Fixing The Internet
Posted on August 29th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Darn it, there’s simply always something on this Internet that needs fixing.
Darn it, there’s simply always something on this Internet that needs fixing.
(comments are closed)
And a pony!
Too perfect!
I hope you blanched it before you put it in the freezer.
“Her kids are named Willow, Track, Trig, Piper, and Bristol.”
There’s a goldmine in there. I don’t even know where to begin drilling.
Is it just me, or does McCain look a whole lot like Senator Palpatine in the original photo?
Heh, indeed!
man, this is the fix the internets required.
I thought you were going to put her in the weinermobile!
Now that would be kind of freudian or something…
Sarah Palin : Vice-Presidency :: Clarence Thomas : Supreme Court
I want to know what you’re doing with the wiener mobile.
“Her kids are named Willow, Track, Trig, Piper, and Bristol.”
There’s a goldmine in there. I don’t even know where to begin drilling.
What road signs was she banged under?
I’ll take idiotic Republican names for $400.
Teh awesome.
Sarah Palin:
Yeah, uh, because we wouldn’t want a VP that thinks globally, or nationally, or anything like that.
It’ll make a great campaign slogan:
Sarah Palin, the Vice-President Alaskans need!
I want to know what you’re doing with the wiener mobile.
What can’t you do with the weiner mobile?
You can be anything you want when you grow up. Even President!
It’s the details in the fixings that I love so. Pork rinds and Mahjong?! That is teh funneh forever. And what’s with the zz top guitars randomly placed on the palette?
Gavin is my hero.
Mike Gravel inspects the Alaskan political scene.
OT: Why is Sadly, No! shutting down John Cole’s speech? Stop censoring Balloon Juice!
(Based on the Alkon Theory of Internets Accessibility, I’m assuming it’s S,N! that’s responsible.)
Oooh, weinermobile. Is that the slightly-curved talk express?
John McCain does not want to win but he can’t possibly just come out and say that.
What’s with all the insurance links from
Also OT: That Real American banner up there? It’s a cross country bus tour brought to you by Fox News. Coincidentally, they’ll be in St. Paul at the same time as the RNC, so you can share your story with them. One Nation United, indeed!
Could you meet Fran Drescher? Possibly. Kelly Preston? Most possibly! Some other people you’ve never heard of? Very probably! Are you a Republican with a heart-warming or -wrenching story to tell, or an anecdote about Barack Obama smoking crack and masturbating in your basement? Tell it to Fox News during the RNC!
Sarah Palin: The first brunette John McCain ever looked at twice.
LOLOLOL! McCaniacs are raving about the Power Palin, Johnny Mac’s about to get a huge boost in the polls, the Cool Coach has downed you a SPREAD of TRUTH, and all you do is playtime on the Photoshop! LOLOLOL! You’re runnin scared, loony libs! Peep and weep: Pinch me. Yes! Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska, will be on the ticket.
She’s got it all. She’s a strong fiscal conservative, a champion of transparency and accountability in government, a leader capable of leading the charge on a sane and practical energy policy that involves drilling where experts believe there’s oil. She is, too, a strong pro-life believer who is unquestionably true to her convictions. She and her husband knew that their child would be born with Down’s syndrome — and they did not choose to end his life by abortion.
This is a gutsy call on John McCain’s part. She has no more credibility on national security and foreign policy issues than does Barack Obama. But we are talking here about the under-card. As vice preident, she’ll have an opportunity for seasoning.
The prospect that the first woman in the White House will be a conservative is a hallelujah moment. Yes!
Ding dong dilly, libs! You just got put in your place by the Cool Coach once again!
Why is Sadly, No! shutting down John Cole’s speech?
Yeah! I’ve been curious to see Cole’s take on a lot of the things going on recently, seeing as he’s a turncoat Republican and all that. But his site has been fuxx0red lately.
Srsly, you guys. Knock it off.
McCain’s medical records from 2000 to 2008: 1,173 pages.
Palin’s CV: 2 pages?
Please add a tee-shirt that reads “My womb belongs to the state” to the little girl.
Then it will be double-plus good.
[…] can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here […]
I’ve never heard this woman speak. Does her voice match that vapid “Bambi porn” visual ?
Ding dong dilly, libs! You just got put in your place by the Cool Coach once again!
The fix is less creepy than the original.
Here’s what we’re going to see from now until November:
Old infirm guy standing next to Obama.
Old infirm guy standing next to Palin.
It will be impossible to look at him and not think MY GOD HOW IS HE STILL BREATHING?!
Heckuvajob, Powie.
The wienermobile, Captain America, and the “Legs” guitars. I’m sure there’s a message in there somewhere, I just don’t know what it is.
Starbucks did $6.6 billion in the US for 2007.
That’s either a LOT of elitists or the handful of elites are using their double venti soy whatchamacallits to fill their swimming pools.
My wife pointed out that there’s no way that Hillary is going to allow another woman – especially a Republican – to be the first female President. (Which she will be if McCain wins – he won’t survive a term). Her words were “the Clintons will now release the Kraken!”
Hey Coach…you’re fired.
The thing that took time was changing the TPM logo — and no one noticed!
Well,Coach, you seem to have some interesting poiGET OUT
I’m calling real Bucket. I can’t imagine anyone else who’d be willing to read Jim Wooten.
So.. Palin. Can’t say I was really expecting it, but it makes some degree of sense. She is just about the last female GOP politician left.
What a complete nobody though! It is going to take a while to find anything for attack ads beyond pointing out the obvious.. shes a bush lover. Hey, that’s a good turn of phrase. Political smear by association with lesbian undertones! that’s a start.
Lack of experience cuts both ways. She hasn’t really had time for any high profile cock ups yet! Though being GOP, im sure she has some history of fucking up.
Really though, it says a lot that Mcain COULDN’T find a running mate with any real experience. All of his top options were former nominees, and nobody likes having to pick a former nominee as veep, after fighting against them in the primary (and their dirty laundry already nicely aired by your own campaign)
So Mcain is old, has no stage presence, no inspirational qualities, and doesn’t have any economics experience, which is a bad thing. So he needs a relatively youthful, dynamic, and popular economics expert as veep. Oh wait.. the GOP doesn’t have any of those!
So instead he gets stuck with a nobody that has ovaries. That is her only selling point. Ovaries. Hey, if is good enough for hillary, it is good enough for WALNUTS!
She is just about the last female GOP politician left.
Pink Sugar is hurt.
Got any pictures of McCain in a helicopter chasing a weary Palin mercilessly thru the arctic tundra until she falls from exhaustion? At this point he doesn’t have to shoot her, he can just ‘tap’ her as his running ‘mate’.
Palin may be young and hot, but she’s still one sick fuck.
I noticed.
Gavin, seriously, it was the FIRST thing I noticed.
I seriously think that McCain picked Palin because he thought she was Tina Fey. “Hey, let’s pick that chick from Saturday Night Live!”
Bravo for Senator McCain! Sarah Palin is an excellent choice for VP and one who will certainly energize the Conservative base.
She is a staunch Conservative and is strong on one very important issue where McCain is weak, border security. It is my hope that she will be McCain’s Conservative concience on this most decisive issue of our National Security.
It looks to me now that Obamanation’s misguided hopes of turning Alaska blue this election day just went from misguided to not a chance in hell.
I’m looking forward to all the weeping and wailing of the far-left once their sainted messiah is crushed this election. Obama bin Biden is going down to the ash heap of history along with McGovern and Dukakias.
Yeah, Gavin, I’m all about the talking pants.
“the Clintons will now release the Kraken!”
That’s another thing. If McPOW thinks Palin can deflect any and all attacks by shouting “SEXIST!” what will happen when Clinton, Pelosi and all of the other women in the Democratic Party come after her?
Hell, the come backs are laughably easy. “McCain/the GOP has a strange definition of sexism. They’ve called me [Fill in the blank with Hillary/Pelosi hate spew] and that wasn’t sexism. I merely asked about Palin’s experience and they’re crying like babies.”
Man, I need a smoke just thinking about how good this is gonna be.
The thing that took time was changing the TPM logo — and no one noticed!
Also Windows. HAHAHAHAHA Gavin you kidder.
So I now expect the always-consistent GOP to raise the spectre of “affirmative action” and “pandering to the PC crowd” because they picked a non-male for the ticket.
Oh. No. Wait. I forgot. She’s a Republican, so it’s totally diffferent.
For some reason.
Sisterhood of the Talking Pants?
ash heap of history
Beware of ice picks.
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson sniffles in your general direction.
Okay, forget Pink Sugar.
Snowe, Collins and Hutchison were probably too “liberal” but I don’t know what happened to Elizabeth Dole. I’m guessing she must have said no.
That wasn’t very nice, Gavin. Their real promotional stills are bad enough.
Is this thing on?
As I was saying, Gavin, that’s really not very nice of you, especially when you consider just how bad the real McCain/Palin campaign materials are.
Rude, vulgar, tasteless & low.
Bravo, man! BRAVO!
Encore, encore!
OT and via CT for those interested in truthiness:
A U.S. Army sergeant outed as a murderer in today’s NYT seems to be the same one that led the unit involved in last years New Republic / Beauchamp controversy. Then he denied atrocities Beauchamp reported on.
consider just how bad the real McCain/Palin campaign materials are.
But when he smiles to find her near — the years, they seem to vanish from his face…
Oh, I notice the Talking Pants thing and liked it. I just thought it was part of some other project. Strange how the mind groups things.
I mentioned this in the VPILF thread, so here I’ll just to all you DFHs, check Palin and the polar bears. The “We have other studies and other evidence line” they used to justify suing the Department of Interior is classic global climate change denier rhetoric.
Oh, I notice the Talking Pants thing and liked it. I just thought it was part of some other project. Strange how the mind groups things.
I mentioned this in the VPILF thread, so here I’ll just say to all you DFHs, check Palin and the polar bears. The “We have other studies and other evidence line” they used to justify suing the Department of Interior is classic global climate change denier rhetoric.
“the Clintons will now release the Kraken!”
Love this.
Someone (Greenwald?) should make one of those Ken Burns-like bio films like the one about Obama they showed last night: still photos with pans and pull-backs, voiceovers, period music, inserted stock footage, etc., of McSame’s real life story.
V/O: …but when he saw that his wife was a shadow of her former self, McCaine refused to let that limit him. He began dating…
Word Press loves me so, it posted my comment twice in the same minute.
She is just about the last female GOP politician left.
He should have gone with Amy Alkon.
Somebody named Palin from Alaska? The only way the McCain campaign could conjure up even more images of whiteness is if he goes with Snowy McGhosty from Antartica as Secretary of State.
In Palin’s defense, there is no doubt that she really is a woman.
Blanche Mayonnaise from the great state of White-a-rado.
Plus, Amy Alkon would constantly be calling Obama at 3 a.m. and freaking the f*ck out, which might prove a little embarassing.
The fact is, I wanna know why Gavin was trying to find a picture of the fake bigfoot in the freezer.
My second favorite blog, the McCain Blog, reprints the campaign’s press release about Palin, who is identified as “the head of Alaska’s National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself.” So yes, we can expect a lot of wrapping of selves in the POW/Army Mom mantle.
In the comments we find a director in the making. Meet HeraRepublican (at 2:16PM on 8/29/08):
Hera, get your people to talk to the
McCainMaverick/Maverick campaign people, and let’s make this thing happen.But for sheer wingnut energy, you gotta like NativeFlower2 (at 2:38PM on 8/29/08).
Dancing to Daddy Yankee’s “Gasolina,” no doubt.
Whitey McNotABlackGuy from Heartland, USA
Krazee Kat Harris. Michelle Bachmann Turner Overdrive.
Oh wait, you meant last female GOP pol who isn’t known for being batshit loony.
Bush is excited about the pick and called her a “proven reformer”.
Ivory O’Alabaster, albino ambassador to the North Pole?
Somebody named Palin from Alaska?
“Pale and Palin.”
Marsha Mallow from East Albinohoma.
Palingenesis, n.: In philosophy and natural science, formerly applied spec. to the (supposed) regeneration of living organisms from ashes or putrefying matter. (OED)
Amy Alkon reared her head on a post at The Consumerist today, in a 5,000 word comment about how she sued a crank caller. We were all very impressed, I can tell you.
Courtesy of commenter Halloween Jack at Alicublog, this bit of deliciousness:
Chalkley Creampaper from Milkbone, Snowglobia?
You LIE-brals are gonna be SO sorry when she gives birth to the Terminator!
So, over the course of those 5,000 words, did she ever resolve the question of whether or not she was a tranny?
Wannie Blank from Wonderbread, Caucasia.
Mliquetoast Mainstream JustLikeYou the Third from Lower Blandsville, NoMinoritiesLand
Palingenesis, n.: …
That is too too perfect. I also love the related term metempsychosis.
Sarah Palin = ah, is NRA pal
Vanilla Pallid from Pearlie, Frostizona.
Let’s see — Palin is a global warming denier and social conservative who served one term in the undemanding governorship of a geographically large, oil-producing state…Christ, they nominated George W. Bush with tits.
Casper Cottonball from Antifrisco, Heartlandia.
She’s a plucky young moose-eating beauty queen, he’s a former P.O.W. with a thirst for revenge – together They Fight Crime!
At your local comic book store every second Tuesday of the month, it’s Plain Jane & McSame, Crusaders for Justice!
You need to watch the interview where she keeps using the word “kewl.” This is turning into a rout, a turkey shoot.
V/O: …but when he saw that his wife was a shadow of her former self, McCaine refused to let that limit him. He began dating…
And now that Cindy has hit the wall,,,,
Social Democrat: Christ, they nominated George W. Bush with tits.
Or – given the creationism, kids, and athleticism – Michelle Bachmann on steroids and fertility drugs, but prettier.
Annabelle Anemia from Albinoid, Alabama
Y’know, with the great speeches coming out of the DNC convention this past week, McCain’s obviously desperate pick of Palin as VP, and the GOP saying that they might delay their convention due to hurricanes in a location that is not even remotely affected by hurricanes, this country deserves to suffer if McCain wins. Seriously.
Heeeeerrreee Clinton supporters. Nice and slow. That’s right, reeeeeelll ’em in, all casual-like.
Get the net and club ready.
Maybe it’s just that one picture, but you can see the vapid, thoughtless, chihuahua-like mind in the eyes of Palin.
Though, to be fair, Teletubbies DID just come on the tee vee.
bah, that was me.
I can’t help but think that this pick is really about raising her profile for ’12.
That and it’ll get the Young Republican males all “excited” about the election…
Do they make Ted Stevens rubber face masks?
If I were a vagrant, I’d get one and combine it with a polar bear costume bottom, n make with the fun.
That and it’ll get the Young Republican males all “excited” about the election…
I’m kinda surprised they didn’t just say frak it all and nominate Coulter.
i have 13 comments awaiting moderation and one obvious spam.
why the fuck does it keep changing its mind on my posts?
the fuck
But that one, mit die schwearing, goes through.
…due to hurricanes in a location that is not even remotely affected by hurricanes…
Per Google Maps, Minneapolis is only 1220 miles away from New Orleans, while Phoenix – where the McSame birthday party went on during Katrina – is 1520 miles away.
We’re getting some sense of what Republicans consider a minimum safe distance from hurricanes.
You need to watch the interview where she keeps using the word “kewl.”
Wait……………did she say she was anti-Moonshine???? That pretty much means she’s a tax and spend LIE-bral, looking to control backwoods stills with Gestapo black helicopters! John McCain, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE????
Maverick/Maverick in 2008, or just Jack Palance ’08 for short.
It sure is a good thing that no one cares about flip-flopping anymore:
The thought which arises.. Palin is essentially going to be president if Mcain wins. Just shout “charlie in the treetops!” and slam the door hard and she is president.
How is dear old Hillary going to react? She was supposed to be the first female president. Cat fight time!
Seriously, this has the benefit of making the Clintons into much stronger Obama supporters. Whilst the GOP strategy is to mop up those Clinton cultist votes, that isn’t very clever.. They are vocal, but a really tiny minority now. And Hillary herself is going to fight that strategy tooth and nailpolish.
What do you think? plausible?
That’s right, Rugged in Montana. As she states in the interview, she canned her public safety commissioner in part because he didn’t go after bootlegging hard enough. And then she went and offered him the job of executive director of Alaska’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, because in his previous position he didn’t go after bootlegging hard enough.
Now, that’s some sublime trolling right there.
I was just watching some of the coverage of Palin’s nomination, and my partner perfectly summed up the mood I’m sensing: “It’s like when Marisa Tomei won the Oscar.”
Remember the weird mood after Tomei won and everybody wasn’t sure if she’d really won. or if dotty old Jack Palance had screwed up in reading the results? Watching CNN’s coverage, at least, it does feel a lot like that.
Amy Whatshername has found her soulmate: Big Tent Democrat.
Someone made the mistake of asking BTD/Alkon why he thinks Jim Clyburn was a disgrace. He wanted evidence from BTD to prove his claims.
Uh Oh!
by Big Tent Democrat on Thu Aug 28, 2008 at 08:28:33 PM EST
Are you a freaking buffoon?
I wrote about it in REAL TIME at this blog.
That you are ignorant of this is not my freaking problem.
Do not ever comment in my threads again.
Ever. I am damn serious.
But being the sweetheart that he is, BTD/Alkon eventually brings the goods, but not without a tonguelashing, a little finger waggin’ and a warning to stay on topic.
Some joyful sight that TalkLeft.
In light of Palin’s speech this morning, may I be the first to suggest that we refer to her in the future as “Alaska National Guard Commander Palin”?
Didn’t bring the wienermobile, but gotz a burger!
Bleach DuBois of Abominable, Snowballia.
As she states in the interview, she canned her public safety commissioner in part because he didn’t go after bootlegging hard enough.
Bootlegging? Praise Be Unto the FSM if the Republicans can make bootlegging into an issue.
“Refuse to Choose” is a real winner of a slogan for Republicans.
Well, Number One Observatory Circle, actually. But who’s counting when you’re as high as this guy?
Well, Number One Observatory Circle, actually.
[Eyes McCain, eyes watch.]
(heh), Indeedy!
“Would you like paper or plastic?”
“I…I Refuse to Choose!!!”
McCain’s Admiral Stockdale moment has arrived.
The photoshop is great, but the actual pitcture looks like McCain just goosed her. Either that, or he’s about to bite her ear off.
I didn’t know Canadians border jumping into Alaska was, well, an actual issue.
Er, “picture.” Damn, not even drunk yet.
It’s the Polar bears, actually.
Remember Troopergate?
Well, Coach, you just earned yourself about a dozen McCainiac Points™. Saving up for that McCain Ball Bag, are we?
As she states in the interview, she canned her public safety commissioner in part because he didn’t go after bootlegging hard enough.
McCain can kiss the hillbilly and NASCAR votes goodbye.
Those sets do intersect. Like southern cousins.
Oh, and incidentally, Windows Vista suxxorz.
How is dear old Hillary going to react? She was supposed to be the first female president. Cat fight time! … And Hillary herself is going to fight … tooth and nailpolish.
What do you think?
I think you sound like a sexist jerkwad.
“I think you sound like a sexist jerkwad.”
And? What does it matter what I SOUND like?
I loved Punky as a kid. Personally, I think Punky would have been pro-choice.
Also, couldn’t Fox have found just one picture of McPalin together at some point? Quite the cozy team they’ve got there.
And? What does it matter what I SOUND like?
Does it not matter to YOU what you sound like?
Also, couldn’t Fox have found just one picture of McPalin together at some point?
They did.
She’s the original Maverique! Here she is not with Ted Stevens, in two parts.
Also, couldn’t Fox have found just one picture of McPalin together at some point? Quite the cozy team they’ve got there.
If CNN can be believed (I know, I know), apparently McCain met with Palin exactly once. In February.
Not like he met with her once to confirm that she was his VP pick– they said it sounded like from what they’d been told that McCain met with her precisely once. Ever.
I for one am appalled by the absence of palindrome jokes.
And please no palinodes, because we don’t like no flip-flops.
“Does it not matter to YOU what you sound like?”
What? HERE? surrounded by comedy trolls, offensive jokes, dripping sarcasm, and all manners of insincerity.. I’d be confused if anyone took anything I said at face value.
None the less, Hillary is going to kick Palins arse. No question.
McCain and Palin= Manic Panic Land.
(which is pretty much what the country would be were they elected)
[…] can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here […]
From Ace:
You go, Ace.
“None the less, Hillary is going to kick Palins arse. No question.”
She already did in congratulating her today.
I agree with Mz N on the jerkwad thing.
[…] Link here. […]
In five months it’ll be all of them, goober.
because we don’t like no flip-flops.
What, do you just go barefoot all the time in the summer?
What do you do when you have to walk on hot sand or asphalt?
Flip-flops are essential…
My my. Our first Bacon and PlaDoh Vice President.
Except, just like Cindy, she’s hitched her wagon to a brown dwarf…
Anchorage Daily News – March 2008
What changed her mind?
1) During the last year, Saturday Night Live boss Lorne Michaels donates the top legal amount he can to John McCain’s campaign…
2) …McCain nominates as VP a woman who absolutely screams out be comically portrayed by Tina Fey…
3) …Forcing Tina Fey to return to SNL for frequent guest appearances?
Quid pro quo?
Ah, now the pieces of the McCain/Palin jigsaw puzzle begin to fall oh-so-neatly into place.
What if this is just a psych of the part of McCain. If he can get the Democrats to run around dissing Palin’s obvious lack of experience, and then swap her for someone more appropriate, all the democrats’ arguments about how important experience is will come back to bite them on their asses. That would suck. I think CH at FDL suggested going after her for things other than experience.
What changed her mind?
Sheer charisma.
So . . . what business is your daddy in, sweetheart?
From Ace:
Gee, and I thought two years of high elected office was all an exciting and charismatic newcomer needed to pass the experience threshold.
Still no word on how many National Guard troops Barack Obama commands.
Yes, she’s practically Xena. You go, Ace. Please, please go.
Wingnuts – can’t live with them, can’t slam sense into them with a hammer hurled into their collective head from space.
Bliekker, I don’t think he is going to swap veeps. That really IS a sign of a doomed campaign. The speculation about what fuckup could be so big it needs a change of running mate would drown out any “har har back atcha” stuff about the importance of experience.
I think he chose her because she was the least tainted of a very very sketchy lot of people. That, and because she is nothing like dick cheney, which has to reassure a lot of people.
What if this is just a psych of the part of McCain.
Ohmigod, what if “Sarah Palin” is just another one of Rudy Giuliani’s drag personas?
In the middle of the VP’s convention speech, he’s gonna whip off the wig.
Emails? Lake, big lake.
McCain was a Navy pilot. I think the first time he saw “charlie” was when they pulled him out of the last plane he crashed.
I don’t know if his heart is a problem, but he’s had several bouts of skin cancer. Maybe he needs someone to carry around the sunblock.
I…I…see it now….
You guys have opened my eyes…
Yes…it’s becoming clear…
Erm, that’s your nominee talking right there.
Ned Flanders is the “Cool Coach”?
That’s it!
Ace is a parody.
There is no other explanation for this.
[…] can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here […]
[…] can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here […]
And from the comments over at Ace’s hole of Fun:
You just really can’t make this stuff up.
Vintage Ace. Thanks Fadgeophile. This part probably best sum up his entire past, present and future “career” as an A-list conservative blogger –
“Corrections Galore! I’m told that Obama is 47, not 44, and Illinois State Senate districts are 200,000 or so strong.
So while my facts may be off, my conclusions still stand, obviously. If anything, my conclusions are stronger now.”
Too rich for words. Salty tears of laughter roll off my cheeks.
You’re wrong about Ace being a parody, in fact, because you’re so wrong, your assumption that he is a parody is in fact true.
Guys, she’s a married woman. Is talking about jacking off to her pic really appropriate?
He’s got a point. She’s a little long in the tooth.
Also, am I crazy?
FYWP you little minx.
The fact is, :-/
Sarah Palin : Vice-Presidency ::
Clarence ThomasHarriet Meirs : Supreme CourtStill no word on how many National Guard troops Barack Obama commands.
And how many State Troopers has he fired, eh?
And how many State Troopers has he fired, eh?
He doesn’t fire people, Smut Clyde, he has them killed. Have you been following along at all?!?
Troopergate ringing any bells?
He doesn’t fire people, Smut Clyde, he has them killed.
It’s so… so… inspiring when he has people killed, like he’s really going to change the nature of offing opponents.
The fact is, I love Ace’s readership.
He doesn’t fire people, Smut Clyde, he has them killed.
I read that Palin had the trooper thrown from the top floor of an igloo, but the files have since mysteriously vanished.
Also, couldn’t Fox have found just one picture of McPalin together at some point?
They did.
Holy FSM. She’s young enough to be his wife.
When Palin was mayor of Wasilla, she racked up almost $20 million in debt for a town of 6,000-7,000 people. That’s around $3,000 for every man, woman and child.
Sound like more of the same from the “party of fiscal responsibility”. The more I learn about her, the more it seems like the only way McCain could’ve picked a worse candidate is if he went with Ted Stevens or Larry Craig.
Well, it made the stupidest level of the right-wing happier than I had imagined it would. I guess McCain knows something I don’t. OTOH, given McCain’s age and health there would be about a one in five chance of seeing President Palin run the country and that’s totally fucking terrifying.
Gavin, I want you to know that I’m heartened by your acknowledgment of Dr. Lippisch’s contributions to aeronautics.
Sort of like a female version of George W. Bush.
“So while my facts may be off, my conclusions still stand, obviously. If anything, my conclusions are stronger now.”
Indeed, it’s central to his point.
The choice of Sarah Palin is a pretty clever way to get a favorable mention on the Colbert Report with the accompanying boost in poll numbers.
Efforts like yelling “freeze” before shooting them from a helicopter. Get it? Freeze? Because they’re in the Frozen North? Haw, haw!
Well, it made the stupidest level of the right-wing happier than I had imagined it would.
Likely her anti-choice stance. Isn’t it adorable how even after 8 years of Republican control that scam still works?
BTW, you can show a little love for WaPo AND the insane blog TGW by posting your comment at the following:
Yes, that’s right! Washington Post quotes TGW in a post re: Palin pick and Hillary “supporters.” It’s two (clap) two (clap) two opportunities to vent in one!
And that’s all I’m sayin’ anymore about TGW, except that it’s now nothing more than a chat room for a handful of rage-deranged old lesbos with severe mental problems and no lives whatsoever. With all due respect to lesbians, many of my friends of whom are.
Dear Advice Goddess,
I’m a working mother with five beautiful children, the last born just a few months ago with Down syndrome. I’ve just been offered some kind of high-profile political job in Washington, D.C. I’m not too sure what the job is all about, but I’m concerned that this assignment might interfere with my ability to raise my kids properly. On the other hand, all my friends in the Republican Party think that if I take this job, it’ll do wonders to advance good old-fashioned Christian values in the U.S.
What should I do?
– Sarah Palin (Mrs.)
Dear Mrs. (yeah, right) Palin,
Oh, pull the other one, you career-hungry bitch. Selfish “feminists” like you make me want to puke. Don’t you realize that your children are THE MOST important things in your life, and infinitely more valuable than any j—
oh, wait, did you say “Christian values”? Well, that’s OK then. God bless!
Best wishes,
Well, this might make everyone uncomfortable, but Punky Brewster is now fucking HAWT.
Likely her anti-choice stance. Isn’t it adorable how even after 8 years of Republican control that scam still works?
Yeah well, they’re on thin ice now. The last thing they actually want is to WIN that fight. The people want abortion to be safe and legal. In overwhelming numbers. If they succeed in overturning Roe v. Wade, it will be the most Pyrrhic ideological victory in the history of pyrrhicism or whatever it’s called. So if McCain were to win the election and followed through on his supreme court promises, the RNC would be in a drop dead panic.
The best thing for them will be that obama wins and appoints 2 or 3 judges to scotus. That way, they get to keep their “issue” without becoming the most reviled political movement since the whigs…
I am loving this totally. The Teevee and the radio are chock full of Republicans, chomping into this shit sandwich with true gusto, then smiling broadly and telling us, “Mmmm, mmmmm Great peanut-butter!”
Keep it up guys. The more you go on the funnier it is.
Dear Advice Goddess,
I work in media research and I’m working on a clip and I realize it’s THAT Advice Goddess. It was in some podunk, nowhere, 5000 circulation, rag, and I was just laughing my ass off thinking about shitmoats, but she actually is syndicated somewhere.
Good grief. Picture Cheney’s staff remaining in place, with that Quayleoid-beauty queen runner-up as their chief. It’s one thing to slip into the chasm of a police state, but under the control of an ultra-wingnut “hockey mom”? Why in the fuck don’t these assholes whine about jack-booted thugs and black-fuckin’-helicopters anymore? What, they embrace that shit now?
I realize the corporate media finds this “PUMA” narrative as fascinating as any other bogus pile o’ dreck they run every four years, but it remains a
Sift out the rethuglicans from the PUMAs, and you’ll be left with a handful of attention seekers, at best.
Posted by: ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | August 29, 2008 7:22 PM
MzNicky, I yell at the WaPoo idjuts all the time. But they don’t get any smarter.
The people want abortion to be safe and legal. In overwhelming numbers.
mikey: Yeah, well, “the people” want a lot of things. Like, the war in Iraq to have ended at least a year and a half ago already, and some kind of national health care, and stuff! Since when did the imperialist lot in DC give a flyin’ fuck WHAT “the people” want? Unless there’s a popular opinion uprising against something that has to do with $$, of course.
They just said on CNN that the McCain campaign is touting her as the soccer mom VP.
Please let this be true.
Remember Troopergate?
What about Trooper Thornton?
I’m now half convinced that the majority of the “Hillary supporters” who claim they will vote for Mcain are actually GOP trolls. Hillary and Mcain/Palin couldn’t be further apart in ideology and policy.
I thought “southern” democrats were a dying breed, but there may still be some. There are definitely racists around still, but I am convinced that none of the trolls banging on about how they have to vote for Mcain now Hillary is out of the race ever had ANY commitment to liberal politics, regardless of their claimed party affiliation. Just the kind of twats that think “I’m a centrist because I agree with everything I see on Fox News”
The identity politics are deadly this year. Of course, that is because if this was about the issues, and the track record of the incumbent party, it would be a 95% blue landslide.
Anybody bringing identity politics into it, is either a GOP troll, or an enabling little shitweasel. Or just stupid/racist/sexist enough to think it matters.
I was talking about the political side, MzN, not the ideological side. There’s quite an amazing number of them who realize that the abortion argument is only good for them when they’re fighting AGAINST it.
Sure, it’s ultimately pretty meaningless, but I do find it a fascinating lesson in the realities of politics…
I’m now half convinced that the majority of the “Hillary supporters” who claim they will vote for Mcain are actually GOP trolls. Hillary and Mcain/Palin couldn’t be further apart in ideology and policy.
I dunno, there is a breed of democrat that sort of defines their identity by carrying the water for a Clinton. You say something bad about a Clinton, *you* are the crypto-republican for them. It’s really, really, sad, but I think they are out there.
ittdgy: So do I, my man. They don’t hear, but at least I feel heard.
It’s just so mind-crushingly dissonant when an eponymous media outlet that was respectable in its day decides, in order to suit today’s media narrative, to pick choice meat from the bones of a tiny wacko blog, despite said blog’s uncanny resemblance to an insane blind child running with scissors, and then to see the two coincide in such a disturbingly and ostensibly innocuous Internetual media mashup. I must hie to my fainting couch now.
Umm, well, as long as you’ll be fainting, it seems you left this wonderful new word “internetual” just kind of laying here. If you don’t need it any more, can I have it?
Keith Boykin:
Old Progg CW: “Experience doesn’t matter. Affirmative action rocks.”
New Progg CW: “Experience matters!!! Affirmative action sucks!!”
That rates 4.5 out of 5 HehIndeeds.
Ok, what the odds Palin flames out before the election? I realize there is an extremely short time span involved here but what if these investigations heat up and it surfaces that there is something to the allegations (which I don’t doubt for a moment) and, it turns out, not only did she misuse her authority but she lied about it publicly.
mikey darling: It’s all yours.
“So while my facts may be off, my conclusions still stand, obviously. If anything, my conclusions are stronger now.”
Well said. The fact is, “facts” and “facism” both start out the same way.
Even though it turned out all the facts were wrong, why should that possibly change his conclusions? The fact that your conclusions are right is far more important than the fact that your facts are. The Iraq war and the Vietnam war were both fought based on conclusions, not facts. When you insist on fact-based conclusions, you are disrespecting the troops of those wars and what they fought and died for. Typical lie-beral behavior, of course.
Every time you change your mind due to new facts, a baby conclusion dies. It’s idea-bortion. Did you ever think that God might have sent a way to cure cancer to us, but then somebody idea-borted it just because it made no factual sense? Think about it.
Truth is an artificial and discriminatory barrier, just like the ones that Republicans such as Martin Luther King, Sammy Davis Jr. and Karl Malone broke through. It’s just like the one that Sarah Palin broke through today becoming the first woman to be nominated for the vice presidency. And it’s just like the one that John McCain will break through in November when he becomes our first Latin-American president.
The bottom line is it’s wrong to discriminate against certain types of conclusions just because they have no grounding in “reality” or “evidence”. I thought you lie-berals were against discrimination?
Besides, when your conclusions are dictated by the facts, they are just plain weak. It’s like somebody who’s mom is always nagging him when he’s trying to save America from the lie-beral menace. You know what America, you just have to yell at the facts at the top of your lungs, shut up you old bag, for the last time I’m kerning in here!!!
Booger, this is your Veep wannabee.
You’re too stupid to know it, but you’re lucky that Obama will be our next president.
The McCain hat-trick:
Desde Wikipedia:
Phyllis Schlafly and Debbuh Schlussel to the white courtesy phone, please. Phyllis Schlafly and Debbuh Schlussel. To the white courtesy phone, please.
goober: This phrase “affirmative action” — it does not mean what you seem to think it means, you fucking tool.
Old Progg CW: “A mother who balances a successful career with rearing multiple children (including one who is disabled) is a role model for women everywhere.”
New Progg CW: “A mother who selfishly seeks the Vice-Presidency while rearing five children (including one who is disabled) should be shamed into oblivion.”
5 out of 5 HehIndeeds.
Booger, this is your Veep wannabee.
And this.
WordPress keeps eating my homework. Try again:
The McCain hat-trick
If you’re counting on “Troopergate” to derail her VP candidacy, you’re kidding yourself. Through very little action of her own, she has just moved up to the big leagues. In the big leagues, there is unlimited funds, and the operatives do not take prisoners. Somebody will take the fall for Sarah, and this will go away. There’s just so much more at stake for them now.
VP candidates don’t flame out anymore. After the whole Eagleton affair, the historical vetting and oppo is so deep and detailed that it would take a prime time verbal gaffe of at least “Maccaca” caliber to make them trigger the ejection seat…
How many divisions does the pope have?
Booger, this is your Veep wannabee.
ZOMG!!!! You are SO RIGHT!!
What an awful, AWFUL pick by McCain.
The shame! The shaaaaaaaaaaame!!
Latest Right-Wing Internetual™ Meme: Sarah Palin has more foreign-policy mojo than Obama does, because she runs a state that borders on not one, but two foreign countries!
The McCain hat-trick
Again?? That trick never works.
[Q:] What is your take on global warming and how is it affecting our country?
[A:] A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I’m not one though who would attribute it to being man-made.
It works if the hat is actually Rove’s ass.
Mikey, not only did they introduce new produce in August, it is Friday. Before Labor Day.
This pick was all about getting Obama’s speech and convention off the front page.
I’m calling Hail, Mary, and FAIL!
All at once.
It gets worse.. She is a creationist too. Talk about inability to understand obvious facts..
Once this news cycle is over, she will be forgotten. I can’t see her as being any use at campaigning. She has no attractive policies to sell, and no salesmanship. I expect her campaign stops will be about as thrilling as Mcains.
Picking a token woman just stinks of desperation. It is grandad trying to pretend he knows what a blog is, but 100 times worse.
“huh.. Whu? Oh, I can do young, dynamic and revolutionary too.. How about a middle aged mother of 5 that supports every single GWB policy like I do? That will show that barry hussain boy!”
oh, wait, did you say “Christian values”? Well, that’s OK then. God bless!
Best wishes,
Actually, Amy is an atheist. Know your shitmoat…er, I mean advice goddess.
And she’s not overly fond of children, I believe.
Oh yeah. When all the other crap shakes out, and the stickers and buttons are all printed and the campaigns are stomping around the country chipping away at each other and the debates are looming, this choice is going to come down to one key point.
McCain is old and sick. The primary role of the VP is the “one heartbeat from the presidency” role. And more and more, that lightbulb is going to blink on over the heads of talkers, pundits, writers and bloggers across this blighted land.
This is the person that’s one heartbeat away? From the inauguration speech to the end of the term, this is the leader we’ll have if McCain kicks the proverbial bucket?
Oh. This is not good…
Sarah Palin wasn’t chosen to reach out to liberals. She’s there to stir up the fundies, who so far seem to like her anti-abortion, anti-global warming, creationist agenda.
An Alaskan acquaintance involved in the rescue of Maggie the elephant from a hellhole zoo in Alaska sent the following email today re McCain’s choice for VP
I knew she had to be first rate shit.
Sarah Palin: “I’ll take the Club Sandwich . . . that is the one with baby seal, right?”
Sarah Palin is white. I’d never call her five kids a “litter.” And I’m not a racist. Gary Ruppert and his minions are the real racists.
Michael Palin would’ve be a better choice for VP… and this includes the fact that he’s not even a US citizen.
Scene: Charlie Crist headquarters
Male fluffer: It’s not fair, boss!
Crist: I got hitched (again) to a chick for THIS? THIS is how they treat Charlie?
You know, there’s something really interesting in her history that probably needs to be discussed. When she was pregnant with her 5th child (the one with Down’s Syndrome), she went to a governor’s meeting in Texas. She was due to speak and her water broke (nature’s way of saying “Head for the hospital NOW!”) and she went on and spoke anyway. Then, instead of going to the hospital, she gets on a long commercial flight, so she can have her baby in Alaska, rather than Texas.
Now, unless there’s something in her Xtian, home schooling, moose-eating, wingnut ethics that says “Thou shalt have no medical tests during your pregnancy” (and I wouldn’t put it past them), she had to have known that the baby she was carrying was compromised to begin with. Given all of the bullshit of that governors conference, you’ve got to ask yourself a couple of questions that our media might be a little too uncomfortable talking about. Was this woman’s ambition so overwhelming that she’d put her child’s life/health at stake for the sake of her own personal advancement? Or, scarier yet, was she, in her conflicted, anti-abortion professing way, trying to kill the baby that she regarded as “damaged” from the get-go?
You can’t help but contrast that with Joe Biden telling his state that they could always get another Congressperson, but that his son’s only had one dad. Or that when they finally convinced him to be sworn in, that he’d only do it if it was at his son’s hospital bedside. What caused this “hockey mom” to behave so irresponsibly with the infant she was carrying, and isn’t it a question that goes to the heart of “family values”?
OT, no one is going to touch that with a 50 mile pole, nor should they.
You’re right, it’s troubling, but it’s not our business. Yes, anti-abortion hypocrisy can know no bounds, and one could speculate she had the child solely to use as a prop, but it ain’t right. *smacks self*
To go negative against her all that’s needed are polar bear teddy bears.
And here’s hoping Ted Stevens is this year’s Willie Horton.
“This is Senator McCain’s first significant choice in building his executive team and it’s a bad one. It has to raise serious doubts in the minds of voters about John McCain’s commitment to conservation, to addressing the impacts of global warming and to ensuring our country ends its dependency on oil.”
Umm. Nobody, from the hard right to the socialist left, ever felt for a moment that McCain had anything even remotely resembling a commitment to conservation or addressing the impact of global warming etc.
McCain knows, and the party behind him understands, that they are fighting the rearguard action for short term money and power. They know and understand that the fate of the world is not their problem, that biodiversity and farmable acres and storm surges cannot be allowed to impact next quarter’s earnings.
This is the sad, sick horror we’re left with, and the reason why there is no actual basis for hope. 2010 income is more important than survival in 2030. You can’t address the death of the planet if by doing so you might impact the success of the economy in 2009. There’s a word for that outlook.
a different brad said,
August 30, 2008 at 2:47
And here’s hoping Ted Stevens is this year’s Willie Horton.
Teh Hulk** is white. Na ga happen.
**Teh Hulk is actually green, but Ted Stevens is white.
She looks like a cross between Mary Anne from Gilligan’s Island and Juliet Louis Dreyfuss. A ten on the Perky scale.
So Goober what you are trying to get across is that McCain was full of shit earlier and has now seen the light with his choice of VP?
er, Julia
You’re right, it’s troubling, but it’s not our business.
The fact that she found putting on a political show to advance her career more important than taking every care with the pending birth of a disabled child (complete with insisting that it be born in Alaska rather than Texas, delaying potentially important medical interevention by many hours) is none of our business? Given the line of shit she’s slinging about how the rest of us should be forced, by law, to live according to her extreme beliefs?
I’m sorry, but we’ll have to agree to disagree here. This was a primary, fundamantal test of her humanity and she failed miserably. John McCain could literally have a coronary before he is sworn into office, and this knuckle-head simply installed in his place. Do you think, for a moment, that if the story I’ve related here had been Hillary Clinton’s story that the GOP would’ve hesitated for a nanosecond before asking the questions I’m asking, followed by a long-running hatefest about her personal ambition trumping the well-being of her child?
Democrats are generally perceived as being weak on defense (by voters) not because they are, but because of the perception that they simply won’t fight and they’ll stand there and let the Rethugs beat the crap out of them, rather than dirty their hands with fighting. Me, I say play by Chicago rules. They bring a knife, you pull out a gun. This would be considered a valid issue to talk about if the subject were a Democrat, so it damned well outta be for the GOPers too.
More like this, I think.
They bring a knife, you pull out a gun. Next thing you know you’re falling out a window and your files are mysteriously vanishing.
This was a primary, fundamantal test of her humanity and she failed miserably.
That’s a pretty fascinating story, OT. Seriously.
Not that this is the blog for it, but if you’ve got some links….
OK, OK, you’re right. I’ll gazzogle it.
Yes, that is correct. Because you are totally speculating.
Again, your personal opinion and speculation.
Me? I say play by karma rules. Don’t project hatred and attribute ill intention where you can’t prove that it exists. Which, in this case, you can’t.
There’s enough to work with here already. Casting aspersions on a pregnant woman’s motives concerning the birth of her Down syndrome fifth child is not a place to be.
Geez, dumbshit, MzN is right. But then again, it’s not a hard call.
You think this constitutes “bringing a gun to a knife fight”?
Geez. Tell y’what. Take your “gun” over and hang out with your soulmate Karl Rove.
‘Cause you know what we do? We argue the merits. We honor motherhood, and courage, and strength. If, however, you support an unsustainable or destructive policy, we will point that out.
So. Where you at?
Yes, that is correct. Because you are totally speculating.
Care to venture any valid reason why she would’ve acted so recklessly in those circumstances, save for political ambition?
Don’t project hatred and attribute ill intention where you can’t prove that it exists. Which, in this case, you can’t.
I’m open to any explanation that anyone cares to advance that would explain her actions. Until that time, I’ll stick to my guns and the notion that the GOP wouldn’t hesitate (not for a moment) in bringing this question up against a Dem. You’re welcome to continue playing by “karma rules” and I’ll note just how well that’s worked out over the past 8 of the fucking longest years of all of our lives. Until the Democratic Party can metaphorically slit the throats of the Karl Roves of the GOP (and bleed them out), we’ll continue to be the hapless opposition, continually fanning ourselves in frustrated exasperation and the voters will see us, perpetually, as “weak”.
You DO know why McCain’s people picked her, right? Outright panic. Why? Because Obama stepped out of Democratic character and challenged McCain in front of 32 million viewers. When we finally get the inside scoop on how she was picked, I suspect you’ll find that it was done not at the 11th hour, but at 11:59, and out of sheer desperation to offset the miracle of the Democratic Convention and it’s stellar finish, Obama’s speech. The GOP are archetypal bullies and they turn tail and run when their opposition refuses to back away, or, better yet, uses their own techniques on them. In this case, it means bringing up EVERY question about Palin, speculation or not (would that EVER stop them?), and making every issue in her personal and private life part of public discourse. Is that ugly? Yes, it’s hideous, but that’s how war is and whether you get it or not, this isn’t a simple election, it is outright war. If we lose this one, we’re pretty much lost….forever. You’re welcome to giggle if that sounds melodramatic but, realistically, it is shamefully and pitifully true.
So. Where you at?
Right here. Waiting.
You know, John Stewart made one of his “nail on the head” comments last night. He showed Democrat after Democrat “honoring” the service of John McCain, tiptoeing around any potential personal issue. His comment? “SHIT ON McCAIN!!”.
I just happen to agree. Honor motherhood all you want bro, but don’t point to a woman who was carrying a handicapped child and decided she was going to make her speech and then fly all the way back to Alaska to wait to get medical help for that child, because that isn’t exactly a sterling example of the “motherhood’ genre.
Care to venture any valid reason why she would’ve acted so recklessly in those circumstances, save for political ambition?
Umm, how about she didn’t want to have an abortion? You do know that the pro-choice crowd is pro choice. It’s not a case of forced abortions (unless you’re gay married in a pagan ceremony by stoned out aging draft dodger…no wait – those folks don’t have to get abortions either).
I’m open to any explanation that anyone cares to advance that would explain her actions.
There are a shitload of reasons not to head to the hospital when your water breaks, a woman with five kids has had some serious object lessons in why. I’m not going to moralize on you, it’s just a bad sort of attack and one if you know why you don’t want to tread down.
You aren’t going to get to eat, you are asking for a c-sec at that age, just…leave that alone, not because you being nice but because you are going to make her sypathetic.
Take your “gun” over and hang out with your soulmate Karl Rove. ‘Cause you know what we do? We argue the merits.
Jesus, Mikey, don’t let Brad hear you say that. We’ll get a few more of those panic/despair posts.
I agree with you, tho.
Oh, this is about her flying while pregnant. Well, you got me there – pregnancy is such a deadly dangerous affliction that letting women fly is crazy.
Dude, Trig was like a whole month early. And her fifth child. She thought she knew what she was doing – and having babies is one area where she actually is experienced. Also if women went to the hospital anytime they felt any contractions… No, fuck it – I’m not arguing this – this is fucking stupid. You want to pick on her for having babies you can go and share the big bag of dicks that Alkon’s eating.
Not that this is the blog for it, but if you’ve got some links….
Here’s one
Another revealing that she knew the baby’s condition:
From the Wall Street Journal (of all places):
“Gov. Palin’s opted to board a jet from Dallas in April while about to deliver a child. Gov. Palin, who was eight months pregnant, says she felt a few contractions shortly before she was to give a keynote speech to an energy summit of governors in Dallas. But she says she went ahead with it after her doctor in Alaska advised her to put her feet up to rest. “I was not going to miss that speech,” she says.
She rushed so quickly from the podium afterwards that Texas Gov. Rick Perry nervously asked if she was about to deliver the baby then. She made it to the airport, and gave birth hours after landing in Anchorage to Trig, who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome. “Maybe they shouldn’t have let me fly, but I wasn’t showing much so they didn’t know,” she says.”
They neglected to mention that her water broke, before her speech.
Orange Tom: You’re an ob-gyn, are you? Given birth five times, perhaps? Even know the whole story of Palin’s recent pregnancy, the exact circumstances of her labor, whether she was advised by her physician at any time during the labor, and so forth? No, I didn’t think so. So how about you keep your speculative judgments about Palin’s birthing and mothering capabilities to yourself. Next thing from you will no doubt be criticism of her decision to be back at work three days after the birth of her baby. Or did that meet your standards of how women go about their business before, during, and after giving birth?
Way out of line here, pal. Drop it already.
Anyways, I mean What The Fuck?!
She’s a creationist. She gave Wasilla a good reaming with her take no prisoners approach to building a sports arena. She was obsessed with saving the Matanuska Maid Dairy – and when she found out she couldn’t fire Creamery Board directors directly, she replaced her entire Agriculture Board with people who would fire the Creamery Board. Later that same year, they sell the dairy anyways – at less than half the asking price.
Her career is short, but there’s plenty to poke fun at without bringing the infant with Down’s Syndrome into it. For Fucks Sake.
Many, many minutes ago this made me lol (a lot)!
Phyllis Schlafly and Debbuh Schlussel to the white courtesy phone, please. Phyllis Schlafly and Debbuh Schlussel. To the white courtesy phone, please.
Thanks, kind internetual stranger, for the lulz…
let me see if i got this correct; if a doctor had let her continue to f*ck around after her water broke, that doctor could be sued. if she f*cks around on her own(gives a speech to rich douches), and there’s complications, (resulting in Down syndrome, I know not a cause and effect relationship, but go with the bumpkin mindset here) then the airline could be sued but not the mother?
hey, but when the water breaks, its time to go to the hospital. especially if you’re a woman who’s had four previous children. all my fellow sadlynauts, get real and stop with the crap.
Orange Tom: You’re an ob-gyn, are you? Given birth five times, perhaps? Even know the whole story of Palin’s recent pregnancy, the exact circumstances of her labor, whether she was advised by her physician at any time during the labor, and so forth? No, I didn’t think so.
Nope. Nothing like that. I’m just the father of a 15 year old daughter with Down’s Syndrome.
Given what I’ve read about it (follow the links I’ve provided and maybe even look into it for yourself), she knew the condition of the baby (and her doctor strongly advised her against giving the speech or even standing up, for that matter), yet smirked about getting past the airlines observation that would’ve kept her off the plane (this from someone who rails against litigation, right?), rather than checking into a hospital there in Texas.
It’s incomprehensible to me that ANYONE would be so thoughtless and so reckless when they knew they were carrying a baby that was going to have more than enough in life to deal with, all for her own selfish motives. “I was not going to miss that speech,” she says.
Bitch at me about this all you want to, but I will continue to find it an outrage, and a defining moment for the Republican candidate for Vice-President. The public really needs to know who they’re dealing with, in this situation.
True (even after the breast reduction she had at 16), but you do realize that she’s married now (and has spawned, no less), don’t you?
This post is 1337, with an extra 1. :O
[…] can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here […]
Bitch at me about this all you want to, but I will continue to find it an outrage, and a defining moment for the Republican candidate for Vice-President. The public really needs to know who they’re dealing with, in this situation.
The true outrage here is her continued failure to PUBLICLY chop open a Cantaloupe, scoop out the seeds, squeeze them between her fingers, and shout, “BRAINS!“.
Just saying.
McCaniacs are raving about the Power Palin
Hi, Billy Mays here for the Power Palin!
Do you have a political nemesis you want called a bitch? I have JUST the tool for you! She slices, she dices, but in the end she gets beaten like a rented mule and stuffed down the toilet!
You know, there’s something really interesting in her history that probably needs to be discussed. When she was pregnant with her 5th child (the one with Down’s Syndrome), she went to a governor’s meeting in Texas. She was due to speak and her water broke (nature’s way of saying “Head for the hospital NOW!”) and she went on and spoke anyway. Then, instead of going to the hospital, she gets on a long commercial flight, so she can have her baby in Alaska, rather than Texas.
Well, clearly she felt the child was disposable, since she knew he had Down’s already, so it didn’t bother her that she might miscarriage.
Indeed, I bet she was praying for it.
> The more I learn about her, the more it seems like the only way McCain could’ve picked a worse candidate is if he went with Ted Stevens or Larry Craig.
The wetsuit-n-dildo arm of the republic party disagrees with you
> here would be about a one in five chance of seeing President Palin run the country and that’s totally fucking terrifying.
Oh no it wouldn’t. Snowmobiles and wolf hunts from helicopters for EVERYONE.
These benefits will be financed by cutting taxes on Alaskan millionaires. Even though that sounds completely batsh1t crazy as a way of financing government, it “works” for republics.
Then again, there may be a diferent story:
Either way, WTF??
[…] can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here […]
[…] VP – after an uplifting experience in Denver. But heck, humor like the one above or this make the case better than […]