Mushing On The Idiotrod

ABC News reports on the Palin/McCain Plan to Divide America :

As part of their pushback against the charges of Lynette and Dexter Clark of the AIP [separatist party], the McCain campaign [wrongly] says that Palin did not even attend the AIP convention in Wasilla in 1994.

You know what this means: A few years from now, they’ll be pointing to the speakers list of the 2008 Republican Convention, and trying to be all like, “See? According to this, President Bush wasn’t even a member of the Republican Party.”


Comments: 35

Everybody Plays The Fool, Sometimes

Six months after she and Lt. Oatmeal lose the election, Sarah will be spotted in a Wasilla gin joint, wearing nothing but a tiara and her bearskin rug, claiming that she’s Queen of Alaska.


Further than that, it will turn out someday out that George W. Bush Jr. was never even President, and that Al Gore was technically somehow in office when 9/11/2001 went down, and so it’s all his fault.


ABC is calling them on this? Incredible.


Oh, come on.

Who among us hasn’t at some point wanted to secede from the union and form our own independent nation?



It will turn out that Al Gore invented the levees that failed during hurricane Katrina. And that they failed because he WOULDN”T GIVE ANYONE THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL!!!!!





Six months after she and Lt. Oatmeal lose the election, Sarah will be spotted in a Wasilla gin joint, wearing nothing but a tiara and her bearskin rug, claiming that she’s Queen of Alaska. weighing 20 extra lbs and sporting a beard.

Edited for sexism. We don’t want to offend the PUMA’s.


I just learned that st. McCain is actually a compulsive gambler. How is it possible that I never knew this before? If ever there was a message to scream from the rooftops…. “Maverick McCain the gambler. He makes major decisions on impulse (Sarah Palin.) He can’t be trusted.”


Who among us hasn’t at some point wanted to secede from the union and form our own independent nation?

Hey, it worked for Peter Griffin. Petoria! Petoria!


It’s time for John McPhee to put out a revised, expanded edition of his book. Call it Coming into the Country, Infiltrating the Repubilcan Party, and Getting on the Ticket.

Never in their wildest dreams could the placer gold miners of the Alaskan interior—the Real Alaska, to borrow an advertising phrase from Florida—have imagined that one of their one would one day run for vice president of the United States. As Smut Clyde rightly says, this truly is a land of opportunity.


But, vice president Aaron Burr tried it too!!!

Just a hint for Jay Nordlinger


Who among us hasn’t at some point wanted to secede from the union and form our own independent nation?

Didn’t Aaron Burr try that? Oh man, if Sarah Palin shoots Henry Paulson she has SO got my vote!


I decided to check out TIDOS Wankee to see if he has any “thoughts” on the AIP. Gomer doesn’t have anything up yet, but he did offer this sterling defense of all things Palin. Shorter him: Ayers, Rezko, Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Wright, doop, doy, deedily, ding dong, diddily doddily doop de dumn.


Jim Jenkins, for beating me to the draw, I challenge you to a duel!


Hahahahah, for half a second I thought ABC said [wrongly]. Then I remembered the fucking zombies in our press corps would never evaluate fact — they just repeat lies.


Penury and humiliating firings for all lazy reporters please.


Have your seconds call my seconds 🙂


How many people who are Joe McCarthy apologists will come out and say that it’s no big deal because it was so long ago, and she wasn’t really in the AIP, blah blah blah, yip yip yip…?

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of…


Have your seconds call my seconds

In a few seconds…



One of the many things that are awesome about being a Republican is that you can be a batshit lunatic and hang out with other batshit lunatics, then decide to run for high public office, and when the batshit lunatics start telling the press “Hey! She was a batshit lunatic like us!” you can just say “You can’t believe anything they say; they’re batshit lunatics!”

It works in reverse, of course: If you’re a Democrat, you can be, and hang out with people who were, proven right about every major policy decision of the last eight years, and when the media starts asking around, the Republicans can say “You can’t believe anything they say; they’ve been right about everything in the past eight years!”

So it’s fair.


mikey said,

September 2, 2008 at 19:54

Have your seconds call my seconds

In a few seconds…

Who’s taking minutes?


Lynette Clark FTW:

“This is like a cat covering up crap in its litter box,” she says.


Somehow the last few days I’ve forgotten who is at the top of the Republican ticket. Can someone help me out here? I think it was McSomething.


My seconds are Minute Men. Sooo very tiny.


I am so refereshing! especially after a duel!


Arky – Chuthuhlusexual said,

September 2, 2008 at 20:07

Lynette Clark FTW:

“This is like a cat covering up crap in its litter box,” she says

Natural and probably a little too convenient, but fucking disgusting?

Better than the alternative – making a little ball out of their own shit and throwing it around in an absurd attempt to get you to bond with them while playing with it?

Something you can’t actually imagine a human being stooping to?

Something that can ultimately kill your children and ruin your life?

Basically grit, dirt, and cat shit?

A strong argument for spaying and neutering?

Trivially different from her just taking a big ol’ piss in front of everyone?

Replaceable in some cases by rudimentary toilet training?

I’m sorry, I just don’t see this absurd analogy working. After all, who could associate a fine, upstanding citizen like Palin with some of Mammalia’s worst-smelling excreta? It boggles the mind.


My seconds are Minute Men. Sooo very tiny.

My sympathies.


Thankfully, Detective Jonah Goldberg is on this case.

About this allegation that Palin was a member of the Alaska Independence Party. At first I thought it was a big deal or at least a potential big deal. But, upon inspection it seems much less serious. For starters, it seems she was never a member. She’s been a registered Republican since 1982.

Okay, but lots of people are making a big deal about her address to the party convention. Okay, so I checked out the video. Eh.

Fair enough, but Goldberg’s youtube link was this one:
It’s a mundane link but it also provides another link to an AIP meeting featuring Dexter Clark.

Six minutes into the AIP Dexter Clark video he announces to the group that Sarah Palin was a former AIP member. It’s pretty clear and in fact he provides a history of her rise through Alaskan politics for the members.


Jonah failed to take the advice of the Glenbot to Heh. indeed. watch the whole thing. Not only do they praise Palin, but they don’t seem to mind her joining the GOP since that’s a good way to advance the AIP agenda, which seems mainly to kick the big mining companies out of the Alaska gold fields. And secede.


Of course Palin (CODENAME:BARRACUDA) was’nt at the AIP convention in’94.
She was in the depths of the Lyubianka being trained in subversion by Alexander Solzhenitsyn (no relation) so she could be ready to be CODENAME:SONGBIRD’s running mate when the time was right…


And as for Cindy being an heiress..Moscow gold, my friends,Moscow gold..


Oh, wow. I just checked the AIP store. I want the T-shirt on the right (a snake, how original). I’ll take a pass on the “Visit Alaska or else” poster.


“This is like a cat covering up crap in its litter box,” she says.
Reminds me more of a cat confronted with something disgusting (e.g. the Wrong Kind of Biscuits) and going through the programmed movements of covering it up, even though there is no soil or litter or anything to be scooped..


And as for Cindy being an heiress..Moscow gold, my friends,Moscow gold..

It’s safe to say I’ve never heard Budweiser called that before.


They held a convention in a town with 6,000 people? Must have been some party.


About this allegation that Palin was a member of the Alaska Independence Party. At first I thought it was a big deal or at least a potential big deal. But, upon inspection it seems much less serious. For starters, it seems she was never a member. She’s been a registered Republican since 1982.

Upon inspection of some photos of Palin.

Mama Goldberg’s Pathetic Sack of Soggy Cheetos does not realize it is possible to be a member of more than one organization at a time.


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