Just like an out of body experience
Love and hate relationship notwithstanding, our recent 4-day outage taught us that there are a few among you loyal, hateful unbalanced readers who really, really care about us. This we know because of the many (three) emails we received while Sadly, No! had turned into Sadly, Boob Job! (Then again if they are real, they are spectacular.)
We’ll add that for those interested in knowing what kind of readers we have, take a look here and see which three pictures have been viewed more than 100 times. Apparently, most of our readers’ only source of cleavage shots consists of S,N! referrals.
Anyway, where were we?
Oh yeah — we wanted to tell you what happened. It’s funny you should ask. It all started with a massive spam attack, coming from Ohio, we kid you not, that knocked out our server. After that we found ourselves in a bit of tech support limbo which, coupled with the weekend, left us, well, holding on to our ample breasts lives. (Actually we were out of the town for the weekend.)
In order to serve you better, and the spammers not as better, we shall be making a few changes in the coming days, including a change of hosting provider and an upgrade to Movable Type 3. The good news is that Sadly, No! is likely to be down again for a short period of time as the site “moves.” The bad news is that we don’t expect it will redirect you to dahonger.com during that time.
So again, we offer our thanks to those who emailed us during our time of need. We would especially like to say thanks to David of A Fistful of Euros who wrote a second time after we’d written that:
Although it’s led to an interesting discussion in the comments section at the dark window about the great boob job (so they say) a woman featured on that other site got.
David’s reply:
Though we hate to admit it, in all of you dear readers, there’s a little of us after all.
PS: A close favorite, though left in the comments rather than emailed to us, was Roman Totale’s “Bring back the rack.” In fact, we think that guy (Roman that is,) should name his web site Sadly, Rack!.
How much does a massive Spam weigh? In or out of the can?
Good luck, Seb. And for the record, I haven’t been to Ohio for years.
That is a pretty nice rack.
I think it was James McIntyre who wrote “Ode on a Massive Spam.” He was working on a whole Grand Slam Breakfast ode cycle at the time of his unfortunate demise.
Even if they’re not “real” they’re spectacular!
What is it with men and breasts? A mystery to me.
So you are moving again – cyberhome this time. I guess I will have to let the beautiful Josh Marshall be my mainstay while you are down and out. And how long will the duration of your upcoming down and out be?
Hey, S,N! I don’t know if you noticed it, but DaH has more wimmenz than Bernie Kerik. Just check out all those “mygirlx.jpg” thumbnails. Is DaHonger some kind of Kerikian?
What a rip! You can’t even see through her shirt (any of them).
And when will Ohio stop screwing us????
I’m a little confused — are you saying her boobs are made out of spam?
but if we have to miss Sadly No!. no better way to spend this time that gazing at a great rack.
I’ll see dirac’s comment, and raise him one:
I think S,N! should add DaHooters to your “Hall of Flame”.
It’s way funnier than The Dark Window, ever since Pete M’s gone off his meds.
While I appreciate the comment, I’m afraid that I won’t be changing the name of my infrequently updated site. But I am very prod of my first ‘front page’ mention on a major snark site. Now to aim for a mention on WOC or Tbogg!
I’m famous!!!
My first front page mention on a major left wing snark site!
Seb, we can’t miss you unless you go away (and leave some boobs in your place).
Oh, Christ on a pogo stick!
What’s next? Are you going to make me write (another) bad check just to maintain my fix of snark?
I feel like another notch on the Kerikian night stick!
…and that disturbs me…
No suprise this came from Ohio. Cleavage, of course, comes from Cleveland.
Not all men are fascinated with women’s breasts. If DaHonger had any nude shots of Colin Farrell…oh, have I said too much? Probably.
Um…that should have been ‘proud’ not ‘prod’ in my last comment. But I think you all knew that. Or maybe not.
Now, if you wanted to please everyone, you might post pix of handsome men with great racks! But that’s more of a Shelbyville idea…
Hey, Seb. I’m going to nominate you and Dahonger for best group blog.
Now you wait just a minute, we’re twice as smart as the people of Shelbyville…
oh, at least.
I dunno. I thought her face was better than her rack – and I’m a boob man.
I wanted a link to the Dark Forest comments thread you boob.
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