Shorter GayPatriotWest

ABOVE: GayPatriotWest

Sarah Palin: Diva For Gay Republicans?

  • Who cares if she is opposed to gay marriage? I’m voting for her because she has Audrey Hepburn’s hairdo.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 122


Really? Palin’s a grave robber?


This d00d should meet up with TGW.

I’m not sure they share much besides being insane in the membrane, but at least there’s that.


It’s OK because he opposes gay marriage, too.

I’m willing to bet that there’s not a genuine gay anywhere on Why would they post there? It’s like a black person advocating for Jim Crow and anti-miscegenation laws. “Why, seperate water fountains and bathrooms just means shorter waits for everyone!”


ittdgy: I’m starting to feel guilty that I introduced you to the TGW site. It’s such a fucking train wreck that now you’ll NEVER be able to tear yourself away! NEVER, I say!!

Again, my apologies.


Ugh. We gays toss “Diva” around with such ease these days, it’s meaningless as a compliment. It used to be reserved for the big names, now any girl who poops out a annoying eurotrash dance hit gets the moniker.

Sarah Palin is the new Kristine W. Anyone know who the hell the latter is? Nope? No worries. You need to be a gay guy to know. If you think the former is a “Diva” in the hijacked word complimentary kinda way, you’re a lazy and delusional gay republican dude and no one needs to be that.


This is pretty much the theme over at NoQuarter, too:

That right-wing lady, with whom I disagree about pretty much everthing (gay rights, abortion, on and on) has totally won my heart. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.

It’s safe to say that the real effect of the Palin pick has been to seperate out those who view politics as some sort of exercise in contrarianism from the rest of us.


We can totally relate to GayPatriot.

People have a hard time understanding why those of us who renounce violence as a solution EVER are so enamored with Dick Cheney.

They don’t GET IT. They don’t see that there’s SO much more to this great man than his hatred and bloodlust. If you can’t look past the man’s wars, covert ops, assassinations and political terrorism and see his overall contributions to society, you are likely nothing but a deranged left-wing reactionary…



Yep. Divaness.

That’s what all serious kw33rs look for in a person who is one medical crisis or accident away from the most powerful office in the world.

Speaking only for myself, many’s the night I’ve lain awake and thought “Liza Minelli would make a fabulous Vice President.”

Jesus Christ on a Dog Sled, make these people go away.


What Pacifists for Cheney and those gay guys said.

We stand firmly behind the McCain-Palin ticket because, No. 1, Palin is an awesomely strong vagina-owner; B, Obama is BLAACCKKK!!!; and 3, Fuck the DNC for not pushing Hillary Clinton into the presidential slot and instead pushing NoBama, who by the way is BLAACCKKKK!!!! Plus, C: Yes we went berserk when Hillary didn’t get chosen and Chris Matthews said mean awful things and other stuff, and if you come to our awesome mighty blog be forewarned you stupid penis-owners that you MAY get tagged as a Misinformer and Spreader of Lies if you dare say anything mean about Sarah Palin, who since yesterday is the most wonderfulest woman EVAR and will totally be the greatest Vice President in the history of the whole world. Awymyn. So suck it libs. PUMA! PUMA! PUMA!


Good evening madam, gentlemen. I am the dish of the day; may I interest you in parts of my body? The rump in very good, sir, as I have been force feeding myself for months. Or a casserole of me, perhaps?
Very wise choice, sir, very good. I”ll just nip off and shoot myself. Don’t worry, sir, I’ll be very humane.


Shorter asshats of the world:

I don’t agree with anything sarah palin says, stands for or has done but I LOVE her.

Seriously, these people are fucking stupid or bought. Isn’t that explanation enough?


I don’t agree with anything sarah palin says, stands for or has done but I LOVE her.

You know who gets talked about like this?



Any bets on when Palin will drop out of the race? I’m serious. She was picked just to take the media’s attention away from Obama’s speech. It’s the only reason that makes sense. He pulls in, what, 85,000 people, so McCain’s people (you know that old coot don’t make any decisions anymore) drop this boner on the world and all of us, liberal or conservative – even if they won’t admit it – will spend the next few days going “What the fuck, man? I mean, seriously, what the fucking fuck?” Just the shit with her brother-in-law was enough for me to spend the bulk of my morning saying to myself “What the fuck” when pondering the nomination of the wingnut Mary Anne.

So I say three weeks time, and she has to bow out for some family reason. The only people she’ll bring in at all are folks who’d never in a million years vote for a black man any damn way. Problem is, most of those folks hate women like they hate not-white folk, if not a helluva lot more. Three weeks, and McCain’s folks will say she’s gone and some properly wingnutty junior senator who hasn’t been caught proposition truckers at rest areas will step in. You watch.


You know, if she had Bette Davis eyes she’d be unstoppable.


I think if she would drink for twenty years she would look just like Judy Garland.


ice weasel said,

August 31, 2008 at 0:38

Shorter asshats of the world:

I don’t agree with anything sarah palin says, stands for or has done but I LOVE her.

Seriously, these people are fucking stupid or bought. Isn’t that explanation enough?

Both. Money breeds stupidity.


Matt T. said,

August 31, 2008 at 0:46

Any bets on when Palin will drop out of the race? I’m serious. She was picked just to take the media’s attention away from Obama’s speech. It’s the only reason that makes sense. He pulls in, what, 85,000 people, so McCain’s people (you know that old coot don’t make any decisions anymore) drop this boner on the world and all of us, liberal or conservative – even if they won’t admit it – will spend the next few days going “What the fuck, man? I mean, seriously, what the fucking fuck?” Just the shit with her brother-in-law was enough for me to spend the bulk of my morning saying to myself “What the fuck” when pondering the nomination of the wingnut Mary Anne.

Having her bow out instead tossed out is the least damage that can be done if it happens. However, as a strategy just to detract attention from the Obama speech, it’s a very very awful strategy… I’d say even worse than sticking with her as VP. If she goes, the Dems can easily toss out “Harriet Myers”, “flip-flop”, and “poor judgement” until the cows come home.


Also…gay wingnuts. Unapologetically wingnutty gay people. That just doesn’t make any fucking sense whatsoever. Yeah, sure, you’re greedy and selfish and short-sighted and terrified of anything outside your upper-middle-class white world, but come on. At the very, very best, the standard not-gay conservative thinks gay people are being all gay and stuff just for attention. Ya know? The vast majority are much worse, of course, but the nicest wingnut still thinks your average homosexual is an aberration.

I wonder…I wonder if leftists like me are here to somehow balance out gay wingnuts who support people that, again, at best think they’re part of what’s wrong with America, politically and financially. I’m rural, white, male, straight, likes Hank Williams Jr., at least understands the appeal of NASCAR and smokeless tobacco and shooting things. If stereotypes held true, I should be highly wingy, but I’m not. Really, really not. I don’t know, but it makes as much sense as gay people supporting anti-gay-people politicans. You figure it out.


Why is Steve Gutenberg on my internets?


Blue Buddha,
I didn’t say it was a good strategy. I just can’t really fathom what the McCain campaign is friggin’ thinking on this one. They have to know the PUMA business is just nonsense and the vast majority of Democratic women aren’t as rock-stupid as the bulk of conservative Republicans think all women are. Besides, you know and I know St. POW wouldn’t be held to the same standards inre: flip-flopping and having poor judgement and so forth. He was POW, after all.

Besides, as someone said…somewhere, I forget…McCain’s people don’t care about anything but winning, if they care about anything at all. The blast faxes have been sent, and these dingbats are breaking their arms patting themselves on the back with this pick.


Anyone seen “Shock Corridor”? There’s a character in it, an black man who cracks up and starts a chapter of the KKK in his head, appointing himself Grand Wizard and setting an angry mob on another black guy.

What I am saying is these people are kind of confused.

Tim (The Other One)

Comment over at Free Republic:

” man! i’ll tell you!

the liberal-socialists are running scared! ”

The Sarah Files: Day One; The Quickening Awakening.


Matt T —

I wouldn’t put it past the GOP to do something stupid out of despiration and short-sightedness either. In fact, I was thinking almost the same as you are about a couple of hours before you posted it.

If she stays, then the GOP thought they’ve cleverly set up a political landmine (as Brad posted earlier today); if she goes, then the GOP thought they’ve cleverly set up a spectacular fireworks show. However, in both cases, it looks like the whole thing blew up in their faces.


Whatever the outcome of the Palin decision, this will most likely be pointed out as the turning point in McCain’s campaign for the worse. The more people learn about her, the more scandals and poor judgment pop up.

Unless they somehow turn away all Dem voters from the polls and/or throw out all the votes for Obama, I really don’t see how McCain can win in Nov.


He’s so excited, he just can’t hide it!

“Who cares if I’m treated like a second class citizen? That unemployed black lady’s driving a Cadillac! And another thing – who’s FICA and why are they taking my money?!?”

Yeah, GPW, Daddy Mac and Princess Palin are going to make everything ok for you.


I just can’t really fathom what the McCain campaign is friggin’ thinking on this one.

She energizes the base. This is another lurch of the electorate to the right. It has me worried. The GOP doesn’t care about competence. They care about surface and image. They won’t give a rip if she has little experience, she fills out the bullet points in their ideal candidate. They will turn out to vote, we were kind of hoping they wouldn’t.


There’s an essay in Apocalypse Culture II on “Jews for Hitler”, so anything is possible.


She will take Evening Gown and Swimsuit for sure, no contest there. But when we move to the talent portion of this event . . . well, not so much.


That’s the same reason Althouse cited, and she can barely contain her enthusiasm.


I don’t think the Rethuglicans are bright enough or gifted enough at long-term strategy for this, but is it possible that McCain really is trying to lose? Maybe, just maybe, they see that the mess Bush is leaving is so horrible and the chances of sorting things out in four years and thus placating the American electorate are so slim that they’d rather just wait back in the tall weeds for the Obama presidency to fail and expect Rethug victory in 2012?

Nah. It might work out that way though.


Off-topic Powerline fun: Scott Johnson solicits a Photoshop of McCain and Palin as Rooster Cogburn and Mattie Ross of True Grit. Scott Johnson gets and reproduces a Photoshop of McCain and German actress and model Sabine Ehrenfeld.


They will turn out to vote, we were kind of hoping they wouldn’t.

Nah, I agree with Matt T. An awful lot of rank and file righties will not vote for a woman, no matter how much cheerleading is done by the punditocracy.

It would be really cool if the folks who listen to local right-wing talk radio could be made aware of groups like GayPatriot and Talk Left and TGW and their support for Palin. “Look who likes the McCain ticket: TEH GHEYZ and FORMER HITLERY SUPPORTERS!” There are more right-wing talk radio gay-hatin’ feminazi despisin’ cretins than there are Log Cabin Repugs or PUMAs.


She energizes the base.

Dude, the base doesn’t want some uppity female telling them what to do. Sure, she’s a wingnut to the nth degree, but she’s still a woman and wingnuts don’t like women. Dig, a few years ago, I read a story about some Bible-thumping looney tune in Texas who got huge burr up her ass about a t-shirt she saw at Wal-Mart’s. The offending t-shirt said “Someday a woman will be president” and this wingnut lady said that was “un-Christian” and did the whole “stop offending me, reality” thing they do. The base is friggin’ goofy.

She’ll keep as many at home as she turns out, maybe more. Furthermore, if she’s the final word, she might be the final nail in the non-Bible-thumping contingent of GOP assholery. The rich fuckers who’re tolerant but highly embarrassed of their knuckle-dragging breathren (“Well, as long as my taxes stay low, fuck gay people.”). ‘Cause this woman is a lu-lu. Seriously. I wonder what the low-taxes crowd thinks of this.

If she stays, which I’m saying she won’t.


I really hope you’re right Candy.


OK. I admit I was wrong. The Palin pick did in fact have an upside. McCain has clearly now locked down the insane lunatic vote.


McCain has clearly now locked down the insane lunatic vote.

Well, there goes all of Ron Paul’s hopes and dreams, I suppose. I thought he had that one in the bag.


I hope so too noen. If I’m not right, I’m going to try to figure out a way to move to Europe. Canada just doesn’t seem far enough away these days.


Candy said,

August 31, 2008 at 2:02

I hope so too noen. If I’m not right, I’m going to try to figure out a way to move to Europe. Canada just doesn’t seem far enough away these days.

Europe ain’t far enough either. When’s the next flight to Mars?


Naw. That’s the fringe black helicopter libertarian lunatic vote. Different demographic all together. Ron Paul still has them solidly in his pocket. Both of them.

Progressive Pacifist Polar Bears for Palin

That right-wing lady, with whom we disagree about pretty much everthing, and who wants to shoot us down so that oil companies can accrue even larger profits, has totally won our hearts. And we’re not ashamed to admit it.


Wolcott, as usual, has Palin pegged:
If she were running for Congress, she’d be a perfectly credible, fully accessorized mediocrity.



Deep breath now.

The people are unhappy, dissatisfied and SCARED.

They don’t like where they are. They don’t like how they got here.

They don’t like what they’re seeing in their near term future.

They don’t hear anything out of the repubs except “you’re on your own”.

Oh sure, the “base”, who only care that nobody get what they access to the meager bits they cling to and that “rights” are only given to white people and that we kill those scary muslim arabs in iran are going to vote for Saint McBomb, but then they were never going to vote for Obama, diversity, hope and a fundamental shift in the direction of the nation anyway.

Everybody else? They’re increasingly seeing this as the no – brainer that it is. Nothing is working. McCain needs to say how he’ll make it work again if he want’s to actually compete with Obama. And his tax policies aren’t the solution people are looking for…



She energizes the base.

He could’ve accomplished that better by reanimating Helen Chenoweth.


Although it opens up the experience can of worms again, the easiest way to deal with her will be “Is Sarah Palin really the most qualified candidate to be John McCain’s running mate?”

Then invite Republicans to talk about how she’s got more national security credibility than (gag) Rudy Giuliani.


Ruh Roh. The PUMAs are gonna poop themselves.

WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania (CNN) – This might not be the best way to reach out to those disillusioned Hillary Clinton supporters.

In just her second appearance on the campaign trail with John McCain, newly-minted GOP running mate Sarah Palin was showered with boos on Saturday for attempting to praise Clinton’s trail-blazing bid to become the first female president.


Don’t get me wrong, mikey. I think Obama is going to win. I think maybe even by a comfortable margin, for the reasons you listed and others. I think the Palin pick was a huge strategic blunder that lessen McCain’s chances considerably.

But if I’m wrong . . . I don’t want to be around for four years of team McCain, especially since I will then be convinced that a majority of the American electorate – some of whom might be living right next door to me – is completely out of its collective mind, and likely to be armed and dangerous.


They’re nuts.

That’s what they do.

The minute I saw her, it was on someone else’s computer with the sound off, and I thought President of the PTA. And then I heard her (that voice!) and what was it saying? That she started in the PTA.

I know her. She effortlessly juggles kids and husband and job because it’s all a matter of doing what needs to be done at the moment and moving on. She’ll hug her kids because she’s sposeta, she comes in and throws out commands and moves on, letting her underlings to the actual work, because she’s so busy.

She’s so busy because she can’t connect with anything while she’s crushing down all her true hopes and dreams and feelings. And, growing up Xantian, those truenesses never had a chance, anyway.

At least she’s a complacent one. I don’t see any inner demons. But then, I don’t see any inner at all.

What we have here is the bubble getting smaller. I hoped they would get more and more insular and whacky. It was the veneer that helped elect W.

Reformed bad boy, Christian dude, Mr. Warm and back-slapping funny.

It sure has worn off. But they tool along in the bubble, getting more and more insane. I think a chunk of the electorate has caught on though. They should just be as nuts as they want.

It’s our only hope.


Three weeks, and McCain’s folks will say she’s gone and some properly wingnutty junior senator who hasn’t been caught proposition (sic) truckers at rest areas will step in. You watch.

Oh, we’re watching alright. We’re keeping a close eye on everything.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

If I had to read it, you do to. Gay Patriot West links Althaus for the Audrey Hepburn hairdo thing – which in turn yields this confession from Ann:

And some cheeky people are typing: VPILF. Oh, no! That’s so wrong! But, that said, I don’t think it would be so unusual to have a VPILF. Why I dream of Dick Cheney every night! j/k.


In just her second appearance on the campaign trail with John McCain, newly-minted GOP running mate Sarah Palin was showered with boos on Saturday for attempting to praise Clinton’s trail-blazing bid to become the first female president.



Also stealing that comment.


McSame’s choice of Palin reminds me of Pretzeldent George W. Bush’s submission of ***Harriet Miers*** for Supreme Court Justice. Miers had to withdraw herself from consideration when it became apparent that her knowledge of constitutional law was rudimentary at best.

What’s the over/under on Ms. Palin withdrawing? I say three weeks.


Some Guy wins teh Internons for the Douglas Adams reference.


Wow. What WereBear said at 2:23, totally.

Tim (The Other One)

This has “Miers” written all over it but imagine the stumble of slotting in the “next” VP selection. Epic.

Tim (The Other One)

Also, don’t even acknowledge her place on the ticket. McCain’s the same shitty candidate he was yesterday morning.


I’m just glad to see Janet from Three’s Company is back on her feet after losing that great apartment in Santa Monica.


MzNicky, I’ve learned more stuff over at TGW:

Because it wasn’t wrong and Hillary has much more integrity than Obama bin Biden.
Of course, in the longer run Hillary was proven correct as the US has now (also) won the occupation phase of the war in Iraq. Even the AP now admits that the US has won, there’s only the New York Times and similar ideologues that won’t acknowledge this reality.
Olives and Arrows | 08.30.08 – 5:42 pm | #


Give me a damned Break. Sarah Palin is more qualified to be VP than Barack is to be POTUS.
CarolynKB | 08.30.08 – 5:04 pm | #

Wait, scratch that:

Palin is at least five times as qualified as Obama. She’s really an interesting woman,even if you don’t agree with her politics.

yttik | 08.30.08 – 6:09 pm | #



Why I dream of Dick Cheney every night!

It’s like a off-off-off Broadway play about sado-masochism, beauty pageants, and animal cruelty.


Who cares if she is opposed to gay marriage? I’m voting for her because she has Audrey Hepburn’s hairdo.

Bullshit! Palin isn’t Audrey Hepburn, Palin is Sophia Loren.


Shorter Red:
“Genuine gays march in lock-goosetep with the Dems.”

Shorter ice weasel:
“You can’t love someone you disagree with.”

Shorter Matt T:
“Palin worries me. Really, really worries me. I don’t even want to wake up anymore. Also, I’m tired of those uppity gays thinking for themselves instead of rolling over for the Dems like good little Nancys.”

Shorter Candy:
“I smell conspiracy in everything.”

This rapid-fire Shorter meme was brought to you by Jalapeno Flavored Cheetos™.


ittdgy: “Olives and Arrows” is a particularly nasty little shitbag who has trolled TGW for at least a year or so, tormenting everyone back in the day with his rightwing bullshit. He’d get banned for a day or so then figure out how to slime his way back in. OF COURSE he’s apparently now welcome there.

(Note to S,Nosers: We bring the sad tales from TGW here to you as a public service so that we all might better understand the PUMA psychosis, because information is power.)

That place is NO GOOD for you, ittdgy. Mr. Wangchuck can tell you his woeful tale of trying to placate the inmates with a voice of reason, to no avail.

I hope an intervention will not be necessary. Ease off slowly and just back away from the snake pit.


From the CNN Political Ticker post Marco mentions above.

[T]he Alaska governor was met with a noisy mix of boos, groans and grumbles around the minor league ballpark where the “Road to the Convention Rally” was held.

Obama plays Mile High Stadium; McCain and Palin play the home of the Washington Wild Things.


Shoter Booger:

…see?…I mentioned “meme” and “cheetos”!!! [preens self]


Palin is at least five times as qualified corrupt as Obama. She’s really an interesting woman,even if you don’t agree with her politics.

yttik | 08.30.08 – 6:09 pm | #



I’m not trying to placate the inmates, MzNicky.

Certainly not with any voice of reason. I consider it a mutual entertainment project.

By the way, Palin now has MORE experience than Kaine, which is important because Obama might have picked Kaine.


MzNicky said,

August 31, 2008 at 3:31

(Note to S,Nosers: We bring the sad tales from TGW here to you as a public service so that we all might better understand the PUMA psychosis, because information is power.)

…and knowing is half the battle.

GI JOE!!!!


Tell Gomer I said “Hey”.


Besides the irregular Real Gary Ruppert, does this site have any real trolls?


I hope goober sticks around after the election because no one is going to show him any mercy.

Die in a fire, you smartass little fucker. The world must be a scary place for you, where you have no power and a black man is likely to be elected to the presidency.

Here you are, trolling D-list liberal blogs on a Saturday night. I’m glad I’m not you, as I actually have standards for myself. I’d be unable to live with myself.


If goober’s a fake, he’s damn good.


Also, do you really, really think the party that regularly sponsors ammendments to the goddamn Constitution that denies basic rights to tax-paying Americans because of what said Americans do with their genitals actually has the best interests of those Americans in mind? Really? Honestly?

And tell me, goober, are you really fired up about the choice of Palin as the GOP’s vice-presidential candidate? Do you really think she brings something worthwhile to the game? Do the ethics issues not bother you? Her wingnuttiness concerning the environment and evolution? Her anti-gay stance? Her anti-choice stance? You good with all that or what?


And tell me, goober, are you really fired up about the choice of Palin as the GOP’s vice-presidential candidate? Do you really think she brings something worthwhile to the game?
Titties! She brings titties to the game and goober’s got hisself a boner.


gooberbooger’s got hisself a boner.
Sadly, no.


But, but, but, on the internet you can see pictures of wimmins private parts all right there to look at and stuff…


Titties! She brings titties to the game…

Why, yes! It’s all part of the ultra-shrewd Republo-strategy to retake the youth vote. Thanks to his crafty choice of Palin, McCain has grabbed hold of young woodies throughout America.

A commenter at Althaus’ site elucidates: Young guys “who were going to sleepwalk into voting for Obama” have “been slapped awake by the undeniable fact that there is a slamming hottie on the GOP ticket, and there is nothing cooler than a slamming hottie. Young voters are back in play.”


…a slamming hottie with 5 (?) kids


Here’s the thing about people like GP and the denizens of TGW and the PUMAs and all of the other people who are willing to become Palinstinians:

For whatever reason, they really don’t believe that things can ever get really bad for them. They just don’t see it. If you tried to convince GP that he might lose his job, if you tried to hint to the women of TGW that one day getting the pill might require a quick trip to Canada, they’d laugh.

If you were to ask (and I have, because I’m a dick) what’s stopping it from happening, you get a shrug. “Well, it might happen in Kansas, but I don’t care because I don’t live there.”

It’s all fun and games and who gives a fuck, and when you consider what it would take to make them give a fuck, I’m glad they have the luxury of not caring.


Personally, I stay the hell away from fuckers like that because they are way too much fun to prod.


I’m gonna feel so bad for doing this, but I can’t help myself:

A commenter at Althaus’ site elucidates: Young guys “who were going to sleepwalk into voting for Obama” have “been slapped awake by the undeniable fact that there is a slamming hottie on the GOP ticket, and there is nothing cooler than a slamming hottie. Young voters are back in play.”

Ah, but they forgot that old political maxim “Bro’s before ho’s”.

I am so terribly sorry.

Also, witness the dripping contempt conservatives have for, well, everyone.


Young guys “who were going to sleepwalk into voting for Obama” have “been slapped awake”

Oh no. Was Ass O Spades wandering around wagging his cock?

Also, Simba B: “D-list liberal blog”?! S,N!, a D-list blog?!


“Slamming hottie”?

What next, calling her “totally tubular”?


if you tried to hint to the women of TGW that one day getting the pill might require a quick trip to Canada, they’d laugh.

Arky: This is so true. Of all the unbelievable shit I’ve seen there lately, the most mind-blowing to me is women who are old enough to know better saying stuff like “Roe v. Wade doesn’t matter. I’m not going to get pregnant again, so what do I care?” and “It’ll never happen. Quit holding us hostage to RvW.” My head spun around like Linda Blair’s in “The Exorcist.” Then I vomited split-pea soup all over the carpet.


Palin’s husband: totally DILF.


Also, Simba B: “D-list liberal blog”?! S,N!, a D-list blog?!

From the winger perspective, I’d think being a troll on DKos or FDL would be considered more prestigious. Especially since we don’t have those fancy moderation and registration systems the big dogs do (not that that’s in any way a bad thing).

goober (if he is indeed real) is obviously a scared, hateful little man so I was just adding to his self-loathing.


Anybody who thinks that Sadly, No! isn’t pretty important, in the way that pesticide and jock itch spray is important, needs to check this out.

Now mind you, this was an interactive visualization that I have captured. But you’ll notice that Sadly is right up there with the biggest of the blue sites…



John T—



Kidding, Simba. I’m just joining in the SN tradition of making jokes about certain wingnuts being fuckable, and this seemed like the appropriate thread in which to do that. I promise I won’t do it again.


the SN tradition of making jokes about certain wingnuts being fuckable

So, which one of you guys invented the concept of “grudge fuck”, then? Brad or Gavin?

Tim (The Other One)

“slammin’ hottie”

cheetos, pantloads, basements, loser dudes, eye of the beholder (s).

bring it !


…a slamming hottie with 5 (?) kids

Weird, eh?

The wingnut reaction to Palin shows once again their amazing ability to build instant, elaborate fantasies out of nothing. To them, Palin is a slamming hottie who will recapture the youth vote, an experienced troop commander, an expert in foreign policy, the new torchbearer of feminism, the bold new face of resurgent American conservatism, a dedicated fighter against corruption, a beautiful urbane sophisticate reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren, and on and on. Right-wing commentary on Palin reads like an encyclopedia of delusions.

Also, witness the dripping contempt conservatives have for, well, everyone.

Above all, their contempt is for reality. Palin’s reality is that she’s a political lightweight who’s in way, way over her head.


Uh. Maybe I don’t understand the definition of “Slamming Hottie” or I lack the appropriate body chemistry but while Palin is very attractive, “Slamming Hottie,” makes me think Angelina Jolie or Haley Berry.

You know, someone who is … really, really, hot.

Plus, unless the young guys in question are all Ashton Kuechner [sic?] clones, they simply aren’t going to race down to the polls (hur) and start humping the voting machines in their haste to vote for Palin. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, but I remember being 20 and thinking that I might just possibly, reach 40 but it would be so horrible that I’d wish I hadn’t. 40 is ancient when you’re 20.

40 is ancient when you’re 39 [mutter grumble]. But my point is (shut up) you’d have to be a lab-bred hybrid of Jolie AND Berry to be 40 AND a “Slamming Hottie.” It would make more sense (not much, but more) to think the Bush girls swung some votes towards Gee Dubya.

It’s fucking stupid and pathetic and … quite possibly what McPOW was thinking. Hmmm.


Now mind you, this was an interactive visualization that I have captured.
It bears an uncommon resemblance to MzNicky’s split-pea soup.


To them, Palin is a slamming hottie who will recapture the youth vote, an experienced troop commander, an expert in foreign policy, the new torchbearer of feminism, the bold new face of resurgent American conservatism, a dedicated fighter against corruption, a beautiful urbane sophisticate reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren, and on and on.

I can’t stop showing my age tonight: Does anyone remember the commercials for the perfume (Enjoli?) “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan…”

Oh hell, this one.

The fReichtards never got the memo that the pretty lady in the commercial doesn’t really exist.

Tim (The Other One)

Hell, I remember English Leather and Hai Karate ! What are you worried about Arky ?

I’m just happy that 55 is the new 45. Because 45 was slammin’ hot !


I remember that commercial. I can’t remember old girlfriends’ last names, but by God I remember that commercial.


My head spun around like Linda Blair’s in “The Exorcist.” Then I vomited split-pea soup all over the carpet.

What about equal pay? Oh well, welcome to the wonderful world of IGM, FY!

Maybe I made a mistake, studying a lot of sociology and religion in college (and picking up history as I went along), but based on well established patterns, if McPalintine gets in office we’ll have the usual bullshit that goes with a depression and they’ll encourage people to work out their angst by passing lots of laws to grind the faces of those who don’t quite fit their standards. “Sure you have to eat dog food but at least you’re not a Mexislamahomo. You know what we do to those people. Bwahaha!”

Do not want.


For whatever reason, they really don’t believe that things can ever get really bad for them.

I think they are the victims of a hitherto unknown birth defect, called “lack of imagination.”

Which is why they fall prey to other’s imaginations. The stupider that fantasy is, the more easily assimilated.

We should all put a few coins in the can on the counter for this cause.


The GOP doesn’t care about competence. They care about surface and image.

If McPOW drops dead and Track’s Mom becomes President, the Rethugs will love it. Dick Cheney will rise again from the grave and surround her with “wise advisors” who will tell her exactly what to do — out of pure chivalry, of course, to protect her womanly innocence … since there’s no way they’d let a (gasp) WOMAN — so weak and fluffy and submissive as they all think women are — give the orders.

Maggie the Thatch must be spinning in HER grave… oh wait…


I’m guessing these gay Republicans are all bottoms in their relationships. What a bunch of sad sacks to settle for scraps of tolerance from a Republican shrew.

Sarah Palin is anything but a Bush Republican.

Wait, I thought you guys loved Bush? Changed your mind have you?

And we gay Republicans have something to cheer in her record. Shortly after taking office, she vetoed legislation that would have prevented the state from providing benefits to the same-sex partners of state employees.

UPDATE: I wonder if it was this pick which motivated me to make a modest contribution to the McCain-Palin campaign. I encourage you to do so as well.

UPDATE from Bruce (GayPatriot): I can’t believe I am going to give money to the McCain campaign, but as Dan does above — I urge you to do so as well. This commenter at The Corner sums up how I feel today.

Obama supports gay marriage, a virtual guarantee of equality when it comes to benefits. But no, they have to support this wolf-mother killer and environment destroyer because….why? I just don’t get it.


Sarah Palin is the new Kristine W.

Interestingly, Kristine W. (Wikipedia tells me) was Miss Washington in 1981.


Here’s a video clip of the McCain/Palin Maverick/Maverique rally where the Wild Things play. She mentions Senator Clinton around the 1:00 mark. The little box with the Gustav projected path is a nice touch.


Obama plays Mile High Stadium; McCain and Palin play the home of the Washington Wild Things.

The list of events hops from the “Beer Belly Olympics” to the McPOW/Miss Alaska rally, like something you’d expect on the sign outside Springfield Elementary or Rev. Lovejoy’s church in the Simpsons.

Life imitates art, I guess.


The little box with the Gustav projected path is a nice touch.

I think a train wreck animation would work better.


I’m gay, and for the record, if there were a real alternative to the Democrats, I’d throw the party of “Don’t ask, don’t tell” and DOMA under the bus faster than you could say “Maria Callas”, but I’m all too familiar with the Gay Republican mindset.

Arky’s point is well taken, but in the gay Republicans case, there’s the added factor of: “OK, God punished me by making me want to have sex with Tom Brady instead of Giselle Bundchen, but if I vote GOP, maybe God won’t be so angry. Oh, and lower taxes”. There really is a feeling that by voting GOP, it insulates them against homophobia, getting fired from their job for being gay or losing an apartment they want because the owners don’t want “those kind” there, which they only figure out because there’s only men who live in the gay part of town listed in their references section.

Obama supports gay marriage, a virtual guarantee of equality when it comes to benefits

Ding! Wrong answer, please come back in 6 months and try again!

Obama to the Chicago Tribune:

“I’m a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman”.

Shorter Obama: I’m a wingnut on this issue, but not as bad as the full-on wingnuts.

He’s for civil unions:

“Giving them a set of basic rights would allow them to experience their relationship and live their lives in a way that doesn’t cause discrimination,” Obama said. “I think it is the right balance to strike in this society”.

Well, that’s nice, but civil unions are bullshit, full stop, they are in no way, shape or form a “a virtual guarantee of equality when it comes to benefits”, they are no different than saying “STFU faggot and dyke, take what scraps we give you and be happy with it, punks”.

Civil unions won’t help partners visit their sick mate in most hospitals because that’s only for family and spouses. Civil unions…oh fuck it, I’m not going to bother outlining even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the rights that civil unions won’t cover. There’s over 1,300 specific rights that are granted to married couples, until every. single. one. is applicable to gay and lesbian couples, it’s a bullshit “Well, take a little now, we’ll get to the rest later” approach that will be a legal and administrative nightmare.

Better informed Democrats, please.


Sorry Henry. I assumed from what Obama said in his acceptance speech that he supported gay marriage.

What pray tell is a “civil union” under the law?

All of you need to move to Canada where you can get married and be married like any other married people.

Sophist FCD, another casualty of applied metaphysics,

To them, Palin is a slamming hottie who will recapture the youth vote, an experienced troop commander, an expert in foreign policy, the new torchbearer of feminism, the bold new face of resurgent American conservatism, a dedicated fighter against corruption, a beautiful urbane sophisticate reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren, and on and on.

Yeah, she‘s like a female Chauncey Gardiner. I keep expecting her to tell us that all will be well in the garden.


What pray tell is a “civil union” under the law?

Aye, there’s the rub! It’s like a policy position that John McCain takes: it varies from place to place and is subject to revision at any time. Civil unions usually mean “some laws, but nowhere near all, that marriage confers”. Vermont has a detailed list of stuff –not bad, but still– but at county/city level, it’s a mess.BTW, I looked it up out of curiosity and there’s conflicting info along a continuum of 1,100 > 1,400 items that two drunken breeders who have known each for two weeks get conferred on them when they leave the Elvis Chapel in Vegas with that piece of paper. My bad.

Now, I have zero interest in being in a committed relationship, but here’s one tiny example of how “civil unions” are a con job, a cynical ploy to not alienate the Dems gay base (=$$$) but not piss off people that think we should just go back in the closet and hermetically seal the door:

Inheritances. Marriage confers very strong rights in this area. I can spend an hour writing about how gay men who have been together for 30 years had one partner die and the dead partners family swoops in, claims everything and the living partner is shit out of luck, kicked out of a house he’d shared for 30 years with the love of his life. He has no recourse, none and since most civil union law is hopelessly tangled and still not part of case law, it’s easy for the vultures, erm, I mean the dead man’s family to prevail.

And that’s just ONE thing, there’s literally dozens of others, that married heterosexuals don’t even think about, they are a given (hospital visitation, estate planning and on and on). That’s why gays and lesbians *want* full marriage rights–it’s pathetic to work off a premise of “OK, we’ll give you part of it and work out the rest later”. It doesn’t work that way and it’s a stupid way to do it to begin with not only because there’s ALWAYS a reason not to dole out the rest of the rights, but it’s insane to set up something that actually causes more problems than it solves.

But that’s all theory anyway, because that scumbag Bill “5 inch cock that bends” Clinton couldn’t wait to sign DOMA, which states the federal government “may not treat same-sex relationships as marriages for any purpose, even if concluded or recognized by one of the states”.


Arky’s point is well taken, but in the gay Republicans case, there’s the added factor of: “OK, God punished me by making me want to have sex with Tom Brady instead of Giselle Bundchen, but if I vote GOP, maybe God won’t be so angry. Oh, and lower taxes”.

Maybe there is some guilt involved but I’ve never heard anyone say “I vote R because I don’t want God to hate me.” (I’m not including those nutbars who say they’ve been “cured.”) The whole “self-loathing” label gives the self-loathee free pass to be an asshole “Aww poor thing. He’s unhappy because society is full of shitheads.” No, based on close observation he’s a selfish, self-centered asshole who’d be a selfish self-centered asshole if society had to kiss his ass everyday.

It’s easier to take people at their word, so you’re spot on when you mention lower taxes, because class is a huge factor. I see the same thing with wealthy African-Americans who vote R. “I Got Mine, Fuck You!” Some vote R because they want to save the fetuses. Or they’re homophobes. And of course, there are tons of people who regularly vote for the party that has been screwing them over for years: Poor Caucasians. Why? Because the Democrats want to take your guns and give all your jobs to horny Mexican illegals, make you marry Osama bin Laden and make you drive one of them tiny Asian cars!

And by God, they keep voting for the same guys who screwed them over last year. Does that make sense? Only if you’re kind of dim-witted and the party is also promising the voter something that they think is very important. So if someone says they’re voting for McPalintine because they want lower taxes, take their word for it, tell them they’re an idiot, point out who will really get lower taxes or just go find some not selfish people to hang out with.


Just because it’s funny, Gov. Palin endorses the Obama energy plan.


What about all the unmarried couples, straight or gay, that miss out on the rights of marriage because they don’t want/can’t have that label?

The privileges of marriage are an issue for straight people too. Lots of people don’t want a marriage because of the religious and social baggage it carries, but still want civil rights as a co-habiting couple.

I think the solution is simple.. Go through each and every one of those 1300 or so specific rights, and either get rid of them, or change them to apply to all couples.

I think the “next of kin” issue should be as simple as adding a line to your will, or filling in a form. If you say you want person X to be considered your next of kin for inheritance and hospital visitation purposes, that ought to be your right.. Whether you are gay, straight, or even in a sexual relationship with the person you want to put down as your next of kin.

The tax benefits? Should be given to all adults who share their household and money. Why should the taxman know or care who you fuck? If you share a bank account with someone, that is all they need to know.

“Marriage” should be a religious/personal ceremony, not a legal status that cannot be achieved any other way. That is the only way to keep it pure, the only way to stop it being compromised by worldly concerns. De-construct the institution into its component parts, then everyone can pick and choose what parts suit their relationship.

I know this idea sounds scary to most people. But it can be a gradual process. No “gay marriage”. No “civil unions”. No loaded language, no nasty debates… Just introduce rights, one by one, for everyone who enters into the necessary legal contract. Eventually, signing a dozen declarations and contracts would be the same thing as marriage, but far more flexible, and far more suited to protect the full range of modern relationships.

Then once everyone has the same rights, what to call a relationship is a social question, not a legal one. You can call it what you want, Fred Phelps can call it what he wants, but it won’t change the rights you have.


To say that Governor Palin has acquired some sort of valuable experience because she “commands” the Alaska National Guard is a bit of a stretch. It is actually run on a day-to-day basis within Alaska by a career military adjutant general. And within Alaska, its chief function is rescue operations. Check out their website, which includes these highlights:

8/20/08 Alaska Air Guardsmen Respond to Rollover on Dalton Highway
8/19/08 Alaska National Guard Rescues Climber off Mount Marathon
8/7/08 Alaska National Guard Rescues Injured Climber
7/29/08 Man Falls Off Cabin, Saved By Alaska Guardsmen

When the Alaska National Guard is in deployed to Iraq or elsewhere in combat, it is under federal command.

Try to spin it as you will, Governor Palin was mayor of a city with about as many occupants as the first 60 floors of the Sears Tower, and governor of a state with about as many people as Indianapolis. Her third biggest credential is that she was a member of the PTA. And her fourth biggest is that she was a runner-up for Miss Alaska. This is the best the GOP can do?


All of you need to move to Canada visit Massachusetts where you can get married and be married like any other married people.

Though that DOMA Catch-22 is some serious bullshit.

Thanks for the quick rundown on the facts, Henry.

Who’s best on this issue (individual pol, org, etc.)?


All of you need to move to Canada visit Massachusetts or California

Who’s best on this issue?

Gavin Newsom. There, I said it.


Wow, awesome gay smears, Sadly No! Way to go!


How are we smearing gays?


Oh HW, don’t you know that if you say anything negative about a ReThug, it is a smear based on something that has nothing to do with the ReThug’s ReThugishness?

I distinctly recall the reflexive squeals of “Homophobe!” when Foley Follies initially broke. Yep. People weren’t upset because Mr. Missing & Exploited Children Sponsor was hitting on minors and other ReThugs were covering for him; they just wanted to do a little gay bashing.

Trust me, if Clarence Thomas were caught beating homeless vets to death with a tire iron, anyone who objected would be a racist.


Trust me, if Clarence Thomas were caught beating homeless vets to death with a tire iron, anyone who objected would be a racist.

He has not yet been caught.


I don’t know, you guys. I think I kind of love her — in a way that has nothing to do with actually liking her, or respecting her as a person. It’s sort of the same way I love ultra-campy one-shot Doctor Who villains.

Which is to say, I’d just as soon vote for this thing.


Audrey Hepburn wouldn’t have been caught dead with that tacky ass Palin up-do. For shame!


What a riveting thread…


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