This is Not an Exercise
So, this is it, huh, folks?
The last eight years are going down in the books as the most degraded in American history. The people put in charge of caring for this country shoved us into a brutal and unnecessary war that, whatever its ultimate outcome, was begun under circumstances as false as Gleiwitz and which squandered the lives of thousands who didn’t deserve to die. They sat on their hands while an American city drowned and have never had the stones to own up to it. They let the war they started turn into a disastrous occupation that cost America billions, and allowed their corporate cronies to soak billions more through fraud, profiteering and waste. They’ve done next to nothing to capture the one man responsible for 9/11, while using his murderous legacy to scare up votes. They’ve wasted every opportunity to provide health care, education and energy independence to our country, and taken every opportunity to enrich the wealthiest Americans at everyone else’s expense. They’ve degraded the Constitution, treated their own countrymen like criminals and traitors, opened brutal prison camps on foreign soil, scoffed at the very notion of due process, and normalized torture as part of the routine business of running a nation.
And now, with an opportunity to stand in front of the men and women who have had the good taste not to do the decent thing and string them up from the nearest light post – with the opportunity to, if not apologize for the horrible betrayal of the very promise of our nation, at least to say that they know things have gone wrong and damn it, they will put them right – here is what they say:
That’s their change. That’s their new hope. That’s how they propose to make it right, people.
Why, it almost reminds me of a song.
Starting with an ABC
Wanting to drill fully
Editing skillfully
Arguing forcefully
Any small thing that we find
Lengthened moment in the sea
Driving me home
Any places far or near
It begins at one and is followed by two
An X marks the spot where I met U
1 2 Drill U
In the heart of the earth under the ground
In every city and every town
1 2 Drill U
If you’re saved or if you’re lost
If you are free, what is the cost?
1 2 Drill U
If you’re scarred, if you’re a fool
If you are hot, if you are cool
It’s up to you, it’s up to me
There’s only one thing that it can be
What’s your gift?
What’s your curse?
Is it fatal charm or worse?
What’s your promise?
What’s your pledge?
Do you dive in or cling to the edge?
What’s your plan?
Do you watch your back?
Do you draw fire, retreat, or attack?
We’re milling through the grinder
We’re grinding through the mill
If this is not an exercise, could it be a…?
Could it be a…?
What’s your step?
What’s your desire?
Are you out of the way in time?
Are you safe?
Are you real?
Do you beg, connive, or steal?
Are you curved?
Are you straight?
Do you love, adore, or hate?
Are you off? Are you on?
Arriving, staying, gone?
Do you flow? What’s your line?
Do you separate, mix, or combine?
What’s your output? How’s your growth?
Was your statement sworn under oath?
We’re milling through the grinder, grinding through the mill
If this is not an exercise, could it be a…?
Are you hollow? Do you ring?
Keep, save, send, or pray?
What’s your cost? Where will it end?
Do you parry, feint, or pretend?
Are you impressed? Are you in awe?
Is your goose cooked or raw?
Are you loyal? Are you proud?
Is your silence painful or loud?
Where’s your grip? Do you slide?
Recover, charge, and hide
What’s your quote? Do you vote?
Do you turn, or does your coat?
Are you spare? Have you a part?
Is there a finish, a middle, or start?
Are you level? How’s your trim?
Do you rotate, eddy, or spin?
Are you game? What’s your trick?
Do you vibrate, bounce, or tick?
What’s your cut? Are you correct?
Do you detour, bend, or stretch?
We’re milling through the grinder, grinding through the mill
If this is not an exercise, could it be a drill?
How’s it with you? What’s your form?
Your outline, shape, or form
How’s your price? What do you cost?
Your value, profit, or loss
How’s your skull? Does it fit?
Is your mind free, empty, or split?
Drill drill drill
Dugga dugga dugga
We’re milling through the grinder, and we’re grinding through the mill
If this is not an exercise…
Only McCain is qualified to go into the White House in order to clean up all the problems he’s just helped create. He just mentioned the housing crisis, helpfully worsened by his economic adviser Phil Gramm.
The Republicans learned that the Democrats’ advantage this year was in running against the Republicans who have controlled Washington for 7.5 years. Therefore, they, too, are running against, um, the Republicans who have controlled Washington for 7.5 years.
I need that album again.
A more recent Wire number somes to mind, too:
“The world is half-eaten, Mother Nature is nearly beaten!”
“Comes”. Grrrrrr.
Hey! Republicans are in favor of cutting government! Strange that they couldn’t do any of that with 4 years of absolute power over all branches of government. Hmmm. Best let them try again!
I’m not watching it, and thought Drill baby drill was a shorter from MLP. And they’re dragging Obama along with them? What’s that window called again? Coz it’s entering megawhackjob territory.
They’ve done next to nothing to capture the one man responsible for 9/11
It’s completely unrealistic to imagine that they’d ever give Cheney up…
there was our first shot of a yawn!!!
Is this the live S,N blogging of McNoShame? Cuz that’s what I’m watching now.
He’s yammering about school choice and electric automobiles. God I fucking hate this glob of putty.
Damn, I’ve been left behind. Now I know how it feels to be a wingnut.
Good lord that’s depressing linkage.
At least John McCain is fulla fail in acknowledging that Republican government has sucked.
Bomb Iran.
Solidarity with Georgia! Atlanta Freedom Now! Wait…
War for Georgia!
Hey! They found one of the 1% of black people at the convention! Good work, cameraman!
Iran is the next front! We must bomb Iran! “I know how the military works! I know how the world works! I know how to stand up to those who don’t know!”
I know how to secure the peeps!
He’s all over the map. Maybe he’ll start wondering if there really is a bear.
I hate war so much I sing ditties about bombing at banquets.
“When I was 5 years old the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor!”
“I hate war! … I want to prevent war!”
I know war! I hate war! I never talk about it! I was a POW! I’ll do what we didn’t do the last 7.5 years. But never forget — Teh SUUUUUUURGE ™!!!!
This is an awful speech. No energy. No vision. No solid punches landed on Obama. Thanks, John.
I second Mikey from the last thread: he’s one lame-ass public speaker.
Overton window. Dick Cheney just launched a bunch of birdshot through my Overton window, the bastard.
WOW, McCain is bombing, this is great.
Hey! McPalin’s now hip on the Intertoobz! We gots to keep up wif da Global Economizers!
Carefully sidestepping the Bush failures while saying he’ll do things basically the same way.
The information technology revolution that I uh, how do you use this thing?
You should go onto Facebook right now and join a group called “David Clark should be John McCain’s running mate.” Together we can bring about real change in this country.
People working for themselves…George Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney…
He’s not exactly exciting the crowd. Looks more like enervation.
Er, make that “David Clark should have been John McCain’s running mate.”
Again, real change, etc.
Battery is running low, John.
For Republicans, “Change” Means Having Different People Do The Same Things.
“Also, I have scars. That uppity guy don’t.”
“I have the scars to prove it. Senator Obama does not.”
Senator Obama didn’t go to ‘Nam! He’d rather play with LEGO.
I bet they want that protester back. Only exciting part of the speech.
Thank God! Privilege! USA! USA! USA!!
My friends, this is dull.
“Nickels back then had a picture of a bumblebee on them.”
“I’d tie an onion to my belt, because that was the style in those days.”
“My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that’s the way I likes it!”
5 minutes, John. Got some left hook coming we don’t expect?
My friends, I promise to suck you until you come at some future point some time far from now.
A new standard for accountability and transparency!
I won’t care who gets the credit!
I’ve been a servant first, last, and always! And I’ve never lived a day that I didn’t thank GOD for the privilege!
Also, I don’t like to talk about it, but I was a POW.
I bet they want that protester back.
Missed that. What happened?
Oh, now we know why McCain supports torture – he was blessed by his time as a POW, and he wants to provide the same opportunity for the Moo-slims.
I’m proud of him for finally having the courage to speak about his experience as a POW. You know, he hates to bring it up.
Norm Coleman!!! Hey, you fiucking dipshit!!!!
The speech was disrupted twice by protesters in the upper decks. Once had a t-shirt that read ‘Iraq veterans against the war” and the other appeared to have a fake press credential and was just feet from the floor.
Other people helped me. Now go help yourself ingrates.
This speech would be much better if it was part of a Madonna video.
“I turned it down. A lot of prisoners had it much worse.”
What a fucking martyr-complexed passive-aggressive self-pitying shitbag.
“Let’s try sharing it.”
To late, dipshit. Your side took it all.
Bob Crane saved him? I thought it was the prison guard who drew the cross in te dirt? Or have we forgotten that bullshit story already?
Martyr-complex, indeed.
“I was blessed by misfortune”
Well, then I want to elect one of those dudes who really had it bad – think how qualified they must be for the role of president!
McCain didn’t love his country until he was a POW. Pass it on.
I loved America because the tax rates were exactly right.
Hey, c’mon, trust us — just ’cause we spent the last 7.5 years working you over doesn’t mean we will for the next 4.5 years!
I nominate the longest-serving, worst treated POW in the entire Vietnam war to be the next President of the United States of America!!!!
“I wasn’t my own man anymore; I was my country’s.”
I’m going to vomit now.
Also, I’m not that uppity guy who thinks he’s Jesus Christ II or something, I’m just a humble servant who’s been on TV like 90 billion times.
Mistakes of government. The guy has always been tone deaf.
The guy in the upper deck also had a banner. “You can’t win an occupation” on one side; “McCain votes against vets” on the other.
Stuttering out “illiterate” is not so hot.
The birth of John McCain
Wait a minute – is he telling people to do community service? I thought that was what that fucking elitist Obama did!
“Comfort the afflicted.
Defend the rights of the oppressed.
Nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a greater cause than yourself…
Fight with me!”
Fight with a small withered gnome. $5.
Join the ranks of government? But you guys say the government doesn’t work.
I also like the audience wingnuts fighting to tear up for the camera.
Someone tell McCain not to step on his own applause lines. Moron.
I think he’s having a bowel movement!
Fight for bowel movement!
It’s past 11. Is he still talking? Obama’s crew had it running like a swiss watch. 10:59, done.
Now liberals, I know its very hard for you to accept that Obama bin Biden is gonna lose, but denial isn’t very healthy. Didn’t even your leftwing psychologists teach you that?
Lets face it, you should be politcally saavy enough to know that a man who opposes saving the life of babies born alive after a failed abortion is unelectable. Even San Fran Nan denounced Obambi’s postion as extreme.
Couple that with his racist pastor and anti-American wife, then you got a guy whose about as electable as Louis Farakhan or David Duke. Look, I apologize if my common sense observations brought you liberals back to planet earth. But if you leave your head in clouds too long you’re gonna eventually get lost up there.
Just consider me a voice in the wilderness trying to instill some common sense into you. Thats all.
He spouts Dem talking points and then grins that shit-eating grin as if he’s the originator of the ideas.
Cut away from the bored people quick!
Saul: Eat me.
Shiny Cindy.
Oh Christ, here comes Ricitus Mortis (Cindy Percocet).
OK, I’ve switched to the Daily Show. Goodnight, grampa McCain.
We’re all just raisin’ McCain?
Please kill me.
WTF is with all this lame-ass country “rock” fuckass muzak?
If McCain gets elected I predict a stairwell death and Republicans won’t much care.
Is the
fourthree day festival of suck finally over?Cindy and The Inuit walk away; McSame and Pallid stand alone.
Those red and white stripes are upside-down!
I’m projectile vomiting pea soup.
Sarah! Who’s minding the kidz?!
It’s getting late for the old folks there.
Chris Matthews just creamed his jeans loving on McSame. “He’s a maverick….”
Heart will be pissed.
I’m a good deal relieved. I really expected more out of this. I think they’re now in the awkward position of having all the energy on Palin’s side, yet so far their strategy is to keep Palin away from uncontrolled media exposure.
Uh, hate to mention it, but I see empty rafters in the background.
They’re actually playing Heart’s “Barracuda.”
If the real thing don’t do the trick you’d better make up something quick. That’s awesome.
“Fight with me…..stand up….stand up…….”
It was just going out on a cheer and nothing substantial.
Keith Olbermann pointed out that he paused expecting applause and got none (the part about not letting ‘washington change us’)
Silly silly fools.
Well. McCain is an old and uninteresting guy who does not understand what the party faithful want to hear.
Tweety said that he expects McCain to get a bump to 50% in the polls. I wouldn’t count it out. But compare this speech to 2000 & 2004 George Bush. Give Bush credit – – he was more interesting and memorable.
They called Sarah Barracuda in high school, hence the besmirching of Heart.
Shouldn’t they play “All I want to Do is Make Love to You” too? You know, Heart’s ode to one night stands that lead to babies in honor of theyounger Palin’s upcoming out of wedlock miracle?
Sorry, that was so, so, so mean.
Tweety said that he expects McCain to get a bump to 50% in the polls.
I can’t believe that at all. McCain said a lot of things that should make his base queasy.
They called Sarah Barracuda in high school, hence the besmirching of Heart.
Yeah, but it’s a song about a slimy asshole liar Barracuda.
One hundred years from now they’ll teach University courses about the 2008 Presidential Election. What we are witnessing is a seed change, nothing short of a Revolution.
Quietly, in basements and dens around America, an army of MILLIONS of Bloggers and fellow travelers is no longer responding to the media – considering what the media puts in front of us – considering the facts they have fed us, the facts on which we have had to base out thoughts. What has happened this year, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN WORLD HISTORY, is that the PEOPLE have actually turned the tables and WE THE PEOPLE now CONTROL the agenda and the information which is available to the people. The media have been reduced to following our lead; OUR findings of facts and the Blogsphere’s exposure of Sarah Palin’s appalling scandals and background are a prime example.
The REVOLUTION is HERE, we are not only fighting it we are WINNING it – not with hate, guns, rocks and blood – but with facts, and communication, and an Internet with a billion points of light – each point of which can take facts off and add new ones on.
For the first time in my adult life – America has a REAL chance at change.
God Bless America!
Oh come on, Heart was always mediocre … and so is the rest of their soundtrack
Where’s the coke? None of that 70s shit is any good without coke.
He looks like a bowl of half-risen dough that has somehow gotten stoned.
And he still can’t find Czechoslovakia or that gol durned Iraq Pakistan border. Cindy, bring me my reading spectacles you c^nt trollop!
Also, POW!
Tweety, Wolf Blitzer, and David Gregory are all creaming their underpants.
Because that’s what they’re paid to do.
The Horror. The Horror.
Heart will be pissed.
Yep. Ann Wilson’s Hope & Glory album from last year is a DFH-fest.
Shouldn’t they play “All I want to Do is Make Love to You” too? You know, Heart’s ode to one night stands that lead to babies in honor of theyounger Palin’s upcoming out of wedlock miracle?
They could’ve gone with “
MagicMaverick Man.”I like me some old Heart, so I don’t like Republicans making me delete shit off my iPod.
Too rich. Rove is pointing fingers at “Foley and others” for corruption.
Wow, Fox. Just wow.
I nominate the longest-serving, worst treated POW in the entire Vietnam war to be the next President of the United States of America!!!!
Umm, that dood’s dead.
But he’s still orders of magnitude better than bush/cheney III
Hah, PBS closes on a convention prayer. They can’t have a party without some asswipe waving a bible around.
I’m gonna play that Wire song again.
The DOW closed 345 down. Clearly Wall Street hates McCain/Palin.
We can haz talking in tongues?
Speaking of corruption and four more years: Ontday entionmay Ackjay bramoffAay.
Not sure why Hot Karl wants to bring up Foley again. But if it leads to a mention of Bob Allen, have at it, I say.
If the real thing don’t do the trick you’d better make up something quick. That’s awesome.
RB: O my fucking G, I have been sitting here laughing myself sick for a solid 3 minutes.
The good news is that Peggy Noonan is now totally excited about this ticket. “Barracuda” mentions a porpoise, you see.
Also: Bravo, Mr. Leonard Pierce! Excellent summation.
I’d fight with him. Given he’s an old dude, I’ll let him take the first swing too.
I’m jumping in here without reading your comments, without even reading the fucking post!!!! but I have to tell you, I just showed a friend the video of Cindy MCCain speaking tonight? And his first words were:
“Man. She look like the fucking last woman at the bar.”
Oh no, not again.
“She works with her hands and nose”??
The RNC closed to Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing”, the Sopranos finale song. Its fitting that it be the swan song of a crime family.
No, he didn’t best the ambitious, calculating orator from Chicago for sonorous phrases, but did he need to?
Yes because he is losing.
“yivin’ in a yonely world…smell o’ wine and cheap perfume…some’ll win, some will loose”
hey, i turned the website to ‘curvy’ and now i can’t turn it back. there aren’t any by-lines in curvy. or i’m too blind to see them.
some’ll win, some will loose
Some are born to sing the blooce.
They reminded America of what liberals really are – intolerant and full of hate.
Geez, you sound so………..uppity.
The Truth said,
September 5, 2008 at 5:43
Your Honor, I bring the following charges upon the plaintiff:
* Soullessness with malice aforethought.
* Dullness in the 1st Degree.
* Making children have nightmares with that thing he calls a smile.
* Pimping 9/11 victims for both personal & political gain.
* Whoring his own worst experiences in Vietnam for same.
* Abusing the one Heart song I really enjoy – presumably without legal permission.
Let Justice be served – in November.
The prosecution stops grandstanding, because he’s got to go to work now.
They reminded America of what liberals really are – intolerant and full of hate.
You must be talking about Mitt’s speech, where he said that the last 8 years the government has consisted of liberals.
Poor John McCain. Upstaged at the Republican National Convention by Gustav and America’s Kookiest Governor. Hanna’s coming Friday night, so enjoy the brief media coverage you’ll get tonight and tomorrow morning.
The biggest crowd enthusiasm at the RNC tonight was when Palin was saluted and when she walked on stage. Its her party now, John. Sad. A little like watching a remake of “A Star is Born”.
I think those are two different things, last time I checked.
it was a great speech from beginning to end but my favorite part was when they prayed for unwed mothers whose souls will burn in hell
ifthethunderdontgetya wrote:
Agreed. I didn’t think so before, but “What a great convention for decent people!” has to be parody.
The Troof said:
“Already the contrast between the acceptance speeches of Obama and McCain points out how much Obama overreached, and how big of a mistake it was to indulge his egotism and narcissism at Invesco Field.”
Um, yeah. That’s it. McCain couldn’t fill a pothole let alone a stadium so it’s pretty hard for him to overreach there.
Um, yeah. That’s it. McCain couldn’t fill a pothole let alone a stadium so it’s pretty hard for him to overreach there.
McLame tried to overreach, but that rascally Mooselady evaded his squirrelly grasp.
McLame tried to overreach, but that rascally Mooselady evaded his squirrelly grasp.
She actually is pretty good at staying out of his reach. The body language is pretty strong.
OT, but want to make sure this idea gets out there and circulating:
A lot of people have weighed in on Palin’s sarcastic comment about community organizers, but I think this is the crux of the matter: here we have the VP nominee for the party that has been insisting for years that social welfare shouldn’t be a government function; it should be handled by charitable organizations and churches and people should decide for themselves how much they want to give to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. And she’s sneering at the very people whose work is crucial to making her party’s laissez-faire approach to social welfare function on even the most minimal level.
They don’t just look down on poor people; they look down on the people who try to help poor people escape from being poor. Anyone who would do that rather than taking a job where they make a lot of money or wield power is a sucker, in the eyes of the Republicans.
Compassionate conservatism in action, folks.
And if you want to talk about “elitism”, I don’t know how you’d ever find a better example of it than that line, mockingly delivered by Sarah Palin. Here’s hoping that a whole lot of people pick up on this fact and hang it around her neck.
I’m John McCain, and I live in a box !
Come visit me !
Jennifer – you are right on in pointing out the multilayered vileness in Palin’s community organizer crack.
Everyone just needs to ask Palin how she ran her small Alaskan town 20 million into debt.
They might get the chance if she comes out of hiding and actually takes a question.
Everyone just needs to ask Palin how she ran her small Alaskan town 20 million into debt.
No, no, no. Didn’t you hear Grandpa’s speech tonight? She balances budgets.
They might get the chance if she comes out of hiding and actually takes a question.
They will build a human shield around her to keep the press away and try to run out the clock.
Geez, the convention organizers REALLY should’ve played “Don’t You Forget About ME” by Simple Minds after grandpa’s speech.
I believe the next scandal to erupt will be when it is revealed that Sarah Palin lip-synchs her speeches.
It’s for damned sure they’re gonna have to hook her up to that radio device that Bush used in the last debates. Maybe they’re hide it in her bubble hair?
“Geez, the convention organizers REALLY should’ve played “Don’t You Forget About ME” by Simple Minds after grandpa’s speech.”
Well, convention organizers, like community organizers, don’t have any responsibilities. Ask Sarah Palin.
That was cute group photo on stage at the end of the convention.
Gov. Palin, her family, her blonde sister Cindy and her PopPop.
Unfortunately I missed McCain’s speech. I had to watch some paint dry. (But just so I wouldn’t entirely miss the mood of the GOP convention, I made sure to use extremely expensive, budget-breaking, luxury item paint that came in deliberately mislabelled ‘Ma & Pa’s Down-home Average Joe Ten Commandments Paint” cans).
So did any of the folks on the news networks say “McCain really knocked it out of the ballpark” after his speech? ‘Cause, so far, according to the cable networks Obama, Biden, and Palin all “knocked it out of the ballpark” and it’s kind of become like network news’ catchphrase, like “Don’t Have a Cow,” “Sit On It” or “Yabba Dabba Doo.” I’ll be really disappointed if someone didn’t say McCain “knocked it out of the ballpark.”
He did knock it out of the ballpark, didn’t he? I hear everyone’s doing it these days.
Ann & Nancy Wilson told TMZ that they did not grant permission for the Republicans ot use their music, nor would permission have been granted. And basically, they told the Thugs not to do it again.Nicely, of course, because they are two of the nicest people in the music biz.
Ann was watching T.V. and heard it. Bet it took her back a step or two.
Apparently the Rethugs didn’t vet the lyrics either. Sheesh, what a bunch of “loosers”.
I’d add a linkie but I’m passing out n…………
Ah, fuck you guys. I worked all fucking day, went to dinner, drank some wine, fought with my spouse – so what happened?
Did he fuck up? do good? Barely make it?
Did someone say “Drill”?
The Rock Drill speak;
It’s the sound of stone!
Where were you, little man,
When I laid down the structure of your flesh and bone?
Future politics buried in the wall
Take me to your leader, hammering on my wall
That cat with fat feet deep down in the soil
Is a-burnin’…
Is a-burnin’…
Burnin’ up the midnight oil!
You’ve gotta…gotta, gotta
Be in the Syndicate!
You’ve gotta…gotta, gotta
Be in the Syndicate!
Be in the Syndicate!
Be in the Syndicate!
Did he fuck up? do good? Barely make it?
I saw about half I guess.
Poorly organized speech weakly delivered. I predict a tragic snowmobile accident in the near future.
Bobo Brooks was somewhat down on the content of the speech, figuring it made him out to be a respectable guy but not a vote-getter.
Depends who you ask, but some say “shockingly bad”.
Obviously it backed off the complete horseshit vitriol that Failin gave us Wednesday night. It was the usual McCain speech- soft-spoken, generally disorganized, peppered with some slight self-amusement and that fucking grin, not very well-written. I know the McCain camp has beaten the POW story to death, but it still is a very good, important story, and I don’t fault him for coming back to it. It isn’t, however, anything to do with policy, of which the speech was running awfully short. A lot of boilerplate GOP talking points, but little on specifics. Obama may have been peddling bull in Denver, but at least he got specific.
Oh, and they put him in front of the damn green screen again. So get ready for a new round of Photoshops.
Toobin on CNN said it was the worst acceptance speech he’s heard since Carter ’80. The rest of the shouting heads mostly said their niceties. It wasn’t anywhere near powerful most of the time, but I think the softness might turn on some people, who knows. For McCain it was fine, but it wasn’t on the same planet as Obama’s (which wasn’t even a great Obama speech, really).
I’m still steamed over Failin’s speech. Fuck this whole notion that focusing on her will lose this election. Rancid bigots like her need to be ejected wholesale from our government, and her lies have to be addressed in full.
g, “uninspired” about covers it.
Interestingly, David Frum (? some ex-speechwriter) basically said the old man whiffed. Called the speech ho-hum.
You can catch a repeat of the whole sordid thing on MSNBC if you must.
Oh and here’s hoping you get some sweaty, hot make-up sex tonight.
RSS feed is somewhat kooky.
Fred Barnes said Lionel Chetwynd helped to write McSame’s speech.
Explains why ol’ Lionel’s been having a tough time finding work out there in Hollywood.
“I turned it down. A lot of prisoners had it much worse.”
I think I hate this lie the most. He was *ordered* not to take early release. He didn’t decide anything.
What’s the difference between Sarah Palin and George W. Bush?
Now liberals, I know its very hard for you to accept that Obama bin Biden is gonna lose, but denial isn’t very healthy. Didn’t even your leftwing psychologists teach you that?
Lets face it, you should be politcally saavy enough to know that a man who opposes saving the life of babies born alive after a failed abortion is unelectable. Even San Fran Nan denounced Obambi’s postion as extreme.
Couple that with his racist pastor and anti-American wife, then you got a guy whose about as electable as Louis Farakhan or David Duke. Look, I apologize if my common sense observations brought you liberals back to planet earth. But if you leave your head in clouds too long you’re gonna eventually get lost up there.
Just consider me a voice in the wilderness trying to instill some common sense into you. Thats all.
Your shit might not stink so much if you at least learned to use an APOSTROPHE, conservatard.
I enjoyed watching the liberal protestors make fools of themselves, too. They reminded America of what liberals really are – intolerant and full of hate. What a great convention for decent people!
Hey Truthless, aren’t you forgetting something?
…let alone by truly decent people, i.e. liberals, leftists, and everything else The Toothless llikes to hate on and make a fool of himself over here.
[…] Kramer would like to schedule a lunch with you at Monk's coffee shop. « This is Not an Exercise […]
Something happened today besides JSM’s big speech. Jack Abramoff was sentenced to four years.
After 11/4, how will we get the Republican smell out of the curtains?
Wire rocks my world. They are why there is a 154 in my email address. Although honestly, The Ideal Copy isn’t their best album, no in the slightest.
What’s the difference between Sarah Palin and George W. Bush?
I take it you haven’t seen George after-hours, after he’s “inhaled a few Cheetos”?
I’m not sure what’s more frightening — how young Colin Newman looks, or Graham Lewis’s hair and outfit.
No, wait, it’s definitely the latter.
He did knock it out of the ballpark, didn’t he?
You’re gonna need a bigger ballpark.
I blame moose and squirrel.
Raisin McCain is one of us.
One of us!
One of us!
“What a great convention for decent people!”
You forgot “rich, white, heterosexual, unimaginative, dull, hyper-fecund.” Insert after “decent.”
[…] Leonard is on fire: So, this is it, huh, folks? The last eight years are going down in the books as the most degraded […]
I promise, not to cum in your mouth America.
That was a very well thought out and executed speech by McCain.
He would have been better to have it taken out and shot by a firing squad, true.
Thanks for the Wire clip. The song that has kept me somewhat sane is “Ether” by Gang of Four:
Trapped in heaven life style (locked in long kesh)
New looking out for pleasure (h-block torture)
It’s at the end of the rainbow (white noise in)
The happy ever after (a white room)
Dirt behind the daydream
Dirt behind the daydream
The happy ever after
Is at the end of the rainbow
Dig at the root of the problem (fly the flag on foreign soil)
It breaks your new dreams daily (h-block long kesh)
Fathers contradictions (censor six counties news)
And breaks your new dreams daily (each day more deaths)
Dirt behind the daydream
Dirt behind the daydream
The happy ever after
Is at the end of the rainbow
White noise in a white room
White noise in a white room
White noise in a white room
White noise in a white room
Trapped in heaven life style (locked in long kesh)
New looking out for pleasure (h-block torture)
It’s at the end of the rainbow (white noise in)
The happy ever after (a white room)
Dirt behind the daydream
Dirt behind the daydream
The happy ever after
Is at the end of the rainbow
Dig at the root of the problem (fly the flag on foreign soil)
It breaks your new dreams daily (h-block long kesh)
Fathers contradictions (censor six counties news)
And breaks your new dreams daily (each day more deaths)
Dirt behind the daydream
Dirt behind the daydream
The happy ever after
Is at the end of the rainbow
There may be oil
(now looking out for pleasure)
Under rockall
(it’s at the end of the rainbow)
There may be oil
(the happy ever after)
Under rockall
(it’s corked up with the ether)
There may be oil
(it’s corked up with the ether)
Under rockall
(it’s corked up with the ether)
There may be oil
The author of this is nuts if he is trying to allege bin-Laden was responsible for the “Shock and Awe” attack of 9/11/01 on NYC.
Did he say “BOOO” and make WTC 7 collapse that afternoon too?
The GOP is like the Ed Wood of politics.
“Worst administration you ever saw? Well the next one will be better.”
farang said,
September 5, 2008 at 23:29 (kill)
There appears to be a nut onslaught coming.