Also, Let’s Get Rid Of Unemployment Insurance

Shorter Entire Republican Convention:

  • Scale back our policy aims? Ha ha ha ha! No really, what do you mean?

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 128


Beeg Shmile! Beeg Shmile!

Malfunctioning Sarah Palin Robot

Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming? Sneeeeeeeeeeeer. Community organizers can SUCK IT. Obama’s a BIG DUMMY. My family is off-limits, also, here’s my family! FUCK YOU, middle America! Aren’t I charming?


You don’t need unemployment insurance! President McCain will offer you fifty bucks an hour to pick lettuce! Really!

Then you get there and he says ‘no, really, you couldn’t do it.’ That way, you don’t get your unemployment insurance or your fifty clams and hour. But you DO get a tax break and more drilling for oil. Plus, your VP is a sexxy librarian.

See how this works?


Is it just me or is that “malfunctioning robot” routine very, very , very o-ver.


Four more years! Four more years!


Here’s a Zen koan for everyone here to ponder:

If mccain / –> PALIN! <– is against community organizers, how will they find anyone to get out the vote?


Don’t worry, unemployment will go down after McMaverick goes to D.C. and cleans house on all those liberal Democrats who have been running things the last eight years!


Whoa. I missed that one. Has someone seriously proposed getting rid unemployment insurance? That’s a plank that has WIN! written all over it.


Speaking of unemployment. Today, numbers came out which showed that unemployment is up to 6.1%. The rightwing nutjobs like to pride themselves that the US’s unemployment rate is always lower than Canada’s. BTW, Canada’s unemployment rate was also released today… it came in at 6.1%.


Clearly, the Canadians are sneaking across the border and are bringing their filthy unemployment with them. It is only a matter of time until a wall is built, n’est-ce pas?


Whoa. I missed that one. Has someone seriously proposed getting rid unemployment insurance?

It’s vague. Check McCain’s speech transcript.


The 2008 Republican Platform is now complete and available here. Thank you for your participation in the most grassroots-driven platform development effort in the history of American politics!

Platform Committee Chairman U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Co-Chairman U.S. Sen. Richard Burr

We our the GOP, and we love to play on astroturf!


Sure, BB.

But those Canuckiestanians get paid in hoser-bucks.

Nobody wants those!

Or something *mumble*.


Our is the new are.


OB-GYN Kenobi said,

September 5, 2008 at 18:59

Clearly, the Canadians are sneaking across the border and are bringing their filthy unemployment with them. It is only a matter of time until a wall is built, n’est-ce pas?

Proudly built by illegal immigrants from the Mexican border.


I know some of you have been left behind in the changing economy and it often seems your government hasn’t even noticed. Government assistance for unemployed workers was designed for the economy of the 1950s. That’s going to change on my watch. My opponent promises to bring back old jobs by wishing away the global economy. We’re going to help workers who’ve lost a job that won’t come back find a new one that won’t go away.

We will prepare them for the jobs of today. We will use our community colleges to help train people for new opportunities in their communities. For workers in industries that have been hard hit, we’ll help make up part of the difference in wages between their old job and a temporary, lower-paid one while they receive retraining that will help them find secure new employment at a decent wage.

Really if I was a Republican I’d start fuming about throwing money at problems.


Our is the new are.

Me thinks you loose the thread.


Those fries won’t fry themselves, my friends.


Blue Buddha: “Proudly built by illegal immigrants from the Mexican border.”

Let us hope that it also keeps them nasty Alaskan snowbillies out, along with the illegal immigrants from Canuckistan and their funny-lookin’ money they have the gall to call “dollars.”


The 2008 Republican Platform is now complete and available here.

I fisked this the day after it came out. More of the same, just like always.


Me thinks you loose the thread.

Me noes I deed indid.

Should Know Better

Slightly on topic, I’m rather in love with this blog post about the community organizers thing;

Pilate was a governor, Jesus was a community organizer.


Righteous Bubba said,

September 5, 2008 at 19:07

Me thinks you loose the thread.

I’d rather wiin than loose.


I’d rather wiin than loose.

Better loose than moose.


Shorter Republican faithful: We don’t NEED no stinking “Reasons!.”



Getting rid of unemployment insurance seems like the kind of thing that would be real popular with a small number of business owners… until they realize they’d have to hire more security to keep former employees from showing up and plugging them…


This the section of the Republican platform dealing with unemployment insurance. With all the euphemism and double-speak its hard to tell what they are actually proposing but the part I marked in bold is rather ominous.

Government can play an important role in addressing economic dislocations by modernizing its re-training and unemployment assistance programs. We must make these programs actually anticipate dislocations so that affected workers can get new skills quickly and return to the workforce. We advocate a seamless approach to helping employees stay on the job and advance through education. Workers should be able to direct a portion of their unemployment insurance into a tax-free Lost Earnings Buffer Account that could be used for retraining or relocation. With financial incentives to return to work as soon as possible, this approach will also require strengthening community colleges and making them more accessible through Flexible Training Accounts.


The fact is, I would support eleiminating unemployment insurance. It encourages sloth and keeps people from trying to get a new job. If I work hard and do a gooed job I don’t worry about losing my job. Those who do deserved it, especially if there was back talk or union talk. I am also opposed to sick pay. People won’t call off unless they are really really sick, and if you are seriously injured then you should have bought insurance or just suck it up or get your family to help you.


Government can play an important role in addressing economic dislocations by modernizing its re-training and unemployment assistance programs.

Sounds almost Clintonian.


“Government assistance for unemployed workers was designed for the economy of the 1950s. That’s going to change on my watch.”

That’s what he said. Seems pretty clear to me that he vowed to abolish unemployment insurance. It would be easy for the Democrats to turn this statement into a potent TV/radio ad. And yet I think they won’t.


RB: “Sounds almost Clintonian.”

That’s why it is Change You Can Believe In.


And by Clintonian I meant “Third Wayish” referring to Bill.


No unemployment for W, too? Speaking tour is not going to cut it.


The fact of the matter is that Obama is not qualified to be President. All he has done is either be a pawn of the Chicago machine or be the pawn for the far left.


Is it just me or is that “malfunctioning robot” routine very, very , very o-ver.

It wasn’t even funny to begin with. These days, all robots love pie.


From the Republican Party’s 2008 platform (p.27) :

Government can play an important role in addressing economic dislocations by modernizing its re-training and unemployment assistance programs. We must make these programs actually anticipate dislocations so that affected workers can get new skills quickly and return to the workforce. We advocate a seamless approach to helping employees stay on the job and advance through education. Workers should be able to direct a portion of their unemployment insurance into a tax-free Lost Earnings Buffer Account that could be used for retraining or relocation. With financial incentives to return to work as soon as possible, this approach will also require strengthening community colleges and making them more accessible through Flexible Training Accounts.

Some who’s familiar with the Republicans’ games with proposed accounts for entitlement programs—I’m thinking of their failed effort to “reform” Social Security, of course—should look into the accounts proposed here.


The fact is, Obama will raise your taxes and will ruin the countrys economy. If he drilled for oil, no problem — but hippies are against this. And freedom. And the USA.


The fact of the matter is that George W. Bush wasn’t qualified to be President, but that didn’t appear to stop you.

So STFU already.


Well if the pool of undocumented workers dries up there will need to be another source of exploitable cheap labor. I got it… let’s eliminate unemployment insurance!


Some who’s familiar with the Republicans’ games with proposed accounts for entitlement programs—I’m thinking of their failed effort to “reform” Social Security, of course—should look into the accounts proposed here.

Yeah, it’s gonna be a way to do less and funnel money to their own elites.


Never mind. I see eidos posted this while I was typing.

the part I marked in bold is rather ominous

Yes, one would have to look closely at the requirements and restriction they would seek to impose on unemployment insurance—how much would have to go into this Lost Earnings Buffer Account, how much could be spent on silly, immediate expenses like food, housing, and transportation, and how long, how much would have to go into the Flexible Training Accounts and what flexibility would the individual have in using these funds.


Some who’s familiar with the Republicans’ games with proposed accounts for entitlement programs—I’m thinking of their failed effort to “reform” Social Security, of course—should look into the accounts proposed here.
That’s my sense of it too. Get rid of unemployment insurance and make workers pay for their own re-training grants in one swoop.


The fact is, you Liberals will never be able to keep up with the hate spew my party has. You idiots believe in “issues” and “ideas”. That is soooooo 2007. The GOP believes only in hate and fear and we aren’t afraid to use them to win elections.


and make workers pay for their own re-training grants in one swoop

In part by forcing them to put a chunk of the dough into a retraining fund whether they want to or not. Then, of course, there are the questions of where does the money sent to these two Accounts go, who manages it, what would safeguard it.


So what happens to the money in those accounts when the bank goes under, as so many are doing of late?

Whoops. Too bad, Citizen. Move along, you can’t pitch your tent here. And take your hungry, unwashed spawn with you.


The GOP believes only in hate and fear and we aren’t afraid to use them to win elections.

I’m saddened, as is Almost Fanatical Devotion to hte Pope™.


I think the malfunctioning robot thing is a little funny.


thanks Should Know… best thing I’ve read all day.

Not that there’s anything wrong with S,N!


If mccain / –> PALIN! <– is against community organizers, how will they find anyone to get out the vote?

That’s what youth pastors and church outreach programs are for, silly.


“Government can play an important role in addressing economic dislocations by modernizing its re-training and unemployment assistance programs.”

In usual GOP doublespeak, “modernize” = farm out to private contractors with Republican connections.

“We must make these programs actually anticipate dislocations so that affected workers can get new skills quickly and return to the workforce.”

And to give us advance warning as to what closing factories to assign the Blackwater SWAT teams, in case the serfs get “uppity.”

“We advocate a seamless approach to helping employees stay on the job and advance through education.”

“Seamless” meaning “not what it seems.” When the auto parts factory announces its impending shutdown, we’ll get you an night-shift apprenticeship at Burger King, to help smooth the transition.

“Workers should be able to direct a portion of their unemployment insurance into a tax-free Lost Earnings Buffer Account that could be used for retraining or relocation.”

Um, I’ve been on Unemployment Insurance more than once. It’s half of your lost income, if that. How the hell are you supposed to put part of it aside in a savings account to use for… wait for it… MOVING EXPENSES! And pay for your own re-training (see below).

“With financial incentives to return to work as soon as possible,”

Translation: fuck you and your communist unemployment insurance! Those burgers aren’t going to flip themselves, kiddo.

“this approach will also require strengthening community colleges and making them more accessible through Flexible Training Accounts.”

Anytime a Republican says “account’ it means “you’re on your own.” Hey, Obama should use that…


““With financial incentives to return to work as soon as possible,”

Shorter translation: Eviction and utility disconnection notices.


I like the malfunctioning robot thing when the repetitions make a nice diagonal pattern.


Any crazy idea the Republicans promote, another one will always up the batshit ante a little more. Against abortion? Sure, and while we’re at it, let’s get rid of birth control! Social security reform? Hell, let’s do away with unemployment insurance too! Got a problem with that, you crazy San Francisco liberals? And so on…


Economic dislocation?

I love the fact these guys are struggling to be incomprehensible.

But if I assume they’re using “dislocation” to mean “disruption” then I don’t see how re-training or relocation would help. An economic dispruption would likely mean there are no jobs, so training or moving people around won’t do squat.


Shorter GOP:

You Godless Perverted Liberals wouldn’t let us neuter Social Security, so now it’s UI’s turn to take the place of honor in our crosshairs, because our great War-God Yahweh has shown us the True Way To Total Victory Awareness: when it comes to governmment Departments … THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.

Coming Soon: The New White House! (formerly known as The Pentagon)


Re: community organizers

I’m still having cognitive dissonance over a Republican telling me that the work of an elected official is more important than private, community efforts.

Doesn’t seem to bother them in the least.


The Malfunctioning Robot would come across as less spamlike if it simply reiterated its sentence-series a few times, then ended with a partial sentence trailing off with an ellipse, like this. The Malfunctioning Robot would come across as less spamlike if it simply reiterated its sentence-series a few times, then ended with a partial sentence trailing off with an ellipse, like this. The Malfunctioning Robot would come …


Yanno, speaking as someone who keeps getting aced out of her unemployment insurance because the system actually was designed for a 1950s workforce (so does a crap job at helping out temps and IT people), and then was progressively gutted by right-wing neocon governments well into the 1990s so essentially anyone who works part time or temporarily can’t collect (which disproportionately excludes low-income women), I’d really get behind that proposal…

…if it came out of Stephane Dion’s mouth…

John McCain, not so much.

Besides not benefitting me (“hoser-bucks” spend great at home, and that’s the funniest damn thing I’ve read all day, thanks), Republicans are about as trustworthy as thrice-convicted paperhangers.


Hahahaha…let’s eliminate Unemployment Insurance and allow workers
to put $$$ (they’d normally use for, like paying off bills an stuff) into their
own “rainy day accounts” in the STOCK MARKET. That way, after 8 yrs
of working hard, putting money in that account, when your job gets shipped
overseas you’ll have an 8 yr nest egg (that’s lost 50% of it’s value due to
GOP monetary policy and 50% due to GOP ‘free market’ policy that allows
the Top 1% to get in on the next bubble IPO and leaves Joe Rainy Day
account with a market that’s moved exactly ZERO in the 8 yrs of


The guy who plays all the Malfunctioning Robots

I appreciate your responses, and will keep your opinions in mind.


So what happens to the money in those accounts when the bank goes under, as so many are doing of late?

OB-GEN Kenobi, why do you hate America?

The Real Malfunctioning Robot Army

I appreciate your responses, and will keep your opinions in mind.

We won’t.


I’m still having cognitive dissonance over a Republican telling me that the work of an elected official is more important than private, community efforts.

That’s because context is everything. See, in this case being in government is all about “experience.” That’s a good thing to have. On the other hand, being in government is a bad thing, because that’s where all the evil and money-taking and tax-raising and coddling of lazy disabled people comes from. So the trick is to be experienced as a government person but not actually be part of the government. Sort of like — well, like working as a community organizer.

D’oh! I thought I had it there for a minute.


Besides not benefitting me (”hoser-bucks” spend great at home, and that’s the funniest damn thing I’ve read all day, thanks), Republicans are about as trustworthy as thrice-convicted paperhangers.

Yay! My link at 19:01 finally posted. And I didn’t even say FYWP.


“OB-GEN Kenobi, why do you hate America?”

You’d think they’d at least give you a toaster or something for OPENING the damn accounts, especially if they were planning on losing all your money on overleveraging their way into risky investments.


We’re going to help workers who’ve lost a job that won’t come back find a new one that won’t go away.

Because you can’t outsource Wal-Mart greeters!

Also, I like the new psychic department of labor:

We must make these programs actually anticipate dislocations so that affected workers can get new skills quickly and return to the workforce.

Anticipate? So, when we sign new “free trade” deals with other countries, we should be able to tell which jobs will be outsourced before they are outsourced?


I know the guy can be a bore since he gets stuck on the needle of the “Candidate Gore 2000” groove, but you guys really should read Somerby’s latest on the whole “Thanks but no thanks on the bridge to nowhere” lie Palin keeps putting out there. Fascinating, and frankly for me, saddened that our country is so willing to just elect any fraud that puts on a good face and can swoon the MSM.


That’s right, anticipate. Under McCain the Labor Department will hire Ben Kenobi as a forecaster. “I sense a disturbance in the work force.”


Re: community organizers:

A lot of people have weighed in on Palin’s sarcastic comment about community organizers, but I think this is the crux of the matter: here we have the VP nominee for the party that has been insisting for years that social welfare shouldn’t be a government function; it should be handled by charitable organizations and churches and people should decide for themselves how much they want to give to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. And she’s sneering at the very people whose work is crucial to making her party’s laissez-faire approach to social welfare function on even the most minimal level.

They don’t just look down on poor people; they look down on the people who try to help poor people escape from being poor. Anyone who would do that rather than taking a job where they make a lot of money or wield power is a sucker, in the eyes of the Republicans.

Compassionate conservatism in action, folks.

And if you want to talk about “elitism”, I don’t know how you’d ever find a better example of it than that line, mockingly delivered by Sarah Palin. Here’s hoping that a whole lot of people pick up on this fact and hang it around her neck.


Whoa. I missed that one. Has someone seriously proposed getting rid unemployment insurance? That’s a plank that has WIN! written all over it.

Yea. Especially in light of the timing. It won’t show up in the polls right away, but I think unless McCain comes out and says he misspoke, that statement in last night’s speech will be the final nail in the coffin.

Reagan Democrats will put up with a lot, but the one thing they won’t put up with is losing what little safety net they have.


They don’t just look down on poor people; they look down on the people who try to help poor people escape from being poor.

It’s not even about escaping poverty: most community organizations are about just making poverty a little more livable, even if it’s just a garden in a vacant lot.


I’m still having cognitive dissonance over a Republican telling me that the work of an elected official is more important than private, community efforts.

Um…..a thousand points of light!


Oh come on, predictions about the job market in general are pretty simple to make.

For example: The Auto industry is fucked. Thus, the rust belt is going to be even more fucked than before.

The construction industry is completely fucked, and the manual labourers involved in construction will not find manual labour work elsewhere.

On the flip side, certain economic sectors do well in a recession. Entertainment usually does well. So there will be plenty of jobs as carnies and strippers. And of course, debt collection agencies are a real growth industry at the moment.

Okay, so prediction is possible.. What about doing something based on those predictions? Why, that would mean spending billions of dollars! Sod that then. Infact, accurate predictions would go against the GOPs firm commitment to unreality based policies!

Ah, fuck it. Lets just give a few billion to blackwater to keep the protesters away from our SUVs. If they have no bread, let them eat twinkies.


Re: community organizers

I’m still having cognitive dissonance over a Republican telling me that the work of an elected official is more important than private, community efforts.

Doesn’t seem to bother them in the least.

The unstated Dominionist assumption is that community organizers are secular. Dominionists would prefer that all community organization be done through churches. I’ve also noticed that Christians look down on charitable contributions made outside the church. Because, you know, you’re either with the church or your with the forced gay pride abortionists.


And we need to get something straight about elitism. It has little to do with money, or with liberal policies. Elitism comes almost entirely from being smarter and better educated than the average American. If you have an ounce of reason or logic, you’re probably an elitist.


Oh, geeze. Didn’t mean to go all alternate universe Jeff Foxworthy in that last post.


If you’re not sure how many houses you own, you might be an elitist.


I work in the semiconductor industry in sili valley. And the only reason I have a job, and many many others, is entertainment and export. If we weren’t always coming up with new ways to deliver, distribute and market videos, music and movies, and if the rest of the world wasn’t still selling the crap out of electronic devices, especially in the “other than computers” arena, it would be a ghost town around here…



RB, true, but not really in the GOP spirit. More like “if you understand why not knowing how many houses you own might not be a selling point as a leader, you might be an elitist.”


Maybe by “dislocation” they mean workers should be out there “riding the rails.”

At the height of the Great Depression, more than 250,000 teenagers were living on the road in America.


We must make these programs actually anticipate dislocations so that affected workers can get new skills quickly and return to the workforce.

Yeah. The people who insist the economy is dandy will be perfectly equipped to accept, diseminate and act on information that says it isn’t.

Oh wait, I’ve got it:

“Our data shows 0% unemployment in your area. Therefore you must be a dead beat and no you can’t have any money from your account, you’ll just spend it on crack and porn.”


What about this deferred income I hear about? And income from things like S-corporations? What about overseas income?

I’m gonna bet that these unemployment reforms would stick it to the great unwashed while people like McCain would, completely by accident I’m sure, make out like bandits.


Shameless whoring: My latest post is up.

I’m really pleased with the writing, and the Photoshopping is pretty good, too, IMO.

Please come by and give me some loving traffic. Lemme know what you think.

Yes, I’m a very needy person.

Thank you.


PS – somebody passed along that McCain propaganda quote here in an earlier thread. Please identify yourself so I can give proper credit.


At the height of the Great Depression, more than 250,000 teenagers were living on the road in America.



Wow. That IS Shameless…



Man, Gary Ruppert is going to win some McCain points today for all his comments.

Gary, great job here telling us how we should and should not vote. I love how your link goes to Freerepublic, where one of the aims is to expose government corruption… Glad you’re here, Gary, really.

And I sincerely hope that you’re sitting in your basement, surrounded by your old dungeons and dragons costumes, getting all excited thinking about gays having sex and women having abortions. Sometime when you’re depressed, Gary, and things seem really bleak, remember that some of us would prefer a world sans Gary Ruppert, a world where your pain is no more, and a world that is better off without you. Go ahead, Gary Ruppert, hold it, touch the barrel to your lips, taste the steel, and stop the pain.

Or you could take your big ass down to a recruiter and do something positive for the war you know you love. Go ahead, Gary, enlist. Do something real and stop thinking that your lurking here is anything but nothing, which is what you’re all about, little man.


To be fair, he didn’t specifically say that he wanted to abolish unemployment insurance, nor did he even really hint at it. That is, unless saying he wants to update it or supplement it with wage insurance is a code word. But is it?


Kill the unemployed!
(maniacal grin)
(pretend to stop applause)
(grin and chuckle slightly)

My friends, there was a time when couldn’t collect unemployment… for five and a half years!
(repeat stage directions)


I’m still having cognitive dissonance over a Republican telling me that the work of an elected official is more important than private, community efforts.

No, the McCain campaign has already jumped the shark on delivering messages today that directly contradict yesterday’s messages. It’s what they do, and no one’s surprised anymore.


That is, unless saying he wants to update it or supplement it with wage insurance is a code word. But is it?

Given that he’s a Republican I’d say yes, but McCain is so out of touch that he may think he can offer entitlements that would make his party’s faithful poop in terror.

I can’t imagine, however, his speechwriters or handlers thinking the same.


To be fair, he didn’t specifically say that he wanted to abolish unemployment insurance, nor did he even really hint at it. That is, unless saying he wants to update it or supplement it with wage insurance is a code word. But is it?

Another dog whistle. Its meant to be incomprehensible to normal people. Its an authoritarian, I-am-your-Doggie-tell-me-a-secret-Daddy kind of thing.


All I can say is that when Barry X Hussein Stokely Carmichael Trotsky Obama gets elected and I’m unemployed and on the government dole, I wanna pay for my free government-paid Hummer specifically with Ann Althouse’s tax money, goddamnit. And my swinging, free, government- supplied bachelor pad where I “concubine” with all my welfare queens should be financed with Glenn Reynolds’s hard-earned money.

Viva Obama! Ole!


To be fair, he didn’t specifically say that he wanted to abolish unemployment insurance…

For GOP policy prescription, I’d check the platform before the convention speech.


Personally, I’m looking forward to my VA-provided hookers and blow.


For GOP policy prescription, I’d check the platform before the convention speech.



Personally, I’m looking forward to my VA-provided hookers and blow.

I’d enlist for that.


“I’d enlist for that.”

Well, I almost bit at the GI Bill and College Fund. Glad I held out.


See, THAT’S trolling. This way, way over-whipped and stale Gary Ruppert routine FINALLY made somebody throw a rod and respond in the old-school 20th-century manner, like, what if people said things and MEANT them, wow, far out. That’s what a troll is. He pokes you with a stick until you go apeshit. If you were born during the Reagan administration you might want to make a note of that somewhere.

Disclaimer: Gary and the Malfunctioning Robot tend to express a monotonous admiration for pastries and tarts, at least on my end. A thousand pardons if the latest wisdom pellet failed to be tiresome and stale.


I no longer read Saul, Truth, goober et al. I still glance at “Gary” because, on rare occasions, it’s Real Gary*, and on others it’s our very funny in-house “Gary Ruppert” or some other amusing Gary.

But the rest I don’t bother reading at all, especially Truth as it tends to be so long-winded, . I just scroll right on down the thread.

*Sure, Real Gary consists of the same old reheated Rethug talking points as the other trolls but I read him because it brings back memories of when I discovered Sadly,No! the summer of 2006. I’m a sentimental soul.


But the rest I don’t bother reading at all, especially Truth as it tends to be so long-winded

I think he provides the opportunity for a decent punchline, which is mostly what I read the comments here for.

There’s also something strangely alluring about picking out the teeniest piece of his work and mocking that as opposed to dealing with the totality of it.

Sincere or no, it’s like someone attempting to poison me by giving me free booze. Taking it at all seriously is the wrong way to go.


RB, I get the pleasure of reading your replies and eviscerations of Truth without reading the boring originals. I get the best of both worlds.


I don’t take any of these trolls seriously. I don’t believe any of them are real trolls. I’ve debated with myself about Truth possibly being real – I’ve even thought he might be Kevin – but I think he’s a parody. Hell, for that matter, I was never 100% convinced that Kevin was real.

Other than Jose Chung and random commenters and bloggers who have come over here to scold Sadly,No! because a post has enraged them, I think a real troll is as rare around these parts as normal speech patterns in a Pastor Swank column.


The original Kevin, the one who showed up when Gavin whupped those right-wing bloggers in a photoshop-off, is certainly real. He’s still blogging along at his own site.


Mat: And my swinging, free, government- supplied bachelor pad where I “concubine” with all my welfare queens should be financed with Glenn Reynolds’s hard-earned money.

Any money Glenn Reynolds actually EARNED in his life wouldn’t finance 5 minutes of Sarah Palin pole-dancing, let alone your King Solomon fantasy, Mat. You should have said “Glenn Reynolds’s wingnut welfare checks.”


What’s fun is when some clueless Johnny One-Note stumbles in here and start gettin’ all high n’ mighty with everyone. Remember that guy who hated punk rock so bad and acted like he was Mr. Rock n Roll Encyclopedia or something? Didn’t know who he was dealin’ with, I tell you that much! Haw haw! Hoooie, good times.


when Gavin whupped those right-wing bloggers in a photoshop-off

Good Christ I still remember those hideous flying carpets.


Ruh-roh. Speaking of trolls…


He’s still blogging along at his own site.

Huh. I thought references to his blog were a joke. I remember someone saying clicking on his name took you to Google or something. Not that I don’t believe you.

Maybe if things get boring after the election we should go over to his little blog and poke him with a stick.


He started off linking to his blog, but when he got tired visitors from this site, he changed the link to Google. Don’t ask me why or how, and I wish I could the brainspace to remember other, more important things, but I still have the address in my head.


What’s fun is when some clueless Johnny One-Note stumbles in here and start gettin’ all high n’ mighty with everyone. Remember that guy who hated punk rock so bad and acted like he was Mr. Rock n Roll Encyclopedia or something?

Haha, yeah I remember that guy. He was convinced the Sex Pistols had destroyed all of Western Civilization, but not the one most people tend to think of. Not event the one the wingers worship in service to hating and fearing the hordes of “dark people.” No, this was the Western Civilization that had been created a decade before by Jerry Garcia and the DFH generation.

What a hoot!


he got tired of visitors

could use the brainspace

Joder, I’m just full of phalin today.


All. One. Guy.


He was convinced the Sex Pistols had destroyed all of Western Civilization, but not the one most people tend to think of.

He also had an important government job and wanted to beat us all up.Good times…


I remember RB rippin’ him up over the Beatles. So funny.


I’m just full of phalin today.

I know the phalin. 😉

Ah, J-, you’re always ace high in my book. You’re one of those people who actually knows stuff, a rare and wonderful thing in this old world. (Not as rare at Sadly,No! as it is most places, though, thank FSM!)

I don’t remember the music critic guy. I must have missed that somehow.


Music critic guy.

The alicublog link therein from J Neo Marvin is worth a look for giggles.


You’re too kind, Candy.


That’s what a troll is. He pokes you with a stick until you go apeshit.
Personally I can’t see the point of spending one’s time spouting bullshit to an anonymous virtual audience in order to wind them up. Get a life!
Now spouting bullshit to an anonymous virtual audience in order to make them laugh, that’s different.
We must make these programs actually anticipate dislocations
Also, John McCain spent 5 -1/2 years anticipating his next dislocation!


I was a Republican I’d start fuming about throwing money at problems.

That could easily become a policy statement for the Mikey Party.
“My opponent believes in simply throwing money at problems. That’s been tried for decades and it doesn’t work. It’s time for a change. It’s time to throw problems at money!”


I’m always bitterly amused at the way the R’s think tax-free savings accounts are the answer to everything.

I remember having a savings account. It was before W got elected. Since then, not so much.

It betrays their mindset; why don’t I just scoop some more out of my trust fund? Come up with a boondoggle to scam money out of people? Or just beg rich, distant, Daddy for another check with emotional blackmail?

As they do.


spouting bullshit to an anonymous virtual audience in order to make them laugh, that’s different.

Hey, that’s practically the motto on my family crest: Kakatoa ad nemo facere ut rideam, non idem est.


Even shorter Republican convo by way of Mel Brooks’ History of the World, Part I: “FUCK THE POOR!”


I still miss the smug git who came here & became instantly butthurt when some mean bastard (*twiddles thumbs, looks innocent, whistles*) gave them a free rhetorical colostomy, sans anaesthetic. Flaming newbie trolls is like a spiritual multi-vitamin.

I think a lot of people here really want the regular trolls to all be fake – or all be one person – because the alternative is too much of a downer. CUM is quite likely phony as a 3-dollar-bill (at least I sure hope so, for its own sake), & Rugged In Montana’s or Gary Ruppert’s stylings are blatantly a put-on (with the odd Real Gary(TM) thrown in) … but my attitude toward the likes of The Truthborg or booger or Sir Erik Of Pontoonpiddia remains the same. Regurgitate neocon agitprop, get a free mercy-challenged beatdown. If you’re saying nasty drivel just for a cheap thrill, & that’s your idea of a good time, you probably also think Hitler was a way kewl post-modern ironic performance-artist. Let’s just say doing those comments as irony falls a tad short of unmitigated genius – especially since visitors not “in on the gag” who read that “ironic” rat-poison might have their own Neanderthal POV reinforced by such “art” … it’s well worth flaming to a crisp, either way.

Stupid = funny.
Evil + Stupid = not funny.
Cloning Evil + Stupid for Cheap Lulz = Evil + Stupid + Pathetic.

That’s not Irony You Can Believe In, my friends.

Nascar McHeartland

Think what you like, but here in the real US of A, we looooooves us some o’ that ironical “performance-art”. O’ course, we call it wrasslin’, but that’s ’cause we’re not a bunch of fancy-goat-cheese-and-brussels-sprouts-eatin’ élitists.

Er, elitists, I mean.


just saw a bumper sticker “Jesus was a Community Organizer. Pontius Pilate was a Governor”


….. my flag is bigger than yours , therefore no matter how incompetent & corrupt , we are better than you.


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