Time for a little Anger Management!
Note to self: Don’t send home address to A. Hamilton:
Now we have criticism of a young Marine for killing an enemy who was playing dead. In my opinion, this Marine hero should have bumper stickers made in his honor. If I had been in his place, I not only would have shot that faker, I would have shot the rest of his dead buddies, twice each, in their skulls, just to make up for the three thousand murdered on 9/11.
The anger being out of control, it’s not too surprising his grasp of the facts is a bit shaky:
We knew there were terrorists in Iraq so we invaded and killed most of the Iraqi army.
Well, at least the US did a good thing:
But, instead of just starting at one end of that country and kicking butt to the other end, we decided to stop along the way and build a democratic nation. Imagine that. They didn’t even ask for it. After all, these two countries have been under cruel rule for thousands of years and haven’t nudged one inch towards democratizing themselves in all that time.
You lazy bastards! What possible reason could you have for not having a democracy yet?!?
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
A. Hamilton has written poetry too. Imagine that. And he’s posted it on his site. Here’s a masterful composition of his entitled, simply enough, The Tree:
Yeah, I’ll buy that. Trees are smarter than they look.
After running through the fuckhead translator:
Now we have criticism of a young Marine for killing an enemy who was seriously wounded and left there by a previous patrol. In my opinion, this Marine hero should have bumper stickers made in his honor, because I like to masturbate to power fantasies. If I had been in his place, I not only would have shot that seriously wounded enemy combatant, I would have shot the rest of his dead buddies, twice each, in their skulls, just to make up for the three thousand murdered on 9/11 that they had absolutely nothing to do with. Because it’s like if people criticise your work at your job, you go home and beat your wife. It’s how I like to do things.
We knew that there were no terrorists in Iraq and Congress agreed with most of the worlds press, so we invaded and killed most of the forcibly conscripted minority draftees. Justice! USA! USA! USA!
But, instead of just starting at one end of that country and slaughtering forcibly conscripted minority draftees to the other end, we decided to stop along the way and build a cash-cow for politically connected corparations. Imagine that. They didn’t even ask for it. After all, these two countries have been under cruel US-backed rule for most of the 20th Century and haven’t nudged one inch towards democratizing themselves in all that time, because the US propped up their dictators whenever their positions were threatend.
Yeeeeeargh! Freedom! USA! USA! USA!
Now I have to go devolve into self-accusatory shouting fits and joyless masturbation. Four more years!
Yeah, good thing we are killing Iraqis, because they really did something bad on 9/11. Right Bush?
What an ignorant baby. No wonder he wants to shoot people.
that’s so insane it has to be satire.
If I had been in his place, I not only would have shot that faker, I would have shot the rest of his dead buddies, twice each, in their skulls, just to make up for the three thousand murdered on 9/11
i wonder what his response to Tim McVeigh’s terrorist activity was. kill some people from Michigan because there are militia members and anti-goverment nuts there?
I suppose the ingrown hair in his ass is the only thing keeping him out of the military.
He wants feed back. I hope you all have contributed some. I did.
Hate to do this, I’m always off topic, but I thought I’d bring up David Limbaugh’s discussion of the God gene http://davidlimbaugh.com/121404.htm
you’d probably have no prob tying that into a discussion of the stupid gene, the one he and Rush both seem to be blessed with in a special way. Nominated you for a Koufax…Peace.
Sorry this is off topic but please read, if you haven’t already, this morning’s Washington Post article describing how the voting “the foul-ups appeared particularly acute in Democratic-leaning districts, according to interviews with voters, poll workers, election observers and election board and party officials, as well as an examination of precinct voting patterns in several cities.”
more: http://www.politicalthought.net
or: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A64737-2004Dec14.html
For those of you with weak hearts, try to control your rage as you read this…
But it makes me want to weep. I can’t stand it. The total callous disregard for life these people express. THEY aren’t suffering from war trauma or all the excuses people give to explain how people can be unconcerned about the killing of others. What is wrong with them? Ordinary morality says you shouldn’t kill someone when they pose no threat to you.
I think I am reacting to listening to the radio very briefly and hearing–several times–men call in to say that the U.S. should drop a nuclear bomb on Iraq, etc. (This turnaround after a year ago when they were claiming this compassionate identification with the newly liberated Iraqi people…how they worried about the Iraqis then, or so they said.) Where does this fervor to kill come from? I’m afraid for our future.
It’s the sore winner phenomenon… red-state buyer’s remorse. The Reds know that they voted against their interests; they just thought that they were voting for their values. This would have been noble self-sacrifice had it not been foolish; for in truth they voted against their values. Some of them suspect this; thus the rage.
Q: Why did George Bush fire Colin Powell?
A: Because he was fucking faking he was dead. He was faking he was fucking dead!!
Where does this fervor to kill come from? I’m afraid for our future.
That’s the thing non-Americans don’t understand about redstaters, or rednecks, or whatever the hell you want to call them.
These people are among the most fortunate in the world in their standard of living, and yet they are so full of hatred…why?
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are we criticizing this guy? Apparently, shooting a couple of possible corpses will MAKE UP for 9/11! Then we can finally move on!
Yeah, Kevin, if only.
But as with desire, there is no end to revenge. The more we feed it, the more the need for it grows. That’s what all the smart guys (Christ, Buddha, Socrates) told us — forgive your enemy — and every single one of them were right, and every single one of them gets ignored.
Shooting your enemy in the head is a bad plan not because it’s mean, though of course it is, but because it doesn’t work.
That’s what these red-staters, red-neckers, soi-disant Christians CAN’T SEEM TO FUCKING GET —
Sorry for shouting.
Bad decade.
What kind of wimp is this A. Hamilton, anyway? Is he not a true patriot? How could he forget to shoot the treasonous reporters too?
If I had been in his place, I not only would have shot that faker, I would have shot the rest of his dead buddies, twice each, in their skulls, just to make up for the three thousand murdered on 9/11…
And then, when they had been buried, he would dig them up and shoot them again to make up for Michael Savage’s TV show being cancelled. And then… and then… he would call his mom a b*tch for getting strawberry milk instead of chocolate.
You do find ’em, boyo.
“That’s what these red-staters, red-neckers, soi-disant Christians CAN’T SEEM TO FUCKING GET —”
Delagar – they aren’t Christians.
They claim to be a “a political and philosophical writers web site.”
I saw no politics or philosophy there. However, there were many drool-inflicting rants and an over abundance of paralogisms and pseudodox.
Yosef —
Sorry — I was extrapolating from these guys to Red-Staters who support the Iraqi war and this sort of behavior (revenge) in general. Guess I should have made that clearer.
And no, they (these guys, and the ones who think they are) aren’t.
Thanks for the traffic – again – Sadly. Please note the redesign of fromthepen.com, specifically done for your exclusive viewing pleasure. We’ve even added some blatant capitalistic ad banners all over the place to further annoy you. Please make a note of the new directory structure, too, so that your viewers can be aesthetically stimulated while they read. To find out more of A. Hamilton, by all means visit his bio at http://www.fromthepen.com/bio/ Dance puppets! Dance!
I wrote to him and he informed me that he was in the Army and learned 108 ways to kill people and enjoyed them all. I think he is just a fantasizing punk living in his Mother’s basement and sniffing her panties. I hope he doesn’t kill me. HAHA
Ah, yes: the fantasy cavalry to the rescue. Or more appropriately, the fantasy lone executioner. Here’s a reminder of what such intense door-to-door combat is really like, from Audie Murphy’s To Hell and Back* via Susan Faludi’s Stiffed:
In battle against the Germans in Montelimar, Murphy had moved from house to house, searching for snipers. As he stood in the dimly lit interior of an abandoned home, “the door of a room creaks open. Suddenly I find myself faced by a terrible looking creature with a tommy gun. His face is black; his eyes are red and glaring. I give him a burst and see the flash of his own gun, which is followed by the sound of shattering glass.” It is only then that he understands: “The horrible being that I shot at was the reflection of my own smoke-blackened self in the mirror.
*Those who knew Murphy best said that he never really came back from the hell of war.