The Inevitable Flag Bikini and Rifle Picture
Posted on September 2nd, 2008 by Gavin M.
But if you ask me, the ambient cigarette-smoking and Schlitz-drinking is just gilding the lily.
Above: Allegedly genuine photo of presumptive Republican VP candidate
Cf. original photo (reversed above).
Cf. other original photo.
Tintin adds: I’m pretty sure this is photoshopped, but either way it says volumes about Palin’s vapid sloganeering.
That’s gotta be a fake…right?
Thats just amazing.
I like the other guy dipp’n his feet in teh pool, holding a gun too.
Looking again, she either uses that surprised/manicly happy face often, or I’ve seen it in another picture.
While you were photoshopping, couldn’t you at least have moved her finger away from the trigger? It would have done a great deal of good for Mikey’s blood-pressure.
I am discombobulated.
‘also holding a gun’
dipp’n was intended.
Clearly I am too tired to post without embarrassing myself.
95% sure it’s fake… I know I’ve seen that same photo of her head elsewhere.
I give up. I have no idea. I was pretty sure the vogue cover was fake. I was pretty sure the “furries” photo was fake. I was pretty sure the “McCain gamblin” thing was fake. I was pretty sure the “pregnant daughter” thing was fake. I give up. Tell me when it’s over.
Oh, come ON, Gavin. Like who DOESN’T have a photo of themselves doing that? I’m pretty sure mine’s on the same page in my scrap book as that one I have of me executing that suspected Viet Cong officer.
I don’t think it’s real (note the lack of wedding ring) but whoever it is REALLY needs to learn how to buy swimsuits. Aside from the tacky as hell pattern, it’s a completely wrong cut for her body AND it’s the wrong size.
the original is there.
seriously though, I really can’t form an opinion on this shit anymore. It’s like some sort of quantum mechanism is making everything I think is ridiculous turm out to be true.
looks like something straight out of The Trailer Park Boys, if the show was set in Alaska that is.
That shit is slammin’ hot !
Just the fact that so many here are questioning whether or not this is a fake tells us everything we need to know about whether or not Palin is a plus for McCain.
Bubba nails it.
Haz largish head. Just sayin’
Gavin, you’re the last guy I’d expect to fall for this.
A better link (the enclosing photo page, not just the JPEG)
Sadly no indeed:
I was hopeful/horrified for a moment there, though.
It’s also the very first Google Image Search result for “american flag bikini rifle”.
Which kind of reminds me of the best News Radio episode ever, “Super Karate Monkey Death Car”.
To be fair, it was “allegedly” in the original post. Also, I believe that the fact that the photo is fact only further proves Gavin’s point. Heh, read the whole indeed.
My bad. I passed on the photo without enough research. What can I say? I saw a flag upside down and thought it was a distress signal.
*that the photo is fake
Spotting the typos while the submit uploads makes jesus cry and punch kittens in the throat.
Wait, did you guys post the Flickr link before I did?
Some guy, I thought your post read better with the omission. It sounded more “nutjobby”. What I’m saying is, I think it was central to your point.
Wait, did you guys post the Flickr link before I did?
We get McCain points for this y’know.
“Spotting the typos while the submit uploads makes jesus cry and punch kittens in the throat.”
No, getting pregnant at 17 does. I checked the Bible.
so it’s fake. but this only reenforces my larger point…
I bet Soros has something to do with this.
Damn. The post wasn’t clear enough about the picture being dodgy, and now I feel like I need to explain, and so forth.
Well, no one better tell Jesus about his mom’s little “immaculate conception”, then. Little known fact: the real reason they had to stay in the manger was because Joseph told the inn keeper that Mary had mono.
But good luck finding that being reported in the LIEbral MSM, CheneyBrain.
It’s nice to to know that there are people out there who love America so much that they use the flag to floss their butt holes.
I was beaten by Aaron!
I was beaten by Sarah, with an M-16 !
and I loved it !
Leave her alone! John McCain went 5 1/2 years without any seeing any attractive crazy women governors! That makes his VP choice ABOVE ANY AND ALL criticism!
I love this. Even if they get desperate and push Palin off the ticket, McCain’s perceived judgment has taken a torpedo below the water line.
I may stay up late just to gloat.
Yes, it’s a fake, but what does it say about Palin that it seemed believable to us?
(My homage to the whitey-tape fantasists)
If I’m not mistaken, 17 was kinda old to be having your first back in them wild Biblical times.
Or kinda fast, depending.
Or, to be Quint about it…
Here lies the body of Mary Lee;
died at the age of a hundred and three.
For fifteen years she kept her virginity;
not a bad record for this vicinity.
Yarrrrrhhhh, a pox upon yer halyards, wordpress.
Quint .
Why does this statement confuse me so?
I may stay up late just to gloat.
It is like a train-wreck. The 4:27 freight-train, with every wagon stacked high with clown cars. And the wheels are falling off the clown cars.
The fact is, I totally believed it at first.
For it to be real, it should be an Alaska flag bikini.
An Alaskan flag! What we would have given to have our own flag!
Whenever our family seceded, we had to make do with flag-stones, and they kept falling off the pole.
Not enough Polar Bears!!!!1!1
Oh, that’s just begging for “bear eating beaver” jokes, Pinko.
Bear-eating beavers?!
They sound worse than the pelicans.
Stones? You had stones?
For it to be real, it should be an Alaska flag bikini.
Interestingly, in her role as Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard, Sarah Palin insists that the uniform for her troops be this same red white and blue bikini.
If soldiers ask why or refuse to wear it, she slaps them, just like George S. Patton.
This sort of librul scummery is an Al-Qai’dish attempt at undermining the leadership glory of Sarah Palin, who is not only Commander of the Alaska National Guard, she is our nation’s last line of defense against total annihilation since she commands our nation’s 49th Missile Defense Battalion.
Protecting the nation from ballistic missiles one weekend a month and two weeks every summer.
Hey, they aren’t just weekend warriors.
Governor Palin is ready on Day One like no one else to command a mixed force of 30 Alaska Guardsman mostly taking on military police functions. Wolverines!!!
In Democratic states this role is ‘largely ceremonial’.
I instantly recognized it as a fake: The person is posing with a pellet gun.
But has Barack Obama ever had a vitally important largely ceremonial role which is crucially not crucial to some sort of local National Guard military experience? Huh? Well, libruls?
I may stay up late just to gloat.
Hell, with this announcement John McCain made my long weekend a kaleidoscopic whirl of dark rum, ice cream, and mooseburgers!
As soon as the vetting committee finishes its superficial research, I’ll be submitting my name as VP replacement candidate.
I may not have gazongas that a president can’t keep his eyes off, but my foreign policy views make Dick Cheney look like Dag Hammerskjold and if Joe Biden gets the better of me in a debate I’ll put him in a headlock and give him The Sleeper.
On a related note, at first I thought it was real.
Because nothing surprises me anymore.
I am numb to outrage, unruffled by ridiculousness, and dead to irony.
For the last eight years, even saying WTF has become too small an indicator of my steady, gape-jawed astonishment.
Add another log to the bonfire of blazing assholeness which is the Republican party:
They have ruined parody.
For it to be real, it should be an Alaska flag bikini.
Actually I reckon this flag would be more appropriate on a bikini.
Pssst. Don’t tell the wingnuts. It’ll take the edge off the fapping.
For the last eight years, even saying WTF has become too small an indicator of my steady, gape-jawed astonishment.
I’m constantly reading about some new outrageousness and exclaiming, “Unbelievable! Unbelievable!” My partner always asks me why the hell I say that. “How is it not believable? What could possibly be unbelievable at this point?”
I haven’t seen such good photoshopping since Spy stopped publishing.
I used to have all the issues of Spy. But then I moved, so now who knows…
I knew it was fake because the woman in that photo actually knows how to hold a rifle, unlike Palin.
Wow, I’m still flabbergasted by the poor judgement displayed by the McCain campaign here.
Unless something even worse comes to light she will remain on the ticket. Dumping her would be absolutely fatal to the McCain candidacy. They are not worried about losing the base over this little clusterfuck of mini-scandals. Palin will be convincingly portayed to them as a victim in all this. A fellow Christian under attack in the War on God. In the case of indie voters I think the main problem will be the trooper deal since it legitimately involves abuse of power. That matter will be delayed until after the election using the obstruction methods perfected by Bush/Rove in dealing with dozens of scandals at the national level. Poor little Alaska won’t know what hit it.
McCain’s gamble was that this choice would simultaneously secure the base (pretty, white, Christian, guns, oil) and attract indies and disaffected Clintonistas (woman, supposed reformer). I think the latter goal is in serious jeopardy. The real lesson of this is that McCain is just another cynical GOP hack beholden to the Christian right wing.
McCain still has Kristol, eidos.
Apparently, Bill has decided to suck it up with regards to the non-Lieberman, and enjoy his shit sammich.
Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm, want some?
I think he should dump her, although I hope he doesn’t. Short term it will be disaster but the American public has a limited attention span so they might forget by election time. Just looking at the headlines on freaking MSNBC, McCain is becoming a national laughing stock and his lovely new custom shit fountain just won’t stop spouting. Even Fox won’t be able to gloss over a blunder of this magnitude for long. Too, Alaskans seem more than eager to blab to the media. It’s a full commode slopping over, and they need to just pitch it off the porch. *
For example, I like this story. This should piss off the libertarian types:
Palin secured earmarks of millions for small towns
*For some reason I feel like using phrases like this today. Stuff like “You can butter a puppy, but that don’t make him a biscuit.” I blame the low-grade fever I can’t seem to shake. I do believe I’ll lie down fer a spell.
Happy Birthday, McCain
If Howard Dean had made a big point about how he had been the Commander-in-Chief of the Vermont National Guard, even star-spangled bikini photos couldn’t save his career.
The fact of the matter is, here in the Heartland, we actually wouldn’t mind seeing a pic of Palin in just such a getup. She’s certainly more attractive than the actual girl in the original photo.
Why would Christianists want a woman leader? Why anyone care if the VP is anti-choice-for-people-who-she-didn’t-give-birth-to? Why would Clinton’s fangirls accept a Republican? What the hell was McCain thinking? Or was Mr. Happy doing the thinking for him?
Hey, I’ll see your flag pin and….
Palin seems to be right out of a John Waters flick. Coupla more Jerry Springer-type revelations & the Letterman/Leno routines write themselves…
McCain’s new campaign theme song: Bikini Girls with Machine guns.
I wonder if Katherine Harris is upset that Sarah Pallin has Katherine Harrised her way into a veep nomination while the OG Katherine Harris is out of politics.
My wife has better legs. And wouldn’t be caught dead in that swim-suit.
Maybe we could title this foto: “What I was doing when I should have been explaining to my daughter about the birds and the bees”
Candy, I believe that would be McCain’s ” Lovely New Custom Shit Moat”
“You can butter a puppy, but that don’t make him a biscuit.”
I prefer olive oil and a little salt.
Bah. She’s Nixon with tits.
OK, I hate to be the spoilsport, but being one of the Identity Politics Villains around here, do you really think that this sort of thing is a good idea? Especially when the whole point of nominating Palin is to demonstrate that the (D) party is sexist for having rejected Hillary.
Why reinforce the meme for a cheap giggle, especially in this case?
Polls or no polls, if Obama wins, it’s not going to be by a large margin even *without* this sort of thing. Yes, this is just a blog on teh internets but…why feed the meme?
That chick has the most demented expression on her face…calling Mort Drucker!
No gilding. Painting the lily.
Yes, it does pain me when people mis-quote obscure Shakespearean plays.
Clif nails it. Well played sir.
Damn straight. McCain has just captured the American flag bikini rifle youth vote.
Nice photoshop work. El. Oh. El.
[…] while waltzing with zombies a million times. Which makes a better American story: the gun-totin bikini governor or the senator playing pick-up […]
Gavin, that is a truly great piece of photoshop work.
Okay, I never thought I’d say it, but NOW I’m ready to sign on to one of those Republican Do-Not-Desecrate-The-Flag amendments! 🙂
We defintely do not need this woman being a heart beat away from the highest position in the United States.
God help us!
“We defintely do not need this woman being a heart beat away from the highest position in the United States.
God help us!”
either this is a photoshop fake (and it is), or it proves that Palin is a menace who shouldn’t “be a heartbeat away from the highest position…” you can’t have it both ways. Palin is an average American, much to the dismay of the dems. Hunting, believing in God, living in a small town, being unwilling to kill her own child, these are not frightening things. If she wore the American flag bikini, or liked to be photographed smoking and drinking around firearms, I’d be more concerned, but oh, yeah — it was a FAKE.
[…] ready for at least two months of Photoshopped pictures and fakes. Posted by: Abby Margulies on September 3, 2008 @ 3:20 pm Filed under: All […]