Sherlock Hoft And The Adventure Of The Egg-Splattered Face

ABOVE: Jim “Gateway Pundit” Hoft tries to look like Jeff Gannon* — fortunately while

Jim Hoft, who probably hasn’t read a book not published by Regnery since he read the first four pages of Tom Sawyer in high school, has decided that he is a literary sleuth. So Jim recently performed a careful hermeneutic analysis of Michelle Obama’s DNC speech to determine if there were secret clues that would prove that Michelle is a fist-bumping, Allah-worshipping, lesbian-loving, socialist-leaning, terrorist-sympathizing radical anarchist. Not surprisingly, he found such evidence and then started jumping up and down, high-fiving himself in the mirror, and asking when he was going to get his new pony.

Here’s what the most awesomest sleuth (ever!) has found:

In last night’s speech, Michelle Obama said something that peeked [sic] my curiousity [sic]. She said:

“Barack stood up that day,” talking about a visit to Chicago neighborhoods, “and spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about “The world as it is” and “The world as it should be…”

And, “All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won’t do – that we have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be.

Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals:

“The means-and-ends moralists, constantly obsessed with the ethics of the means used by the Have-Nots against the Haves, should search themselves as to their real political position. In fact, they are passive — but real — allies of the Haves…The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means… The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be.”


Okay, without getting all elitist and educated and stuff, I can’t help but point out that anyone who’s read a single page of philosophy, ethics or theology has run across the comparison of the “world as it should be” to the “world as it is.” Thousands of writers, all of whom knew how to spell “piqued” and “curiosity,” have used this formulation, and it isn’t any more original to Alinsky than the words “and” and “the.”

But the stupid never stops with Mr. Hoft, who apparently didn’t even read or understand the two passages he cited. He saw the same two phrases in the speech and was so busy whooping and hollering about his groundbreaking discovery and his literary prowess that he didn’t notice that Michelle and Alinsky use the two phrases in exactly opposite ways — Alinsky calls the “world as it should be” a “fantasy,” whereas Michelle sees it as an ideal to be fought for.

But, not to worry, Hoft got his pony anyway. Rush Limbaugh gave him one.

*Cf. (NSFW)


Comments: 105


Behold the stoopid as it is, and despair of the stoopid as it should be.

That’s today’s philosophy for Candy.


..which sounds like ‘What is and what should never be,’ which is a Led Zeppelin song, and Jimmy Page is a known admirer of Alestir Crowley..


“Some men see things as they are and ask, why? I dream things that never were and ask, why not?”

Hm, that Shaw passage sounds almost as good as the one Hemlock Stones here found…


Actually, Hoft wasn’t the only one to note the similarity, Al Giordano had a less stupid post on the same subject over at The Field:

Read carefully, and the young Obama wasn’t parroting the words of Alinsky, but, rather, expanding on them, amending them, placing a greater urgency on them: whereas Alinsky wrote of “the world as it should be” as a mere “fantasy,” young Obama, according to his wife, was already setting more expansive goals, indeed, one could argue, more radical in scope than those of Alinsky (who probably never dreamed his tactical view of organizing could organize a nation and win something as large as the presidency).

Still, it’s interesting to see how that forgotten current of strategic and tactical thought and praxis has evolved over the decades to weigh so influentially upon this present moment of history.


Thank God Hoft finally found a diaper changing station that will fit him. Now why hasn’t his mommy strapped him down already?


Then there was the Fox “analyst” who pointed out that if you substituted “America” for “world” in Ms. Obama’s speech it would mean she hates America. This proves there is a level of stupidity even lower than Mr. Hoft’s, and Fox News has it!


Oh, and Giordano’s piece is more stupid than Hoft’s because he recognized that Obama and Alinsky said two different things but still tried to tar Obama as an Alinsky-inspired radical. That would merit a big “F” in any poli sci class.


There is I suppose some comfort to be found in the likelihood that, as the wingnut stupidity level continues to rise, we can look forward to the day, which surely will arrive soon, when they will all be sprawled flat on their bellies in the pit’s much mire as they thrash about and gnaw each other’s tailbones and emit gutteral grunts. Bonus points to anyone who can identify how many actual writers I borrowed from in making this comment.


Giordano isn’t trying to ‘tar’ anybody. Quite the opposite.


And she said ‘God bless America’ – without attribution!

Plagerist! Plagerist! (A shout out to my homeskillets in the Hummer)

Ghost of Joe Liebling's Dog

Then there was the Fox “analyst” who pointed out that if you substituted “America” for “world” in Ms. Obama’s speech it would mean she hates America.

Oh yes. Megyn Kelly. And if you substituted “Ecology” for “Kelly” she’d be a doctor’s office. Makes just about as much sense.


OK with 80% of the country saying the country is on the wrong track the wing-nuts put the hate on making things better. Wow. There has to be away to put this on a bumper-sticker.


Giordano isn’t trying to ‘tar’ anybody. Quite the opposite.

Whatever Giordano is trying to say, his effort to link these commonly used phrases back to Alinsky is moronic


The Obama’s are like Saul Alinsky?

I wish.


This interest in analyzing phrases uttered by liberals, as secret proof of affiliation with left-wing boogeymen, is one of the dumber new pastimes of conservatives. The other day I was on a website, arguing with some conservatives about Obama’s something-or-other:

Me:Your outrage against Obama seems very manufactured.

Them: Manufactured outrage? You mean Manufacturing Consent, don’t you? Aha! You’re a Chomskyan!!! I KNEW IT!!!

On the plus side, the more they get into this hermeneutics nonsense, the more it’s gonna rot their brains like it did to the postmodernists.


Whatever Giordano is trying to say, his effort to link these commonly used phrases back to Alinsky is moronic

Maybe so, I’m not really sure. I just found it interesting that someone in the opposite camp from Hoft had drawn the same parallel.


Bistroist said,

August 27, 2008 at 15:42

Giordano isn’t trying to ‘tar’ anybody. Quite the opposite.

Yes. It’s called “fooling yourself”.


‘Course, I actually am a Chomskyan. I just thought that the way they arrived at this conclusion was extra-special.


Clif observes that “Alinsky calls the ‘world as it should be’ a ‘fantasy'” and Bistroist writes that Alinsky “probably never dreamed his tactical view of organizing could organize a nation and win something as large as the presidency.”

True, Saul was no soft-headed fool, but more than once in speaking of a better future he did say: “We’ll see it when we believe it.”


He also got a pony from Stormfront.


AIIIEEEE! Plagiarists everywhere! Tens of thousands of them!


Can we just rename all these idiots “Teh Stupid #X”, where X is a linearly ascending integer with no limit?


Atheist, I’ve posted this elsewhere, but

“Marxism, in my view, belongs in the history of organized religion. In fact, as a rule of thumb, any concept with a person’s name on it belongs to religion, not rational discourse. There aren’t any physicists who call themselves Einsteinians. And the same would be true of anybody crazy enough to call themselves Chomskian. In the real world you have individuals who were in the right place at the right time, or maybe they got a good brain wave or something, and they did something interesting. But I never heard of anyone who didn’t make mistakes and whose work wasn’t quickly improved on by others. That means if you identify yourself as a Marxist of a Freudian or anything else, you’re worshipping at someone’s shrine.”

Noam Chomsky, Rolling Stone, May 28, 1992, p47


me, I was going to thank you for this quote, but then I realized you were me and I thanked myself instead.


Any reason why WordPress won’t let me cuss?


Looks some genius (and if you can’t tell, I’m being sarcastic when I say ‘genius’) at the Obama Campaign decided to design the stage for tomorrow’s speech like it’s a Greek Temple?

What are they thinking? McCain is already making fun of it. Obama does want the enduring theme of his speech to be, “What’s with this Greek Temple?”

This has disaster written all over it.


And the same would be true of anybody crazy enough to call themselves Chomskian. In the real world you have individuals who were in the right place at the right time, or maybe they got a good brain wave or something, and they did something interesting.

OK, I’m a guy who appreciates & enjoys Chomsky’s views and analysis. How’s that.


Works contrasting the “world as it is” and “as it should be” include just about every sermon I’ve ever heard.


What are they thinking? McCain is already making fun of it. Obama does want the enduring theme of his speech to be, “What’s with this Greek Temple?”

Meh… I kinda like Greek temples.


Hoft here demonstrates the biggest flaw in trying to ‘Blocked by lazy programming‘ Republicans.

What you see as a giant character flaw they find inspirational.


WordPress now has a very large blue nose, D.N. But it doesn’t just hate profanity; apparently it has many little dislikes and prejudices. WordPress is obviously a wingnut.

I picture WordPress as the little Veeger probe from Star Trek buzzing around crying “Sterilize! Sterilize!”


Oh yes. Megyn Kelly. And if you substituted “Ecology” for “Kelly” she’d be a doctor’s office. Makes just about as much sense.

And prunes make better rhubarb pie than huckelberries!


A la wiki

“– “There’s another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system, among not only the middle class but the 40 per cent of American families – more than seventy million people – whose income range from $5,000 to $10,000 a year [in 1971]. They cannot be dismissed by labeling them blue collar or hard hat. They will not continue to be relatively passive and slightly challenging. If we fail to communicate with them, if we don’t encourage them to form alliances with us, they will move to the right. Maybe they will anyway, but let’s not let it happen by default..” –”

That actually sounds like the Obama strategy. I mean, call me crazy, but it feels like the GOoPer Troop is just pissing itself over ghosts of liberals past. I can understand exactly why Saul Alinsky would strike terror into the hearts of the right wing – he was extraordinarily successful. Drawing parallels between Obama and Alinsky (who’s name would provoke a quizzical “Who?” from a good 99% of America I’m sure) isn’t about defaming Michelle, it’s about screeching at one’s own cloistered peers that – oh shit, the pain train is coming – and they are powerless to stop it.

That sent you smell in the air? The one that smells like Cheetos and urine? That’s Hoft.


they will all be sprawled flat on their bellies in the pit’s much mire as they thrash about and gnaw each other’s tailbones and emit gutteral grunts.

Ah. Bohemian Grove.


Hoft is more bizarre than the entrail gazing End Times fanatics. It hink he and the rest of them need to get on board Alinsky’s “world as it is and not as we wish it would be” paradigm. It would save them much anguish and effort and the rest of us much nausea.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I feel like the muslim guy at an airport and WordPress is the TSA.


a search in Google book search book text for “world as it should be” and “world as it is” search turned up 550 results.


Please see The Way Things Ought To Be, by Rush Limbaugh.


I just hope Obama rushes up to the stage, salutes, and says in a loud, long, wooden tone, “Barack Obama, REPORTING… FOR… DOODY!”


You know who else talked about the world?


Also Jesus. But that doesn’t count.


Greek Temples Stage

All it will take is for one pundit on Fox to say, “The speech was great, but what was with the Faux Greek Temple?” And, we’ll be looking at two months of “Barack Obama the Greek God of Fill in the Blank” jokes, and kiss the election goodbye.

This will be Obama’s Dukakis moment on the biggest night of his life.


The New Yorker Profile on Obama clearly chows that he’s on Alinsky’s side.

Nuff Ced McGreavey

Oh great! Now I have to hate classic Greek architecture too?


Passing every other winsome thought by a nose .
It is a terribly satisfying life
To be happy with the perfect harmony of ,
I did it my way
I prefer it if you did too

Five of Diamonds

It must’ve taken a while to google every single line of Michelle’s speech.


This will be Obama’s Dukakis moment on the biggest night of his life.

No, the counter is too easy. “What do you have against the cradle of Democracy and Western Civilization?”

OK, maybe too easy.

And really, are they going to paint the columns in bright colors? No? Then it is neo-classical like almost every federal building in Washington DC.


The fact is, your boy Obama is already circling the bowl of contemporary politics. And his Marxists Black Nationalist wife. The Heartland wants someone they can trust, who talks straight, whos is not an eleitist. That is John McCain, our next president, and y’all can suck on that.


The fact is, Greek will backfire for the Greeks were ardent homosexuals and boy lovers. It is also eleitist, hoity toity and will backfire in the Heartland, where American values and civilization are good enough thank you very much.


Remember the words of Chairman Mao: ‘It’s always darkest before it’s totally black.’..

–John McCain on numerous occasions in this current campaign

Now that can clearly be edited to “Remember the words of Chairman Mao….” Why is a man in the running to be leader of the free world exhorting us to pick up a copy of Mao’s collected works and commit them to memory? Shocking, indeed.


Greeks were ardent homosexuals and boy lovers. It is also eleitist, hoity toity and will backfire in the Heartland, where Americans rape sheep and blow goats

Fixed yer post, Gary.



“Then it is neo-classical like almost every federal building in Washington DC.”

Do you think the Average American Voter gets that? This plays right into their hand of trying to paint Obama as an elitist.


Has anyone actually SEEN a picture of the stage? I looked and couldn’t find one, and my suspicion is Reuters, who is well-known for posting photos, is making stuff up based on rumour and innuendo, probably planted by some Rovian cult figure.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


If there’s a chance a Dem might look bad, Bill Kristol is there for you:


The Jefferson Memorial is neoclassical in style, and most Americans are familiar with it. So is Monticello. So are many old museums, libraries and courthouses.

However the DNC would probably have been better off to drag out a few cracker barrels and spritz the stage floor with some tobacco saturated spittle. That’s the lifestyle that says “You know me!” to most Americans.


Wait…now classical architecture is the issue? After 8 years of Republican-induced catastrophe? We really have passed into some sort of mad, image-obsessed Jean Genet wonderland. It ain’t what you DO, it’s what you LOOK like you’re doing, as we used to say at the ol’ temp agency. God, I hope this overreach blows up in the pundits’ faces. If it does, it will be glorious.


It’s disappointing that Michelle Obama cribbed Alinsky’s radical ideas about the world as it is and the world as it should be. But what is worse and far more disturbing is that she failed to address the Page-Plant quandary regarding what is and what should never be.


Good spelling doesn’t impress me any more, since I found out about “Spel-chek” last week.
But not knowing that you need to use it? Wow! That’s impressive, in a sort of way.


“It ain’t what you DO, it’s what you LOOK like you’re doing”

That’s America, my friend. I’m not saying I like it. This is an image obsessed society, why should we think our presidential elections would work any differently?


does anyone else feel the urge to call the doctor when they read Megyn’s name?

Poor woman.


Wow, the dumbing down of the already dumbed-down and super damn dumb American wingnut continues.

2008 – The Dumberingining????


That’s nothing. I have it on good authority that Earl Browder, the noted Communist something or other, at some point in his life uttered the words “America” and “hate.” Since Michelle Obama shares the same planet with Browder’s remains, this is conclusive proof that she hates America.


This is an image obsessed society, why should we think our presidential elections would work any differently?

I would mind less if we didn’t have such crappy taste in images.


—However the DNC would probably have been better off to drag out a few cracker barrels and spritz the stage floor with some tobacco saturated spittle. That’s the lifestyle that says “You know me!” to most Americans.—

Don’t forget the hay bales. Nothing sells in the Heartland like hay bales. And maybe they could have him give his speech with a piece of straw in his mouth, and a can of Coors in his hand. He should also wear a Dale Earnhart t-shirt, because suits are soooo elitist.


Shorter The Truth:

OK, my prediction was wrong, and Michelle made a great speech, but this only makes her look bad, honest!


Die WordPress!!11!!!1!1!


Larry Hoft has noticed similarities between Michelle Obama’s speech and something else no one has heard of written by some commie at some point and has called out her arugula-masticating posterior on it.

Good on him. Thinking the world can be a better place is certainly not at all common, and the more we persecute these elitist radicals, the better.

Because no one wants people who think the world can be a better place to, you know, do or say anything about it.

Like that fella who discovered penicillin. Guys like Larry Hoft enjoy that crotchburn they get from too much Cheeto-stained self abuse.

Or the dude who thought that mountains of feces piling up in the streets of Rome might not be the best thing and invented the sewer and sanitation. Guys like Larry Hoft support giant mountains of feces. Just ask Rush. Or Bush.

Or that guy who noticed that planets wobble in their positions in the night sky and thus determined that the earth cannot be the center of the universe, opening the door for modern science. Guys like Larry Hoft don’t like science because it’s all hard and stuff and always seems to contradict the bible.

Forward thinking and creative problem solving have gotten us nowhere. It’s time we all admitted that Cro-Magnons like Larry Hoft are spot on and that we would be better off living in caves, hunting with spears and bonking our wimmens on the head and dragging them around by their hair.

After all, anything beyond that would require a will and a way to make things better. Can’t have that.


Black lady scare Da Trooth!!!!


Also, you should really go over and check out the continuing insanity at No Quarter. Those guys need helmets.


“Also, you should really go over and check out the continuing insanity at No Quarter. Those guys need helmets.”

Hillary buried them last night, not that she ever acknowledged their crazy in the first place. Can’t help a ghost if it don’t know it’s dead. Let them wander Paris ala Adrianna LaServa.


OT: A noun, a verb and 9/11 is walking around with a rat on his schlong:

“Why isn’t she the vice-presidential candidate. Why isn’t she the presidential candidate,” he added, once again picking at the Democrat’s wounds with many Clinton supporters still distraught at her defeat.

He said on Fox and Friends he had been convinced that Obama would pick Clinton as his running mate and “I couldn’t understand why he would organize a convention to give the Clintons two nights and then diss Hillary as vice-president.”

Someone call the ASCPA.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Don’t forget the hay bales. Nothing sells in the Heartland like hay bales.

Or a military helicopter could touch down, and he could climb out wearing a flight suit – and then a big banner could unroll saying something like “Nomination Accomplished”.


Ahh, yes, but just exactly HOW MUCH does she love America?

And is it enough. Come on, Quantify it.

Is it Thhhiiiisssss much?

Hah. Didn’t think so…



Giuliani the PUMA! What a world.


Oh look. I’m only a sp@mmer from my home network.

Talk about your double standard…


Can-opening Pterodactyl

Forward thinking and creative problem solving have gotten us nowhere. It’s time we all admitted that Cro-Magnons like Larry Hoft are spot on and that we would be better off living in caves, hunting with spears and bonking our wimmens on the head and dragging them around by their hair.

Rawwwk! (shrug) It’s a living.


Poor liberals. This is whistling in the dark past the real narrative: Michelle goes out in public embarrassing herself with her affirmative action ranting, gets hurriedly yanked from the public scene by her husband’s horrified campaigned, and re-emerges months later as a humbled homemaker.


I wish mah blow up doll had as purty a mouf as Michelle Obama…MANDINGO!


If there’s a chance a Dem might look bad, Bill Kristol is there for you:

Wait…that’s their idea of Classic Greek architecture????

Jiminy Christmas….I thought it would at least have friezes of young nubile boys playing a bad game of leapfrog…


Why isn’t she the vice-presidential candidate. Why isn’t she the presidential candidate. After all, she was a Senator for New York when New York was attacked on 9/11. Did you know that I was mayor then? And on 9/12 I signed a law imposing harsh penalties on anyone who crashed a plane into a building in NYC. Hang on a second, my wife’s calling (looks at phone) oh no, it’s my first wife. I try to avoid her but she was sometimes I see her when I visit my uncle, because he’s her dad. Anyway 9/11 hasn’t happened since, because terrorists know that they will get a plunger if they so much as suicide bomb here. Well, anyway, I should be going — I have a 9:30 meeting across town at Bleeker and 11th Street, and it’s already 9:11. Traffic’s pretty bad, even driving in my 911. It was great talking to you, and tell Frank I said nine-eleven. Also, 9/11.


I thought some of the “shit moat” comments were funnier than that.


Well, I’m glad I was able to amuse The Truth with my parody of him, though sadly he’s laughing for the wrong reason.

I’ll go burn my Erik Pontoonboat costume now. I feel hella dirty now.


And that was from a parody troll. Where is teh funny

We are politely waiting for you to vacate the premises, doosh.


Saul Alinksy – an organiser who advocated direct grassroots action by the poor within a democratic system in pursuit of social justice.

Ooooh, scary!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I thought it would at least have friezes of young nubile boys playing a bad game of leapfrog…

They were going to have statues of satyrs violating young boys, but the IslamoTerror wing of the DNC (all of them) has some prohibition against depictions of individuals. Instead there’s going to be giant block letters spelling “Death to America”!


Clearly the columns are a dig at the sort of people who are painting Obama as a snooty Classical sort of Caesar guy, much like that New Yorker cover — yep, they’re Ironic Columns.


Clearly the columns are a dig at the sort of people who are painting Obama as a snooty Classical sort of Caesar guy, much like that New Yorker cover — yep, they’re Ironic Columns.

Which makes him sort of a Doric, don’t you think?


Phoenician in a time of Romans said,

August 27, 2008 at 21:06

Saul Alinksy – an organiser who advocated direct grassroots action by the poor within a democratic system in pursuit of social justice.

Absolutely right. Hoft is an idiot because Michelle Obama is talking about taking Alinsky’s model to a more “hopeful” place — Alinsky was a pragmatist unmoved by where the world should be unless you organize to make it that way.

But, sadly, Clif and others on this thread don’t understand where Giordano and the Obama campaign itself are coming from. They are both acolytes of Alinsky (as was Hillary) and the campaign is explicitly trying to organize by the principles laid out in Rules for Radicals (radicals, in this case, being agents for change, not screaming lunatics), which don’t have any real ideological component. For Giordano, a lefty, this is a good thing.

They are, however, the same tenants that Obama learned as a community organizer. He’s cited this in the past and it’s not new in this campaign.

The right, being utterly superficial, sees a suspiciously Jew/Commie thread to pull at — but the Internet left has no experience or idea of real grassroots organizational movements they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about here.


I will be shocked and disappointed if I am the only person here who listens to The Sound.

The world as you’d have it and the world as it is
Sliding in and out of focus, does it ever get to fit
The world as you’d have it and the world as it seems
Keep a sense of the sadness
But drive it out of your dreams
Grit your teeth and say world as it is

The world as you’d have it, the world that you see
The world as we’d have it is the world as it will be


Then it is neo-classical like almost every federal building in Washington DC.

Maxwell Parrish, “Daybreak”.

Is this too much to ask for?


Oh great! Now I have to hate classic Greek architecture too?

Only when it upsets “Real Americans” who are too effin’ stupid to crack open a book. Such knuckleheads are, apparently, the only people that vote, and we’re just asking for a beating if we treat this, the so-called greatest country in the world like it was populated by anything other than total idiots. Remember, how you win isn’t as important as winning. It can all be cleaned up in the mix, after all. Right?

Wow, the dumbing down of the already dumbed-down and super damn dumb American wingnut continues.

But of course. And, also of course, our only option is to get even dumber. I myself plan on purchasing a DVD boxset of all four Scary Movies and then I’m going to watch some college football. I may even holler at the screen in hopes it will actually affect the outcome.


[B]ut the Internet left has no experience or idea of real grassroots organizational movements they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about here.

You got that right, Jay B.

Nascar McHeartland

The real deal, my liberal friends, is that true patriotic Americans don’t want to be dealing with fiery revolution-style rhetoric. Never have, never will. And another thing we can’t stand is a bunch of fancy Greco-Roman architecture (Greco-Roman wrasslin’, now, that’s another matter), even when it’s all gussied-up “neo-Classical” baloney. We’re looking for someone to be Presidential, not to look like he’s standing in front of a reputable insurance company, for Pete’s sake! Obama doesn’t look Presidential. Plus we hardly know anything about him: for instance, has he distanced himself from Bernie Mac yet? And if so, how dare he speak ill of the recently dead? It makes me mad, folks.

Although, lookin’ at that Greek thingy again it kinda reminds me of the Jefferson Memorial. And Obama’s got a couple of part-black children … hey, maybe he is kinda Presidential after all.


Oh Nascar, be honest! You are looking for someone to hold your hand, pat you on the head, and tell you how tough you are…

Enraged Bull Limpet

Maxwell Parrish, “Daybreak”.

Is this too much to ask for?

–Er, that should be Maxfield Parrish, and here’s a quickie. Beware the obnoxious popup ads, and view this on Firefox if possible:

Nascar McHeartland

The real deal is, I’d settle for a half-hearted “I hear that”. Maybe someone holding up a cool Coors sixteen-ouncer like they’re acknowledging a toast.


Wow. At least Limbaugh is honest:

“So we have a candidate who no sane political party would dare nominate a guy like this”

No sane party would DARE nominate a black man? WTF?

Nascar McHeartland

Coincidentally the “Gateway Pundit” pic at the top resembles the supine figure in Daybreak, in position if not appearance.


J Wentworth Worthington III

No sane party would nominate a celebrity like Obama. Nobody likes him because he’s simply too popular.


Coincidentally the “Gateway Pundit” pic at the top resembles the supine figure in Daybreak, in position if not appearance.

Good point. Paging Enraged Bull Limpet…


Most of us true patriots have a vested interest in the United States of America remaining the kind of country it was as founded, with the rule of law and individual freedom and liberty, pursuit of happiness, all of these things, capitalism, free markets, slavery and killing Indians and other stuff like that. America-hating radicals like Alinsky tried to organize people to alter the power structure through peaceful assembly and crazy anticapitalist ideas like shareholder meetings!


Also, you should really go over and check out the continuing insanity at No Quarter. Those guys need helmets.

The poor lambs are feeling Ill at Hilary’s sell out, what you say we all chip in for a sick bag or three.


This is semiotic kerning at its finest.

Yeah, if you take a pique(!), I think you’ll find those 2 phrases juxtaposed in that old radical Marxist tract, The Book Of Psalms, too, Jim.
Thanks for making a sow’s ear out of a silk purse for us.
Don’t quit your day job — what?!
This IS your day job?
If these twirps only knew how utterly bereft of common sense this sludge is … sigh.
Hoft makes me want to change my name.


Teh Great Gazoogle tells me that S,N! has never used “Drummer Hoft Fired it Oft” as the title for a post. This simply is not acceptable.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Good point. Paging Enraged Bull Limpet…

OK, OK– I’ll try to find time to work on that tomorrow after this thread’s long dead.

Semiotic Kerning








“So we have a candidate who no sane political party would dare nominate a guy like this”

No sane party would DARE nominate a black man? WTF?

You missed the pun “Hu No Ssein”


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