOOOOOOOD people in our small towns!
Palin: Guards! Away with her.
Bruce makes a good point. How many times does the GOP have to win by treating the voting public like morons before somebody starts to think that maybe they are, in fact, morons, and not really secretly bright folks who keep having their double secret high intellects insulted by Republican politicians?
Again, if you liked Dick Cheney wielding unaccountable power to give contracts to his cronies and conduct policy in secret, but thought he lacked sufficient fundamentalist crazy, then you’ll love Sarah Palin.
Obama has been occasionally throwing out the line “they must think you’re stupid” the past couple of weeks. I think he needs to turn it into a new campaign slogan.
Okay, that’s enough of the lie-brul media for me today. Any more live coverage of the McLame road show or one more trotting out of some obscure cracker-ass Congresswoman to discuss Obama’s “pattern of sexism” and I’m going to lose it. Time for a grilled-cheese sandwich and a nap.
Sarah Palin: For Hillary supporters who couldn’t care less about issues!
Obama has been occasionally throwing out the line “they must think you’re stupid” the past couple of weeks. I think he needs to turn it into a new campaign slogan.
Which might work, unless the folks he’s talking to actually are stupid, which seems to me to be a strong possibility.
More importantly, Are John McCain and the Republican Party opposed to making our vulnerable kids safer from pedophiles and child molesters?
Maybe not, but should America risk our children’s lives for a man and a party who may be supporting child sex predators?
We’re Doomed (a play in one act)
(Cast: me and a just turned 65, blue collar union Baltimoron who can’t drive due to 3 DUIs and who has a very elderly Alzheimer’s patient Mother)
GOoPer: I want a bigger COLA for my Soc Sec cuz I heard on Talk Radio inflation is actually higher than the Fed sez”.
Me: “You know that party you support actually has as it’s goal to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE SOCIAL SECURITY AND HAVE SINCE THE 1930’s?”.
GOoPer: “nuh uhhh!”.
Me: “And howdjav liked to have had all your SS money in the stock market like your twice-voted-for pal Bush wanted back in ’04…it’d’ve gone backwards!”. GOoPer: “nuh uhhh!”.
Me: “Maybe you should think about not voting for these assclowns who have bad ideas that actually do you harm and nominate nutjobs who think the earth is flat and Jeebus rode a dinosaur for Vice President”.
GOoPer: “the VP job is meaningless…they don’t do anything (me:!!!), unless you count Al Gore who ruins the environment with his private jets and mansion that uses $15k a minute for electricity. Drill. Drill. Drill and Al can have all the lighting in his “mansion” that he wants and what do you have against McCain for having 7 mansions, do you hate ‘success’, you commie? Al Gore also has mansions, the hypocrite.”.
Me (shoots self in head…but I got better)).
The end.
Oooooh!! That Sarah Palin! She makes me so very angry! Woe! I am livid! I am at this very moment gnashing my teeth and shaking my fist in a manner sure to entertain any right wingers who may read this comment! Yellow bile is pulsing through my veins!
I don’t know how they do it! Alas, those darned conservatives always know how to make us livid with rage! Stop, conservatives, stop! You are giving all of us liberals high blood pressure which will surely shorten our lifespans!
“And Saint McCain is hiding under her skirt.”
So THAT’S what he was doing when he introduced her the first time. He wasn’t checking out her ass; he was just thinking it would be a good place to hide. I see.
Yeah, but stupid people never think they’re stupid, and they hate being called stupid or thinking that someone thinks they’re stupid, even if they really are stupid. “That guy thinks you’re fucking morons” may be an effective campaign tool whether or not the audience is actually composed of fucking morons.
I’ll have you know that for five and a half long years, John McCain had all of his books banned. Casting aspersions on Sarah Palin’s views of censorship is denigrating the sacrifices John McCain…umm – shoot, there’s gotta be a way to do this.
Because… POW – That’s why.
Wow Truthy, You didn’t fauxtrage about lipstick and pigs. You’re off-message, please see the McCain campaign for further instruction.
So the big story is, here is the list of booked Sarah Palin banned:
[start list]
[end list]
Um, good job, liberals! Run with this one.
Het Truth would get some guud learnin at the Bush library.
Republican strategist John Feeherty: “There’s a bigger truth out there … these little facts don’t matter.”
Stephen Colbert: “Keep your facts, I’m going with the truth.”
I live in a town about the size of Wasilla. What scares me the most about Sarah Palin is not her attempting to ban books or her firing of town employees, but the fact that she left Wasilla $20-something million in debt – and survived. If our town administrator had done that, his body parts would’ve been used as lobster bait.
Obama has been occasionally throwing out the line “they must think you’re stupid” the past couple of weeks.
He needs to change that to ‘WE’RE stupid’.
It’s the little things.
Fascist autocrats who want to ban books and who think this is a reasonable way to start a letter:
There’s a word commonly applied to those kind of authoritarian wingnuts – pig.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Who the f*ck “rhetorically” brings up the possibility of removing books from the library that he/she finds “morally or socially objectionable?”
Christ, even FactCheck can’t get this one right.
Fake Truth, everyone. I’m the real one. And I’m still disgusted by my party.
A). I rather like pitbulls. They are, of their own volition, lovely, sweet and friendly animals. Up until fairly recently, they were what America simply considered “a dog”. From Buster Brown to the Little Rascals, they were everywhere.
They are nothing at all like this manipulative sack of shit that puts the “dick” in vindictive who is running for veep, lipstick or no. As if the poor dears don’t have a bad enough image problem…
B). Yeesh. Well, if ya can’t fire a librarian because of the public outcry, ya might as well just hound her out of her job. Fucking cobag.
As it turns out, this has a remarkably similar flavor to her behavior in the trooper
gatefiring scandal. It seems she even shocked her sister’s divorce court judge with her asininity to the point where he called it “a form of child abuse”, and that was before she was Governor.She is, quite simply, a bad person.
C). It doesn’t matter how much of an awful, lying, petty, power hungry little turd she is. Her audience, “the base” (an irony that never ceases to pain me) loves her and will continue to love her. Why? Because they are told to, and they are good at doing what they are told.
From driftglass, yesterday,
The Republicans are insulting our intelligence. They are doing nothing of the sort to their loyalists. The affirmation of an utter lack of independent thought is a hallmark to be sought for those people, and the more they feel they have achieved it, the more content they are. You can’t insult what has been thrown away.
Why should I bother about the lipstick pig story? It feeds into the emerging narrative that Obama is not much of an on his feet thinker. A scripted speech, now, he can deliver. But Saddleback and a score of ad hoc conversations show that Obama really isn’t the lively thinker some of you think thought he was.
Um…therefore you should bother with the story. They’re going to take away your plastic “Little-GOP” officer badge.
It feeds into the emerging narrative that Obama is not much of an on his feet thinker.
Funny how this trait didn’t turn you wingers to Bush in ’00 and ’04.
“off to Bush,” either, in fact.
Good one, justme!
“Play”? That’s an opera right there. Now excuse me, I need oxygen from the laffing.
So the big story is, here is the list of booked Sarah Palin banned:
[start list]
[end list]
Um, good job, liberals! Run with this one.
She tried to pressure a librarian to ban books and was rebuked. She then tried to fire the librarian but was thwarted by popular support for the librarian. No harm done , so what’s the problem?
This is the same reasoning used by Malkin when she “debunked” this story.
Read that post and its comments. It does not even occur to Malkin and her mob that there might be something wrong with the intent to ban books.
Bonus: a Malkin reader provides valuable input:
No problem. It was just part of a routine political purge, so common in small town Alaska. Clearly small town librarians are political appointees. And when Palin’s attempt to fire her failed due to public outcry it demonstrated Palin’s tolerance. These people apparently are fine with America government being transformed into a Soviet-style regime all the way done to little Wasilla.
eidos- Don’t fall for Fake Truth. I’m the real one.
Well, considering we’ve had an administration for TWO FUCKING TERMS that didn’t think the constitutional requirement for a Warrant was anything they actually had to follow, and due process wasn’t anything more than a suggestion, so banning books seems like something they’ll be delighted to do and the people will love it and ask for more…
Interesting. Despite her self-proclaimed status as a “pitbull” who “enacts real reform,” Sarah Palin was, in fact, unable to overcome one small-town librarian. Makes me feel warm and secure about her facing the like of Putin.
According to the Fact Check article I just read, first Palin did the thing where she asked for everyone’s resignation (including the librarian). Somewhat later she “rhetorically” asked about how to ban books. After that, she tried to fire the librarian.
I’m begging you Brad, don’t misoverestimate the intelligence of the US electorate.
It won’t help.
Why should I bother
about the lipstick pig story?There, fixed it for you.
Again, guys, fake truth. I don’t know why Gary or Saul or whoever has stolen my name, but it’s shameful. And I’m sorry I ever sounded like that, I’m sorry I insulted and doubted you, and I’m sorry I fell for the lies and slander from the GOP for this past year. I’m sorry. And I’m going to work to make it right.
Fake Truth, go away. I’m the real one.
I’ll summarize the article for those of you who can’t bring yourselves to read it: Obama’s hopes of taking some Southern states, like North Carolina, are just about dead. The tide has turned against him and voters have seen through his charade.
Translation: the chances of an Obama landslide, where he takes states that haven’t voted for a Democrat since he was a kid, are significantly lower now.
So, a low-percentage gamble looks unlikely to pay off. Thanks for the update. I’ll file it right next to “day: likely to follow night” and “grass: frequently green” in my Obvious Statements file.
Okay, Sarah, you can ban any book you want. As long as you read it completely and present a book report to the rest of the country first.
That’ll stop her cold.
Then she should sell them on e-bay.
I am against anybody who is against me.
I am against teaching evolution.
I am against abortion, unless my little dear wanted one, in which case I am all for choice.
I love the money the oil companies are sending me.
These are the only important things I think about.
“I’ll summarize the article for those of you who can’t bring yourselves to read it: Obama’s hopes of taking some Southern states, like North Carolina, are just about dead. The tide has turned against him and voters have seen through his charade.”
I live in the Deep South, and you are quite simply incorrect.
The Georgia state GOP is pissing its pants about the twin threats posed by Obama and former Atlanta metro area Congressman Bob Barr. Some local polls (such as those conducted by former state GOP congressman Matt Towery’s agency) indicate that Barr is pulling as much as 7-8 percent of McCain’s support, right off the top. Between that and the strength that Obama’s got in heavily-minority districts in the state, the GOP is running scared that a Democrat might actually take the state this time, something that hasn’t happened in over 30 years, and even then, the Democrat in question was a local boy named Carter.
There’s a reason why the GOP is trying to break the winner-take-all electoral vote model in California, but not in the Southern states. That reason is that the majority-black Congressional districts are all leaning heavily towards Obama, and that idea terrifies the living crap out of the lily-white GOP. Nowhere is this more true than in the Deep South, where many states are still required to pre-clear any redrawn districts with the Federal Department of Justice.
Is Obama going to take any Southern states? Maybe. VA and FL are weakening, and are proving quite troublesome for McCain to hold. If he loses either of those states, then he MUST win Ohio to offset it, but even so, winning OH would not guarantee his victory. McCain needs to hold Virginia, hold Florida AND win Ohio to even have a hope of winning.
And in the meantime, Obama is nibbling off small Western states and cutting heavily into McCain’s margins in the Deep South and Mid-Atlantic.
I’m not worried. Braggadocio like Guessie’s is more emblematic of desperation than it is of confidence. A truly confident conservative wouldn’t be acting like that.
Guessie is absolutely fucking terrified. Aside from being completely ignorant of political history and dynamics in the Deep South.
Palin is the Princess Di of Wingnuttia.
So the fuck what.
It’s the economy, stupid.
This isn’t brain surgery. Stop whining and start fighting.
My favorite position was well known at the first college I went to.
The fact is that it was so well known that I had to scram and go to another college.
This happened four more times until I figured out what to do about it.
My current creepy “husband” loves sex more with Bristol than with me. That is OK, I got that other clown on the side.
Sarah Palin’s Political Positions said,
September 10, 2008 at 19:53
It’s nice that you crossed over and all Truthy, but you can’t just adapt Republican means to Democratic ends.
How long until Malkin is rooting through that poor librarian’s garbage?
Oh, Toofie. Toofie, Toofie,
Except, of course, as with everything else, you’re wrong.
No, it’ll still work. Not even stupid people like to be called stupid. And Obama’s couching it exactly right – “They must think you’re stupid.” That’s world’s of different from saying, “hey, you’re stupid!” no matter how true it is. That puts the blame on MCain and not on the stupid people who believe him. The slogan also implies that in order NOT to be stupid, don’t believe McCain. That message works even with the lowest of mouth-breathers.
From the “Calling a Spade a Spade” dept.:
Obama says, “Take your poutrage and shove it.”
I am begining to warm up to:
Sarah Palin, Princess Di of the Wingnuts.
I’m looking forward to Truthy’s post-election freakout. Two days of screaming and weeping, then he’ll vanish, never to be heard from again.
Truthy continues to play the “sower of despair” role that he and his other semi-literate GOP operatives have taken upon themselves. This consists of an endless variation of Nelson Muntz pointing at you and going, “HA ha!”
Unfortunately, it’s a powerful psychological trick to suppress voter turnout among Democrats and progressives. Because the stark truth is that Democratic voter registrations far outnumber the Republicans’ in all the key states. The numbers don’t lie. If the registered Democrats all show up on election day, McCain goes down. Period.
It terrifies them.
The riposte to their psychological attack (as all of us here know full well) is laughter, which banishes fear (psychologically, that’s how laughter evolved) and turns the attack back on them. Every progressive should make a point of watching The Daily Show and reading Sadly, No! every single day until election day.
Obama’s going to win if we keep laughing at the hype. Believe it.
“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” — Mark Twain
Teh Troofh:
Seems your boy and his momma are losing.
“Obama is unelectable – you’ll recall I told all of you this months ago – and the only question now is, where will all of your hatred be aimed next?”
I don’t recall this, but since I go into auto-sleep mode any time I sense the proximity of any of your dull, white, heterosexual, dull, standard, boring, dull, uninteresting, rich, white, same old same old, did I say dull? word-dung, I go right to sleezzzZZZZZZZzzzz.
Now fuck off. OH, you are SO BORING. Crawl back into your pile of Tom Clancy novels. “The Truth” my yawning … zzzz.
MaineMan said, I live in a town about the size of Wasilla. What scares me the most about Sarah Palin is not her attempting to ban books or her firing of town employees, but the fact that she left Wasilla $20-something million in debt – and survived. If our town administrator had done that, his body parts would’ve been used as lobster bait.
I remember when “I’m gonna move to Alaska!!!!” was considered the grown-up version of “I’m gonna run away and join the circus!!!” The state then calling itself “America’s Last Frontier” had an irresistable charm for all the Wylde Boyz (of both sexes) who considered themselves cruelly hemmed in by petty governmental restrictions like helmet laws, DUI levels, and the constant nagging against public nudity. Many of the Bold Rebel Spirits who actually lit out for those territories, of course, managed to take themselves out of the gene pool eventually, but the survivors & their descendants seem to retain a voting bloc that favors strong opinion over actual thought. It’s an intensified version of the all-American Idiocracy, or Rethuglican, section of our electorate. And Sarah-cuda’s “Fvck the rules, I’m in charge now” philosophy is the distilled essence of the Eternal Adolescent. Sure, she went off half-cocked and started building her way-cool
party palacesports arena on somebody else’s property, and then lost interest and moved elsewhere, leaving the local suckers stuck with a crippling debt load, but hey! — at least she didn’t let “The Grownups” tell her what she couldn’t do!America how many times do you have to be hit over the head before you figure out who’s hitting you?
-Harry Truman
Doesn’t Todd Palin look like every guy who tailgates you, then blows right by, then ends up next to you at the next light?
Yep, merely INQUIRING about banning books, firing the librarian who stands up to your SS-style thuggery, & then reinstating her in the face of public disgust & outrage, only to later hound her out of her job is TOTALLY not as bad as succeeding in banning said books. Good job, The Trout! Run with that one.
… & in 1939, Poland lauched a dastardly sneak-attack on helpless German border-guards in behest of their Jewish-Bolshevik overlords.
Olbermann ASKED to be taken off the anchor spot months ago – a detail you left out of your premature hategasm. I suspect he’s quite relieved at no longer having to sew up his tongue from biting it so often. Nice try, dingdong.
Obama’s going to have to KEEP falling continually for, oh, about 5 months to be in a losing position next to Wet-Start. Oopsy, looks like the election’s not in February – & the debates don’t QUITE look super-duper-awesome for the McNasty – Caribou/Klaus Barbie ticket, so … FAIL-O-RAMA. The man knows how to come from behind – just ask Hillary Clinton, a REAL political pitbull.
The “independants” are smelling suspiciously like Rove’s own vat-grown little sleeper-Borgs, just like the PUMAs were before them – & real independants seem to be splitting roughly 50-50, which spells victory for Obama.
Anyone who TRULY wants to see the GOP get a taste of their own rat-fuckery should be touting Barr as “real change from the Dem/GOP Old Boys’ Club” – a meme I expect will gain ever more traction as November draws nearer. Another 4-8% Wet-Start can’t afford to lose. Poor old fuck can’t even STEAL an election.
Your “give up, it’s hopeless” schtick doesn’t work anymore.
Now what?
Methinks someone’s flop-sweat is showing.
Looks lovely on you, Trout. Just plain lovely.
Sarah-cuda’s “Fvck the rules, I’m in charge now” philosophy is the distilled essence of the Eternal Adolescent. Sure, she went off half-cocked and started building her way-cool party palace sports arena on somebody else’s property, and then lost interest and moved elsewhere, leaving the local suckers stuck with a crippling debt load, but hey! — at least she didn’t let “The Grownups” tell her what she couldn’t do!
Isn’t this almost exactly what Bush did with the Texas Rangers’ baseball stadium?
Let’s see…
Fundamentalist Xtian: check!
Phony military record: check!
Leaving an enterprise deep in debt: check!
Deep in the pocket of Big Oil: check!
Anti-abortion: check!
Fucked-up family: check!
My gawd…Palin really is Dubya in lipstick!
Wait, so Sarah Palin and a librarian were fighting?
I don’t care if it makes me sexist for saying it, but that is the most awesome thing.
[…] so fast on that Palin vs the Librarian story! This story appears to have real (and scary) […]
[…] so fast on that Palin vs the Librarian story! This story appears to have real (and scary) […]
If they take our books we’ll take their guns.
“My gawd…Palin really is Dubya in lipstick!”
Hey, wait just a minute. Have we ever seen them together?
Why doesn’t crack investigative reporter Brian Ross just review the council meeting minutes from that meeting to see if it is true?
It’s public record.
[…] mayor, she inquired about banning books and then subsequently tried to fire the town librarian for not showing sufficient […]
We hold these Truths to be self-arrogant.
Sad, but true: pablo you are right! Palin is just … I don’t even find the rigth words to say. She has some real strange views. Fortunately she didn’t became vice president.
Why is Billy Quizboy in that report?