Shorter Mona Charen

ABOVE: Mona Charen’s homage to Nancy Sinatra

Is Trig at the Heart of Media’s Reaction to Palin?

  • Liberals hate Sarah Palin because she didn’t abort Trig.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 99


I concur. The world is overrun with hillbilly twats dropping retard litters.


But it’s not unusual at all among committed pro-lifers.
I object to this being a sentence.
And it only gets worse from there. Mona Charen sucks.


False rape charges cost the government billions of dollars every year, through the wasteful use of rape kits.

There is also the cost of prosecuting and falsely imprisoning thousands of innocent men who had the misfortune to sleep with a “liberated” young lady who changed her mind after the fact.

The fact is, if state and municipal governments across the country were to curtail investigations of bogus rape charges, or at least make the accusers financially responsible for the cost of pursuing these wild accusations, our country’s finances would be in surplus, instead of deep in the red as they are thanks to DemoRat tax-and-spending on boutique rape prosecutions.


I cannot count the times I’ve amazed pro-choice people with the news that there are even waiting lists of couples who stand ready to adopt Down syndrome babies.

Virtual litters of Retard babies await adoption if only the liberals would allow it. George Herbert Walker got him one.


I’m really upset about this, simpleminded Alaskans are dropping babies left and right, seriously what is that? One stroke away from the presidency is a litter machine?
Fortunately, I’m her in my rental pad in LA getting paid.


“the fact is, the fact is” fuck you Gary if that is your real name.
Whoa, is kinda cool being here in the top of the thread all drunk on cheap wine and sunburn medication.

Jews Rule!


The fact is, shut your corn-hole.


Don’t most of us, deep down, really think that the most humane and honorable thing is to treat all life as sacred? Even if you are not religious or have no belief in God — doesn’t it appeal to an enlightened humanism to give support and love to the handicapped?

No. Where is this insane bitch from, hasn’t she been paying attention? No one gives a shit about the poor or the retards, its all about me, me, me.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this Charen person isn’t reproducing litters herself.

In fact, most pro-choice people probably treat the handicapped with terrific compassion and care. They doubtless support civil rights legislation like the Americans with Disabilities Act, additional school spending, and generous Social Security benefits. They’d be the first to hold the door for someone in a wheelchair, and they’d be friendly toward anyone with obvious mental retardation.

Stupid bitch can’t even start a bogus strawman paragraph correct. It’s “The fact is…”
And I’d be the first to kick her litter-having wheel-chair riding ass down a flight of stairs given half a chance.

But for themselves, they would abort. And there stands Sarah, Trig Palin in her arms, a beautiful ambassador for the path of humility, duty, honor, and grace. It’s no wonder she was in their crosshairs from the get go.

Who are these “themselves” all aborting?
But seriously, there stands Sarah, retard in her left arm, seal-killin’ harpoon in her right, ready to mount the monument of freedom with beauty, crosshairs and small town politics…


The fact is, shut your corn-hole.

It is tiny turds like you who destroy the sensible discourse in blog comments.
Fortunately, soon you and your ilk will be sidelined or hunted.


I concur. The world is overrun with hillbilly twats dropping retard litters.

Say could you delete this ugly post, cuz it was funny when youall did it before and i’m fairly sure the dumbass who posted it wouldn’t mind.


Gary Ruppert said,
September 9, 2008 at 9:17

False rape charges cost the government billions of dollars every year, through the wasteful use of rape kits.

There is also the cost of prosecuting and falsely imprisoning thousands of innocent men who had the misfortune to sleep with a “liberated” young lady who changed her mind after the fact.

The fact is, if state and municipal governments across the country were to curtail investigations of bogus rape charges, or at least make the accusers financially responsible for the cost of pursuing these wild accusations, our country’s finances would be in surplus, instead of deep in the red as they are thanks to DemoRat tax-and-spending on boutique rape prosecutions.

False rape charges do indeed cost the taxpayers billions, as do false child care expenses. I, for instance, once had sex.


I, for instance, once had sex.




My blog is green and really hard to read!


“The example of people living their principles by embarking on the undeniably difficult path of raising a handicapped child is a hard one to dismiss. In fact, it’s hard not to admire.”

She’s rich and has a husband to take care of the kids. You’re right Mona, truly an admirable decision on her part.


My blog is green and really hard to read!

Meh indeed. You know, all that matters is friends with their noses buried into the soil backing you up. It doesn’t even matter if some drunken clown is toasting up a maple tofu and asparagus to be served on organic brown rice with a sweet green salad and a fresh baked baguette, doesn’t even matter if he’s drunkenly ruled this thread because he can and you all still are asleep. Its all about the… oh wait.. what was it… oh yeah, vote bitches.


Warning: all the stuff above except “OwlBert”, I , Ted Williams ,wrote.
Yes, I am Amy Alkon, but no I am not mikey or Mkniz or that bubbha guy.

Please, carry on.


I’m impressed.

I completely lose the ability to type when I’m on hallucinogens.


oh and that last url link to my name, go read that.


I completely lose the ability to type when I’m on hallucinogens.

Hey look I might be outof line here, but is there a mailing list for this stuff?


Sarah Palin is a shallow, opportunistic, religious nut-job, however, I do feel sympathy for her and her baby.

Here’s where the problem is: conflating fetuses with human beings, and saying it is the same. Of course, Trig is a beautiful baby, BUT he is no longer a fetus.

Humanizing a fetus is not much different than humanizing a corpse or the ashes of a deceased. Some people do, they keep an urn in their home and talk to it as if it is still the same person. It is sad, but it probably has some therapeutic value. Now, does that mean that the govt should make us all keep urns with ashes in our homes and treat them as human beings?

The NYT story says that Palin was not thrilled with her pregnancy and it is a bit sad that she did not have the choice in her mind to end it. Now, however, I think we should all wish her and Trig well.

And beat her soundly in the elections.


“In fact, most pro-choice people probably treat the handicapped with terrific compassion and care. They doubtless support civil rights legislation like the Americans with Disabilities Act, additional school spending, and generous Social Security benefits.”

They also probably naturally smell better than you, probably save puppies from burning buildings and probably give handjobs to the homeless.

Their halos just shine brighter than yours, you murderous liberal cunts.


Told that the baby she was carrying would be handicapped with Down syndrome, she and her husband made the only decision their consciences would permit — to welcome this child with the same love they would give to any other. That decision is comparatively rare in America.

I didn’t think they got a decision in the matter? If you are pro-life, you believe abortion is murder. So is Mona arguing that they considered murder? If not, if it is true that they had no decision, then there was nothing brave or admirable about it. They simply did what they had to do.

But there I go trying logic again. That will always be Epic Fail to the wingnut parade.


Re: Rape Kits. You gotta think like Sarah:

Of course they charged raped women for the rape kits–because they aren’t victims, they’re mommies-to-be! The rape kit is just the first step in building the kid’s memory scrapbook.

“And look, young Nanook, taped to this page is your father’s pubic hair, which we combed out of mine. It has half your DNA!”


I don’t think Trig’s the problem. I think it’s her lesser-know child Pre-Calculus.


“False rape charges cost the government billions of dollars every year, through the wasteful use of rape kits.”

Your wife does your shopping, doesn’t she? Here’s a hint: milk doesn’t really cost $9 a gallon.

So filled with hate right now. Goddamn fucking WoW.


That decision is comparatively rare in America.*

*Based on facts and figures provided by the fReichtard Institute of Making Shit Up.

But this is life in the world of the fRightWing radical. It doesn’t matter if you’re a power hungry little stoat who thinks laws are for little people. Demonstrate a belief in God that meshes with how the loonies think you should believe in God and you’d have to eat a Caucasian baby on TV while it was still alive before they’d even dare to think that you aren’t such a swell person after all.

But even then 1/2 of them would hop into their sandboxes to demonstrate there was no way a person could eat an entire eight-pound baby.


It is difficult to remember they keep touting their “choices” when the essence of their argument is that there isn’t one.

But maybe my brain is tired, figuring out how Alaska can be a “refuge state” for the Rapture, when all the Believers should have vanished by that time.

I think it’s typical of the wingnut mentality to loose track of the fact that they don’t really want to reform the world. They’d like us to keep Planned Parenthood and Las Vegas for them to sneak off to, and remain a point of scolding.


I know that I for one was first attracted to Barack Obama as a candidate when my liberal action network showed me the secret video of him performing recreational abortions and ritual infanticide.

The right wing is really insightful about liberals and their motivations.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you fake pop sociologist and typical GOP hack David Brooks in the NYT, trying his best to feed pseudo-intellectual Republicans a poop sandwich and telling ’em it’s great:

If I were McCain, I’d make the divided government argument explicit. The Republicans are intellectually unfit to govern right now, but balancing with Democrats, they might be able to do some good. I’d have McCain tell the country that he looks forward to working with Congressional Democrats, that he is confident they can achieve great things together.

We aren’t obligated to quote his whole argument, either!



Bring Back Barney Smith!!!


Funny, I was just wondering the other day about how best to define David Brooks’ audience: pseudo-intellectual Republicans = wingnuts who consider themselves to sophisticated for the NY Post.





More importantly, 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11!

Op-Ed Contributor

On Nov. 4, Remember 9/11

By JEFFREY GOLDBERG | September 9, 2008 | The New York Times

THE next president must do one thing, and one thing only, if he is to be judged a success: He must prevent Al Qaeda, or a Qaeda imitator, from gaining control of a nuclear device and detonating it in America. Everything else — Fannie Mae, health care reform, energy independence, the budget shortfall in Wasilla, Alaska — is commentary. The nuclear destruction of Lower Manhattan, or downtown Washington, would cause the deaths of thousands, or hundreds of thousands; a catastrophic depression; the reversal of globalization; a permanent climate of fear in the West; and the comprehensive repudiation of America’s culture of civil liberties…

…it was so disconcerting to hear Barack Obama, on the ABC program “Nightline” in June, commend the virtues of the federal response to the first World Trade Center attack, in 1993. “We were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial,” he said. “They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated.”

This is entirely true, and yet there is no better example of why law enforcement is inadequate to the demands of effective counterterrorism today than the prosecution of the 1993 bombers. The capture and conviction of the terrorists were perfectly executed; the F.B.I. reached all the way to Pakistan to catch the plot’s mastermind, Ramzi Yousef, who is today thoroughly incapacitated at the federal “supermax” prison in Colorado.

And yet, the World Trade Center is gone. Eight years after the first attempt, Ramzi Yousef’s uncle, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, organized a more successful attack. The successful prosecution of the original bombers lulled the country into a counterfeit calm. Law enforcement was obviously unable to prevent the second World Trade Center attack; we must assume, for the country’s sake, that it is also unready for the gathering conspiracies of today, ones we must believe involve non-conventional weapons.

Yep. “Law enforcement was obviously unable to prevent the second World Trade Center attack”. Not Republicans. Not George W. “Get that f***ing PDB out of my face Condi, I don’t give a sh*t” Bush Jr., but LAW ENFORCEMENT.



“Everything else — Fannie Mae, health care reform, energy independence, the budget shortfall in Wasilla, Alaska — is commentary.”

I see. So now we’re setting the bar low for Republicans after the fact.

No matter how badly they fuck up, their leadership is always outstanding. Is that how this works? I can never keep track.


Told that the Iranians were building a nuclear weapon, she and McCain made the only decision their consciences would permit — to show thousands of Iranian children the same love they have showered on Iraqi children. That decision is comparatively rare in America.


OB-GYN Kenobi: Shut up. Bill Clinton failed to prevent 9/11, so obviously your only choice is to vote Republican. All else is faggery. Shut up.


@El Cid

You obviously don’t get it…

Successfully capturing, proscecuting and imprisioning the terrorists who attacked us = het sukage

Ignoring the people who attacked us and killing and/or imprisoning a few hundred thousand other brown people = HET AWESOME!1!1!!!!11!!11!!!!


djheru: Capturing the people who attacked us on 9/11 = fags. Blowin’ up other country = Hero. POW. SHUT UP.


I, for instance, once had sex.

Gary, the fact is, there has to be 2 people involved to call it sex.


It isn’t too late. She could still win our love by giving him a gender change operation or selling him to a San Francisco bath house.


My last post inspired some math:

Civilian deaths in Iraq: ~1,200,000
Child deaths in Iraq (probably higher): ~400,000
Children with Down Syndrome: ~1 in 1,000
Down Syndrome children killed in Iraq: ~4,000

“Happiness is insensitivity.” – Tennesee Williams


Oops, so much for my math. Change that to

Down Syndrome children killed in Iraq: 400.


I want to know why Gary is allowed to post and I’m not. Would it help if I pretended to be a lawyer?


It doesn’t matter how many children with Down’s Syndrome were killed in Iraq; as long as they weren’t aborted, that’s all that matters. Life after birth is not precious.


Mona Charen is teh sexy in go-go boots!!!!!!!!!!11!!!


Remember, the fact that law enforcement approaches have worked so well, is proof that law enforcement approaches suck, because gabba gabba wha, purple banana, and Al Gore is fat.


Republicans are unfit to govern. David Brooks

This is a keeper. Every thread should say this at least once.


It is difficult to remember they keep touting their “choices” when the essence of their argument is that there isn’t one.

Samantha Bee did a really great segment on The Daily Show where she interviewed Republicans at the convention who were outraged that liberals would pry into Palin’s personal affairs.

“Right, it’s nobody’s business because it is her… oh what is the word I am looking for. Like an option, or a decision…” The best response was, “There is a difference between saying that people can make their own choices and being pro-choice”


Hey! Gary’s so predictable I don’t even have to read the post to know what his Republican talking point is referring to!

Wow! Good on you Gary. You’re serving your Rovian masters well.


there is no better example of why law enforcement is inadequate to the demands of effective counterterrorism today than the prosecution of the 1993 bombers.

Um, what’s he saying? “We caught the guys who committed terrorism in 1993, but because some other guys committed terrorism again eight years later, it wasn’t worth it?”


Um, what’s he saying? “We caught the guys who committed terrorism in 1993, but because some other guys committed terrorism again eight years later, it wasn’t worth it?”

Repbublicans that I’ve encountered seem to think any solution that isn’t 100% effective AND doesn’t involve blowing up lots of shit, killing lots of people, and making lots of money for “the MIC” , is a waste of time.


BUT blowing up lots of shit, killing lots of people, and making lots of money for “the MIC” is fun all by itself so hey what the fuck you know?


Told that the baby she was carrying would be handicapped with Down syndrome, she and her husband made the only decision their consciences would permit — to welcome this child with the same love they would give to any other.

Time will tell.

After all, she’s a professional woman, and he’s, um, at a no-show job for an oil company.

The children were regularly latch-keys. That might work for a child who is not disabled, but for a Down’s syndrome baby?

That’s child abuse.

Shit Mote in God's Eye

Told that the baby she was carrying would be handicapped with Down syndrome, she and her husband made the only decision their consciences would permit — to welcome this child with the same love they would give to any other. That decision is comparatively rare in America.

Actually, she did not tell her husband. He did not know until shortly before the child was born. And then, she took a six hour plane trip after her water broke, which looks like a deliberate attempt to have a plausibly deniable deliberate death caused by delivery at 40,000 feet without a necessary neonatal ICU.

Even then she did not tell anyone. Not until Bristol visited the hospital room a couple days after the delivery and said, in effect, ‘WTF, Mom, this kid is a mongoloid. Haven’t you noticed?!’


El Cid: Ah b’leeve ah’m gonna need ta see yer license an’ registration, son. Yew got one’a them-there funny furrin names, an’ we’re a-gonna hafta hold yew in custiddy until we kin sort out wether yer in this country legally er not.


I’m pretty sure I didn’t leave a comment on this thread at, what, 4:00 this morning. What in the hayell’s goin’ on around here? I can’t get the gist of what anybody’s talking about. Plus my head hurts. Mona Charen has always sucked.


I’ll be durned. I was commenting while I was sleeping. Thanks Ambien!


Officer, I adopted the name of a man who was said to help Spain fight off the Mooozlims. He didn’t, but still, it’s a good story, and I think you’ll understand why he will be needed again if we let that Kenyo-Hawaiian Indonesian guy establish the Dome of the Rock on the Potomac. Know what I’m sayin’?


El Cid: You in a heepa trouble, boy.


And what’s all this hubbub about her being “inexperienced”? I mean, c’mon, look how well the last “inexperienced” governor we elected president has done.


Um, what’s he saying? “We caught the guys who committed terrorism in 1993, but because some other guys committed terrorism again eight years later, it wasn’t worth it?”

Because it only punished the guys responsible, not all the people who looked like them.


You know, there’s something else that Sarah Palin is inexperienced about – and that’s campaigning for office.

She ran for mayor – that’s a non-partisan position. And, yes, even though she was shoe-horned in there by the Alaska Republican establishment, she didn’t run against a serious partisan opposition.

Same with being elected governor. She didn’t run a serious, Lower-48 style election campaign against a serious professional partisan opposition.

She’s looking good now, but I’m wondering whether she can sustain it. Gaffes, goofs, stumbles – even just opening her mouth and saying something stupid.

I mean, Barack Obama and John McCain both have a lot of experience campaigning, in multiple races. She? not so much.


Because it only punished the guys responsible, not all the people who looked like them.

God, that’s what I was getting at but you said it so much better than I did.


[…] El Cid in comments. ‘Snorter’ concept created by The Republicans are intellectually unfit to govern right […]


Enh, she’s no Condi Rice.


Actually we oppose Sarah Palin because she did not abort Mona Charen


Interesting. The American financial industry seems to think that massive nationalization and fiscal socialism is a good idea (c.f. the market panic all over their econ websites).


Interesting. Da Troof seems to “think.”

Trilateral Chairman

No matter how badly they fuck up, their leadership is always outstanding. Is that how this works? I can never keep track.

Not quite. No matter how badly they fuck up, their leadership is always outstanding, UNLESS the only way to win an election is by acknowledging the fuckups of the past. Then their leadership was always already appalling, and it’s time for a change.

Thus, Bush is currently being thrown overboard after seven and a half years of near-constant adulation from the radical right. Same thing happened to Rumsfeld, albeit after a shorter period: he’s a great guy, exactly the kind of man we need, has our full support, *foom* has resigned and really was a bad choice on Bush’s part in the first place.

If you can get yourself to read Rich Lowry or VD Hanson, you can watch this sort of thing happening all the time. Nickel bet says that VD’s gonna do it next on Sarah Palin–he’s been cranking out the hagiographies at the rate of a few per week, which suggests that before too long, he’ll be writing a more-sorrow-than-anger post in which he points out that McCain has been a bit of a loose cannon all along, etc., etc. Cognitive dissonance doesn’t affect people who are wallowing in politics.


Regrettably, I am allergic to VD Hanson. His alleged “scholarship,” IMO, consists of nothing more than his opinion; his writings, of nothing more than conservative apologia. Were a time-travel machine ever to be invented, I nominate Dr. Hanson to be the first human test subject to take a ride in it; such a fortuitous confluence of events would only be of benefit to the engineers behind said machine, to Dr. Hanson (who could then do primary research in his chosen field of study) and to Dr. Hanson’s readers, who would no longer need to put up with his claptrap.

No, I shall have to rely on the interpretations of others with regard to the Bard of Fresno’s prattlings; I have neither the time nor the inclination to take a Calamine bath today.


Have there been any photos taken of Sarah Palin when she was pregnant with Trig?

Just wondering.


Have there been any photos taken of Sarah Palin when she was pregnant with Trig?

Just wondering.

Yep. Lots. But she’s always wearing baggy clothes or a parka. She doesn’t look pregnant, but you can’t say with certainty that she is not, and that’s the wiggle room she is using.

I think Trig is Bristol’s spawn and she is pregnant for the second time. But since Mr. Johnson wasn’t roped into parenthood the first time around, the Gov took responsibility for it.

Not that it matters a rat’s ass – I couldn’t give a damn less. But the morality play is for the fundamentalist nutjobs who own the country.

Quaker in a Basement

I’m not dumb, but I can’t understand
Why she walks like a woman and talks like a man.
Mona, M-O-N-A, Mona.

(RIP, Paul the Lawyer)


Is Trig at the Heart of Media’s Reaction to Palin?

Nope. The heart of the media’s reaction to Palin is not trigonometry but probability theory. McCain = Provides Media Talking Heads with Good BBQ = Liked. Palin = has low probability of media availability = not liked.



“Don’t most of us, deep down, really think that the most humane and honorable thing is to treat all life as sacred?”

Well, except for those drowing polar bears and the wolves being shot by assholes with high-powered rifles in airplanes. Or those pesky brown folks in Iraq and Afghanistan. Or those REALLY pesky brown folks in New Orleans. Or those veterans. Or those kids who need health care and can’t get it.

Shall I go on, Mona, you flyblown hypocrite?


I thought the media adored Palin. Wherever they look, there’s something juicy to report. It’s a gift from heaven.

For Pete’s sake, there’s photos of Bristol’s teenaged baby-daddy posing with liquor bottles and guns! That’s gotta get you more love than playboy bunnies at a USO show.


I think the real scandal about Palin’s children are their name. Seriously, Trig? If Sarah Palin doesn’t have the temperment to get her children sensible names, what makes one think she can be VP?


Ted Williams Says:
September 9th, 2008 at 11:03

Went to the link, & much to my chagrin, found myself agreeing with the Litter Goddess – why yes, Palin is a total whackjob! Submitted a positive comment & hey, presto: looks like I’m finally banned … BOOYAH! So, she won’t let me agree with her on her bloglike-thing. God, I love irony.

I imagine there ARE one or two dingbats out there with a hate on for Palin over keeping her special-needs child – but they’re obviously the mental doppelgangers of the wingnuts claiming she has experience in foreign-affairs due to governing a state bordered by Canada & (sort of) Russia. Also obviously just as pathetic.

No, I think little quirks like trying to ban books or lying her ass off on TeeVee to try & make Obama look stupid (geez, talk about projection) might raise a tad more liberal ire than what she opts to do with her uterus. What part of “Pro-CHOICE” does Charen not parse here?

Eight years after the first attempt, Ramzi Yousef’s uncle, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, organized a more successful attack. The successful prosecution of the original bombers lulled the country into a counterfeit calm. Law enforcement was obviously unable to prevent the second World Trade Center attack; we must assume, for the country’s sake, that it is also unready for the gathering conspiracies of today, ones we must believe involve non-conventional weapons.

Leaving aside the utter horseshit about a “counterfeit calm” (yeah, those US Embassies blowing up must’ve been very relaxing, so too the USS Cole bombing) … the FBI had 24-7 tabs on the 9/11 hijackers, right up until Bush called them off. If Chimp-Boy hadn’t’ve been such a criminally-negligent dickweed, those people likely could’ve been arrested before they did anything worse than calling strippers bad names while ordering more Jell-O shots.

Google “Sibel Edmonds” if you want to know exactly who terrorists might be getting plans &/or components for “unconventional weapons” from – hint: it’s not the Anthrax Fairy. Surprise, surprise: she’s being ignored now exactly like the FBI (& a certain “historical” briefing paper) were ignored in 2000 & 2001 when their alarm-bells were screaming as to a possible domestic terror-attack. I think her story needs a full Congressional investigation to either refute it or prepare the grounds to prosecute the scum who’d sell stuff that evil to anyone with the scratch to get it, ASAP – because that story makes Watergate look like kid-stuff.


I think the real scandal about Palin’s children are their name. Seriously, Trig?

I figure those were the signs the kids were conceived under.

Shit Mote in God's Eye

El Cid is the transliteration of “Al-Sayyid”. This title indicates a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

So watch out for that guy. Better call Homeland Security and have him checked out.


El Cid is the transliteration of “Al-Sayyid”.

And here I thought it was an anagram for “dicle”…


Why do so many conservative women look like aging Nazi dominatrices?


I’m betting the next kid will be named “STIHL” or “DELCO”.


No, no, no.

It’ll be “Yum! Brands Presents _______________ Palin!”


I think her next kid will be “Tron.” And he’ll spend a lot of time playing video games.


Ok, Tron Presented by British Petroleum Palin.


Could be “shell” if a female.


I’ll take “Spigot Palin” for the win!

BTW, has there ever been a politician who spoke openly about having had an abortion? It seems like Mona Charen assumes that it would be such a great benefit to any political career to have decided to abort, that Sarah Palin is thus extra-sooper mavericklicious to be so bold as to defy conventional wisdom and have the baby. Because everyone hates babies, it’s brave to have one, or something.


I had some amusing comments about Mona’s piece, but then I saw this–

False rape charges cost the government billions of dollars every year, through the wasteful use of rape kits.

–and my brain melted.

I started to say “gee I don’t think all the rape charges in the US, false or otherwise, cost over a billion dollars” but you know, melted brain, and all.


BTW, has there ever been a politician who spoke openly about having had an abortion?

After much googling, all I could find was this:

A pro-life politician in Kansas bravely admitted during a debate on Wednesday that she had an abortion “long ago.”

State Representative Brenda Landwehr, a Republican from Wichita, was debating a bill on the house floor that would “crack down” on abortion clinics when she suddenly revealed her personal experience with the issue.

Rep. Landwehr argued that abortion “traumatizes women” and told her fellow representatives that, “I live with that pain every single day because I killed a baby.”


mona charen, another conservative tranny


If she killed a baby why isn’t she in jail.

Marquis de Chocula

Actually, and I say this as a sexiness expert, those boots would be sexier without Mona Charen in them. Sorry, but that’s just how it is.




Those Landwehr are no match for Swiss Pikemen. Just sayin’.


Could be “shell” if a female.

Hey now.

Buck up, Dorothy! For mindmelting, I recommend a frozen margarita sucked up through a giant straw. You could probably read freerepublic after that without ill effect! Well, except for the usual cold shudders and vomiting.


THE next president must do one thing, and one thing only, if he is to be judged a success: He must prevent Al Qaeda, or a Qaeda imitator, from gaining control of a nuclear device and detonating it in America.

Hey, ever notice how the PLO blows up something like this: [brief pantomime of someone strapping something on and hailing a bus while looking furtively from side to side] — but Al Qaeda blows up stuff like this: [slightly longer pantomime of someone planting explosives but stopping every few seconds to do little ritual ablutions and things]. Am I right? Am I right?


Hey, don’t worry about who’s takin’ care of li’l Trig. Bristol just dotes on that child. She hardly ever even puts him down.


(comments are closed)