Please let this be a dream!
[Update: Hello, white supremacists and neo-Nazis! We don’t know why you’re all coming by today (10/21/05), but we’re all up here at the main page, making fun of Ian Stewart and, you know, burning aromatherapy candles and drinking herbal tea with a Joan Baez record on. We would be so unhappy if you were to harsh our mellow!]
Please let this be a dream!
…And for so many reasons too. Stephen W. Terrell writes about this year’s hit duo, in the category of, uh, hmm:
Meet Lynx and Lamb Gaede, 12-year-old California twins who have started their own pop band called Prussian Blue. It’s like a cross between The Olson Twins, Hanson and Hermann Goering.
After quoting National Alliance Northeast Regional Coordinator Rich Lindstrom who argued that:
The impact could be huge and their influence will encourage ‘copycats’ …creating an entire genre of pro-White music. …I’m hanging on the edge of my seat with anticipation.
Stephen asks:
I dunno … Does this guy sound just a little too excited about these little girls?
Aber hallo!
Just in case you think that’s not bad enough, be sure to read the comments the post received. Our favorite was:
You coudn’t have given Lynx and Lamb a better Compliment! Nazis aren’t as bad as everyone thinks.
Not enough for you? Maybe you’d like a taste of the lyrics of Aryan Man Awake?
Where freedom exists for only those with darker skin,
Where lies and propaganda will never let you win.
Where symbols of your heritage are held with such contempt,
And benefits of country ?cept tax are you exempt.Aryan man awake,
How much more will you take,
Turn that fear to hate,
Aryan man awake.
We’re gonna go have a few drinks now, see you a bit later on.
Many thanks to reader Margot for the link.
When it comes to 12-year-old white supremacist virgin brides, how could he stop at just one?
Where freedom exists for only those with darker skin,
huh? I don’t feel any freer than anyone else around me. wtf do they mean that freedom exists only for those with darker skin?
It’s hard for me to think of anything witty to say. Jesus Fucking Christ.
In the words of Jake (or maybe it was Elwood):
I hate fucking (Illinois) Nazis.
Oh, my sweet Lordy-Gordy! That’s just wrong on too many levels. Something like this just sucks the snark right out of me.
Unbelievable. Twelve is awfully young, and I have to wonder at the source of this music. Who is writing it, who is teaching them this drivel?
wtf do they mean that freedom exists only for those with darker skin?
I wondered about that, too, and the only thing I could come up with is they mean minorities get preference and special treatment (such as Affirmitive Action, quotas, etc.). Which, you and I both know in reality is complete bullshit, but I can see how really stupid, angry people could twist it that way. The Nazis are a perfect example of how even the best people can be led to do the most heinous things.
Suuuuuuure, ‘the Nazis weren’t so bad’, they only systematically terminated millions of people. It stupefies, really.
Jesus Cracker Tittyfucking Christ.
And that’s all I have to say on the matter.
Sadly, yes, these people are real – Louis Theroux, one of the UK’s finest seeker-out of weirdoes of all natures, did a BBC documentary called “Louis and the Nazis” in which these girls feature heavily. They are influenced heavily by their mother, a truly frightening woman – who writes their songs, brainwashes them, and manages them like they’re the Nazi Britney Spears.
Ah, my respect for the inherent goodness of humanity goes down every minute of the day… it’s now at a sub-atomic level.
# I wish to complain about this CD what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
> Oh yes, the, uh, the Prussian Blue…What’s, uh…What’s wrong with it?
# I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, my lad. It sucks, that’s what’s wrong with it!
> No, no, their talent’s uh,…it’s resting.
# Look, matey, I know a lack of talent when I see one, and I’m looking at one right now.
> No no it’s not bad, it’s, it’s restin’! Remarkable music, the Prussian Blue, idn’it, ay? Beautiful liner notes!
Isn’t Prussian Blue a lab stain for culture slides when you trying to indentify certain diseases?
“Lynx and Lamb” – California without doubt and Mom obviously missed the warning about the brown acid tabs.
All I know is that I am a lot freer after a few bouts in the tanning bed.
I thought Prussian Blue was a dye marker.
A clothes dye also I think.
I think Prussian Blue is a kind of cat.
Unfortunately, the cat breed you’re thinking of is ‘Russian Blue’.
Nevertheless, why are they naming themselves after a colour? I thought they felt ‘colours’ were the problem? Traitors! It’s a secret message to the JEW CONSPIRACY!
Was I the only one who kept glancing up at my browser’s address field expecting to see
Truth is definitely stranger than fiction.
They seem a bit less scary when you see the master race have apparently hired Sassette Smurfling as their costume advisor…
Boy, are these girls gonna need therapy . . .
A couple of years ago Louis Theroux had an feature about American neo-Nazis in the Guardian Weekend. The Prussian Blue girls were pictured sitting back to back, wearing matching desert camo trousers (Desert Storm vintage).
I wondered about that, too, and the only thing I could come up with is they mean minorities get preference and special treatment (such as Affirmitive Action, quotas, etc.). Which, you and I both know in reality is complete bullshit, but I can see how really stupid, angry people could twist it that way.
That is what they think. It’s like a racial version of Ruben Bolling’s “Lucky Ducky” cartoons about class.
Um, doh. That was me up there.
Oh, also, Prussia is an area of Germany. I’m not sure what “blue” refers to, though.
And those comments defending them at Steve Terrell? Scary.
Prussian Blue is the residue left by the cyanide used in Zyklon B … the gas used in gas chambers, The absence of this in some places is used as “evidence” by holocaust deniers. Their argument is pretty poor scientifically, however.
“I didn’t shoot that guy. Want proof? There’s no blood on the floor.”
Thanks to Dr. No for writing about this.
I went to high school with Steve, and I recognize the name of one of the White Power/Nazi supporters in his comments as a kid I went to school with from 1st grade on. He was an ugly, mean little boy, and he hasn’t changed a bit.
You liberals have had your day. Ours is coming, and you’d better get out of our way. Lynx and Lamb are only the beginning. Your kids will listen to ours, just as you listened to rap and hiphop.
The day when the Jewish fable of the Holocaust is regarded as inerrant scripture is nearly over. Your doctrines have been exposed as lies by evidence that will gain credibility every day, try as you will to deride it.
It says on their site that the name relates to a few things..
The area of Germany called Prussia is correct (and the blue is because THEIR EYES ARE BLUE………)
Because they like the freakin color..
And last but definitely not least, because of the holocaust thing.
..I hope they get hit by a bus full of “darker skins”….
And then they get MJ’s disease backwards and actually TURN black, and MAYBE EVEN their NOSES CAN BECOME HUGE TOO!
I think not. My kids will know what good music is and isn’t, and if I was unfortunate enough to live near Lynx and Lamb, they would be trained to fight with coat hangers, the mortal enemy of the baby.
Here’s some new Prussian Blue crap.
lmfao… those girls are brainwashed… The Prussian Germany and the Blue eyes are bullshit. “Prussian Blue” is a direct reference to the gas used in the nazi death camps, it’s not just coincidence…
Those twins are crazy. They should learn how to snap out of their crazy mother’s influence. The mother is a useless parent. She’s just afraid to let her daughters grow up in the real world, that’s why she doesn’t send them to school. What’s up with the songs anyway? They probably don’t even know the meanings of half of those words in their songs. When are people going to learn. Everyone in this world are equals, and those who don’t think so should question yourself: What makes you think you are better than others?
If you doubt that minorities do get special treatment please spend some time reading these painstakingly well written essays, books and articles. THat is if you really care about the truth.
Incidentally, why is their mother afraid to let them grow up “in the real world”? Perhaps could there be something wrong with your “real world”?
A wonderful talent. No wonder the bigotted anti-caucasian vomit is bulldozing over these beautiful children. Stop the hate! *s*
The mainstream media is full of propaganda, but so is Mrs. Gaede. It is great to avoid the mainstream media, but force feeding racist beliefs on young kids is not helping in their growth. To all white supremisct out there, your wasting your time being so angry at people of color.
Both girls look like they will be serious hotties when they grow up. Hopefully they stay away from the Othello types or Mom might reach for the cyanide pills for herself.
What is wrong with the USA today if this was something about black rights many people would read if it had to do with white rights no body would read except white people who believe in white rights and why do some black people say quote: its because I am black isnt it! Well no its not because you are black it?s because you were doing something wrong! so black people use slavery as an excuse for calling all white people racist when it was mostly white people who fault for you to be free but black people dont see that they only see the bad. another thing iam sure that it was better to be a slave in america then free in africa because africa is so poor people over there cant eat,wash,no shelter in america they could eat wash and have shelter for some work and some slave onwers were good to there slaves not all were bad. Next black people say all I want is respect! Well first you have their speech! Blacks are four times more likely then whites to be on welfare but most of the time whites get turned down for welfare when a black person gets welfare they get it so much easier then whites why you ask because there black if you go into a welfare center almost everyone is black its racist! Next why are there all black collages and all black organizations like the untied Negro collage fund where no white people are allowed to attend last time I checked that was segregation that?s illegal according to the amendments! What would happen if there was the untied white college fund it would be considered racist and unconstitutional. Black people always talk about how almost 150 years ago where in slavery. 150years ago I think its time to get over slavery and time get on with their life because they were not in slavery there great, great, great grand dad was. If u would like to put a stop to everything you just read please join or support your local KKK or neo nazis and stop this unequal balance in the USA. no one can say this is not incorrect because this is the FACTS
DUDE you’re missing the point completely. black people may be oversensitive sometimes, minorities may get special treatment, everything you spit out in your little rantings may be true (i didnt bother to read all the way through that bullcrap so i wouldn’t know) but the main point isnt any of those things, you must have been too busy ranting to notice.
just because minorities get special treatment doesnt make white people any better than them.
THAT is the point that we rational people are trying to make. the Gaedes, including the delusional mother, dont quite see it that way. america is supposed to be a beacon of hope for those who are oppressed, and that’s why they all come here. if you think you’re being oppressed, then FOR THE SAKE OF JESUS OR ALLAH OR ADONAI OR WHOEVER YOU BELIEVE IN, STOP COMPLAINING AND MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! you werent first on this land, and the people who were (native americans) had their rights stripped away in a way that was much worse from what we white people are going through now. white people dont have any more right to this land than anybody else…they kicked the native americans off in the first place.
if you think you could get a better life somewhere else,
move there.
and leave the rest of us alone.
idiot nazis.
hey im the one who wrote the fact let me tell u something i dont care about the native americans getting there land taken away u no y cause i am native american u dumb ass motherfucker
The logic of justifying Lynx and lamb’s musical or political views and all their sympathisers makes about as much sense as justifying the act of waking up a chronic insomniac who (in one of his rare occassions) is in deep sleep only to hand him yet another sleeping pill !!!
To me the heights of irrationality is any sane and genuinely intelligent( I don’t mean a guy who thinks himself intelligent but is still a dumbo) white person actually justifying white pride, neo nazism and duh…supercrap sounding obnoxious comical clownish midget twins lynx and lamb and their psycho white mom April…..for such kind of people 2+2 makes 22 !!!
yeah dude…i agree 100 % with you. Anyway…looks like those short sexy blonde hottie girls will grow up and will develop a fetish for big black cocks to suck and hump themselves outta pleasure. “Yummy mummy…we white girls just love our dark chocolate”…hahahahahahaha imagine April crackhead Gaede’s reaction and shock then…just love to look at her frozen face….will be a true “kodak moment” !!! “smile ..say “cheese” !!! hahahahaha.
If you only have love for your own race
then you only leave space to discriminate.
Yeah i can easely imagine you jerking off thinking about that scene big bastard jewish pedophile, sick fuck.
white pride world wide
Even in Laos?
Oh yeah, that white pride world wide symbol is a LOT like the Zodiac Killer’s symbol.
Unfortunately, I know these girls personally. I go to school with them, and they fit right in here. No one has ever questioned their morals (at least not to their faces) and they’re wildly popular. One teacher, however, did ask a few friends and I to stick to them all day when she heard one black student talking about their music and about beating them up.
I wish he had succeeded. This absolutely sickens me.
stop hating white people please
white people are humans too
give up your phobia for white people, white people are humans too
and Yama the Space Fish:
you are a fascist.
Hey, guess what, facists? The only people who are even mildly afraid of white people have reasons better than any you could possibly dream up. I’m white. I’m also a Jew. I’m also just a generally well-behaved guy.
But racist bigot douches like “The Truth” (messianic idiocy in the name alone), the various incarnations of “liz” (dithering, hateful idiot), “David” (whose poetics would sicken a flounder), and “Margot” (who is simply a delusive fool) make me angry. If it wasn’t for sheep like this, I’d have a lot more relatives right now.
Rest assured, facist pigs, your days are numbered.
Oh no! Prussian Blue is having Fan Sites go up! What’s wrong with people these days?
Okay, I admit I wrote it. We’re taking the world back from you kikes & leftists. You’ve despoiled it with your frauds, your deceptions, and your “Money Power”/materialism ideas long enough. We will return it to the idea of human quality, as it should always have been.
Prussian Blue is absolute shit, that’s why. I can’t understand why they even have fans.
Wow you guys are real tough making fun of 12 year old girls over the internet, because their ideals differ from your jewish fantasy. You niggers and yids are just mad that some whites have snapped out of the jew box and are finally thinking on their own. The KKK gets larger every day. The socialist party in Germany gets more votes every year. There are more whites seeing things for what they are every day and some are doing something about it. YOUR days are the numbered ones. And actually you are the facists because you hate something that is so different from your views. I guess everybody can have a separate opinion unless it opposes yours huh? Posted by: Rabbi Killlinger at June 8, 2005 12:25 PM
yeah dude…i agree 100 % with you. Anyway…looks like those short sexy blonde hottie girls will grow up and will develop a fetish for big black cocks to suck and hump themselves outta pleasure. “Yummy mummy…we white girls just love our dark chocolate”…hahahahahahaha imagine April crackhead Gaede’s reaction and shock then…just love to look at her frozen face….will be a true “kodak moment” !!! “smile ..say “cheese” !!! hahahahaha.
Yea us White Nationalists are real fucked up compared to jews. Give me a break.
Posted by: LOL at February 7, 2005 08:23 AM
Everyone in this world are equals, and those who don’t think so should question yourself: What makes you think you are better than others?
Countless statistics prove otherwise. 1/3 of all black males end up in a correctional facility
sometime in their life. I got that statistic from the United States census if you wish to argue the validity.
Posted by: Dianne at January 20, 2005 01:50 AM
I think not. My kids will know what good music is and isn’t, and if I was unfortunate enough to live near Lynx and Lamb, they would be trained to fight with coat hangers, the mortal enemy of the baby.
Yes, because white nationalists go around fighting with coat hangers against 12 year old girls…..Wow.
Posted by: Yama the Space Fish at December 24, 2004 02:01 AM
Thanks to Dr. No for writing about this.
I went to high school with Steve, and I recognize the name of one of the White Power/Nazi supporters in his comments as a kid I went to school with from 1st grade on. He was an ugly, mean little boy, and he hasn’t changed a bit.
Yea, you guys never judge people by the way they look.
The problem for you guys is that we have the statistics on our side. The US census must be racist right cause it shows that everybody really isnt equal. We’re gaining power everyday and theres nothing you can do about it. Now I have to go to work. Toodles.
Um, no. And I’m talking about training my kids to curse in Filipino or Malay if Dresden Hale Bitchfeldt ever calls her a slant-eyed halfbreed cunt. Stupid worm wouldn’t know what hit her.
Anyway, you guys certainly don’t like Lynx and Lamb for their musical talent.
How would training your kids to curse in a foreign language that lamb and lynx probably wouldnt understand affect them? How would that help end what you see as the problem of racism? Is cursing really neccesesary (spelling?) to express yourself or is your vocabulary that narrow?
When does swaring help anything? Those girls wouldnt even understand it cause its in a foreign language. How would that help eradicate what you see as the problem of racism?
Some people like Lynx, Lamb, and probably Dresden are beyond redemption, and sometimes that’s all you can do.
Race a heritable, biological, physical reality. It is not a “social construct.”
The idea that race is a “social construct” has made me smile more than once during debates with liberals. Referring to human differences that are real ? biological and innate ? as “social constructs” is one of the ways liberals, including many Marxists and feminists, trivialize that over which they have no control. Harangue and confuse the multitudes as they may, liberals have never once seen their wishes overcome natural laws, and they never will.
The differences between the hominid races are as real (if not as large) as those between gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. While it is true that only a small percentage of genes is responsible for racial differences, we do not judge the significance of those differences by counting genes. We judge their significance by the qualities and performance factors of the organisms that those genes create.
If one race-car engine differs only slightly in design from another race-car engine, but that little difference results in one having significantly more horsepower than the other, then what is the best way to judge the importance of the difference in design? By micrometers of cylinder diameter? By the viscosity of the motor oil? Or by the accelerations and top speeds of the race-cars?
I trust you now appreciate my argument.
What is “human dignity”? It isn’t an organ, nor a hormone. It isn’t biologically inherited, and, if it is inherited at all, it’s by a theological sort of inheritance, say, as a human supposedly acquires a soul. Liberals are fond of saying that all people have inherent human dignity, but in what does it inhere? The spleen, the liver? I propose that all of the next four statements are equally silly:
Wolf, you may not eat me, for I have Human Dignity.
Lightning, you may not strike me, for I have Human Dignity.
Earthquake, you may not shake my house down on top of me, for I have Human Dignity.
Fellow humans, you must provide for me and carry me along on your backs, worthless though I am to you, for I have Human Dignity.
Although none of those four statements is more cogent than any of the others, the last one is the only statement likely to have an impact on its speaker’s fortunes. Why? It’s because humans have minds able to hold social constructs, and human dignity is a social construct. Physical realities, such as race and gender, are not in that class.
Why would anyone construct the idea of “human dignity”? Basically, to get power. One has “human dignity” more or less by the permission of liberals, who may strip it at will from whomever they don’t like: racists, for example.
Nature produced the visible racial differences, which we usually notice on inspection. Liberals declare that those “cosmetic” differences are trivial. But then they declare that those are the ONLY differences between the races.
It would be a very strange thing indeed if nature, which created all of the heritable differences between races, had been aware of liberal sensibilities since the dawn of time, and had carefully permitted only those racial differences having no social significance of which liberals might disapprove. Do you see how silly is the case for racial equality? It presumes that nature was somehow required to do as the liberals would have done if they had been in charge of writing nature’s laws. Why do liberals make this vast error?
Liberals are people who have confused the proper roles of perception, reason, and moral sense.
More carefully thoughtful people try first to determine the facts of the world through the use of perception and reason, thus answering the question “What is?” But liberals try first to determine the facts of the world by using their moral sense, and they confuse the question of “What is fair?” with the question “What is?”
Liberals insist that everyone regard liberal ideas about fairness as the truth about the world. And that is the basis of the doctrine of racial equality. Scientifically, it belongs in the trash can.
A well known author of fantasy novels recently told me: “I think when you tell some one to shut up and go away, you invite the response of ‘you have censored me!’ Even though ‘censor’ is a word that applies only to a government authority suppressing someone.” Which isn’t true.
A Board of Censors can be set up by a private company, as the TV networks did at one time, and what such a board does is censorship.
The objection is not to censorship per se, but to unjust censorship. Unjust censorship is something that anyone might do, not the government only. Censorship is unjust when someone is denied a means of communication that he has a right to use, whether the right is by law (e.g., the First Amendment) or by contract (purchased).
But it’s also true that a lot of people who claim to have been unjustly censored haven’t been. They’ve only been denied the free use of someone else’s property. Whereas such a denial isn’t an injustice, it can sometimes be a hypocrisy.
For example, I was denied the right to post on ePhilosopher after one of my posts treated race without the mandatory presumption of racial equality.
Ephilosopher is someone else’s private property, so my denial of service was a legitimate exercise of the owner’s rights. I can’t complain that I was unjustly censored.
But ePhilosopher played a hypocritical trick. It held itself out as a forum where any honest opinion can be presented in open debate for honest criticism, and I had believed them, but the pretense was exposed when it was put to test.
Nature does not take any particular care to make races “equal.” Rather than there being any theoretical reason to suppose that races are equal, there’s abundant reason to suppose that evolution would have made races unequal. And quite aside from theoretical considerations, what do we actually find when we examine race-related statistical information? We find that the races are not equal.
The U.S. Department of Justice, including all its Bureaus and Agencies, regard most Hispanics as being racially White. They have no separate racial category for Mestizos, and about 90% of Hispanics resident in the United States are Mestizos.
One result of this misclassification is an upward skewing of the number of crimes having “White” perpetrators.
There are a few states that track, or until recently have tracked, the crimes of Mestizos separately from Whites. When crime data from those states is studied, it can be seen that Mestizos have about three times the per capita rate for the perpetration of most violent crimes, as compared with Whites. It might have something to do with loco bravo.
From there, it’s possible to make a rough correction to the federal crime totals. Somewhere between a quarter to a third of all violent crimes allegedly committed by “Whites” in the federal data were, in fact, committed by Mestizos.
It’s no wonder that when you browse the FBI “Most Wanted” pages, you often see Hispanic faces over the words “Race: White.”
Keep that correction in mind when you compare the per capita rate ratio, Black to White, for crime perpetrators.
Before you remove the Mestizos from the “White” offender totals, it appears that Blacks commit (for example) murder at a per capita rate that is seven times greater than the rate for Whites. But AFTER you remove the Mestizos from the “White” offender totals, you find out that Blacks commit murder at a per capita rate that is ten times higher than the White rate.
You can check this for yourself. You’ll need to download the FBI Uniform Crime Reports document, Crime in the United States, which is available at
You’ll also need population data from the Census Bureau.
When you put the information together, you can create tables like the ones on these pages:
You can also create graphs like these:
It’s worth mentioning that poverty cannot be the root cause of the disparity between Black and White rates for violent crime. According to the US Census, 11.2% of American Whites and 29.0% of US resident Blacks lived in poverty in 1995.
Yes, a higher percentage of Blacks than Whites are poor. But how many poor Whites and poor Blacks are we talking about? In 1995, there were 218.3 million American Whites and 33.1 million US resident Blacks, which shows (after multiplying by the respective percentages) that there were 24.4 million poor Whites and 9.5 million poor Blacks living in the United States that year.
Excluding the Mexicans, poor “Americans” were 72% White and 28% Black in 1995. Poor Whites outnumbered poor Blacks by a ratio of 2.57 to one. If poverty were the fundamental cause of violent crime, as the liberals say it is, then for each 100 murders in the US committed by Blacks in 1995, about 257 murders would have been committed by Whites. But that isn’t what happened.
The fact is that about 55% of the murders in the United States in 1995 were committed by Blacks. In other words, for each 100 murders committed by Blacks in 1995, only 82 murders were committed by all non-Black groups combined.
Even if you were to assume that Whites committed all of the murders in the United States that Blacks did not commit in 1995, the Whites could only be responsible, at most, for 82 murders for each 100 murders perpetrated by Blacks. And keep in mind that there were 6.8 times more Whites than Blacks in America in 1995.
These facts are in conflict with a prediction that can be reasonably drawn from the liberal theory, which is therefore wrong. Poverty isn’t the cause of Black violence, and the famous “poverty causes crime” hypothesis is a liberal myth.
Just to check, in 1998, 10.5% of American Whites and 26.5% of American Blacks lived in poverty. The Census Bureau estimates that there were were 223.0 million White Americans and 34.4 million Black US residents on July 1 of that year. At that time, then, there were 23.4 million poor Whites and 9.1 million poor Blacks living in the United States. The poor were once again 72% White and 28% Black, setting aside poor people of all other races. In 1998 as in 1995, poor Whites outnumbered poor Blacks by a ratio of 2.57 to one.
Both the ratio of poor Whites to poor Blacks, and the per capita rate ratio, Black to White, for murder perpetration, remain rather consistent over the years. Poverty has not been causing crime. Poor Whites do not behave as poor Blacks behave.
Which, of course, is what any racist could have told you. Liberals decide what the facts are by their feelings after consulting their favorite slogans, but racists use their minds and their eyes. The difference in violent behavior is a racial difference.
I’m all for cultural diversity, twelve year old blonde pop nazi twins satisfy my curiosity for the esoteric. 😉
“Nature does not take any particular care to make races “equal.” Rather than there being any theoretical reason to suppose that races are equal, there’s abundant reason to suppose that evolution would have made races unequal. And quite aside from theoretical considerations, what do we actually find when we examine race-related statistical information? We find that the races are not equal.”
Jerry Abott, you hit the nail right on the head. There is a pattern in the history of the tree of life on this planet. Briefly, life does two things:
1) It radiates (speciation), in that various species, over time, give rise to two or more species (this is very basic).
2) The branches from the aforementioned splitting events move toward higher complexity at different rates. Liberal egalitarians may argue that complexity is subjective, but this is simply not true. It is clear that multi-cellular life has more functioning parts than uni-cellular life does, and it is clearly the case the something like a horse is more complex than something like a starfish (I could go on all day with examples). To drive my point home, consider the common ancestor of all animal life: some branches led to invertebrate phyla, and some led to us, the vertebrtates. Now consider the vertebrates. You had primitive fish evolve into more advanced fish, and then some of these fish evolved into amphibians, and some stayed as fish. Clearly, the amphibians and their repitial descendants were, and are, more complex than that which remained in the water. Next, some reptiles evolved into mammals, which are more intelligent than their cousins, which remained reptiles. Next, the order mammalia radiated several branches, one of which, primates, evolved a high degree of intelligence (relatively speaking). Next, the common ancestor of all primates clearly gave rise to a plethora of contemporary primates, and they are obviously not all of the same intelligence or complexity: the great apes are above monkeys and lemurs. Next, within the apes, the genus homo ascended beyond the other apes. Finally, within the genus homo, different races of “humans”–all of which come from a common hominoid ancestor—have achieved different levels of civilization and cultural development (this is obvious to anyone with a third grade knowledge, or higher, of world history).
So you see, after splitting into different branches from a common ancestor, said various branches DO NOT move towards higher complexity at the same rates. This is such a basic and fundamental biological concept that there really should be a name for it, but the fact that there isn’t does not surprise me. Not giving it a name serves the judeo-egalitarian swine quite well, because it took me all of this space to explain it, and with the shortened attention spans that most White lemmings have in this epoch (due to jewish television programming), many, if not most, White lemmings will not have the patience to thoroughly read my point, ponder it, and see how clear it is that we are correct.
The liberals’ only rebuttal to this is the CLAIM that “humans” diverged from a common ancestor “only” 100,000 years ago. This is a logical fallacy, just like the “we’re all equal because we share 99.9% of our genomes” because throwing out numbers and stating one’s incredulity PROVES NOTHING> Second, it is by no means settled that we branched out 100,000 years ago. There is evidence that it is closer to a million years (they have found 700,000 year old hominid fossils in southeast Asia, for instance).
P.S. You scum who wish violence on these two heroines and their mother, whom I know, are part of a demographic who will go into oblivion. Nature is on our side. Either we win, and your worldview obviously goes extinxt, or, the jews win, and all hominid life on this planet goes extinct, and thus your sick, unnatural worldview along with you. Either we win and you lose, or we both lose. Either way, you filthy, disgusting, wretched scum lose. This is what brings me undescribable joy, in spite of the uphill struggle that we are now engaged in.
Why do you racist Prussian Blue lovers keep spamming this website? You DO realize how silly it makes you look, don’t you?
Anyone who has a brain and searches Prussian Blue will see all you do is sit and spam sites all day for these two girls and their mother.
It is getting very, very old Mr. Abbott. There is something wrong with an adult man who fawns over some pre-pubescent young ladies…
We’re talking about a couple of young ladies whom you will never see touting the latest ‘ho’ fashions or undulating to 50 Cents(less)urban garbage. I am going to make a guess here and suggest the majority of you cretins that are offended by these ladies probably imbide many hours of porn. No problem there, right?
Here is what they are addressing, bedwetters:
Aside from the question of whether Prof. MacDonald is right is the further question of what difference it makes if he is right. If correct, his thesis certainly sheds light on the rapidity with which whites lost their will. Just a few decades ago whites were a confident race, proud of their achievements, convinced of their fitness to dominate the globe. Today they are a declining, apologetic people, ashamed of their history and not sure even of their claim to lands they have occupied for centuries. It is very rare for fundamental concepts to be stood on their heads in the course of just a generation or two, as has happened with thinking about race. Such speed suggests there has been something more than natural change.
Originally appeared in American Renaissance, June 1999, issue 54 entitled ‘Cherchez le Juif.’ Stanley Hornbeck is the pen name of a Washington, DC area businessman. Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, Praeger (1998) $65.00, 379 pp.
Diverisity is Perversity
?Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long. . . . the white man is the devil. . . . the CRIPS and Bloods are soldiers I?m recruiting with no dispute; drive-by shooting on this white genetic mutant. . . . let?s go and kill some rednecks. . . . Menace Clan ain?t afraid. . . . I got the .380; the homies think I?m crazy because I shot a white baby; I said; I said; I said: kill whitey all night long. . . . a nigga dumping on your white ass; fuck this rap shit, nigga, I?m gonna blast. . . . I beat a white boy to the motherfucking ground?;
?Kill Whitey?; Menace Clan, Da Hood, 1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of what was called Thorn EMI and now is called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Devils fear this brand new shit. . . . I bleed them next time I see them. . . . I pray on these devils. . . . look what it has come to; who you gonna run to when we get to mobbing. . . . filling his body up with lead, yah; cracker in my way; slitting, slit his throat; watch his body shake; watch his body shake; that?s how we do it in the motherfucking [San Francisco] Bay. . . . sitting on the dock of the dirty with my AK?;
?Heat?featuring Jet and Spice 1?; Paris, Unleashed, 1998, Unleashed Records, Whirling Records.
?These devils make me sick; I love to fill them full of holes; kill them all in the daytime, broad motherfucking daylight; 12 o?clock, grab the Glock; why wait for night?
?Sweatin Bullets?; Brand Nubian, Everything Is Everything, 1994, Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.
?A fight, a fight, a nigger and a white, if the nigger don?t win then we all jump in. . . . smoking all [of] America?s white boys?;
?A Fight?; Apache, Apache Ain?t Shit, 1993, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.
?I kill a devil right now. . . . I say kill whitey all nightey long. . . . I stabbed a fucking Jew with a steeple. . . . I would kill a cracker for nothing, just for the fuck of it. . . . Menace Clan kill a cracker; jack ?em even quicker. . . . catch that devil slipping; blow his fucking brains out?
?Fuck a Record Deal?; Menace Clan, Da Hood, 1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of Thorn EMI; called The EMI Group since 1997, United Kingdom.
?Now I?m black but black people trip [become upset] ?cause white people like me; white people like me but don?t like them. . . . I don?t hate whites, I just gotta death wish for motherfuckers that ain?t right?
?Race War?; Ice-T, Home Invasion, 1993, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?To all my Universal Soldier?s: stay at attention while I strategize an invasion; the mission be ssassination, snipers hitting Caucasians with semi-automatic shots heard around the world; my plot is to control the globe and hold the world hostage. . . . see, I got a war plan more deadlier than Hitler. . . . lyrical specialist, underworld terrorist. . . . keep the unity thick like mud. . . . I pulling out gats [handguns], launching deadly attacks?
?Blood for Blood?; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Lead to the head of you devils?
?Lick Dem Muthaphuckas?Remix?; Brand Nubian, Everything Is Everything, 1994, Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.
?This will all be over in ?99, so, niggas, give devils the crime; gonna be more devils dying?
?No Surrender?; Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, Creepin on ah Come Up, 1994, Ruthless Records, Epic Records, Sony Music Entertainment, Sony, Japan.
?Won?t be satisfied until the devils?I see them all dead. . . . my brother is sending me more guns from down South. . . . pale face. . . . it?s all about brothers rising up, wising up, sizing up our situation. . . . you be fucking with my turf when you be fucking with my race; now face your maker and take your last breadth; the time is half-past death. . . . it?s the Armageddon. . . . go into the garage; find that old camouflage. . . . cracker-shooting nightly?
?What the Fuck?; Brand Nubian, Everything Is Everything, 1994, Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.
?.44 ways to get paid. . . . I?m through with talking to these devils; now I?m ready to blast?
?44 Wayz?featuring Mystic?; Paris, Unleashed, 1998, Unleashed Records, Whirling Records.
?Like my niggas from South Central Los Angeles they found that they couldn?t handle us; Bloods, CRIPS, on the same squad, with the Essays [Latino gangbangers] up, and nigga, it?s time to rob and mob and break the white man off something lovely?
?The Day the Niggaz Took Over?; Dr Dre, The Chronic, 1993, Interscope Records, under Time Warner in 1993.
?Bust a Glock; devils get shot. . . . when God give the word me herd like the buffalo through the neighborhood; watch me blast. . . . I?m killing more crackers than Bosnia-Herzegovina, each and everyday. . . . don?t bust until you see the whites of his eyes, the whites of his skin. . . . Louis Farrakhan . . . Bloods and CRIPS, and little old me, and we all getting ready for the enemy?
?Enemy?; Ice Cube, Lethal Injection, 1993, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Devil, to gangbanging there?s a positive side and the positive side is this?sooner than later the brothers will come to Islam, and they will be the soldiers for the war; what war, you ask; Armageddon; ha, ha, ha, ha, ha?
?Armageddon?; RBX, The RBX Files, 1995, Premeditated Records, Warner Brother Records, Time Warner, USA.
?Subtract the devils that get smoked. . . . we?re people, black people; steal your mind back, don?t die in their wilderness. . . . let?s point our heaters [handguns] the other way?
?Dial 7?; Digable Planets, Blowout Comb, 1994, Pendulum Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Get them devil-made guns and leave them demons bleeding; give them back whips, and just feed them bullets?
?Wicked Ways?; Sunz of Man, One Million Strong: The Album, 1995, Mergela Records, Solar/Hines Co., Prolific Records.
?It?s time to send the devil to the essence. . . . this is a must because there ain?t no reform or trust; you got a Glock and you see a devil, bust. . . . they?ll be calling us the trigger men, the nappy-knotty red-beard devil-assassin; Lord make a law; at midnight I?ll be bashing. . . . field niggas [are] locked in until 2005?
?Field N#gguhz in a Huddle?; Professor Griff, Blood of the Prophet; 1998, Lethal Records, Mercury Records, PolyGram, Philips? Electronics NV, Netherlands. PolyGram merged with Universal Music Group in 1998, the parent being The Seagram Company of Canada.
?He prays on old white ladies [who] drive the Mercedes with the windows cracked. . . . you should?ve heard the bitch screaming. . . . sticking guns in crackers? mouths. . . . the cops can?t stop it. . . . remember 4-29-92, come on; Florence and Normandy coming to a corner near you, cracker; we?ve been through your area, mass hysteria; led by your motherfucking Menace Clan?
?Mad Nigga?; Menace Clan, Da Hood, 1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records, Time Warner, USA.
?The black man is god. . . . buy a Tec [and] let loose in the Vatican. . . . I love the black faces; so put your Bible in the attic?
?Ain?t No Mystery?; Brand Nubian, In God We Trust, 1992, Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.
?Rhymes is rugged like burnt buildings in Harlem; the Ol Dirty Bastard. . . . I?m also militant. . . . snatching devils up by the hair, then cut his head off?
?Cuttin Headz?; Ol Dirty Bastard, Return of the 36 Chambers: the Dirty Version; 1995, Elektra Entertainment, Time Warner, USA.
?Listen to this black visionary, bringing war like a revolutionary. . . . go on a killing spree, putting devils out their misery; hearing screams, sounds of agony; my hostility takes over me. . . . camouflaged ninjas avenging?
?Under Seige?; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Swing by on the pale guy. . . . break him in the neck. . . . the guerrilla with the poison tip. . . . shaking pinky up on a dull-ass ice-pick . . . this is Lench Mob. . . . devil, what you want to do; when you see the boot, knew your head is hoohoo ?
?King of the Jungle?; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Dropping verses, casting curses, throwing these hexes on the devils. . . . respect to Farrakhan, but I?m the jungle-don, the new guerrilla, top-ranked honky killer. . . . what do blacks do; they just keep on blowing devils away. . . . evil fucking cracker. . . . I?m tightening up the laces to my steel-toed boots, so I can walk, stomp; we stomp this devil down in the park?
?Planet of da Apes?; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?We?re having thoughts of overthrowing the government. . . . the brothers and sisters threw their fists in the air. . . . it?s open season on crackers, you know; the morgue will be full of Caucasian John Doe?s. . . . I make the Riot shit look like a fairy tale. . . . oh my god, Allah, have mercy; I?m killing them devils because they?re not worthy to walk the earth with the original black man; they must be forgetting; it?s time for Armageddon, and I won?t rest until they?re all dead?
?Goin Bananas?; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?The crackers ain?t shit; chase them out of the jungle; now raise up off the planet. . . . we get the 12 gauge; shot to the chest. . . . we hitting devils up. . . . Da Lench Mob, environmental terrorist. . . . I gripped the Glock and had to knock his head from his shoulders. . . . I got the .30[6] on the rooftop; pop; pop; so many devils die. . . . make sure I kill them. . . . lynch a thousand a week if it?s necessary?
?Environmental Terrorist?; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Like an armed struggle. . . . I come with the New Wu Order. . . . waging war on the devils? community. . . . whipped cardinals and one Pope?
?Universal Soldiers?; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Swinging out of the trees, is the blood-spilling, devil-killing, nappy-headed g.?s. . . . blacks and Mexicans must take a stand. . . . I?m down with Chico, and not with the man?
?Set the Shit Straight?; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Fuck them laws, because the Mob is coming raw; nigga, is you down because it?s the Final Call. . . . grab your gat; know the three will start busting; I?m trying to take them down. . . . the war of wars with no fucking scores. . . . April 29 was a chance to realize . . . the g.?s are out to kill. . . . we got crackers to kill; sending them back in on a ship to Europe. . . . they deserve it. . . . a nation-wide riot across America. . . . this is the Final Call on black man and black woman, rich and poor; rise up?
?Final Call?; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?I come with the wicked style. . . . I got everybody jumping to the voodoo. . . . I got a gat and I?m looking out the window like Malcolm. . . . April 29 was power to the people, and we just might see a sequel?
?Wicked?; Ice Cube, The Predator, 1992, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Deal with the devil with my motherfucking steel [handgun]. . . . white man is something I tried to study, but I got my hands bloody, yeah. . . . I met Farrakhan and had dinner?
?When Will They Shoot?; Ice Cube, The Predator, 1992, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?Actual fact you need to be black. . . . everyday I fight a devil. . . . I grab a shovel to bury a devil. . . . the battle with the beast, Mr. 666. . . . my mind rolled to a 7th level; grab my bazooka and nuke a devil. . . . with black, I build; for black, I kill?
?Fightin the Devil?; RBX, The RBX Files, 1995, Premeditated Records, Warner Brother Records, Time Warner, USA.
?I pledge allegiance to only the black. . . . black, you had best prepare for the coming of war. . . . look at you devil; now you?re sweating; I?m telling you: you can?t run from the hand of Armageddon. . . . he eats his pig-steak rare so he can taste the blood?
?No Time?; RBX, The RBX Files, 1995, Premeditated Records, Warner Brother Records, Time Warner, USA.
?Killing devils [and] scatter they ashes over the sea of Mediterranean. . . . open your eyes to the revolution. . . . unite with the black coalition?
?Wake Up?; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?My own kind blind, brain-trained on the devil-level. . . . chasing down loot, Dole or Newt, who do you shoot. . . . rough stuff to the babies, spread like rabies?
?Niggativity . . . Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?; Chuck D, Autobiography of MistaChuck, 1996, Mercury Records, PolyGram, Philips? Electronics NV, Netherlands. PolyGram merged within Universal Music Group in 1998, the parent being The Seagram Company, Canada.
?Buck the devil; boom. . . . shoot you with my .22; I got plenty of crew; I take out white boys. . . . we got big toys with the one-mile scope, taking whitey?s throat?
?Buck tha Devil?; Da Lench Mob, Guerrillas in tha Mist, 1992, Eastwest Records America, Elektra, Atlantic, Time Warner, USA.
?Little devils don?t go to heaven. . . . the AK forty . . . hold a fifty clip, and I?ll shoot until it?s empty. . . . I?m killing only seven million civilians. . . . one dead devil?
?Freedom Got an AK?; Da Lench Mob, Guerrillas in tha Mist, 1992, Eastwest Records America, Elektra, Atlantic, Time Warner, USA.
?Grab your deep-ass crews. . . . we gotta make them ends, even if it means Jack and friends. . . . now you?re doomed, hollow-points to the dome; once again it?s on. . . . out comes my .22. . . . I?m the cut-throat; now I got to cut you . . . ?94 is the season for lynching; from out of the dark is the South Central g., ready-hand steady on a bloody machete. . . . a devil is on my shoulder; should I kill it; hell yah. . . . I slice Jack. . . . took an axe, and gave that bitch, Jill, forty wacks. . . . with my hip hop . . . it don?t stop, until heads roll off the cutting block?
?Cut Throats?; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
?A young fugitive soldier. . . . soon to make the devil kneel?
?Not Promised Tomorrow?; Sunz of Man, Sunz of Man: The Last Shall Be First, 1998, Threat Records, Wu-Tang Records, Red Ant Entertainment, BMG Distribution, BMG
Entertainment, Bertelsmann AG of Germany.
?Camouflaged for the mission. . . . become Bonnie and Clyde; carry .45?s in these last days. . . . an original black man with a plan to run these devils off our motherfucking land. . . . the Sunz of Man war track. . . . kept gun in hand, stalking the land?
?Can I See You?; Sunz of Man, Sunz of Man: The Last Shall Be First, 1998, Threat Records, Wu-Tang Records, Red Ant Entertainment, BMG Distribution, BMG Entertainment,
Bertelsmann, Germany.
?I may die in the scuffle but I?m taking forty devils?
?The City?; Wu-Tang Clan, Wu-Tang Forever, 1997, Loud Records, Wu-Tang Productions, RCA Records, BMG Distribution, BMG Entertainment, Bertelsmann, Germany.
?Roping up the devils, have them hanging from my testicles?
?Nowhere To Run?; Gravediggaz, 6 Feet Deep, 1997 reissue of a 1994 album, Gee Street Records, BMG Distribution, BMG Entertainment, Bertelsmann AG, Germany.
?Devils get baked. . . . devils are all defeated. . . . breaking devils down?
?Blood Brothers?; Gravediggaz, 6 Feet Deep, 1997 reissue of a 1994 album, Gee Street Records, BMG Distribution, BMG Entertainment, Bertelsmann AG, Germany.
?I love black women and I hate fucking crackers. . . . I destroyed a whole city like Sodom and Gomorrah or Babylon. . . . devils choke from the gunsmoke. . . . I?m swelling devils? melons. . . . send your asses to Kings County; solo pro-morgue supplier?
?Graveyard Chamber?; Gravediggaz, 6 Feet Deep, 1997 reissue of a 1994 album, Gee Street Records, BMG Distribution, BMG Entertainment, Bertelsmann AG, Germany.
?I?m hanging devils? heads on a evergreen bush?
?Dangerous Mindz?; Gravediggaz, The Pick The Sickle and The Shovel, 1997, Gee Street Records, BMG Distribution, BMG Entertainment, Bertelsmann, Germany.
?Cloud, which means to overshadow the other man, mess up his game plan. . . . South Park Black Panther coming at last. . . . I need more brothers to roll over the government. . . . I got the nine [millimeter pistol], the mind, and the time to unwind new-school pro-black dope [great] rhymes. . . . there?s 10,000 of us; how you gonna stop this bum-rush, fool. . . . talk is cheap; you best believe that, black; actions speak louder than words, and that?s a fact?
?Cloud on Suckas?; The Terrorists, Terror Strikes: Always Bizness Never Personal, 1991, Rap-A-Lot Records, Priority Records, Thorn EMI, United Kingdom. Rap-A-Lot Records was owned by Virgin Records for about four years before 1999, when it joined back with Priority. Thorn EMI changed its name in 1998 to EMI Group.
?I?m black with a bat, swinging at the head of a honky. . . . The Terrorists about to murder your ass?
?Blow Dem Hoes Up?; The Terrorists, Terror Strikes: Always Bizness Never Personal, 1991, Rap-A-Lot Records, Priority Records, Thorn EMI, United Kingdom.
?Squeeze your nostrils tight and gag your mouth with a Bud Light; peace to all the blacks. . . . The Terrorists kicking political rough shit and we won?t quit until the other man?s throat slit from one ear to the other?
?Bomb Threat?; The Terrorists, Terror Strikes: Always Bizness Never Personal, 1991, Rap-A-Lot Records, Priority Records, Thorn EMI, United Kingdom.
?A fight, a nigger and a white, if the nigger don?t win then we all jump in?
?Ghetto Mentalitee?; Onyx, All We Got Iz Us, 1995, Rush Associated Labels Recordings, PolyGram Group Distribution, Philips? Elecronics, Netherlands.
?Waiting for the crackers; smuggle; his mug is in the gutters. . . . so we need your participation in the Caucasian assassination; time is wasting. . . . so who is in association with the nigger retaliation; it needs your total cooperation. . . . a confrontation will be fought by the younger generation; because we got determination; all we need is organization?
?Purse Snatchers?; Onyx, All We Got Iz Us, 1995, Rush Associated Labels Recordings, PolyGram Group Distribution, Philips? Elecronics, Netherlands.
?The real black army is in jail. . . . come on my fellow prisoners, time to go to war. . . . what we need to do is point the guns in the right direction, aha. . . . me and my piece came to claim the brown man?s cut. . . . infiltrate until it burns down. . . . what we need to be talking about is what we gonna do to them; I?ll get revenge if it?s the last thing I do. . . . they got us brainwashed to be the minority, but when we kill them off we gonna be the majority. . . . if the whites speak up, then I?ll lead my people, because two wrongs don?t make it right but it damn sure make us equal; I?m inciting riots, so let?s start the looting. . . . in this revolution I loathe my enemy?
?2 Wrongs?; Onyx, All We Got Iz Us, 1995, Rush Associated Labels Recordings, PolyGram Group Distribution, Philips? Elecronics, Netherlands.
Look, I just saw a show on tv about those 2 moron girls singing about white power, and as a white person it makes me sick. I would like them to stand up to a person of color and say some of the shit they talk about in their songs to there face and see what happens to them. My guess would be a kick in the teeth, even by a white person who has sense, and that goes the same for anyone who is racist.
Ok listen to this clearly statistics dont chose who people are, peolple chose to do what they do and so what if 1/3 of black men will grow up to be in jail that doesnt mean anything!! every crime anyone commits is not based on their race but on their minds. there are white people in jail it doesnt matter on race why a person is in jail it matters that they committed a crime and it was wrong. you people who are racist make me sick. i myself am mixed i’m partially everything and I am PROUD of that. I’m am a 16 year old girl and i know what these two girl are doing is immoral and say that they are beautiful and the only people who are beautiful are people like them with blonde hair blue eyes well i can tell you that i have brown hair dark tan skin and brown eyes and i was chosen in my class as most attractive there are many people who are beautiful that are not white: Halle Berry,eva longoria, will smith, beyonce,oprah, lucy lu, and many more people who are beautiful that are not white. I am not saying that white people are not beautiful ((again i am part white)) i am just saying that they are not the only beautiful people and the color of you skin does not chose if you are beautiful. what your attitude is like and how you carry youself is the true beauty. i can understand to be proud of you ethnicity but to take it so far as to put down others and basically spit on other people race is petty and pathetic. i dont know the whole story i just saw it on the news and i felt sorry for these girls because they obviously dont know the truth they are 13 and they dont know what they are talking about they have been influenced by their mother and the racist people around them. It is sick that people will mess with little childrens minds telling them that other races arent good. God made everyone on this Earth for a reason and he LOVES them all no matter what color of their skin. PEOPLE SERIOUSLY SKIN TONE DOESNT MATTER ITS WHAT A PERSON IS LIke AND HOW THEIR ACTIONS ARE THAT REALLY MATTER!!! It is sad that people are 20-40 years old and are idiotic to believe otherwise. but hey you chose what yo think and in the end God will chose whats right.
I also understand that their are rascist people who are not white but i mean seriously we have no reason to hate anyone for the color of their skin
I’m going to make it simple and too the point. It’s about time all white people start seeing it my way. I am white and I will start a white pride day, in which I want it to be a national holiday. On this day, will be a birthday of a great white person. It’ll be a day we will never forget. Mark my work, blacks are in for a fight from this proud white male. I’ll be in black peoples faces daily. Just like my ancestors used blacks as slaves, I feel nothing but evil too all black people. I’M A RACISTS, NOW SPEAK YOUR FREAKING MIND. SHOW ME YOUR FEELINGS, ALL YOU RACISTS.
you are being a self centered and selfish. NO ONE has to see it your way. and slavery was abolished years ago just because you are insecure with youself does not give you the reason to hate blak people for being balck. I am part white too but you dont see me pickiting saying HAIL TO THE MIXED PEOPLE!! NOOOO i have common sense to others feelings so get over youself and just learn to cope that you are not the only person in the world and that other people in the world are not WHITE!
color is beautiful embrace it and love it
As a descendant of germans, I have the blonde hair and blue eyes(I look like I could be those girls mother more than she does!)-I am truly offended and disgusted with their entire message. Nowhere have I seen the name White United States of America. If you know your history, you would know we are known as the melting pot. Not just for whites. I have to agree with the comments above-if you don’t like it here-go somewhere else but the neo-nazis WILL NEVER rule this country, they could not do it in Germany and they will not do it here. This is the United States of America where we are all free.
Oh my Sweet Satan. This shit is great. I mean honestly this is so cool for them to do this. My parents recently found out I was satanic and are sending me to live with my Grandmother. I envy them for having parents who totally support, even encourage them in their beliefs. That’s awesome!!
Fuck all yous idiots for disagreeing with them. I’m from Kentucky, it’s alot worse here, imagine, living in a world where the resident cop at your school would call your family and tell them that you are satanic, and that you have a reputation for being a slut. I’m sure it’s not that bad in Calfornia. I envy the girls -4- serious.
well now, we have added the satanists with the nazis-nice following you racists have. Isn’t it great that you have the freedom to express the values you have, I bet in your world, that freedom woould be gone-believe in the way you do or else?
All I can say about Prussian Blue…Stop them so they cannot influence hate. Thou shalt not hate. Unfortunately, their influence on our world will be nothing but detrimental. As a white male who loves all races, I am appalled. I work in a correctional institution. I have learned a lot about respect for all races that these two girls will never know.
If something ever happens to them, it will be sad, but no one will cry. This is nothing short of child abuse. Child abuse does not have to be physical, emotional abuse is also child abuse.
I too saw the show on ABC?s Prime Time. Wow. Living next to them would be worse than a level-III sex offender. You see, as sick and twisted as a level-III sex offender is, they don?t try and talk others into their beliefs. Could you imagine a music band of convicted sex-offenders promoting child molestation. ?Oh the little girl is only eight, see her smile when she?s touched, it?s really great?. Would that be OK?.
This should be against the law. Hate crimes are against the law. Promoting hate and white only anything is not.
I am very sad today. I am ashamed for what I saw. There is no question that Prussian Blue is very wrong.
i think that lynx and lamb are egotistical, racist, predujist bitches! how dare you think that “white” people are better than every one else? i am a white female citisen of canada and we don’t treat people like shit here! whites and blacks both have equal rights, we are not different! you (lynx and lamb) are stuck up whores and i hope you die!
can someone kill their mom and dad…or them
Oh, Yama the Space Fake (obviously different from the original Yama posting on this page).
I love how liberals can “strip away” anyone’s rights at any time. Except that “There are more whites seeing things for what they are every day and some are doing something about it. YOUR days are the numbered ones.”
Dear fucktard. Logic lesson. If liberals are all-powerful and can take away anyone’s rights whenever they want, why wouldn’t they just throw these girls, their families, and you in jail?
Think…I’ll wait…
It’s because they can’t.
This society has many many many problems (one of only a very few statements you and I could agree on). The concentration of all power in the hands of any one group is not one of them. If liberals ruled the earth, would George W. Bush have been elected president–TWICE?
When people who share your views run the White House, the Congress, and are steadily being appointed to the Supreme Court, it’s a little hard to claim underdog status.
Please note: I’m not saying there are no liberals in the media, or in Washington D.C. There are. They say things. You might even hear them say things. I expect that you don’t like much of anything they say. But choosing to hear a viewpoint you don’t like (which is what you do whenever you hear a liberal and you’re not being held hostage by him/her) is not quite the same thing as being oppressed.
Fuck you very much.
Does anyone know why we’re being flooded with neo-Nazis today? They’re all coming here. Naturally, I invited them up for a tea party. If any white supremacists come stormtrooping through, just don’t hurt ’em too bad, ok? It’s really hard…
Hey Nazi assholes, you genetically inferior pieces of subhuman filth! C’mon to the main page where we can make fun of you some more!
I am a 14 year old white girl living in Houston Texas.I think that houston should be a role model for the rest of america.To me houston is the american dream.i think iam blessed to grow up in a city that has heart,champions(go astros),and an exceptence of racial diversity. in my neighborhood we have whites, blacks, and hispanics.we all grew up together,go to school together,apreciate the same music(not lynx an lamb).we live together as one city ,not one race.houston is the way god intended for all of america to be,pepole seeing people, not people seeing a resulte of this diversity houston has so much to be proud of. houston is the perfect example of why all of this hating and racism has to stop.dont hessitate, speak out today because tommarow might be to late
While some of the NA members might be grinning at the thought of Prussian Blue influencing young americans, keep in mind that they aren’t the first pro-white band to emerge. What would make them any more influential than say Screwdriver? Yeah and the fact that you only have 1500 ignorant followers, good fucking luck with ‘race war’
There may be other pro-white bands but i dont believe that there are any at this age. these girls are influenced in the wrong direction in believing that color is wrong. i even heard these girls say whoever is not white is “mud” i mean really these girls need help…..i believe that someone should really inform them that what they are doing is not acceptable and they need to be taught the right things that racism is not right in anyones eyes no matter who is expressing it.
You Nazi pigs should all burn in hell. Along with those discusting little girls.
I too am from german descent
and I support and applause
these girls. If you leftwing
liberal kikes and niggers
want to call me racist, go
ahead I will wear that
badge proudly. You say
that what these girls sing
is full of hate. Well, you
hypocritcal cockroaches its
alright when some nigger
rapper sings about killing
whitey or raping white girls
isn’t it? You make me sick.
Its alright when a leftwing
grade B would be movie actor
like Alec Baldwin talks about killing Republicans
and their families, isnt it?
You bastards believe that
only you have the right to
freedom of speech, only you
have the right to hate
speech. You worthless low
lifes are stinking
hypocrits. Sieg Heil du
schwein scheiss. Do I think
think whites are intellectually superior to
niggers? That question is
easily answered by asking
yourself where and what was
the time period that schools and universities
were first established? I’ll
give you a hint it was’t
in the jungles of Africa.
One thing is damn SURE, it
wasn’t in the jungles of
Africa, because at the time
niggers were still swinging
in the trees with their
monkey cousins.
I saw Prussian Blue being interviewed on Primetime on ABC. I was absolutely outraged that someone as young as Lynx and Lamb were spoting such hate and trash. I find it absolutely discusting that there are actually people out there like that. Even when they were asked what they think about 6 million Jews being murdered, they denied it ever happened! They’re minds are polluted with sick philosophies and absolute garbage. I blame the parents most of all, but I do think they are old enough to see the right of way. May all of you Nazi bastards rot in hell for your evil views and poisonous pollution.
If you leftwing
liberal kikes and niggers
want to call me racist, go
ahead I will wear that
badge proudly.
How about if we call you Princess Poptart?
Dumbasses- if you want to say stupid shit, say it here, so everyone can see you.
Come on you self-hating closet queens and (no doubt rightfully) phallically insecure nutcases- En Garde! Dazzle us with your superior Aryan intellects and famously sharp Nordo-Germanic wits! Slay us with your articulate and well-considered rhetoric! Convince us to hate the blacks and Jews through your unequivocally advanced logic skills and inherantly superior principles your perfect genetics provided you!
Seriously- bring it.
Dear god… I hope there’s some sarcasm I don’t recognize as I’m not a native english speaker (I’m from germany (heh)), or this comments are at least the result of a few nazi spammers… you guys really scare me.
It’s beyond me how anybody could believe one bit of this huge pile of nazi-pseudo-science-bullcrap.
Mein Fresse. Was f?r ein Haufen geistig minderbemittelter Irrer.
Ohhhhh yes. Several of these charming giants of intellect are quite the neo-Nazis.
Fear not- they just can’t read time stamps.
Seriously boys- if you want to talk, talk at the top of the blog. We’re waiting, assuming you’re not too shy (*cough*pussies*cough*)
If you leftwing liberal kikes and niggers want to call me racist, go ahead I will wear that badge proudly.
here’s to hoping it’s your only badge.
and i’m a mick you stupid bastard.
Another mick here- but also 3/8 German and Norse.
Also- AsianBeauty, you ain’t helping. All-Caps is as clear a sign of internet retardation as any.
I know they’re infuriating, but think before commenting, Okeeday?
I was amused by how Jerry’s (appopriate, that nick) post was squeezed all the way to the left-wing.
But I’m easily amused.
these girls will grow up craving hot latino lesbian lovers and big black horse dick.
(truly, though, these girls need to be sent to the gas chamber)
I did once decide to spend an evening sifting through the various neo-Nazi shit on the web. About twenty minutes in I stumbled onto a site by North American neo-Nazis saying how terrible paedophilia was, except when it was between middle-aged white men and blonde, blue-eyed 12-year-old girls, which was absolutely acceptable and the natural order of things, so the story that started all of this off really isn’t surprising. I’d like an update, though – have these girls’ parents and “special uncle” been brought up on charges of child abuse yet?
I am ashamed to admit that it was at my humble town of Bakersfield, California that this due was scheduled to perform. It was at our quaint, bucolic little county fair. The powers that be agreed to let them promote their vile hatred without investigating what they represented. At the last minute, they were pulled from the line-up. It was this little stunt that gave the duo national recognition.
They got a big boost on some tabloid tv newsmagazine last week. People started googling them and found SadLittleNoBalls. That’s what happened.
I’m sorry to double blog. It’s rude. It’s kind of like double parking. But there’s something else that I wanted to say. Neo-Nazis are extremists and extremism on the left breeds extremism on the right. If right-wingers and left-wingers came together to attempt to identify and then systematically build upon what they shared in common, extremism would be weakened tremendously. I try to be a political “rock ‘n role” model through my music. I try to demonstrate the value of coming together with those whose views you disagree with, maybe even despise. I’ve already described my affiliation with Cake, a great band with political views that are very liberal. I also wanted to mention that I often form musical alliances with individual artists who hold the opposite view of the right-wing view I embrace. I do this to demonstrate that we can “all just get along.” Of course with Neo-Nazis, who espouse hate, this is a difficult challenge to say the least. It may be impossible to accomplish with terrorists and with certain of the more openly violent Neo-Nazis. But all who are capable of being different and being civil at the same time, despite foundational ideological differences, must come together. Johnny Cash was great at pulling that off. I used to sing Cash songs to prison inmates while I worked as a prison shrink, and even though I don’t do justice to his songs, the universal principles of togetherness and love really resonated with the inmates. He had no problem associating with both right-wingers and left-wingers. This pre-movie duet is one that I wrote as a tribute to Johnny Cash and June Carter, and it is the most requested song on my website. Feel free to help yourself to a copy:
The Ballad of Johnny & June: words and music by Dr. BLT (c) and performed with the extremely liberal and extremely talented, Alyssa Kaess:
In fact, though many of you hate my music, help yourself to the whole works at
Some of you may not be able to stomach numbers like What Part of Right-wing Don’t You Understand?, but understand this:
Although I love Neo-Nazis and their punk music (minus the lyrics), I openly and wholeheartedly despise their message of hatred and condemn their hate-mongering rhetoric!
It never fails to amaze me how many whites truly hate themselves and pray for the extinction of their race by the hands of kikes and niggers. Will there be affirmative action for you once you become a minority in this country? You better think twice, you self-hating cowards! These little girls are singing the truth, touching a nerve, and you can’t stand it! Too bad for you, because while you continue to exist in your jew-hollywood created dreamworld, thousands of whites are becoming racially aware every day. They are sick of the American sewer they are forced to dwell in, and they are one day going to rise up and take back this nation before it is utterly destroyed. Go on, hate yourselves, you white jew and mud lovers, because your day is coming, whether by the hands of the revenge-seeking mud hordes, or by the tribunals of the great White Nationalist Empire of the future.
angrygoy, I wish you woulg get some help for yourself. Your world view is pretty crazy and it is too bad that you have to live in such a sick little world. stop treating yourself like a turd, there are ways for you to be proud of yourself as an individual, you don’t need to grab onto some sad idea of race or culture. that’s just stupid. don’t be stupid, and your the one that hates yourself if you need to have “racial pride” to feel better.
Oh, I see. Race and culture is a sad idea that doesn’t mean anything, huh pinko faggo? It sure means a lot to the jews and the muds. I’d like to see how long you’d last after telling a gang of niggers their race and culture is a “sad idea.” Probably less than 5 seconds before they’d stomp your sorry ass. Remember this: All groups can express racial pride except one. I’ll let you guess which one that is, and if you’re so smart, you’ll figure it out. But nevertheless, things are going to be changing, you’ll see.
Oh, I see. Race and culture is a sad idea that doesn’t mean anything, huh pinko faggo? It sure means a lot to the jews and the muds. I’d like to see how long you’d last after telling a gang of niggers their race and culture is a “sad idea.” Probably less than 5 seconds before they’d stomp your sorry ass. Remember this: All groups can express racial pride except one. I’ll let you guess which one that is, and if you’re so smart, you’ll figure it out. But nevertheless, things are going to be changing, you’ll see.
what the hell is wrong with all you neo-nazis? since when are you better than ANYONE? why are blacks worse than you? because YOU took them onto YOUR ships and took them to YOUR country and used them as slaves? think about it you ignorant fucks. no one is better than anyone, and your blonde hair blue eyes doesnt make you beautiful. and since when did the holocaust not exist? im a jew and many family members were killed by the “oh-so-amazing” hitler.. is that so fake? lynx and lamb are gonna be in therapy for so long, these girls are brainwashed like crazy. if i ever saw them i dont know what i would do
“Pinko Faggo”?
Zounds- this prime example of premium genetics proves his wit to be far superior to our own meager collection of humor combined!
You see what he did, Pinko? He took your name, and then instead of “Punko” he added an entirely differant word which, while lacking in the alliteration you were obviously going for when origianally choosing your handle, or any form of rhyme with the replaced word, has homosexual connotations to it. So, in essence, he is calling you a homosexual! Do you see how he does that? Now, if I were to refer to him as “angrygay“, that would just be retarded and uncreative, since, while I’m white, I don’t hate Jews, which provides the whole bit with a comic context, you see. Bravo, O mighty Aryan, bravo!
My God- how can we even stand to be in the presence of such obviously superior intellects, how can we even be so conceited as to think our own pathetic efforts could even begin to exhaust this man’s obviously expansive and profoundly unfathomablely deep intellect.
Bow before our Aryan masters, people… we are not worthy of his mere presence :applause:.
Seriously though- come up to the New Thread, and exert your titanic wits against our poor selves up there angrygoy
Being the most popular White Pride vocal group is a lot like getting a gold medal at the Special Olympics…
Hey honk mah fahs! I ain’t sweatin MY legacy being obliterated. Know why? Because I’m mixing with the mud. We’ll all be brown soon enough and you mouth breathing broke dick dropouts will be mowing my kids’ lawns.
Provided your references check out.
First of all–let’s not turn into slime and wish death and destruction on anyone else for their (imo) really lame and stupid and hateful beliefs. Now, if those girls (and their fans) act upon those beliefs and start to kill people, THEN we can starting talking about the death sentences.
One observation I would like to make–the guy who quoted those band lyrics? They are from the 90’s; a time when gangsta rape was all about the violence and hate. It never caught on and it never will. I don’t even RECOGNIZE the names of the groups he quoted.
Which goes to show–vile, hateful crap, no matter who sings it and who it’s about–will never, ever, be accepted as mainstream or rational. People who spew forth such shit, condemn themselves to virtual anonymity. And so shall it be with “Prussian Blue” and other bands of the neo-nazis.
With regard to Prussian Blue: so what? They aren’t going to inspire some mass conversion of white Americans to racist beliefs. They are simply an oddity in a nation tolerant of such. As a poster above had demonstrated, there is plenty of hate to go around, even in the black rap / hip-hop community. Should we worry about them as well? No, because they are simply fools, as are Prussian Blue.
to all neo-nazi propaganda crazed people: my god… i had no idea you could sink so low. for what? people with darker skin?? its just idiotic they have thier rigths too just as any other human they can hate white people just as much as you can hate them. this race battle against “people with darker skin or another eye color” has reached the limit of insanity! why do you hate them they are just like your self just another color outside but inside they are as any other human being.
and using teenage girls as brainwashing propaganda is where the limit is reached!
i can only say: do not repeat the nazi incident! learn from thier mistakes (or phsycotic thougts of race purity)!!
and another thing THERE IS NO THING AS RACE PURITY WE ALL DESCENT FROM AFRICA according to the genographic project
(im going to barf if you say that we descent from some stupid religous shit)
learn how to think stupid neo-nazis!
We’re gaining power everyday and theres nothing you can do about it. Now I have to go to work. Toodles.
-Time for another long day of working the security desk at wally world. Syanora! Twiddle dee-dee!
I guess everybody can have a separate opinion unless it opposes yours huh?
-Yeah that’s why we’re banning you and not allowing your dumbass comments on our website…wait a second…
Countless statistics prove otherwise. 1/3 of all black males end up in a correctional facility
– I like how these dipshits never stop to think that those statistics may be indicitive of predjudice in the judicial system and not some inherent genitic flaw.
I trust you now appreciate my argument.
-Well yes I appreciate it in the same way I appreciate roadkill, with pity, horror and revulsion.
“human dignity” more or less by the permission of liberals, who may strip it at will from whomever they don’t like: racists, for example.
-These idiots don’t even realize the very fact that they are free to spread their dangerous hatred shows how free societies afford everyone a measure of dignity. Weather they deserve it or not.
But ePhilosopher played a hypocritical trick. It held itself out as a forum where any honest opinion can be presented in open debate for honest criticism, and I had believed them, but the pretense was exposed when it was put to test.
-Nobody gives a shit jerry.
Poverty isn’t the cause of Black violence, and the famous “poverty causes crime” hypothesis is a liberal myth.
-Anyone who doesen’t think poverty is a main source of crime is a smacktard.
It is clear that multi-cellular life has more functioning parts than uni-cellular life does
-You’d allmost think you could glean that from the name…
because throwing out numbers and stating one’s incredulity PROVES NOTHING>
-Tell that to your asshole troll buddies.
Either we win and you lose, or we both lose. Either way, you filthy, disgusting, wretched scum lose.
-You sweet talker, you!
you cretins that are offended by these ladies probably imbide many hours of porn. No problem there, right?
-Nope! Except that you used the word imbibe there, where it’s woefully out of place.
(whites) not sure even of their claim to lands they have occupied for centuries.
-Want to guess how long the natives occupied it before that?
(shitloads of rap songs posted by Motor Wulff)
– Wow wolf really likes his hardcore gangsta rap. Yee-aahhh keep them phat beats spinning Herr wulf.
i can understand to be proud of you ethnicity but to take it so far as to put down others and basically spit on other people race is petty and pathetic.
-that’s right nazi fucks, not only did you just get out-debated by a 16 year old girl, but she could probably kick your ass too!
Mark my work, blacks are in for a fight from this proud white male.
-I’m sure the black community is pissing it’s pants over “Rick” from Duluth (read: Bumfuck nowhere).
-White supremicists were significant at some point?
-Actually you can if you really want
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Well you get the idea anyway, i’m not going to complete it.
you white jew and mud lovers, because your day is coming, whether by the hands of …(blahblahlah)
-Looks like someone’s got rapture fever!
Look here assholes, learn how to read a timestamp, this post is old hat, if you really want to have it out, get your ass to the the main page and “Bring it on” as commander dumbfuck would say.
Schtill Schtalking der Blog
It’s still like Grand Central Nazi Station over here. If you’re bored and want to punch a Nazi, try down in this post. They won’t come up here for some reason. Wait, this just in. Dear Sadly, No, As majority…
Jerry, du bist ein riesiges Schiesskopf.
Their mother deserves to be shot alongside with all the neo-natzis shitholes. Yeah im brown…In canada we tolerate each other and live in peace and harmony. Don’t know whatever the fuck goes don there….
oh damn…you tell em Timmah420!
I also applaud GuinnessGuy.
hate is the strongest of poisons, and those of you filled with it are killing yourselves slowly. but that is the path you choose.
they’re only an inspiration for people who share their beliefs…
people are not going to be like “this music is awesome, i must find out more!” learn about what they believe in and join the resistence to the zog media, spics and kikes and.. whatever else.
people are going to say “wow, their music is horrible” and think nothing of it. maybe a few little girls will get into it because of the sheer fact that they too are children and thats exciting for them, but they won’t look into the lyrics and follow suit. shit, i liked hanson as a 13 year old, but not because of anything they stood for, or because their music was good, but because they were young and cute!
so i think everyone is getting way too worked up over this. just let the white supremacists have their prussian blue, and get on with your lives. they’ll die out of media attention in due time.
There is no such thing as “white culture” you nutty macaroon, you! My point is if you have to resort to “white pride” for self eseteem, odds are you’ve got some other problems. I’m not saying that to make you feel bad, goy, I’m just saying it because odds are it’s true. It’s just reality. Do you want me to actually explain what culture is, and what cultural “pride” is, and what the roots of such “pride” are? I find it hilarious that you are considering that their is a racial pride gap upon which you are getting the short end of the stick. What a horrible life for you, seriously, it’s just so goddamned unfair. I am in tears over your situation. It’s just killing me. You are right, I am convinced. There is a raciall pride gap. You are just getting FUCKED right and left. Oy vey!
Gee, I suppose I actually have to weigh in here, because I am an actual commie Jew banker, and I suppose it’s sort of de rigeur for me to add my two shekels’ worth.
Okay, so I’m only a Jew by birth (my mother was Jewish); I’m an atheist personally. And I’m really more of a socialist than a communist – a fact which garners me no end of contempt from my more Marxist friends. But I really am a banker.
In short, I am the person that Hitler wrote Mein Kampf about. But I’ll only take credit for the Protocols of the Elders of Zion if I get royalty rights for it.
Random bit of historical trivia: Winston Churchill believed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were for real. What a terrible blight on an otherwise admirable public persona.
What I want to know is – if I run the International Banking Conspiracy? along with the Gnomes of Zurich?, how come I have to sit behind a desk filling out change of address form for ordinary customers all day? Shouldn’t I be in charge of something really cool, like the Ministry for Persecuting Aryans who like Nascar or something? Because there’s a lot of ’em, and I could totally be down with that.
Okay, I can’t sign off without taking an opportunity to brag about my superior qualifications over your average cracker whitey, too. I’m a top performer at my job, graduating summa cum laude with a 3.93 from a top fifty U.S. university in December – and I’m a hottie, too. Not too shabby for a mudperson! 😉
And a closing sally: Aryans are actually from north India. They’re much more likely to be named “Venkataraman Subramanian” than “Alois Eckel”. Nazis are too stupid to even get this part right. Dumb fuckers.
This thread is physical proof that racists and “White Nationalists” and whatnot are not worth the attention that that Primetime report has given those girls. Don’t write about these folks, anymore.
Regard these groups the same way one would treat the obnoxious Jehovah’s Witnesses that pound at the front door on a Saturday morning — IGNORE THEM. Let them GO AWAY. Don’t mention them unless they bug you first. Don’t bring them up, don’t give them a chance to justify their stupid and outdated beliefs by giving them needless publicity, unless you like dumb trolls polluting your threads with crap. Don’t aid in advertising their fucked-up culture to everyone by seeking entertainment value out of those girls. Don’t let them have that chance.
The best way to combat them would be to do some research, bring up a single topic, and defeat them point-by-point in a structured, reasonably objective debate. Don’t yell at them and call them stupid. ABCNews has already fucked up by doing a shoddy and badly reported story out of them for ratings. Don’t be like ABC by declaring them oddities and *don’t* give them a chance to claim victimhood and legitimacy — you’re playing right into their hands.
It’s bad enough that the Bush Administration has worked hard to make right-wing Christian fundamentalism the likes of Focus on the Family and the 700 Club become *normal* — the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina has aided in repopularizing racism, too. If America didn’t have such a fucked-up education system, and if the race problem wasn’t such a classic and inherent problem in this nation’s history, these racists wouldn’t have so much sway. It’s only been forty years after the end of the Civil Rights movement. The right politicians can make these groups popular again.
My general point is this: yeah, those girls are bad, but so what? What can be done about it? These girls aren’t as bad as the guys who killed James Byrd back in 1998, and they aren’t as bad as the Ku Klux Klan back when they could kill men like Medger Evers and get away with it. The country has bigger problems — those girls don’t need any attention than they already have. How many of you want Fred Phelps and his ilk to gain more political clout? None? Unless these girls start running for Congress someday or start petitions to re-legalize de jure segregation AND PEOPLE GO WITH IT (signifying a previous systematic failure), you have nothing to worry about (for now). The only folks who should be paying so much attention to these folks other than their potential victims should be civil rights groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the government. Sheesh.
What is really sad is that humans will be one of the last species to die off on this planet. Some will be alive to witness the horror of the rust of the once green earth. The whole earth will be ruined, not just humans, innocent lifefroms, all life will become extinct, this will be the final doom due to our sick judeo-civilization. All life on earth, dead.
With the elements of destruction in charge and constantly smirking, I makes me sick to my stomach.
Yeah, I always wondered about the Aryan thing.. when did aryan become white skinned, blonde haired and blue eyed?
can someone explain?
The holocaust along with broadly defined and grouped (but they own it all) “secular-humanism” hense forth known as judeo-humanism is the new religion of the victim to replace the original religion of the victim, Christianity. One day, at the snap of serpent fingers the flock will just forget Christianity ever existed, except as propaganda against the “haters”, same situation 1500-400 years ago when the “Pagan” was the hater, the Pagan had an ideology for his community, for the benifit of his community alone, the jew could not profit from that, whatever the jew can’t profit from, can not usurp thrones, is “hate”, that is the “hate” the ADL and SPLC tells their hypnotized “goyim” be they Christian or Christian 2.0 Secular Humanist, that must be stopped priority 1! Same story from 2000 years ago to today, it’s democratic, it’s republican, It’s dictatorship, It’s aristocracy, It’s oligarchy, It’s capitalism, It’s socialism, It’s nationalism, It’s revolutionary, it does not matter to me, it’s all the same when Hymie is at the helm.
Oh my god, these racists are just beyond adorable! They even use big words and try to talk about genetics! They’re like what would happen if puppies and kittens made little rainbow-colored babies…you guys here at Sadly No are so lucky.
If I post something about how 12-year-old Nazis are goofy, do you suppose I could get some pet racists for my own site?
Sheebus, someone put some angel dust in the patchouli, what the Uckfay are you talking about Capt. Cobag (TheThird AndThe Storms)???? Did you cut and paste that from some book of the crazy? What book is that? Seriously, give us some more of that, I am really dying to find out the crazy crazy stuff you are into? Did you learn that in prison?
Attention all neo-Nazi bands and artists!
Have your CD reviewed by white right-winger— the same artist who gave you the nationally aired Right-wingers Need Love Too, the same CD that College Republicans blasted from their stereos in New York City to protest at Michael Moore and Hillary Clinton speaking events just before the election of ’04.
C’mon, if you can’t trust a white, right-winger to review one of your CDs who can you trust? Simply send a free copy to:
Right-wing Records
PO Box 82012
Bakersfield, CA 93380–2012
That’s right, Bakerfield, California, the same city that put Prussian Blue on the map for nearly hosting them at the Kern County Fair this fall. I’m from Buck Owens country. How tough a critic can I be after all? Just take a look at how easy I went on old Neil Young for his latest CD, Prairie Wind:
Yes, you may have seen me on MTV on that music video by that liberal band, Cake, but that doesn’t make me a liberal. I too have had my music torn to shreads here at this very site by liberals who hate conservatives. True, I find your ideology deplorable, but, unlike some at this site who have taken their hostility towards my political views out on my music, I know how to separate my political sentiments from the music I critique. So, what are you afraid of? If it’s my intellect, let me assauage your fear. Though you may think that since I’m white, and, therefore, of superior intelligence, I assure you, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. I may be the second sharpest, but definately not the sharpest. Oh, while you’re at it, I’d like to know your opinion of one of my songs, and it’s about Martin Luther King Jr. It’s called It Only Hurts When I Cry (words and music by Dr. BLT, (c)2005) and you can find it by cutting and pasting this link:
or by visiting
Dr Blt: I don’t hang around this site enough to have read too many comments by and for you, but when you say:
“[T]oo have had my music torn to shreads here at this very site by liberals who hate conservatives”
…you sound like Bill O’Reilly who said about his book The Factor For Kids (I believe) something on the lines of, “if you hate the views I have, don’t take it out on my book”.
In other words, he expects people who disagree with everything he says to buy his book anyway??? Why would they. Likewise, if you write songs espousing conservative ideology, I don’t think you should be surprised that most liberals, who obviously don’t proscribe to that ideology, don’t express too much interest in your music.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the free and frank exchange of ideas, but to just look at the success of pundits like Ann Coulter for the left, & Michael Moore for the right; or more importantly the miniscule percentage of Ann Coulter’s fanbase on the left, vs Michael Moore’s fanbase on the right, to show that people, when it comes to politically-based entertainment, like to stick with sentiments they agree with.
In other words, he expects people who disagree with everything he says to buy his book anyway??? Why would they.
Actually, I’m pretty sure he means “don’t say my book sucks because you disagree with me.”
And that’s a fair request- even by the neo-Nazis. Find other stuff to fault their works for.
O’Reilly, for example, comes off variously as either whiny or domineering, depending on what he’s talking about, adding to his already occationally faulty logic and apparent self importance.
For another example, Prussian Blue’s guitar is off-key and the production values suck. For 13 year olds, they’re okay, but certainly I’ve heard significantly more talented ones who deserve to be recorded far more than these two.
(And, for the record, I can’t remember where I heard the songs I did- it was back a while ago when I managed to find a bootleg, and it was back on my old computer, so I can’t retrace my steps. Sorry Doc).
In other words, he expects people who disagree with everything he says to buy his book anyway???
The hilarious hypocrisy of that comment was that O’Reilly has called for Pepsi boycotts (because they signed on Ludacris, who represents a culture O’Reilly happens to dislike,) and of French products (because of the French government’s stance in relation to the Iraq war.) Of course his effects were minor – The Paris Business Review aside.
It is an absolutely beautiful thing when Nazis try to explain how evolution and statistical studies support their hamfisted attempts at ideology and incompetent understanding of culture. And please don’t ignore them, generate more threads like this. One of them proudly proclaimed that Germany’s ‘Socialist party’ (which would be the extremely anti racist SPD,) is getting more votes every year, for pity’s sake. This stuff is gold.
2) The branches from the aforementioned splitting events move toward higher complexity at different rates.
No, they don’t. For example energy taxing redundant systems can become a detriment in a particular environment and will become vestigial organs (as in the human coccyx and appendix,) or deleted in adult organisms. To take a well known example the eyes of cave fish often become vestigial and can eventually be lost altogether, particularly in adult fish, as they require a lot of energy and are useless in a dark environment. Greater complexity, therefore, is not necessarily an advantage.
Evolution isn’t driven towards some objective ideal of complexity or perfection. All contemporary organisms are as ‘evolved’ as each other, they simply have adapted to different selective pressures in different fashions. That animals have differentiated in complexity and intelligence is the result of organisms adapting and filling different niches, chance and selection driving organisms into different solutions for different problems.
I’m too lazy to touch your rubbish about hominids.
how do these girls know anything about tax exemption? they are 12!
The pro European mindset is so completely different to the dualistic jewish meme that has infected guilty Europeans for two thousand years. It’s not “hate”. It is beyond such childish jewish understanding as “good” and “evil”. Europeans have their sights on the stars, the great beyond, a connection to the universe unshared by jews and christians, too busy playing victim and worshipping mammon. Indo-European humanity shall rise again.
There’s already a “White Pride Day.” It’s called Columbus Day.
There is no “race.” We’re all mongrels. Deal with it and fuck off!
“Indo-Europeans” LOL! What a joke!
It’s always this same new-agey sounding jackleg cosmology with these turds. Always with the “beyond the stars” and “above the worldly strictures” and other such undefinable subjective hooey.
They’s so cute!
You are blinded by your Christianity. Only Christians believe race does not exist.
Well, I am Methodist, but we were never taught that race does not exist in Sudnay School. I kind of figured it out on my own. If you just pay attention to the world around you, you’ll pretty much figure out that race doesn’t exist, or at least not in this day and age.
“Race”, as a technical scientific term, doesn’t exist among humans. As a group, our genetic differentiation doesn’t warrent the use of differant subspecies for differant ethnic groups.
Ethnic groups exist, of course, since culture and geography create differing anthropological units which develop their own psychological and sociological norms in addition to minor physical tendancies based on parental diets which tend to be traditionally based. These differances are entirely constructions, and a child from China raised in, say, Germany, without significant exposure to any culture other than the primary one, and assuming little ethnic based discrimination by others in their upbringing, will turn out just like the rest of the main body of their age/economic group.
Lions and tigers, two different species, can mate successfully with each other, with complications of genetic disease.
Diabeties is a common problem with race/species mixing.
Also, untill medical breakthroughs rh- women could not reproduce with rh+ men. Holding human classification equal with animal classification: Rh- humans and Rh+ humans are two distinctly seperate species.
Also, untill medical breakthroughs rh- women could not reproduce with rh+ men.
Er. Yes they could.
Holding human classification equal with animal classification: Rh- humans and Rh+ humans are two distinctly seperate species.
Human classification is equal to animal classification because we are animals, you’re simply using a definition of ‘species’ which is inherently flawed, and applying the categorisation to individuals within a population, which it was never intended to do. How does the Biological Species Concept deal with asexual organisms, for example?
Race exists? You mean as a cogent biological construct?
Wow, guys – we must have some Nobel-quality biologists among us, because such a claim would surely earn at least a Nobel if it were backed up.
Are you using a morphometric approach or a molecular approach to your systematics? I know that molecular is all the rage nowadays, but I guess I’m old fashioned enough to still favor morphological data.
So, what are the salient shared derived characters of the various races? Would you email me PDFs of your cladograms? I’d be interested in seeing how your characters fall out. Although like I said – if it’s all molecular systematics, I won’t be particularly convinced.
Oh, and where are you published? Some journals have woefully inadequate peer review standards, I’m afraid.
You treat the rhesus factor as an individual issue (within a population?) I assume it just crops up out of nowhere or perhaps is an individual preference. Maybe god or “g-d” decides? Folks, this is testament that Anti-racists be they even “atheist” are the most superstitiously religious, Christian people on earth.
If you deny race, you are but a paramecium.
If you deny species, why aren’t you protesting that chimps can’t vote? Why are monkeys treated worse then africans, never given a chance at all at life outside the cell bars? Free the monkeys.
Lions and tigers, two different species, can mate successfully with each other, with complications of genetic disease.
Diabeties is a common problem with race/species mixing.
Yes… but those offspring have differing genetic makeups than their parents and are almost universally infertile to my knowledge, as is the case with most forms of hybrids (the mule being the most obvious example).
Also, untill medical breakthroughs rh- women could not reproduce with rh+ men. Holding human classification equal with animal classification: Rh- humans and Rh+ humans are two distinctly seperate species.
This, quite possibly, is the dumbest thing I have ever read- and I’ve been on the Internet for quite some time.
To quantify such a biochemical differance (which you identified yourself!) as causational reasoning for a biological classifacation is pure idiocy. How about people born without sex organs- they can’t interbreed with the general population, therefore, they must be a new species!
You treat the rhesus factor as an individual issue (within a population?) I assume it just crops up out of nowhere or perhaps is an individual preference.
Because it is, you stupid bastard! It is an individual issue within our species- a mutation and/or product of our evolution. It is not significant differance in our genome, nor is it necessarily a factor in reproduction- even if your statement about the rh factor were correct (it isn’t), an Rh+ woman could bear a set of twins, one with either type of Rh factor blood.
If you deny race, you are but a paramecium.
If you deny species, why aren’t you protesting that chimps can’t vote? Why are monkeys treated worse then africans, never given a chance at all at life outside the cell bars? Free the monkeys.
What the hell are you even talking about? No one here has denied species- we deny that the application of the term “race” (an identical scientific term to species) outside of an idiom for ethnicity, to various ethnic groups is not only intellectually dishonest in the face of science, but utterly foolish. Species exists- there is no doubt of that. We are differant from chimps in many fundamental ways- ways which are far more fundamental than anything that seperates any human ethnicity.
Are you a biologst, sir? Or a sociologist or anthropologist? Do you have a degree in the social or hard sciences from an accreditied institution of higher learning, in the US or abroad?
Somehow, I doubt it, given your apparent reliance on bad science that has specifically created to support the racist position.
For those of you trying to reason with these wanabe pure folks, here is a little passage from chapter 6, “War Propaganda,” Mein Kampf:
The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely cancelled out.
Your audience is the stupid fucks he’s talking about, remember, so do like the guy sez and use small words and concepts, over and over, or you will never get through to them. You’re wasting your breath (or electrons).
Alternatively, treat them like the clowns they are. They’re cute when they’re all red in the face, veins all sticking out like that.
Yeah… never let it be said that Hitler didn’t know people. Still- it’s good for working out the ol’ debatin’ parts of the brain. Since it’s Nazis, you basically can’t lose, but it allows you to figure out how you argue- which is good for those who are actually fairly close to reasonable (and just need that extra push to get there).
You treat the rhesus factor as an individual issue (within a population?) I assume it just crops up out of nowhere or perhaps is an individual preference.
From The Biology Project at the University of Arizona.
The Rh factor genetic information is also inherited from our parents, but it is inherited independently of the ABO blood type alleles.
So, yes, it is an individual preference, if you assume that a child can choose its parents. It’s an idividual preference if you think that blastocyst can choose its genetic mutations.
If you deny race, you are but a paramecium.
If you deny species, why aren’t you protesting that chimps can’t vote? Why are monkeys treated worse then africans, never given a chance at all at life outside the cell bars? Free the monkeys.
As with GuinessGuy, I really just don’t comprehend that first statement. The concept of race, even the crazy idea of race all of you Nazis have, does not have a “paramecium race.” You have got to be including a lot of things as “human” to call paramecia a human race. Whales, chimps, lizards, trees, mushrooms, and moss are all more closely related to us than paramecia are. Or have you not looked at a phylogenetic tree lately?
As for your other statement, I don’t deny that there are species. I eat meat, I think pharmacutical animal testing is better than doing it to humans, and I’ll let dolphins and gorillas have a vote when they can prove that they can think logically and intelligently about nebulous ideas like, oh, democracy. Would you be attempting to set up some sort of strawman, sir?
Let me just say something
for all you neo-nazis out there why don’t you move to a country where there isn’t EQUAL FREEDOM FOR EVERY RACE?… say move to North Korea and you’ll know how it feels
this is America we live in… the land of the freee… so FUCK off
Yeah! Jillian, go!
Seriously, Nazi Cobags, you are dead in the water here. Oopsy poopsie, you don’t know anything about population genetics or anything else. Just tell us why you want to believe what you do? What is it? Was it childhood trauma? What sort of insecurity leads you to your promotion of “racial pride”? It makes no sense, and only reflects poorly on your socialization.
All of this ‘science’ that these nazis keep sprouting is just like the “science” of intelligent design – sparse, often grossly distorted facts (if not outright lies) chosen to fit a preconceived notion, while leaving no process for disproving the hypotheses.
I’ll admit that there is racial difference if you will admit these “statistical facts” in correlation to whites:
– Black men have bigger dicks.
– Black people are physically superior.
– Asians do better in school.
– Jews make more money.
I’m sure the Jew comment will incite some monologue on the “Jewish World Conspiracy.” Why is it that when this minority does well, they must be consipring, but when another lands in poverty, it is evidence for their racial inferiority?
What? Your logic is flawed? Uh oh.
P.S. 50 Cent(less) made more money last year than your darling Prussian Blue ever will. Sorry.
Yes, I am probably the most stereotypical Arian you can find.
Sure, I’m proud of my Swedish heritage, but do I have to be an ignorant Nazi because of my genes?
No way in hell.
If the whole world lived by this motto we would all be much better of:
“Judge a man/woman by their actions. Not by language, country, or the color of their skin.”
If a black man murders someone, send him to jail.
If a white man murders someone, send him to jail.
If an Asian man murders someone, send him to jail.
If a Hispanic man murders someone, send him to jail.
Nazis and racists (Black’s hating whites, whites hating blacks, or any other combo.) are violent. Violence is part of their doctrine. It?s just so unintelligent.
I served in the Swedish military as a Green Beret with people from all races; they all preformed with distinction.
I have friends from all races; non-whites are real nice people and they make good friends, you?re missing out here Nazis and racists…
I studied at a University in California; we had more Hispanic, Asians, and black people in my honor’s classes than we had whites.
Color has nothing to do with how an individual behaves.
As for us all looking different:
Personally, I have never dated a girl that has not been white. But that’s not because I’m a racist.
When it comes to girls I just have a weak spot for blonde hair and blue eyes. That?s just my preference; I am not as attracted to black, Asian or Hispanic girls as I am to Caucasians. But that doesn?t make black, Asian, and Hispanic girls less worth as human beings.
It’s ok to LIKE a certain race. However, it?s not ok to HATE a race.
(Please, don?t be a moron and ask me ?why? it?s ok to like, but not to hate a race? If you can?t comprehend this concept, well, my suggestion would be: Kill yourself, a favor to humanity.)
I will continue my personal crusade to fight racism, bigotry, ignorance, and just default evil for as long as I live.
I welcome all Nazis, racists, and such trash to look me up in Mountain View ? California.
Maybe you feel like having a discussion; or just having a go at killing me?
I recognize both of those alternatives.
Swedish Male of the Arian Race said:
When it comes to girls I just have a weak spot for blonde hair and blue eyes. That?s just my preference; I am not as attracted to black, Asian or Hispanic girls as I am to Caucasians. But that doesn?t make black, Asian, and Hispanic girls less worth as human beings.
I assume that you are not anti-racist because anti-racist idiots would find your preference extremely racist.
The anti-racist phrase “the white race must be destroyed”, is usually followed by hebrew hate mumbleing not picked up in the various essays and speeches: “ooga booga… goyim . ooga booga … hillel .. moleck . shalom … booga magog, Bush is our puppet…”
Jews make more money?
Somebody please get that memo to my boss, stat!
Does this mean that I won’t really be graduating with 20K worth of debt next month? Boy, that’s a relief – I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to pay all that off on a teacher’s salary. Even assuming I’m able to find work as a teacher.
So, is there like some Jewish World Conspiracy Union Headquarters that I can write to so that I can get my share of the cheese? I’m tired of being broke.
The anti-racist phrase “the white race must be destroyed”, is usually followed by hebrew hate mumbleing not picked up in the various essays and speeches: “ooga booga… goyim . ooga booga … hillel .. moleck . shalom … booga magog, Bush is our puppet…”
Hebrew hate mumbling? Saying Bush is our puppet?
Wow. Just…wow. Thank you. You have made my day. I am not going to be able to stop laughing all day thanks to you. And on Friday, I’m going to share this comment with all my friends at synagogue, who all hate Bush with a passion. Trust me, while there are plenty of Bush-loving Jews out there, if Jews chose the President Kerry would have won in a landslide.
Oh, and Hillel? Not a magic word. Just the last name of a smart guy. Invoking him as a spell would kind of be like invoking Newton or Fermi. Nice, but not likely to do anything other than make people think you haven’t a clue.
Also, out of curiousity, how does one hear the hate-filled mumblings? I’ve listened to a lot of live political broadcasts on C-Span and NPR, and I’ve never heard Hebrew mumbling. Perhaps you can enlighten the rest of us on where these mystical signals are coming so that we can see the truth for ourselves, hmm?
Try again. And a hearty Shalom to you!
And for those who are curious about kaliki’s “magic words”, here’s a rundown.
goyim = Yiddish for non-Jew
Hillel = really smart rabbi. Also a Jewish sollege organization named after the aforementioned smart guy
moleck = Perhaps this is refering to the hebrew word “melech,” or king. Or perhaps it’s Fred Moleck, who seems to be a Catholic with a Ph. D. in musicology who writes about music. Or maybe the author can’t spell and is talking about Molech, a Caananite fire god. So, either the commenter can’t spell or really despises Catholics.
Shalom = Peace. Which is a word that really oughtn’t be muttered.
Random Guy, let me say first of all that your are one of the few vocal folks at this site who don’t not rely upon adolescent bullying tactics, ad hominem attacks and the Amish technique of shunning to try and scare me off the site. I appreciate your civility. However, you have jumped to some premature conclusions. First of all, the comparison to Bill O’Reilly doesn’t work because what he releases is primarily political content. Let me ask you what is political about songs like (Come on Down to the Palace and) Have Some Cake with Me? It is a song about my anticipation over a Cake performance held on 10/12/05 at the Crystal Palace. What is political about my duet with Allyssa Kaess, about Johnny Cash and June Carter, The Ballad of Johnny and June? Moreover, songs like My Last Gig and Holdin’ the Hands of Time transcend any form of political ideology and focus upon universal principles. And what about my Beatles and Stones covers and songs inspired by these acts? Out of the more than 60 songs that I offer at Dr. BLT’s Free mp3 Jukebox:
only 2 or 3 are political in nature. Out of the 10 CDs I have released, only Right-wingers Need Love Too is political. Furthermore, you assume that liberals don’t listen to my music. What I see on the statistics program I have hooked up to my site reveals that a huge volume of visitors at this site have downloaded my free songs, and most folks at this site seem very liberal. There is a very vocal minority at this site who only listen to a line or two from one song, and then claim to be experts on my songs. Those are the folks who tear them apart—the folks who fit the profile I identified in the song The Folks (I sadly, know) At Sadly No.
Any liberal, or any conservative for that matter who only listens to must that is put out by folks who share his/her sentiments misses out on a great deal of good music. I love Cake, I’ve had friendly conversations with members of the band, including frontman, John McCrae, and they, knowing my right-wing ideology, still invited me to participate in their music video for Short Skirt/Long Jacket.
I love the Rolling Stones, the very act that took a shot at Bush in one of the songs on their new CD. I love Green Day, the band that loves to hate Bush. I also read everything I can find the time to read from stuff written by those on the far left, to stuff written by those on the far right. Moreover, I frequently invite very liberal artists to participate in my recordings. So this notion that we only affiliate with those artists and authors who share our political points of view, is, as Bill O’Reilly would put it, “simply ridiculous.”
Typo noted above: The word “must” in the first sentence of the second last paragraph should read “music.”
I would rather be a liberal than a lowlife racist with no friends!
You people are making republicans look bad!
We get it. We heard you. Cake, McCrae, liberals and conservatives holding hands and loving life, video shoot. We heard you.
Cut it out. Nobody is that impressed by your reduntant asserted association with Beck wannabes. Which we saw. You wrote it. We saw it. Move along.
AAaaand…hard to not pay attention to your political songs when the politics are the reason you’re here plugging your dubious art. Cake. McCrae. Video. Cake.
GoatBoy, I was trying for shameless self promotion. Now you’ve ruined it all by shaming me. And, in the process, you’ve managed to read my motives, something that, heretofore, only God was capable of doing. What are you going to try next, some type of neo-Nazi torture technique?
PS: FYI GoatBoy, Cake’s been around on the music scene much longer than Beck, so in what sense can members of Cake be regarded as Beck wannabes?
So you can produce evidence of Cake performing prior to 1988?
Most Cake insiders understand that the style of Cake is the style of John McCrae, since John writes the songs and arranges them. Prior to Cake’s present line-up, he used to jam with the boys from Deathray, and before Deathray, (before your magic date of 1988), he jammed with various other bands. His signature style has never changed, and he was sporting his style long before Beck ever arrived on the scene. Can I prove it? Not with a link or a formal reference, but I am friends with his brother and have met other guys who used to jam with him and they were there ab initio—they all know that John McCrae is the real deal and not a Beck wannabe. But, I am not a McCrae apologist, and so, for hypothetical purposes, what if he is a Beck wannabe? What point are you really trying to make? You seem to be speaking for a bunch of other people as a way of trying to artificially and falsely strengthen a very weak argument. Why don’t you speak for yourself? People will take you more seriously if you don’t put words in their mouths.
Hey, BLT, I like Cake, especially when they use the horns.
“I assume that you are not anti-racist because anti-racist idiots would find your preference extremely racist.”
Hmmm… I guess you didn’t read the last part of my post?
“I will continue my personal crusade to fight racism, bigotry, ignorance, and just default evil for as long as I live.”
I’m as anti-racist as you can get. I know you Nazis and racist have impaired levels of reasoning and logical thinking, so I guess you don’t understand what I wrote.
I’m sure all anti-racist’s here understood that there was nothing racist what-so-ever with my post. They know this since they can comprehend what I wrote.
I’m sorry if you can’t.
I like the guitar player on Motorcade. He hasn’t been with the band since then.
I recant. Many people here are infinitely impressed by your association with a “VH-1’s Hey, Remember the Nineties?” band. I am the only one unimpressed, everyone else wets their pants every time you mention it (so you can imagine the toll this takes on the upholstery for the regualr readers of comments here.) Won’t someone please think of the urea!
I cry your pardon for thinking any but me were insufficiently intimidated by your insider industry connections. You’re a fuckin superstar.
In all honesty…all you can do is laugh.
I mean really….it’s just sad. Funny sad.
How did this go from Lamb and Lynx, to name drop elitist music chat. I say we all fuck Lamb’s and Lynx’s butts, then tell them we’re not really white.
Apology accepted, GoatBoy, but I’ve never claimed to be a superstar, and I’m not asking for praise and worship. The odd abstaining from adolescent insults and the open sharing of fantasies involving ways to kill the right-wing, singing troll will do me just fine.
One wonders who you are talking to. I’ll buy seven copies of each of your consumer products if you can find me one of my comments realted to such fantasies. I love that you come around. My dog’s ass doesn’t suffer nearly as many kicks since you came into our lives.
And get over yourself with the insult fatigue. When “I’ll be a lovable scamp of a troll” is your marketing strategy one expects to encounter thicker skin.
GoatBoy, you fall into the “adolescent insults” category. The murderous fantasies are compliments of someone who shares an extreme version of the sentiments you have expressed, but is even more lacking in self-control than you seem to be.
“…I’ll buy seven copies of each of your consumer products” ????
“The ‘products’ I’ve mentioned on this site are not for sale.
One also wonders who you are talking to. I’ve never offered anything for sale at this site. I’ve offered free mp3 songs from my free mp3 jukebox:
(even to negative, critical, ungrateful folks like you), and I’ve offered songs to those who have donated to relief efforts in the Gulf, but I’ve never tried to sell anything on this site and I never will.
Can we possibly come to a consensus on the general not-so-goodness of making sexually-related comments about twelve year old girls? Especially comments that refer to raping said girls?
It’s just not funny. And remember – the main difference between us and the racist fucktards is supposed to be that we care about the welfare of any child, while they only care about their own children. It’s hard to enjoy feeling better than them when we aren’t, you know, actually being better than them. ‘Mmkay?
‘”The ‘products’ I’ve mentioned on this site are not for sale.’
I know.
“I’ve never offered anything for sale at this site.”
I know.
I made an assumption that as a musician you might have some sort of record of your performance available to sell, and if you did I’d be ha-
You know what, screw it, this is too much work to be any fun. It’s so much more immediately gratifying and so much easier just to tell you that I’ve heard your crap and it’s crap.
If a jew said pedophila is OK loud enough, it would be branded on the American Patriots Ass, with a frickin smile that it is OK, in fact, this just in from Tom Brokaw, better than OK, “now where’s my rapture Mr. Finklestein?” It’d change from being evil, to being good for you and your boy lover’s health, all the jew has to do is say “jump” and Americans will say “how high?” Simple as that. Christianity, Americana, is kissing jew ass, nothing more, nothing less.
I am Anti-America.
Pro- world insurgency. Hail Iraqi resistance to tyranny.
I’ll hand it to NoMemorableHandleForMessageBoardTrolling up there for devising a troll that yeilds good solid bites no matter where it is cast. You could be on any board in existance and you’d be pulling in record catches.
Kudos, my good man!
I’ve heard your crap and it’s crap.
Amen to that.
Cuba will be sans Castro soon and that means American vampires will swoop down to feed, it will be triumphed as “bringing freedom to Cuba”, BULLSHIT, THY NAME IS AMERICANA. Same as Iraq, same as WWII Germany. Cuba needs an even more anti-American dictator then the weak Castro, (who still did a great job scaring the US government, it’s easy) Cuba must aquire nukes and form a holy alliance with Iran. I am on the side of the ‘axis of evil’ against the zionist occupied United States of America untill the zionist occupation parties (democrats and republicans) loose power. Especially awesome is Iran, it has always been American no man’s land. Hail natures trimphant season against the American zionist aggressor. Praise be to Katrina, the latest undeniable god.
That almost had something to do with something. Since we were all talking about Cuba and Castro and everything…
A Nazi-bot?
That has got to be one of the top-10 horrible handles I’ve ever seen (non-13375p33k category.)
Dr. BLT –
I spent a good deal of last night reading archives of this site.
Now Am I mistaken, or has every song you’ve ever posted a direct link to on this site (with the possible exception of the Katrina song) been a politically influenced song?
If choose nothing but songs like “what part of right don’t you understand” or whatever it’s called, why do you not expect the folks on this website to consider you a political entertainer?
Sorry, correction, the third paragraph should read:
“If choose nothing but songs like “what part of right don’t you understand” or whatever it’s called, to represent your music on this site, why do you not expect the folks on this website to consider you a political entertainer?”
Oooo, longassname is on a roll. I’d recommend using some of the HTML tags for greater effect, though, and don’t forget to capitalize “Zionist”, and see if you can’t work “ZOG” into there somewhere.
What Jillian said. There’s no excuse for talk about raping little girls, regardless of the hateful shit their parents teach them.
Whoa, look at the neo-Nazis! I haven’t seen such a bunch of losers all gathered in one place since the time I watched the Democratic National Convention on the television.
I mean, c’mon. We’re talkin’ about folks who, like, ]gthink Hitler was this great dude an’ stuff. Hah! You know why the Germans don’t let you talk ’bout Hitler when you’re in Germany? It’s not because of “hate speech” or nuthin’ like that. It’s pure-dee embarrassment. I mean, these here blond haired blue eyed Germans let some dark-haired brown-eyed furriner house painter from Austria fool them into dying by tha millions! Why, every time they think of the fact that they were dumb enough to march to their deaths by the millions on behalf of a house painter, the shame just overcomes them.
What a buncha losers…
– Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Random Guy, first, I want to thank you from refraining from the type of adolescent tactics a few vocal members of this site have resorted to when addressing me. You are respectful in your comments, and I appreciate that.
However, I must respectfully disagree with you. You may have spent a good deal of time last night reading archives at this site, but apparently not enough time or attention to detail.
There are no politics in songs like Blue Orleans, or my re-makes of City of New Orleans and Me & Bobby McGee—songs I have offered as free mp3s to those who have donated to charitable organizations involved in relief efforts in the Gulf region.
There are no politics in
The Ballad of Johnny & June (words and music by Dr. BLT (c) 2005
There are no politics in Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones (words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2005
It is a song about domestic violence.
No politics in My Last Gig (words and music by Dr. BLT (c) 2005
and no politics in Holding the Hands of Time (words and music by Dr. BLT (c) 2005
These two songs tap into universal principles that go way beyond politics.
There are no politics in any of my Stones or Beatles covers. No politics in Nice, Nice Baby, my spoof on the Vanilla Ice number, Ice Ice, Baby.
Actually, I’ve you had done your research, you would have note that at times, I’ve offered my entire free mp3 jukebox to folks at this site, containing over 60 free songs
and there are only a handful of songs that contain political content. Some of my right-wing friends and colleagues might actually accuse me of introducing left-wing politics in
It Only Hurts When I Cry, a song I have also offered to folks at this site for free. It’s my tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr., a man I greatly admire. Yes, Right-wingers Need Love Too, but some of us actually love races other than our own.
Yes, I have visited your site, and know that you have posted that jukebox link a number of times.
BUT, I have never, outside of your Katrina benefit songs, seen you post any direct links (right to the mp3) of any songs that are not about your right-wing ideology.
And you may have done so, perhaps, but given that I’ve seen you post direct links to songs in these comment sections a number of times, and not one (again, outside of the Katrina songs) has been non-political, I think you’d agree that at the very least, statistically you post your political songs a lot more often.
You’re obviously just doing it to get the wind up the posters and commenters on this blog, due to your preconceived negative opinions of liberals – preconceptions you’ve admitted that you hold – and so, I don’t see why you act surprised when you succeed.
Random Guy, you are the third person today who has claimed to have the ability to read my motives. Only you, as opposed to the others, attach a different motive to my actions. Actually, I think I’ve mentioned Scary Kerry, What Part of Right-wing Don’t You Understand? Pro-Life Punk and Womb Tomb at this site. Those four are the only four I believe I’ve mentioned. Correct me if I’m wrong. Statistically, that still leaves these songs in the minority. Actually I have held preconceived opinions of liberals at times, but I’ve found that in most cases, those preconceived notions have been wrong, and so I’ve altered my perceptions accordingly. There are only a handful of vocal, extremist liberals that give the rest of you a bad name. The fact is, I like, yes, even love, most of you. Do I like to wind you up? Well, let’s put it this way: If this blog site were made up only of those who played the same liberal songs and said the same liberal things over and over again, it would become a stagnant pond. I’d like to think that some of my words and some of my songs were like refreshing streams of water ushered in to prevent the pond from growing stagnant. Of course, I’m sure that sounds grandiose, narcissistic and arrogant to some (and I don’t mean to come off that way), but if those folks were to be intellectually honest, they would have to admit that it is true. I recently interviewed the controversial artist Stephen Pearcy
(featured in yesterday’s LA Times) for Capitol Coffee House, and a number of other conservative sites, in part, because I felt that they also needed to hear another side. Opposites may not always attract, but they need to listen to one another once in awhile.
BLT, I don’t claim to read your motives, you’ve been pretty clear in revealing them yourself from your posting patterns.
Don’t get me wrong, you had me fooled. That first comment by you that I read, and in fact, quite a few after that, had me honestly beleiving that you were here for enlightened debate. In fact, I remember thinking how refreshing it was to have found somebody on the right who visits leftist blogs to engage in debate, rather than just spewing out several insults about liberals then leaving before anyone can engage them in any sort of discussion.
But then I started reading more threads, and noticed how defensive you get whenever you’ve unequivocally been proven wrong. I noticed that when this happened, you couldn’t even compliment the poster without posting 3 thinly veiled insults to accompany it. I’ve noticed that during the aftermath of that post, you become hyperdefensive about every single word in your post, often adding two or three MORE posts which include a list of spelling errors you found in the first one, ostensibly to assuage the “grammar nazis”, even though no-one ever seems to call you on those errors.
Now, I’m asking you – speaking as a psychologist, does that sound to you like the sort of behaviour exhibited by someone who is truly only here for enlightened debate?
“same liberal songs”?
There’s your problem, BLT. Assign agenda to every bit of cultural flotsam. You might want to send a few paragraphs to Townhall or NRO or Free Republic. They LOVE that kind of stuff, maybe they’ll give you a gig.
Stephen Pearcy. And here I thought your bragging about Cake was clueless and sad, you’ve got THE lead singer of RATT? You mean he was available? I bet you had to schedule that one positively MONTHS in advance. What’s next, an exclusive with England Dan?
Especially awesome is Iran, it has always been American no man’s land.
Actually, ReallyLongName, after WWII, the Iranians loved us, because we said that the Brits couldn’t interfere with them any more. Of course, then we went and offed Mossadegh and installed the Shah, which kind of but the lie to our original talk about self-determination. But yes, for a decade or so, Iran loved us. And before that, I really don’t think either country really cared much about the other. Just a guess, given America’s tendency towards isolationism.
I’ll also say, ReallyLongName, that you are one of the more interesting Nazis on this thread. Or do you just like anarchy for the sake of anarchy? Because, if you’re looking for anarchy, I don’t think fascism is the way to go.
Random Guy. You are living up to your AKA. Your observations about me seem to be quite randomly selected from dozens of other possible hypotheses you could have entertained as alternatives.
Granted, you seem further evolved than others— churlish troglodytes at this site who have resorted to ad hominem attacts, adolescent insults, Junior High bullying strategies and shunning tactics apparently borrowed from the Amish, designed to stop me from breaking up much of the liberal groupthink at this site.
You are not bad in your attempt to psychoanalyze the psychoanalyst, but you seem to be chasing down the wrong avenue of my psyche. Introducing legitimate arguments in my own defense is not the same as being defensive in the sense Freud spoke of.
Furthermore, as I mentioned in another entry, the spelling and typo corrections that I’ve applied following certain entries is a deterent I’ve adopted against prior obsessive reminders of such errors introduced by someone who seems sensitive about the Spelling Gestapo reference. And it’s proven to be an effective one.
As for your claim about my motives, you haven’t provided any specifics about how I’ve supposedly revealed such motives. You haven’t identified any specifics concerning supposed “posting patterns.”
GoatBoy, you were either joking or you obviously haven’t been reading any newspapers lately, or you would know that you’ve got the wrong Stephen Pearcy. Pearcy has arguably been the most overtly political and most controversial figure in the arts community to surface in years. Check yesterday’s Los Angeles Times for a story about him in the front page of the California section (I think they call him Steve Pearcy). Or check out my interview/article in Capitol Coffee House and other internet. publications. Actually, however, England Dan would be a good person to interview. I think I’ll take you up on that. After all, England Dan and John Ford Coley’s 70s hit, “Love is the Answer” pretty much sums up my philosophy about how right and left wingers can learn to more effectively and harmoniously co-exist.
I see you keep bringing up people being rude to you or shunning you. But I don’t think it really bothers you. I think that you just use it as another thing to lord over the liberals.
After all, you’ve absolved yourself from any criticism of your music, however light, by refusing to listen to any criticism unless someone has listened to ten of your songs.
If you truly are as thin-skinned as you like to make out, here’s some advice to you: apply those same techniques you use to delegitemise any musical criticism with any perceived personal attacks. And also be aware that this is the internet, and that if you’re going to be on the internet for any period of time, be prepared to be insulted. It happens to everybody.
I provided an ample review of your posting habits after losing a debate. I know you read it as you replied to one of those points. How you didn’t associate that paragraph with a review of your posting habits is beyond me.
Finally, I really think that you need to examine your own motives, if you don’t see any credence to my theory. If, by your own admittance, you’ve been shunned from this site, what does it say about you that you keep coming back? How healthy is it really to keep coming to a site where you know you’ll be insulted (or you’ll at least claim to be insulted) practically every time you post?
I may not have a PhD, but even my humble major in psychology is enough to show me that constantly returning to this site in the face of persecution, real OR imagined, is destructive, unhealthy behaviour.
I see you keep complaining about posters insulting you, but I don’t think it really bothers you. I think you just use that as another thing to lord over liberals.
But, if you really are as thin-skinned as you claim to be; you’ve sucessfully absolved yourself of any criticism of your music by refusing to listen unless the poster has heard at least 10 of your songs. Why not use the same delegitemisation tactics against all those criticising you personally?
I did provide a pretty clear review of your posting habits once you’ve lost a debate; that is what I was referring to by posting habits. Perhaps I should have been more clear.
Finally, if you don’t see any credence to my theory, I think you need to examine your own motives for coming to this site. If you keep returning to this site even though you know you’ll (at least be able to pretend to) be insulted, what does that say about you? I may not have a PhD, but even my humble major in psychology is enough to know that continuing to return to this site in the face of persecution (real or imagined), is not psychologically healthy.
Whoops, sorry for the multiple posts. I thought the message didn’t go through the first time. Both messages make the same points, but are worded differently.
Random Guy, you’re not bad for only being an undergraduate in psychology. I recommend that you go on to pursue a higher education in the field because I feel you have potential as a good psychologist. I’m not being sarcastic or cynical. That is my honest appraisal.
Am I beginning to experience visual hallucinations to go along with my persecution complex, or did my last post just come up as having been posted by you. I swear I entered my aka and not yours, Random Guy. I think this site may have a few glitches that need to be worked out. If this entry also comes out with your aka assigned to it, just remember, it is I, Dr. BLT who posted it, as I did my recommendation that you go on to become a Ph.D. level psychologist.
Well, I thank you for that compliment, it was appreciated. Unfortunately, a major (at least in my country) is an elective unit of sorts (two classes a year for 3 years) to accompany my main degree. However, it is something I’ve often thought about choosing as a second career, so maybe I’ll take you up on that offer yet.
But I didn’t make it seem like I was psychoanalysing you – we both know message board postings are insufficient for that. Instead, just consider my advice “food for thought”.
Another correction:
Third par should read “But I didn’t want to make it seem”.
Also note, technically I don’t even have that major yet as the graduation ceremony is not until December.
Random Guy, the reason I say that you would make a good psychologist is not because I agree with all of your conclusions. I do not. But I respect the fact that you think critically (not in the sense of being negative, but in the sense of having a questioning, inquisitive mind). I do not reject all of your conclusions either. I do seem to place myself in situations in which I am vulnerable to being verbally attacked. So why do I subject myself to something that is potentially unhealthy? That is a good question. Well, while much of the criticism I have received at this site has been destructive in nature, other criticism has been constructive. One member of this site actually gave me some valuable tips on how to get better mixes on some of my songs. His goal was not to discredit me simply because I held to a different set of ideological beliefs. He genuinely wanted to help me improve. You also seem genuinely helpful, at least when you’re at your best. Another reason I visit this site is that the powers that be seem to really take the idea of freedom of speech seriously. Frankly, I expected to be banned from the site when I first arrived, because my views were so freakin’ conservative, and my style of interaction was so foreign to many. Furthermore, I find speech that is strictly verbal to be a limited form of expression, and so, as you know, I often express myself in the form of songs that I write, hence, the secondary AKA, The Song Blogger. Apparently musical forms of expression of speech are allowed at this site. Furthermore, those who oversee this site do not attempt to ban me or exclude me even though our views are as different as day and night.
Not all sites allow for such disparate views and styles of expression to be represented, not even sites where I am loved for my conservative views. Besides, I’m not used to receiving a great deal of praise. My parents were lacking in encouragement skills, so I grew up with mostly criticism, much of it not so constructive either. That is what I am used to. I’ve learned to handle it, even though it is probably not all that healthy to be around. This may be as good as it gets for someone who is regarded by many conservtives as being too liberal, and by many liberals as being too conservative. Though I’m often grumbling, I’m also grateful.
I didn’t mean to imply that you thought I was right about everything I said. But the fact that you came to this site expecting to be banned lends some creedence to my trolling theory.
But it’s irrelevent, as only you know your real motivations. All I ask is that you honestly examine them.
I actually have a question about the “song blogger” part. While you’ve got songs (as we’re all well aware), do you have a blog? Just because I’ve never seen it, and I’d be interested in reading it if it does exist.
I think racists need help.
But you people calling for these girls to burn in hell and being killed in gas chambers and otherwise advocating their murder are just as sick. You are hypocrites.
No, GuinnessGuy, I’m too busy writing songs and trolling (crashing the liberal party) on this site to start a blog site of my own. I do appreciate your interest however. Random Guy, I am constantly honestly examining my motives. That examination process doesn’t always motivate me to change, however. But an honest examination of one’s motives never hurts.
“But an honest examination of one’s motives never hurts.”
Especially if one isn’t motivated to change as a result!
im white and proud of it,if i was black i’d be proud to be black,if i was a jew a would be proud to be a jew(bless you)..i’m irish i know what it is like to be oppressed by invaders in my own land,i sing our rebel songs im proud to be white..i am not racist..i think prussian blue are brave little women..i like bob marley, my favorate film actor is eddie murphy..i am not racist but i am proud to be white..johnny the rebel
in england the prision drug sniffing dogs kept picking out asian and black vistors smuggling in drugs for inmates,the powers to be thought this was racist of the dogs and ordered them to pick out more white people……can u beleive this tripe.. this is where racist paranoia is leading us…barking mad
ireland unfree will never be at peace …eire og
before i go do something more intresting i’d like to thank all the rebels of iraq for all the good work work…every day a british soldier dies is one less to worry about..the only good british soldier is a dead british soldier..give ireland back to the irish..eire og..9 county ulster..up the provos…
I heard them-they are bad. No, I mean it. Really bad. After all the hype, I expected some talent. I heard what they say are the best, most practiced songs-oh man, what a trainwreck. Guitar: out of tune and bad timing. Plus, she misses some of the strings half the time when she strums-she’s tired by the end of the song. Vocals-NO harmonizing at all! Again, they lose time when they sing-the fumbles and flubs abound. You can hear them get tired and run out of gas. They’ll never get the crossover that the haters want-they wouldn’t even make the first cut of American Idol. Yes, they are that bad-go to their page and listen for yourself.
Friendtoall, to have listened to all the songs, you must really be a glutton for punishment. But actually, your feedback has been a great deal more useful than much of the feedback I’ve received heretofore at Sadly No! I seriously doubt that you’ve listened to every song, and my free mp3 jukebox represents just a fraction of what I’ve written and recorded. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Your feedback is useful because of the specificity. There is one thing I should mention however, in my own defense: Music lovers learned a valuable lesson in the 70s that caused many to smash their disco records and replace them with punk. After suffering through the technically precise disco error (Freudian slip, I meant era), they rediscovered what they initially discovered when they discovered Bob Dylan. Technical precision and perfection often sucks. When it comes to making music, it sucks the living daylights out of authenticity and raw passion.
These young ladies were obviously coached.
This is most unfortunate.
What is more amazing to me as a passive lurker on this thread is that it is easy for the majority to wish them great
harm but embrace the messages of violence, rape and murder that is promoted with much vigour from the hip hop community.
As a chinese person, who has friends of many cultures, I find it ironic that most people pay little attention to China.
My family left China two generations ago.This was to of no avail as China is clearly coming here.
Our neighbour to the north will give them all the oil, soft wood, steel and more that they require.
It is only a matter of time.
There will be no black, white or brown…only beige.
Life will be about toil and obeying the State and Islam will be the only worry.
It might be time to consider moving to a friendlier place indeed.
Audio Research
Dranoel Audio
To my FENIAN friend
Johnny rebel
No surrender
It was grand and it was beautiful and the colurs they were fine!
Love UVF
to barrie, i am not ur friend,nor will i ever be,u and ur second hand religon born of the balls of henry 8th,uvf u say,how can u call urself ulster when u’ve never watcted ulster play in the all irelands, i think u mean n.ireland the state of,my ulster, yes MY ULSTER has 9 counties ur so called ulster has 6 u fuckin refugee get out of my country,fuck off back to england and by the way ur colours suck ya retard….
p.s. thank u for calling me a fenian..i am a proud warrior
give ireland back to the irish
I find it bizarre that you talk about pride and then completely ignore the fact that the Northern Irish overwhelmingly voiced their desire to be British. They made their choice. Republican nationalists lost.
dear schmitt,thats why the unionist only took six counties,they had the majority,where as if they had ulster, the nine county proper ulster they wouldn’t have the majority…dont u think its bizzare that the unionist people wont let us have a proper st paddys day..the whole world over celebretes it…but not belfast????….dont comment on something u dont about….we had to fight for our votes and fuck u..wanna start an argument start by being right ya knob
dear schmitt,thats why the unionist only took six counties,they had the majority,where as if they had ulster, the nine county proper ulster they wouldn’t have the majority…dont u think its bizzare that the unionist people wont let us have a proper st paddys day..the whole world over celebretes it…but not belfast????….dont comment on something u dont about….we had to fight for our votes and equality….wanna start an argument start by being right
to schmitt and barrie,the celts didnt surrender to the romans,didnt surrender to the english,dont know where ur from schmitt but we wont surrender to you either so schitt i smitt thee,we are still here,we will never be defeated,a nation once again…nothing can stop the wheels turning..and to barrie the same,to johnny the rebel we had two st paddys parades this year and last year but the first of many…you cant stop the times…(bob marley)
scottish pride & independence 🙂
i hink dat every1 is equal n we should all accept 1 another for who we r. am white and i hink dat white ppl should shut their mouths about being better than black ppl but the same goes for black ppl.
i also think that the whole thing about hitler is terrible but that dusnt mean that we should still b against germans! i kno sum german ppl nd they great!
I participated in the Eid-ul-Fitr.
It was a wonderful experience.
Ireland is a beautiful part of the United Kingdom.
Children- I’m as big a Republican (the Irish variety!) as a 3rd generation Irish (on the shortest side) American can be- but the IRA has served its purpose, and the terrorism should be permenantly ended.
I would point out that Ireland is not unlike Israel- the English gerrymandered the place to get their precious majority in an area for their transplanted minority. But that was a long time ago- and one cannot sanely hold the current British government responsible for those actions.
Adams is correct in his current strategy.
Oh, yes, and the UVF and Ian Paisley can burn in Hell (as they will, undoubtedly).
They’ll no doubt be sharing a special place with those who wish the death of innocent British (and American, Aussie, etc. or Iraqi civillians) soldiers, who’ve done nothing but serve their country in a cause of dubious justifacation.
And johnny-boy: Stop making us Catholics looks like morons, you stupid bastard.
I forgot to add (reasonably) after “can be” in the first paragraph.
I ain’t crazy, nor would I give any significant sum of money to the mainstream Republican movement while it engages in terrorism (thankfully, that seems to have ended for the time being).
The idea is nice- but it would need to be properly implemented in order to be acceptable. As it stands, having a voice for the Catholics and Republican Protestants is enough.
dear guinness guy,my father,his father and so on fought for their country and their people as im sure so did johnny the rebels,it amazes me that a so called republican can say that the provos were terriorists!!! they were freedom fighters,but being a stupid yank,what the fuck would u know,america and britain dont know where to keep their noses out of things. its either ur american or ur irish, so make up ur mind…it be intresting to see..cant see the like of u sitting being an arm chair rebel doing anything for any country, so lay of johnny or u have me to deal with u STUIPD yank!! since 911 your lot are hell bent on this terriorism sure your parents werent burnt out of their sure that u never had any reletives shot dead for the fact that he was a catholic,i dont think u”ve seen a dead sixteen yr old lying dead in the gutter because he was a catholic..dont think that u have ever been battered to an inch of your life because ur catholic..start by being right u dumb yank…jerry adams is a tratior whos only concerned about the couple of grand he gets from the british goverment…so yeah maybe they are stupid for turning the other should look at ur own backyard, people who live in glass houses shouldnt through stones..americans think that they own the world, will they are wrong,they are nothing more than refugees in another mans country..yes the native americans,i know how they feel no wonder they hate u lot ya fucking idiot ,i mean u have the cheek to stop mexicans entering a country that u dont belong in ur self so dont start on johnny reb,i mean u are the terriorists with ur backing of israel,i think its sad that an american half breed should love his country when they give the jewish homeland support and not his own irish homeland that help to build america in the first place..i even find it funny that if im in america i get shot outside a hospital i have to go to a hospital 10 miles away because i dont have insurance..u yanks make us all laugh because i dont know anybody who thinks american are anything but crazy lunitics so if you think your loved here think a gain..ONE COUNTRIES TERRIORIST IS ANOTHER COUNTRIES FREEDOMFIGHTER…LONG LIVE THE IRAQI PEOPLE AND ALL THOOSE WHO FIGHT FOR THIER HOME LAND AND THEIR WAY OF LIFE johnny reb,nevermind the moron ,he’s an idiot who thinks that gerry adams done something so let the wanker rant on the STUPID CUNT
The only thing more beautiful than Lamb and Lynx would be to live in a white society.
And my great grandparents left after it became clear the Brits weren’t going to allow a Free Ireland, both sets of them- they were from West Belfast.
They left behind reletives who fought with the IRA. And for much of the time, they were right to do so. However, when they stop attacking legitimate military and civil targets in the occupied territories, and start using terrorist tactics in England proper, then one has to start questioning the legitimacy of the term ‘freedom fighter’. ‘My country right or wrong’ is a logical fallacy that also applies to organizations and philosophies. And no- one country’s freedom fighters aren’t another’s terrorists. Those that attack innocent civillians in an attempt to exert as much fear as possible, as a matter of policy are using terrorist tactics… period. And if that is more or less their sole means of warfighting, then they are terrorists. Be they left-wing or right-wing, of a cause I support or not, they are terrorists. Whether that term holds the same connotations for me as for others is debatable- for example, the IDF would certainly qualify under this term, whereas the US and UK armies wouldn’t, because they are primarily conventional forces. Once, the Provos at least were comparatively legitimate outside of the rash of terrorism after Thatcher’s crackdown. They fall into an upper-tiered group like the IDF and a couple of the non-suicide bomber using Palestinian groups, who at least have some semblance of rationalizing what they do that doesn’t sound crazy.
And I would like to point out that I in no way, shape or form support Israel (and, since I fall under the line where federal taxes are accessed, I don’t support them that way either). Notice how I’m here on a liberal weblog- that means that I’m not particularly fond of the US foreign policy of which you speak, nor of the Administration (which I did not vote for) which prosocutes it.
Incidently- my great-uncle, while he wasn’t shot, was lynched by the KKK shortly after the family’s arrival in the Midwest. Hatred and idiocy know no borders or nationalities- as you yourself are a testament to
Speaking of “being Catholic”, such a violent and (I’m inferring a bit here) xenophobic outlook is very, very non-Catholic, isn’t it?
But then, your actual credibility is rather like the Nazi’s here as far as believing a damn word you say.
And you see, my friend, your horrid comprehension of the language- and typing skills- makes your credibility fall like a damn rock. I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if you were a very very angsty teenager, as that is the standard typing form (nocaps, frequent ALLCAPS, frequent abbreviations, no punctuation, frequent reference to another poster that, were I to check the ISP would no doubt prove to be the same person)of that particular group.
With my luck, if you are who you say you are (doubtful), you’re probably a distant cousin… which I find terribly depressing.
So depressing, in fact, that I’m out (the thread has gone “bye-bye”, so I’m just going to say this once more: I fuckin’ hate Internet Nazis).
who are you calling stupid,there’s nothing stupid about me,now a guy who calls himself after a stout is stupid,soul hit the nail on the head there so i cant really add to that but what would you do if america went to war with ireland???? what side would u choose???? did u know that during the second world war hundreds of irish helped the germans kill american and british troops,me ,i dont think you know what side your toast is buttered guinness guy or should i say stout guy
where u high when u wrote that guy,soul had a good argument there and all u can say is he’s using shorthand…fool…ur kin left you say..cowards i say,freedom has to be fought for,i dont think you have ever done anything in your life for freedom
oh yeah and before i go guy,it is the same isp cuz its the same comp. soul aint a teenager nor am I,and do u think i give a fuck if i use abbrevitions or my spelling is correct,i dont have time to check that shit ya retard
Be they left-wing or right-wing, of a cause I support or not, they are terrorists. Whether that term holds the same connotations for me as for others is debatable- for example, the IDF would certainly qualify under this term, whereas the US and UK armies wouldn’t, because they are primarily conventional forces. qualify????? is this a race or a competion???? that is some stupid rule that some dude made up when he was high on glue…
when your uncle got beat up by the kkk, what did you do??? did u fight back??? did u stand on your own two feet and fight back??? what did you do??? call the cops? we dont have policeman to look after us !! i’d get me brothers,arm ourselfs to the teeth,kiss my mamma goodbye and go out to die!! if we win the fight we win the fight if not will i know i protected my family with my life so what did you do? eh guy and what about this bit u said:Speaking of “being Catholic”, such a violent and (I’m inferring a bit here) xenophobic outlook is very, very non-Catholic, isn’t it?
I cant remember saying i was catholic,i think johnny rebel said he was catholic, Damn im not even christian! retard just because im irish dont mean im catholic twat
In dungeons deep,i know what fate await me tied hand and foot the rebels have bound me fast.I pray to my god above to grant my final wish.
Dont bury me in Eire fenian valleys take me home to Ulster let me rest and on my grave stone place this simply message he lies a soldier of the UVF.
Here lies a soldier
you know the rest Johnny Rebel,sing along you know you want to.
Forgot one thing Johnny,remember when you priasing IRA\Sinn Fenn.
Tell that to the families of the missing.The Men ,women and children murdered by them.
The 6 counties voted to remain British and will be so forever.
If you think there will be a unite Ireland,your living a dream,like so many Americians you have a romantic idea of ireland.
The loyalist will take the fight to the south again after it what the IRA did.
If the ballot and the bomb worked for them it can work for us?
But if the all Irish left England and the West of scotland.I sure acomprised could be reached.But then all again,who would like to live in a bannana republic like the south.
You could always go home to Eire but then again i suspect your one of these plastic paddies who go on how great it is in Eire but never want to go home.
No doubt,you will say your not irish your an Americian, not remembering you stole the country off the native indians in the first place.Thats the Irony isn`t
to anonymous, first of all,im from west Belfast not some yankiee second of all ireland will be free and united..u cant stop the wheels turning,secondly i remember a few weeks a go when a crowd of about ahunderd strong loyalist mob tried to walk up the grosvenor rd,(i was there) and when i say tried they got run back all the way to sandy road..come come on if u think ur hard enough..p.s. if any of u loyalist want a fight i’ll meet u anywhere in belfast man to man,and i swear i’d kick the living shite out of any of ya so suck the back of them, ur living in fantsy land,oh by the way did u march down the springfield road yesterday???? no you fuckin didnt,will we have a st paddys day next march?? you know we will,like i say u cant stop the times… our day HAS come
the english stole this land then left u fuckin loyalist anon. i didnt steal nothing on no native americans..hell i’ve never even been to the usa,i think its weird that u rant on about it’s the irony of it all when u aint got a culture,i take it anon. u live in n.ireland? if you do then tell me why loyalist estates look like shit holes with all that paint around it and up and down it..u dont get that in the west of the city! go clean up your community instead of sitting at your computer ranting on about something that u know nothing about, and Bas ulster is irish, the whole nine counties ya wanker.i can trace my family in ulster back more than 800yrs can you my friend??? i think not!! ya pratt!
My passport says Great Britain and Northern Island.
We are still the majority and even when you are the majority the south will not want anything to do with you.
Just remember the Cry was no Surrender.
Your free to live in the bannana republic in the south.I forgot all the ghettos you live in are wonderful
WATP No Surrender
Forgot to say Johnny rebel.You write my language well for someone who should be using the dead language Gaelic.
the gaelic language aint dead my friend,it is very much in use,u should see the look on the old ladys faces when i use it in the shops up the shankil(fucking priceless) johnny rebel does use the english language better than u bas seening you have a passport for a northern island?????? no surrender you say??? makes it all the better when we come to burn you lot out, at least you’ll die like a man and not run away like guinness guy and his retarded family (respect) your arguments suck..only time will bas are you going to have johnny a scrap man to man, i live in west belfast too,i could be the ref. i know what johnny was talking about when he said..i remember a few weeks a go when a crowd of about ahunderd strong loyalist mob tried to walk up the grosvenor rd,(i was there) and when i say tried they got run back all the way to sandy road..that was the same day a loyist mob threw a pram in the air with the baby still it all cuz they were catholics.. this was 30 strong men against a mother and her baby and dont say it didnt happen and what about them little girls at holy cross, your people hounded them little girls for know your time is running out!! thats why you lot are getting nervous,no country and a second hand religon,no culture and no hope…the rest of us us can now live in peace,but you lot have a right to feel worried,soon there will be one all ireland footballl team and so forth..stick to what ur good at. go terrorise some little girls instead of me cuz we fight back not like some defenceless little girls…we’re on the one road singing the soldier’s song
Johnny you stupid nipple, the Northern Irish fought to remain free from being unified under the gentle auspices of their Catholic cousins. And the partition came not because we wanted to grab power; our first three home bills were intended to grant autonomy to all of Ireland, which was what the majority of the Irish were calling for. The fourth home bill included partition because it was intended to quell the militias of the Unionists, which were gathering arms and forces and preparing for a big God damn civil war, one the Catholics were willing to see happen too. For fifty years it worked admirably, though it pissed off the Unionists even more than the Republicans. And when the Southern Irish turned their autonomous state into a free republic we didn’t stop them.
The Unionists are as Irish as you are, you twat, they just happen to want to be part of Britain. They didn’t surrender. They actively fought, and many died, and many were murdered for what they believed in, for what they were resisting. They didn’t surrender unless you count the compromises (most of which I agree were quite needed,) granted to the Southerners during the Black Friday agreement.
And yes, the British commited atrocities (internment without trial and opening fire on peaceful crowds being two blatant and unarguable examples,) and our actions were unjustifiable; frankly we deserved military reprisals since we weren’t willing to make amends. Military reprisals. The IRA killed innocent people. They went out of their way to commit murder. They are scum.
Incidentally soul assassin I’m as much a celt as you are; I’m Welsh.
And when the Southern Irish turned their autonomous state into a free republic we didn’t stop them.
didnt stop us????? the british goverment blew fuck out of the g.p.o.,oh they didnt stop us because the eyes of the world where watching,they couldn’t treat us like shit anymore. whats this u say schmitt?the unionist are as irish as me??? are you sniffing glue??? they arnt and never will be irish ya pratt!! ur welsh ya say…ha hahahahahah thats one skinking hole in the world,what a shit place!!! i’ve been,its a should help clean the place up instead of wasting you time on the internet ya fool!!!!
Life springs from death;and from the deaths of patriot men and women spring living nations. The defenders of this realm have worked in secert and in the open. They think that they have pacified ireland. They think that they have purchased half of us and intimidated the other half. They think that they have forseen everything, think that they have provided against everything; but the fools,the fools, the fools! they have left us our Fenian dead, and while Ireland holds these graves,Ireland shall never be at peace…….. Padric pearse
TO subvert the tyranny of our execrable goverment, to break the connection with england, the never-failing source of all our political evils, and to assert the independence of my country-these were my objects. To unite the whole people of ireland,to abolish the memory of all past dissensions, and tosubstitute the commom name of Irishmen in place of the denomination of protestant,Catholic, and Dissenter-these were my means……..Wolfe Tone
It is not those who can inflict the most, but those that can suffer the most who will conquer…..Terence MacSwiney
Should G.W.Bush be hung for war crimes???? a little bit of feedback would be nice!! so what do you think??? I think he should burn.
ethnic groups is not only intellectually dishonest in the face of science, but utterly foolish. Species exists- there is no doubt of that. We are differant from chimps in many fundamental ways- ways which are far more fundamental than anything that seperates any human ethnicity.
Are you a biologst, sir? Or a sociologist or anthropologist? Do you have a degree in the social or hard sciences from an accreditied institution of higher learning, in the US or abroad?
Somehow, I doubt it, given your apparent reliance on bad science that has specifically created to support the racist position. ?????????????guiness guy have you got any degree’s????? Reading this page and Yourself seems to have something to say too everything!!! You don’t get out much do ya!!! critizing every one you meet!. You must be one sad lonley bastard!.
p.s. Get out more you moron.
If u lot can argue with Soul Assassin and Johnny Rebel!!,you are all fools!.
Reading much of this red, raw, and angry page, I couldn’t help but notice that the majority of the racist “white culture” supremacists cannot seem to form full sentences, use whole words, punctuation, decent grammar, or three syllable words.
White supremacy, my ass. Get over the illiteracy, and you may be able to at least get people to stop laughing at you.
Now , go make up some statistics or something.
Love and kisses,
(blonde hair, and blue-eyed, for your information. AND Jewish. Your type has hit on my many a time – hell, I could infiltrate! And of all the rich people I know of, not ONE of them has had a hand from a Jew or is a Jew. How do you like them apples?
There is no conspiracy, kittens. We Jews suffer or succeed just like the rest of you and get no special treatment from anyone. Well, we might get picked on by skinheads a little more than you do. Is that special?)
the unionist are as irish as me??? are you sniffing glue??? they arnt and never will be irish ya pratt!!
One of the Good Friday agreement provisions (which, may I remind you, over 80% of Southern Irish and over 50% of the Nothern Irish voted for,) included a provision to alter parts of Northern Ireland’s constitution. This is what became of Article 2:
It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage.
They are Irish and part of Great Britain.
Part of the UK, sorry.
says you schitt. there is the truth and what your told! i’m irish,my heart is irish i live in ireland,you arnt,your not and you dont!!! the problem is politics here schitt,if you want politics to run your life fair enough but my life is god and heart1,i dont live by them rules!! i am free!!! you my friend are going in circles, open your mind instead of being a sheep but seeing your welsh that seems to be the standard ya trapped minded fuck wit..
this battle has been fought many times,the outcome is known,you just have to pick your side!!!!
if you had the life that i’ve seen,and you had irish soliders treat you the way they the british treated us then you’d be saying the same thing as me!.i have lived through the brunt end of it..oppression dont work on any level..until you have experinced oppression you’ll never know what being free really means
Strangely enough ,when i was in the army.I dont remember badly treating the irish.
You spat at us,trained you dogs to attack us and we were there to protect you.
As for the IRA read the stats.
IRA murderers of Catholics
Just came across a few interesting statistics regarding the killings which occurred during the conflict in Northern Ireland. A total of 3523 people were killed during this period. The Republican Scum murdered a total of 2054. Of these 446 were Roman Catholics. The total number of Catholics killed by Police and Army was 304. So the IRA (the self proclaimed defenders of the Roman Catholic community) killed 47% more of their own community than the people they claimed to be defending them from. With Defenders like these scum who needs enemies.
Forgot to put in above ost was from BAS
To Jill Henry:
I will pay to have you leave this society and live apart in another society with your pasty white racist
its the lord who commands you.he who is coming to judge you!!!
says you
I’m inclined to point out that I was expressing simple fact but you’re quite blatantly switching to trolling because you’ve been shown to be hilariously ignorant about your own history. Which always upsets nationalists.
thoose people you call scum were brave men, most of them schitt, gave their lives and yes we can all read books and find facts but your house aint covered in bullet holes like mine but ask you this i do What have you done that mattered? nothing im guessing!! theres men of words and men of deeds,that scum that you refer to are well above the likes of you,they have songs about them,they have poems about them! Who going to remember YOU!!! enough said welsh man
oh yeah! your satastics only started in 69′ this has going on for 800yrs pratt
To Souls Assassin and Schmitt –
Please – get back to the topic of the thread. If you’d like to have a forty page long thread about Irish Nationalism (a good topic – but not here), perhaps you could start one, and then maybe others could join your conversation and this thread could go back to topic.
Mademoiselle,thanks for pointing that out. I’ll say no more on the subject.
Prussian Blue is a very, very good, wonderful white musik!
Prussian Blue is a triumph of the will!
Lamb and Lynx are very nice, beautyful, pretty girls !
I love the music from Lamb and Lynx !
Heil, Lamb and Lynx !
You are the greatest !
Karl Kuhn from Berlin
Reading much of this red, raw, and angry page, I couldn’t help but notice that the majority of the racist “white culture” supremacists cannot seem to form full sentences, use whole words, punctuation, decent grammar, or three syllable words.”(quote)
I could say the same thing about a lot of liberals, there are people like that on both sides.
I’d just like to add that liberals on a lot of sites discussing Lamb and Lynx are pretty hateful. They are talking about raping and/or killing 13 year old girls because of their beliefs. Pretty disgusting.
“I’d just like to add that liberals on a lot of sites discussing Lamb and Lynx are pretty hateful. They are talking about raping and/or killing 13 year old girls because of their beliefs. Pretty disgusting.”
…and then you end that with a link to Stormfront.
So which is more disgusting, genocide or joking about two fuckwits?
Clearly you’ve made your opinion known…YAY FOR GENOCIDE!
Genocide? Clearly you’ve shown how much of an imbecile you are. If you are going to make a statement of that magnitude maybe you should actually back it up with some facts? But it’s so much easier to just throw around unfounded comments about mass murder.
No one was joking about the two little girls AT ALL. That’s the sick, perverted, sad truth. Get a clue please.
Ryan, you kiddie-fiddling fascist loon, are you seriously suggesting that it’s inappropriate to describe the Holocaust as an act of genocide? You do know the word “genocide” was coined specifically to describe it, don’t you, you hilarious Nazi wanker? Mind you, the guy who coined it was Jewish, so I’m surprised you can even bring yourself to type it. And jokes about raping underage girls, whilst deplorably sick, are nothing compared to the stream of inbred vomit that is Stormfront.
suck the back of me balls! harry. i’d love to slap you, ya retard. go and kill the nazis if you think your hard enough. the only thing i’d say thats hard about you harry is your trunks, ya shit stain. i’m sick of people like you sticking this nazi thing on anything that you people dont like. What have the nazis done on you?? your as racist and bigoted as anybody you claim to hate!! so i guess from where i’m sitting your the nazi harry!!! it was Notacompletefuckwad ryan was merly pointing out which is the biggest evil, so if i had a choice id pick a nazi anyday than any scum that thinks its ok to rape and hound any childern. p.s. ya ballbag
So, just to be clear here, Johnny, you lobotomised dog-fucker, you think rapists are more evil than mass murderers? Actually, more than that, going back to what Ryan was saying, you think people who make sick jokes about rape, but almost certainly aren’t rapists, are more evil than psychos who actually would like to murder millions of people. Not that you Nazis aren’t rapists too, by all accounts, Johnny. And, indeed, happy to rape victims, of both sexes and all ages, before killing them. So, for you, sitting in your wank-stained pyjamas in your mum’s basement dreaming about the coming Reich, people who make sick jokes are more evil than those who actually want to rape, pillage and murder there way across the globe to make up for their deep-seated sense of inadequacy and complete mental screw-up?
Incidentally, Johnny, you’re about as rebellious as a squashed grape. You’re a mewling, brainless, streak of piss serf, happily serving whatever bunch of neo-feudal fucktards or personality cult shits you’ve latched onto. And you’re perfectly welcome to try and slap me, Johnny. Like the Nazis who’ve tried it before, you’ll find a few months in hospital gives you much needed time to contemplate your wasted life.
Quote from Harry: “Pillage and murder there way across the globe to make up for their deep-seated sense of inadequacy and complete mental screw-up?”
Kudos…the summation of the World History of Europeans….Enough said!!
For the record:
Arguing with a white supremacist is like arguing with a brick wall..why on earth would anyone try??
How can Johnny be racist?? his family is alsorts of colours and religons! This i know,because i know the guy,he would slap you stupid harry. But you my friend are so full of twisted hate, i’m sure that your a bully and a racist as you seem to have a desire to hate,kill and burn white people!. Johnnys sisters boyfriend is black!! do you think he’s racist?? his cousins are phillipino! do you think he’s racist?? he says “he would rather have a nazi than a pedo who thinks its ok to hound little girls”!! not all nazi’s are psycho’s who would like to murder millions of people. And i’m damn sure that whatever country or religon your from has its dirty washing.Hell me and Johnny only write here to stir the pot and get idiots like you to reply so we can have a good laugh over some beer and a good fat joint!. All honesty i’d hate to see the state of your heads, so full of hate,twisted beyond belief,thinking its ok to abuse little girls if not directly yourself but any means to win an argument, that is no joke, that is disgusting,people like you need locking up,so harry suck the back of me balls and if you want i’ll slap you!,so fuck off and go buck your horse that you came in on.
I don’t have a basement!.
The way we see it is: If you put a carrot in front of a donkey,it will follow it!. Thank you all for being proper sheep,without you all, we couldn’t have had our social experiments,proper guinie pigs.
You’re a mewling, brainless, streak of piss serf!!!! Did you make this up yourself harry???? very good for a moron
p.s. hows it feel to be played,the world is sick of people like you with your opinions and veiws about nazis;An easy label to stick on someone or something that you disagree with!!
What this page really says is if you have blonde hair and blue eyes your a nazi!!! If you hate all that bollocks that you anti-nazi’s and war mongers preach!,your a nazi. Nazi’s tried to fight communism,which as you’ve seen through history they where right, the cold war,korea,indochina(vietnam),and a lot of other places. did america kill the ss? yes some of them!,but they used the ones they wanted.What did france do with the ss?? They made a german Battalion to fight in communist indochina(see above if you dont know where im talking about) Soldiers were only called nazis after operation Barbarossa, in the past there was no distinction between the different services i.e. wehrmacht,ss or the luftwaffe. Nazi is a russin label.The americans killed the little joes who where drafted into the ss just the same as you would get drafted in any other country,you had no choice but to fight and go to war,but the others they recruited for their Manhatton project.
so now you all know what a nazi is!! feel a bit stupid now dont ya
fucking hate mongers you anti-nazis
By the way, i love my blue eyes and blonde hair but then again i cant say that or im labeled a nazi!!!! haha tossers
So, for you, sitting in your wank-stained pyjamas in your mum’s basement dreaming about the coming Reich??? just because I disagree with your veiws harry dont mean im a white nothing, i just disagee with people like you! you cant have six of one and half dozon of the other, its either you hate or you dont! you have a lot of hate in you my friend
Most people who would write to a blog like this a bout a subject like this are scared of there own failures,you think that this masterrace is so scary,will fuck you all, without white people you all would think the world was still flat and you would all be cooking each other in your little tribes,even the jews would be running around stoning each other squealing jehovah jehovah.If you lot want to live in the past then so be it,you can all chuck your spears to you hearts content but face facts;The White Man hasn’t gone away and never will,so keep dragging up the past if you want or just get over it.
Too bad you hypocrites weren’t so concerned when Time Warner released stuff like this : ?Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt; kill the white people; but buy my record first; ha, ha, ha?
?Kill d?White People?; Apache, Apache Ain?t Shit, 1993, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.
Holy crap, this is still going? I guess I should expect tenacity from devotees of a political philosophy that’s been dead for 60 years, but still, damn. Hitler-wannabes, I salute you and your total lack of a life.
Oh, and yes, I’m Jewish. Just in case that makes this more annoying.
I?ve been reading both this and a lot of other forums on this subject. One thing I am finding hard to believe is the fear two little girls have stirred in so many. Are all you nut cases really that afraid of two little girls. Of course you see a fair share of the nut cases lean heavy toward being pedophiles and this gives them a reason to vent there desires. But for the others here what other then fear would cause over 275000 forums and web sites to something about them posted. You see people on this and many other boards calling them names and making unsavory comments about them. Really people, there kids, not Hitler reborn. They live in America, the same country that allows degenerate musicians like Snoop Dog, Two Live Crew and dozens of others. Anyone who doesn?t believe there are differences between the races is living in a fantasy world. Lions and tigers can breed but nature keeps them apart has a rule because it preserve the species. At least let them grow up and give them a chance to formulate there own ideas. I know from reading other forum they have received death threats. Just from that I think some need to rethink the term, evil and many need to rethink there views and maybe learn a little about what America really stands for.
There is no such thing as race acept for the rest of of you who cant like beyond the skin. A Taurus is a taurus no matter where the fuck them stubborn plodding fat blackhaired selfish country or religon they belong too.A leo is a leo nomatter what race you think them lazy ,determined showy bossy pratts are from. mariah cary is an aquarian,as is sherl crow, funny that the both of the have a mole on their chin, left side below the bottom lip!!! most sets of twins that you’ll meet will mostly be geminis or if not their parents should be a gemini. so before you all think you know something ,think again dickheads, most of all evil people are taurus’s. some people might call me a witch or other shit which dont relate to anything that i represent,but fuck them and you lot because knowlage is power not being white so heres to me knowing somthing that you know nothing. Viserys i couldn’t give a flying fuck if your jew,but you seem too so listen to this not everybody who hate jews are white jews hate jews,blacks hate jews and i hate yous so achoo bless you merry meet and happy christmas!!!! shit thats right i forgot you dont celebrate christmas, but either do i,the difference? you jew women are getting half a penis,black woman,asian woman,white woman all get good D*** you lot get a mangled whatever butchered once it filled up with blood.
Lions and tigers can breed but nature keeps them apart has a rule because it preserve the species.
But why? Lions + Tigers = Ligers, and that’s always good.
Soooooo… the Prussian Blue forums are back. I suggest leaking this information elsewhere.
Weissen soll sterben jetzt!!! Du auch! Du bist eine grosse scheisskopf!
Wow someone obviousily erased my comment that i made the other day about what racism is AND the only thing it is? Wooot woot, well congratulations, I bet if was one of you white surpremists or the godchildren of Hitler who just couldn’t…I don’t know handle the truth? Yes, i think that’s it.
UH, Jerry Abott, I think I want to eat your brain for breakfast. I’ve never seeeen such IDIOTIC, sad attempt to try to prove your points.
RYAN, you close-minded cow fucker, ranting on about liberals hating on these girls for being racist. Yea it is hyprocrital t say they wann rape and kill them. and stooping lower…
But who are you to talk? For ignoring the fact that the Holocaust was GENOCIDE.
and it did happen, fuckers in denial.
soul assasin, please get a fucking dictionary & learn how to spell please…before you try to argue your weak, ignorant insults and views .you’re probably the age of not understanding it really at all anyways.
Steve, you dimwit, harry at least BACKED up his arguments with reasonable facts.
And he is something you obviousily aren’t, not ignorant.
This whole Nazi garbage about being the surpreme race is old news.
Why start another movement when when you shitheads, well a lot of you, deny that your ectermination “of less beings” didn’t happen?
Yah, ofcourse people have their opinions, but most people with intelligence don’t use ignorance to back up their beliefs.
If all you dear Nazi children keep on nagging liberals, who at least see everyone as an equal with their own ideas, and as much potential, not just based on their fucking skin color& culture,then let us liberals argue your views.
i can spell,just i was drunk when i wrote it.
Or was i stoned????
ok yes i have the same name as these bitches’ mum. a fact that i am deeply ashamed of. i am of german descent but what the fuck do they think they are saying. people think that blacks get special treatment but they dont. all u nazis are just believing what u want to believe not what is true. im a fkn blood traitor yes- but i dont care because i know that it doesnt matter where u r from or what colour u r. everyone should be treated equally and if someone is treated better than another- BE HAPPY FOR THEM… good on them… u are not being treated badly just because they are being treated well.
Go to hell all you nazis. u give the rest of us germans a bad name. and fuck april gaede too because she is associating me with that racist shit.
Lovely, this is still going. Skimming most of your posts I can quite accurately say most of you have no idea what you are talking about and can’t even write coherently, spell correctly, or use correct grammar.
Just fyi, slandering individuals doesn’t make you win an argument. If you want to debate WN beliefs, you are free to post on the opposing views forum on As long as you follow forum guidelines it will be posted. Just keep in mind, facts and discussion prevails there, not mindless name calling and overemotionalism. I realize the vast majority of you won’t ever attempt to post. If your belief system is so rock solid you should be able to debate with White Nationalists without a problem. Good luck
Wow moderator, you are one sad individual. Why would you delete my post which contained no racial epithets, no curse words, and no insults(besides pointing out the obvious, no character assassinations)? While the people above me are swearing every other sentence? Was I making the sheeple look as bad as they really are?
Anyway, I will reiterate.
Lovely that this discussion is still taking place. Keep in mind that slandering a person doesn’t win you an argument. I can accurately say, by skimming the above posts, that the vast majority of you can’t write coherently, use proper spelling, or correct grammar.
Anyone is welcome to post in the opposing views forum at if you disagree with White Nationalist beliefs. As long as you follow forum guidelines your post will go through. Just keep in mind, facts and discussions are what prevails there; not slander and blind emotionalism that you all resort to here. But, if your belief systems are as rock solid as you seem to think they are, you should have no problem debating White Nationalists.
My mistake moderator, I didn’t see that my message had been posted. I don’t normally post on these blogs.. I apologize.
Have a good day everyone.
dont think your white power is dick ryan
your ganny has craps and your grandad clens the floor with his piles
craps are little sheep like crabs that dont scatch,dont do nothing but complain,notice that this notice needs to be noticed but you noticed it!,who care’s if you hate this or i hate that!,ya still ain’t got the ball’s to make a difference in people’s life’s sitting at your computer squabaling over what colour your skin is who what’s to party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soul assassin plays battlefeild online on the play station so blast him if ya can!!!! bitches
2 the people in the uk, go on line with ur playstation,i’ll kill you ahundred million times
I find it a pleasure to hear the opinions and views from all of you. It helps to know where one stands in this vast world we live in, unfortunately for some this is the only taste they will ever get. These two girls are indeed misguided. I hope that one day they will be able to brake away from their surroundings to see the world and all that it has to offer, the good and the bad.
. . . and to those of you who enjoy spreading fear and hatred, I truely pity you.
im on me playstation and more or likly i’ve kicked ur ass and anybody else for that matter. read my name ,spell it right army of darkness the greatest clan on the net biiitch!!!!!
come to battlefield2 again fuck man
omg thats all I can say their mother needs to be shot its wrong of her to be teaching them of such hate
Well I’m not a Nazi but they certainly sound much smarter than any of you based on your comments. Maybe the twins should run some classes and improve you education on U.S. living. By the way don’t forget who does a majority of the crime and all riots.
“Where freedom exists for only those with darker skin,�
Let’s see try applying for government benefits without being a minority.
“Where lies and propaganda will never let you win.�
Claims of racism in New Orleans when more white died then minorities in an area that more minority then white.
“Where symbols of your heritage are held with such contempt,�
Try the confederate flag, the attacks on Christianity, etc.
“And benefits of country?cept tax are you exempt.�
Nagin wanting a chocolate New Orleans built out of white mans money.
Personally I just think your all ignorant and likely hopeless at enlightening.
Those girls are fucking stupid.
Nobody said it was wrong to be proud of being white but their music isnt going to stop anyone from havng interracial relationships and mixing races.Theres nothing wrong with that anyways.
Nobody ever said black rappers saying racist comments was right either but thats not ALL they rap about or whatever.
If they get any bigger their just going to piss people off and end up being shot on stage by somebody angry.
They need to go to Europe and do that because America is an extremely diverse country and they certainly won’t make it far here…
Okay, let’s leave the whole white pride thing alone for a second and make a general statement here, okay?
It’s wrong to think some races are better than others. That’s like saying, Lamb is better than Linx. So how do you think Linx feels about that?
I agree with Chelsea, except for the stupid bit. They’re obviously very smart. As they’re Mum says “what red-blooded young white man is able to resist a beautiful blonde singing about racial pride”? If you did your research, and I did mine, you’d find that in most first-world countries males between 15-22 are the more “racist”.
Look, I agree that having pride in your race is a good thing. But there is nothing wrong, IMHO, with interracial relationships and multiculturalism.
I’m only a bit older than Lamb and Lynx and I probably should be finding better things to do than debate this, but it’s so sickk. This is going to promote genocide in a huge way, much more than “white guy-hating” rappers.
btw, do these idiots realise who one of the most “popular” rappers is? Eminem?. He’s a white guy.
if anyone would love to read some facts feel free to copy and send this info the your church and schools like we have..
OMFG man racism makes me sick. Why cant everyone just be nice to each other. I was trying to sell tickets for something at church. and this white grandma was like sorry i dont have money. i was like alright. then i here her say to her freind oh it was just a negro. i was like what the fuck. Man why do people think there better. If you think there better your even worse.
bobbyblueyzz, if you are a Christian, and I mean a true Christian, then you need to refrain from the profanity. Please. The whole Gaede family has been deceived. Yes the mother too. The girls are not dumb or stupid. They have been mislead. It is very easy to do. It has been happening since the beginning of time. The best and most interesting comments I have heard are coming from those of you who claim to be christians and say God bless to the girls. You are right in placing God’s blessing on them, they will need it. I can’t believe you all don’t get it. Life is not about you or me. If you believe that it is, then YOU are the problem. It’s okay though, you don’t have to worry, it will all be over soon. Man is going to see to it that it is over. The human race, which includes pretty much everything on earth, is selfish. You cannot!! And I repeat, cannot say that you love the lord thy God, but say you hate your brother. By the way, that is: 1John 4:20. I love when people try and think that they in some small form, love God, but have never seen him. Now think about that.
I am sofia from Argentina, and i´m working in an oral project about prowhite organizations. I did some research and I found about this twins. I´ve also heard that they helped the people afected by the katrina, but only the white ones. I really appreciates if anybody can send me more information related with this. thank you!
I posted the last mesage and this is My e-mail:
if anybody would like to send me more information abou this..
The only reasons I can think of pulling them out of public and putting them in “home school” (and we all know what social wingnutts THAT little click produces) is that you can’t brain wash them in plain sight (unless you’re a church of course). That, and the fact that they’re “homie bait” and that would certainly disappoint mommy (not to mention cut off the other male family members JERK supply…but oh well).
Want to fight this sort of thing on your own terms? Next time someone…ANYONE uses the term RACE, ask them what planet THEY’RE from…because here on Earth, the only “race” I can talk to on a regular basis is HUMAN!
Isn’t it odd that these thong toting, knuckle busting, spooge-worth squirting, jerk off jail bait pay homage to a short AUSTRIAN (not German!) convict who only had one testicle? Hmm…like the ENTIRE supremesist idea (black or white!) they usually follow someone who never had the balls to live by their own “convictions” (directly any way)
Hey why do u all bash us white pride ppl.those girls bust their ass doing what their doing so yall just need 2 lay off of them.goddamn ppl against white pride ppl.go 2 hell all of u who said bad shit about these lil a white pride member and proud of it so fuck off
at least they have the balls 2 stand 4 what they believe and dont hide it like some of u.i bet half of u shit talkers are raciests as well so i dont want 2 her it get bent u fucking cunt mashers
Everyone on here is weird. You all could use a lot of Jesus.
It is ok when blacks speak their minds. Will make a movie about Malcom X and glorify all the hate he preached, but heavens to Betsy, should a white person have an opinion.
On April 4th bobbyblueyzz posted this
(if anyone would love to read some facts feel free to copy and send this info the your church and schools like we have.. )
This is not true is you read fact #2 it clearly states that blacks never invented a language? HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMM, and EBONICS is what?
How about Car Jackings? Where whites responsible for this?
I love prussian Blue. Their music is so much better than that crappy Yentyl soundtrack that I made.
I sure do love them girls. What I could do with them with a paperclip, a ballpoint pen, and a stick of bubble gum.
Anybody seen Whitney?
I may be half black and half Jewish (and yes, I can spin a mean dradle). What can I say Prussian Blue rocks. They are a hell of a lot cuter than Helen Willis too. Don’t tell my mom I said that. OH VEY
Prussian Blue Rocks. I am Egyptian
I love them girls. I was listening to there music and I thought that I could here Morse Code in the background.
Prussian Blue rocks!
America for whites, Africa for Blacks.
I love Prussian Blue. I think that I will cast Lynx and Lamb if I decide to do Over The Top 2. Keep on Rockin’.
It’s truly scary to see such masses of neo-nazis posting here. I don’t know, I guess I always figured they didn’t comprehend the workings of a computer.
Jests aside, they’re starting to gain a slight upper hand in number of recent postings. I attribute this to the fact that the thread changed into a (badly written) debate on Irish nationalism then suddenly reverted back to its original state, catching people off guard.
To ye sellers of hate and filth, I pose a question: Don’t you ever feel stupid trolling forums screaming propaganda that should have been dead and buried sixty one years ago?
I’m glad I’m on the north of the border that splits up North America, it’s not as weird…
So what you are saying is that freedom of speech should have been buried 60 years ago too? What is wrong with taking pride in your race?
You are right about people using the computer. You must think that your beliefs are the only ones, and that everyone elses stem from ignorance. Did you ever stop and think that everyone has their own beliefs. Many of which are shaped by personal experiences.
I really enjoy their music. It may be that today gold has become the exclusive ruler of life, but the time will come when man will again bow
down before a higher god. Until that day, Keep on rockin’ Prussian Blue!
i feel deeply offended by prussian blues lyrics. HITLER WAS EVIL, and if these foolz dont want to accept that its there bad i just dont wanna hear about there lyrics against other cultures. i aint saying dont take pride in your heritage just dont take it to crazy extremes there is a difference between pride and rascism, these 2 singers are alot of the reason alot of african-americans and other races hate whites today they see alot of singers like this preaching hate so in response they produce there own hatred.
and even though they are not “dissing” out my race in particular i feel they are setting back race relations. i really didnt think that so many whites would feel the same way as this, i am white and i admire black culture rather than hate it like some poor misguided human beings posting here. we have to learn from our differences rather than oppose them.
its not about black or white cos were human i hope we see tha light before its ruined – 2pac
I am from Australia and I think Prussian Blue rock!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prussian Blue rocks? Prussian Blue doesn’t even make compelling music. The girls have no singing talent. Their rendition of the Kipling poem, “The Stranger,” shows them to be two girls infactuated with Avril Lavigne vocal “stylings”, but without the pipes to cause anyone with musical taste to take any notice, other than yelling “get off the stage!”
Oh my goodness. So untrue.
This is rediculous….In 4 years both of these girls will be dancing in a 50 cent video…They’re just spewing Mom’s frustration associated with her failed marriage…This stuff happens all the time, its just these girls happen to be pretty and young and from California….Remember, Malcolm X had a thing for white women….Good ‘ol Tommy Jefferson owned slaves and fathered more black children than they did…Gimme a break…
I think these White Nataional whites are full of shit and u dnt give any other race a chance now u wonder why black and mexicans and Fillipons dont like u guys u guys juge us rong and think were nothin bit u guys dnt have any thing better to do than talk bout blacks or mexicans u all need to get a life relize that colred people anit going no were Jewis are r just like colred ppl to u treated us all the same like shit there is only one race in the world that caused amereica to fall apart witch were Natial whites yea iam white i prefur to be black BItch
I just don’t understand peolpe who hate other people just for the color of their skin. Does it mean if a jewish person invented a cure for a horribble disease and a “Nazi” had the disease The Nazi should refrain from getting the cure because he is too good for something a Jew made??? Cus that’s how I think it should be. If they think they are so much better then everyone else because of their so called RACE then they shouldn’t need any benificial things that any other race created, since they are superior and should have been able to make it themselves. Why don’t all you haters think about that.
People should be judged on there merit not there “race”
I really don’t know how these girls can think the way they do!
No race is any superior to the other… it’s only skin colour!
Their mom has totally brainwashed them into thinking that way…
it’s really sick how people can hate other races…
I was watching them on tv once and they were talking about how hitler had many great ideas and stuff… can anyone give me ONE good idea!
i am almost 100% German and i think that their songs and the way they think are totally disgusting! Their mom would actually move out of a neighbourhood because the area that they were living in wasn’t “white” enough for them… even though i am white… i think that that’s totally wrong! i when i first heard about them i was horrified!
when they went to help the hurricane katrina victims… they would only help white people… and nobody would accept their aid after listening to them explain about their white pride culture and stuff…
i blame this all on their mother! i wish that their biological dad got custody of them… because he doesnt think the way that the mom does!
Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, Ya’ never know what ya’ gonna get.
These girls are so brainwashed, how can you hate other races. I know they have a right to expressed the way they feel, but they cant change what white people think about other races. I feel like they themselves try to change everything for their comfort. Every one has equal rights. All of this bullshit is just pathetic, and all the people who fallow it. And you know James who gives a fuck if they have the balls to stand up for they believe, other people who are against them have the balls too, so you need to shut up.
Interesting reading. So my question is: Who is really spewing hate? Prussian Blue? Or all the Nazi hating posters on this site, many of whom seem to go to great lengths to describe the criminal acts they would like to commit against Prussian Blue? Or is it the upstanding individuals that enjoy projecting their sick sexual fantasies on 14 year old girls?
After reading these postings, I can’t imagine why ANYONE would disagree with your world view. All the Nazis have to do now is show the world this site and they will recruit half of middle America.
(Carmine said,
You Nazi pigs should all burn in hell. Along with those discusting little girls.)
If this isn’t hate please tell me what it is…You fucking hypocrits
I don’t care what you all say. I like them and I think they are cute too.
Dem girls be stupid fly. I would like to pull up to their bumper and smack dem with my monkey.
This is so sad, people are missing the point! Hate is wrong, life is too short to be going along in life hating people because of the color of their skin. Im mixed with damn near everything, and my skin is dark! And I care about every race. Its really sad that these little are spewing hateful lyrics, it just goes to show what “good” parents they have! And those who say they are young and cute, are so full of it, its starting to come out their mouths. One day people are going to realize that the color of your skin is not the problem, its the people!
First of all, to those dumbasses who were saying that minorities get special privileges, I beg to differ. Unless you’re talking about the special privileges afforded to us by……….I don’t know………SLAVERY! Affirmative action is null and void (not that it ever really helped anyway), quotas are illegal, and more white people are on welfare than blacks. So where are these special privileges? Oh, that’s right. We get to be racially profiled by racist cops! I forgot how much fun that was!
Y’all racists have quite the nerve bitching about non-white people in America. First of all, America BELONGS to non-white people! Remember the Native Americans you slaughtered in order to get your land? Or how you stole land from Mexicans? And don’t forget that you BROUGHT BLACK PEOPLE HERE! If y’all only wanted to be around white people, maybe you should’ve stayed your asses in Europe and prevented non-white people from coming there. But you can’t go across a damn ocean to a place where non-whites live, and then say “America for whites.” Naw! America for Americans! And guess what? Y’all AIN’T AMERICAN! The only people who truly deserve here are the Native Americans (because it is their land), Mexican Americans (because some of it is their land too) and African-Americans (because we worked for free so that this country could be what it is today). What the hell have white Americans done except perform acts of genocide and break every human rights code known to man?
I see all of you guys are so big and bad when you’re behind a computer. Bring your asses to the Southside of Chicago and say that shit. Uh-huh, I thought not.
As for these two little girls, I feel nothing but pity for them. They’re the victims of child abuse. Poor babies.
I’m going to have to agree with the individual above me……… but even though White Americans haven’t contributed much but a few inventions here and there…… I don’t HATE them…..even though I’m racially profiled on daily bases…i dont HATE them….. hating someone isn’t “right” but we are all human and we all feel emmotions……all I’m saying is if you feel hatred towards a person…..feel it towards the person ….not the entire race……….. the point is….everyone is diferent and you should take each personilty into account before you decide to hate! And a lot of people may not agree with me but i don’t see anything wrong with wanting to preserve your race……us black people have marches and America clls it “pride”. White racist get pissed at this because when they ralley its called racism! HERES A MESSAGE FOR WHITE RACIST………THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OUR GATHERINGS IS ONE THING…………VIOLENCE! Are gatherings aren’t directed at White peopel and setting them on fire and hanging them from a tree….we just want to make ourselves better………..yall swear your so much smarter than us…….well GROW THE FUCK UP AND STOP TRYING TO RESORT TO VIOLENCE!!! cause truthfully…….this aint the muthafukin 1800’s anymore….we aint scared of u bitches……u have guns…bitch we got guns…….hang someone i know and i’ll kill your whole family!!! but it shouldn’t come to that……..”Hate people individually, if u just have to hte someone” other than that…………live your life…..-JaH
And sure some of my words are mispelled and misplaced but i actually have shit to do! Yes, I’m black! Yes, I’m from “da hood” (as white folks like to call it) Yes, I have a gun. Yes, i’ve used it. Yes, imma thug but I can still give my opinion on peace….because if it was up to me, i wouldn’t do half the dirt i do…….who said poverty doesn’t produce crime? dumbass! what u think we just genetically rob mothafuckas! like its part of my genetic structure………..i’m sorry i have to say this to u mr. Racist White man but……NIGGA PLEASE!!! do u have kids?brothers?sisters? parents? what if u had no money, no home, no food, no clothes for not only yourself but for your loved ones…..coincidentally, u only have guns in your neighborhood……& lets say u seen someone who did have the neccesities u need……would u take it from them so that you and yours would live….even if they were the same race or color……..ITS ABOUT SURVIVAL u dumb bitches! ****Fuck Ronald Wilson Reagan**** the bitch put crack in the hood to infultrate the Panther……it worked. -JaH
Whites are spiritually more sane than dark black subhumans.
whites need to develope their martian will power
um…EW. this is really scary.
Wow, they sing good, and i must say the lyrics really hit home on a lot of levels. Its a good CD for after Church.
And Affirmitive Action is happening Daily people, when a Vet Combat no less scores 97 on my civil service exam and im passed over by people who are either idiots scoring 80%, or people who hardly speak english THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG….Wake the F up AMERICA or soon we shall see, how doing nothing will destroy us all and it will be ugly !!!! P.S. Hurricane Katrina, The L.A. Riots, Will be coming to a town near you!!!
Wow. How Terrible. White girls who like being white, and who like being around other white people. They must be monsters! They need to be stopped!
hmm what’s this place? who the hell can still read?
ur cool, everyone has a right to not hate themselves.
i survived wash. dc.
I think that what these girls are doing is def. awesome. I don’t see why everyone hates them becuase they believe in what they believe, you can’t change that. It’s like throwing god around to an athiest… your not going to get anywhere trust me. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isnt right. Girls’ KEEP ROCKIN’
Wow. How Terrible. White girls who like being white, and who like being around other white people. They must be monsters! They need to be stopped!
Yeah! That’s all a Nazi is: a white person who likes being white! Nothing more or less!
That’s funny, cause I’ve met a few Christians who used to be athiests. It’s called conversion, and Churches spend millions of dollars and thousands of hours doing it.
Are these bots or are people still commenting on this post more than two years after is was written? Some people must really like Prussian Blue.
White Powah!
Remember, kids! Only 56 more shopping days until International Coward’s Way Out Day! Buy the untermensch infesting your favorite blog their own Luger and cyanide capsule before its too late!
It would be interesting to know what the referral page is for these goose stepping trolls.
It’s Springtime for Hitler and Germany!
holy shit, that’s a good read. it don’t get more random than this.
[Held up by a Nazi parade]
Jake: [To a patrolling officer] Hey, what’s going on?
Police Officer: Ah, those bums won their court case so they’re marching today.
Jake: What bums?
Police Officer: The fucking Nazi party.
Elwood: Illinois Nazis!
Jake: I hate Illinois Nazis.
[The Blues Brothers promptly drive through the parade, forcing the Nazis to dive into the river].
Dear Nazisl
You are so fucking CUTE! It’s like visiting the Amish or colonial Williamsburg. Love it. Thing is, tho, the real nazis were, like, more literate than you. Please, at least, spellcheck? My primitive lefty brain would love to debate Nietzsche with you folk who reaaaaaaaaally know what he meant, but the incoherence and poor ability to use the english language keep making me think you’re idiots who’ve no idea what they’re talking about. It’s almost like you’re not very intelligent, and are allowing your ignorance to lead you to stupid, hateful, incoherent conclusions.
But, of course, that’s not it, so, for my sake so you can convert me, please, spell check.
Thanks cuties.
I’m a Black Guy. White women loooove me.
Just sayin …
No, really, do as he says.
Liberals are nazis and racisists.
Aside from everything else, they can’t sing for shit.
Nazi Pie!
It smells like poo again…
Hi Folks! I just tuned in to the old but excellent discussion and I am thrilled! First, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am fairly well known on the Internet – you can see this by Googling my unusual name – Horseonovich. I am also an expert on Jews, women, little girls, black folks, all kinds of things relevant to this discussion, so I’m sure you will all fine my input valuable.
By way of disclosure, I am a somewhat rotund half Jew (also one quarter black and one quarter Irish) fellow standing over six feet tall and having a modest penis size of roughly 4 inches erect. Do with that information what you will – you can’t hurt my feelings.
I come from a land of great love and compassion, but also great hatred and racism. In my “town”, we have a Swedish guy name Fnord that hates what he calls “niggers” with a deep passion. He also hates Jews. Oddly, however, we find that he has a homo-erotic streak that runs toward enjoying watching black men take each other up the deep dark chocolate hole, if you know what I mean. He is also a cream pie eater, and loans his wife out to gangs of Jews and blacks for horrible rectal injections, which he then laps and sucks from her reddened and blistering bung opening with great joy, hoping for drops of thick manjizz to come gushing out into his waiting maw.
But I digress. Let me tell you why I am really here. I want to extend an invitation to you all. Did you know there is an entire website dedicated to the discussion of racism, blacks, Jews, skinheads, dirty little blond juicy vagina-bearing girls who sing hideous songs (and are over 18, of course), bestiality, Jesus, and the woman who log in there invariable show their tits? Well, it is true, and it is called
Please come visit us, and ask for me by name, Horseonovich.
Best to you all, and please come visit us.
I just want to say that this is the lamest “longest flame” thread, ever. Not only is it not the longest, but it’s not even of particularly good quality, either. I am commenting to demand and insist upon a refund. I expect to be contacted by the management of this dubiously-existing bean-shack, postehaste.
This thread is terrible. Entirely unsatisfactory. I was expecting exploding robot zombie Nazi cats and laser-nippled, vibrosword weilding Libernauts doing battle in only the latest and most fashionable of styles. Namely, total and complete warfare. I was expecting the Alpha and Omega of flame wars, a battle so scorching and far-ranging that it would cause CAT-6E to emit purple sparks and set fire to all but the newest LCD flat panels.
Approximately half of the users involved have all of the apparent mental acuity and linguistic clarity of a long-lost but rapidbly de-evolving tribe of severely inbred microcepheliacs. Not only are these chickenheaded nougat-stuffers entirely incapable of successfully arguing with so much as a rancid turnip, it is woefully apparent that there must be some hidden “primate research scientist” behind the scenes guiding their fingers to each key on the keyboard, because it is even more woefully apparent that so much as discovering their collective fundaments with the help of an expert cartographer is totally, completely, and utterly impossible.
Meanwhile nearly all of the other half of the users are apparently waddling around in a state of catatonic panic, as though they were all very intently carrying very large and sour pickles around in their butts. These folks could indeed, apparently, argue with at least a rancid turnip, or maybe even a young spring carrot, but it seems that they’re all too concerned with with withholding that sour pickle.
The rest? Well, whoever is left I would like to go grab a beer with. We have work to do.
These are the MASTER RACE!!
i wish i was blond haired and blue eyed so i could be a nazi.
my dreams have been shattered.
why cant i join?
nazis should be more open.
Hitler, he only had one ball,
Goering, he had two but very small,
Himmler had something simmler,
But poor old Goebbels had no balls at all.
There is nothing more refreshing than pimp slapping a few NAZIS to the floor. Ah! I love it!
Somebody please let me know when the nearest Skinhead/KKK rally is scheduled. I want to be sure to attend, just so I can appreciate the rich irony of watching black and hispanic police officers keep the ruff and tuff supremacists from getting their asses handed to them by most of the rest of the community.
Hey there Horsie,
I’m a lurker over there are Cruel, but I will never ever post there, becasue there are too many fucking racists. True the race-baiting “discussions” between Fnord and the rest of the assholes over there can be amusing, but lately it seems that site is turning into an (paraphrasing Rcade) “after hours white superemicist hang out.” All too true.
The simple fact is Fnord is an asshole, and he lives in a town full of assholes. I’m sorry to hear you live in Orange County also. I suggest you move. It’s the kind of place where the cops will follow you for miles, watching you like a hawk, waiting for the opportunity to pull you over and beat the shit out of you for no reason except they don’t like the way you look. It’s the perfect place for slimebag racist latent homosexuals in denial like Fnord and the rest of his genetically inbred kin to accumulate – a whole community locked away behind thier own racial Iron Curtain, finatically trying to keep the minorities out but looking the other way when they work in thier kitchens, resturants, and car washes. A place for scared people too frightened to deal with the reality that they’re no different from anyone else, who’s only defense is to band together and find someone of a different skin color to blame. So in, to sum up, FUCK Orange County, fuck everyone who lives there, and while I’m at it fuck these two little bitches and thier CD full of backwards-ass race hating bullshit, also fuck the people exploting them. May thier mother live long enough to see them grow up to be porn stars in a ten person interracial anal gangbang.
So anyway that’s why I don’t post at Cruel.
What this thread really needs is a random link.
MeatMonkey your a racist too, quote ‘So in, to sum up, FUCK Orange County, fuck everyone who lives there,’ (and illiterate you fucking cunt)
Nun, Volk, steh auf und Sturm brich los!
Why is Prussian Blue afraid to debate this band?
Catstar™³²®© all the way, I.B.
Looks like the Goebbels twins have some competition…
Bringin’ this two-year flamethread into 2008.
Shit, let’s pull it kicking & screaming into 2009.
Let this never die!
good, i hope these girls make a lot of money
The absurd display of these two young girls just reveals how inextricably tied fascism is to pedophilia!
Was los?
wollt ihr Krieg und Mord?
Meine Familie hat Gekämpft für Hitler.
Haben gemordet und sind gefallen.
Hitler Zitat:
Das Deutsche Volk sei „meiner nicht würdig.
und die stellen sich dahin und singen scheiß lieder.
ich glaub ihr seit nur zwei dumme Mädchen die etwas verwirrt sind
hort auf damit.
For instance, movies have tried to capture the inventiveness and eccentricities of the painter.
Some of them are from the 40’s and 50’s which is a combination of hardtops and drive-ins.
Meanwhile,” Despicable Me 2″; or, ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching.
There are a few workarounds that involve varying degrees of frustration.
Lionsgate is also on board, and in the payment options available.
It is hard to make ends meet in the 70s. When the film was a formative influence.
All are fantastic and recognizable by many fans of martial arts movies.
Welcome to hell.