It’s Obama, It’s Obama…

Above: Motörhead – ‘It’s Obama’ (2:24)

Well, that’s that.



Doop-de-doop, watchin’ CNN.


…Oh, okay; let’s see what they’re saying over at Talk Left.

I keep thinking of that line from Star Wars
by Eleanor A on Wed Aug 27, 2008 at 05:05:42 PM EST

when the Senate votes for Palpatine: “So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.”

Speaking for me only.

That sharp, wet explosion you heard before was Larry Johnson’s spleen.


Comments: 134


Well, yeah, sure. Of course.

Because replacing George fracking W Bush with Barack Obama will certainly sound the death knell for liberty in america. It’s sad, really. We have so cherished our liberty up until this moment, the horror and misery of having to watch it slip away at this late date is unimaginable…



Ok, this is the nasty stuff that comes out of the back end of bulls.

Aggessive sexual intercourse with WordPress.

I’m getting tired of your destined by the lord to burn in the bad place software telling me I’m a big ceramic fixture in your bathroom – mouth.

It really your-in-8s me off…



After tonight I’m not watching that peace of shit convention. We are over it been over it and are going to vote for John McCaine so you get over it. That goes for all you obama trolls
S&T | Homepage | 08.27.08 – 4:09 pm | #

The Nomination vote was absolutely the most pathetic exhibition of political manipulation I’ve ever witnessed. I know that Hillary had no choice, her life is invested in the Democratic Party, but mine isn’t even though I’ve voted Dem for 40 years.

So Barack made history today and for what it’s worth for AA’s as a minority race I appreciate the importance of that moment, but as an American who wants what is best for America and Americans, I am disappointed in the result.

Know this all who care to listen, there are millions of us who were former Dems who will never again bow at the altar of the DNC. We declared our independence from it’s corruption and we will vote our conscience in November. May the best MAN win!
CarolynKB | 08.27.08 – 6:15 pm | #


I don’t think their numbers add up, but that probably makes me catsist.


Well, I agree that hearing Larry Johnson’s spleen explode is pretty awesome. But what would be even more awesome would be if someone posted this link into his comments, along with the claim that it’s part of the stagecraft for the acceptance speech (it isn’t; it’s actually a travelling exhibit of AF1, but the photo caption and article don’t clarify that). Because if there’s anything more awesome than hearing Larry Johnson’s spleen explode, it would have to be watching Larry Johnson’s head explode.



How can a world suck as hard as this one produce music as good as that?

The Obama drops obam.



I’ve never actually clicked over to one of those hillary sites you guys are always on about. But I just did now. Clicked the Larry linkie.

Goodness me, that’s quite the kool aid stand they have over there. Talk about a royal circle jerk! (Can I say that, wordpress?)

They really have driven out all the sane ones, haven’t they?



As a former supporter of HillDawg’s bid for Preznit and a huge fan of the Clintons (thorns and all) I am forced to ask…

Is it worse to still be so damn bitter after her f-in’ A speech last night or is it worse to quote any Star Wars: Episode Blows film?

I think the former, but the latter gets my pants antsy, too. I will get you George Lucas and your little hate crime that is Jar Jar Binks, too.


TalkLeft needs to chat with their pal Amato about how to be more subtle about this kind of thing.

I might just buy and offer it to Armando or whoever.


Um, Gav… the link you have to Talk Left actually points to a file on your hard drive.


Um, Gav… the link you have to Talk Left actually points to a file on your hard drive.

The fact is, indeed it does. And it appears that Gavin uses Vista, and his user name is ‘Teh Gav’.

Liberals hate USA.



The McCain campaign does comedy! Look for its replication at a right-wing blog near you (pdf).


“Clif the Mailman” (thunder boy, somehow I know it’s you): What did I tell ya? Huh? Huh? They’re insane, I tell ya! INSANE!!!!


Um, Gav… the link you have to Talk Left actually points to a file on your hard drive.

Ugh, fixed in 30 seconds..


I question whether she knows what “liberty” means.


An unbanned IP address! An unbanned IP address! My queendom for an unbanned IP address!


Did you guys hear that Obama is having himself declared a god in the new greek temple that he is dedicating to his Olympian ego? It must be a greek temple, because it has COLUMNS!!!

What other building could <a could possibly have columns?

It is an assault to democracy!!


I question whether she knows what “liberty” means.

The fact is, she knows what “liberty” means. It meant giving the nomination to Hillary because she just plain deserved it, and it was pure fascism to allow anyone to challenge her and get more delegates.

You liberals do not understand this because you do not understand that this is how democray works.


MzNIcky said,

August 28, 2008 at 1:35

“Clif the Mailman” (thunder boy, somehow I know it’s you): What did I tell ya? Huh? Huh? They’re insane, I tell ya! INSANE!!!!

What™³²®© in hell keeps giving me away™³²®©???


MzNIcky said,

August 28, 2008 at 1:40

An unbanned IP address! An unbanned IP address! My queendom for an unbanned IP address!


Tinfoil Hat Salesman, Tinfoil Hat Sales, Inc.

Just got 100,000 new orders within the last few hours.

99% are from No Quarter and Talk Left readers.

Thank god for teh crazy.


The fact is, Amy’s and my mutual friend just spoke. Amy says Hi, that she’s sorry she had to do carpet-banning, and that things are quiet and back to normal. Her posts now garner the typically 6 comments, and not one ever disagrees with her.


Thank god (or shiva or the spaghetti monster, whatever) for you guys. MY head would have exploded long ago watching the Talk Left crowd devolve into vain psychosis without knowing there were other folks who thought they were more loopy than a bowl of noodles too.

I just got posting privileges at Corrente. Anyone wanna start a pool on how long it takes me to get banned?


An unbanned IP is probably as close as your local library.


Gary Ruppert said,
The fact is, she knows what “liberty” means. It meant giving the nomination to Hillary because she just plain deserved it, and it was pure fascism to allow anyone to challenge her and get more delegates.

You liberals do not understand this because you do not understand that this is how democray works.

LOL. Gary wins!!


The Truth said,

August 28, 2008 at 1:58
I think this ranks up there with the domesticated Michelle Obama being allowed out in public again

I’ve generally figured you for a parody troll, troofie.

But now I’m guessing typical right wing racist.


Shorter Roofie: I didn’t get into an Ivy League school because we can’t keep those people out anymore.


Good thing these towering intellects can see the forest for the f***ing trees.

The Big Pantsuit herself just told them to drop it.

“This is how liberty dies…???”

What a bunch of melodramatic fools.

She ran a horrible campaign because she thought it was in the bag. Because of her hubris, she lost.

Get over it and vote for the guy who’s not definitely going to try to incinerate Moscow.


Get over it and vote for the guy who’s not definitely going to try to incinerate Moscow.

The fact is, I can’t wait for our hot wart with USSR. In fact (is), I will even start my own blog and join the fight.


What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?

Oh Samuel, you call yourself a prophet and you don’t know? Why, it’s the Obamacons making their way to the Invesco Parthenon to sacrifice to their god.

Get with the program, Sammy!


The spam protection prevents me from accurately quoting McCain’s characterization of his wife. I’m eagerly anticipating her encomium to Maverick McStraightTalk as a contrast to Michelle Obama’s speech; nothing says “regular guy you should vote for” like a little verbal abuse of the wife followed by her telling you what great guy he is.


If by “liberty”, Eleanor A means, “The government should have the liberty to ban video games”, the Hillary is the obvious choice.


um… then Hillary, not the Hillary.


See? They’re black, so, like, it’s about “affirmative action”! See? Har har har!!! Eat that, libs!


IF that lawsuit passes and Obama isn’t legitimate, do you think Biden would choose Clinton as VP? Would the presidency automatically pass to the Repubs if that happens after the election in the infinistemal chance that Obama would win?
B | 08.27.08 – 7:07 pm | #

All very good questions.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | Homepage | 08.27.08 – 7:15 pm | #

More fun from the Sci-Fi channel.



That sounds like a euphemism for something that I don’t really want to know what it is.


What? No mention of that Lion of the Democratic Party, Kanau Kambon?

I call fake troof.


Someone please go over there and post that link and say it’s part of Obama’s set. And then I’ll come in and post this:

After he exits the stage, he’ll appear in the doorway of the faux aircraft, and while tossing effigies of Bush and Cheney from the door, will shout, “now get these motherf***ing snakes off my motherf***ing plane!!! And bring me some more iced tea, motherf***er!!!”

Thereby proving all of the suspicions and fears of Larry Johnson, No Quarter commenters, and Bill O’Reilly.

C’mon, this could be a lot of fun!


(If I thought it was real Troof, I would write down the exact wording about Michelle Obama and compare it to what Bill Kristol said this week, and, in two or three weeks – long after that narrative has died for lack of any nourishing reality – I would compare it to Mallard Fillmore’s HI-LARIOUS take on the speech.)


I give up. Anything I write here that isn’t stupid milquetoast crap doesn’t even go into moderation. It’s just never going to get posted.

I can’t really communicate effectively communicate under these rules of engagement.

Somebody email me if you think about it when it’s Sadly No again…




Those people are crazier than shithouse rats.


Or shit MOAT rats . . .


Jennifer, brilliant!


Mikey – Gav isn’t sure exactly what’s going on. He’s trying to roust the Great and Powerful Seb to address the problem. Hang with us, eh?


Wait a minute … Mallard Fillmore … Millard Fillmore … oh I get it!!


The fact is, where are the malfunctioning robots today?


The Republicans are, to the last man, poopoo caca doody-heads.


hanx Travis — will check it out.


I don’t miss them.


An unbanned IP is probably as close as your local library.

OneMan: Yeah, but I’m not real good at standing in line.


Whoops, wasn’t fast enough. I don’t miss the malfunctioning robots.

However, speaking of which, I do love watching Rachel Maddow trying to comprehend the Mind of Pat Buchanan.

I expect him to freeze up and start smoking and sparking, like those computers Captain Kirk confounded with Zen riddles on Star Trek.

But I know if it happens, it will show up on Youtube.


when the Senate votes for Palpatine: “So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.”

Wait, did they nominate Lieberman by mistake?

Also, phuck.


Also, anonymous proxy server? They’re real easy to goo-gle.


WereBear: Rachel Maddow’s ascension into primetime cable “news” is the one thing these days that gives me hope for the future.


And so the affirmative action nomination process has come to a hilarious, pathetic end.

And it only took us 232 years!


If this is affirmative action, what was bush?

“Everybody gets a blue ribbon”?



A Different Jake H.

Bush was a legacy admission, mikey.


I’m tempted to draw parallels between Jesus and Hillary. Both have loud loonies who speak in their names while ignoring everything they actually said.

I wonder how many supposed Hillites will turn on her since she caved to the icky evile Obamanation.

I wonder how the rats are holding out.

Malfunctioning Amy Alkon Robot Source Code

10 PRINT “Hey, what about me?”
20 GOTO 10


Malfunctioning Amy Alkon Robot Source Code said,

August 28, 2008 at 2:51

10 PRINT “Hey, what about me?”
20 GOTO 10



Let’s get married!


Arky, I’m pretty sure most of those “nutjobs” are fakes.

They were never going to actually VOTE for teh eville CLINTON in a general election. They just felt the repubs would do so much better running against clinton than against obama.

Now that they couldn’t pull that off, they are merely trying to sow disunity. And of course, that’s the narrative most interesting to the press.

So we get two months of “the sky is green” when we all know it’s blue…



I am reminded of that line from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”




Personally I think this post is sadder.

I saw the photo of the different colored pantsuits that her aides were holding by the podium. They were trying to decide which color she should wear for her speech at the Democratic National Convention. I think there were five to choose from. All I know is that I was hoping she would pick orange. It looked good with the background and I knew what the color orange would signify.


Orange is the symbolic color of the Ukrainian Revolutionaries who protested the “selection” of the President in a rigged election. There was massive corruption, voter intimidation and direct electoral fraud.

Welcome to the island of beyond parody, Population: PUMA.


Umm, yeah. And then they poisoned him.

Barack, don’t eat that!!!!



I keep thinking of that line from Star Wars
by Eleanor A on Wed Aug 27, 2008 at 05:05:42 PM EST

when the Senate votes for Palpatine: “So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.”

I keep thinking of that line from The Big Lebowski: “Shut the fück up, Donny”.

I also keep thinking of that line from Wuthering Heights: “Fück you, WordPress”.


“The Truth”:
F***k off, you racist sexist s***bag.

(This comment has been modified to pass the current Fascist™ WordPress standard.)


Actually the orange pantsuit was supposed to represent the orange jumpsuit worn by prisoners, because Obama has literally IMPRISONED Hillary by not tapping her to be VP.

He should have tapped her! Why didn’t he tap that?

I have voted Democrat in every election since 1912 (even Dukakis!) but no way am I voting for that untested Obama. Instead I will vote for John McCane, even though he is completely batshit insane and wants to invade Iran, Ireland and the Isle of Man, because he is at least white and jowly like Hillary.

Malfunctioning banned user robot

…. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….


What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?
It meaneth, Samuel, that you set the Pink Floyd ‘Animals’ album on Repeat and passed out after too many bong hits, from which you are now recovering.


Smut Clyde said,

August 28, 2008 at 3:22

What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?
It meaneth, Samuel, that you set the Pink Floyd ‘Animals’ album on Repeat and passed out after too many bong hits, from which you are now recovering.


He needs one more on his head (aka upside down), because I don’t wanna hear anymore bleating from that beach.



Larry Oldpot said,

August 28, 2008 at 3:18

Actually the orange pantsuit was supposed to represent the orange jumpsuit worn by prisoners, because Obama has literally IMPRISONED Hillary by not tapping her to be VP.

He should have tapped her! Why didn’t he tap that?

I have voted Democrat in every election since 1912 (even Dukakis!) but no way am I voting for that untested Obama. Instead I will vote for John McCane, even though he is completely batshit insane and wants to invade Iran, Ireland and the Isle of Man, because he is at least white and jowly like Hillary.

This is a SadlyGems nominee.

Post of the day? Post of the week?

Text “post” to 6969 to vote…



No dirty deeds?!


[A] McCain adviser quipped: “Is this from the Onion?”

And then it took the adviser an hour to explain what that meant to intertubes-challenged McSame (and he never really did “get it”).


Malfunctioning Amy Alkon Robot Source Code said,

10 PRINT “Hey, what about me?”
20 GOTO 10

Shouldn’t that be Correctly Functioning Amy Alkon Robot Source Code?


Sm*t Cl*de said,

August 28, 2008 at 3:25

No dirty deeds?!

My friends, sheep can’t do bong hits. They don’t have hands.



Shouldn’t that be Correctly Functioning Amy Alkon Robot Source Code?

Not for long.


Now that they couldn’t pull that off, they are merely trying to sow disunity. And of course, that’s the narrative most interesting to the press.

Hey, if the press wants to spread John McPOW luvs Hillary, I take back 25% of the nasty things I’ve said about it. I’ve already had to take back 30% because their constant harping on the poor wittle PUMAs has Camp McLittlePinkHouses spending money on ads to reach out to a small but incredibly noisy group of voters. Did you catch Rudi NounVerb911 talking about how Hillary was “dissed” by the Democrats? Meanwhile, the average Republican voter loathes Hillary with the heat of a thousand wet starts. Sweeeet!

Yeah, maybe some of the PUMAs are Repubs, some are just schmucks (‘cos the GOP doesn’t have all of them), but part of me half hopes this is an elaborate game designed to send McPOW chasing after imaginary voters.


You know, some of these people are real and it’s not their fault. Now, if you don’t understand that the “we wuz robbed” posturing out of the Hillary camp at the end was in fact…bullshit that the Clinton campaign was just peddling as a latch ditch effort, that makes you kind of a dipshit, but you need the dipshit vote to. Hillary never should have started that shit and yeah, great she’s doing what she can to plug up that mess but this was all so extremely unnecessary.

You know when the optimum moment to pull the plug was? Remember when she was headed for the Kentucky primary and the Derby was coming up and she said “I’d put money on the philly”. Then the Philly came in seconds and broke her ankles and got euthanized right there on the track? That’s the moment you can look around at everyone and say “You know what, I’m outta here, that’s bad juju or God speaking to me or something, but I’m out”.


I don’t mind if Armand Alkohon conducts a carpet ban. But if s/he starts talking about carpet burns I’ll be forced to evacuate the Internons.


…but part of me half hopes this is an elaborate game designed to send McPOW chasing after imaginary voters.

Ooooh! That’s my new reality!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


If it’s any consolation, Hillary supporters in South Texas will still have the option to vote for Lyndon Johnson.


At the risk of taking troll bait, people who can’t properly spell “last” or the word for a young female horse really should not throw the word dipshit around.

In other news: Bill Clinton has redeemed wrinkly old white haired guys everywhere.


“So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.”

Real classy shit there – nothing slimy about consigning Obama to the, ahem, DARK Side – & hoo boy, what else says “up-to-date & politically aware” like a freakin’ Star Wars analogy? They must’ve gotten a suitcase of leftovers from Limbaugh’s Oxy stash, because this grade of stupid isn’t normally available over-the-counter.

I saw the photo of the different colored pantsuits that her aides were holding by the podium.(ad nauseaum)

Well, there’s something to add to my storehouse of knowledge. Nice to know you CAN still blog after having crawled up your own arse. Thank you, Bill Gates, for never having installed an Aroma Module with Windows.

Emo looks vile enough when it’s 14-year-olds doing it. At least they’re naive enough not to know how pathetic it is to believe the world revolves around you. After 30, it’s plainly a cry for retroactive abortion.


Jim, here he shows a really strong arm throwing from the {butt}hole, he’s a SadlyGem nominee, but I’m thinking just number five, or maybe number two.

Hee hee hee.

Whaddaya think, Kruckie?



I keep thinking of that line from Star Wars when the Senate votes for Palpatine: “So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.”

Speaking for me only.

I really hope that the first thing she said after posting this was, “holy cow, I need to read more!”

I can’t get over that, I mean, this is a subject that hundreds of great writers and thinkers have expounded upon, and the only thing that comes to mind is a quote from one of the lesser George Lucas films?


At the risk of taking troll bait, people who can’t properly spell “last” or the word for a young female horse really should not throw the word dipshit around.

I’ve had a few beers after work and made some typos on a blog comment. I used to proofread, that doesn’t make you an idiot


As a bemused onlooker from across the shiny sea, can anyone explain this to me?

1) My candidate did not get the nomination.

2) My candidate did not get the nomination because the system is corrupt/biased against women.


3) I will participate in the corrupt system by voting for a proto-fascist, anti-woman, intellectual pygmy who doesn’t care about unleashing the biggest war in the history of everything because he will be safely in his bunker shouting at his wife.

4) Ha, that really showed the system who’s boss.


Eleanor A and Larry Johnson are McCain campaign stooges.


One could almost argue that these people are so gung-ho about Hil, yet willing to vote McCain because- dare I say- she’s similar to him in numerous ways. Sayin’.


Euripedes said,

August 28, 2008 at 4:10

/old blue jeans

Cletus von Clausewitz

So the set for tomorrow night has columns.
What do I say to that?
Doublecheck that plinth over there, its tilting!
Sam, I think you made the astroglabe too long !11eleven11!
Own it. Own the political theatre. Don’t secondguess or minimize it.
Damn, he looks good up there at the fake Lincoln Memorial.
That’s right repugs, we got him and we got the history and we got the momentum.
Eat me, Troofie!


Euripedes, its actually a giant hoax.

The idea is to get McCain to waste time and money trying to persuade “Millions” of “Phantom voters” to vote for him.

Its working brilliantly don’t you think?



you are now my intellectual hero.

wiki says; “The Furies (their Roman name) or Dirae (“the terrible”) typically had the effect of driving their victims insane.”

Watch out for the bloody eyes MzNicky!


What’s this about Furries driving victims insane? Does this have something to do with Cigarskunk?


’tis a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel.

In fact it is as cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University.

A cunning plan indeed my dear Baldrick…


Cunning is as cunning does, sir.


You might want to double check your sources on that, Gavin. I just picked up my copy of the Chicago Daily Tribune, and they’re saying that Clinton Defeats Obama.


You might want to double check your sources on that, Gavin. I just picked up my copy of the Chicago Daily Tribune, and they’re saying that Clinton Defeats Obama.

Oh man, that’s a doozy of a missed opportunity. That should’ve been the post — with a picture, and then some text like, “Curses! We will never vote for Clinton! Obumas, let’s get ready to ROAR!!!”


What’s this about Furries driving victims insane? Does this have something to do with Cigarskunk?

Please don’t start that again, I’ve only just got it out of my head…..


What’s weird is they keep offering to give me explosives.

What’s that about?

It seems like they want somebody to provide some kind of narrative.

Even if it costs them their freedom.

Are they like, stupid?

Did they just roll into this madness the day before yesterday?

And most importantly, do they not understand the ticket they’re trying to punch?



It’s so cunning you could brush your teeth with it!

Just don’t tell the McCainiacs. If we’re lucky we might see Shrill O’Reilly wince his way through a paean to Hillary.

Karate Bearfighter

I find Eleanor A’s lack of faith disturbing.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Really, I don’t know what world The Truth lives in. Michelle Obama disappeared from the public view? Umm when?
Try a google News search for “Michelle Obama”. Then try one for “Cindy McCain”. Then try one for “Laura Bush”. One of those three people have been in the news more than twice as much as the other two combined…

Or maybe Troofy meant that Team Obama’s been hiding Michelle in order to reprogram her as a Stepford Wife.
She’s been pretty prominent this month (something about a convention), and is on the cover of the September Ebony (incidentally, a great cover – and by itself shows the lie in the Truth’s narrative – that’s no Stepford wife on that cover) and Radar (another non-domestic Michelle cover).
The Obamas were on the cover of the June 30 Us.
Her guest hosting the View was in June.
Big stories in Newsweek in February and TIME in May.
Interviews with Larry King, Katie Couric and Soledad O’Brien in February
On Good Morning America in May.
Olberman in June.
This isn’t counting campaign events such as the April appearance at CMU. This is what’s squeezed in while she isn’t on the trail. And I’m sure I missed a bunch.

Maybe Troofy meant – well there’s not a lot of Michelle in the media for July. You mean when the Obama’s were vacationing in exotic Hawai’i?

It’s pretty amazing how stupid he is.


So, you guys excited about the meeting at the Obama Temple on Mt. Invesco ?

Man, I am STOKED! In fact, I Just bought a goat to take as my offering.

I wonder if The Chosen One will call down fire out of heaven to consume the sacrifice, a la Elijah?

Cuz that would totally ROCK!!!


goober said,

August 28, 2008 at 5:26



Hey! No Speaking Truth to Truth! That’s just being ironic, and is NO FUN AT ALL!

You DON’T underSTAND! NO one underSTANDS!

*slouches to bedroom and slams door just enough to be noticed but not hard enough to get in trouble*


How about speaking power to truth? Is that OK?


Speak power chords to Lemmy, instead.


It all makes sense now. John McCain bends over and takes his off shore drilling like a man cuz he loves Gaolina.


Seriously, you gotta fix WordPress’s spam filter. If you can’t post the Seven Words there’s a problem.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

What I’d like to speak to Troofy would be censored by WordPress.

That’s actually a pretty good list I got up there. I guess I’ll bookmark this page so the next time he brings this delusion of his out, I can Ctrl-C Ctrl-V it as a response.


I just returned from the party on the other side of downtown Denver; you know, the one with Nader, Sheehan, etc. I didn’t stay for the whole thing since I went with a parking meter after refusing to pay the military-industrial-UniversityofDenver complex a stunning $10 to park. Fascists.

The intro band was appropriately angry, and the pseudo-Alan Ginsberg poet that I couldn’t understand was entertaining in a timewarpy sort of way. There was a long video of the history of St. Ralph to fill the dead air, which amazingly left off with what seemed to me like a fairly obvious indictment of Ralph for the spoiler role of 2000; weird, that. And the disco played after the video and before the live speakers was even stranger, especially after the loud and rangy intro band (named Pee Pee, by the way). I left after Cindy Sheehan spoke, and in some ways it was telling that the loudest applause up to that point was for Rosa Clemente saying that people shouldn’t get out of college with $100,000 in school loan debt. Given that The U of Denver is a really expensive private school, I was rather amused.

And then there was … Aw F*uck it; I can’t keep making fun since the saddest thing for me is I agreed with everything they said there and still I know I will vote for Obama because I am old enough to accept both Mikey’s prognosis and the Lesser of Two Evils approach now. Bless ’em all for their idealism; I’m just not there anymore. And two words: Supreme Court.


Yay! Cigarskunk makes a triumphal reappearance to the S,N! comment threads!

I too clicked on the link over to the PUMA page … reminds me of the early AOL chatroom phenomenon. Where there were all these chatrooms that allegedly had “hot lesbian chat.” Friend of mine who worked at AOL told me that when you ran down the handles to the userids to the people who were actually in the chatroom, it was actually a whole buncha desperate, pervy loser dudes in their basements typing stupid, inane messages to a buncha other desperate, pervy loser dudes. No actual lesbians really went into those chatrooms, or if they did, they quickly exited, weirded out by the level of disconnection from reality – the fact that real, live LGBT folks *never* talked to each other that way, and that the fantasies they were purveying on each other were not things that really interested anyone other than pudgy midwestern paste-eaters living in their mom’s basement.

Pretty much the same scene over at PUMA HQ. Probably the same people behind the curtain, come to think of it…

And thus we come full circle to Cigarskunk, which is the mark of real, talented snarkcommentry.


Shorter Troof: Up yours, nigger!


“Larry Oldpot ” is an anagram of “Parody Troll”.

(Thanks, Mikey).


In New Zealand the word for abalone is ‘paua’. This means we get to make jokes about “The paua and the glory” and “Speaking truth to paua”.

Johnny Coelacanth

In Las Vegas the word for abalone is, um, shellfish I suppose. We don’t get to make amusing puns, but we do have lots of strippers and good restaurants.


remember that old huey lewis and the news song, “the paua of love”? mmm, shellfish.


The Truth said,
August 28, 2008 at 1:58 [and at …. and at …. and at …]
the domesticated Michelle Obama being allowed out in public again…
…the Democrats have tried to rehabilitate Michelle by stage managing her appearances…

One habit I have tried to acquire over the last year or so — purely for the selfish reasons of self-esteem and mental hygiene and that sort of thing — is to ask myself, before posting a comment, “Would I say that to her face?”
Just saying.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Yes, of course the Democrats have tried to rehabilitate Michelle by stage managing her appearances with softball appearances in Oprah, Ebony, etc


O NOES! Troofy has discovered our secrits – weee R hiding Michelle by only letting her appear on friendly meee-deee-ah. Nevermind the interviews she did on news stations…

Um, Troof? 1. It’s a [expletive deleted] political campaign, what the hell did you expect? AND
2. No one is allowed to use that criticism without first going to town on the FoxNews administration – at least not without getting laughed at.

But that’s okay Troofee – we know you have a learning disability and a totally lack of understanding of how unbelievably stupid the things you say are.


Hmph. At least Obama knows how many temples he owns.


When St. Johnny Sinclair McPOW was a POW, all he had was a dilapidated wooden altar and a toothless vestal virgin with a unibrow. Obama doesn’t know how good he’s got it.


Shorter Truth, after Obama’s win in Colorado/NM clinches the 2008 election:

LOL! Just you wait until Obama turns out to be a lousy president! Ha ha, I win! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go…use the bathroom. And I want to take this newspaper with pictures of her in there because…the articles are interesting. And today’s Mallard Fillmore is just gold.


The Truth said,

August 28, 2008 at 1:58

And so the affirmative action nomination process has come to a hilarious, pathetic end.

Yea. We let you post here.


Eleanor A:
“I keep thinking of that line from Star Wars when the Senate votes for Palpatine: ‘So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.'”

So if there’s no applause when McCain gets the nomination at the Republican Convention, it’s proof that he will preserve liberty? But what if he does get applause? I guess it’ll be OK if it’s not thunderous. Which is a quite possible scenario.


But how obvious can it be that Obama’s handlers stopped her from speaking her mind? Americans see it and know it. And it is funny and pathetic.

You can see into people’s minds! Holy cow, man, let’s go to the casino, you’re gonna win me some money!


Shorter Truth:

You liberals will be sorry when I get to spend the next four years making fun of our evil anti-American black First Lady.


I don’t get the PUMAs. They complain about how unfair it is that Hillary didn’t win the primary, wahh wahh wahh. But what if she had won? The general election is one gigantic fuking uphill battle for any Democrat. It’s so unfair that the word unfair doesn’t even cover it.

If you get a million college students to register to vote, the Republicans will make them all share one fuking voting machine. If you sign up a million poor people to vote, the Republicans will threaten them with the police.

If your candidate is poor, he can’t even get into the race. If he’s rich, then he’s a la-di-da prima donna hypocrite elitist who DEMANDS hard to find beverages. If he has a lot of accomplishments, then he’s liar and a braggart. If not, then he’s too inexperienced. If he doesn’t speak to huge crowds, then HA! HA! HA! he’s a dork and everybody hates him! If he speaks to huge crowds, then he thinks he’s god.

Hillary got a small taste of that, and damn, if her supporters haven’t acted like big babies about it. I can’t see how they’d expect to whine and cry themselves into a November win.

No More Drunk Jokes About Ann Althouse. Fart Jokes? NOW You're Talkin'.

Larry Johnson’s liver, meanwhile, was in a dive in Denver, making love to its tonic and gin.


Yup. Still banned. Chickenshits.


Sm*t, I love ya man.
Not only have you given me an idea of how to spend my Labor Day, you’ve reminded me of my first concert.
I don’t know how to properly thank you.


[…] Sadly No! guys had a funny the other day with Mötorhead’s Bomber, as “It’s Obama”. With it now loaded […]


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