Loose Lips Sink Drips
Obama: ‘You can put lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig.’
Tintin adds: I’m also surprised they didn’t say this:
Even assuming that Obama meant to call Palin a pig, this is more of the Republican Italian soccer player fake penalty gambit where the player throws himself on the ground, screams bloody murder, grasps an allegedly injured limb while pointing at an opponent yelling “Red Card! Red Card!” They’ve spent the campaign calling Obama a traitor who would be willing to lose a war to win a campaign. By any measure, calling someone a pig in response is, well, only a mild retort and not worthy of the faux-histrionics that the Republicans are mustering up over the pig business.
Don’t even need to link click to know that’s 100% accurate.
Don’t even need to link click to know that’s 100% accurate.
Fuck accurate, click the nym link.
Ladies and gentlemen, The Pointer Sisters and Gaylor Birch!
Oh God, that’s priceless. That reminds me of something from an old college publication at Brown–the “review” of an African film called “Guimba the Tyrant,” printed entirely in all caps–“WHY?!? BECAUSE I AM GUIMBA! GUIMBA THE TYRANT!!”
The fact is, hot sweaty negro gals and drummer boys do not win elections.
The fact is, what wins elections is retard babies.
You can put a cheerleader outfit on a crazy person and it’s still a crazy person.
We probably shouldn’t use the word “retard”.
UPDATE: new video in nymlink.
I think the better point to make is that Lipstick on a Pig is a phrase that needs to die.
Sorry, its just another in a long line of rhetorical gaffes that demonstrate my ineptitude.
They deserve to be tortured.
Lipstick. Stinky fish. Are we sure there’s not some chortling going on in the backroom at Obama’s place?!
Or have I just been sensitized by the endless dogwhistling?
You know, there has to be dozens of these “You can..” lines out there. Especially for Michelle, something like “You can lead a horticulture…” or whatever. I forget.
Sorry, that was me again, won’t happen again, i blame it on people blogging during happy hour.
You know, there has to be dozens of these “You can..” lines out there. Especially for Michelle, something like “You can lead a horticulture…” or whatever. I forget.
You can lead a Jap to prison camp, doesn’t mean you have to buy my book.
You can pose next to a bloody dead moose, doesn’t mean I have to abort my retard baby.
You can say one thing one day and say the exact opposite tomorrow doesn’t mean I won’t get published in the Washington Post.
I will take you pheasant hunting and shoot you in the face if you fuck with me bitch.
And you people wonder why our next president will be Sarah “Smokin’ Hot” Palin.
Whoops, meant to nym-change and say “the fact is” up there.
Sorry, won’t happen again, happy hour.
Ted also makes me confused. Indeed I believe Ted would be able to confuse a tax lawyer who writes confusing corporate structures to confuse revenue authorities around the world.
Therefore it is likely Ted Williams is trying to hide international funding sources for a non-government group, probably al-qaeda. Ipso facto he is a terrorist and should be shipped to Gitmo toot sweet.
Ergo, I was going to vote for Obama but now I am forced to vote for John McCain even though I live in another country.
I hope you are proud Ted.
I just hope Joe Biden is watching and rewatching Election right now, and having his people interview everyone who went to high school with her who’ll speak to them. He needs to get under her skin without seeming to bully her, and lure her into losing her cool, even just a little. No one really likes the most popular girl in school, people just need to be reminded why.
Also cuz it’d make Malkin put up a post of nothing but uninterrupted swearing.
Okay i know i said i was done but this just needs comment. The fact is, you are never gonna get your sweet young mandingo boy elected using big words. All caps are good, big words bad.
Keep it simple. “Palin Worships Nordic Goat Gods”. “Canibal McCain Ate Human Flesh As POW”.
Doesn’t hurt to throw in a misspelling if you can’t remember how to spell, say,”canible”. Just fire off the emails. Jeebus have you people learned nothing about how to win elections?
Ted am.
I know you cats back there in the USA are all wired into the cool stuff, watching and rewatching the O’Rielly Factor and stuff, but wtf you on about?
Might help if you dropped a link.
I’m not calling it a model to follow, just… relevant.
I’m also up way too late, and going to solve that problem.
Eh, I preferred the silver age Hulkin. None of this angsty “xtreme” crap, just plain old insanity, destruction and cheerleader uniforms.
On Earth Two, did the Supreme Court select Gore instead of Chimpy McFuckup?
On Earth Two, did the Supreme Court select Gore instead of Chimpy McFuckup?
Sadly, no.
They chose Buchanan.
Jews rule.
Seriously, who is running this place? Its like out of control.
Hey, thanks Brad, I’ll look that up. Matthew Broderick is it? And Reese Witherspoon? And its not a chick flick, something more important that Joe Biden should watch…?
Damn we are so gonna lose this election… again.
Okay, I’m done now, off to beat the meat to that “I am sarah palin”video (except for the fat ugly chick).
Tie me up and hurt me republican chicks!
You all have fun surrendering and apoligizing and loosing.
Palin/McCain 2008
On Earth Two…
Apparently that largish Hadron crusher thingie did not rip the space/time fabric so I guess we’re still stuck in Bizarro World.
The obsession with animals in make-up has got to stop, people!!!!
It just cheapens the whole relationship and makes a mockery of the one pure love.
That reminds me of something from an old college publication at Brown–the “review” of an African film called “Guimba the Tyrant,” printed entirely in all caps–”WHY?!? BECAUSE I AM GUIMBA! GUIMBA THE TYRANT!!”
Hmm… college publication at Brown… “I AM GUIMBA!” etc. in all caps… so tell me, did that Brown college reviewer grow up to be Giblets?
Mickey Kaus called. He wants to know if you can put lipstick on a goat.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch:
Pollsters admit they are oversampling Republicans. They swear they have a good reason, somewhere, for making it look like John McCain got a convention bounce.
No wonder wingers are happy. Do they know how hard all these people are working to make the world look good for them? All that rigging and sweating and obfuscation and paper shredding and email hiding and bribing of National Guard officers?
You’d think they’d be more publicly grateful.
Wait — are they saying that Republicans were over-sampled but the resulting over-sample was not then adjusted back to reflect the actual sample size?
Because it’s okay to over-sample a set of people in a survey (you want enough of them to make a statistically reliable argument), depending on the methodology used to then re-adjust your model.
For example, in a lot of surveys, you may not get enough African Americans or young people or whatever. So you call more. But if they represent 18% of your sample size, after calling more you make sure that the larger sample still only impacts the model to the degree that 18% would.
If you call more, though, and don’t re-adjust, then you’re screwing up what the actual population distribution is.
Surely a major polling company wouldn’t make that, um, well, yeah, I guess you can do anything you want.
You’d think they’d be more publicly grateful.
That doesn’t help work the refs. Poutrage does.
According to the article, they bumped up the R’s in their sample by 2%. Admitted their sampling is not adjusted to reflect the 10 mill or so advantage in registered Democrats. Admitted they are not polling newly registered voters because that does not fit their “likely voter” criteria.
But they say it’s too soon to change the way they did things in 2004.
Hey — are Republicans intellectually fit to govern yet ?
So there you are.
If you call more, though, and don’t re-adjust, then you’re screwing up what the actual population distribution is.
Sentence is?
Hey — are Republicans intellectually fit to govern yet ?
Is it really necessary to criticize our opponents thusly? Wouldn’t it be better to put forth our sensible alternatives and let the voters decide?
El Cid said,
September 10, 2008 at 13:41
Hey — are Republicans intellectually fit to govern yet ?
I dunno. I was quoting a Republican, so, yeah, maybe they should answer that.
There needs to be an ad with both Dick(less) Cheney and John McCain saying the exact same thing. Then the narrator says “We agree” or something like that. It writes itself.
The Daily Show did a thing showing McCain’s & Bush’s speeches using the exact same phrases. Like ten of them.
Ok, since Sarah Palin made a “joke” about lipstick being the difference between a pit bull and a “hockey mom”, no one else is allowed to use phrases that have been around since before she was born? Or even use the word “lipstick”?
Ok, then, fine. From here on out when talking about John McCain and Sarah Palin, we’ll say “You can try to polish a turd, but it still smells like shit.”
Yeah, I like that one better anyway.
Yeah, well, fuck reality and it’s liberal bias.
Did anyone catch Mark Halperin (yeah, wanker emeritus at Atrios’ place) actually calling out the McCain camp’s crocodile tears and blasting his colleagues for covering this stuff? We’ve officially crossed into bizarro world.
She shoots,. She scores!
Other alternatives:
You can wear an onion on your belt, you still look like an idiot.
You can plant roses in your septic, it’ll still…Hey you kids, get off my lawn!
It’s not sexist. It’s sexier. Seriously. Ever try to fuck a pig without lipstick?
Speaking of misogyny, look at that title. Hrmf, “Loose Lips” indeed.
The Republican response to the “lipstick on a pig” non-event stands in sober, dignified contrast to the allegedly “hysterical” (no sexism there!) reaction of the Obama campaign to actual lies told by Team McCain about Obama.
These people. Seriously.
Aaron is right. Maybe the best response the Obama campaign could make to this nonsense is to say, “Calm down, Mary.”
But at least that pig doesn’t smear it on like a trollop, you cunt.
It’s hilarious that the people who brought you the word “feminazi” are getting bent out of shape about “sexism” wrt any criticism of Sarah Palin.
Wait, not hilarious.
Lip sticks slicks dicks
John McCain on Hillary’s health plan: “Lipstick on a Pig”.
Not sexist.
Barack Hussein Obama X on John McCain’s “change” mantra: “Lipstick on a Pig”:
Worst seckism evar.
“Lipstick on a pig.” For shame.
Proper, non-sexist Republican gentlemen always refer to women as “trollopy cunts”. It’s much more respectful.
I was wondering, considering that various polls seemed to have a wide margin of error lately. For example, Gallup & WaPo on Mon. showed McCain taking a comfortable lead over Obama, but Rasmussen and SurveyUSA had him slightly negative or break even.
They’re trying to play the “discourage Dems from voting” card so hard this election, like they did in 2000 & 04. But I don’t think it’s going to work this time for several reasons:
— Things were fine in 00, and while it was obvious that Bush was a fuck up in 04, the shit didn’t really hit the fan until a year or two after the election.
— Gore didn’t have much of a motivating message, and face it, Kerry was a pretty bland candidate that didn’t give the Dems/Indeps much reason to vote for him except that he wasn’t Bush.
— The GOTV campaign for the Dems has been huge the past couple of years, and the “discouragement card” seems to motivate them more.
Really, I’m predicting a “Dewey defeats Truman” election, where the media will think their man has won, but the actual results show he didn’t. It’s kind of ironic that Gallup is admittedly warping their polls like this. After all, the agency was founded when George Gallup realized that the polls tended to favor the Repub candidate over FDR because they were conducted over telephones, which were sort of a luxury item in those days.
Also, notice how Blacky Hussein X ObaMuslim is using “pig” in a derogatory fashion. Yet more compelling evidence of his Islamic Muslim-y Muslim-ness.
And “fish” – also derogatory, he just kissed the Catholic vote good-bye. Why does Obama hate Catholics (and by extension – all Christians)? Oh, that’s right – because he’s MUSLIM!!!one1!
And wrapping the fish in paper? Obviously he meant newspaper – a shoutout to all his cronies in the lie-bral em-ess-em, who have been concealing all the really damaging things about Senator Hussein. That he eats babies, wants to fuck your sister, institute Shania Law and also force children play on your lawn!
to play. It’s Obama’s Marxist Evil Islamism that’s making drop words. Damn you Barack, and your Liberally Fascistic Socialistic Dhimmitudinal Atheist Islamism.
I believe the phrase “lipstick on a pig” first appeared in the premier edition of the Old Farmer’s Almanac. No, I have no citation for that because I just made it up.
I guess the lesson we’ve learned is that the Obama campaign isn’t allowed to use any words the McCain campaign has already used, so we can expect future campaign speeches to be delivered in Gaelic or some such.
I wonder what Amy Alkon has to say about all this censorship by the McCain camp. I value and respect her opinion on the issue, because of her vast experience in the matter.
oh, fer fuck’s sake, VDH has taken this bullshit to it’s logical conclusion:
“In all the furor over the Obama “pig” quote, commentators forgot to examine his entire attack:
“You can put lipstick on a pig. “It’s still a pig.”
“You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It’s still gonna stink.”
When read in the entire context you can see what he seems to mean with his dual animate male/female references and why he probably evoked two metaphors: most would think that Obama is talking about both on the ticket and his anger how each has expropriated his change motif.
So in that sense he appears both to insult the 72-year old McCain as the “old fish” that is still going to “stink”, and to refer to Palin, who had famously evoked the metaphor of lipstick in a nationally televised address, as still the pig despite the lipstick.”
There’s more here: http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZjhkNmYzOTVkNDgwNGFmNzEzNjc0ZDVkMDMxNWY2NjI=
NOBODY brings the stupid like these people. It’s unbelievable …
Hey Joe Biden! During your debate, its likely Palin will ignore you and go for the she-succeeded-beyond-our-low-expectations result. So what you do is, answer the questions directed at you quickly and easily and BRIEFLY, then go back to her question and answer it better, and then smile. Bring up all the democratically sponsored legislation that’s affected Alaska, especially funding for Native Alaskans, such as clinics and schools and cultural diversity. Show her you know the history of Alaskan politics more than she does. Give a call to a Native Alaskan chief a few days before the debate, just for a chat, and find out about Chaminade’s basketball prospects. Drop this in during the family chatter during the debate.
Truth- Excuse me? I believe you were told to use a mandatory catch phrase from now on. Don’t let this mistake happen again.
Wow, how rude! Doesn’t Obama know that Palin stopped telling her favorite n***er joke just for him?
This has played out well for the Dems. The McCain camp played the Palin victimhood game. They should have just let this go, because its on every newscast today and the message that McCain/Palin are fake reformers is reinforced each time people see it.
I believe the phrase “lipstick on a pig” first appeared in the premier edition of the Old Farmer’s Almanac. No, I have no citation for that because I just made it up.
The truth is the Old Farmer’s Almanac was quoting John McCain.
It’s hilarious that the people who brought you the word “feminazi” are getting bent out of shape about “sexism” wrt any criticism of Sarah Palin.
Yes. “Hitlery” and “Hildebeast” – those were just good-natured fun. Loosen up.
Really, I’m predicting a “Dewey defeats Truman” election, where the media will think their man has won, but the actual results show he didn’t.
Oh, dear, Buddha. The problem is, given the media’s practice of allowing lies to stand unchallenged as truth, all McCain would have to do is just SAY he won, and the media would do a “on the one hand, on the other hand” every night till January 20th.
It would be the next logical extension of 2000.
Just saw talking heds on CNN talking about how the media is talking about this latest horseshit. Talking about why do the media talk about this stuff? I don’t know, Jim VanDelei of Politico! Why indeed? Why don’t the media ask themselves why they talk about stupid shit?
In other news, Al Franken won his primary in Minnesota.
In other news, citizens in 22 of 22 countries outside the US want to see Obama elected. Why does America hate America? Are we now so covered in shame and self-loathing that we actually think we don’t deserve to have anything better than a pandering lying ruthlessly wrecklessly dishonest pair of fuckbags leading us now?
The adjustments make perfect sense. You have to adjust the polls for all the Democrats who’ve been stricken from the voting roles without their knowledge.
[…] little cute. You could even turn the “fish” thing into an anti-Christian thing, or like Sadly, a Moron, make fishy “fag” jokes if you want. So did Obama intend to call Palin pig who smells […]
Good article about Palin and the faux-outrage about sexism at Huffington
My fave bit?: Palin quickly picked up the fallen standard of those Hillary voters who put “18 million cracks” in the glass ceiling. She didn’t crack anything. John McCain helicoptered her to the roof, and they led her down the back stairs.
‘Simulation’ now gets you a yellow card. Especially in the box.
[Oh noes! He said ‘box’! Sexist! Sexist!]
Really, I’m predicting a “Dewey defeats Truman” election, where the media will think their man has won, but the actual results show he didn’t.
Um, did you forget something? We’re in the 21st century now — they’d never let a silly thing like results trump perception. Perception is reality.
That’s funny Jules. Keep up with the shitty analysis and you’ll continue to be famous here.
Damn, when do we get to rename the Republicans as the Whiny Baby Party?
Seriously, there are colicky newborns who cry less than McCain and Palin.
“Sadly, a Moron” just doesn’t have the same snappy bounce to it as “Sadly, No”.
Scary thought. A nation of Mark Krikorians
Lipstick [Mark Krikorian]
I agree with the consensus that the campaign shouldn’t whine about the lipstick on a pig comment. Instead, Gov. Palin should simply start each appearance by pausing briefly at the podium to touch up her lipstick, and then move on. People who get the joke will love it, and those who don’t will have it explained to them by others, ensuring that pretty soon, even those who don’t follow the news will hear about it, to Obama’s detriment.
Now we know why Bill Engvall has his own show.
I’m guessing that “lipstick on a pig” refers to 9iu11ani. No?
The Palin nomination is more of a pig-in-a-poke.
What, too folksy?
I think we know what Senator Obama was really saying: John McPOW smells like eight-year-old fish. Trust me, I know that smell, and it’s true. OMFG is it true.
Shorter Jules “Verne” Crittenden: I ignored the flap over the lipstick remark until I got my fax from Karl Rove.
It could have been worse. What if Obama had said something about “not buying a pig in a poke”? Oh dear.
It gets even better. Her commentors are flipping out about Obama’s description of the Toles cartoon – not realizing that he said, “there’s a cartoon” before he quotes it.
God, these people are just plain doorknobs.
So Crittenden thought nothing of the fish comment until he remembered that Palin was once photographed holding a fish. By now, of course, everyone in America has seen every picture ever taken of Palin, because we all spend four hours every night sifting through the internet for them. But this PARTICULAR image has been seared into our collective unconscious as THE moment that best defines her. After all, who else has ever gone on a fishing trip and taken a photo with the fish that they caught?
And ‘likely voter’ polls aren’t worth shit until the pollsters publish their likely voter models and those models hold water.
We find it highly offensive that Obama compared us to Sarah McPalin! Sure we’re filthy, dirty, nasty, vile creatures, but what have we ever done to deserve such a thing?
I’m waiting for Charlie DisneyWorld Gibson to ask Missy Tough Gal Saraaaah how she feels about Charlotte’s Web and the perils of global pig-icide on national teevee.
And, yo, what’s the difference between Missy Sarah and crispy fried bacon? A couple of months, tops.
God Bless Lipstick. Because I know I can’t live without it.
MOve along.. nothing here. The press is looking for news cycles and republicans can’t run on issues or judgement. The Italian Soccer Fake is a very appropriate analogy. Stick to the issues.
Surely this insult is just further proof that Obama is a Muslim? Why a PIG with lipstick after all? It just so happens that Obama uses the uncleanest animal, according to Muslims, as an insult is it? Eh? Eh?
And thus the reason why I shall never write comedy is revealed: I r teh suck at it.
Even more sadly, I suspect somewhere this is being used as a serious talking point.
When read in the entire context you can see what he seems to mean with his dual animate male/female references and why he probably evoked two metaphors:
What is WRONG with this guy? What male/female reference could possibly be derived from this? Are pigs inherently female and fish inherently male? This isn’t just stupid; it’s incoherent. He’s really beginning to sound like he’s either drunk or senile.
Obama should start talking in Parliafunkadelicmentian double, triple, and quadruple entrendres. The forwards from A.C. Wingnuttia won’t know what to do.
Trilateral Chairman: Well, back in my day women were fish and men were pigs. And we liked it! Wait, no we didn’t.
Pigs aren’t female unless you add the playdoh.
I thought the “stinky old fish” comment was about McCain.
analogy test epic fail
palin : mccain :: lipstick : pig
Look, Palin – if you don’t want people to compare you to an animal wearing lipstick, don’t go around saying you’re an animal wearing lipstick.
There’s some really good crazy going on in the Malkin comments:
BO keeps letting his Muslim heritage show when he refers to a Christian woman as a, “Pig,” and the other day when he spoke of. “my Muslim faith.”
It is clear that BO is inciting violence against Ms. Palin, her daughter, and by extension against women in general
Wow. And did you check out this guy?
Clif, “Republicans as Italian footballers”:
Brilliant; just fecking brilliant. Like Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection, brilliant, yet so simple and obvious that one feels stupid not having thought of it oneself. And now that you mention it, I’ve never seen the US Republican Party and gli Azzurri in the same room. Coincidence? I think not.
What is necessary, therefore, is that Obama turns out to be Spain.
McCain has proposed to bankrupt the country even faster than Bush with bigger tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% and more tax breaks for fossil fuel industries. Think any of that will trickle down to the rest of us? He’ll give you a tax “credit” less than half what it takes to go out and buy health insurance for your family but you’re on your own after that. He thinks we can throw the Russians out of the G8 when in fact the Russians would have to vote themselves out. Even the Bush Administration thinks that’s nutty. Everyone from the Iraqi government to the Bush Administration has adopted Obama’s timetable for getting out of Iraq but McCain still wants to stay for four, a hundred or a thousand years, or whatever it is this week.
Pigs will fly before any of that works.
bago said,
It’s not sexist. It’s sexier. Seriously. Ever try to fuck a pig without lipstick?
I find it makes the pig want to lick it off your lips.
Obama took exactly the right stance this morning in his appearance at a high school on this manufactured outrage by the Lipstick on a Pig remark…which I thought was wonderful because besides the old meaning it was a dig at Palin.
He mocked the McCain campaign’s faux outrage and basically said there are too many serious problems facing this country to engage in tomfoolery like this…he was absolutely perfect, cutting it off at the knees, and I don’t think the Corporate media will help it walk anymore.
The “old fish” line gave it away that it was preplanned…
Race Man: How Barack Obama played the race card and blamed Hillary Clinton.
Mickey Kaus knows that you put Chapstick, not lipstick, on a goat.
Hurray! More animal metaphors. Now we got wolves, which remind me, DFH that I am, of the $150 bounty Governor Palin offered for every left foreleg of a wolf.
Italian Soccer Practice
Yeah, that looks just like the Rethugs practicing their faux outrage and pearl-clutching.
For the party that is supposedly so tough on islamofascist DFHs and scary brown Messicans, they sure do suffer from a bad case of the vapors.
Until now, the “lipstick on a pig” trope was never high on my list. Now, however, I think it is incumbent upon every blogger and commenter to use the phrase and assorted variants as often as possible and in regards to everything. For example:
Putting lipstick on a pig is a skill Sarah Palin has learned well.
Bush’s efforts to shore up his legacy is like putting lipstick on the wrong end of a pig.
McCain’s flip-flopping on crucial issues is akin to a pig trying to select the most flattering lipstick.
I find it makes the pig want to lick it off your lips.
Which is why you don’t wear it on your lips…
Personally, I think it was over a long time ago – & with every new royal fuckup, the GOP is making it more over than ever. Their paid bitches in the McMedia are spinning like gyroscopes – & looking more laughably clueless by the day.They can try to turn “lipstick on a pig” into the new Watergate if they like; nobody trusts them anymore anyway, nor have for quite some time – it just shows their true colors. Face it, Trout – even Peggy Noonan says “it’s over” & she’s got the long-term insider status to know whereof she speaks – silly mouthpiece, you think she’d know enough not to blab the REAL truth that close to a mic … too late now. Cat gone, bag empty.
Meanwhile, McCain calls Obama a fucking pedo – & with the money left on their dressers, & the used rubber in the trash, the media sluts stay mum – but it avails Wet-Start for naught. He’s putting the smear out there on everyone’s TeeVee all by himself. The Interwebs will make sure that screwup haunts him, no matter how fast he pulls it off the air.
McCain just put out a piece of political-snuff-porn that made even the grotesque “Willie Horton” ads look high-road – right after he pimped out the 9/11 victims to push some emotional buttons at the RNC, & displayed just how ethically bankrupt his party is – so there’s your “Hero” doing what he does best: selling himself out for the hope of another couple of votes.
Here’s the funny thing: Caribou Barbie wows the McMedia Whorehouse, so Obama loses some EVs, yet, wouldn’t you know it, wacky American politics being the freak-show that it is, he’s set to gain even MORE states from 2004. Seven or eight at the latest count – at least 50 more seats than in 2004 … if you win a state by ONE measly seat, you get ALL of that state’s seats. It’s not only not “a dead heat” – it’s not even close, & the GOP isn’t gaining ANY states from 2004. Can you say “wipeout”? The EC system is a real political platypus, & it’s about to chew the GOP a new one.
Poor Republicans. It’s not 2000 anymore: anyone who’s awake is onto their little high-school headgames, but they just don’t have anything else to run with – all Obama has to do is stick to the issues & they’re so fucked they need a pregnancy-test.
The only “fear” Americans should have right now is the reasonable fear of what sort of violent idiocy a few wingnut-loving headcases might decide to pull the day after their “War Hero” proves what a massive loser he really is at the polls.
I can’t wait till the evil Obama shuts down the internets and blocks all dissent like crazy loons like Malkin’s older bro (and others)Jerome Corsi think.
As already commented, on this is too rich coming from Bush’s #1 cheerleader:
“But it’s yet another in a long line of rhetorical gaffes that demonstrate his ineptitude.”
She really is a fucking moron.
Not that my language mauling post puts me in a good light.
Sorry, typing at work and was interrupted. Don’t tell Raggety Amy on me.
pedestrian said,
Which is why you don’t wear it on your lips…
Why would I want to wear a pig on my lips?
Guimba the Tyrant is a great film. All its reviews should be in all-caps.
I find it makes the pig want to lick it off your lips.
In my preferred position, I don’t get to see your lips.
Hundreds of miles away is not a valid position, pig.
my favourite comment from malkin’s lipstick-pig posts:
On September 10th, 2008 at 11:39 am, Politicalguano said:
BO keeps letting his Muslim heritage show when he refers to a Christian woman as a, “Pig,” and the other day when he spoke of. “my Muslim faith.”
It is clear that BO is inciting violence against Ms. Palin, her daughter, and by extension against women in general. This is today’s Sharia culture – a Christian and a woman has challenged a Muslim Man and he wants her killed. His campaign even refers to her daughter as, “Fair game.” BO has lost all credibility as a uniter and clearly is establishing doubts as to whether he is an extremist Muslim.
I greatly fear for Ms. Palin’s safety and that of her family. The left is full of violent and mentally ill followers. Should any harm befall her or her family, or Senator McCain, does anyone doubt the left will find itself in a shooting war?