I’m going completely bonkers

David Gregory on Meet the Press just now said he thought it was “cool” that Sarah Palin started going into labor and then still took an eight-hour plane ride back to Alaska.

Er, David that isn’t “cool.” It’s bloody dangerous.

Are our media really this stupid?


John McCain, in his first television interview since his shocking vice presidential pick, said that he saw in Sarah Palin “a partner and a soul mate.”

John — you talked to her extensively precisely once before offering her the VP job. Are you bloody serious? This is like proposing marriage to someone after meeting them for a mid-afternoon coffee date.

I gotta just stop following the news for the rest of today. The st00p1d is driving me bonkers.


Comments: 144


Stretch Gregory is beyond stupid.

And he’s probably never been in labor.


Does the Pope shit in the woods?


May we speculate on the mindset and motivations of a woman in premature labor, carrying a child she knew might need medical attention after birth, boarding a long distance flight?

It would be irresponsible not to.


it’s not child abuse if you’re a republican


David Gregory gettin down with Karl Rove to ABBA’s Dancing Queen.

Now that’s COOL!


It would be irresponsible not to.

Personally speaking, I’m not going to go there. It’s her family, not mine.

My whole point is, though, that if this sort of action is going to be used as a sign that she’s a “tough, mavericky” leader like St. BBQ, someone sane should probably point out that, no, it’s actually quite dangerous.

Wm. F. Buckwheat

Do these people get rebound stupid when they’re around rationality for too long? Or are they forced to eat an extra-large loaf of shit and perform ritual debasement like this when they stray off the reservation (e.g. speaking positively of Obama’s speed)?

Wm. F. Buckwheat


Also, since McCain wants to contain health care costs by forcing you to “be a better consumer,” e.g. forego care, the new Mrs. is just leading by example by doing without those faggoty extra days of observation.


I’m not going to go there. It’s her family, not mine.

Agreed – there’s plenty of other stuff that makes her look bad enough without having to drag this in.


I heard that cleaning a rifle while it’s still loaded and fully assembled is “cool” as well.


John McCain, in his first television interview since his shocking vice presidential pick, said that he saw in Sarah Palin “a partner and a soul mate.”

I think John Stewart had it right on TDS Friday, this is McCain’s third wife.


he saw in Sarah Palin “a partner and a soul mate.”

McCain needs to knock it off. If the GOP wanted a candidate making everyone think about multiple wives, they’d have nominated Mitt Romney.


If she had gone into a critical birth during the flight, forcing the rest of Alaska Airlines’ paying customers to stew in whatever airport was chosen for the emergency landing, would that still have been “cool” with this emptyheaded dolt?


I gotta just stop following the news for the rest of today.

Just one small item before you go. It’s guaranteed to make you smile!


She already endangered the baby by doing this. How “culture of life” is it to risk your baby on an 11-hour plane journey when amniotic fluid is leaking down your leg?


There could be a more responsible explanation.


Here’s another one for a smile. Best take on McCain/Palin yet. Soul mate indeedy dee deed.


Wm. F. Buckwheat

It’s guaranteed to make you smile!

Wholly shit!


Sorry if this is OT (but how can anything about Miss Alaska (first runner up) be considered OT?):

Experience? She has all she needs. I’d vote for Sarah even if McCain were not on the ticket

It’s not the experience, it is her judgement that counts.
Obama went in with shady people to help him buy his home. Palin cleaned up corruption.

Obama thinks life issues are above his pay grade. Palin can introduce us to her new baby.

Obama wants to disarm America. Palin’s nickname is Baraccuda.

Its all about judgement!Sarah is a thousand times more accomplished than Hillary. Does anyone for a moment think we’d even be discussing a Senator Hillary Rodham? She rode into office on Bill’s coattails. If she hadn’t been married to the lying cheating Cigar smoker, she’d be just another name on some liberal law office partnership roster.

There’s also no comparison at all between Sarah’s personal charm vs. the shill Hill who makes nails across a chalkboard sound like a Beethoven symphony.

If Sarah Palin were a Democrat, the press would be singing her praises.

They are just mad because she is a Republican. I have never heard them criticize Pat Murray who went to Congress with the credentials of a soccer mom. I have never heard them criticize Barbara Boxer or Nancy Pelosi who had no credentials when they went to Washington. THey never said a word about Maxine Waters. Sorry, it won’t work. What were Geraldine Ferraro’s credentials? Sarah has proven herself to be worthy. Get over it.

I’d vote for Sarah even if McCain were not on the ticket!

It seems to me that they really are feeling threatened…You go girl.

This guy’s serious NWNOTW material, if you ask me.


Palin is the shot in the arm that the country and the party needed. Her speech with McCain yesterday had me clapping to myself as I listened to the radio.

Now, is “clapping to myself” a euphemism for jerking off? Shitting in his pants? Pissing in his pants? Slamming a beer can against his forehead?

Any guesses?


InsaneInTheCheneyBrain said,

August 31, 2008 at 17:54

If she had gone into a critical birth during the flight, forcing the rest of Alaska Airlines’ paying customers to stew in whatever airport was chosen for the emergency landing, would that still have been “cool” with this emptyheaded dolt?

Most likely it was a chartered flight. When was the last time you heard a GOP politician take commercial flights like those other “little people”?


Shorter i’mthrowingstones guy:

I’d vote for Sarah even if Sarah were not on the ticket!
With my pants.


There could be a more responsible explanation.

Yeah, and one of them could be that the whole story’s a ratfucking scam.

Now, together: All hail, Dark Lord Kos.


I gotta just stop following the news for the rest of today.

How about for the rest of forever? I honestly don’t understand why anybody bothers anymore (at least with the TV variety).


I told you. It was an Alaska Airlines flight.



Well Goddamn, I’m shocked that she actually took a commercial flight.

Trilateral Chairman

There could be a more responsible explanation.

Uh-huh. I’ve got another one for you: Some women don’t show much when they’re pregnant. I’ve seen a picture of my mother when she was ten days away from giving birth to me. She had a mild bump at most, even though I weighed over 10 pounds when I was born. Had I been a smaller baby, and had the picture been taken a month earlier, the bump probably wouldn’t’ve been visible at all.

Furthermore: Please stop ogling the chest and belly of young teenage girls. It’s ooky.


There’s just something about this “get on a plane after the water broke” story that is just…well, damned implausible. It’s just not something you do, boarding an 8-10 hour flight when you know you can go into full-on labor at any minute. Moreover, a woman who’s already had several kids tends to deliver *faster*.

Palin seems to have a history of lying when it’s convenient or to keep herself from looking bad. I have this nagging feeling there are a number of bombshells about her, yet to be uncovered.


You know the giant problem with that conspiracy? Its full of “What a woman should look like when she is pregnant” and “How a woman should behave while pregnant.” None of the pictures provided demonstrate that Palin was not pregnant.

Everything else is cruelty based speculation.


John McCain, in his first television interview since his shocking vice presidential pick, said that he saw in Sarah Palin “a partner and a soul mate.”

Wow. If Obama had referred to Biden as his “Soul Mate” the fReichtards would still be screaming about teh gheys.

Someone needs to remind the Putrid Old Wanker that Mr. Palin is a big strapping bloke before there is an unfortunate accident involving a monkey wrench, a snowmobile and four wild moose.


If Sarah Palin wasn’t really pregnant, then why did she say she was leaking amniotic fluid? I mean, if she wanted to give cover to her teenage daughter’s pregnancy, why make that up?


I’m so enjoying the JedReport video!

I knew I wouldn’t be the only one to notice all that.

And the thing with the wedding ring! Oh, man, what a tell!


“There’s just something about this “get on a plane after the water broke” story that is just…well, damned implausible. It’s just not something you do, boarding an 8-10 hour flight when you know you can go into full-on labor at any minute. Moreover, a woman who’s already had several kids tends to deliver *faster*.”

I agree , the story sounds like fabricated bullshit. But I think more than likely it was concocted to make her seem somehow “Tough” and “heroic”. , rather than to cover up a baby switch. That would be a tough one to pull off given the sheer number that would have to go along with the cover up.


I agree , the story sounds like fabricated bullshit.

Yes. And true or not, it’s a loser for us to go on about it.

I think Palin’s main qualification is being a distraction from McSame. The best rhetorical use we can make of her selection is that it shows how awful McSame’s judgment is.


So, the timeline is:

4am Thurs. — leaking amniotic fluid
3 pm Thurs. — give keynote speech; get on plane, fly 8 hours to Alaska
4 – 5 am Fri., give birth.
Mon. 8 am — back in the office.

So she was in labor 24 hours, all the while running around leaking fluid, giving speeches and catching airline flights and driving miles and miles more before giving birth? I see.


Hey, has everybody seen the video of McCain staring at Palin’s chest and fidgeting with his wedding ring? I half-expect him to slam his fist into his groin, inwardly screaming “damn it, you’re MARRIED! Gorf, but those tits! But you’re MARRIED!”


Yep. I’m gonna come down on the side of “let’s just stick with the politics of the campaigns”. Both because this shit doesn’t matter any more than Obama’s religion or dietary habits, and because it’s the politics that’s going to implode McCain’s candidacy. If you don’t come to the party with a majority, you have to actually WIN people over. This pair, this combination of blind, stupid ideology and pandering ambition will be embarrassing, grating and painful to watch. And the voters will run in the opposite direction…



MzNicky, I agree the whole “scenario” stinks, but ultimately all any woman could say is, “I wouldn’t do that if I were pregnant!” A value judgment of her parenting.

Until a doctor, nurse, or family member says anything on the record it will always be a ‘values’ judgment.


MzNicky – it smells very bullshitty to me as well. I also question how, even if it’s a 5th labor, the pains would be so mild as that no one on a plane full of people would have noticed you making any sign of discomfort.


Until a doctor, nurse, or family member says anything on the record it will always be a ‘values’ judgment.

This is why I had planned to just not touch it. But if it’s being used as evidence of her coolness, Jesus Christ, for the sake of basic logic, I had to say something.


Honestly, if all you’ve got is photos, you’re kerning with the greatest minds of the Obama birth-certificate investigation.

1) Palin is wearing loose clothing. It’s quite possible for a woman to be very pregnant and not look like she’s carrying

2) Look, if the conservative governor of a state had a teenage daughter who got pregnant and tried to cover it up as her own, well, somebody would likely talk. There’s just too many people who would have to be involved, especially given the Down Syndrome that the conspiracy would fall apart. In the case of the daughter, it would be exceptionally unlikely that none of her friends would either not be aware of such pregnancy or not tell someone (whether on purpose or not) who would sell the story to the National Enquirer. People in general aren’t that good at keeping secrets.


Well, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.

I was going to stay away from it since Brad spoke, but… you can’t. There’s too many hinky things about it.

Since the teenaged daughter was out of school with mono for months before the birth… and women under 20 have a a risk of Down’s Syndrome almost as great as older mothers (in either case, the body is not optimized for the hard work of pregnancy) the only conclusion I have come to is that:

It’s her daughter’s baby.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

As always, it’s the coverup that brings them down.


…this shit doesn’t matter any more than Obama’s religion or dietary habits…


I think the best way to handle Palin is to give her a microphone in an unscripted situation and let her show her colors. Dunno how possible that is, but I’m confident she’s very capable of making a fool of herself.


Along the order of ratfucking though , this provides potential .
It could be used to troll the fundy nutbag sites as a concerned Christian mom , appalled that she would endanger her unborn child in such a reckless fashion , and also hit on the fact that she should be home taking care of her Down’s Syndrome child , as God intends for women to do.


I’d just say to be careful when you hear explosive allegations is all.


Brad said,

August 31, 2008 at 18:49

Until a doctor, nurse, or family member says anything on the record it will always be a ‘values’ judgment.

This is why I had planned to just not touch it. But if it’s being used as evidence of her coolness, Jesus Christ, for the sake of basic logic, I had to say something.

Consider the source, Brad. David Gregory. Isn’t he Karl Rove’s dancing partner, or something?


Consider the source, Brad. David Gregory. Isn’t he Karl Rove’s dancing partner, or something?

Except that he’s being watched by millions of people on America’s Most Influential News Program. It’s depressing.


Ah, Brad, my son you are not seeing the forest for the trees Senator InSane has given us on the Internets a wonderful gift. Golden, really. Calm yourself with this http://www.tagg-lines.com/2008/08/dear-senator-insane.html and this http://www.tagg-lines.com/2008/08/latest-alaskan-gold-rush.html


Karl Rove’s dancing partner […][i]s being watched by millions of people on America’s Most Influential News Program.

Which gets the story out there, as well as Gregory’s gushing-dumbshit interpretation of it. I’m guessing that isn’t necessarily helpful to McSame / Palin – some fraction of the viewers are not going to accept that it was a “cool” thing for her to do.

We’ll see how it plays. I think this is another case of letting the other side make itself look foolish without any help from us.


So romantic! It reminds me of another great love story . . . Bush and Putin.


How about this: A political figure who is into revenge firings might get all of the nice shiny executive toys Cthcheney made.

“When asked why the staffs of the entire Department of Justice, Health & Human Services, Education and NOAA were replaced with graduates of Liberty University, Vice President Palin said “I don’t have to tell you, nyah, nyah!” and shot three members of the White House press corps for security reasons.”


Hah! Wait till St Sarah halts the hurricane by adopting the Charlton Heston pose and crying “Enough”!

Oh wait, that was St Barry …


There’s no time to go bonkers!! A hurricanes a coming!! There’s RNC speeches to cancel, trips to NOLA to schedule!! No bonkering!! Must get ready for storm!

This is no time to dicker with McCains pander to voting age penises.


I agree — probably best to just leave it alone.

It’s just so damn fishy, is all. And trying to make herself look real tough and cool with such a full-of-holes deception? Yuck. Makes me think she and McSame ARE “soul mates” — they both think they can cynically manipulate teh stoopid voters any which way they want.

But hey — she’s hot and stuff!


Yes. And true or not, it’s a loser for us to go on about it.

No, it’s a winner because it’ll peel off her supporters. It may not matter to you a great deal if it’s really her daughter’s baby or not but it matters a whole hell of a lot to the base. The gist of it is a deeply conservative, creationist, anti-abortion, anti-out-of-wedlock teen pregnancy, nutcase fundamentalist, state governor and possible future president of the US lied, possibly falsified hospital records just in order to avoid the shame of her teen daughter’s baby. The GOP/Fundamentalist base would be outraged if this is true and abandon her.

It doesn’t even matter if it’s true. You sow the seeds of doubt in your opponent regardless of the truth. Ratfucking isn’t about being all nicey nice and having a good laugh. It’s about spreading rumors and lies about your opponent.

Here is the article on Kos Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother. The evidence is for now circumstantial but if true it’s devastating to the campaign.


“if the conservative governor of a state had a teenage daughter who got pregnant and tried to cover it up as her own”

It worked for Bree Hodge… granted, she wasn’t a governor (yet!) but she is a conservative. And she has a teenage daughter.

(This thread needed more ghey.)


There’s RNC speeches to cancel, trips to NOLA to schedule!!

I totally didn’t expect that the Redoublechins would run toward the hurricane. On reflection, it makes sense, at least from their point of view – the Katrina fuckup was a huge PR blow to them. Not that it would have done any good for Bush to be standing there willing the hurricane away. This time, they have to try to contradict that image, plus show they’re macho manly-mans not afraid of a little nature-fart. Coupled with the fact that they really are cowards (and the completely reasonable principle that government officials should be kept out of danger), plus that they’re not very good at improvising, this should be quite the circus.


This is all dumb et al, but nothing is dumber than the 4 photos currently on White House website showing the Preznit in still photos “”allegedly” making calls to 4 Governors – Alabama, Mississippi, Texas & Louisiana.

It’s Dark Comedy at best, especially the ones with him holding a “Classified” Red Briefing folder.


Brad said,

Until a doctor, nurse, or family member says anything on the record it will always be a ‘values’ judgment.

This is why I had planned to just not touch it. But if it’s being used as evidence of her coolness, Jesus Christ, for the sake of basic logic, I had to say something.

I would ignore this for two reasons:

1) The blowback potential is enormous.

2) If there is something there, it will come out on its own eventually, so why risk pushing it?


Are our media really this stupid?

Sadly, no.

They’re actually even stupider.

They’re just waiting until most of their audience is used to the current level of idiocy, majority compliance being the essential prerequisite condition before they commence The Great Swan-Dive Into Full-Blown Blithering Dumbfuckery.
When they all simultaneously take out big red balls & put them on their noses, pull shiny little horns out of their suit-coats & honk them frantically, & don big rainbow-hued Afro-wigs while revealing their yard-long bright green shoes, you’ll know that it has begun.


– some fraction of the viewers are not going to accept that it was a “cool” thing for her to do.

There’s the best hope for it. Imagine every woman who’s ever been pregnant seeing that and asking themselves, “would I have gotten on a plane for an 8-hour flight after my water broke, especially if it was a high-risk pregnancy?” I think the vast majority would say “no” and that will in and of itself plant seeds of doubt about the soundness of her overall judgement.


Until a doctor, nurse, or family member says anything on the record it will always be a ‘values’ judgment.

I guess this talk of yours about ratfucking is just that, empty talk.

a lesser imp
1) The blowback potential is enormous.

That’s the same for the rumor “McCain has a black love child” that Rove used to destroy McCain’s first run with. You sow the rumor, let others spread it and make sure it doesn’t lead back to you.

2) If there is something there, it will come out on its own eventually, so why risk pushing it?

No, there are many things that never see the light of day and disappear forever. There is no given that “the truth will always come out”. It’s usually the opposite.

Escaped from all that


The GOP/Fundamentalist base would be outraged if this is true and abandon her.

I’m sorry to say that you are 180 degrees wrong here. I was raised by hardcore religious-whackjob antichoicers. 100% whackjob and 100% anti. (No, really; my father was one of the original leaders of NRLC and an organizer of the first January “your womb belongs to Jesus, slut!” marches in DC.)

And if this story is true, the whackjobs will canonize Palin.


No, there are many things that never see the light of day and disappear forever. There is no given that “the truth will always come out”. It’s usually the opposite.

So, these things that never see the light of day and disappear forever… how do you know they exist?

Yeah, I know, I can’t prove that they don’t exist… it’s the logic loophole that keeps the conspiracy theorist in business.


Escaped from all that
OK, I accept what you say. I guess I don’t really know how they would react. I was raised Minn Lutheran so…. what do I know.

But you know, I’m genuinely scared. I live downtown Minneapolis. It’s gotten really frightening here of late. This election means a hell of a lot to me. I wouldn’t survive long in the GOP’s brave new police state. I’m scared and I’m looking for anything I can to defeat these f*ckers.


The partner was just watching the Jed Report video and what struck him is the arrogant “get out of my way Old Man this is MY moment to shine!” attitude evinced by Palin toward McCain. He said yesterday that he was struck by how dismissive she seems toward her admiring crowds too.

Not someone he’d want to have a beer with. Heh indeed.


2) If there is something there, it will come out on its own eventually, so why risk pushing it?

No, there are many things that never see the light of day and disappear forever. There is no given that “the truth will always come out”. It’s usually the opposite.

The truth does come out eventually, but if it’s harmful to the rethugs, it’s usually after the election.

Our media is in the tank, and I thank Bob Somerby for opening my eyes to this fact.


I agree with noen and with ittdgy. If we won’t fight, if we wait for the press to do the right thing, we are going to lose. I’m done with that high road shit. Whatever works. That police state craziness going on in advance of the Rethug convention is terrifying. I don’t want to see that become any more of a way of life than it already has.

I also agree with others who think we need to be very careful so that it doesn’t backfire and that we should try to let the bastards hang themselves with their own ropes whenever possible; but, since the press is not likely to cooperate with this, we may have to take a more active role.


it’s the logic loophole that keeps the conspiracy theorist in business.

Yes, I’m trying to avoid that and I appreciate you keeping me honest. “The truth will out” doesn’t help if lives are ruined in the meantime. Take Enron for example, while it’s true that the reality of what they were doing came out. That didn’t help those lower level employees who lost everything. Or Bush, the truth about a lot of the crap that Bush has been doing has come out, though by no means all of it, but the point is it didn’t come out when it mattered. Or Dan Rather and Bush’s military records. We know know that those records were fake and that it’s very likely that Rove used those fake docs to trick Rather into believing them and destroying his career and wining the election. But it’s a little too late for that now. Or the Plame affair, we know that Cheney outed her but again it’s too late for her career.


would I have gotten on a plane for an 8-hour flight after my water broke, especially if it was a high-risk pregnancy?

I’ve noticed around the webs that it’s overwhelmingly women who smell something fishy with this story. This is no doubt due to their knowing more about the preg thing than men.

So I’m trying to think of a proper corollary for a man. Say an overweight smoker with a history of heart trouble who decides to take his baby jogging with him (in one of those little strap-on chestpack things)? I dunno, it’s just hard to come up with an analogy that will resonate with men.


Leave the baby in the carseat while you jack a 7-11?

Set the kid up in a “Johnny Jumpup” while you shoot crank and play pool in a biker bar at midnight?

Rig the carseat up in the troop compartment of a Bradley while conducting night raids in Faluja?

I dunno. I don’t think there IS an analogy…



You do realize that short of one of the alleged conspirators confessing, you’re the ones who will get ratfucked? The counter is simple and obvious: “Democrats are attacking the sanctity of motherhood… have they at last no decency?”.

This could make the Charge of the Light Brigade look like sound strategic thinking…

(and yes, I realize I’m in danger of being labeled a “concern troll” here)


I used to see Gregory as some kind of standout, but once in the real spotlight, he’s even more vapid than Anderson Cooper.

Good lord, the man is like the ultimate hanger-on in that show of his, asking stupid questions to a panel that would make the boot-lickingest sidekick embarrassed. He’s what they attempted to pass McClellan off as back when he was a press secretary.

Good gracious, his stupidity is stupendous.


So romantic! It reminds me of another great love story . . . Bush and Putin.

Yeah, I keep thinking McCain must’ve gotten a sense of her soul during that fifteen minute meeting in February.


a lesser imp said,

August 31, 2008 at 20:15

You do realize that short of one of the alleged conspirators confessing, you’re the ones who will get ratfucked? The counter is simple and obvious: “Democrats are attacking the sanctity of motherhood… have they at last no decency?”.

Shhh! We don’t want the rethugs to think of that one?!!1?

Where have you been the past 3 decades?

In any case, I don’t advocate attacking Palin for anything. She’s nothing more than a bright shiny object, thrown out to distract everyone from the simple fact that John McCain is a crazy old mf’er is in no way qualified to be president in this day and age.

If the goopers didn’t have Gustav, they’d be having an underattended convention featuring two people no one ever wants to see again (Bush and Cheney), and a candidate who bores kittens to sleep (McSame).


(and yes, I realize I’m in danger of being labeled a “concern troll” here)

No I don’t think you are. You’re making some good points.


Me: It’s fishy as all get-out. It just is. None of it makes any sense. Pregnancies and labors are all different. I’m not a medical expert but I have been through three full-term pregnancies (lost my first one) and there’s really no specific predicting of duration, pain level, and so forth with any of them.

But one thing I do know, and I don’t think it’s changed over the years, and that is: When you’re pregnant and you start to leak fluid, you go to the hospital. ASAP. That’s all. If you don’t, you’re risking infection and acting very foolishly. Unless you’re not really leaking because you’re not really pregnant and you’re using lies and deception as cover and then seizing the opportunity to self-aggrandize while you’re at it. Either way — yuucckk-o-rama.


They picked Palin to effectively neutralize Biden. Looks like the strategy will be totally successful if we can’t hammer this delicate flower of womanhood about anything.

Hillary was a mother and a woman. When did the Rethugs ever hesitate to attack Hillary? Hell, she wasn’t even the President, or the Vice President. We just can’t let them push us into the corner on this one. Palin is the Vice Presidential candidate, the person who will be Grampa McCain’s replacement should he falter. What are we supposed to do, put on the kid gloves and back off every time the Thugs clutch their pearls and head for the fainting couch?

this woman is supposed to be tough. Let her prove it. I’m not advocating blaring every crazed rumor that comes along, but we have to question things like this because her judgement is at issue. Just as I don’t care that Edwards screwed around on his wife, I do care that he used such piss-poor judgement. We have every right to question this idiot’s judgement in getting on a plane leaking amniotic fluid with a high risk pregnancy at stake. And yeah, I am a woman and I had a high-risk pregnancy, and I feel totally free to hold a negative opinion of her actions in this case.


I agree with Candy. It’s a question of judgment. In this particular scenario, she’s either shit-for-brains arrogant, or a liar. Perhaps both. Anti-choice or not isn’t even the issue.


They picked Palin to effectively neutralize Biden. Looks like the strategy will be totally successful if we can’t hammer this delicate flower of womanhood about anything.

Palin is an anti-choice, pro-oil, creationist hard-core nutjob conservative with minimal qualifications and tight ties to the corrupt Alaksan GOP. That is all public record and established. Just make it known and the non-insane voters will reject her.

Other than using her as wedge against McCain, just ignore her. Turn Biden loose on McCain at every opportunity… pound McCain as hard and as often as possible. Palin was a base-rallying choice, McCain is the one who can pick up voters in the center. So destroy him.


I think the fact that Mcain only met her ONCE before is worth hammering into the ground. There is no way to turn that one back against us. It isn’t a smear on Palin, but it really does bring Mcains judgement into perspective.

We don’t have to call Palin an irresponsible mother. The fact that she got on that plane after her waters broke is a fact, and it is out there. People are talking about it, and I am pretty sure that women at least, don’t need a pundit to tell them how horribly stupid it was.

All we need to do, is just keep on mentioning it, in a neutral, or even positive light, and women can draw their own conclusions. Start a meme on the right wing nutosphere that the story only shows what a dedicated politician she is! We know the wingers are stupid enough to buy that, but women reading wont buy it!

Cept K lo. She is stupid enough.


Also, for those considering traveling this road:

A good ratfuck must be a) simple, b) rely on easily available information to establish its “credibility”, and c) not be easily countered.

The “McCain has an illegitimate black child” smear worked because it met all three of those. This Palin business requires photos and a fucking timeline to get the point across…


Good point, a lesser imp. However, we will have to be the ones to call attention to those truths you list, because the MSM ain’t gonna help us by doing their jobs.

As to the idea that the child may be her daughter’s and not hers, I doubt that for the simple reason that per my admittedly layperson knowledge of Down’s Syndrome, Down’s is almost never seen in the children of young mothers. Also, the plot is just too complicated. It smacks of Trutherishness.

But her arrogant stupidity in the matter of the flight is on the record and a perfectly legitimate (heh) topic of discussion.


Down Syndrome statistic

Although no one knows for sure why DS occurs and there’s no way to prevent the chromosomal error that causes it, scientists do know that women age 35 and older have a significantly higher risk of having a child with the condition. At age 30, for example, a woman has about a 1 in 900 chance of conceiving a child with DS. Those odds increase to about 1 in 350 by age 35. By 40 the risk rises to about 1 in 100.

Not impossible, but statistically unlikely to be the teenager’s child.


I have 20 years experience in L&D nursing and midwifery and I call bullshit on this story. That said, I agree that the best tactic is to allow Palin to unravel on her own. Her bona fides are that she’s a mom with a machine gun- I have to hope that won’t take her far. Anyway, I’ll be working in Kenya on election day. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I stay a few years longer.


Also as a previously pregnant woman, I have to point out: Not just leaking amniotic fluid, but leaking it ONE MONTH EARLY. With her fifth child.

I have to agree that this story is bullshit in SOME sense. I’m not at all convinced that it’s because it’s the daughter’s baby, although the fact that she was out of school with mono for five months is an interesting coincidence. But I, too, think we need to call out the sheer weirdness of this particular “woman delivers in the fields and goes right back to work” story, since they’re using it to build her “toughness” credentials.

And I’m going to go ahead and say it, since no one else will…maybe she didn’t use good medical judgment because she was HOPING to lose the baby. (That would depend on her knowing about the Down Syndrome ahead of time, though, and that seems to be a bit in dispute at the moment.)

Yes, I’m going to hell. And of course we can’t actually use the idea that she wasn’t enthusiastic about the baby’s survival. Ever. But I’m sitting here as a person who’s curious about human motivations, trying to figure out how/why she would have behaved as the story says she did. I like things to make sense.


My most recent prenatal client with a Down’s Syndrome baby was 21 years old. Statistically unlikely, but the birth business is all about shit happens.


Sarah Palin was frackin’ lucky…

Knowing she had a child with special needs from the moment of it’s birth (Down’s isn’t just being DD), in some cases requiring immediate surgery to save the child’s life.

And hello! Leaking fluid a month early? And choosing to fly so her kid wouldn’t be a “fish picker from Texas”, to quote her husband.

She was lucky. I’ve been there…she was lucky. So if I choose to judge her on her recklessness on this. Bite me.


Sorry about the multiple postings. I’m still partially involved with the 21 year old with a Down’s baby. Her baby is about 6 months old, and the mother’s life is largely consumed with making sure her baby gets all the early interventions it needs to smooth the path later on- some rat fucker could point out that if Sarah Palin cared enough to give her baby life, she could care enough to give her baby a fighting chance for a quality life.


birth business is all about shit happens.

True enough.


Looking at the photos on Daily Kos, I think the theory that the kid is her daughters is quite possible.

But if she is willing to cover up her daughters pregnancy, why not the Downs syndrome too? Maybe that is simply cover for some other disability the poor kid has.. Perhaps one that is usually caused by drug or alcohol abuse? It seems possible.

Somebody has to know the facts.. And there is enough media attention and money in it for someone to spill the beans sooner or later.


Don’t candidates usually release their medical records?


But one thing I do know, and I don’t think it’s changed over the years, and that is: When you’re pregnant and you start to leak fluid, you go to the hospital.

Damn straight. That’s the issue for me – it’s incredibly reckless, bad judgement. Or else they made up the story to show how “tough” she was.


I’ll admit that the timing of the mono thing is suspicious. All I know is that here in Iowa they don’t even make you stay home from school when you have mono nowadays. Barring complications, of course. I assume Bristol(?) must have had a severe case or something?

Back in the 70s when I had it I got to stay out of school about three weeks. I remember it in fond detail, as I felt fine – mild sore throat to start with and then nothing – and I contracted it in spring, so it was just like a nice little advance summer vacation for me. I did have a friend who was in the hospital for some time and quite sick. So who knows?


We are looking at the decline of the American empire. The Romans offered bread and circuses. Today’s politicians only offer Circuses.

You just now noticed?
egalia | Homepage | 08.31.08 – 2:28 pm | #

Thank you for distracting us from the circuses!
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | Homepage | 08.31.08 – 2:46 pm | #

TGW, still fighting for wimmens rights by supporting McSame.


Or else they made up the story to show how “tough” she was.

Right. So how about this as an alternate theory:

Palin lied about her symptoms at the time to make the birth more exciting and mavericky. Since she had no idea McPOW would develop such a huge crush on her he’d offer her a job, where was the harm? No offense to Alaskans but were it not for McPOW, who would know/give a fuck about this story?

Now, alas, if she’s lying, if she’s telling the truth, she looks deranged and there’s no way politically sound way to un-tell the story.

I wonder what other stories she’s told…


Get off the identity politics? Hello? This is a feminist blog and that’s the issue. What the hell are you doing here?

aphrabehn | Homepage | 08.31.08 – 1:48 pm | #

Well put. And that’s why we’re all voting for John McCain and the Republicans!
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | Homepage | 08.31.08 – 3:19 pm | #

Train wreck news. Film clip at eleven.


I think the story fits into her personal mythology. The moose-hunting governator, so pro-Alaska she refuses to have a kid in another state. Stupid, of course, there’s that, but whoever said Americans are opposed to stupidity?


When my wife started leaking amniotic fluid more than a month early, it was a goddamned medical emergency, not a “something to take care of after tomorrow’s 8 hour flight” kind of thing. What she did was an act of colossal, reckless bad judgement, if true. FWIW, my wife–who experienced this–calls shenanigans.


a lesser imp
This Palin business requires photos and a fucking timeline to get the point across…

All we need is the photo with a caption that reads: “Is this woman seven months pregnant?” Then watch her unravel.


Alright, you folks want some ratfucking fun? Now, I don’t know who’s the rat and who’s the fucker, or how many rats and how many fuckers are playing this game simultaneously, but I do know that Pasión de gavilanes ain’t got nothing on the speculative tales on the private side of Alaska politics currently circulating the internets.

First, see the Times of London, which spreads the story by insisting loudly in both the headline and the body that it is completely unfounded.

Second, for a clash of dueling ratfuck narratives and a couple of new twists to the tale, go to the comments to this Mudflats post and follow the exchange between Sue Williams and The Logician.


Something to consider here — if you go after Palin on this issue, you’ll be effectively ruining her daughter’s life for the near future, whether there’s any truth to these rumors or not. There are other ways for the Democrats to win this election that don’t involve hurting an innocent kid. Just sayin’.


Careful Thunder. After my experience over at madame twistys, where I learned that apparently the most evil creature on the planet is a “Liberal Dude”, I highly recommend caution and circumspection. I’m not sure why we fall in the ratings above, oh, say, “Conservative Dude”, “Skinhead”, “Anti-Feminist Chick” or “Serial Killer”, but there it is.

You are the most hated adversary of the tribe of the patriarchy, and as such you simply cannot be allowed to continue to live – er – post comments…



I think the logic is that since the Hillary lost the nomination by a fairly small margin, the entire democratic party hate all women.

So they are voting for the man who wants to roll womens rights back to 1850, but at least didn’t do something so terrible as run a campaign against a woman.


Imagine every woman who’s ever been pregnant seeing that and asking themselves, “would I have gotten on a plane for an 8-hour flight after my water broke, especially if it was a high-risk pregnancy?”

Not to mention the women who’ve ever been barred from boarding a plane because they were 7 or 8 months pregnant.
You don’t need to speculate about whether Palin is a liar. She boasts of the fact that she lied to Alaska Airlines in order to board the flight.


I’m keeping my tinfoil hat on, mikey.

I can see what you’re saying all around me in my embedded location.

Conservative Skinhead Anti-Feminist Serial Killer Dood out.


J— said,

August 31, 2008 at 22:30

J- : That Mudflats site is very interesting.


We’re not doing anything people aren’t going to do all Tuesday morning when they get back to work.

The minute anyone who knows anything about pregnancy and birth hears the plane ride story, they are already suspicious, as I was.

If she embarked on a 22 hour journey, involving a speech, a plane ride, a car trip from Alaska’s biggest city and hospital to give birth in her small town, while she was in premature labor with leaking amniotic fluid with a high risk pregnancy, then she’s much too reckless and unheeding of human life to be trusted a heartbeat away from the Presidency, isn’t she?

I called my mother, who grew up in a small town in the forties and fifties. I said one thing: “Apparently, Governor Palin’s daughter was out of high school for five months with mono right about the time the baby was born.”

The first thing my mother said, bless her heart was, “Oh, poor girl, that must have been a bad case… oh my god! That’s her baby. I thought she was holding it in a motherly way in that picture they had on the news.”

So there you are. It’s friggin’ obvious.

And yes, I’m concerned about the teenaged girl and her baby. Having a baby is not a shame and a scandal. She should get support, since she’s really too young to be a good parent without it, but I’m not casting any aspersions on her for having a baby, for heaven’s sake.

I’m saying living a lie is bad for her and the baby. So he grows up thinking his mother is his older sister. Inevitably, he finds out that isn’t true, and it’s devastating.

Ask Jack Nicholson, Eric Clapton, Bobby Darin, and Ted Bundy. Well, Ted Bundy obviously had some other issues. But the other three have been candid about how terrible it was to find this out later, and what identity issues it stirred up. So Sarah Palin is doing favors for herself, not anyone else.

If the plane story isn’t true, then she lied. A big, played up lie.

Either way, it says a lot about her judgement, and that of the team she has joined.

And, dammit, that’s MY business. It’s YOUR business. It is, thanks to Sarah Palin’s own actions, EVERYBODY’S business, now.

Trilateral Chairman

No, it’s a winner because it’ll peel off her supporters…. The gist of it is a deeply conservative, creationist, anti-abortion, anti-out-of-wedlock teen pregnancy, nutcase fundamentalist, state governor and possible future president of the US lied, possibly falsified hospital records just in order to avoid the shame of her teen daughter’s baby. The GOP/Fundamentalist base would be outraged if this is true and abandon her.

I’ve gotta second what Escaped said above. This take on things just won’t hold water. If the story is true–and the evidence presented so far is in 9/11 Truther territory at best–then the fundies will LOVE it. Palin would be seen as a mom who was just trying to protect her daughter from shame, saving face for her and her family. That’s heroic, according to the wingnut moral code (and I can’t say I entirely disagree). I lived in North Carolina for 10 years, and I encountered several people who insisted that it was common for first-time mothers to be able to bring a baby to full term in 7 months instead of 9, at least when the kid was born 7 months after the wedding date.

Everyone knows it’s bullshit, but nobody says anything, because you’ve got skeletons in your closet too. If someone squeals, *that* person will be ostracized and punished for breaching the unspoken social code.

And for heaven’s sake, if we go after Palin’s daughter, we’re going to look like Rush Limbaugh insulting Chelsea Clinton. Actually, it could be much worse: What if, God forbid, the girl got pregnant through a rape and Palin decided to pretend the baby was hers to protect her daughter from scrutiny? How awful do you want to be to this poor girl?

I strongly suggest that we leave it alone.


“And for heaven’s sake, if we go after Palin’s daughter, we’re going to look like Rush Limbaugh insulting Chelsea Clinton. Actually, it could be much worse: What if, God forbid, the girl got pregnant through a rape and Palin decided to pretend the baby was hers to protect her daughter from scrutiny? How awful do you want to be to this poor girl?

I strongly suggest that we leave it alone.”
Sorry, Trilateral- I couldn’t make the italicizer work on your quote. I agree that we should leave the kid alone. But there has to be a way for it to reflect on Palin’s JUDGEMENT- if she has this barely dried skeleton in her closet, why would she risk her daughter’s mental health by taking on a job with this much public scrutiny? And if she is the mother of an infant with Down’s Syndrome, why isn’t she looking after that baby’s needs?


We don’t have to “go after” anyone! this shit is tabloid gold! If we just keep talking about the possibility, the media do the dirty work for us! It involves SEX. SEX, people!

It doesn’t matter what the conservative “base” think. I asked them, they don’t care. Well, I asked 2/3ths of them. Gary wasn’t answering his phone.

What matters is the impression the middle of the road voters get about Palins honesty. The American electorate has trust issues. After Bush, they want someone they can trust. Obama is having trouble projecting that image, because he is black. We need to stop Palin from being able to project that image. She is covered in a fair bit of political slime already. The “family values” card is the only one she has in play. Take that away, and she has nothing.


Or, one could follow up on the already accumulating pack o’ lies- the lie to Alaska Airlines, the lie about the Bridge to Nowhere- she bragged on the “No, thanks” part, but she left out the part where she kept the money anyway. You aren’t fighting waste of the taxpayers money if you keep it anyway.


I’m baskin’ in your Palin as she’s robbin’ McCain of life.


Or, one could follow up on the already accumulating pack o’ lies- the lie to Alaska Airlines, the lie about the Bridge to Nowhere-

Yes. It’s undeniable that the woman is a blatant liar. Last time I checked, lying wasn’t an (acknowledged) Christian family value.

Brad, I feel sorry for the teenage daughter too. I think that ship has already sailed, though. That girl is in for it, and it’s a shame. Mommie dearest gets the lion’s share of blame for that, as she had to know this would happen. The more I learn about Palin the more rotten she seems.


this barely dried skeleton in her closet
Speaking of anatomical preparations in the cupboards, let me show you the latest decoration in the guest room, here at Maison d’Etre.


Smut, that is – groping for le mot juste – unsettling? Yes, unsettling.


Yes, unsettling.
Think of it as a present for you and Mikey.

he thought it was “cool” that Sarah Palin started going into labor and then still took an eight-hour plane ride back to Alaska.

Cool? No. What would be really is if someone’s water broke while she was watching the first NZ screening of The Kingdom — near the end, during the mutant baby scene — and she stayed in the seat to catch the last half-hour. And then if she couldn’t leave the cinema when the credits rolled, because friends were coming up to say Hello, and she was embarrassed about the saturated state of the seat. Then if she had to drive herself home — stopping every couple of minutes when a contraction hit — because her useless boyfriend couldn’t drive.
But you’d have to ask the Frau Doktorin about that.


But you’d have to ask the Frau Doktorin about that.

OK, put her on!

I’d like to ask the first question.

Frau Doktorin, how do you manage to put up with Herr Doktor?


Uh, thanks, Smut! I’m grateful and unsettled, which is a more common state for me than one might think.

My mom walked to the hospital when she went into labor with me. My da was an over-the-road trucker and was out on a trip. ‘course, she only lived a couple of blocks from the hospital but it was August and about 95 degrees. Obama was born the following day. I wonder how his mom got to the hospital. I’ll bet she didn’t take an interstate flight.


Herr Smut!

That, uh, thing rocks. While I am absolutely certain that Maison d’Etre is awesome, I still want to know where you go to weather a bad hangover or a case of the night sweats?

Oh. And what is that third arm, exactly? Y’know, you really should provide captions. A little narrative.

“This critter here is what happens when you eat a bag of mushrooms and wash ’em down with two thirds of a bottle of righteous Akavit. No, no, not that crap they sell in the strip mall, I’m talkin the REAL DEAL Neil…”



A narrative? OK —
“Don’t make John McCain angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.”


“John McCain, in his first television interview since his shocking vice presidential pick, said that he saw in Sarah Palin “a partner and a soul mate.””

Seriously, Cindy; lawyer up. He’s found his next replacement wife.


Also, FYWP.


David Gregory on Meet the Press just now said he thought it was “cool” that Sarah Palin started going into labor and then still took an eight-hour plane ride back to Alaska.

Er, David that isn’t “cool.” It’s bloody dangerous.

Sheesh….I mentioned this a couple of days ago and got treated to a shitstorm.

As to the notion that young women don’t give birth to Down’s Syndrome babies, my wife was 25 when she gave birth to ours. I should also say that the mother’s age isn’t the only factor that statistics are built on, but also the age of the father (there’s a very creepy thought lurking here, though I’m not gonna be the one to broach it).

Palin’s “birth tale” simply makes no sense. Someone who constantly rails about “the sanctity of life” wouldn’t endanger a Down’s Syndrome fetus that was arriving a month prematurely by disobeying her doctor’s orders regarding the speech, then getting on a plane to fly 3000 miles and then drive nearly an hour to an obcure mini-clinic that somehow failed to record the birth. No one who’d already had 4 kids would be ignorant of the infection risks (and potential complications), not to mention the fact that a 5th child arrives faster, not slower….what, the crotch of her pantsuit was keeping the baby from slipping out during all of this?

Either this woman is psychotically irresponsible (if her story is even close to true) or the baby belongs to her daughter. If it’s the latter, this entire ruse is about Palin protecting her political career, not protecting her daughter. Guys, as much as you may not want to talk about this, it needs to be brought to the fore BEFORE the election, not after. If she’s forced to resign after taking office, there is no election of the replacement, just an announcement. For all we know, McInsane would name Cheney as VP again (“Hey, he’s got experience!”) and we really would have “four more years”.


Ask Jack Nicholson, Eric Clapton, Bobby Darin, and Ted Bundy.

Not to mention Pauly Walnuts.


No need to “go after” the daughter. She did nothing wrong. She’s been forced to be ashamed of her pregnancy and to live a lie. That’s pretty heavy right there, to me.

It’s a fucked-up game Palin is playing, either way. I do think it’s got merit and should be examined. The question is, to ratfuck or see if the increasingly tabloidy MSM will do anything with it? Keep in mind, they’ve gotten their juiciest leads lately from the National Enquirer.



I’m sure the innocent people sold off by Afghan warlords for a US bounty and currently rotting in one of our CIA black torture sites really weep for Palin’s daughter, in between screaming, stress positions, and sleep deprivation.

If it takes this daughter some shame due to HER participation in a lie, and what wins in exchange is our Constitution? I’m sorry, I’ll fucking take it. I have never hated what Bush has done to this country as much as when I saw the blithe warrantless preemptive raids in Minneapolis today.


My insane friend. I don’t mean any disrespect. But bullshit.

The only thing that will stop them is for the people to find a way to indicate that these behaviors are unacceptable. During Vietnam, the draft meant you were going to die. It kind of sharpened the focus, y’know?

If you’re really pissed,if you really want to make a difference, if you want this bullshit like we saw in MN today end, you need to go out in the streets. And not by yourself. Hell, they’ll just laugh at you. As soon as we can find a way to mobilize people, make them care enought to bleed and hurt and sniff up some gas and fight a riot cop and MAKE somebody pay attention then all we’re doing is masturbation.

Schedule a demonstration. I’ll be there by your side…



I know I’m late to the party here, but personally speaking, I’m going to go there.

Because I’ve been there. Actually, I was out of town on business when when my water broke at 7 and 1/2 months.

At best, she’s a liar. Her story that, “My Dr. told me to put my feet up and fly back home,” is complete bullshit. When I was in this situation, my Dr. wouldn’t let me leave the hospital unless I was on an ambulatory flight. Basically a tricked-out Cessna that takes you from ambulance to stretcher to tarmac to plane and vice versa, with complete ambulance care on the plane

I don’t know if her daughter is really the mother, but if she is not, then this woman acted incredibly recklessly and irresponsibly. She has no business being VEEP. And I for one think this lapse in judgment should be a campaign issue.


Yeah, fuck that. I’ve never seen a demonstration do fuck-all in the USA, because I was born after the successes of the civil rights movement. I don’t believe there’s any efficacy left in it. The mass media know how to make fools out of any demonstration.

Go and yell yourself hoarse in some march and get raided without warrants and all that shit. The executive is blatantly commiting crimes, don’t tell me to get chewed up by a profoundly broken system… and for what, demonstrating? Get real, like that works for shit.


Palin has not provided a bump yet. No need to panic.


the evidence presented so far is in 9/11 Truther territory at best

1. Announcing her pregnancy at 7 months to a surprised staff and state, without obviously showing, right up to the birth.

2. Daughter allegedly disappears from school for 5+ months at this time.

Just these two pseudo-facts alone are damn suspicious.

The heroic planeride to Texas story is the crux. WIth it, the VP nom is shown to be a self-aggrandizing liar if the rumor is proven true.


Palin has not provided a bump yet.
I believe the Double-Meanings thread is the next one upstream.


White women of means “heroically have their daughter’s babies”, while dark ghetto denizens pump out litters of bastard children and are not even ashamed!!!


Just noting…

Ye Olde Wikipedia (Wikipedia is never wrong, the wiki page on Wikipedia says so!) says a few things to take into account regarding kid, materinity of.

Mono has a gestation week of 4-6 weeks, yours free +shipping and handling. After that, the infection symptoms usually last 1-2 months. If she was out of school for 5 months for mono, she would have been spending most of that time in a hospital, because that would be the most vicious cause of mono in the universe, certainly the most intensive outbreak in a modernized country. Mono is theoretically fatal.

Secondly, the age of the mother does seem to have some correlation to the probability of a downs syndrome baby; however the likely-hood is never 0.
Unlikely != Impossible.

Amateur medical junkie, AWAAAAY!!

My two cents regarding it: oh, I 100% believe it’s Palin’s daughter’s baby*. Is it actually her daughter’s? I dunno. But I’d believe it. Seriously, ask your grandparents (if you still have them. Hell, I bet your parents could tell you a few stories, if you’re old enough) about how often young women back in the day would “get sick” with a contagious-but-not-really-dangerous disease for, say, 4-5 months at a time. Or have to go to a hospital in another town “for treatment”. This is old-school cover-uppery.

Personally, I think it’s sad for the teenager and the baby to have to live that, but don’t much care. I knew Palin was a rightwing nutjob the first pic I saw of her, (NO! WIRE! HANGERS!!) so it’s not like she’s going to lose ground with me if this turns out to be true.

*a possessive suffix trifecta! WOOOO!!


Personally, I think it’s sad for the teenager and the baby to have to live that, but don’t much care.
It’s definitely not our position to be offering advice to a family of strangers. Sounds more like a job for the Advice Goddess.


I lost all respect for Gregory after I saw that “MC Rove” footage. Why would ANY professional journalist compromise themselves like that? Not to mention, he danced like a white boy.


Want to know how I would handle the baby story? If you were there in the room when Palin’s daughter gave birth, handed it her mom, and said “Thanks for doing this for me,” call a press conference. Ditto if you have a taped and authenticated recording of mom, daughter or father recounting same.

Don’t have that? Then STFU, because you don’t know anything and the photos you’ve searched on the web, rumors you’ve heard about the daughter’s absence from school, notions of how babies should be delivered, etc. amount to a big, steaming pile of nothing.


Yes, McCain only met her once, but it was long enough to look into her eyes (or at her ass).


If you’re really pissed,if you really want to make a difference, if you want this bullshit like we saw in MN today end, you need to go out in the streets.

Irony FTW?


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