Shorter Mark Levin
Posted on August 30th, 2008 by Brad
Two Corner posts wrapped into one Shorter:
- If I can just keep talking and use a whole lot of words over the span of several paragraphs, I might convince people that Sarah Palin is the most qualified person in American history ever to seek the office of the vice-presidency.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Nobody tell the proprietors that it’s Saturday.
They seem to have forgotten…
Shorter every reichtard re: Palin:
“Shit sandwich! Tastes GREAT!”
mikey – i know, but this is too bizarre for me to ignore. Even if I were sitting on a beach today, I’d probably still be laughing about how weird this campaign has become.
The best way to frame McCain’s selection of Palin is simple: she is a “trophy pick.” It goes to the heart of both McCain’s strategy for winning the presidency and his view of women.
Here’s a scary thought: Gerald Ford was far more qualified to be VP than Palin, but he’s remembered as being a close second to GW Bush as the worst GOP president.
Nah, I wouldn’t go there if I were the Obama campaign — they want to exploit any residual feelings of resentment from Hillary supporters. I’d avoid gender language completely here.
Shorter shorter:
Shit! YUM!
As commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard, Sarah Palin understands that work doesn’t necessarily stop on a weekend.
As Commander of the Alaska National Guard, Sarah Palin gets more crazy right wing stuff done by 8 am than George W. Bush Jr. does all day before his Nintendo session.
Deep thought: Insofar as appearance is a predictor for success, Mark looks really stoned in that picture.
I am dying to know exactly what actions Gov. Palin has taken as “CIC of the Alaskan Nat’l Guard”. Because I am willing to give extremely long odds that the answer ranges between “zero” and “reviewed a memo from the NG head”. Indeed, it seems like a great topic for an enterprising journalist…..
As Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard, Sarah Palin heroically directed the outnumbered and outgunned Helicopter Sniper Corps against wily wolven infiltrators from Canada.
As Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard, Sarah Palin has been at the front lines of the battle against our two greatest enemies — Canada and Russia.
As Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard, Sarah Palin commanded submarine strikes against the submerged remnants of the Bering Land Bridge to Nowhere.
I am dying to know exactly what actions Gov. Palin has taken as “CIC of the Alaskan Nat’l Guard”.
Palin: Why do we have so few National Guard members out sandbagging the Tanana River? That thing is going to crest soon. I know we have more reservists than that. Where the hell are they?
Aide: They’re in Iraq, Madame Governor.
I nominate WP as the target of the next front in the War against Terror and Comment-Deletion.
Alaska has nuclear missiles, doesn’t it? With Commander-in-Chief Palin in charge of the breakaway-minded Republic of Alaskastan, delicate diplomacy is in order!
It just occured to me that she’s not even the most qualified woman to seek the office of the Vice Presidency.
There is a lot of real estate on that forehead. Seems a shame it has to go to waste.
mikey – i know, but this is too bizarre for me to ignore. Even if I were sitting on a beach today, I’d probably still be laughing about how weird this campaign has become.
I woke up this morning and thought I’d dreamed the Palin thing. The presidential campaign has become a reality tv show.
Wolcott, as usual, has Palin pegged:
If she were running for Congress, she’d be a perfectly credible, fully accessorized mediocrity
I woke up this morning and thought I’d dreamed the Palin thing. The presidential campaign has become a reality tv show.
I was sitting with the partner in a Coney Island yesterday at lunch. The place was packed and we were sitting close to an older gentleman who was by himself. CNN was on the T.V., volume quite low, and the P. and I were talking and not really paying attention. Suddenly, the OG turned to me and said, “Hey, did you hear what they said on TV? I didn’t catch it all”
I said, “No, I wasn’t paying attention.” I focused on the TV and saw McCain blathering away with a woman not Cindy standing nearby.
He said, “McCain picked his vice president. I think it’s that woman but I don’t recognize her.”
All three of us are now riveted to the screen. “Oh, it’s Sarah Palin!” he said, sounding utterly bewildered.
“Who the hell is that?” I asked. “It’s supposed to be Romney.”
“Governor of Alaska,” muses the gentleman. “She’s the governor of Alaska.” We all sat pondering.
“I was sure it would be Mittens,” I said. There seemed nothing else to say.
“Shit sandwich! Tastes GREAT!”
Oh, I don’t know about that. This sandwich seems to be pretty well full up on shit.
There is a lot of real estate on that forehead.
What are you proposing, Noen? IMAX projection? A “This Space for Rent” sign?
I’m kind of surprised the fReichtards haven’t taken the easy way out:
“She’d only be the VP. Are you suggesting that John McPOW is going to die you ageist bastards?!”
If I didn’t know better I’d think they’re trying to reassure themselves that this is a great idea. Like they’re nervous or unsettled or something.
whatever happened to rule #1 in the how to be a proper christian, conservative woman rulebook: when you have kids quit your job and stay at home and be a mother?
just as long as youre anti abortion and commander of the alaska national guard i suppose tyou get a pass.
Chiasmus of the moment:
Shortest Mark Levin:
Michael said,
Chiasmus of the moment:
Quite apart from the chiasmus, that picture has a real American Gothic vibe.
[…] joy with which Greater Wingnuttia has greeted the nomination of Sarah Palin (see for example here, here, et passim), whose qualifications for the presidency, by the measure of the completely […]