Shorter Confederate Yankee
Posted on August 26th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Above: Gets paid for writing this stuff
- I cannot think of an event that more amply demonstrates the Left’s paranoid delusions, and indeed perverse longing, regarding the assassination of Barack Obama, than the arrest of four white supremacists with sniper rifles who claimed they were planning to assassinate Barack Obama.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Gun Counter Gomer projects.
That Obama is brilliant! What a P.R. move, to have four rednecks try to assassinate him at the convention! The campaign’s plan is now becoming clear:
Phase 1: assassination attempt
Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: White house!
the arrest of four white supremacists with sniper rifles who claimed they were planning to assassinate Barack Obama
TRANSLATION: Why don’t I ever get invited to the cool parties?
In other words, the GOP base.
If they had blow torches that could easily cut through outdoor grills, I think CY would’ve seen them as a credible threat.
If they had blow torches that could easily cut through outdoor grills, I think CY would’ve seen them as a credible threat.
But thay wuz carrin grill scrubbers! GRILL SCRUBBERS!
Funny how the conservatards don’t see these guys as threatening, yet when a bunch of idiots tried to charge and army base (where there’s lots of people with big weapons who are trained to use them) with nothing but handguns, or when another bunch of dumbasses who planned to blow up a bridge for ten years, but couldn’t even find a way to buy or make a stick of dynamite, they get their knickers in a twist over “the terrorists are going to kill us all!!!111oneone”.
Da Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt. Gomer definitely sounds jealous that he was not invited along for the party.
Aren’t these the same morans who got their panties in a twist over a couple of meatballs in Florida who wanted to blow up the Sears Tower – without boots, training, weapons, transporation, money, know-how, contacts, etc.?
Maybe Inveterate Wanker does have some higher mental functions if you count projection:
Note that His Wankness makes the above assertion without supplying any examples.
Bob Owens is a Pez dispenser of Stupid.
All four of them said, “Just Kidding” so its not real.
The comments over at that site say all you need to know about these people.
Neighbor, please. Are you talking about the aliens in Space Invaders? Does their lockstep attack formation imply that they are conservatives?
Or is it Sinistar? Was he a Republican?
Oh wait, I know! Death from Gauntlet is actually John McCain!
I think Mr. Wankee needs food badly.
“Simply put, there is very little chance that anyone outside of a highly trained team of a well-trained precision long-distance shooter and a equally competent spotter could make such a shot as one at 750 yards, nor even any verified opportunity that Obama would present himself as a target in any venue at that sort of range.”—Yankee
And the Left has the assassination fantasy? Er, ok…
And the Left has the assassination fantasy? Er, ok…
Yep, the man certainly has given the matter some thought.
“Neighbor, please.”
I believe the agreed-upon expression is, “Nilla, please.”
“When I served we zeroed our M-16s at 25 meters. Given the trajectory this also meant they were zeroed at 250 meters. Like Seth, I regularly hit the 300 meter pop-up silhouettes and I’m no professional sniper.”
– Itchy Brother
Does anyone know the number for the FBI?
Silly lefties.
This just means that Obama has internalized Bulworth and the idea that the Messiah can rise from the dead.
He’s hired a hit team to kill him on national television, and when he then resurrects himself we’ll all know he is the second coming, like we supposedly believe. Then his anti-christy plan will have reached fruition and we will literally worship him as a god as the left goes on a rampage across the country, raping, killing, aborting, and gay marrying people against their will.
This is a sign!
I know conservatives are fucking evil pricks already. They don’t have to kill Obama to prove it to my satisfaction.
Legalize, the Secret Service has absolutely unquestionably been monitoring CY’s site for a long time, now.
In fact, they’re the ones who took out the grill, but he didn’t understand the warning.
I’m not saying CY’s life is in danger, but he was just offered a job as a Chicago City Comptroller…
Yeah, I’d like to know the source of this idea that LIEbruls believe that Obama is the Second Coming or the Messiah or whatever.
Even shorter Cornfederate Wanker:
The thought of gun-toting inbred racists being hauled off to jail makes me uncomfortable for some reason.
Given that these guys actually had weapons, they were clearly much further along in their plot than those world famous terrorists, the Florida 7.
In places liberals don’t want to talk about, they’d rather have a martyr than a failure. That is the reason they pounce upon even the remotest possibility of Obama’s untimely end with such fervor.
Me thinks CY has been doing more than cleaning Commies with his blogworld famous cleaner. Toxic brain shock seems to be the diagnosis from sniffing to much Red Menace powder. What a douchebag!
Alternate even shorter Cornfederate Wanker:
There’s no way this could be seen as a threat to my safety, therefore it is boring.
Does anyone know the number for the FBI?
Well, excuse me for attempting to inject some factual information on a generally fact free site.
Sorry, Itchy. I couldn’t tell if you were one of CY’s regular cranks.
“Simply put, there is very little chance that anyone outside of a highly trained team of a well-trained precision long-distance shooter and a equally competent spotter could make such a shot as one at 750 yards, nor even any verified opportunity that Obama would present himself as a target in any venue at that sort of range.”—Yankee
This is pretty stupid coming from Gomer himself. In fact, he’s kind of right, for all the wrong reasons.
750 meters is a shot with some serious legs, but it’s within the realm of doable for most people. With a modern Remington 700 in .300 Win Mag with a modern barrel and a modern scope, I could have a complete rookie hitting a silhouette at 750 meters eight out of ten times in a week.
However, the belief that ANYONE, no matter how well trained, will be able to set up for a shot within a thousand meters of Senator Obama is ridiculous. What does this idiot think the SS does when they survey a site? Does he think they say “oh, that’s too far for anybody to make the shot. We won’t worry about that”?
He just lets his mouth run away in whatever direction he kind of wants to go, and even he is frequently surprised where he ends up…
The fact is, CY and his ilk are utterly bereft at the failure of the much-hyped (by his ilk) “Recreate ’68” mayhem to materialize. The cops and the protesters are not following the playbook, and this is making the ilk very, very unhappy. Hence the desperate search for something, anything, with which to tar the Democrats.
Legalize, the Secret Service has absolutely unquestionably been monitoring CY’s site for a long time, now.
In fact, they’re the ones who took out the grill, but he didn’t understand the warning.
Somebody really should bring this information to CY’s attention.
Sadly, not a surprise.
Why is it white supremacists – supposedly the cream of the white race – are invariably a bunch of degenerates?
Sorry, Itchy. I couldn’t tell if you were one of CY’s regular cranks.
No problem legalize. I generally avoid stirring up trouble over on sites that harbor deranged wingnuts, but I was happy to challenge CY’s notion of what one can do with a scoped rifle.
I am one who is genuinely concerned for Obama’s safety. This was not helped by my recently reading “Four Days In November”.
Wankee’s point:
1. Four meth-heads driving around with a scoped rifle does not an assassination plot make, even if one of them claims that that’s what it is.
2. Liberals, professional victims that they are, have an “assassination fantasy”.
Well, as for #1, yo gotta admit, scoped rifle – admission of a plot to kill Obama – that’s kinda credible isn’t it.
And as for #2 (a good description of most of Bobo Wens’ postings) Here are the lede grafs for his linked stories (emphasis mine)
Well that certainly describes the case accurately. But what of his other stories?
Actually, that story has some more juicy bits buried half way down:
Umm, so what’s BobO’s fucking problem?
Sounds to me like Bob Owens is telling potential assassins to get closer to their target. That’s not very patriotic. No, not very patriotic at all…
Wait, I don’t get it. He talks about violent backwoods halfwit yokels like that’s a bad thing, but he still calls himself “confederate Yankee”.
Well, as for #1, yo gotta admit, scoped rifle – admission of a plot to kill Obama – that’s kinda credible isn’t it.
No. Clearly he invented the plot to assassinate Obama because he thought it would lessen the severity of the charges. He was on meth you know.
Umm, so what’s BobO’s fucking problem?
Guy didn’t say a thing about voting for McCain.
More Bobo Wens:
Shorter Snuffy Smith: The Left’s crazy fantasies about someone shooting at Barack Obama ignore wind conditions (cross-wind, tail wind, drift and roll, etc), barrel wear and temperature, ambient temperature, neck tension, cant, deformation, not to mention the use of spotters, proper team tactics, and even what kind of rifles to use! We on the Right are understandably sickened by these sick and insufficiently detailed fantasies, fap fap fap.
I think you can just have a generic shorter for TiDoS Yankee:
I cite no sources nor present anything resembling a verifiable fact but this is all true because I want it to be.
God, Guns, Gays and Greenies–It’s The Wingnut Way!
I think you can just have a generic shorter for TiDoS Yankee:
I cite no sources nor present anything resembling a verifiable fact but this is all true because I want it to be.
The fact is, I think you could just have a generic shorter of CY using just that video of him laughing.
Shorter Dragon-King’s last post:
The Denver US attorney and the Florida Secret Service who detained Raymond Geisel are all in on the Left’s assassination fantasy.
From what I gather, they actually had the means to kill Obama. What they lacked was a proper plan, or even the brains to make a plan.
Whilst it seems unlikely they could have actually killed Obama, their chances of killing some other random person in the attempt seem high. Either in a confrontation with security forces, or simply some other democrat/black person who looked like an easier target.
Say, isn’t that Tharin Gartrell now appearing on the cover of Fool-Aid? What a coincindence!
Sounds to me like Hillary Clinton still thinks she can be the nominee.
Vince Foster anyone?
wait.. Why the hell would our dear little redneck imagine that shooting Obama at his acceptance speech would require a spotter? Obama would be standing on a fucking stage, under a fucking spotlight.. How hard can it be to see him?
Surely the important thing is having the cleverness and planning to get yourself to a good vantage point, and the skill and steady hands to make a somewhat tricky shot.
Being a redneck on meth does not seem to be an advantage here..
Well, actually Denver hasa District Atty that’s in on the conspiracy, we couldn’t get Troy Eid, loyal Bushie USAtty for Co onside. The tough part was getting our activist judge, Stephen T. Brown (you can tell he’s part of the Islamoatheist conspiracy by his last name) assigned to the case.
I was gonna say, Gomer’s extended family.
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Whilst it seems unlikely they could have actually killed Obama, their chances of killing some other random person in the attempt seem high.
Reading through the CBS4Denver story – they probably did have a plan – and it must have been hilarious:
Okay, so Tharin’s the wheelman and Nathan – who cracked under questioning, was the lookout…and…and… WTF?! Camouflage suits and wigs? I bet the fake ID’s had names like “Heywood Jablome” and “Hugh G. Rection”.
Why would kindly old Dr. Seuss want to assasinate Obama? The mind reels.
FYWP. Again.
The wigs have an obvious use. The inbred variety of ridge-runner generally has a military style haircut and they know that all Democrats are DFHs, so they had to have some hippy wigs in order to fit in. The camouflage suits do, I confess, baffle me.
At the risk of being uncharitable, I believe Mr. Yankee holds some foolish opinions.
And with the update Bobo Wens has done more speculation on the Obama Assassination Plot than the hyperventiliating left (as opposed to norbizness) and that’s with me still trying to figure out what type of wigs these guys planned on using (the CBS4Denver link has mugshots).
With a postmodern Remington 700 and a postmodern barrel, you can deconstruct a target at 750 meters and reframe it into an eco-feminist socio-economic paradigm. However, using also a postmodern scope will cause so much sheer irony, that the rifle may unexpectedly misfire.
Heck, a fellar could have a purty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.
Meth snorting racists who want to kill Obama are liberals because liberals want Obama to be killed.
Aren’t these the same morans who got their panties in a twist over a couple of meatballs in Florida who wanted to blow up the Sears Tower – without boots, training, weapons, transporation, money, know-how, contacts, etc.?
Yes, because the Florida ‘meatballs’ were Not-White, and in some cases not even Amurkin. In Gomer’s fevered imagination, high-powered weaponry is God’s gift to white male Americans, who should indicate their reverent thanksgiving by keeping such weaponry within arm’s reach at all times, especially when they’re going out in public where the Not-Whites might be lurking, such as the Democratic convention. The obverse side of this particular Treason-in-Defence-of-Slavery insanity is that anyone Not-White-Male in possession of a high-powered weapon can only have acquired it by theft from its “rightful” owner. Therefore, an armed Not-White-Male stands convicted of (symbolic) Property Theft even before they’ve committed any further outrages, and of course to the fReichtards Property Theft is worse than murder, at least murder of Not-Whites like B. Hussein Obama.
I’m not sure if I’m more scared or angry at Negroes. Is ‘bed-wettingly-scared’ worse than ‘white-sheeted-hatred’?
Add several more drugs, and you have an inventory list for one of Hunter S. Thompson’s trips to Vegas.
Have you been plagiarizing Mallard Fillmore? And if so, why?
<i.Sounds to me like Hillary Clinton still thinks she can be the nominee.
Vince Foster anyone?
I take back everything i’ve ever said about 9-11 truthers. Their conspiracy theories seem sober, rational, and considered in comparison. Yes, even the supremely retarded missile thing.
Well the first half’s been pretty well debunked. Spotter for a guy that’s going to be standing on a podium with all the spotlights on him?
And part 2 about range – I know Mile High is big but 750 yards is a heck of a long way. If the stadium was any less than a mile across, it’d be possible to get close to 750 yards without even being inside the building.
Also I love this part:
But the claim that KSM was responsible for OVER NINE THOUSAND terror plots including swallowing the moon and shitting out deadly radioactive “dirty bombs” are confessions.
Tharin Gatrell has some unfortunate Duran Duran type dye job going and an earring in each ear. Johnson looks like Gollum and Arwen had something going on while Aragon was stomping around in the hinterlands.
The camouflage clothing might have been an attempt to look official.
That’s what I was thinking too. Any high vantage point from 750 yards away probably already has a Secret Service sharpshooter stationed there.
“Can I help you, sir?”
“Oh…uh… is there a bathroom up here?”
Can crankheads fly?
That’s the only way these mouthbreathers could get the kind of vantage point they’re talking about.
Okay, Wankee’s right – I am now officially obsessed with this story – not because of Obama or the opportunity to call right-tards racists – but for the sheer potential of the most awesome made-for-tv movie EVAR:
Um, guys – about the Secret Service’s awesome ability to stop all assassination threats, we probably shouldn’t forget this:
I know it’s petty of me, but I just love how incoherent CY’s writing is in the post and comments. He gets downright illiterate when he’s excited.
Its a little over the top for a T.V. movie don’t you think DKW?
God, him again?
He’s also quite illiterate when he’s calm.
Shorter Snuffy Smith: The Left’s crazy fantasies about someone shooting at Barack Obama ignore wind conditions (cross-wind, tail wind, drift and roll, etc), barrel wear and temperature, ambient temperature, neck tension, cant, deformation, not to mention the use of spotters, proper team tactics, and even what kind of rifles to use! We on the Right are understandably sickened by these sick and insufficiently detailed fantasies, fap fap fap.
…and look at the kerning in the manual!
He’s also quite illiterate when he’s calm.
And that would be….when, precisely?
Plan Snipe from Outer Space
Icarus’s daddy took some wax from a tree
dressed it up and they called it plan snipe
Liberal’s are trying to be big baby’s
Liberal’s are trying to be big baby’s
Liberal’s are trying to be big baby’s
Well forty four grams or about a good ounce
fifty Police women knocking on my door
Went out last night, I didn’t stay late
‘fore I got home I had a Jail house date
Liberal’s are trying to be big baby’s
Liberal’s are trying to be big baby’s
Liberal’s are trying to be big baby’s
Its a little over the top for a T.V. movie don’t you think DKW?
Oh man – this would be perfect. Don’t forget that the made-for-teevee filter adds awesome to everything (as long as it’ll fit in the budget).
Erratic driving leading to arrest -> Awesome car chase sequence.
Six floor hotel window dive -> Well hard to add awsome to that.
Interview between investigator and Nathan Johnson -> It’s a police interrogation! A freaking TV staple!
I’m not sure how they’d do the first half, but they could go CSI-style after arresting Nathan and quizzing him. Using the forensic evidence from the wigs to track down Shawn Roberts Adolph culminating in that awesome jump. Of course, in the movie version he escapes – and then we get a climactic shoot-out at INVESCO Field during the acceptance speech. Add in a young single mother raising her kid or a troubled youth questioning something about his/her identity and you’ve got Emmy gold!
Now –
Dudes’ name is Adolph! What more do you want?!
Indeed, a dude named Adolph – jumping out a sixth floor window. What more could you ask for?
I don’t know what a handcuff ring is, but the swastika make the end of the sentence sort of DOY.
Maybe if he looked sort of evil – like a low rent mix of Hans Gruber and the T-1000:
Man, if I can get a production company on this, I’m gonna be swimming in Emmys.
I’m just surprised that TIDOS Y didn’t launch into a 3,000 critique of the sniper rifle, ending with a recommendation of what to use if you really do want to assassinate someone from a mile away, not that any talk of such things is other than liberal paranoia.
John Fitzgerald Who?
Six floor hotel window dive -> Well hard to add awsome to that.
In a car.
Re: the made-for-TV movie idea
I’ve always thought someone should do something like that portraying the conspirators as straight-up heroes. The sheer insanity of depicting raw, hateful racism should shock people to their senses, I think.
But then I wake up from my pleasant little nap and remember that wingers (and possibly even most people in general) are more stupid than I can possibly imagine.
oops, dropped a dependant clause:
*racism as admirable
You’d need a Secret Service agent to jump in front of Obama and take the bullet. If it’s an ABC movie, this would follow several scenes where the elitist Obama is rude to said Secret Service agent regarding his patriotic ferver.
CY seems to think that because they probably wouldn’t be able to A) get close enough to take the shot or B) hit a target at that range with off-the-shelf equipment then it wasn’t real. I must be missing a step in his logic…
Heck, a fellar could have a purty good weekend in VegasDallas with all that stuff.
Fixed it for you. (Really – watch Kong’s lips.)
And… jumps out of a sixth floor window and only breaks an ankle? wears a swastika ring? Oh My God!!! It’s Superhitler!!!
Wow, those mug shots are full of win. You got your assassination-plotting goobers, the fake anthrax mailer, and then there’s like the hot teacher who banged a 17-year-old student, which doesn’t seem so bad but it turns out the kid later died. From high-fiving. (Zach Galifianakis)
And Reverend Nakedjogger, and Riff-Raff is suspected of cooking meth, a couple of dudes who plotted to kill a guy by putting his feet in a box of motherfucking snakes, another hot woman who might have been screwing a boy of unknown age, Bam Margera’s Uncle Formerly Known as Don Vito, a woman who stabbed some people (but she looks WEIRD), and some guy who may have been arrested for starting grass fires but who I think was arrested for looking too much like a dang old goat.
Six floor hotel window dive -> Well hard to add awsome to that.
In a car.
Into the hotel swimming pool.
Whoa hey it thinks I’m a spammer.
Anway, the guy is either a Sinestro-like Green Lantern guy (but with Hitler instead of magenta) or he landed on an awning.
“It could turn out that these were nothing but a bunch of knuckleheads, meth heads,” a US government official said.
That’s what I figured the guys in Florida were (but with ganj instead of meth) but I suppose the FBI “needed” a terror plot to be foiled then and don’t now.
Umm, Barrett 50?
“Six floor hotel window dive -> Well hard to add awsome to that.
In a car.
Into the hotel swimming pool.”
Sorry. Already done. Plenty O’Toole in “Diamonds are Forever”. Won my heart *and* the gold medal in the Zaftig Platform competition.
Meth heads aren’t exactly known for being a member of any reality-based community
So. CY is a meth head? Or just a fellow traveler?
Can crankheads fly?
Everyone knows it’s acid that lets you fly, not meth.
it’s acid that lets you fly, not meth.
A couple of double espressos from the Algerian Coffee Shop in Soho used to work for me.
F(obscenity redacted)er deleted my comments.
What, we can’t swear on Sadly no more?
Yikes, I used to date a man who looked exactly like that Adolph guy (minus the Nazi-themed jewelry and tattoos, thankfully). Since he was good in bed, I tolerated his freeloading and eating all my food. But I had to kick him to the curb when I realized he had been stealing cash out of my wallet while I was asleep. He was from South Carolina, so my secret nickname for him was “Southern Poverty”.
D-K W is on the right track with the made-for-teevee movie angle … gotta put a prescient dog or kid that everyone ignores in there somehow. Not to mention a superstar/pundit/celebrity cameo, i.e., Oprah, Dan Rather, Stephen Colbert or (your pick here).
Hey, given the subject matter, I’d say he’s doing phenomenally WELL – for a man typing with one hand, I mean.
Now CY is sharing his JFK wisdom – which is downright freaky, coming from someone that looks exactly like the illegitimate son of Lee Harvey Oswald – & thus, I hereby award 1,000 free internets to anyone that goes there & replies with “Back, & to the left. Back, & to the left. Back, & to the left. Back …”
Look, folks. You have to admit, this whole ‘scumbag white supremacists plot to murder a widely despised liberal public figure’ thing would carry a lot more weight if only there was some kind of precedent for it.
In Denver.
Meth can be pretty brutal on a persons appetite . Around here Meth fella’s , and you ladies too , are always dropping out of windows . Depending on the updraft it can take two coffee breaks to check their ankles .
mikey: that was two words. Gomer likes drawn-out gun erotica.
And (shudder) I see that TIDOS and his buds are doing just that.
No results found for “drawn-out trebuchet erotica”.
No results found for “drawn-out trebuchet erotica”.
Congratulations! You are now the source of it.
Further research reveals that there is also a dearth of comment threads or use-groups devoted to the capabilities of Heidelberg platen letterpress printing presses. Hmmph. Gun fetishists get all the love.
That was a movie. Keith Moon did it for real.
But that man, identified as Shawn Robert Adolph, 33, who was wanted on numerous warrants, jumped out of a sixth floor hotel window. Law enforcement sources say Adolph broke an ankle in the fall and was captured moments later.
Yeah, but did he yell “Sic semper tyrannis“?
Jim, I doubt it’s much worse anyone’s time to go over there and gen houzi bi diou shi when he’s just going to moderate comments (to say nothing of the creepy, creepy commentariat and their disturbing-in-context firearms enthusiasm). Speaking of which, when did Sadly, No!’s spam filter become such a prude?
Speaking of assasination plots, does anybody remember the movie “Bob Roberts” with Tim Robbins. when i saw it I thought it was satire, but it turned out to be prophesy.
Yeah, a couple of fanatics with pissant weapons and meth are no threat! Hell, there’s dozens of box cutters in my local Piggly Wiggly. No way they could vuck up a new president’s administration. They’re WAY too busy with the weighty responsibility of helping Americans despite Reagan’s proclamation that “Government IS the problem.” And no WAY that they would ever harsh the buzz by making money on arms or oil trading because that isn’t the American way.
@ DKW :the turnout of more than 17,000 people seemed to be a “friendly crowd.”
I think they loved JFK in Dallas, too.
Anyone else feeling queasy?