Concern-Trolled By A White Supremacist*

Shorter Robert Stacy McCain:

Above: Skrewdriver Karaoke Night at the League of the South

Fournier Gets Malkinized

  • I am shocked and appalled at the behavior of liberals, for their investigation of Ron Fournier may soon resemble the years of terroristic scorched-earth personal attacks that have been conducted with zero accountability by, uh, [heh heh] well, gotta go.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

* McCain’s white supremacist background: Cf., cf., cf., and cf., with plenty more where that came from.

Update: Here, from a few days ago, is Robert Stacy McCain upholding a high standard of fair play:

Crooked Cop = DNC Security


As I explained to some friends earlier, before departing for Denver, my plan is to stop by Kinko’s and run off a couple dozen [phony credentials] and put them on cheap lanyards. Then, while covering the protest scene outside the Pepsi Center, if I encounter any truly obnoxious Code Pink protesters, I’ll give them one: “See? It says right here, ‘Total Access.’ With one of these, they have to let you in.” Then enjoy the fun of seeing them tasered and dragged away in flexi-cuffs when they try to get past Secret Service.

Actually, our plan for Denver is to keep an eye out for Robert Stacy McCain, and when we see him, to throw a Malkin-sized victim fit, wailing to the authorities that we are being threatened by his threatening threats, and that no child is safe until this avowed saboteur with ties to right wing terrorists is stopped from carrying out his vicious attacks.

Afterward, while he’s being Tasered and dragged off in cuffs, we’ll all do a group high-five, then strut around for awhile preening that we are not afraid of such weak and pitiful losers as he.

And then when he says we’re ‘Malkinizing’ him, we’ll be like, “Pfff. You are unhinged.”


Comments: 111


It is only a matter of time before Fournier is totally Malkinized, his personal phone number and home address published online, e-mailed death threats, the works. The purpose of Malkinization is not merely to intimidate the direct object of the attacks, but also (a) to discourage other journalists from quoting or citing the journalist suspected of Republican sympathies and (b) to terrorize into silence any other Republican sympathizers in the media.

Damn that lieberal Malkin and her malkerizing!


Generational Victims.


…but, but, but ?? he’s an

“Award-winning columnist, reporter, editor, author, bon vivant and raconteur.”

(there was a raconteur in our garbage last night – made an awful mess)


I expect an apology from Michelle Malkin immediately for this outrageous silencing of the right-wing press.


Oh man, I didn’t realize we could bash people for things they’ll inevitably do! I’m gonna try it out.

Robert Stacy McCain has already muttered darkly about the course our decadent society has taken. It’s only a matter of time until Robert Stacy McCain kills a prostitute, then goes on a 7-murder spree in an attempt to recreate the Victorian fear of Jack the Ripper.

Did I do that right?


Oh look, if it isn’t “conservative reporter” Robert Stacy McCain.


there was a raconteur in our garbage last night – made an awful mess

Well it you’d leave your garbage can lids open a little, you wouldn’t have this problem..


“Skrewdriver karaoke night”



Wait — so right wingers are in favor of AP reporters now? I thought they were opposed to such things, which could occasionally erupt into all-out journalism.


Oh man, I cannot wait for the Balkanization of of Fournier to begin.


Oh, Malkanization? Does that mean we’ll make him indulge in hissy-fits and rank hypocrisy, and have a small corterie of fanatical arse-lickers post praising comments on his site all the time?


Shame he’s not related.


That would be Robert “Emmitt Till had it coming” McCain. Though I am curious about the seemingly derogatory reference to Michelle Malkin. Is there some curve in the wingnut topology that I’m not aware of? Referring to some other Malkin? Referring to Malkin as victim of Malkinization? (that would really be a funny one) Or did he just pick up the word somewhere, and didn’t know it referred to the incitement of violence by one of his fellow conservatives?


It’s why a 64 year old politically aware Progressive whol doesn’t read newspapers anymore (which I loved my whole life), and sadly shakes his head to hear the empty headed bent of Infotainment News these days…

The masses don’t want to hear reality-based news anymore…they see it happening around them…they want to be diverted and amused, so they are hypnotized by circus shows like Dances of the Stars, American Idol, and Cutest Pets Videos and the summer rash of Action Movies…

The only place to get any real news…and this has saved my sanity in the last 6 years, are sites like here, TPM, FireDogLake, Digby, KOS, Crooks&Liars and many other ProgBlogs…the truthtellers in the dark days of Democracy….

Keep Up the Good Fight you snarky guys and gals at Sadly,No! and More of IT!


Fournier wrote what was supposed to be a “news” article as an “opinion” article. Instead of just sticking to facts, he interjected his personal opinions, beliefs and biases. That’s a perfectly legitimate complaint to make to his employer. Nothing Malkinesque about that at all.


Or did he just pick up the word somewhere, and didn’t know it referred to the incitement of violence by one of his fellow conservatives?

Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? But it’s damned funny.

Here’s a warning for poor hapless Ron Fournier, whose only crime is pretending to be a journalist while engaged in a vigorous three-way with Karl Rove and John McCain:

UPDATE: TP commenter Mr. Ed notes that Malkin visited the Frost’s home and business today. A coworker of Mr. Frost tells Malkin that the family is “struggling,” but she refuses to believe it.


Ron Fournier knew what he was getting into when he bought those damned granite counter tops. I say malcinize the bastard.


I hope the phrase “McCain’s white supremacist background” starts showing up more often on Google searches because of this.


Oh, Arky. Don’t you know I’m never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, nor ever gonna run around and desert you?


My friends, Ron Fournier supports a candidate who for five and 1/2 years did not even HAVE a kitchen table. (But he doesn’t like to talk about it.)


Italics convey a sense of urgency. They’re a good look for your entire website.


Never gonna dessert you?


“How can I Tiramisu when you won’t serve sorbet?



At least Fournier’s Kaganization seems to be complete.


It is only a matter of time before Fournier is totally Malkinized, his personal phone number and home address published online, e-mailed death threats, the works. The purpose of Malkinization is … to terrorize into silence any other Republican sympathizers in the media.

Yes. I am so sure the Washington bureau chief for AP will be terrorized into silence by three liberal blogs’ taking note of his obvious and well-documented rightwing bias. As for countertop scrutinization and death threats, we’ll leave that to the screeching hatebags who focus their terrorizing efforts on the children of struggling families.


Plus: What a dumbshit.


if I encounter any truly obnoxious Code Pink protesters, I’ll give them one: “See? It says right here, ‘Total Access.’ With one of these, they have to let you in.” Then enjoy the fun of seeing them tasered and dragged away in flexi-cuffs when they try to get past Secret Service.

‘Cause y’know them Code Pink type commie fags is STUPID and would never question the provenance of a free press credential coming from a neanderthal cretin like this dood…



“See? It says right here, ‘Total Access.’ With one of these, they have to let you in.” Then enjoy the fun of seeing them tasered and dragged away in flexi-cuffs when they try to get past Secret Service.

Tee hee. He’s so smart! The Secret Service will never, ever look for the guy who distributed the fake credentials. They won’t see him as a threat a-tall.

Wow. Sooner or later we’ll hear a fReichtard screaming because the mean nasty S.S. monitored his blog and came by and questioned him and generally trampled on his Constitutional rights, boo hoo hoo, call the ACLU.

I suggest you all unplug your Irony Detection Devices now to avoid overload.

Also, Blue Buddha is teh Devil.


Robert Stacy thinks Democrat Liberals are as stupid as Repug Conservatives.

the guy with the Cubs hat who was shy

OK, new ad time.

OT – But today, the other McCain was criticizing BHO for not picking Hillz for veep.

How many skirts can this guy hide behind?


[An end table in a darkened bedroom, topped by an alarm clock. It reads 2:59 am]

SOUND: Muffled noises, grumbling. Someone getting up.


[the camera pans slightly to the right, to reveal a packet of meds clearly labeled ‘Viagra’, and and empty Budweiser can]

[a light snaps on in the next room]

SOUND: A flushing toilet.


GRAPHIC: OBAMA/BIDEN logo. FADE TO: Pic of Barack&Joe


Can we go this low?



*These Rats Aren’t Going To Fuck Themselves (We Are Aware Of All Internet Traditions) rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat


The McCain campaign responds to the new ad (see above at 1:45): “As a POW, John McCain went over five years without getting any.”

the guy with the Cubs hat who was shy

Also, Rudy keynotes RNC by declaring, “We weren’t thinking about P.O.W. sex, or bondage, or torture, or anything even remotely kinky on 9/11.

“Oh, excuse me, my extra flag pin is stuck between my girdle and my pantyhose. 9/11. P.O.W. Reagan. We are all Georgians now.”

the guy with the Cubs hat who was shy

More Rudy —

“Hey, sorry – that’s my cell phone. I have to answer it right now on national TV, ‘cuz it’s from Sadly, No! Did you know they’re all one person?

“Hello, 9/11!”

the guy with the Cubs hat who was shy

Oh, wow. It’s TRUTHY with his Michelle fetish.

Still fantasizing about her nuking you from orbit rhetorically, we see.

Have fun storming the castle!


Point of order.

It is, I believe, Sunday. Sunday afternoon. Sunday afternoon on the WEST COAST. Making it Sunday evening in the more Sadly geographies.

So I’m just curious. Is this dick Robert Stacy McCain actually the New Wingnut of the Week™? And if he is, shouldn’t it say so somewhere?

And if he’s not, are we still expecting the arrival of the NWOTW?

I just don’t do well when you fuck with my schedule…



NWOTW is Clif’s gig, no? He went to the dog park earlier today, and [three sinister piano chords] has yet to return!

Cletus von Clausewitz

Is Troofie here? Hey Troofie, howzabout that latest poll that shows Obama leading by six over McMansions. 49% to 43%. I guess that Zogby poll was an aberration. Ya see, Troofie, polls contain the LIKLIHOOD of accurate info, they don’t GUARANTEE accurate info. That’s why Zogby could have done everything correctly and still come up with a result inconsistent with other polls.

the guy with the Cubs hat who was shy

Troofie is getting ready for auditions now.

Very difficult role, he must feel deeply from the heart.

North Vietnamese government sponsorship.

Shh – begins now.


SOUND: McCain campaign statement regarding celibacy during Prisoner of War captivity

VISUAL: “Truth” is revealed to be a very fetching, young Thai transvestite. Silk hose, gorgeous dress. As the statement is read, he/she holds a picture of a thirty-four year old Jamakane in Navy dress whites. As the statement concludes, he/she rubs her finger in her lip gloss, and sensually transfers it to the glass over Jamakane’s face.



Can we go this low?

Jesus, hell no. I hope not. I’m either turning Republican, or this is alcohol poisoning again.



“Kill all the white people” is an applause line at Howard University

When? And who applauded?

the guy with the Cubs hat who was shy

Whoops. Vietnamese government.

No North Vietnam anymore!

I’m old…

Dragon-King Wangchuck

OMFG. Troof, are you still going on about Kamau Kambon? Really? Do you want me to smack that shit out of your mouth again?

Look, I knew you’re jeart wasn’t really in it when you couldn’t even be bothered to link the video of Kambon’s rant. It’s fucking nothing – just drop it and move on. Every fucking time you say anything about it, it makes you look like a total moran.

As to your fucking bullshit about Michelle Obama – calling her a racist is a pretty steep charge. You got any proof, got a link – or say a video – corroborating that claim? No? Then Shut The Fuck Up.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh man, Troofy’s got me so pissed off, mi tpynigs arrr shjoottted.


I think it’s funny that Truth is bringing out Kamau Kambon in a post that is about an unabashed white supremacist. Talk about lack of situational awareness.

the guy with the Cubs hat who was shy

Truthy, stop with your po-olls,
You’re not
our best troll,

Straight to
the mem’ry hole
fo-or theeee…

Truthy, go take your pie
your bullshit fli-ies,

Straight to
the FOX news hole
fo-or meee.


Hey, I’m a whitey, and I still shout out “Kill all the white people!” from time to time.

Does that make me a bon vivant?


All of a sudden Robert McCain Stacy is a “credible” source for the Talk Left crowd.

When did that site turn into the liberal version of Confederate Yankee?

(Speaking for me only, of course.)


Is there some curve in the wingnut topology that I’m not aware of? Referring to some other Malkin? Referring to Malkin as victim of Malkinization?

That’s what I was wondering. I thought “Malkinization” was the process by which lie-brul’s granite countertops are photographed with telephoto lenses as proof of their lie-brul duplicity and harrassment of conservative bloggers, and so that their addresses and emails cna be publicized to keep them in docile.

Does this mean the other McCain is also unaware of all Internet traditions?™

the guy with the Cubs hat who was shy



alcohol poisoning.

work tomorrow, too, o shit.

signing off, thanx folx


Is there a McCain anywhere that IS aware of all internet traditions?

Cletus von Clausewitz

Troofie’s little subtext is that [African-Americans] can’t be trusted. His (her?) whining over some guy no one has ever heard of, at a traditionally black college, regardless of the response/lack of response from the audience coupled with weird fascination with Michele Obama shows his bigotry. Didn’t “The View” just love Michele? Didn’t Katie love Michele? Cindy, um..not so much. And claiming the the CNN poll reinforces the Zogby poll is just not true. McMansions even in the first and up by five in the other are not the consistent results or a trend.


“Award-winning columnist, reporter, editor, author, bon vivant and raconteur.”

At least he’s not a gambolier. Them I can’t stand.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

For anyone who missed it earlier – the twenty or so times that Troof brought it up. Dr. Kamau Kambon gave a speech at an event – something about “Reporting During Katrina” or something like that – in 2005. During the Mfour hour long presentation, this one nut job, who believes fluoridation is an evil conspiracy (not snark – he’s actually posted that on his manifesto at BlackNificent), calls for the extermination of white people. At the time, two or three people clapped. It was on C-SPAN. Very shortly afterwards, Kamau Kambon is denounced by everybody who had any connection to him. Fucking NOBODY comes out and says “Yeah Dr. Kambon speaks for me.” Not a single fucking soul.

That is what Troofy believes is hard evidence that we are all racist eliminationists bent of killing Whitey.


I’ve heard Troofie will be among the first to be rounded up when President Obama replaces the DHS with the DHW.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

N.C. said,

August 25, 2008 at 3:09

I think it’s funny that Truth is bringing out Kamau Kambon in a post that is about an unabashed white supremacist. Talk about lack of situational awareness.

N.C. brings up a great point.

Troofy’s huge claim was that he was calling us out because we seemed to think a three year old rant by a crazy nutjob that was only getting any attention at all because of the professionally offended right blogosphere’s harrumphing – wasn’t worth looking at.

Well, I started in on the Kambon fisking just to shut him up about it. Apparently, it didn’t take – BUT in the interest of fairness, Troofy ought to go over one of the RSM c.f.’s and tell us whether or not he thinks Stacy is a white supremacist.

Well Truth-nugget, are you going to let what you yourself have labelled “hypocrisy” stand or are you going to tell us what your feelings about RSM are.


Cool. I can’t wait for the Sadly,No! denunciation of the racist comments by the would-be First Lady Michelle Obama.

Which ones, Truthy?


And I personally can’t wait for Trufie’s denunciation of his clearly racist obsession with a black woman who isn’t running for office.


I’m back because refused to credit me with my previous postings here, and I need 7 more to get the totebag with pictures of all 4 – err, 7 – err, 9 – err, 12 – err, whatever houses he – err, Cindy – owns.


I have an obsession with Michelle Obama because I used my dad’s old National Geographics with the pix of the native women to masturbate with when I was 10 – err, 15 – err, 28.


Fournier will be fully “Malkinized’ when he is found outside Coors Field during Obama’s acceptance speech, intoxicated and passed out, dressed in Michelle Maglalang’s favorite cheerleader fetish costume, a pompom in one hand, a half-eaten bag of Cheetos stolen from Jonah Goldberg in the other.


Actually, our plan for Denver is to keep an eye out for Robert Stacy McCain, and when we see him, to throw a Malkin-sized victim fit, wailing to the authorities that we are being threatened by his threatening threats, and that no child is safe until this avowed saboteur with ties to right wing terrorists is stopped from carrying out his vicious attacks.

Afterward, while he’s being Tasered and dragged off in cuffs, we’ll all do a group high-five, then strut around for awhile preening that we are not afraid of such weak and pitiful losers as he.

Sweet fuckin’ Jesus, I hope you get video of that.


Okay, I’m calling parody troll on “The Truth”. There’s just no way in hell someone can seriously bring that bookstore owner yay-hoo for three, four times hand-running and not be a fraud. Maybe there was a Michelle Obama-obsessed racist waterhead under that handle at one point, but now he’s gone the way of Iris and Gary Ruppert.

And if you are for real, think about where your life is, son. Seriously, you fail the Turing test you’re so pathetic. A black woman scares you. It’s just sad.


The Trout Strikes Back!

Michelle Obama putting priority on a disadvantaged minority is racist because, er, um … my fixation with obscure nutcase Kamau Kambon’s rant that nobody with half a clue gave or gives a shit about proves leftist eliminationism because of, ah, uh … changing my tune from from “nyah-hah-hah-hah, McCain is AHEAD” to “now it’s NECK-&-NECK” makes me 110% certain you Dems will lose because, um, er … liberals are poopyheads!!!11one1!


I have it on good authority (my sources are Republicans and one is a former POW so we know they never lie) that blowing goats right after the main course but before pudding and green tea is a Thanksgiving tradition at the ironically named “Truth” household. This tradition was started by his mom and little “Truth” was quite an enthusiastic participant or so my sources tell me.

“Kill all the white people” is an applause line at Howard University?

I don’t know about that but sources say that “Fuck The Truth!” is an applause line at all animal husbandry colleges in his state.


League of the South is against the Bush administration, against McCain, against the Iraq war, against Corporatism, against Zionist-Christianity, they aren’t your typical pro-Bush Limbaugh fan rednecks on the lookout for terrerists on CB.

Shame on Gavin’s cheap judeo-Bushite Neiwertesque GOP-style judeo-supremacist zionist smear.


whoa, whoa, whoa! .. too much pro-, -eo, -ism, -ity, -ist, -ite, -esque-itude. My head is spinning


(sorry – missed the anti- hidden in the nym)

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I bet McCain “Malkinizes” himself whenever he contemplates that cheerleading video. I’d bet even more that he feels ashamed about it because she’s not ‘teh wite’.

Are all rightards’ comments moderated now? S,n’s legacy, to be sure!


You’re not our best troll,

What happened with Rugged, kind of miss him??


Feh, give me real trolls. It a joy to watch the regular commentariat rip them up, and even more fun when I get the rare chance to join in.


I would like to take this opportunity to condemn Bender B. Rodriguez’s call for “death to humans”.


Just like girls named “Chastity” usually become über-slutty, I imagine girls named “Reagan” are decent and kind people.

Or they flatter and betray their dad and then lock him outside during a storm.


Maybe when Ron Fournier gives this McCain a box of doughnuts, he can criss-cross the icing so it looks like a Stormfront-style Celtic cross.


Maybe when Ron Fournier gives this McCain a box of doughnuts, he can criss-cross the icing so it looks like a Stormfront-style Celtic cross.


What do you think of the name “Chastity Bush”, greatest or worst porn name ever?


I don’t know about that but sources say that “Fuck The Truth!” is an applause line at all animal husbandry colleges in his state.

Sources say that “Fuck the Truth!” is used as a rallying cry during all RNC team-building & talking point delivery events. The assumption is that a certain troll took this ‘nym in a sad and feckless attempt to finally rid itself of its virginity. Or at least get some points for witfulness (so many people keep saying it’s halfway there… )


. . . which reminds me that the “bushcheney2000” was honestly a name for an actual real life chastity belt. You could look it up as they say.


Turkey with Dressed Adder’s Forks

4 cups emotional turkey
6 bags evil adder’s fork, candied
1 angelic Havarti
6 cans humid marmoset skull
5 bags sage
2 cups dill

Pick over the ingredients and discard excess tarmac. Place the turkey into a medium saucepan. Mash the adder’s fork with the Havarti over medium heat in a skillet. Drizzle resulting concoction over the turkey. Butter the marmoset skull, sage, and the dill intelligibly. Knead everything together unpredictably. Grill for 121 minutes. Serves 9.


Needless to say, Code Pink won’t be protesting the Democratic convention.

But mayhaps Robbie Stacie can find himself a cute climate change denier or John Bircher wearing a pink outfit.


My friends, Ron Fournier supports a candidate who for five and 1/2 years did not even HAVE a kitchen table. (But he doesn’t like to talk about it.)

This confuses me. Was one of the prominent Republicans mentioned in this thread in a situation where he didn’t have a kitchen table for several years? On a scientific expedition? Homeless? A prisoner of war? A missionary in France?

I hadn’t heard anything about this.

Was it Huckabee? Living as an ascetic in the Mojave Desert?


I wonder if Kanau Kambon knows how many houses he owns without consulting with his staff.


Ron Paul. Real Libertarians eat there food while hunched over the kitchen sink like Ayn Rand would often do. Don’t you remember the riots during the 1988 Libertarian convention over its kitchen table party platform schism.


Thanks for the traffic man!


Are you people sure about supporting presidential and vice-presidential candidates who own only one house and one kitchen table each? Such poverty will expose them to all manner of temptations towards corruption and influence-peddling. Would you trust the average American to resist that sort of temptation? Would you trust yourselves?
Surely it is safer to vote for the candidates who are already stunningly wealthy, and surround themselves with equally wealthy friends. They don’t need to sell access or policies or job vacancies. They’ve already skimmed off all the money they need.

Hey, it worked for Schwarzenegger.


The next time some doofus brings up the Kanau Kambon weirdness to indict “liberals” and Democrats, make sure & remind them who was out publicly celebrating Hitler’s birthday.


RSM is soooo behind the curve.

The correct term is “Alkonised”.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Okay, since Troofy’s decided to crawl back under his rock for now, let’s get back on topic:

In other words, any analysis that might reflect a GOP perspective is prima facie illegitimate.

Umm, actually the problem is the by-line on that “analysis” piece:

By RON FOURNIER, Associated Press Writer

or the “diclosure” at the bottom of the piece:

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ron Fournier has covered national politics for The Associated Press for nearly 20 years.

Geez, even wingnut Bob Stacy isn’t trying to argue that Fournier’s not a JiSM3 hack. If AP wants to publish Old Man Johnny’s campaign talking points as “analysis”, the least they could do is add an appropriate diclosure to the bottom, like:

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ron Fournier has difficulties seeing the outside world as his nose has been surgically grafted onto John McCain’s ass-crack

Oh, BTW Robert Stacy McCain, here’s a PROTIP for you – when you provide a link in your post, try to make it one that supports your argument, instead of making you look like a complete dumbshit.

Although, I will have to reconsider my position on all of this since John McCain was a POW.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

El Cid,

That would be great if it weren’t for the fact that Tony Zirkle is a member in good standing with the GOP, while Kamau Kambon is the owner/operator of the BlackNificent bookstore. A more fitting comparison would be Fred “” Phelps.


Ah, DA TROOF, is still here with those fictitious polls.

I pay no mind to the silly smears aimed at whomever. I’ve always relied on the GOP parrots to act like impudent children with too much sugar in their system.

As I continue to ask, why is it that McCain never moves up in any of these polls? What, is McCain not convincing enough people that he “doesn’t agree with Bush on some key issues”?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

And with regards to Malkinization – I totally understand how Robert Stacy McCain thinks that a decades long newspaper veteran, now the Washington Bureau Chief for AP, should be as off limits as a thirteen-year old car accident survivor.

It’s because Robert Stacy McCain is a stupid fucking moron.


This confuses me. Was one of the prominent Republicans mentioned in this thread in a situation where he didn’t have a kitchen table for several years?

From Biden’s appearance w/ Obama shortly after accepting the VP candidacy. Biden spoke of regular folks sitting around the kitchen table discussing how to make the mortgage payment or something, and Biden points out this is a difficulty McLame does not have, leastwise because he wouldn’t know which kitchen table to sit at because he has so many houses, or something like that.


anti-zionist said,
August 25, 2008 at 5:10

League of the South is against the Bush administration, against McCain, against the Iraq war, against Corporatism, against Zionist-Christianity, they aren’t your typical pro-Bush Limbaugh fan rednecks on the lookout for terrerists on CB.

From League of the South’s Web site:

“American society today is egalitarian and Marxist and is devoid of any grace or charm…

“[The LS] is structured upon the Biblical notion of hierarchy. In short, a recognition of the natural societal order of superiors and subordinates … Christ is the head of His Church; husbands are the heads of their families… etc.”

In short, you’re just a bunch of the usual Southern-fried racist sexist godbags. Nothing special. I’ve lived around and breathed the same air as you jackasses all my life. You want to live separately from the rest of the country? Please, be my guest. The sooner the better.

Shame on Gavin’s cheap judeo-Bushite Neiwertesque GOP-style judeo-supremacist zionist smear.

Shame on you for existing. Shame on you for attempting to bring shame on the entire Southern US by being such a bunch of regressive idiot creeps.

Shove your “hierarchy of superiors and subordinates” up your ass and fuck off already.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You know, anything JanusNode does, a human being could too. It’s basically just MadLibs with randomized seed words from a big pool. So using the Stacy spew and the linked Benen Washington Monthly item, I present to you:

Fricasee of Robert Stacy McCain on a Bed of Ron Fournier.

1 bon vivant of Robert Stacy McCain, raconteured
3 cups attack dog, prima facie illegitamate
1 bunch personal demonization
1 Malkinized Ron Fournier
2 tablespoons substantively and broader contexted donuts (Oh, yes, with sprinkles!)

Liberally terrorize Robert Stacy McCain. Place in a mixing bowl with attack dog and leave longtime. In another bowl, separate personal from demonization and discard. Whisk together with minimal variation and pour over Ron Fournier. Open the door to reversing course and fry scathingly at 350 degrees for 900 words or until hagiographic. Garnish with donuts. If elected, will not serve.


Dragon-King Wangchuck: That was the point — Zirkle was even more what Kambon is not.

Every "The Truth" Post for the Next Two Months

What the Obama has just done is incontrovertible proof that Democrats are out of touch with real Americans and that McCain will win the election. Ha ha ha, liberals!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

El Cid,

But that’s just agreeing to fight on their terms – liberals get to tie one hand behind their backs. Sure we still win, but it’s a bad precedent, and has the added drawback of essentially agreeing to the wacked-out concept that Kambon is a Democrat.


Surely it is safer to vote for the candidates who are already stunningly wealthy, and surround themselves with equally wealthy friends. They don’t need to sell access or policies or job vacancies.

McCain already has seven houses and is satisfied, but Obama will want to take YOUR house and give it to one of his poor Kenyan relatives (who he doesn’t even help, the selfish bastard.)

Jonah Goldberg's next column

Barack Obama: The American Mugabe.

I am not saying that Barack Obama is as bad as Robert Mugabe; in fact, that is a deliberate misreading of my groundbreaking new thesis. What I want to say is that Obama is like what Mugabe would be if he were in the United States, which has a different history and culture and therefore cannot be understood in the same terms as Zimbabwe. According to two magazine covers at my dentist’s office my extensive research, Obama and Mugabe share certain essential features. While it is true that Obama has not yet seized power militarily, persecuted his political opponents, redistributed land, or rigged an election, that is all actually central to my point.


From Biden’s appearance w/ Obama shortly after accepting the VP candidacy. Biden spoke of regular folks sitting around the kitchen table discussing how to make the mortgage payment or something, and Biden points out this is a difficulty McLame does not have, leastwise because he wouldn’t know which kitchen table to sit at because he has so many houses, or something like that.

And then McCain responded.


“Kill all the white people” is an applause line at Howard University

Hey, Troofie?

I’ve spent a fair amount of time…not much, mind you, because as I suspected this is merely the deranged rantings of an incivil and unbalanced brain…trying to find this precise incident.

So tell you what: you show me your cock and I’ll show you mine: you cite a news account, not some blogger’s random memory, of this event: the AP will do, altho I suspect you’ll have to use the Howard U campus newspaper, and I’ll show you at least one liberal blog that’s denounced it.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up about it and keep your paranoia in check, MMMMMmmmmmmmmmK, Sheila?


Don’t you know that every black person in America has to answer for Kamau Kambon or The Truth will never come out from under his bed?.


So tell you what: you show me your cock and I’ll show you mine: you cite a news account, not some blogger’s random memory,

There’s actually video of this on YouTube; the extermination bit appears to be delivered to a sparse crowd and receives applause that a bar band would consider an insult. Who applauded? Nobody knows for sure – perhaps it was the entire administration at Howard University! – but it is a good bet that those that did were of the not-white persuasion and already worthy of suspicion.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

As I ponted out to Troofy before, here’s Howard University Law School’s take on it.

Compare and contrast –

Troofy: “…an applause line at Howard University”
Howard University: “We totally repudiate the statements expressed by Dr. Kambon.”



The Truth doesn’t bother The Troof!

I just figured he skipped over your replies, since they didnt play to his enormous ego, so I thought I’d suckerpunch encourage him a little.


If you took a poll of left-leaning, democratic, or liberal women bloggers, you would find that the vast majority of us have been stalked by rightwingers. There is a rightwinger who has plastered my personal info – and pictures – all over his blog. I don’t know of any liberals who do that, unless it’s in retaliation for having it done to them. Another fine example of projection from the reich-tards.

This whiner – McCain – is just another delusional and pathetic whiner who sees him and all other conservatards as victims of the liberals, when, in fact, it’s their ilk who like to confront (usually using a thug in their place because they are wusses (see: Bill O’Lielly’s dispatching of ‘reporters’ to various driveways with intent to harrass) ) and call for violence against others.

“Malkinized” indeed… we all know that Malkin’s address being posted was in direct response to her posting all those Santa Cruz protesters’ info and hoping like mad one of her deranged mouth-breather fans would do their worst. It was payback, and she deserved it.


Biden points out this is a difficulty McLame does not have,
since his table-top is occupied by a scale model of Devil’s Tower constructed out of mashed potato and gravy.
Did I get it right?


“He’s got a daughter named “Reagan”. Poor kid.”

So did King Lear. Didn’t work out very well for him either.


re RS McCain:

Any relation to youknowwho?


Shorter Truth:

I wish my blow up doll was half as sexy as Michelle Obama.

Po’ iddle boy. Too skeered to come out and play with the big boys on the later threads? How many pants did you have to launder yesterday, son?


Wasn’t somebody around here writing about how crazy Michelle Obama was going to ruin the campaign with her anti-American insanity and hatred?


[…] Stacy McCain, famous white supremacist, is concerned that evil liberal bloggers are complaining about Ron Fournier’s clearly partisan bias at AP. […]


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