Beyond parody
This is an actual post over at Larry Johnson’s NoQuarter blog. You cannot make this shit up:
Party Time with the Democratic Party’s Presidential Ticket
By SusanUnPC
Is Barack Obama compensating for his despair over the latest CNN Poll — that shows Obama in a dead heat with McCain, and with ZERO convention bounce — by taking other peoples’ food? Seems that presidential nominee Barack Obama helped himself to a pile of chicken wings he didn’t buy and he didn’t order.
The image — from a press pool report yesterday in Hamilton, Indiana — shows a desperately hungry Obama voraciously tearing into other people’s chicken wings. […]
We’ve all wondered why Obama looks so skinny. I guess we know why now: He’s reduced to stealing food in order to eat!
The amazing mix or racism and stupidity on display here is quite impressive. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Larry.
[And thanks to reader Tom for sending us the link.]
I eagerly await the NoQuarter/TalkLeft/TGW pity party.
Maybe teh Troof can bring some casserole.
“Obama’s wearing a WEDDING RING in two pictures from 1983 and 1986, but he didn’t marry Michelle until 1989.
Does anyone know why he’s wearing this ring for at least 3 years?
His entire paternal lineage were polygamists, just sayin’”
From the third comment in that thread.
Brad you missed Larry “Whitey Tape” Johnson earlier lecture today on how today’s progressive bloggers were the George Bush’s of 2008 because they were pushing unsubstantiated rumours about Palin’s baby. He then claimed there was no equivalence to the Birth Certificate mess because that was based on fact.
More comedy
Uh Lar, I know you don’t get out much and your only friends could be counted on one hand. Hell, your only friend is your hand, but could it be that someone else at the table ordered the wings as an appetizer for everyone?
No one tell Larry that Obama is showing a 6 point lead among everyone today.
Thanks?! Link?!?
Next up on the “bitter old biddies for Mcain” blogs.. Barack Obama eating a whole watermelon.
Can it get campier! Obama dazzles 80,000 in a football stadium, McCain names a woman who gave birth 5 months ago as his running mate (her fifth child, born after she spent 8 hours in labor on a plane), Gustav shows up with bad memories of 3 years ago and causes the GOP to consider turning their convention into a telethon, Palin announces that her teenage daughter is pregnant, and Obama steals chickenwings. What a labor day weekend!
Well, wait a minute, here, lie-buruhls. I have heard that black people like chicken. Could it be that Obama is black?
This is probably worth looking into.
I heard he didn’t cook those chicken wings, either!!
And, also, that they were actually angel wings – because Obama hates angels!!!!
Is there any lingering doubt that NoQuarter is just Republican Astroturf?
And Hanna’s to hit the Georgia and South Carolina coast next weekend. Cokie, scrap those Myrtle Beach vacations plans and head to Hawaii!
I think the line they wanted was “Where the white meat at?”
Is there any lingering doubt that NoQuarter is just ^a Republican
Astroturfshit moat?Check the kerning on those wings.
These wingnuts are just sad and pathetic. This guy really believes that his smear is gonna help his side win?
Americans are much more enlightened about race than they were in the 1960s. This kind of stuff is not gonna fly anymore.
Come on, don’t be fooled by this insincere, cynical display of populism. In your hearts you know he excused himself after the photo-op and went away to purge, to make room for something more elitist.
I know I keep saying this, but GAWD!
Obama eats somebody elses chicken wings?
I guess you’ve just pretty much given up on policy and governance issues if the best reason you can come up with for voting a particular way in a presidential election is WHO PAID FOR THE FUCKING CHICKEN????
And some of you folks are worried about the outcome.
Hell, babe, it’s time to assume the outcome and start figuring out how to move the Obama administration to the left…
Larry Johnson is a racist POS. Black people have come so far since desegregation and now this guy wants to kick them to the gutter.
I just hope we get a true progressive elected in November, its about time America joined the rest of the civilized world and moved past this tribal patriotic bullshit.
I can’t wait to hear the bitching from the rightwing once a blackman is elected President, they’re all gonna be exposed as the racist out of touch cretins that they are.
Next up: Tip Watch
Did Obama or his people tip the server? Did they???
(Yes, I remember the “story.”)
Ah, you want to feast on Palin’s family.
No, it’s really about McCain’s smarts. But do go on.
In your hearts you know he excused himself after the photo-op and went away to purge, to make room for something more elitist.
That’s exactly right. Later he ate a white baby.
Not only did Obama bogart the chicken wings – he totally abused the free drink refills, and he swipped a handful of Splenda packs too.
Troffy, it was Mondale you racist shrill.
I’m sick of you reichtards whining about how “unfair” affirmative action is. How would you like to be brought to a foregin country in shackles, seperated from your family and forcing to work as a slave in some rich SOB plantation. You and your ancestors enslaved for 300 years.
You wingnuts make me sick. Its people like you that make America the laughing stock of the world.
This, lest we forget, is the blog where commenters like to post pictures of Michelle Obama made up to look like Zira from “Planet of the Apes.”
Love the Dukakis vs. Reagan take. Da Troof’s grasp of history is right on.
The difference, liberals, is of course that at this point, Dukakis had a 15-point lead in the polls over Reagan. How did that little contest end up?
If I remember, it ended up with George HW Bush winning.
No wonder those polls you cite are full of shit. Reagan wasn’t even running.
Just channel surfing the RNC on Fox News. It’s like watching the MDS Telethon:
Cindy & Laura: Gustav’s Kids !
Troofy just demonstrated how accurate his predictions are!
If the networks show a pregnant 17 year old African American in New Orleans will everyone coo with admiration at her having her baby?
Um no.
But that indeed highlights the whole problem. Bristol Palin’s pregnancy is indeed nobody’s business but the family’s . But the number of things that are nobody’s business is rather long and the number of people who habitually respect such things is rather small.
And the people who are absolutely the worst at staying out of other people’s business are the “values voters’ who Palin’s nomination were supposed to placate in the first place.
It’s a strange world we live in.
Posted by Paul Dirks | September 1, 2008 5:21 PM
A big shout-out to Paul Dirks, common tatin’ over at Time’s Swampland.
The nominee is a n’er!!!!!!
Troofy: Sadly,No!s own Nostradumbass.
The difference, liberals, is of course that at this point, Dukakis had a 15-point lead in the polls over Reagan. How did that little contest end up?
Yes, the Dukakis-Reagan race was truly one for the history books. Remember when Willie Horton said “There you go again. Where’s the beef?” And that devastating ad about riding around in tanks while there was a scary bear in the woods?
Don’t mind troofy, he’s just a RNC drone with a sad pathetic life.
This blog is great, I’m a long time reader, first time poster. Leftwing politics is my passion.
Don’t worry guys, Obama’s gonna cream McSame November 4 and America will finally be on the long road to progress and change.
Did someone mention racism over at No Quarter?
The fact is, John McCain went without chicken wings for FIVE AND A HALF YEARS. Or celery. Or blue cheese.
You think that’s bad, here’s a later paragraph from that same Time article:
Obama has to get his clothes from Gay people who want children to get drunk!!!
It’s simply disgusting, and offensive.
What about hot sauce, Gary?
I say, if you people are set on voting for a blackamoor, perhaps you should pick one with better table manners.
Wingnuts are very bigoted against anyone whose not white, straight and judeo-christian.
After this election they’re gonna be screwed because their darkest bedwetting nightmare will become a reality. A blackman elected President. And a true progressive at that.
The bigots will still be here of course but they’ll become more and more irrelevent as America slowly but surely becomes a post-modern European style Social-Democracy.
Harrumph. Hot sauce? That would be simply plebian, and that’s the fact. Us coastal elites don’t kowtow to hoi polloi like Obama and his “mess o’ fried chickens”.
Sometimes when I jack off my micropenis to Michelle Obama pictures, I also picture Barack stealing chicken wings, and Michelle divorcing him and coming to live with meeeeeeee
Ummm, umm, black guy running who’s probably going to beat us, um, um, Affirmative Action! Bill Ayers! Soetaro! Rezko! Juicemaster! What?
Look at lil’ micropenis go! Ooh, Michelle! Ooh, you’re so big and strong and Obama doesn’t deserve you! Oh, oh, oh, ohhhhhhhh
Truthy, what are you doing in there? What’s all that banging?
Um, nothing mommy! Nothing at all!
Come on, dammit, why aren’t you hard yet? Come on come on come onnnnnnnnn
Affirmative action is one of the most noble policys ever enacted by American society. The fact that you fail to see it proves you’re a racist and scumbag.
Its the very least white American society can do after 300 years of slavery, Jim Crow laws, state sponsered lynchings and segregation.
Keep living in the 1950s reichtard, Obama will be President and the smell of change is in the air.
Many of my best friends are haitians and dalits who run billion dollar hedge funds.
What kind of preferences got us a Preznit Shrub, troofy?
I’ll note he didn’t get elected by a majority.
And how’s that all working for us?
I’ll say the one good thing about shrub: the First AWOL Cokehead (inadvertently, of course) has put the GOP down.
Like the rabid dog it is.
I just thank God it wasn’t arugula! The whole campaign would have been sunk!
Sure they’re not southern fried, extra crispy fetuses he’s eating, Lar?
And a true progressive
Yeah, good luck with that sell around here.
Like I said, Troofy and his racist knuckledragging reichtard buddies will become more and more irrelevent once Obama is elected and American becomes more like Europe which is long overdue.
Soon we’ll have free health care, a truly progressive income tax system, a reduced military budget and reproductive and sexual freedom for all Americans.
American becomes more like Europe
Ok, who’s doing the parody here?
I think Obama is a true progressive.
However, this is a national election he at least needs to appear more “moderate” than he actually is in order to be electable. Unfortunately American society still isn’t at the point where a candidate for national office can openly run on a truly progressive platform and be elected.
Things will change soon I hope, but we’re just not there yet.
You know, it would truly be an awesome day in Sadly, No history if we had two parody trolls battling it out with each other, each unaware of the joke.
Yeah, come on.. America is the ONLY first world democracy to be without free healthcare, or some approximation of it. Long overdue.
Proper anti-discrimination laws? Also way overdue.
A military budget actually in proportion to the nations size and security risks? Well, that would pay for all the necessary social spending, and do wonders for a sensible foreign policy.
Sorry Simba, I don’t believe I introduced myself.
I’m new around here. And I’m also a socialist and not afraid to admit it.
America needs to become a Social-Democracy like most Western European nations if we ever hope to become a truly progressive society.
I believe there’s a hint of faux in the air . . .
The thing is, I don’t disagree with Coastal elitist man.. I’m living in western Europe, and I have to tell you, it really is pretty great. I shall be charitable and assume that he only thinks Obama is a left winger because of the frame of reference he has to work with.
Are all trolls parody trolls, or does it just seem like it?
What’s wrong with America becoming more like Europe?
They have free health care. They abolished state sanctioned murder. They don’t get involved in capitalist driven wars for profit. They have equal rights for gays and women. And they have long gotten past primitive notions of patriotism and national pride which would only mean more foolish wars and sectarian strife.
Whats a progressive not to like about Europe?
The fact is, real Americans in the heartland don’t want to live like Europeans in their tiny apartments in their crowded cities with their free education and healthcare and good restaurants and month-long vacations. We like driving 45 minutes each way to the Wal-Mart and going into substantial debt for our college educations. If we want free education and healthcare we will just join the military, which also has snazzy uniforms and open showers and lots of sweaty, brawny men, and…
I hope he’s leftwing Sockpuppet. Its a shame really that here in America a candidate for President has to hide his/her progressive beliefs in order to be electable. I hope we move past this soon. You’re lucky to live in Western Europe Sockpuppet, not alot of wingnuts there I here.
I liked the little “ipso loquitor” pirouette at the end of Truth’s “the liberals are the true racists” spiel. That’s just classy. You can practically see his eyes sparkle at the chance to sprinkle a little Latin in his Jonanism.
You’re a sad, pathetic POS, a bully, a liar, and a scouldrel. How dare you bring the Cubs into this?
I hope you’re proud of yourself.
We must hope and pray that it wasn’t a LOBBIEST’S chicken wings! Blatant Public Bribery!
Tho the image of Senator Obama strolling through a restaurant and casually helping himself from a stranger’s table is pretty funny. Wasn’t there an SNL episode where Bill Clinton visited a McDonalds?
Okay, I nearly wet myself here..
“And they have long gotten past primitive notions of patriotism and national pride which would only mean more foolish wars and sectarian strife”
Dude. Ever been to a european sporting event? Read a european tabloid?
The shocking truth is that the european version of national identity is based on, you know.. thousands of years of history, culture, and innumerable bloody wars.
lobb, lobbier, lobbiest?
Are all trolls parody trolls, or does it just seem like it?
Around these parts, a real troll is a rare and wondrous thing. I’m not sure there have been any real trolls around here regularly since 2006 or so.
Yes, that’s exactly what’s happening, Dr. Missus Old Senator Frist. You really nailed that one, oh boy, indeedy! Why, you’ve probably won the election for Old Man McCain with that quip! hooo ha!
Is there no end to your cleverness, Susan? Fucking pathetic..
The fact is, I am real.
Well, except, it’s “ipsa” in res ipsa loquitur, as opposed to “ipso” in ipso facto, but, you know, as long as it’s fake right wing ranting, and you’re trying to pretend once again that conservatives admire the history of Western tradition and Latin, when they’re not making fun of eating arugula, which the Romans ate all the time, who cares.
I’m not a troll guys, I’m one of you.
It just so happens that I believe that for America to become a truly progressive society it would be wise for us to emulate Western Europe.
Look how far they’ve come. A overwhelming majority of Europeans don’t think war is justified under any circumstances even defensive wars.
The majority of Europeans support same-sex marriage and are not bigoted towards homosexuals like most Americans are.
Most Europeans oppose capital punishment.
Xianity is a thing of the past in most parts of Western Europe.
I don’t understand why some of you here think I’m a troll just because I think America should become more like Europe?
Let me ask you a question, which society is currently more progressive, American or Western European?
The fact, um, is, that any time the Democrats deign to run someone with a pulse, they win. Just look at the list in the last 28 years: Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Gore, Kerry. Out of all those, only Clinton knew how to keep people awake during a speech. Carter only won in ’76 because the Republican brand was in the toilet. Kind of like now.
Well if you are genuine, you should know that there are a number of western European regulars here (hell the site founder is French-Canadian and lives in Germany) and I’m going to wager you have never been nor heard first-hand from anyone who actually lives there what it’s like.
You sound a little, shall we say, naieve. Hence people thinking you are a parody of some liberal stereotypes.
We’re just this side of
insane, so if you are indeed genuine, don’t mind us too much and be sure not to feed the Ruppert.Us coastal elites don’t kowtow to hoi polloi like Obama
Bonus pedantry points to Negagary!!
It’s true. English national identity is based on hating the French, resenting the Scots, despising the Irish and patronising the Welsh.
Hell, you want to see political polarisation, try Belgium.
It’s just that nowadays we just fight our wars with bad tabloid puns and football hooligans, rather than with tanks and terrorbombing.
Thanks Simba, will do.
The fact is, I am hungry. Feed me, Heartland.
“The fact is, I am real.”
Uh-huh, sure, Rupps.
You know what they say about having to affirm it…
It’s just that nowadays we just fight our wars with bad tabloid puns and football hooligans, rather than with tanks and terrorbombing.
Well, that’s certainly a step in the right direction. I for one am objectively pro-pun. You might say I’m a member of the punditry.
So are we gonna start a pool on how many weeks (days?) before McCain dumps Palin and decides to start over again?
Shouldn’t Obama be among the poi polloi?
Teh STOOPID at that website burns…looka this:
“The close up chicken picture is very revealing. Like his 60 minutes interview. I work in an ER where we see users all the time, the way you can tell they want drugs is their eyes. During the interview with Biden his eyes had the same look I’ve seen a thousand times. I think he’s actively using something but of course the media doesn’t care at this point. Not unless it’s Clinton, McCain or now Palin.”
If McPOW wins in Nov this country is done for. This time it’s for real.
No! Barack! Those chicken wings are really spicy! Don’t eat those!
I’ve never seen a man eat so many chicken wings…
I’ve never seen a man eat so many chicken wings…
I’ve never seen a man eat so many chicken wings…
RSE that comment has got to be a troll. Then again, the stupid is pretty strong with that site, so one can never be totally sure.
“Shouldn’t Obama be among the poi polloi?”
I knew there was a reason I was watching Rutgers play Fresno State.
Dead on Btl. However, it is more complicated than that. There is nothing more English than an Englishman driving home from work in his german car, ordering indian takeaway, putting his feet up on his swedish sofa, turning on his japanese TV, and watching american programmes, whilst drinking belgian lager.
We have exactly the same number of wingnuts as you Americans. Possibly more. However, our definition of wingnut is a bit different. Being in favour of the death penalty makes one a wingnut. Being against nationalised healthcare makes one a wingnut who needs attention from the men in white coats.
Humour me, Coastal elite man. How old are you? This touching display of naivety suggests you are on the young side shall we say.
More wars of aggression, tax cuts for the super rich, and state sanctioned murder. More of the same from McSame me thinks.
I just hope my intution proves correct and Obama is a true progressive. Regardless, I do think Obama will win.
The fact is, wings are white meat. Which makes it that much worse.
Just sayin.
Next up from the crack reporting team at No Quarter:
Sources tell this reporter that Barack Obama’s motorcade pulled into a local convention center, and Obama simply walked in to give a speech… WITHOUT PAYING A PARKING FEE!
I’m 19.
barbeque chicken wings therefore european style social welfare.
rorshach rhetoric!
Actually, it is more like ignoring the scots, being contemptuous of the irish, and not acknowledging any welsh national identity, because they are a principality anyway.
And hating the french? our love/hate relationship with the french is part of our national identity! You yanks and your freedom fries are just jumping on the bandwagon 1000 years too late.
BtI: Hi.
Everyone: Note that CEM reacted to general remarks about trolls by drawing himself up and declaiming “why! how DARE you accuse me of being a troll! I’m one of YOU!” Nobody accused him of being one and yet he seemed sensitive to the accusation. Interesting.
“the voluntary destruction of unwanted children” — Hee hee, Twooth is such a dumbass.
Keep spewing your rightwing bile Troofy boy. You’re old man is gonna get creamed on election night. The American people have spoken and they have said no to war, no to state sanctioned murder and no to the Rethuglicans fascist agenda. You just can’t stand the idea of a black President can you Troofy? Racist pig.
Your argument is rather odd. Why wouldn’t anyone be proud of such a program? (I in fact have three T-shirts with the slogan “Vote Democrat: We kill more unborn babies by 9 AM than the army does in three weeks”). Clearly everyone is, therefore you are actually arguing for liberals. QED.
Now try again a little harder next time.
“Surely that honor must be reserved for the voluntary destruction of unwanted children!”
No, that honor belongs to the voluntary endangerment of unborn children by a woman in labor who takes an 8-hour plane flight to Alaska.
“college students … artists … ponytails … embarrassing screed … bill. bill! BILL! WILLIAM AYERS! AYYYYYYYYYY”
Could someone get that bottle of Wm. Buckley’s Numinous Elbow Cream away from Twooth, please?
With your embarrassing screed on Europe you are fitting right in.
…and you’ve got about 11 (mental) years on Truthy
OK, I officially deem CEM a parody troll at this point due to the “racist pig” bit. That’s too precious.
“You just can’t stand the idea of a black President can you Troofy?”
1 1/2 seconds after Obama wins the election, the whackjobs/republicans will be whining about how the Iraq war is all his fault and why hasn’t he ended it yet? They will also whine and scream about how the Federal Deficit is all his fault, and that the powers of the Executive Branch to wiretap and put anybody it wants in jail for no reason at all are suddenly a Bad Thing and need to end RIGHT NOW!
What, the blatantly bad spelling and grammatical errors weren’t enough to tip you off?
To be totally honest.. I would happily yell “fuck the pope” at a footy match. Why not? I am a liberal atheist, and the Catholic church is a criminal organisation with a long long history of oppression and killing.
The truth is, most of the bigotry in europe is completely incomprehensible to outsiders, and often based on history many times older than the united states of america.
OK, I officially deem CEM a parody troll at this point due to the “racist pig” bit. That’s too precious.
Agreed. “blackman” is an odd construction, too.
“failed artists”
Okay, that was just uncalled for !
The ‘blackman’ thing is what set my radar a-pingin’ as well.
Hence people thinking you are a parody of some liberal stereotypes.
Pretty much. The punctuation looks a lot like our recent namestealer’s, too.
Not sure what the point is, though.
Guys, I’m not a troll and I’m certainly not a conservative pretending to be a liberal if thats what you think.
I’m a leftwing socialist who agrees with you guys about most of the things I’ve read on this blog. Why can’t you guys be more welcoming to newcomers?
OT, but SPPD just beat up Amy Goodman and arrested her. Got raw audio here
Should make an interesting democracy now! tomorrow.
Mmm, is dat some Kentucky-Fried-Troll I smells heah?
Ah, you want to feast on Palin’s family.
Personally, I don’t give a flaming wombat-shit about her (heinous) family life – but what little I’m seeing bodes ill for any folks unfortunate enough to be under her governance. No, I want to see her hoist on her own petard of corruption, deceit & megalomania, & made to return to her home state in complete disgrace, so that all the nice people in Alaska don’t have to worry about more sad shite like vengeance-firings, cutting police & emergency funds while spending a mint on sports-facilities, or $20 million deficits for towns of circa 7,000 from this nasty little cunt, ever again. But not until she does history the favor she plainly owes it by being The Kiss Of Death to the GOP in 2008. For once, I may well be getting my wish. Getting that Mecha-My-Little-Pony would still have been cooler though, IMHO.
I think to really make a splash, you need your wife, a professional affirmative action officer, to publically show her disdain for whites; you need your pastor to damn America; you need to hang around with Ayers and Rezko.
Yes, but I’ll only let her show her disdain for whites after I’m done beating her … ooopsy, sorry, wrong troll. You all smell so much alike to me, it’s easy to get mixed up. If she’s an officer I sure hope I outrank her, since I’d dearly LOVE me some K-P Duty right about now. Oh, bollocks – I’m still not married. Shit howdy! I didn’t even know I HAD any g.d. pastor. Does that make me pastorized? Methinks America is damning itself quite categorically without any input from pastors, though – & the rest of the world seems to agree with me on that one. As for “hanging around” with these mysterious Ayers & Rezko people, not gonna happen: I’m one of the least gregarious people I know.
You know, Troutmeister, you could literally make more sense if you just turned out the lights & smacked at random on the keyboard with your dick. That, at least, would be making an actual statement of some sort.
If that dude’s real, I applaud his political views, and pray to God he never corners me at a party.
‘leftwing socialist’. Uh huh. Try harder.
Uh huh. Try harder.
Yeah, I’m curious to hear what other kinds of socialists there are.
What does “left wing” mean, Not A Troll?
The creepiest thing of all is these demonstrations, preemptive arrests, heavy handed police tactics, violence and anti-constitutional behaviors are NEWS.
No matter what your “ideological bent” might be, it is beyond weird that big media isn’t covering this.
It was front and center in Chicago in ’68. It’s freakin NEWS.
And it’s not being reported.
If you wanted any evidence that the game is over, and we lost?
There it is…
To be quite honest, CEM reminds me of my “anarchist” phase when I was 13. Okay, it only lasted a few weeks, but still. One day, CEM will grow up into a cynical liberal blogger, and look back on his naive youth with embarrassment.
I suspect “the truth” is a hugely pretentious performance artist.
Why can’t you guys be more welcoming to newcomers?
Hell, this IS welcoming. You should see us when we’re not.
Why can’t you guys be more welcoming to newcomers?
It’s not the newcomers we mind, it’s the prematurecomers.
Guys be realistic. If I was a conservative troll why would I have torn Troofy a new one like I did?
Conservatives don’t talk that way to each other. That alone should be proof enough that I’m a progressive. Come on guys, I admire you all especially mikey. So come on, give me a chance to redeem myself.
I due time you’ll realize that I am just as progressive as everyone else on this blog.
Why can’t you guys be more welcoming to newcomers?
Clearly you were not warned about the initiation rituals.
Ed Marshall – That St. Paul situation is totally out of hand. I listened to the audio. I hope somebody got some video of the arrest. Let’s hope this comes back to bite them in the ass.
Mikey, don’t sweat it. America’s just a parody troll of a fascist police state.
there are drugs you can take to help cure that unfortunate sense of earnestness, CEM.
I’ve ALWAYS hated performance art…
My grandma used to have a dog that would get so excited whenever he met someone new, he’d hop up and down on his back legs and piss all over the place.
There’s a parallel I’d like to draw here.
So.. Are there actually more protesters at the RNC than Republicans?
Meanwhile, The Truth is like my other grandma’s dog that had explosive diarrhea.
Ah, you want to feast on Palin’s family.
I dunno. How much white meat’s on a Palin?
Are there actually more protesters at the RNC than Republicans?
I think there are probably more protesters at the RNC than there are people who will admit to having voted for Dubya. And I mean people anywhere in the U.S. who will admit to that.
I hope somebody got some video of the arrest.
Latest word is she was arrested for “probable cause for riot”.
Uh, yeah.
This is Amy Freaking Goodman. If they can get away with this, this country is in worse shape than I thought. If Goodman is famous for anything it’s her work reporting against the Burmese Junta, and now she gets her ass kicked for reporting by the SPPD?!?!?
The Truth is a fucking idiot. Dalits in the US weren’t sold into slavery here. They applied for work or education visa, went through a rigorous vetting process by USCIS and only then were they granted visa. The often talked about success of Indian and other “model minorities” in the US is more a function of US visa process than any inherent characteristics of the race itself.
And btw, in order to be qualified for the US visa, those Dalits had to go through 4 years of college. And guess what helped them? Indian version of ‘affirmative action’. Since 1947 India has had an extensive system of assisting backward castes (yup, that’s what they are called. I shit you not) , scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. And yes, many Indian upper caste people also bitch about it occasionally.
I think there are probably more protesters at the RNC than there are people who will admit to having voted for Dubya. And I mean people anywhere in the U.S. who will admit to that.
I saw a faded W ’04 bumper sticker on an SUV the other day. The partner and I looked at each other and I said, “Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen one of those!” Still see a few Kerry/Edwards stickers.
Is it me or does McCain look more and more like a creepy ghoul with each passing day? He doesn’t look well.
So given that Obama was stealing, and was stealing fried chicken at that, does that make him too black or not black enough?
I mean, if he was spending his welfare on fried chicken instead of stealing it from other black folks (like a white man should) he’d be “just black enough”.
Video here, she didn’t get mauled but it’s still fucked up.
I eat too much of the dry food and throw it all up again.
I cn hz job as troll??
This was on fuckface Mark Halperin’s page for a while too, though maybe he realized it makes him look like a racist fucking asshole, because it’s gone now.
OK, I just read my last comment again, and even though I wrote it as a parody, it’s impossible to tell the difference anymore.
Whitey: The First White Meat….
There are moments when I wonder if we aren’t living in some surreal blaxploitation flick.
I’ve just been looking at pictures of the RNC venue.. What a ghost town! It is quite heartening really! I’l be interested to see how the neilsen ratings compare..
Not that I’m terribly opposed to being the bearer of bad tidings, I suppose, but there are kind of 2 stages to the devolution of a representative democracy into an authoritarian police state.
In the first stage, the state stifles dissent, beats, intimidates and arrests protesters, enforces “the public order”, but generally hides it behind a veneer of due process. Most of those arrested are eventually released, most of those actually charged are acquitted.
In the second stage, things have gotten more serious. It becomes necessary for the police state to arrest both lawyers and journalists to prevent the documentation of their abuses from being used to cause genuine concern and consternation among the otherwise preoccupied population, and to prevent due process from protecting the dissenters from being effectively intimidated into silence.
In China and East Germany, for example, they came at it from the other side – people knew that to dissent was to be arrested, tortured, imprisoned and killed. In a declining democracy, the people don’t have that built-in caution. But if the news can be managed, if the journalists actually covering the abuses of power can be shut down, if lawyers can be convinced there is better, safer, more profitable work outside of politics, then they win.
They appear to have won…
Hahahahahaha! That’s a good one! Tens of thousands of people were arrested at the RNC convention in 2004, and even though they tried filing a lawsuit, not a damned thing happened last I heard.
What happened in NYC was that the cops sealed off entire blocks and arrested everyone within that perimeter. If you were on the subway and happened to get off at one of these locations, you were arrested as soon as you walked up the stairs. Apparently, many people arrested at RNC ’04 were charged with the crime of taking public transportation.
Video of the Amy Goodman arrest is here.
Damn, mikey, you really know how to bum a guy out, man.
— Y’know that Obama is one mean mutha…
— SAY WHA?! Watch yo’ mouth!
— But I’m talkin’ about Obama
— Then we can dig it!
Latest word is she was arrested for “probable cause for riot”.
Uh, yeah.
This is Amy Freaking Goodman. If they can get away with this, this country is in worse shape than I thought. If Goodman is famous for anything it’s her work reporting against the Burmese Junta, and now she gets her ass kicked for reporting by the SPPD?!?!?
The grounds for arrest is ‘conspiracy to riot’, a law either put into the books or dusted off the moment they decided to hold the RNC in the state – it had never been used and is grossly over-broad and unconstitutional, targeting people as it does on the grounds of speech or assembly. (My guess is that it’s a product of our infamous misconception that there are reasonable limits on freedom of speech – maybe, but they stop well short of abetting assembly.)
If there’s one rose to come out of this lake of shit, it’s Goodman’s arrest – it’s high-profile enough that it’ll almost certainly force the case to the Supreme Court, and with any luck the normally dilatory behavior of the police in these circumstances will invariably put it on the docket of a court with Obama appointees.
Well, handy, now we’re gonna see how many truly “patriotic americans” there actually are.
Oh yeah, and read Greenwald – he’s been documenting similar arrests, abuses, and federal involvement(!!!) in this shit. Goodman is just the most prominent example, and she hasn’t been gassed, tazed, shot, had her home invaded, or had her computers, journals, and pamphlets stolen.
Thing is though, this arrest has gone viral. My son says they are talking about it on WoW. I think the situation has changed somewhat since 2004. Also, I don’t think the SPPD knew who they were arresting.
Called my local rag and insisted they cover this. We should all call our local media and raise hell. Become a thorn in their side. It might not make a difference, hell, it probably won’t, but it’s worth a shot.
mikey: While I agree with you that things are tending in a depressingly bleak directtion sometimes, it’s important to remember that this ain’t your grandma’s authoritarian police state no more.
As modern China and Russia have shown, brute force is no longer needed to keep people in line. Instead, you simply control their sources of information about their country and the world, until they refuse to believe the things that are right in front of their noses, because they don’t accord with “common sense”.
Journalists and lawyers are no longer outside looking in, they’re inside with their eyes closed, whether they believe they are or not.
This isn’t the fascism of Orwell, but of Phillip K. Dick.
That’s the real threat to modern democracy-not tanks in the streets and beatings of protesters, but the apathy that makes such events irrelevant.
If there’s one rose to come out of this lake of shit, it’s Goodman’s arrest – it’s high-profile enough that it’ll almost certainly force the case to the Supreme Court
Yeah, right. Dood, you think these people are playing for peanuts? They’re in this to win ALL the marbles.
They’ll drop any charges. And if AG sues, they’ll offer a settlement. One of the lower courts will send it to arbitration. On that basis, the appeals courts won’t hear it. The law stays on the books, and the system keeps grinding on.
Try again. Try HARDER….
I think we got off to a bad start. I apologize if my comments seemed trollish. Regardless, Obama will win this election and America will be on the way to becoming a true classless society. I assure you, Obama will enact a true progressive agenda when he gets in office and America will finally be joining the rest of the civilized world.
Crap, these people need medication, therapy and a life, not necessarily in that order.
Regardless, Obama will win this election and America will be on the way to becoming a true classless society.
Shalom, gentlemen.
I think America is blazing a new socio-political trail. How to mix a police state with enough democracy that most of the citizens still think they have their nice representative democracy.
Usually, when an election is stolen in a police state, they don’t bother to cover it up. In America, stolen elections are surrounded by so much political discussion, legal battles, and talk of freedom and democracy, that most people don’t ever notice the theft.
An awful lot of political effort in the USA goes not towards governing, or campaigning.. but to convincing the public that they still have a healthy democracy.
So far, America hasn’t really had to arrest the journalists. The process is to simply marginalise them, and drown them out with propaganda. That is just a reaction to the better communications technology of our times. You can’t stop the information from being gathered, but you can stop it being heard and understood by enough people for it to make a difference.
In some ways Huxley’s Brave New World is more appropriate than Orwell’s 1984for today’s world. It’s not that people are banned from information, it’s just that they would rather find entertainment than information.
My sentiments exactly Sockpuppet. Lets just hope that Obama will have the moral courage to reverse this dangerous precedent the Bush Administration set in place in order to manipulate the American people into a false sense of security while they continue to chip away at our civil liberties.
As modern China and Russia have shown, brute force is no longer needed to keep people in line.
Journalists die in both places.
Andre is right. Then he is righter. And then he is right again.
In Russia, they have made a pact with their people. We won’t fuck with your economic freedom, if you stay out of politics and let us run the show.
In China, it’s both simpler and more dicey. As long as they can keep raising the standard of living, nobody’s gonna complain about tibet of falun gong.
In america, the information genie’s totally out of the bottle, but it’s the apathy monster that’s choking off our freedoms.
As Greenwald says, they’re just setting up a condition where it’s SAFE to shut up and let them break the law, and it’s positively RISKY to challenge them, in spite of your right to do so.
Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Unless Americans can rouse themselves and understand what is being taken away from them, the horse has left the barn, the door is closed, and just to be safe they’re burning down the barn.
It makes them look really bad when they arrest a nice, personable lady, known for being a respected public citizen, who’s merely trying to express her free speech and assembly rights. She’s not someone who in any stretch of the imagination can be viewed as the wild-eyed dangerous anarchist fantasy that scares suburban America out of its limited wits.
The ACLU is all over this “conspiracy to riot” bullshit. And as alec says, Greenwald has been on it. I’m not ready to give up as long as these guys are still standing.
The problem with the former Soviet Union and China is that they gave lip service to the teachings of Karl Marx, while at the same time they enacted a repressive police state. Something Marx was adamently opposed to. They aren’t communist any more than McCain is a maverick.
jebus I sound naive with that comment. I’m still capable of being starry eyed about the ACLU. I guess even the most cynical of us may still have some heroes.
Oh, it is all going to fall down.. Lets be totally honest. This shit wasn’t something new, brought in by Bush. The panem et circenses politics has been the norm in America for.. well, at least 30 years, if not more.
But the shit is about to hit the fan. They have run out of the panem! That is why the circuses have been so much bigger and gaudier this year.. To distract us all from the lack of bread.
Imagine what would happen to Chinas politics without the massive economic growth. Now imagine the exact same thing happening to the USA as its economy comes crashing down.
There is a good joke in it somewhere.. “How do you get an American to pay attention to anything that isn’t on TV?” Ruin his nations economy until the ballifs take his TV away!”
Karl Marx was also opposed to military expansionism, something Russia and China have both engaged in. China is not a communist country. China is actually a fascist state run by a very wealthy military heirarchy. There present supposedly “communist” government is very nationalistic and oppressive. More in line with facsism than with true communism.
Memo to that Coastal Elitist:
So whatever. Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t.
But Ur doing it worng.
Think a bit. Remember you’re writing for an audience of educated, smart, thoughtful people.
A whole bunch of drooling adolescent lib-worship doesn’t go here. We’re pretty much all on board that train. So, if you’re not a troll (I have my doubts, but hey – who knows?) then slow down. Think about the issue at hand. Don’t repeat obvious points, analyze the question and come at it from a fresh perspective. Say something interesting, or at least challenging.
Or make a poop joke…
Greasemonkey butler pie scripts for everyone!
Thanks mikey, I’ll eventually get the hang of this place.
” It’s not that people are banned from information, it’s just that they would rather find entertainment than information.”
In a nutshell.
TPM has a pretty cute Palin the Train pic up.
I think that even though I can see that this crazy police-state shit is happening, I just can’t quite believe it is happening. But I know it’s been happening for some time, and to the extent Americans know about it at all, they just yawn and go on about their lives. “Two elderly nuns arrested for protesting at the School of the Americas and then actually sent to prison? Gee, I’m sure the government had good reasons for it. (yawn) Hey, did you see there’s a sale at Dillard’s?” Fuck. We really are screwed.
The Chinese government is part of the problem not the solution. Karl Marx would be appaled if he could see what that regime does in his name. The free trade program with America is only helping the super rich in the Chinese government. Its doing nothing for the common working class man. Communism as Marx envisoned it sadly does not exist. Western European Social Democracy is the closest we have to true communism but is still quite aways off from what Marx had in mind.
Is CEM, Saul? What do the IP’s say?
.. This guy is like the textbook for the DFH 101 class.. Except without any commas.
Come on guys. What makes you think I’m a troll? I’m a progressive. I believe everything I’ve said. What do I have to do to convince you that I’m one of you?
There’s a SALE AT DILLARDS???!!!11!
say something funny
What do I have to do to convince you that I’m one of you?
Call yourself a poogressive. Right now.
Dick Cheney is like the rare white elk. He’s seen by the public just as frequently. And he looks like a frog.
Naw, make him stomp on a picture of Ronald Reagan.
That ALWAYS gives them away…
ha ha ha
I bet you that all the sasquach sightings in the northwest were really sightings of Dick Cheney hunting.
Good gracious, is TROOF still here being pesky? Bastard’s looking for attention. I know that it is slowly dawning on these GOP bitches that their time has come. Take their taunts with a grain of salt. The attempts at stagecraft by their benefactors this week is like a high school play featuring greasers and stoners. There’s no real enthusiasm. NONE! Any that is there at that (R)attrap in the next three days will confirm that the GOP is doling out massive quantities of ecstasy.
Then there’s Bush and Cheney being “too busy” to show up and give their respective speeches.
Now tell me…who breathed a heavy sigh of relief first: Bush and Cheney for talking themselves out of the commitment, or the dumb bastards scheduling that hilariously considered turning the damned thing into a fucking telethon? Shit, all I know is they were all lying when they said that they were sorry they couldn’t be there: Bush, Cheney, and the RNC committee members.
Palin…I’ll get to the Alaskan Diva later. Ooh, man, this soap opera’s getting good. Palin nearly rivals Erica Kane.
Hahahahaaaaaa! You GOP fruitloops are hysterical!
Tossed Tropical Turkey with Toasted Treetops
1 turkey
1 pinch tropical treetop, prohibitively peppered
1 zesty tofu
6 jiggers absolute tiger tongue, tossed
4 pints garlic
1 ounce ginger
Unblushingly grease a cookie sheet. Place the turkey into a large cup. Use a food processor to mix the tofu with the treetop. Stuff the resulting goo into the turkey. Broil – very quickly – the tiger tongue, garlic, and the ginger. Heap the latter combination on to the former. Grill for 11 hours. Serves 9 many individuals with medieval stomachs.
Ha! Now in America, Election steal you! Ha!
Sockpuppet has spoken the very truth about Europe.
Also to add, Europe seems to be undergoing a generally rightward swing right now. Its nowhere as near as bad as the USA, probably due to entrenched social-democratic institutions, but the right has swept the board among the movers and shakers in Europe, and the UK is set for a Tory victory right now. Plus we keep producing incredibly shrill and tedious retards in quite large quantities, who go on about Mooslims secretly taking over the country, how the EU is a secret communist conspiracy, how the BBC is a hotbed of Marxist-Liberal radicalism etc etc.
So yeah, if you’re going to copy us, try and copy the stuff you see in The Guardian or Le Monde – do not, for the love of God, get your ideas about the European way from the Daily Mail or Express newspapers.
On the subject of good recipes, I can strongly recommended adding a bit of cocoa powder to chilli. You need to be quite daring though, especially if your chilli is strong. About a heaped teaspoon per person does it for the mild chillis i make. You might have to add even more. It sounds like a weird thing to put in, but it helps add a subtle aftertaste.
Damn. That shit sounds good.
Got any Haggis to go with it?
I used to date a guy who would always add a dash of cinnamon to scrambled eggs. Sounds weird, tasted pretty good.
Just in case anybody needs a break, it’s Dirty Fucking Hippie YouTube Monday over at my place.
I love Dirty Fucking Hippie YouTube Monday.
The fact is, Europe is great, you racist pigs.
You sir, shall be hearing from our attorneys regarding this outrageous libel!
Sarah Palin is Keyser Soze!
Sarah Palin was allegedly a part of a secessionist Alaskan party before she became a Republican. She also was so independent of the Alaskan Republican culture of corruption that she ran Ted Stevens’ 527.
By this time tomorrow, we’re going to find out she introduced AIDS to the human population in between fabricating the moon landing and overthrowing the Shah.
And from comments (possibly photoshopped, but what the hell):
So yeah, if you’re going to copy us, try and copy the stuff you see in The Guardian or Le Monde – do not, for the love of God, get your ideas about the European way from the Daily Mail or Express newspapers.
Also, Rupert Murdoch is an evil alien from outer space who lives on a diet of rats.
Karl Marx was also opposed to military expansionism, something Russia and China have both engaged in. China is not a communist country. China is actually a fascist state run by a very wealthy military heirarchy. There present supposedly “communist” government is very nationalistic and oppressive. More in line with facsism than with true communism.
Guys, this is the kind of distinction a righty troll would probably avoid. They honestly believe that Russia is just hiding Teh Bolshevizm from us, waiting to spring it on us when we least expect it, and further that we DFHs are quietly salivating over the prospect. Concern trolls are kind of easy to detect in that they honestly believe all of their bugbears are working together – so it’s difficult for them to imagine someone who wants open borders yet fears the hated Chinee’s Maoist menace.
China’s not just fascist but increasingly a showcase for security-state behaviors. Naomi Klein (q.v.) wrote about China exhibiting shit during the Olympics that we’re just now beginning to use for our grand right-wing circuses; the way it generally works is China -> some European middleman (generally the UK) -> the US. The great innovation we’re seeing at work here is our cutting out the middleman and using Chinese methods, hardware, and software directly.
The arresting journalists is just crass – the kind of shit China did twenty years ago. It isn’t a sign of increasing authoritarianism, just ineptitude at it.
(And incidentally, I’ve always been profoundly skeptical about the direct culpability of the Russian government in killing its journalists – it’s not exactly a coincidence that the ones they go after tend to be fellow travellers with the great alliance of neoliberal European and/or American companies infiltrating the country. I’d look for blood on the oligarchs’ hands first – they despise competition and like any other corporation they’ve got a lot less experience being quietly oppressive than the government. Putin was a KGB man; whatever you can say about him, he’s not a Yeltsin-style amateur, carrying out hits and then praising the victims’ enemies. He has a lot of experience with blowback and high-profile poisonings are amateur-hour shit.)
There’s a local ice-cream place that puts chili in their ice-cream. Burns cold.
Garam massala is the thing to add to scrambled eggs. It is mostly cumin with a few other things, including cinnamon too I think. Delicious.
But the thing about Europe, is that we tend to have democracies which are resilient enough to survive 8 years of having a dipshit in charge. Everything is arranged to stop anyone doing too much damage. It is the same with our tabloids and nutjobs. They stay beyond the pale, and don’t get as much validation and mainstream legitimacy as the nutters in the USA do.
The UK isn’t swinging to the right at the moment though. We always elect the same party.. It’s name just changes. The tories have had to swing left to become electable, and are now more liberal than the US democratic party. People are angry at the labour party mostly for its right wing policies. We always elect a populist centrist party, then they turn to the right, and we boot them out in favour of the other lot who do exactly the same thing.
God I miss the Olympics.
Thank you alec. I’m glad someone here accepts me as a fellow progressive.
CEM (do you mind if I call you Ernest?)
…not the Boy Scouts
…no merit badges
I accept you as a progressive – not sure what you mean by “fellow”
how the BBC is a hotbed of Marxist-Liberal radicalism etc etc.
One of my favorite incidents about this was some high-profile Soviet defector who still collects a government salary for some insane reason (all he really does is toddle around fluffing Russophobic righty pseudo-intellectuals) suggesting that Communism is alive and well in the BBC.
One would normally doubt that a man who occupied high office in the KGB would be so fundamentally unfamiliar with what ‘communism’ actually means, but hey: anything to piss on the Tories’ blood enemies.
It’s part of a broader phenom I’ve noticed among expats – that is, they tend to take the party line of their host party with militant vigor, even in direct contradiction of reality: North Vietnamese officers swearing that the VC were militarily worthless and Jane Fonda is what really lost the war, ostensible former members of the urban guerillas against the man who swear that Batista’s Cuba was a democratic paradise, all kinds of similar shit. They go above and beyond their normal duties as useful little dancing monkeys and absorb the political dogma of their former ostensible enemies so thoroughly that it pushes out shit they’ve actually observed.
No doubt there’ll be a prominent figure in the insurgency twenty years down the line making money and a name for himself shouting at the late John Kerry for surrendering to Baathism.
We always elect a populist centrist party, then they turn to the right, and we boot them out in favour of the other lot who do exactly the same thing.
See, that there is sensible.
We do the exact same thing, only the opposite, and down and to the right. Down and to the right. We call it the single media theory.
Why would the media report on anything happening to Amy Goodman? Has she ever thrown them a BBQ?
Down and to the right.
I blame Carter: he accepted responsibility for Watergate on the behalf of Washington as a whole, which set the stage for Clinton’s hangers-on to proclaim that the American political center lay to the right of Pat Buchanan and from here on out we had to elect a candidate on the grounds of his ability to pretend to be a right-wing jagoff.
On the original topic, I have to say that I had never expected 2008’s triumphant moment in racist depravity would arrive from the mouth of a non-establishment Democrat. Oh, Larry-chan.
Yes, it’s a bit disconcerting to realize that “progressive” means “slightly to the right of Dwight Eisenhower.”
BTW, Ramsey County Jail is at 651-266-9350 (press extension 0). It took me about 15 minutes to get a human and I asked her if Nicole Salazar (DN producer) was still there and the woman that answered got real nervous and couldn’t tell me one way or another.
Now who thinks we should really take some direct action against the rethuglicans?
uh-uh…remember, I said not the Boy Scouts
It is all down to the Overton window. The American political Overton window is so far to the right, that virtually anything imaginable can gain some kind of respectability. I have found that with American wingnuts, they never say “hey now, that is going too far!” Go onto redstate and suggest all negros should be burned at the stake, and you won’t get many objections.
In Europe we tend to be embarrassed about our wingnuts. Take for example, Tom Tancredo and his view on immigration and brown people in general. A member of the republican party in good standing. Yet in the UK, people with the same views are pushed off into joke parties like the BNP, who are considered a load of racist skinheads. Sadly, Italy has problems with Facists gaining legitimacy, and they are probably the most right wing western european nation.
Things like immigration are quite important issues in Europe. Lots of borders, lots of foreigners. But many other things which are big right wing issues in the US, just don’t exist in Europe to any great extent. Gun ownership isn’t an issue, and abortion is only an issue in heavily catholic countries. Gay rights isn’t such a scary issue either. Civil unions in the UK passed with a collective “why didn’t we get this done earlier?” from the public and press.
Don’t blame me, I voted for screaming Lord Sutch.
One of the best ice cream flavors I had was chocolate with cinnamon and cayenne pepper. It was like a Mexican chocolate that burned afterwards.
Yes, it’s a bit disconcerting to realize that “progressive” means “slightly to the right of Dwight Eisenhower.”
Same as it ever was, my friend: the most progressive thing Kennedy ever did was take a bullet to the head.
Sometime around 1988 we just stopped fighting. My entire childhood was a long string of glum hypothetical justifications for the endless stream of right-wing bullshit on Clinton, decent people quietly trying to figure out why the country had to care about a blowjob. If I had known it was just dress rehearsal I would have skipped the country the moment I graduated, but that was before looting a convenience store in a hurricane was a shooting offense.
I think I’m part of the majority in just wanting the shit to stop. We were all raised in an environment where patriotism was a positive force; none of us want to hate America but it’s getting increasingly difficult. I just want to be able to bring kids into the fucking world; is that so much to ask? a Mexican chocolate that burned afterwards.
How long afterwards!? (Or maybe I don’t want to know.)
Vote for Insanity! It only makes sense! 😉
I just might have to start my own Insanity party here in the US.
It is all down to the Overton window. The American political Overton window is so far to the right, that virtually anything imaginable can gain some kind of respectability. I have found that with American wingnuts, they never say “hey now, that is going too far!” Go onto redstate and suggest all negros should be burned at the stake, and you won’t get many objections.
And we’ve gotten very used to saying that ourselves. Of course, a couple more decades of New Labour and you might well be in the same boat, but we’re pretty much unique among the first world’s left in freaking out and looking for a wire when someone suggests the other party’s discretionary imperial invasion was wrong.
One of the best ice cream flavors I had was chocolate with cinnamon and cayenne pepper. It was like a Mexican chocolate that burned afterwards.
I left out the chocolate: that’s about what I meant.
Tried it again, the answer is “Yes, we are still holding her, you will have to try back in a few hours”. I asked “what charges is she being held on” and the bitch hung up on me.
It is telling that the Iraq war was the turning point for New Labour. That is when Blair turned into the bad guy almost overnight. Public opinion polls were against the war, and he still went ahead and did it, in a very.. “presidential” manner.
New Labour are not a problem any more though. We are about to replace them with a tory party that looks an awful lot like the Labour party, circa 1997. Then in another decade they will change roles, and we will swap them again. Its silly, but it makes for a very stable cycle.
By the by, I am toying with the idea of running for MP as the Monster Raving Loony candidate. I may not even loose my deposit!
I just want to be able to bring kids into the fucking world; is that so much to ask?
Alec. I’m an old man now, with the scars and the demons to show for it.
I decided not to do that. It is a LOT to ask.
You’re going to make your own decision, and you should, but I want you to know that in no way do I regret my decision to not bring a child into this foul world. I’m an old man now, with my share of medical and psychological problems, but i have no regrets.
They told me this was the point I would be break down and realize that I had made a mistake, that children are the future.
There are plenty of people who will propagate the species.
In the meantime, perhaps we should consider the players?
Hey. Just asking….
If nobody’s noticing, Ed Marshall’s a hero….
“I make [decisions] as quickly as I can, quicker than the other fellow, if I can. Often my haste is a mistake, but I live with the consequences without complaint.”
-John McCain
I don’t want someone like that to have his finger on the button.
Haven’t read each and every comment, but has anyone noted Larry Johnson’s nutbag threats against Andrew Sullivan? Is anyone still taking this guy seriously as a pundit?
For all of you who think that liberals/progressives should not get into the gutter with the Republicans, who seem to inexplicably keep winning elections even when the majority of people don’t agree with their policies, please take note: the McCain campaign has just hired one of the people responsible for the “John McCain had a black baby!” smear in 2000 to be Sarah Palin’s tutor (from TPM):
For some background on the 2000 race:
Key graph:
If nobody’s noticing, Ed Marshall’s a hero….
Are you making fun of me, Mikey?
I can’t tell at this late hour, and maybe I’m hyperventilating over nothing.
Ed – no, Mikey’s not making fun of you.
And I totally agree with him.
Are you making fun of me, Mikey?
I think it’s sincere.
Thanks for the good work Ed.
Thanks for the good work Ed.
And to anyone else calling – try and get ahold of someone important if you gotta freak out on ’em. They usually have little scutlings answering the phone, and for the most part they ain’t done nothin’ to nobody.
The reasonable answer is to fucking drown them until they lay up. ‘Riot’ my ass, they’ve been arresting and harassing people all fucking week.
If you are onboard, I’m still working the phone and the press office sucks. Tell them they suck, and you want to talk to someone bigger and badder. I’m on the phone now and getting passed up. I’m going to play this until I get Coleman on the phone.
PS: Look at the update.
Remember: it’s statism when the school district raises your property taxes but responsible government when military police tear-gas your children.
If I’m an asshole, I’m the simplest asshole on this board.
Thank you for fighting them. It’s pretty obvious that some of us aren’t going to live thru this fight. But it has to start, and it has to start somewhere.
Talk about fucking beyond parody.
I’m just hoping this winds up on the Daily Show. Doubtless nobody else is going to report it.
Coleman is supposedly on hold. I told a bunch of lies to get this far, but it apparently worked. I’ve got my skype connection rigged to record an mp3.
Coleman is supposedly on hold. I told a bunch of lies to get this far, but it apparently worked. I’ve got my skype connection rigged to record an mp3.
Godspeed, you wacky honky.
My neighborhood has gotten kind of strange. The protestors have made a former movie theater on Smith Avenue their main convergence point, with tent kitchens up the street. The police are cruising around in caravans of four minivans at a time. The latest development is that two big blue City of St. Paul dumptrucks are parked at the intersection of Cherokee and Smith, effectively blockading the Smith Avenue High Bridge, one of the main connections between my neighborhood and the rest of St. Paul. By the way, I’ve been out of touch with the Sadly world for a while and coming back for a visit, I don’t see any word from gbear, who, I believe is closer to it all than I am. Anybody know if he’s okay?
Godspeed, you wacky honky.
Got hung up on. I need a new set of lies or their PBX sucks.
Bill Kristol with egg on his face AGAIN!!!
I guess we really don’t, Louis, except he promised he was going to stay clear of the protests and keep a low profile.
Some of the worst shit went down in his AO. I’d like to hear him check in also…
The real scandal is that he didn’t dip the chicken wings in chez whiz.
Louis, we haven’t heard from gbear in a little while, it’s true and I’m glad you reminded me.
Ah, fuck.
We got the earnest kid. Welcome, kiddie. Learn some poop jokes, you’ll be fine.
I’m digging the ice cream recipes. Here in LA we have Persian ice cream. Saffron flavored. Rosewater flavored. Something called Falouda, which is like a cherry sorbet with noodles in it, frozen.
Love the stuff.
hey, ed. Give us the phone numbers and we’ll call, too.
In the immortal words of Nick Lowe, I don’t think it’s funny no more.
Step back a moment and look at the scene. Not just the star wars cops with their neanderthal attitudes, the cretins in the Republican party who don’t even pretend to civility anymore, the utter lunacy of the VP pick, not to mention the justifications from the mouthpieces … but but … people seem to think this is normal. It didn’t use to be. It’s ludicrous. It’s beyond what anyone’s concept of satire was in the past. (OK, I exaggerate slightly; Jonathan Swift was pretty sharp.)
I remember ’68, when there were sides. (Heck, I remember before that, I’m getting old.) It was us and them and you could tell at first sight. Now? Not so much. Anyone who even pretends to think that Ms Palin is “qualified” is over-the-edge, drinking the kool-aid, readily certifiable if only there were sane people to certify them. And yet … the mall will open again tomorrow. People will go to work, if they have jobs. People will go shopping, if they have money. People will pretend that everything is OK.
It’s not. I dare you: Make me laugh.
hey, ed. Give us the phone numbers and we’ll call, too.
He already did – give it a search.
hey, ed. Give us the phone numbers and we’ll call, too.
651-266-9350 (press extension 0)
The person who answers that extension is an idiot. Ask her if she can release prisoners, and when she tells you she can’t, ask who can. She will transfer you up the chain and start bitching at those people.
I remember ‘68, when there were sides. (Heck, I remember before that, I’m getting old.) It was us and them and you could tell at first sight. Now? Not so much. Anyone who even pretends to think that Ms Palin is “qualified” is over-the-edge, drinking the kool-aid, readily certifiable if only there were sane people to certify them. And yet … the mall will open again tomorrow. People will go to work, if they have jobs. People will go shopping, if they have money. People will pretend that everything is OK.
It’s not. I dare you: Make me laugh.
Rathergate, whitewatergate, Souljahgate, Hortongate, tankgate, Contragate, endivegate, there-you-go-againgate, swamprabbitgate, embassygate, Chappaquidickgate, appendectomygate, Pealegate, shoeholegate, MacArthurgate, destroyergate, courtpackinggate, Papistgate, emancipationgate, seditiongate, moneychangergate.
Trust me, man, they’ve been drinking the kool-aid forever.
@g: I think gbear is probably okay…
In the world of blogging software, WordPress is widely regarded as being a syphilitic lady of ill-repute. Not like that two-bit trollop, Blogger, but still…
Hey, g – gbear had a comment over @ Balloon Juice time-stamped 4:50PM. I’d link to it, but, you know, FYWP and all that.
(It’s at p=11196#comment-1017589)
Alec: Your list did remind me of the recent post about the scandal at the Ministry of Silly Walks, and that I confess did make me laugh … gaitgate
On the merits, however, I’d argue with you … outside of beacons of sanity like this one (hah!), the sense that’s everything’s nooormal is way too pervasive. Oh well.
outside of beacons of sanity like this one (hah!), the sense that’s everything’s nooormal is way too pervasive. Oh well.
I’d agree, I’m just suggesting it ain’t exactly a recent phenomenon – Karl Rove’s stock in trade is calling Adlai Stevenson a fag. The right wing has always been about stupid collective delusions, it’s just that ever since they gave up overt racism it’s been a lot harder to call them on it.
It’s all still hate, though, and I kind of hold out the hope that people don’t like to think of themselves as hate-filled. Part of the triumph of the NAACP was making the debate about whether or not the man on the street wanted to treat an old man being admitted to law school like the end of civilization; I don’t think, once it becomes clear what McCain stands for, people will be able to look themselves in the mirror in the morning if they still plan on voting for him.
We might be over the bend these days, but there was once a day where lynching was considered the normal way of things. Decency’s a powerful defense mechanism against that kind of depravity, but it takes time and effort to work.
Decency’s a powerful defense mechanism against that kind of depravity
Yeah, it is.
So’s a crisp straight right hand in the eye.
With a follow up left on the jaw.
I like to think of it as negotiating from a position of strength…
On historical context: I’m fumbling here, OK? Not pushing an agenda, and quite possibly wrong. But when the young Nixon pulled his “Republican cloth coat and I’m keeping that puppy” bullshit in 1952 (and no I dont quite remember it!), there was still a vibrant union movement calling crap on him, not to mention all those people with a natural sense of rhythm and permanent sun-tans. What I am saying is that there was Us and Them; They were winning, but it was a fight. Increasingly (and partly by design) those lines have become so blurred that it’s hard to tell. There is no class solidarity because class has been defined out of existence. The media claims there is no race solidarity because … that’s such crap I’m not even going there. I know some of the impression is media bullshit, but I think acceptance and homogenization have become all too pervasive.
Gee, it makes me nostalgic for the days when I took a punch from a stranger who assumed I was a commie just because of the way I looked. He was of course totally incorrect, I was a hippie anarchist. But at least we both knew where the line was and which side of it we were on …
Re: Goodman and Salazar
Ed, I agree with the consensus so far expressed. You are a hero, and an example to us all. I just called them up myself. Got through in about ten minutes. That ought to tell you something, that they’re still answering the phones at half-past midnight on a holiday. So anyway, the person on the line reports that Goodman and Salazar were released about five hours ago.
Man, I have got to keep my blog name now. When I abbreviate that shit, it gets some politeness.
Hmmm, hey Ed! Got any more angles of attack I can try?
Maybe I’m straying far afield here, but here goes…the one thing I have found that will actually shame your average wingnut/Republican voter when they get going on their schtick is to simply point out that a “nation” is a group of people. It’s not a piece of land; it’s not a flag; it’s not a song or a pledge. It’s a group of people (sometimes I’ll throw in “nation of Israel” as an example for the fundie types).
What that means is, you can show all the reverence in the world for a song, a pledge, a piece of cloth…but if you hate your fellow citizen, or even if you just don’t care about him or how he’s doing, you’re no patriot. Likewise, anyone who seeks to gain or hold power, implement or control an agenda via turning citizens against one another is not a patriot, though it’s the most common excuse they’ll use as they proceed to rip the country limb from limb in pursuit of whatever it is they want. And what they want is inevitably not to “serve” or “help” the people, or “protect” or “improve” the nation, because if it was, they wouldn’t be trying to turn the people against one another and tear the country apart.
Sometimes I’ll throw the Lincoln quote about the house divided against itself at them as well. And maybe some falderal about how this isn’t a country that was founded on petty grievances, though they’re enough to pull it apart if people are foolish enough to base their decisions on the type of government they want on that basis.
I’ve slapped lots of wingnuts around with this in the past and have yet to have even ONE of them want or attempt to continue presenting their list of petty grievances about how their Magic Pony quota isn’t being fulfilled because of the evil liberals/scary negroes/dirty mexicans/etc/etc. Not a single one. It simply shuts them right the hell down – they can’t even look you in the eye by the time you’re done. That’s why Obama’s speech the other night was so effective – it expressed pretty much this same idea, though more eloquently than I could phrase it – and look how things have unfolded since.
People know the truth when they hear it, and even if they are inwardly insisting that they’re going to go right on with their petty hatreds and resentments, they won’t argue this point. They can’t argue this point. If anything, Gustav was a godsend to the GOP because it spared them the embarassment of additional days of live television broadcasts where they can’t argue the point. Look at the fucking flailing they’ve done since Thursday night. Sure, the story is McCain had picked his VP before the speech. Right. Just like Palin was fully vetted. Just like they knew about the pregnant teen daughter. So we can trust them when they said the pick was made before the speech. But I’m telling you – no goddamned way. The aftermath of that speech was pure shit-your-pants for McCain and the entire GOP. He grabbed for the only sure thing they have – the people best at hating and condemning and being victims – the fundies. He let them shove Palin off on him. But really, what choice did he have? Rebut Obama’s message? Good luck. Has one goddamned thing gone right for them since that speech? Has any of their bullshit spin taken hold? No and no.
These dudes are totally fucked, and they know it.
CEM’s grammar and punctuation are starting to slip. Dead giveaway.
On the other hand, the Truth’s post at 1:30 regarding the denizens of this website was pretty damn funny… Who’s scruffy looking indeed?!?
Maybe I’m straying far afield here, but here goes…the one thing I have found that will actually shame your average wingnut/Republican voter when they get going on their schtick is to simply point out that a “nation” is a group of people. It’s not a piece of land; it’s not a flag; it’s not a song or a pledge. It’s a group of people (sometimes I’ll throw in “nation of Israel” as an example for the fundie types).
What that means is, you can show all the reverence in the world for a song, a pledge, a piece of cloth…but if you hate your fellow citizen, or even if you just don’t care about him or how he’s doing, you’re no patriot. Likewise, anyone who seeks to gain or hold power, implement or control an agenda via turning citizens against one another is not a patriot, though it’s the most common excuse they’ll use as they proceed to rip the country limb from limb in pursuit of whatever it is they want. And what they want is inevitably not to “serve” or “help” the people, or “protect” or “improve” the nation, because if it was, they wouldn’t be trying to turn the people against one another and tear the country apart.
Sometimes I’ll throw the Lincoln quote about the house divided against itself at them as well. And maybe some falderal about how this isn’t a country that was founded on petty grievances, though they’re enough to pull it apart if people are foolish enough to base their decisions on the type of government they want on that basis.
I’ve slapped lots of wingnuts around with this in the past and have yet to have even ONE of them want or attempt to continue presenting their list of petty grievances about how their Magic Pony quota isn’t being fulfilled because of the evil liberals/scary negroes/dirty mexicans/etc/etc. Not a single one. It simply shuts them right the hell down – they can’t even look you in the eye by the time you’re done. That’s why Obama’s speech the other night was so effective – it expressed pretty much this same idea, though more eloquently than I could phrase it – and look how things have unfolded since.
People know the truth when they hear it, and even if they are inwardly insisting that they’re going to go right on with their petty hatreds and resentments, they won’t argue this point. They can’t argue this point. If anything, Gustav was a godsend to the GOP because it spared them the embarassment of additional days of live television broadcasts where they can’t argue the point. Look at the fucking flailing they’ve done since Thursday night. Sure, the story is McCain had picked his VP before the speech. Right. Just like Palin was fully vetted. Just like they knew about the pregnant teen daughter. So we can trust them when they said the pick was made before the speech. But I’m telling you – no goddamned way. The aftermath of that speech was pure shit-your-pants for McCain and the entire GOP. He grabbed for the only sure thing they have – the people best at hating and condemning and being victims – the fundies. He let them shove Palin off on him. But really, what choice did he have? Rebut Obama’s message? Good luck. Has one goddamned thing gone right for them since that speech? Has any of their bullshit spin taken hold? No and no.
These dudes are totally fucked, and they know it.
Jeez. That makes a lot of sense, actually.
You got a blog, ma’am? If not, you oughta. If so, put this up here and give me a link and you’ve got a trackback for it. I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
Thanks alec but I don’t have a blog – I’m too lazy. I just freeload by commenting on other people’s blogs. 🙂
This CEM guy is trying so hard it hurts to read.
I get the same vibe off him that I get off the ANSWER-type jerkoffs, who manage to get up on stage and mention every pet cause no matter what the gathering or demonstration is about.
“Yeah, and also we’re here for TIBET! and WORKER’S RIGHTS! and MARXISM! and FORCED COLLECTIVIZATION!” and after a couple minutes people are walking away, because they came for some particular purpose, not to hear some right-wing psyops plant turn it into a joke.
InsaneintheCheneyBrain – the sad thing is, they aren’t right-wing psyops – the ANSWER people themselves turn everything into an umbrella protest.
You left out the shitty poets, though. Inevitably, ANSWER will invite shitty poets to inflict their shitty poetry upon the captive audience, in between the Free Mumia and NORML speakers.
This CEM guy is trying so hard it hurts to read.
I get the same vibe off him that I get off the ANSWER-type jerkoffs, who manage to get up on stage and mention every pet cause no matter what the gathering or demonstration is about.
I’d leave open the possibility he’s a recent involvee – that’s how I was when I had just learned more about politics than that Clinton was OK. Could just be he’s not up on the normal flow of these things – I’ve known a couple of people who were Republican up until recently and – while perfectly sincere in it – have no idea how to shut up about legalization and demilitarization and decorporatization.
You know how Joe Lieberman gets these days? Think about that, only in reverse.
Did he also drink their milkshakes?
[ chews his McMuffin ] Mmm.. that’s a good question. Yes, I do.. and let me tell you why. See, right now, we’re sending in.. [ holds us McMuffin ] [ puts McMuffin in front of Male Customer ] Somalia.. but it’s not getting to the people who need it because.. [ brings McMuffin back to himself ]’s being intercepted by the warlords.. [ chews McMuffin some more ] And it’s not just us. It’s other countries, too.. [ grabs a McNugget from another customer ] Your McNugget is aid from Great Britain.. [ takes it to other customer, then gibbles it down ] ..intercepted by warlords! [ grabs someone’s Filet-o-Fish ] This man’s Filet-o-Fish over here is relief from Italy.. [ pops it in his mouth ] ..warlords! And you can send all the food you want.. [ grabs different items ] ..a McDLT, hot apple pie.. it’s just gonna end up with.. [ puts it all in his mouth ] ..the warlords! Now, with a broad-based international military force, we can make sure that the McRib sandwich.. [ grabs one and places it on someone’s tray ] ..gets to the people who need it. [ picks it up and gobbles it anyway ] Can I get a Coke?
The commenter at NQ blithering on about Obama being on drugs is choice – “oh lord, I can see it in his eyes! He’s a JUNKIE! Yadda tadda …” especially rich in light of both Mr. & Mrs. Wet-Start’s known propensity toward intriguing choices in the pharmaceutical line. Christ, my usual drugs of choice are ciggies & espresso, & MY eyes look rheumier than his do in the photo. Pardon me for picturing that commenter hitting “Submit” – & then immediately turning to their tourniquet, rig & spoon for yet another episode of Uncollapsed Vein Safari.
Silver Lining Department – hey, at least they didn’t photoshop a bone through his nose.
Hey, look, everybody — the polls have moved!
It’s nice to finally see the hate-filled right wing policies which see people as cheap, interchangeable parts and depend on stirring up scorn against fellow citizens losing, and losing big, and losing big to a black guy. Ha ha ha.
*sigh* Roofie… there you go, projecting again.
What Jennifer was on about up there? I’m Exhibit A.
Aww. Poor widdle Troof. No longer completely declaring victory for McCain? Sad.
Shorter Troof: Did you know that if you eat enough Cheetos your jizz turns orange?
Just for the record, since Flowbee’s House of Crazy won’t let me post comments any more, that picture was taken at an event for which ten and a half minutes of video are available, not to mention a link to a local paper’s write-up. Visit Rumproast and observe the terror with which the white people flee from this food-stealing elitist.
My question is, what is SusanUnPC going to do with all of her hate, come 20 Jan 2009? Get a grant from the Scaife Foundation and dub herself the new Lucianne?
Okay – I read you saying elsewhere that you’re 19, so I’m going to guess that this is attributable to a certain level of naivete on your part. The thing with “appearing more ‘moderate'” is that once you’re in power it translates into right-wing policies, exactly like up-front rightism does. The result for those being governed is IDENTICAL … so you get a President who’s okay with nauseating whoppers like amending FISA & funding faith-based initiatives. Bush, Cheney & their Cult Of Teh Stoopid would presumably approve wholeheartedly of both. My advice: brace yourself for a LOT more of the same from President Obama – Democrats in the Oval Office have a reliable track record of veering ever further to the right so as to try to placate the GOP (see Clinton, Bill) & funnily enough, it always fails, yet they always give it another shot.
Holy handgrenade! You really ARE an infinite well of fail, aren’t you? Yeah, liberals hate their fellow citizens SO much that they advocate deranged social-engineering projects, like Health & Safety laws for private enterprise … or overtime & paid vacations … or a safety-net for people thrown on the scrapheap by the Magical Free Market … or ending racial segregation in the US … or safe & legal abortions … or laws to enshrine basic human rights. All blatant evidence of liberalism’s nefarious plot to enslave a helpless humanity.
Maybe, if you ever get tired of jacking off on threads like this one, you could use Google to do a little real empirical research into just WHO is funding real social engineering – hint: there ain’t a fucking liberal in the bunch. Whichever wingnut icon shovelled THAT talking-point into your otiose skull sold you the Brooklyn Bridge … I hope for your sake you got a receipt. Was it the same one that sold you that tired old trope about “identity politics” perchance? Because that crap was played-out by the time REAGAN left office: the Evangelicals are about the most hardcore identity-pols you’ll ever encounter, with their chant of “proud Judeo-Christian heritage” – & they’re running neck & neck with the neo-nazis. Bonus Question: guess which political party both these groups consistently vote for, again & again & again? Congratulations: you’re onside with folks who think the world is 6,000 years old – & others who sport SS tattoos & worship Adolf Hitler. A Winnar Iz U!
Funny thing: I can argue either issues or character with you anytime – no problem with PROVING (again) what a load of bollocks your dogmatic sloganeering is, nor with showing (again) that your “character” arguments are the same old Rovian pigshit dressed up in a thin veneer of pseudo-logic. Bring it. I welcome the chance to pwn you good & proper. Well, just as soon as you acquire the cojones & the spine to reply, I mean. Still waiting … & waiting … & waiting.
I assure you, Obama will enact a true progressive agenda when he gets in office and America will finally be joining the rest of the civilized world.
It ain’t gonna happen all by itself. There will have to be a shitload of grassroots activism to keep Obama from taking the easy “centrist” way out. Winning the election is only the beginning. We will be cleaning the elephant dung for decades, while the Forces Of Stupid pick away at any miniscule bit of progress we achieve. As Samuel Beckett put it, “I can’t go on. I’ll go on.” Sucks to be 19 in this toxic political environment, and I truly feel for you, CEM.
They couldn’t photoshop in a slice of watermelon?
You liberals hate your fellow citizens; you state it time and again on this and other forums.
Fortunately, you’re neither a fellow nor a citizen, so we’re free to hate you!
I’m not even trying anymore. I’m just a big fucking liar.
My reaction to McCain’s erection is that I know why Viagra is covered by health insurance…and that I wish that sweet death would take me.
Oh, wait, you said “election”? …Same answer.
This is a great job! Well done. Thank you sharing your ideas and knowledge.