Shorter K-Lo
Posted on September 5th, 2008 by Brad
- The American people are far too intelligent to vote in their own economic self-interest.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Not that it’s really worth my time responding to this woman, but
Partisanship is partisanship, sure, but if you really think that Obama’s speech was some fatuous, throwaway thing, then wow. Sucks to be you.
Every once in a while, Tom Sowell will start whining about integration (really.) and saying how he opposed busing from the start. To be on the wrong side of history for that fucking long, to have to tell your kids and grandkids how you never ever supported something that made this nation better…well, that’s gotta suck. You can disagree with Obama’s politics all you want, and you can even say it wasn’t his greatest achievement, but shit- when you posted 100 times during his speech about how much you thought he sucked, I hope you know that’s what history will remember out of you. And out of Obama, 80K screaming supporters, millions watching at home, a bump in the polls, and history made.
Forest, meet Trees. Trees, meet Forest.
I think you two need to get to know each other.
The Corner = the Washington Generals of the blogosphere. And KLo is the 12th man.
Shorter, shorter K-Lo: POW, POW, POW!
The one useful thing about K-Lo is that she can be treated as some sort of idiot savant who provides insight
What will you remember about Obama’s speech/show when you’re in the voting booth? That he wants to give you a lot of stuff? What will you remember about McCain’s speech? That he has the character and track record to lead?
So never mind the policies, never mind the ideas, never mind any of it–go ahead and vote on the vague impression you got from a speech or two.
K-Lo is far from the only person (on either side of the aisle) who thinks this way.
Shorter McCain:
There is something to be said for her point, however. The Republicans have manipulated this for decades now, fooling people into believing tax cuts for the wealthy somehow benefit the working and middle classes.
On the flip side, I should talk: I’m a wealthy liberal….
What will you remember about Obama’s speech/show when you’re in the voting booth? That he wants to give you a lot of stuff?
And God bless him for that! A-fucking-men. It’s about time our government got it right.
Balloon Juice posted this this morning, but since their site has been up and down like a yo-yo lately, I’ll link it here:
CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin gives a big smackdown on McCain’s speech, while praising the enthusiasm of Palin’s speech. The fact that McCain is being so overpowered by Palin is a sure way for him to lose… not so much because Palin is a nut, but because technically he’s the one that’s supposed to be running for office.
The fact is that McCain’s speech was more memorable and better than Obama’s speech.
As well, a lot of people will vote in their best interest when they vote McCain. They’ll vote against letting an Islamist sympathizer into the White House. They’ll vote against a guy who wants to raise their gas prices. They’ll vote against more taxes and war.
John McCain is the anti-tax and anti-war candidate. He’s the only one who can end our conflicts abroad. Obama will sabotage the surge and that will lead to more death in Iraq.
K-Lo’s response: Atleast I’m smarter than Larry Kudlow.
From Aug. 25th NRO:
Are the Denver Dems Downing Stocks? [Larry Kudlow]
Are the Denver Dems downing the stock market today? The Dow is off 230 points, starting right from the get-go. So-called market analysts are blaming financials and the credit crunch as they always do. But there’s more.
Obama and Biden gave us plenty of class warfare in their Springfield, Ill., get together on Saturday. Tax the rich. Redistribute income and wealth. Go after all those corporate meanies. Trade protection. Card-check for the Unions to stop secret elections (not even former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern agrees with that one.) …
…With the Denver Dems strutting their stuff, this could be a bumpy week for stocks. Did anyone say free-market capitalism is the best path to prosperity?
Meawnhile since Palin’s speech on Wednesday, the DOW has dropped over 400 points…and counting.
Are Character and Track Record more Palin offspring?
Some year’s ago, Our Lady of Sorrows High School, the principal and a teacher are talking:
Sister Mary Margaret: I’m worried about Miss Lopez.
Sister John: Is that that unfortunate girl who never stops blabbing?
SMM: Yes. But that’s not her only problem. She’s failing English. She can’t write and she has no apparent ability to comprehend the written word. She misinterprets everything said in the lecture. When I point out her many errors, she becomes smug and tells me that it’s okay because Jesus likes her writing.
SJ: (crosses self) Holy mother! You don’t say!
SMM: (grimly nods)
SJ: Well, she’s not a pretty girl. She’s not a smart girl. I’m sure she has a nice personality then? Charity of spirit? Does good works?
SMM: Nice? Shes snotty and rude and the other girls hate her. As for charity of spirit, she told Father that when Jesus said “The poor you have always with you” he really meant keep those stupid poor people over there with you, cause I don’t like the way they smell.
SJ: So . . . No nice marriage, no vocation, no job that involves reading and writing. Whatever will become of her?
SMM: The good lord only knows.
Jeez, I make a comment mocking K-Lo’s writing skillz and I use “year’s” instead of “years” right out of the focking gate.
Need more coffee NOW.
Gary (and yes that’s Real Gary) — painting McCain as the anti-war candidate is the awesomest strategy I’ve ever seen. Have fun being completely powerless after November, pooch.
Gary, has anyone ever told you that drinking that much Kool-Aid is bad for you?
Powertool Paul Mirengoff’s analysis:
Talk about grasping at imaginary straws.
Some solid retorts from the Troll Gallery this morning.
I liked Palin’s speech when some homeless guy yelled it at me a few days ago.
Got some metrics to back that up, Real Gary(TM)?
Shit, memorable? Really? Thing I’m going to remember about it is that they screwed up the backdrop presentation. Awesome.
Didja ever notice how Rudy, Tancredo, Hunter, and Mittens all got their asses kicked in the primaries? Believe it or not, booga booga sand people isn’t much of an argument these days.
Cite an example of Obama saying this, please.
Yeah, gotta stop Obama from invading Iran. Got it.
More taxes? Most Americans get a tax cut in the Obama plan. I personally get my taxes halved. That’d be enough for me even without McCain being a friggin disaster.
Smacketh down reigns in manic Minny, loony libs! Ding dong dilly, the Cool Coach is primed and pumped after four fearless days of Republican romp! You should have seen how excited the McCainiacs are about Team Victory after Super Sarah, the Power Palin, dropped atomic bombs of awesome bitchingness all over the dumb Democrats!
The Truth is totally truthful with his statement about how lousy and loony the leftist Obambi is! Badoodle boo-yeah, you better believe that the McCainiacs are large and in charge after the bounce bananas you’re about to see!
You just got served a SPREAD of TRUTH, libs! Urban out.
bounce bananas
I’m waiting for peak pomegranate season.
I’ll cheerfully pay more taxes if it goes into roads and health care, and not into more damn welfare for Halliburton, Raytheon and Boeing.
My morals require me to pay for government services I receive, not steal them like a certain child molester.
Um, really fixed.
CUM: “You should have seen how excited the McCainiacs are”
All eight thousand of them that bothered to show up in St. Paul.
Now there’s small change you can believe in.
McCain’s speech was more memorable and better than Obama’s speech.
Oh, yeah? One quote, Gary. Just give me one quote. No cheating, now.
You just got served a SPREAD of TRUTH, libs!
And it tastes just like that higher-priced spread! But less filling!
Anyhow, the latest give-away on McCain for being other than a true-blue upright Republican is his appearing in an R-rated Hollywood movie. Not only that, he considers is okay. In fact, he considers it a part of the nation’s legitimate laughter genre.
And yet this is the same McCain who warned Congress of the country going to hell in a raunchy handbasket? Yes it is.
I’d like to take K-Lopez out for lunch, but I’m guessing I dont have 16 hours to spare.
K-Lo puts the bat, shit, and insane in “batshit insane.”
Super Sarah, the Power Palin
Good lord, is that SuperKnicksFan?
A little early in the morning for that picture, methinks.
Holy crap. Palin’s not going to do any interviews:
I liked Obama’s speech when I heard Mario Cuomo give it in 1984.
And Palin’s sounded better in the original German, shithead.
Smacketh down reigns in manic Minny
Coach, I hear the Vikings stand a very good chance of beating the Republicans, even if Palin is QB instead of McCain.
Sounds like perfect slash fiction for Palin/Power Rangers.
My morals require me to pay for government services I receive, not steal them like a certain child molester.
Most people’s morals would have them giving back in acknowledgement of the great bounty they have received from this nation: their freedom, their opportunity, their wealth.
You’d think a rich Republican would be the first to acknowledge that. Apparently, not.
Oh, McCain is the anti-war candidate, all right. Elect McCacain, and you will never hear about the War on Iraq or the “War on Terror” again.
No, the wars won’t stop, we just won’t hear about them.
And that’s what America wants more than anything else, absolution, “retro-active immunity” for the last eight years.
What will you remember about Obama’s speech/show when you’re in the voting booth?
What I will remember is realizing how silly it is for Republicans to do that USA chant to claim that are the patriotic half of the electorate. The first word in USA is United, and we should never let them divide us ever again.
So…how’d the Republicans end up with a candidate who talks about how shitty Republican government has been?
These guys are trying really hard to feel good about voting for McPalin. They’re like heroin addicts who know the next fix might leave them a corpse that goes unnoticed until the neighbors complain about the smell. But maybe, just maybe, it’ll be all right.
Go Go Palin Ranger, Mighty Moosing Palin raaaa-annggg-errrrrs!
You’d think a rich Republican would be the first to acknowledge that.
Oh hell no, I’d never think such a thing. If they’re Republican then they believe they did it all themselves, by the sweat of their own brow and their own iron will. Roads, communication, stabilized monetary system – all that stuff comes from God, don’tcha know.
So, it seems the Tracy Flick of the Tundra is heading back to Alaska and will be too busy
digging herself out from under a mountain of corruption chargessaying goodbye to her son to do any active campaigning ….“So…how’d the Republicans end up with a candidate who talks about how shitty Republican government has been?”
I’ll field this one:
In other news, I certainly hope that the Obama folks see the wisdom of playing McCain’s “Republicans suck” spiel on a contiuous loop in many many battle-ground areas. Couple that with a steady diet of enumerating St. Palin’s laundry list of Failin’s.
They’ll vote against letting an Islamist sympathizer into the White House.
I see that “terrorist sympathizer” has morphed into “Islamist sympathizer”, since, you know. The thing with Palin being associated with AIP, and the AIP’s leader getting himself killed while trying to make a clandestine purchase of plastic explosives.
how’d the Republicans end up with a candidate who talks about how shitty Republican government has been?
By claiming that the Bush admin was really a bunch of RINOs.
Hey, I heard McCain was a POW — is this true?
Do you have to have a magic ring or something to comment here?
El Cid, I did read something about McC being a PoW but it was in the librul media, so I’m not sure I trust it
So, it seems the Tracy Flick of the Tundra is heading back to Alaska
Today McCain and Palin were scheduled to visit Cedarburg, Wisconsin, and Sterling Heights, Michigan.
McCain Street USA. Get it? Get it?
OT I know, but me thinks the fun’s just starting
Do you have to have a magic ring or something to comment here?
me thinks
But this won’t earn you your pedant patch.
Not fixed, but as every post of hers slowly swirls clockwise(northern hemisphere editions) and gutters to its smelly, soppy end, it fits.
Or, you know, the other clockwise.
OT but this comment from O’Reilly interests me: “I looked at him eye to eye. And he is not a wimp. He is not a wimpy guy.”
What’s going to be on the next excerpts? I don’t think they’ve been leaked, so I suspect that Bill O failed in his mission.
OT I know, but me thinks the fun’s just starting
Does that O stand for On or Off?
OT: Palin will now be used as a money machine. It make perfect sense. It keeps her in staged settings out of trouble. They’ll follow the “closed to the press/ loyalty oath/Men-in-Black memory erasure” protocol. She won’t have to answer any questions off-script. The true believers can go gaga over Sarah and open their wallets.
Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? According to this random poll, the race is now tied!
ATTN SADLY PROPRIETORS: A post is required on the picture of the big building behind McCain on the Jumbotron. It was Walter Reed MIDDLE SCHOOL in North Hollywood, CA (h/t Orange Satan). The McCain camp is refusing comment, which means it was a fuckup.
Holy crap. Palin’s not going to do any interviews:
Palin will now be used as a money machine. It make perfect sense. It keeps her in staged settings out of trouble. They’ll follow the “closed to the press/ loyalty oath/Men-in-Black memory erasure” protocol. She won’t have to answer any questions off-script. The true believers can go gaga over Sarah and open their wallets.
OT I know, but me thinks the fun’s just starting
Sorry for the double post. My WordPress cherry has been taken most brutally.
Check with Talking Points Memo for the story on Walter Reed Middle School vs. Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
And it only proves my point. See, we have so few wounded warriors they can comfortably fit in that tiny (relatively) building.
Vote McCain-Palin and forget!
Brave Ms. Mooseburger ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When questions reared their ugly heads,
She bravely turned her tail and fled.
Yes, brave Ms. Mooseburger turned about
And gallantly she chickened out.
Bravely taking to her feet
She beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Ms. Mooseburger!
rkrider just pointed out the next set O’ goodies; no doubt the Nat Equirer is on it, doubletime. Nothing says the affair allegations are true like the lover filing for an emergency sealing of his divorce proceedings.
People, I think we are about to see a full on, rethug/Xtian style, double wet suit, extramarital affair scandal with Saracuda in the cheatin’ wife role.
Maul not over roughly yon n00b, forsooth, for I prithee note with keen eyen his want of ill intent! Yo.
You get a complimentary Kewpie Doll for hitting a natural bullseye – but the GOP, on the other hand, gets the same rough benefit as this guy if they think that it’ll make the undecideds feel anything but suspicion or hostile contempt. That Charlie Brown (alias “Wishy-Washy”) demographic is, as mikey keeps pointing out, the key to victory. That “Trapdoor-Spider VP” strategy stinks of damage-control … is a party obsessing over doing damage-control worthy of political support?
Of all the shit about Sarah Palin, this business of hiding her away behind her mantle of motherfucking motherhood makes me so mad I could .. . I could …..ARRRRGH! HULK SMASH!
What pisses me off the most was that I should have seen this coming, but I honestly didn’t. I expected them the bury the Old Guy and trot the troglodite trollop out every chance they got.
Yep, should have seen this coming.
The ADHD MSM must not be allowed to let her fade away. FFS, I’m actually sitting here hoping that the ever-fucking National Enquirer does its job! This is a new low for me. The National Enquirer’s new motto: Investigative Reporting: No One Does It Better, Because No One Else Does It.
The slides were vetted as thoroughly as Palin.
I know I’m not the best judge because I grew up down the street from WR, but I find it shocking that no one involved in picking the image realized that the building looks nothing like the hospital.
The GOP has essentially announced: “None of our asses has ever been to visit the wounded at WR. And that story on the disgusting way soldiers were treated at the hospital? Yawn! We were too busy putting another Support The Troops magnet on our limos.”
I would really prefer if people didn’t claim K-Lo for my gender, thanks. Besides, it’s crass to make fun of someone simply because they have a face that looks like it’s perpetually pressed up against the window of a candy store, and by “a candy store” I mean “the next-door neighbors who are always having orgies and never invite her, despite repeated and pointed hints.”
I’m actually sitting here hoping that the ever-fucking National Enquirer does its job!
Candy: I’ve been thinking the same thing, and also feeling rather disgusted with myself.
On the other hand: Hey, NE! Get off your lazy “journo” asses and make some noise STAT!
Wooten Man ain’t nothing to fuck with!
You just got served a SPREAD of TRUTH, libs!
I imagine you’d know best, Dumpster: does the Truth have a spread diameter rivalling Goatse, or is that brown pucker of his still tight, forcing you to wait ecstatically for that dribble upon your lips as if you were in an old Heinz commericial?
So, when Sarah Palin gets the crap knocked out of her when she has to admit she had an affair, are we finally going to get to see the deer-in-the-headlights husband standing there next to the podium, wishing he could kill her for doing this to him on television?
Cause that might be funny.
MzNicky, I guess that we have to use the tool that the particular job requires. In the Palin case, the National Enquirer is just the right tool.
I hope they can refrain from headlines like, “Bristol: Baby’s real father from Andromeda Galaxy!”
I hope they can refrain from headlines like, “Bristol: Baby’s real father from Andromeda Galaxy!”
I always thought the Enquirer was dull due to a lack of this stuff in comparison to the other tabloids.
Sarah Palien?
I thought he looked more like Cindy, RB.
I’m just surprised the Republicans didn’t blame Bat Boy for knocking Bristol up.
RB, I shall now always think of her as Sarah Palien! Thanks for the laff!
Amid this mad dash to dig up dirt on Palin to properly vet her, such as her alleged affair, her abuse of power investigation, her knocked-up daughter, etc., there should be a reporter or two checking with Palin’s hairdresser to see if there’s a “666” birthmark somewhere on her head.
For the record: I’m an atheist, but if I were a Christian, I’d take even money in the anti-Christ betting pool that it’s Sarah Palin.
It’s too bad the Weekly World News went out of publication. Otherwise we would so be getting these stories. The Enquirer is just a scandal-magazine with ambitions of investigative reporting.
The Sun is still, um, respectably crazy.
Ya know Candy, if they are going to pull a “don’t bother her, she must attend to her mothering” until Nov, then don’t we now truly have the right to ask if she can really put the time into being VP that’s required? Especially now that Cheney’s made the VP office more important/powerful than the prez?
Did you know Santa was an Alaskan lawmaker?
That 90-day legislative session they have up there works really well, as it allows him plenty of time to oversee toy production.
Ya know Candy, if they are going to pull a “don’t bother her, she must attend to her mothering” until Nov, then don’t we now truly have the right to ask if she can really put the time into being VP that’s required?
Don’t expect a lot of press access. Palin needs to spend time with the voters. That’s a quote.
don’t we now truly have the right to ask if she can really put the time into being VP that’s required?
Yes, stringonastick, I think that would be a legitimate question to ask. Let’s hope Obama and Biden ask it.
Enquiring minds want to know.*
(*Oh, c’mon, you all know it was just begging to be said.)
I recall hearing several concern trolls on NPR when Edward’s wife’s cancer came back; things like “he’d be worrying about her too much to be a good president”. Since Palin’s got a 4 month old with Down syndrome, and preggo teen, and a son going off to a war she “hasn’t paid a lot of attention to”, I’d say she’d be waaaaaaaaay too distracted to do any quality VP-in’. Unless Jeebus helps her, which I guess is what they are really counting on at this point.
So, Coach Urban Meyer is supposed to be Doug Giles, right? Because it’s pretty much spot on, although I don’t know what a spread of truth is.
I know that Gary Ruppert is an idiot troll better left ignored but his statement that McCain is the anti-war candidate is nothing less than mind-boggling. Please note that at the Republican convention the word “President” was dropped in favor of “Commander in Chief.” John McCain is not only pro-war, he’s based his entire career on it.
The GOP has essentially announced: “None of our asses has ever been to visit the wounded at WR. And that story on the disgusting way soldiers were treated at the hospital? Yawn! We were too busy putting another Support The Troops magnet on our limos.”
i was thinking earlier today, imagine if the democrats did this. it woudl be a HUGE story from the right wing noise machine. they would say exactly what you said and they would say it for days and days and days and it would be on the nightly news and all the cables and in the tubes and become an internet tradition like al gore invented the internet. and democrats would be made into laughingstocks.
why cant our side ever pounce on these things. i know its moronic and makes you feel icky, but sadly, its what wins with our idiocracy.
Oh, Candy, you won the thread twice tonight!
Candy — September 5, 2008 at 16:23
Some year’s ago, Our Lady of Sorrows High School, the principal and a teacher are talking:…
Candy — September 5, 2008 at 19:35
Of all the shit about Sarah Palin, this business of hiding her away behind her mantle of motherfucking motherhood makes me so mad I could .. . I could …..ARRRRGH! HULK SMASH!
…..The National Enquirer’s new motto: Investigative Reporting: No One Does It Better, Because No One Else Does It.
KLo has an elitism problem. Shocking, I know. Blog whoring my take
KLo has other problems. A shorter KLo would roll.
So in 2000 did George Bush have all that character and track record to lead? Is that why he kicked McCain’s ass?
Did McCain get a bunch of character and track record since then?