Shaggy McClellan
Shaggy tells it like it is:
Q: USA Today says the Education Department paid a TV commentator, Armstrong Williams, about a quarter million dollars to promote No Child Left. And in a related matter, the GAO found yesterday the drug policy office broke federal law by using taxpayer money for covert, “propaganda,” with made for TV story packages. Are these practices that you condone?
MR. McCLELLAN: On the first one, that was a decision by the Department of Education, and a contracting matter. So you ought to direct those questions to the Department of Education. I know the headline said that the White House — basically implied that it was the White House, and it wasn’t. If you read the story — if you read the story, it pointed that out.
He learned from the best.
Well of course they know nothing, It’s called steadfast Resolute steely eyed leadership, IGnorance truly is bliss
Cue Bart Simpson: It wasn’t me!
Once again the “responsibility president” shifts the blame.
the Education Department paid a TV commentator, Armstrong Williams, about a quarter million dollars to promote No Child Left
Also known as the King Herod Initiative.
The Buck stops in Armstrong’s pocket.