A heapin’ helpin’ of Awesome Flakes
What do GOP standbys Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy really think of the Sarah Palin pick? Just watchy-watch:
Hearing Peggy say the word “bullshit” is particularly gratifying and hilarious. Maybe she can send her dolphins to help McCain win this nomination.
Tintin adds: Apparently St. Peggy of the Dolphins thought that the election wasn’t over before she thought it was over. In today’s WSJ column, Peggy says that Palin “is a real and present danger to the American left, and to the Obama candidacy.” Hmmm. Then later she says “It’s over” into an open mike in reference to Palin. There are only two possible explanations for this. Either Peggy had consumed too many Grey Goose martinis before going on the air causing her to say shit she doesn’t mean or Peggy says stuff in her column to forward the Republican agenda without regard to whether she believes those things or not. Whichever is the case, it’s not a pretty picture.
Oh. my.
The fact is, OMG.
Oh, oh my.
“It’s OVER.”
Can anyone get hold of a transcript? It’s a bit garbled there between the time Murphy stops talking and Peggy starts swearing.
Aw, Peggy!!
The liberal media again conspiring against real, small town, hard white America. We at Fox News are totally opposed to this sort of media ‘spying’ without the personalities’ knowledge. This is totally unrelated to our hyping of Jesse Jackson’s comments sotto voce, because, well, shut up.
Oh, now Peggy, you talk like that you won’t be invited to my Celestial Ranch. Remember the 11th Commandment.
Does she really say “the most qualified MILF” at 0:55?
My, my. The FCC isn’t going to like this. No, sir.
Oh how, I wish I could see youtubes at work.
transcipt please!!!
Hm. I guess that makes Noonan’s Full-O-PalinLove column today, oh, I don’t know, ‘bullshit.’
The guy with the Ron Paul sign is cherry.
I heard a lot of self-deluding bullshit among the the bullshits “This just isn’t John McCain.” Republicans aren’t naturally gimmicky. They always blow it when they get caught up in narratives.
That’s all they’ve had as long as I’ve been alive.
Thanks for the laugh Pegs, you’re still a twit.
Xanax and mimosas are hells of drugs.
Oh man, this is beautiful !
Murphy [after talking about blue-state GOP governors]: ‘It’s not gonna work.’
Nooner: ‘It’s over.’
Then discussion about how the pick is ‘cynical’ and ‘gimmicky’.
And Nooner was about to say how Kay Bailey Hutchison took the news, before being interrupted. My guess is that KayBayHairdo isn’t best pleased at having to defend Palin on the teevee.
Yeah, and where does Noonan get off calling Republicans “they”?
Here I was commentin’ away on this down on the Hand Bite thread and wonderin’ where everybody was!
What show was this? And, most important, what were they saying before they went off the air?
Quality, absolute quality.
And yep, the Ron Paul sign in the backgroup really puts the icing on it.
Absolutely wonderful. HAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!
Maybe the young couple can have a moment like this at the convention tonight with mom and uncle John…
Kay Bailey Hutchison is “miserable”.
The GOP is melting down.
It’s 1968 for the GOP baby.
Somebody oughta corner Noonan on this next time she does a public event.
PS: check this
[…] The great thing is in Peggy Noonan’s column today, Noonan talks about the Palin pick as a “ral and present danger to the American left”. So you know, for all those years of us talking about how they just serve up a load of bull, as I said yesterday… there you go. (via) […]
The fact is, I’m losing my lack of faith.
Wow, someone need to go and give TIDOS a hug, he is literally up in arms over the shameful treatment of Sarah Palin, the greatest VP candidate EVAH!
Christ, she sounds trashed.
What is up with these guys? Have you read VD Hanson’s latest at the Corner? It reads as though written by someone afflicted with moderate dementia. He’s free-associating like mad, and he didn’t proofread. It’s like a cross between K-Lo and the later work of William F. Buckley.
The fact is, FYWP. x infinity
Here’s my post from the previous thread on this:
eidos: OMG, that is beautiful. Peggy Noonan actually sez “bullshit”! Regarding McPOW and his redneck BBF soulmate VP pick!
Anyone remember that scene in the early 60’s “The Time Machine” movie that showed a human corpse decomposing in time lapse? That is what the Palin candidacy now resembles.
Sorry to piss on the awesome flakes, but where was the grumbling over gimmicks and narratives when Mr. McMaverick developed POW Tourettes? How about when an Ivy League grad and son of an oil tycoon became a down-home good old boy? Hey, remember when a decorated war veteran was mocked and called a liar while a draft dodger swaggered around in a flight suit with Xtra Bulgee(TM) cod piece? I guess that wasn’t at all gimmicky or based on some sort of narrative.
Yes, I know I’m being bitchy.
To make up for it I won’t say “Told you,” when they grovel at McPalantine’s feet and promise to never ever ever say any thing mean about the POW or the Ice Queen again.
But fuck them and their half-assed Road to Damascus moments.
I can’t view videos here in the OR. Pleasepleasepleaseplease, somebody post a transcript or a link to same.
What Incognito said. The suspense is killing me. Highlights, anyone?
I can’t view videos here in the OR. Pleasepleasepleaseplease, somebody post a transcript or a link to same.
No can do. We can’t have you laughing uncontrollably during surgery.
Sure, she’s crazy and a lying liar, but I bet she knows about some sweaty make-up sex.
“Does she really say “the most qualified MILF” at 0:55?”
She says, “the most qualified? No.”
But I like your version better.
I can’t view videos here in the OR. Pleasepleasepleaseplease, somebody post a transcript or a link to same.
Check out the rec’d diary on DailyKos. Almost a complete transcript.
From Kos:
My rough Transcript
Murphy: Um, you know, because, I come out of the blue swing state governor world. Engler, Whitman, Tommy Thompson, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, I mean, and these guys, this is all like how you win a Texas Race race, just run it up, and it’s not gonna work.
Noonan: It’s Over.
Murphy: Still, McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech and do himself some good.
Todd: Its insulting to Kay Baily Hutchinson ??
Noonan: Saw kay this morning
Todd: She’s(?) never looked comfortable up there..
Murphy: all bummed out.
Todd: I mean, is she really the most qualified woman they can obtain?
Noonan: The most qualified? No. I think they went for this, excuse me, political bullshit about narratives…
Todd: Yeah, but what’s the narrative
Murphy: I totally agree.
Noonan: Every time Republicans do that, because that’s not where they live and it’s not what they’re good at, they blow it.
Murphy: You know what’s the worst thing about it, the greatest of McCain is no cynicism, and..
???: This is cynical.
??: And as you called it, gimmicky.
They’ll still be voting for McCain too! They won’t vote for no Democrat, especially a BLACK one.
“It’s over”? What exactly did she mean by that? I’d assume she meant McCain’s chances, but I want to be sure. Whatever the case, this is a fairly startling admission of frustration from two Republicans.
Murphy: all bummed out.
I heard it as “all fucked up”, but that’s just me.
Huffington Post picked this up! They have the transcript. Oh, joy, joy, joy.
Coach Urban Meyer’s cereal of choice.
FleetAdmiralJ has transcribed what he could over at GOS:
The Palin candidacy is a giant, growing ball of manure rolling downhill and John McCain is running in front of it Indiana Jones-style.
Damnit, instead of “trashed,” I should’ve gone with “high Noonan.” Too late now. Anyway, K-Lo just posted it on the Corner; she’s not bright enough to know that the better move would’ve been to ignore it.
This is one of the greatest moments in live tv.
Yeah, and where does Noonan get off calling Republicans “they”?
Whoop, there it is. Disingenuousness Uber Alles, eh, Peg?
Disingenuousness Uber Alles, eh, Peg?
Heh. On reflection, I think it’s like how sports fans will say “we won” when their team wins and “they lost” when their team loses.
This is the most golden day at Sadly, No! since The Day Amy Alkon Met Gary Ruppert!
The fun thing is, the narrative doesn’t necessarily stay fixed, nor is there just one. Just because you start a public story doesn’t mean you get to control the body and ending. There are other storytellers out there, and they’ve got some freaky tales to tell. And they tell so well! I fucking love the AIP story, for example.
“The Palin candidacy is a giant, growing ball of manure rolling downhill and John McCain is running in front of it Indiana Jones-style.”
He’d better build a shit moat quick, then.
Blessed is the ThinkProgress, for they make the digests.
One wonders if Amy Alkon’s displeasure with unmarried moms extends past single black, litter-makers gunned down by the cops in a drug bust to include the daughters of parvenu white trailer-trash, the likes of Palin?
Sounds like a cross between “When Harry Met Sally” and “The Day The Earth Stood Still.” I like it.
What happens when the ball of manure hits the shit moat? Won’t it just increase in size and speed?
The fact is, SadlyNo! is like one massive ongoing Hallmark card of Schadenfreude. It just brings a tear to your eye sometimes.
Sadlies – it might be time for a variation on this favorite S, N! photoshoppage.
It gets better: even if we were to take a generously estimated population of Wasilla at 8,400 this leaves ~$2,400 debt for every man, woman and child in a town where 67% of the population lives below the poverty line.
WOW! That made my day.
Thanks for passing that one along.
I love you guys.
This is getting increasingly surreal:
“Jamie Lynn Spears Sends Baby Gift, Wishes To Bristol Palin”
Kay Bailey HutchisonHey Kailey Bitchensonfixed
Sadlies – it might be time for a variation on this favorite S, N! photoshoppage.
I was going to suggest the same thing. Perhaps an Iranian style variation with multiple flameouts.
“Jamie Lynn Spears Sends Baby Gift, Wishes To Bristol Palin”
That is actually very sweet.
BitchensonBitchisonrats. fixed again.
For balance and/or additional analysis:
Digby today
Jay Rosen’s take, via Digy.
Blogs for Bush/Victory is taking an early stab at trying to explain this away.
Wanna guess which excuse they pulled out of the Wingnut Talking Point Grab Bag?
“This is just an example of media bias!”
No, really, that’s what they’re trying to claim.
Let me guess: microphones have a liberal bias.
Let me guess: microphones have a liberal bias.
Of course, since they are part of Reality.
But srsly! When has Noonan ever been anything but an ultraliberal lefty-left commie?
Suddenly, I am consumed with lust for Peggy Noonan.
Regarding Peggy’s deep thoughts: why are her real thoughts apparently more coherent and in touch with reality than the ones she bangs into her columns?
Well, it’s rather disjointed and nutty even by B4B/V standards, but the gist of it seems to be that Peggy “Please don’t think I’m related to Mark” Noonan and Mike Murphy were auditioning for new media roles as Democrats.
Yes, that is a perfect storm of crazy and stupid. No, I’m not making it up.
Hot mic is hot.
Well, if anyone knows the ins & outs of the bullshit biz, Peggy Noonan does.
Sweetest of all is Nooncompoop using her blog to give Palin some more fluffage, without batting an eyelash – AFTER this Episode Of Weapons-Grade Fail leaks out. But give the poor girl some cred where it’s due – she’s dead-on: it’s over.
Comparing Sarah Palin to Dan Quayle is grossly unfair – to Quayle.
“Gary” – Because crazy sells.
It couldn’t be a complete day without Mark Noonan having another cranial detonation:
See, Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy have been Dem plants all along.
in a town where 67% of the population lives below the poverty line.
Wikipedia says 9.6%
That Peggy, she’s just so on the ball:
BB, they keep sayin’ how qualified she is.
And city-data.com lists Wasilla at (pop. 5,469), but when you follow the link, the population grows by 4,000. Which is funny, since the two listed zip codes of Wasilla only grew by around 800.
But anyway, I’ve been
squandering my timedoing research on the city-data site looking for other towns I’m familiar with of similar size.Nelsonville, Ohio for example.
eidos said: This is getting increasingly surreal: “Jamie Lynn Spears Sends Baby Gift, Wishes To Bristol Palin”
First we had Paris Hilton appearing in a commercial that was funny and, dare I say it, kinda clever.
Then Lindsay Lohan came out with a remarkably sane comment about the whole situation.
Now Jamie Lynn Spears is graciously sending a gift and a very nice note.
That’s it. We’ve hit the trifecta. Three of our nuttiest Hollywood celebrities now appear more sane and thoughtful than our entire punditocracy.
Our country is definitely doomed.
Nope. An equal amount of shit will be displaced by the impact, causing a tshitnami.
When are the WSJ forum editors going to set free all those imprisoned comments about Peggy Noonan’s artlcle? There are now 11 blank pages out of 20…
Nope. An equal amount of shit will be displaced by the impact, causing a tshitnami.
I don’t think you’re taking into account the velocity of the ball and its mass and density. When the ball hits the moat, the resulting cataclysm will lead to the creation of what I’m going to call a black shit hole in space.
The universe may never recover.
Now one of the stories on Yahoo’s main page!
Three of our nuttiest Hollywood celebrities now appear more sane and thoughtful than our entire punditocracy.
You know, it wouldn’t break my heart if the stress of this election on the Vast Right-Wing Noise Machine just completely shattered their little fucked-up Versailles. Incidents like the one in this post help! Let’s have about a thousand more of ’em.
Oh, the humanity!!!!
Hey Mikey, any linkage for your comment on the Iranian covert ops and imminent missle raining? I’ve got another bit of info on why that just might be made to happen:
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the ground zeros of the mortgage meltdown, have $223 Billion maturing in September; their net worth is considered to be a negative $53 billion. China’s Central Bank holds $376 Billion in debt from these two government sponsored agencies; a former advisor to the bank said this today: “If the US government allows Fannie and Freddie to fail and international investors are not compensated adequately, the consequences will be catastrophic. If it is not the end of the world, it is the end of the current international financial system.”
Uh, that can’t be good. It might require some serious waggage of a certain dog to distract from the mark that’s gonna leave.
Who’d have thought the death of Tinkerbelle would be so funny? Thanks for not clapping Peggy.
I think you’ve found the explanation for the last 8 years.
That should probably be shitunami. Wikipedia sez:
shitu + nami = shit-wave./language-nerd
shitu + nami = shit-wave./language-nerd
Does Japanese have a “tu” syllable? I thought that’s what tsu was.
In which case, it’s a shih-tsu nami.
Blogs for Bush/Victory
God, I love the bumpersticker at Bogs for Bush! “McCain the Maverick and Sarah Barracuda – the ticket with expereince, judgment and the record to rpove it”
Debt 22,000,000 / population 9,780 = $2,249 per person.
$2,249 per person * 300,000,000 = $674,700,000,000 ($674.7 trillion)
Oopsies! That’s $674.7 billion. How much did we spend on the Iraq war?
“Does Japanese have a “tu” syllable? I thought that’s what tsu was.”
I think it’s more that Japanese syllables can’t end in a consonant, so imported words like “shit” get a “u” added to all the syllables that end in consonants. But I’m not an expert, so I could be talking bollocks.
It’s sad that they won’t convey their true opinions on air. What BS. I’d love to have heard what they did say on air…was it praising this choice as a wise and inspired pick? This does nothing to make me feel better about the objective lying that we get from the chattering class. No wonder this country is so screwed up. Truth and honesty is not fit for prime time.
“Nelsonville, Ohio for example.”
I believe that aside from the two of us, Sarah Jessica Parker may be the only other American who knows where that town is.
God, I love the bumpersticker at Bogs for Bush! “McCain the Maverick and Sarah Barracuda – the ticket with expereince, judgment and the record to rpove it”
Oh yeah, I meant to call that out as well. It’s a fucking classic.
Is Jamie Lynn Spears nutty?
When the Earth Met Sally? The Day Harry Stood Still?
I think it’s more that Japanese syllables can’t end in a consonant, so imported words like “shit” get a “u” added to all the syllables that end in consonants.
I believe that is the case except if the consonant is “n” or “t”. Foreign loanwords ending in “t” get the transliteration “to” at the end because “tu” is pronounced “tsu” – so “to” sounds closer. IIRC.
What happens when an unstoppable ball of manure hits an unpassable shit moat?
Actually I’m confused. Is the ball of manure rolling down the slope of a giant dung-hill, growing larger all the time, or is it being trundled along by a giant scarab beetle? The narrative is getting out of hand here.
Yep, you’re right. Looks like shittonami would be the best transliteration, if this is an indication.
The double-t means there’s a glottal stop (like the pause in the middle of “uh-oh”) after the “shi”.
As in, “uh-oh, here comes the shittonami!”
Schadenami is also a word. Or it will be, once someone nominates it for the Urban Dictionary.
Yep, you’re right.
Aha, cool.
Again IIRC, the Japanese word for shit is kusou. Kusounami has a nice ring to it!
Clearly Sarah’s days as VP candidate are numbered. It’s not too late for McCain to go back to his original choice.
Now, despise me.
This is bullshit.
[…] What Sadly, No! says. It sure does look bad. Too bad there’s no test for honesty with respect to future employment […]
The classical Muse of Shitmoats was called Stercoraria. I bet you didn’t know that.
Actually, the technical name for what you describe is a poonami.
You think that’s bad – you should have seen the numbers before she got Wasilla the $27 million in earmarks from Ted Stevens!
This, though, should be a lesson for every pol with teenagers:
At least Bristol’s got a place to live when Mommy’s policies fail.
A transcript is posted at Talking Points Memo, along with the video.
I don’t care what all you elitist Asian-tongued linguistical smarty pantses say, I like shih-tsu-nami. It’s so cute!
This is the most golden day at Sadly, No!
Wrong, pal-o, wrong. These are the kind of days which make Sadly, No! editors wonder if it’s any use to go on. And they cry because reality always seem to top any joke, parody, ridiculous comparison or degrading simile they can make up.
Everybody wants a challenge, but the materials with which Sadly, No! builds its glacier, irony and satire, are being rapidly melted down into simple reality. Must be global warming.
I like shih-tsu-nami. It’s so cute!
It is for good reason they call it the Cuddliest Natural Disaster™.
I hope the forecast of “raining ponies” continues all week!
Sorry, String, I was drinking rather than paying attention.
As Tropical Ponystorm Egil-Skallabimsson approaches the Gulf Coast, Copaillínologists are already upgrading it to Level 3. Forecasters are predicting that this year’s ponystorm season could beat previous records.
“The autonomy of the pony must not be subjugated by the imperialism of the horse”
— Brian O’Nolan
Shorter right blogosphere:
The shit has really hit the moat this time!
I’ve gotta say, I spent the last hour rolling around on the bed laughing and clutching my aching tummy while watching the convention on T.V. The partner had his laptop and was getting his first view of the day of the, um, Noonan “gaffe”, so there was that hilarity to relieve, and then too we were both marvelling about how empty the convention center seems. Are people sneaking out when backs are turned, I wonder? Partner tried to find a live webcam from inside the convention and it doesn’t appear that there are any. I wonder why. What a collection of zombies. Boring white zombies.
There is also a story on yahoo where ol’ Sarah comes really, really close to saying that the Iraq war is a holy crusade. Except that she doesn’t use the word “crusade”, that’s what she’s saying.
No. Vetting. At. All. Either that or McCain is deliberately trying to lose this election for whatever reason.
– Brian O’Nolan
It was actually Myles na gCopaleen.
Hee hee
Hee hee indeed.
Nifty little pirouette McCain just did trying to find Palin who was standing right fucking next to him on stage.
Shit, Mikey, that’s way too plausible and therefore way too scary. Leave it to the non-US press to report important stuff, and to the US press to report the latest Enquirer-gasm.
Fuck, I need a drink now.
I agree, string. That is some scary, scary shit. I kind of thought this might be coming. Let’s just hope it’s not true.
One question: Why are the Dutch acknowledging that they have saboteurs in Iran? That struck me as odd. Usually, an intelligence agency doesn’t publicly discuss its operations in international media, do they? (I must disclose that I don’t know much about cloak & dagger stuff.)
“Either Peggy had consumed too many Grey Goose martinis before going on the air causing her to say shit she doesn’t mean…”
Well, I hadn’t intended to bend the rules,
But whiskey don’t make liars, it just makes fools
So I didn’t mean to say it,
But I meant what I said
Too Long In The Wasteland, Too Long In The Wasteland
Must’ve gone to my head
–James McMurtry
Peggy & Co. have a very long time coming in the political wasteland, and this is how she starts it. More popcorn, stat!
Shit, Mikey, that’s way too plausible and therefore way too scary. Leave it to the non-US press to report important stuff, and to the US press to report the latest Enquirer-gasm.
(1) The Daily Telegraph is not your most reliable news source. Widely known as the Daily Torygraph.
(2). It cites De Telegraaf, which leans towards populist journalmalism. Described by Wiki as piblishing “many ‘sensational’ and sports-related articles, and one or more pages whose content is supplied by the gossip-magazine Privé (‘Private’)”.
(3) De Telegraaf in turn refers to the AIVD, though without mentioning whether their sources are anonymous ones within the AIVD, or what. Trouble is that AIVD is the Dutch Internal security agency. Any infiltration of Iranian nuclear programs would come under the purview of the MIVD, their external intelligence agency. They also have a crypto agency but I won’t go there.
(4) Further research is required, as they say, but a suspicious mind would wonder whether De Telegraaf has been set up by Israeli intelligence to float the idea. Jerusalem Times and Ma’aretz were quick to pick up on the story.
They just don’t write comedies this good!
I am so making popcorn tonight for some more RNC entertainment!
I’ve always wanted to hear Sr. Peggy cuss.
Does she really kiss the Pope’s ring with that filthy mouth? Or even St. Ronnie’s blessed foot?
Has Peggy called Obama an elitist yet? That would be some funny shit.
[…] is over. Not even the professional Republican punditocracy can put a happy face on this; despite writing a column promoting the party line that liberals are “scared” of Palin, Peggy Noonan was caught on an open mike proclaiming […]