The Dish Ran Away With The Pork
Posted on September 8th, 2008 by D. Aristophanes
Sarah Palin famously said “‘thanks, but no thanks’ on that bridge to nowhere” … choosing instead to build a much more useful road to nowhere.
Sarah Palin famously said “‘thanks, but no thanks’ on that bridge to nowhere” … choosing instead to build a much more useful road to nowhere.
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Leaving us with the pork rinds?
Actually, she said, “Please, please, please give us the money, even though the bridge seems kinda fancy, let’s go ahead and build a road to it, like I built all the roads & stuff to the Wasilla hockey rink before we actually bought the land so we went $22 million in debt, oh no, people are complaining about the bridge, okay, we’ll keep the money but you can forget about the bridge thing, Alaska First!”
To Washington, to Washington, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.
To Washington, to Washington, to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
I’m getting fond of this “McCain thinks you’re stupid, America” thing that Barack is using in his speeches. Just one more step to “John McCain is a liar and he thinks you’re stupid.”
Whose little pigs are these, these, these?
Whose little pigs are these?
They are Sarah the Gov’s,
pork barrels she loves,
and a road that runs into the sea.
They are liars. Scrabbling hypocritical liars.
Careful, folks. Any more nasty comments about the Sara Palimpsest pork thing and Don Young will tear into you like an Alaskan mink.
I’m getting fond of this “McCain thinks you’re stupid, America” thing that Barack is using in his speeches. Just one more step to “John McCain is a liar and he thinks you’re stupid.”
Yeah, I’m not ready to join the panic brigade just yet. It was pointed out at TPM today that McCain has basically signed on to the “change” theme, recognizing that he simply can’t convince enough people that times are great. If change indeed becomes the overriding theme of this election, Obama wins.
This is one of the best S,N! post titles ever. Good job.
I adored his, “They must think we’re stupid!”
I even like the way he says it.
That’s a powerful phrase that’s difficult to refute.
Bestest Blog Title Evar.
I agree, excellent title.
And the punchline is, she didn’t even say “thanks but no thanks” in the first place. She made that one up. Or rather, her handlers did.
Maybe Sarah should have sent congress this link so they wouldn’t keep bothering her with those pesky buckets of earmark money.
Oops. This link:
Whoa! Barack absolutely nails em. I approve this message.
Yadda yadda blah blah, McCain’s “poll vault,” maverick(s)!, uh–change, yeah, that’s the ticket! Lotsa balloons and shit! so forth, so on. It’s called a BOUNCE, people. Even Repugs get one after a big blathering blithering fucking four-day convention.
I want to see Obama get his face out there again. Isn’t he on MSNBC tonight? I want to see Joe “Everyman” Biden kickin’ some ass. Where the hell are they? Let the games begin already. Palin’s been around, what, a week? Had anyone even heard of her ten days ago? Next to McLame ANYONE would look fresh and cute. Well, almost anyone. Now that she’s done her circus act she’s getting shuffled off back to Armpit, Alaska, to send her son off to Iraq on Thursday and pack the kids’ lunches and drop by the governor’s office and get some talking-points tutoring before she’s forced to come back and act like (vice-) presidential material. Wonder how well that’ll go?
By the way, who’s taking care of special-needs Trig while Piper and Pepper or whoever are back in school? Is Bristol attending class? What are her days like, I wonder? Mom’s not there to give her hugs when the kids in high school snicker at her, is she? Or are they all home-schooled? If so, by whom? The oil-pipeline dad or whatever? Yeah, I’m sorry, but if she wants to present herself as superwoman then I want some answers on how she’s doing it. And is she hiring nannies and babysitters and whatnot with taxpayer money? Somehow I doubt Mr. Palin’s paycheck covers it all. Damn I hate myself right now.
She’s got subtext baggage even voters who might be inclined to like her are queasy about. She’s a liar and a sociopathically manipulative mother and a provincial politico. She can’t keep the snottiness and condescension out of her fingernails-on-a-chalkboard nasal intonation. If I have faith in nothing else, it’s in the power of misogyny to always, albeit eventually, rear its ugly head and bite her ass. Mark this down as one of the few times I won’t be unhappy to see it happen.
Dude, I love that they are finally using the “L” word, and I love that they show the pic of her holding the “Nowhere” t-shirt with a big ol’ grin on her face.
More please.
Drip, drip, drip.
Would you like to come along, you can help me sing this song
And it’s all right, baby it’s all right
We can tell you what to do but they’ll make a fool of you
And it’s all right, baby it’s all right
Too much pork for justy one fork!
I actually worked up in Alaska in the mid-90s, on a boat out of Dutch Harbor. I’d say the joint is full of ocean-raping crackheads, but a lot of us were actually from out-of-state, so …
I wish the Obama camp would have highlighted this in their “No Maverick” ad.
Saying that she that took the money and built a road to a non-existent bridge is far more damaging than the “for the bridge before she was against it” line.
Next, ad, Jay. I’m seeing the beauty in this slow approach – the material builds on itself.
Look, it’s not right to question her, she’s the freakin’ messiah of the wingnuttosphere, Ok?
Sheesh this is so misogynist, all she did was lie about some stuff that is a key element in her branding exercise.
Months ago I stopped saying stuff like “Obama’s got to…” because he has demonstrated his knack, just when the fuss is at its peak, for showing up with some devastating stuff that puts the idiocy to rest.
I always suspected she was a Talking Heads fan. This just confirms it.
May I suggest that this current S,N! page takes the prize for Fugliest Men Evar™, excepting my fantasy boy toy Stephen Colbert.
Yes, this is a way lookist comment. One of the multitude of things I hate about this current campaign season is how my cherished feminist standards are being put through the meatgrinder.
Feminists and their meatgrinders.
Oh hells yeah, I love love love that ad! More like that, ooooh yeah.
I want an ad asking Ms. Palin which part of her deep experience she’s most proud of: flip-flopping on the bridge to nowhere? Perhaps using her position to get a trooper or maybe a librarian fired? How about slashing funding for pregnant teens?
That is what she needs to be hammered on.
God she truly sucks. will ABC call her on it or will they head straight to the hockey rink for mooseburgers?
I am thinking the latter. Our media can’t help but praise her galvanizing morons who think “change” is a new message not already adopted by another candidate for almost a year.
I am annoyed. Annoyed I say.
Legalize, you’re right. It should be it’s own ad — entirely devoted to the bridge. Include footage from the AK debate where Palin argued for the bridge (which C-SPAN recently re-aired). Then her claiming to oppose it (with footage of her saying “I said, No Thanks”). Then her keeping the money to build the road to nowhere.
Since she chose to make the bridge the symbol of her campaign we should too.
One’s character is written on the face. I think that’s what you’re seeing, MzNicky.
The TV will flip to a face I don’t know… but I know what they’re going to say.
Smug? Check.
Facial hair that doesn’t look good? Check.
Or, for the distaff side, a face-thrust-forward eagerness to get to the talking point? Check.
It doesn’t matter how attractive they might be, on a purely objective assessment of features.
Well we know where were goin’
But we don’t know where we’ve been
And we know what were knowin’
But we can’t say what we’ve seen
And we’re not little children
And we know what we want
And the future is certain
Give us time to work it out
… it’s very far away
But it’s growing day by day
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right
They can tell you what to do
But they’ll make a fool of you
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right
The fact is, Oink Oink!
Sorry Doctorb, I didn’t see you’d already posted the lyric.
What, like you can have too much Talking Heads?
Bob Somerby, folks.
KURTZ JUMPS INTO THE TANK: Howard Kurtz is deep in the tank as he begins today’s report. You’ll rarely see a reporter recite a political party’s line quite the way Kurtz recites the GOP line as he opens:
He’s en fuego, and on target.
And, crap! Blue Buddha beat me to posting the YouTube. I’m dumb.
Doctorb: You are correct, Sir!
The fact is, don’t put lipstick on a pitbull. You get maimed and the dog just looks weird.
Exterminate the brutes
One thing to keep in mind: Republicans are trying as much as possible to specify talking about “earmarks” as the only kind of big gubmit money, since it’s only one way of getting that sweet, sweet Washington DC pork they love, and yet it’s one of the smaller procedures used and therefore easy to say “well, hey, I only did X earmarks,” while ignoring all the other ways of squirreling money. But I don’t know if squirrels like pork, seems like they wouldn’t want to look for any they buried after a long winter.
This ain’t no disco, this ain’t no foolin’ around.
You’ll have to excuse me this evening. As I post Teh Spouse is having an MRI to see if his recurrent thyroid cancer has spread to his spine. Additionally, and not coincidentally, I am up close and personal with my old friend Johnny Walker Red right now.
Strange days indeed. Most peculiar.
The real deal is, Little Creatures was nowheres near as good as Fear of Music, even if it did have some catchier tunes. But all y’all liberals and socialists never do seem to understand: this ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no foolin’ around. “Stay Up Late” is a cute song and all, but some of the worst child-rearin’ advice I ever done heard.
She took the money AND left the people stranded on the island.
To be fair, when Palin heard “bridgework”, she thought they were talking about funding a comprehensive dental program for Alaskan citizens.
At least, that’s how she’ll tell it next week.
She imagined that this was an ability she shared with most other people. They had also molded their faced according to some ideal. Maybe they imagined that their new face would better suit their personality. Or maybe they imagined that their personality would be forced to change to fit the new appearance. This is why first impressions are often correct.
Although some people might have made mistakes. They may have arrived at an appearance that bears no relationship to them. They may have picked an ideal appearance based on some childish whim, or momentary impulse. Some may have gotten half-way there, and then changed their minds.
She wonders if she too might have made a similar mistake.
Hang in there, MzNicky.
On the theory that laughter is the second best medicine (after teh booze), watertiger is picking some fine pictures and supplying captions to same.
Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau have got nothing on these birds.
Here ya go, MzN!
Good luck and hang on!
Somerby has been on fire quite a bit lately. I’m glad to see he’s getting some linkage love here.
I wish you and the spouse good luck MzNicky.
Au contraire, mon frère, but that’s beside the point. While Fear of Music has its moments it does not compare to 77. Rather than argue the point, I will just say that “The Book I Read”, “Don’t Worry about the Government” and (it goes without saying but I say it anyway) “Psycho Killer” are simply fantastic songs, and that their later collaboration with Brian Eno (himself an intriguing artist) was a detriment to both parties.
Nascar McHeartland: You’re comparing early edgy experimental-rock Talking Heads to later flattened-out we’re-on-the-road-to-nowhere-David-Byrned-out Talking Heads. Big difference.
The best Talking Heads is the Tom Tom Club.
Smokey RoBINson.
RB: And not just because of your quoting TH’s “Seen and Not Seen”, I totally heart your ass, and your brain.
Tx guys, and don’t make me get all emotional and shit cuz I don’t do that.
That’s what I’m sayin’, “Mz”. The big difference is that one of them is much better than the other one. I know it’s typical for you liberal elitists to say you liked their old stuff better, but even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while, shucks. Also heck.
Talking Pants Memo has video of Palin talking about this and other federally funded projects. I think the laugh at the end is overkill, but I like the clips that precede it.
mikey darling: I always loved me some George Thorogood. And yes, boy howdy, do I drink alone these days.
ittgy: Loves me some watertiger too. tx
MzN: Hang in there. We too are coping with cancer in the family (isn’t everybody?) though not the nukular one. It is stressful. Take your comfort from Johnnie and come back strong in the mornin’.
Damn. My best to you.
The best Talking Heads is the Tom Tom Club.
J–: Okay, now you’re just sportin’ for a fight, amma rite?
Here’s to good MRI results.
4 x Weymouth=4 x better.
Nascar McHeartland: May I suggest that Talking Heads’ “Stay Up Late” perhaps is a signifier for Palin’s childrearing philosophy. Again, I hate myself.
I believe Youngun’ McRedneck was paying attention to Bristol’s rearing.
MzNicky: I had a close family member barely survive a rapidly spreading cancer, and luck and new techniques gave a happy ending. I wish the same for you & your’n.
I think the laugh at the end is overkill, but I like the clips that precede it.
Yeah, they should have used Hillary’s laugh.
That’s a terrible thing to say! Also, it’s terrible the way the mainstream media suppressed the original Songs about Buildings And Food.
Talking Pants Memo has video of Palin talking about this and other federally funded projects. I think the laugh at the end is overkill, but I like the clips that precede it.
She said ‘hard on’ heh heh heh
For MzNicky and spouse: the bestest Talking Heads song EVAR and what may be the sweetest song ever written.
Here’s hoping for the best for you and yours.
I’m shocked, shocked, that a fellow so-called progressive would resort to such puerile and misogynist so-called humor! There is simply no place for that in politics. This is probably going to be what drives me away from the so-called progressives, whose views I share, and forces me against my will to vote for an insane imperialist.
My best to the MzNickys, too.
As a person of reasonable taste, I also love the Talking Heads and honestly, I was listening to Dark Sneak Love Action by the Toms earlier in the day.
Weird. The future SadlyNo! is up in my mind grapes!
Probably worth reading:
Jennifer: Thanks for that link! I’d never seen that video. It’d be hard to name a fave Talking Heads song, but I’m very partial to this one. Amazing how many scenarios that one fits.
And she was looking at herself;
And things were looking like a movie;
She had a pleasant elevation;
She’s moving out in all directions.
Yep. Who wants to quote from The Art of War this time?
Change nothing and continue with immaculate consistency
The ultimate secret of victory is to kick your adversary squarely in the BALLS…
I’d quote from the art of whore, but I’m not sure which Charlie Gibson to choose from.
Use `unqualified’ people
Ask people to work against their better judgement
Arky: Wrod.
Overtly resist change.
Welcome to Double-Standard Nation
MzNicky, I have my fingers crossed for your dear spouse and you. Best I can do at my low level of godliness and woo.
Yeah, I’m not ready to join the panic brigade just yet.
Me neither, since (as has been pointed out above) I’m well impressed with how Obama is handling things.
I’m proud of Brad for not throwing out another panic post yet, too.
MzNicky, sorry you and MrNicky have to go thru this. Best of luck to you both.
Look closely at the most embarrassing details and amplify them.
Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt are too oblique for me.
And you may find yourself living in a sh!tgun shack!
Ok, waitaminute.
Watching Green Bay and Minnesota.
Ok, Aaron rogers and that jackson kid. Yay.
But the commercials. Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld in some cryptic weirdness followed immediately by the etrade baby spitting up.
Frankly, I don’t want to watch ANY of that….
MizNicky: Anything I could do to help?
Not to mention some weird bloodthirsty Mazda spot followed by PDiddy breaking some cartoon’s face.
Hell, children, who needs acid anymore…
OT, but does this have to be off limits?
Media factions at war over Palin
Anne Davies in Washington
September 9, 2008
REVILED by liberals and hailed by conservatives, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, has rekindled the war between the left and right factions in the media.
The internet was aflame at the weekend after the liberal internet columnist Charley James accused the polarising Governor of Alaska of making a racist, sexist remark to friends while dining at a restaurant in Alaska just after Barack Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
“So Sambo beat the bitch,” she said, according to James, whose source was the waitress who served Mrs Palin. No one else has interviewed the waitress – known only as Lucille – to confirm it and none of the other diners have come forward.
MizNicky: hugs
One of the best concerts I ever saw was the Heads right after More Songs … came out (always preferred them as a 4-piece). Another fave forever (OK, since about 1967) is Richard Thompson. Here, albeit fairly low quality, are Richard and David together, moving into Big Country a couple of minutes in …
Ah, those College Republicans are such scamps.
Get this gentleman a WingNutWellFare check!
Richard Thompson is the center of the musical universe.
Oh, and McCain sucks.
Thank you so much, S,N!, for adding this new post and pushing Mr. Wanker’s photo down the page out of sight.
Because, Yikes.
Maybe there’s a greasemonkey script that will replace those dudes with Gong Li. But then you’d miss out on the photoshopped pics, which are often funny. But then, also they’re disturbing a lot of the time.
Nah, Bobby’s the center of the universe. Here’s Richard showing him how the solo on Watchtower goes:
Ah, yes, you are showing wisdom, grasshopper.
They are very sensitive about how ridiculous they are.
Because it is a scam, and they know it.
But how long can they keep this from the marks?
I don’t think that’s quite the way it happened.
The bridge money eventually came as part of bundle without restrictions on how it could be spent. So they kept it and used it for other projects in the state.
The road money was separate, according to the Anchorage paper:
That college kid’s got something there, though — I mean, the Obama sock monkey was roundly decried as racist, but pointing out that Bush looks like a particularly aggressive and dim-witted chimp is apparently fine. I mean, it’s not fair that hundreds of years of institutionalized racism makes certain things “rude” to point out, is it? Black people should just get over it and stop being so darned uppity. Also I should be allowed to use racial slurs.
It’s a matter of thinking more than a few brain cells deep.
For centuries African Americans were mocked by comparisons to apes, and this was used as an excuse to keep them a lower order of citizen.
While George W. Bush simply looks like a chimp.
Also way up there on the sweet scale :
The fact is, Sarah Palin wears the biggest flag pin of anyone.
I heard that Mario Cuomo keeps a comfortable feral sole proprietor locked up in the basement.
I heard that Bill Clinton keeps a feral nerd locked up in the basement.
I heard that Bill Clinton keeps an obnoxious feral monk locked up in the basement.
I saw the rethuglican convention.
It was many aisles of white.
On the other hand, Isle Of Wight, beaches!
I went to the Isle of Wight once. The ferry runs to Ryde. I got to go to the ticket window and say, “I’d like a ticket to Ryde.”
That still amuses me to this day.
Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.
I’m an atheist, but that sounds like some mighty fine advice to me.
Good luck, Mz.
Pandora just contributed Love for Sale:
You can put your lipstick all over my designer jeans.
I’ll be a video for you.
If you turn my dial.
You can cash my check if you go down to the bank
You get two for one
For a limited time.
Yeah I’m a geek. And I freely admit stryx’s joke made me laugh.
I have a few questions I’d like to see addressed by Ms. Palin should she ever deign to grace us with an interview:
“You supported and worked to fund abstinence-only sex education in Alaska. Has anything caused you to reconsider the effectiveness of this policy?”
“You used a line-item veto to remove funding passed by your state’s legislature that would provide a healthy and safe environment for young unwed mothers and pregnant women who decided to carry their pregnancy to term. Has anything caused you to reconsider the wisdom of this action?”
“In your press release regarding your family’s experience with unexpected pregnancy, you lauded her decision to carry her baby to term. Since you and the Republican party are strongly pro-life and it’s a major part of the party platform, I expect that if elected you will work vigorously to ensure that other women in this situation will not have to make a choice. Once made law, if a woman were to make a different decision, what would you expect would be a proper jail term for her? Or would you focus on arresting doctors and let her just work it out with a hanger?”
Too much, maybe?
How about: “Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials of your daughter. Just curious, will she be wearing white?”
P.S. Ms. Palin is featured with a shotgun on the cover on this week’s Newsweek. Maybe it’s supposed to suggest mooseburgers, but I couldn’t stop thinking wedding.
I heard that Michael Jackson keeps a dlsh washer locked up in a septic tank near here.
I heard that one of the Spice Girls keeps a roasted geneticist hidden away in a portable container.
I heard that Queen Elizabeth keeps an argumentative jazz advisor in a dildo/wetsuit contraption chained to a pipe in the basement.
A Sarah Palin rumour list:
I agree, no need to panic. What did you expect on teh monday after teh GOP Convention? This day was never going to be Obama’s best anyway.
He’s got three weeks of solid advertising time and they’re just writing themselves at this point. They probably have too much material. We know they have the money. They’re waiting to target them. I fully expect Obama to start taking control of the message and soon.
I heard that Samantha Power keeps a lugubrious former Chicago city comptroller in a hyperbaric chamber in Dubai.
I heard that John McCain keeps a life-size John McCain bobblehead in a bamboo cage at the original Hard Rock Cafe.
I heard that Michael Eisner keeps a cryogenically preserved Walt Disney inside the Grover Cleveland robot at the Hall of Presidents.
Sarah Palin IS a flag pin.
A feel-good prop to cover for dangerous stupidity.
Shiny & useless.
That’s why we’ll never have a scandal about her doing nudie pics – eventually her “Made In China” label would be revealed.
canCanMan, unfortunately (by design?) the whole lie about Palin saying thanks but no thanks to congress was resurrected from the past by NPR. Bob Somerby must be read.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden didn’t just vote for the Bridge to Nowhere, they voted to keep funding the Bridge instead of sending the money to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.
BO and Joe have no room to criticize anybody for the Bridge.
Sarah Palin did the right thing by ending funding for the Bridge to Nowhere. Obama and Biden voted to keep it afloat as people suffered in Katrina-trailers.
Yeah, that Obama never did shit about Katrina victims.
Additionally, Gary, there were one hundred and fucking eighty one amendments to the bill in question. Welcome to Washington, dumbass. You kill that bill over the Bridge to Nowhere and you’re up shit creek. The federal teat sucking idiots from Alaska shouldn’t have formed the plan to begin with, and Palin shouldn’t have supported it to begin with.
Know how many politicians voted against that bill? One. But nice try, doofus.
well, it is plain obious that D. Aristophanes is sexist!
Palin Billed State for Nights Spent at Home
I heard that Benjamin Franklin giggled when my geographer rubbed that lying drip Thomas Jefferson.
Okay, sorry one more from me, I promise. I think John McCain’s probably singing this little diddy to Sarah Palin after the latest poll results came in.
Of course she took the money! They needed an access road for the new Wal-Mart.
[exterior: island lagoon. island visible on the left side, mainland visible on the right right side.l
voiceover: Governor Palin was for the Ketchikan bridge when it was proposed.
[view of the cast (impersonators) of Gilligan’s Island on the left hand side of the screen jumping up and down and cheering.]
voiceover: The congress became embarrassed by this blatant pork barrel and cancelled it. But the road up to the the bridge was paid for.
[view of go-carts on the right hand side driving up to the edge and turning back, with the drivers waving at the Gilligan’s Islanders and the islanders dispiritedly waving back.]
voiceover: However, when it suited Govdernor Palin, she disavowed the bridge she had already endorsed.
[view of Palin (impersonated) on right hand side flipping the finger (pixellated) to the islanders. ]
voiceover: Now the governor wants to do a favor for all america. How much do you want what she’s offering? Vote Obama/Biden.
I’ve been away for a week so I don’t know if anyone’s already shared this. An acquaintance in Alaska passed this along:
Barbarians for Palin:
(beware: tasteless photos of tacky Palin amid her kills, not suitable for viewing while eating)
“Now Governor Palin wants to sell a bridge to all America. We need to say, ‘Thanks, Governor Palin, but no thanks…”
i saw talking heads at the rainbow music hall and the warmup was Angry Jung Men. “first week, last week” with nouveau reggae beat. John C. O’Reilly was looking for this in his beat laboratory, when you know who rubbed his you know what on the snare. Where’s Freud when you need him?
OneMan @ 1:02
I want an ad asking Ms. Palin which part of her deep experience she’s most proud of: flip-flopping on the bridge to nowhere? Perhaps using her position to get a trooper or maybe a librarian fired? How about slashing funding for pregnant teens?
Just out of curiosity, what did the librarian get fired for?
I don’t think the librarian was fired — people supported her.
Blogging is therapeutic. Here’s hoping for the best for you and Teh Spouse.
The fact is, I just sharted.
MzNicky, best wishes and good luck to you and your family.
Ditto re: best wishes for good news. Fingers and toes crossed – whatever it takes.
XXXOOO from the whole cricket household.
MzNicky, I’m sending warm thoughts your way.
I actually worked up in Alaska in the mid-90s, on a boat out of Dutch Harbor.
Just think, if you had hung on a little longer you could have been a TV star on Deadliest Catch
I can’t get sound on my machine at work so I’m not sure if this is actually the right song, but if it’s Tiny Apocalypse by David Byrne, it’s hte best (although also most cryptic) song about the Iraq war evar…
I can’t believe you missed the allusion. I got your laugh for you right here:
I’m guessing she wanted the road to nowhere to take us to the river and drop us in the water.
And now I wonder who’s boss.And who he’s leavin’ behind…?
Hey, thanks, Mo’s Bike Shop. I did totally miss it.
Apparently I got the facts wrong: the librarian kept her job after the town’s residents came to her defense.
Nonetheless, it’s a point that deserves to be emphasized by the Obama campaign.
the librarian kept her job after the town’s residents came to her defense.
Wasn’t this cited by Palin or supporters as evidence that she’s not some kind of fascist – that is, she tried to ban books and failed, then tried to fire the librarian out of spite and failed, therefore she isn’t the kind of person who would ban books and spite-fire people?
Apparently I got the facts wrong: the librarian kept her job after the town’s residents came to her defense.
Nope. She was fired and immediately rehired after the town came to her defense, and then was subsequently fired again months later in a loyalty purge.
There was no banned books list. Palin DID ask, in what could be construed as a threatening way, a “what-if” question regarding banning books and how the librarian would react.
Sort of like how, when the Mob comes calling on you, they’d say “It would be a shame if something happn’d to dis nice car youse owns”
Nice liberry you got here. Lotta books. Be a shame if someone was to set fire to them. Or shoot them, like out of a airplane or somethin.