“This Is L.H. Puttgrass Signing Off And Heading For The Tub”
Posted on August 21st, 2008 by Gavin M.
Shorter Confederate Yankee:
Above: Walking crank file
- ABC News, already hemorrhaging credibility by ignoring my demands for trifling retractions, is now engaging in partisan censorship of the most biased kind — i.e., deleting my off-topic ravings from their blog comments.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
The fact is, my comments are regularly deleted here because of the liberal bias. I challenge anyone to debate me with facts, or rather, I would if my posts weren’t constantly deleted because the liberals as so afraid of reasoned discourse, science and logic.
Luther! Where have you BEEN?!?
Science, Gary, explain to me the old ‘Intelligent Design’ theory again?
Funnily enough, the only blogs that I’ve ever been censored on have been wingnut ones. Oh, and the Guardian’s Comment is Free.
Well surely you just can’t BONER BONER BIG BIG BONER anything anywhere and expect it to stay.
ABC deleted my comments in a thread about a month ago because they’re cowards and intellectually soft. Is that the same as partisan?
Bill Ayers quotes are just too bloody easy. His buddy Bernadette Dohern is on record making ecstatic comments about the Manson family (with liberals, the truth is always uglier than anything you could make up.)
Oh, and both are “respected” professors. I think that sums up a good portion of the left right there.
Good luck in November, liberals! Obama is dropping like a stone in the polls, as all of you repeat over and over again “Wright didn’t stick to Obama…Ayers didn’t stick….Michelle isn’t a detriment.” It’s a beautiful thing!
“There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost.” – Michelle Obama
I miss Bruce!
That’s just what I expect. And stop calling me Shirley.
Bob is just upset because comments on other blogs go towards his Pajamas Media posting goals for the month where he can win valuable prizes. Now he’s going to have to work extrey extrey hard if’n he wants to get them new bar-bee-que tongs and apron that says “Shoot the cook”.
Can you believe ABC?!? Actually discouraging people from crapping in the punchbowl. The temerity!!
What sort of blogging superstar comments on other peoples’ websites?
I mean, really.
Neither Ayers nor Dohrn are liberals. Also, what’s the connection between Obama and Dohrn?
What, that they’re respected professors?
Is that supposed to bother anyone?
I threw a trident !
I think when conservatives look back on their narrow loss in November, they’ll have to conclude that it was because America just loved Bill Ayers too much.
“There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost.” – Michelle Obama
Is that supposed to bother anyone?
Only those who wonder where all the good help has gone.
I say we kidnap his riding mower and photoshop Lee Harvey Oswald into the driver’s seat.
A wingnut on the hotline to WAHH headquarters because someone deleted their choleric spew? Damn – there’s another perfectly good Irony-Meter busted to hell. Any time I leave comments with those pin-dicks, I assume they’ve got circa 30 minutes to shine before they’re consigned to Interwebs-limbo (if that). Sad little goopers won’t tolerate reality in their Sacred Kool-Aid Pool, after all.
Well isn’t that odd – the only tracking numbers I’ve seen have him UP slightly from last week.
FYI, o wise The Trout, you can keep puking up percentages until you pass out, but the REAL election is held based on that crusty old antique, the electoral college system. Dems own or are tipping the balance in nearly every big state at this point, & there just aren’t enough little ones to save the GOP’s bacon – a lesson Hillary Clinton learned the hard way.
Republican seats are ALREADY evaporating in special elections, one by one – I think those lost seats will be HUGE in November, in terms of both statistics & psychology. The Bigbiz Holodeck Media can only cover Wet-Start’s ass so much. He’s being methodically ground to a pulp in the blogosphere, & it doesn’t exactly help that he hates them newfangled computing boxes.
The GOP is going to get curb-stomped. Last numbers I saw had them losing at least 4 states – & the Dems aren’t even projected to lose one. Best indicator of who’ll win is ALWAYS the moolah, & McCain is getting seriously beaten to a pulp in the fundraising department. Oh, & his GOTV blows compared to Obama’s. Half of his fucking campaign inner-circle has already had to resign. The debates will be downright ugly in their one-sidedness. Smell something burning yet?
Hint: betting on a 3-legged horse may be charity, but it’s also a good way to lose.
I had my comments routinely deleted from Tapper’s blog. So? Who gives a fuck? Owens has deleted my comments on his lame-ass blog. So? Again, who gives a fuck? Amy Alkon has deleted…
And so on… Owens is a putrid fucing idiot if he thinks he’s being singled out for deletion because of his oh-so-serious comments about Obama’s innate terrorist tendencies. Get a fucking life, you fucking moron. Everyone already thinks you’re a fucking tool, why feed that perceptions? Christ.
Good to see that “The Purple Avenger” is still going strong. Keep on avenging, but try not to hold your breath too long.
Is that supposed to bother anyone?
It only bothers people who thought “Fear Of A Black Hat” was a documentary.
Free speech is a fundamental part of the American tradition, but that doesn’t mean it’s all roses. The Guardian censoring comments is perfectly understandable; they lack the constitutional tradition of unrestrained free speech present in the US, and they shouldn’t be expected to play by that tradition’s rules – especially when the nastier parts of what free speech allows show up.
Of course, the right wing has made a cottage industry in the last twenty years of pretending the First Amendment was responsible for everything from Adolf to Zappa, so of course they fall within the same restrictive tradition – but unlike the Brits or Germans or French or whoever, they like to pretend they don’t.
You can be a Fearless Anti-Censorship Crusader or a Sensible Social Guardian, but doing both at the same time just makes you look like a retarded fascist.
Oh, and the Guardian’s Comment is Free.
How did you manage that, they let all sorts of shit through there, the liberal scum they are!
A Fearless Sensible Anti-Social Censorship Crusader Guardian? A Sensible Social Fearless Anti-Censorship Guardian Crusader? A Fearless Social Guardian Anti-Sensible Censorship Crusader?
Censorship? Yeah. Partisan censorship? Who knows?
The problem with these right wing media responsibility types is that to them bias is the One True Problem to Rule Them All. They aren’t interested in things like standards and proper sourcing, all they are interested in is anything that makes conservatives look better.
If someone writes a shoddy report full of poor journalism that makes liberals look bad they’re all for it. It’s about results, not process.
Look at the howling over the “suppression” of the Edward’s story. At one time it was totally unverified, unsourced and published in a paper that runs stories about alien babies and conservatives found it irresponsible to *not* run with it.
I’ve never heard of a conservative who was for better journalism – just better for them.
And plenty of people in that thread are bashing Obama. I would suggest that his comment was deleted because it reads like a copied and pasted polemic full of overstated rhetoric and tangential points.
The sensible anti-censorship anti-fearless crusader for guardians?
How would anyone know the difference?
So Bob Owens is claiming that “Path to 9/11 was all Clinton’s Fault” ABC is a hotbed of lefty loonies. Okay. And this is about how they treat comments at their site? From “Comments Off”ederate Yankee? Okay, buddy.
Also note that at the bottom of the Political Punch page, there’s a linky-thing in red called Terms of Use (Updated 5/6/08). And you have to scroll all the way down to #7 for Rules of Conduct and #8 for them telling you they can bone you any way they want, including:
This is their perogative, and much as I disagree with presenting what certainly appears to be an open forum – and then moderating it, ABC has given fair warning.
But thank you Bob Owens, for alerting your readership to the Ralph Reed’s JiSM3 ad. I think more of your readers should have the opportunity to view it.
My previous post implied that the Evil Mouse Empire is treating their comment thread with an Alkon-ian heavy hand. That is not my intent. Having given the 292 comment long thread a quick perusal, it seems that they aren’t purging comments like an outraged princess who thinks she’s been smeared.
Dragon-King Wangchuck:
Ayers isn’t even controversial anymore:
But Yankmee doesn’t understand why his “proud terrorist, Black Panther-inspired, Black Liberation, AIDS conspiracy-monger, lynching advocate, slaughter innocents” rant gets axed. Whatta dork.
1. Best title evar.
2. How do these free market 4evar shit heads reconcile a business doing whatever the fuck it wants with their whining when a business does whatever the fuck it wants?
Christ, will someone just go over there, spank him and call him names so he can get his humiliation fix AND SHUT THE FUCK UP?
I can see how Legal at ABC may have advised against leaving a comment that calls a Distinguished Chicago Professor a terrorist on their servers…
What I don’t understand is why on Earth they deleted my comment about how Bob Owens blows goats. Notice that I did not specify the goats by name to protect their identities! THAT, my friends, is pure censorship!
Of course, the response will be something along the lines of “HEARTLAND will ARUGULA UNDER THE BUS because SCARY BLACK MAN and TERRORHIPPIE are INSUFFICIENTLY RESPECTFUL OF WHITE PEOPLE, so heh, libs, Obotobamamania doesn’t play in Peoria”.
The fact is, here in the Heartland, we are solidly for McCain. The only way Obama will win is through voter fraud, which is how they do things in Chicago. Also, liberals say they are for free speach, but they are censors just like Mao and Hitler.
Hey, I don’t know if the flood of GOP parroting ninnies taunting here are at the behest of that red-headed dork you have beef with here, but their taunts are pathetically illogical. They show up to threads ten at a time in the effort to goad folks into arguing over nonsense. They learn to do this from their idols in the GOP on Capitol Hill. They’re a bunch of squirrels. Engage them boldly, and they turn hypocrite, claiming that you’re the malicious commenter when they showed up to cause mischief from jump. Do not let the swine media fuel your delusions: Obama is going to win this November. Let the ninnies taunting “liberals” on here let their fair-weather friend/convenient arch-nemesis, the “liberal” media, fuel their own delusions of grandeur. They must believe that people forgot about all the stuff some of these same fools said about McCain and the other GOP turkeys during the primary. Now they’re digging in Hillary clothes hamper for negative attacks. They still bring up Ayers, Rezko, Wright, and whoever else they think they can distract people with. The only important names these nitwits need to recall in the negative are Bush and Cheney, ok. Their benefactors had eight-motherforya-years to make this country greater than it had been left. Instead, we are in multiple compromising positions. As they attempt to downplay Bush’s incompetence and inability (and their subsequent loyalty to the doof), let the reality sink into their peabrains that the majority of Americans haven’t been brainwashed by any of the propaganda they’ve been privy to; we know Bush f’d up, idiots. You’d know know that to if you weren’t so busy trying to keep McCain from petering out like he did last year, which he will eventually do again, draging the entire party along with to the depths of Hades.
I like how the ninnies are more excited about McCain’s performance at the Saddleback stage show than McCain himself. Now Warren is seen as a two-faced GOP lackey and a fraud, as well. I’m sure he’ll be an influential “religious” hack, calling out gays, NYT, and libs like the late Fallwell, who he resembles. Gives you dummies something to look forward to, I suppose. Knock yourselves out buying into that pig logic of his, ok. Their posturing for that “faith” debacle is similar to the way they puff out their chests at the askwed (or retarded) messages within those ignorant-assed ads they rely on to remind folks that there is more than one bloated party putting a candidate up for president. McCain is incapable of running his own campaign, and if the truth is ever exposed fully, forget what you read about Hillary’s campaign problems; McCain’s general election debacle will be the REAL stuff of legend. Let the twits here think people are interested in McCain’s VP pick because the swine media tells their impressionable asses as much. They’ll soon find out that even the VP pick himself ain’t interested, ‘cuz he knows he’ll be documented as part of a losing ticket. It’s a no-win situation, especially if it’s a stiff like Romney or a nobody like…well, take your pick of the no-names. Jindal is only know because of the comical nature of the GOP actually pretending they actually give a $#@% who he is. He’ll be gone when his term is up; he’s outlived his usefullness, which was nil in the first place.
I can expand the scope on the myraid of flaws in the GOP ’08 strategy, but I don’t need to dole those out in order to taunt the taunters. These flakes know their flaws by heart, so I won’t waste my time or energy.
Look, con-servatives, GOP-ussies, Lie-bertarians, or whatever else you choose to call yourselves…you’re all dorks, you see. The majority here in America knows that you’re dorks. YOU know that you’re dorks. Your mommas died or are living with the shame of you being dorks. Your pappies were/are dorks, which is why you all waste your time trying to impress them by taunting like a bunch of rabid chihuahuas on these so-called “liberal” forums. We know your steeze, idiots. You bore witness to that thrashing in ’06. We know that the Dems would just roll over, per usual, the following year. The difference this time is that the GOP will be perceived as more incompetent for the rest of your lives, ok, you pathetic perpetrators of an American fraud.
The jig is up, GOPussies. Deal with the fact and quit boring everyone with your silly taunts.
“Libs,” or whatever the targets of these numbskulls call yourselves – pay the pink elephants blustering here no mind, ok. Obama is going to win in November; they know this. They will wail like the petulant beasts that they are, but eventually, they’ll go back to being the white knight/rant cushion/brainwashee to the author of whatever GOP-parroting blog they crept from.
Happy Posting.
concerned said,
“What I don’t understand is why on Earth they deleted my comment about how Bob Owens blows goats. Notice that I did not specify the goats by name to protect their identities! THAT, my friends, is pure censorship!”
Well, there is too many details. You see, you should have used the general “farm animals” instead of Goats. Specifying that they are Goats is just pure specieism, and puts all goats in bad light.
Is that supposed to bother anyone?
Only those who don’t know it’s been taking wildly out of context from Michelle Obama’s (aka “Truth’s” second-worst nightmare) college thesis. True, she wrote that she felt she should help elevate black people “first and formost”, but unlike the false email the aforementioned lying, racist troll is quoting, she never said black folks should be above everyone else. And, again, this was written some 20 years ago as a college thesis. If the AFLRT had ever produced anything original but hate and bile, I’m sure we could all have some good yuks at his, shall we say, “youthful indescretions”.
Anyhow, some links, and I gotta go to work, so no HTML:
Use google before you run your damnfool mouth, you racist douchebag.
Is that supposed to bother anyone?
Only those who don’t know it’s been taking wildly out of context from Michelle Obama’s (aka “Truth’s” second-worst nightmare) college thesis. True, she wrote that she felt she should help elevate black people “first and formost”, but unlike the false email the aforementioned lying, racist troll is quoting, she never said black folks should be above everyone else. And, again, this was written some 20 years ago as a college thesis. If the AFLRT had ever produced anything original but hate and bile, I’m sure we could all have some good yuks at his, shall we say, “youthful indescretions”.
Anyhow, some links, and I gotta go to work, so no HTML:
Use google before you run your damnfool mouth, you racist douchebag.
The Truth said,
“There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit the black community first and foremost.” – Michelle Obama
“At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.” – John McCain
I miss Coach WiggyBizzle.
Whoops. Sorry about that. Y’all want to delete that first one (and this, I suppose) go ahead. I, as I said, gotta go to work. Sorry again.
And goodness knows Troofy wouldn’t help white people first.
The fact is, he left a litter of 6 posts on 5 different blogs. One is more likely to get deleted if one hangs out where he did. Pathetic little turd.
(Turns Hooters baseball cap backwards)
(Beatbox intro)
Well my name’s the Coach and I’m here to say
I’m the rappin’-est Repub in the USA!
So play it cool, don’t be a fool
Keep off drugs and stay in school!
(Arms-crossed hip-hop finishing pose)
The fact is, conservatives are makers, liberals are takers.
The fact is, we don’t go for socialism in the heartland, we support our troops, and we work hard, unlike you eleitists on the coasts who support dependency and idleness.
i just love that Hypocritical Yankee has turned off commenting on that post.
Yeeeeeeeeeeah booooyeeee! The COACH just schizooled yizzour izzasses agizzain! Who says conservatives can’t connect with young people?
I once told GrillBoy in his comments that Obama simply wasn’t a socialist. This comment was deleted in a matter of minutes.
Piss off, Bob.
O noez! Black-Panther inspired is now a terrible thing?
Goodness! Someone ought to remember David Horowitz & Front Page Mag, because Horowitz’s giant ego had him work out of a Black Panther office until one of his female friends was killed in what seems to be a money dispute among the Black Panther leaders!
David Horowitz says he renounces his radical, Black-Panther-inspired, pro-terrorist, crazy leftist past — but should we really believe him?
Bu-but, Cornfederate Spankme’s hard earned dollars pay for ABC. It’s his.
Or something.
Poor liberals. All the furious “we are too going to win in November” temper tantrums in the world aren’t going to help in the face of reality, like the recent Gallup poll showing a big swing in the preferences of likely voters to favor McCain.
It will be sweet.
Both Obamas have been riding the affirmative action gravy train for decades, and liberals can’t fathom anything being wrong with that. Hell, it is there raison d’etre; look at the identity politics inherent in LittlePig’s comment. Nasty, tribal, and anti-Enlightment: welcome to American liberalism!
Oh, and little Richie is a different class of nasty altogether. One criminal praising another, how delightfully liberal. If you liberals want to keep winding yourselves closer to Ayers, feel free – and enjoy watching Obama sink lower and lower and lower…..
Racist moron.
The fact is, Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama! MICHELLE OBAAAAAMAAAAAAAA!!!! WEOIRUJW EOIRUWOERUO WEIRUO WEIRUPWERU WOEPIRPWEUR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The fact is, Michelle Obama is evil and racist because she got a restraining order against me.
Troofie seems to be using the classic RW strategy of “Declare victory and get out”.
Unfortunately he doesn’t seem to have quite grasped the second part.
Both Obamas have been riding the affirmative action gravy train for decades, and liberals can’t fathom anything being wrong with that.
Shorter Troof: “I couldn’t get into Harvard.”
The fact is, it’s not fair that Barack Obama got Michelle and I’m stuck with Palmela and her five sisters.
(Censor that, liberals!)
Oh good Lord! Does Bob have an ego the size of his barbecue grill or what?
Fixed yer post, Trufie…
I say we kidnap his riding mower and photoshop Lee Harvey Oswald into the driver’s seat.
How would anyone know the difference?
Oswald had better hair.
To be fair to Troofy, Michelle Obama is HAWT.
Smile for me babe
What you lookin at?
I wanna see yo grill
You wanna see my WHAT?
Yo yo grill
Yo yo yo grill
The fact is, my comments are regularly deleted here because of the liberal bias. I challenge anyone to debate me with facts, or rather, I would if my posts weren’t constantly deleted because the liberals as so afraid of reasoned discourse, science and logic.
The fact is, you’re a fucking jerk who can’t even earn enough money in a real job to learn to write English, which might, just might, have something to do with the fact that everyone, including your friends, views you as a nincompoop.
There’s your facts, Factboy. Debate me on them, bitch.
Nasty, tribal, and anti-Enlightment: welcome to American liberalism!
Liberals are anti-Enlightenment? What kind of acid-laced Kool-Aid are you sippin’ these days, Truthie? I mean, after all, speaking of anti-Enlightenment, how do you explain the tens of millions of conservative Republicans who don’t believe in Evolution? By golly, if that isn’t anti-Enlightenment, then the word “anti-Enlightenment” ain’t worth a hill of beans.
And speaking of nasty, conservatives claim to support the troops, but during the last Presidential campaign they started screaming loudly that John Kerry’s Purple Hearts were the resultof self-inflicted wounds…
Wow, that’s really sweet and civil of y’all. A guy serves his country homorably and gets wounded in a war, and this is how you treat him. Nasty pricks.
Now fuck off, you silly little creep. No one here buys your knee-jerk, trailer park sophistry. Go to where all your other fellow Cheeto-gobbling, Doughy Pantloads congregate and masturbate each other with this kind of specious piffle.
And we’re more “naughty” than “nasty,” but I suppose it’s a matter of degree.
The ever-vigilant John Kass has made a startling discovery: UIC library denies access to documents to conservative hit-author!!! One can only assume that the files that mysteriously vanished from the homes of various Chicago City Comptrollers are part of that collection.
Oh, and WordPress sucks and ill likely flag this as spam.
First link is a photo of Oswald. Second is Bob Owen.
Fucking WordPress ate my comment. It clearly doesn’t like links to the Chicago Tribune and the expression “City Comptroller” in the same post.
It also didn’t like my “Amy Alkon’s Delete Key” screen name.
Hey! Someone upthread used my name. Gavin, I know you’re libs and all but don’t you have a rule against DFHs name-stealing from god-fearing Conservatives? I simply insist that you enforce this rule immediately or I may be forced to leave and never return.
Link is a photo of Oswald. Gavin, why do you continue to post photos of Oswald along side every cornfed yankee post? Leave the dead alone.
OT: Hillary to PUMAs: Shut The Fuck Up
I live in Canada!
The important thing is that Bob wasn’t hurt in this fiasco. And we all learned a valuable lesson.
And we all learned a valuable lesson.
Keep away from mah char-coal grill!
I’m SOOOO diggin the Bloom County reference……
See, look at how these morons have rallied again. One idiot is taunting as if the black stereotypes are still offensive. Three words: In Living Color. Look it up on Wiki or something, dorks, and stop trying to intimidate with the wimpy black stereotypes, ok – you read like you’re trying to channel Robert Van Winkle.
Other fools taunt “liberals” like Granny Goodness, Ann Coulter, but their delivery ain’t as pointed or direct as hers, so they come off reading like kindergarten students repeating what their tutor told them to say.
Hey, GOP parrots, spell and define “appeasement” like that dork that was on Hardball back in May couldn’t. Then explain to me what Bush did when he looked into Putin’s soul, only to be shown up supposedly years later.
You f’n idiots! Get outta here with your lame taunts.
Join John McCain on the crazy train, bitches.
I got some more for you morons, so gear up those web links that I’ll ignore, those lame taunts that I’ll wipe my ass with, and that mock belligerence you coax yourselves into believing makes you an wit to be reckoned with. You horses asses are coackroaches just waiting to be stepped on.
When Obama wins in November, I’ll await your reluctant concessions that the consistently ignorant attacks were where you, the GOP, and McCain fucked up, but you’ll still be wrong…
You all fucked when you showed up, twerps. After the last 8 years, you showed have sat this one out. Now your dumbasses are about to be embarrassed by one who fits the description of your worst nightmare, bitches. That quickening in your heart rate is all the evidence you need to know that the words I speak are true, ninnies. You know what I’m saying, right, “liberal bashers.” It will happen. What are you gonna do, huh?
You ponder that as you think up something witty to say in response to this here writing, even though you probably won’t address it directly, for fear of taking on an intellectual superior. Bringing up polls, “faith forums,” or pundit idiocy will only get you berated at thrice the capacity you would have in the first place. I don’t play that swine media tap dance, GOPussies.
Step up to Lexaburn with your wimpy taunts about liberals and shit, ya bloated, blustery bullshit artist. How many McCain campaign T-shirts have you all been given for wasting your time here on its behalf, you frauds?
Never mind! You’ll be crying in frustration into them if you ever got the notion to fuck with Lexaburn.
C’mon, bitches – Step up.
Doesn’t Bob Owens routinely delete comments from his blog?
I like how one lib-bashing moron is claiming that someone is trying to steal their screen-name, as if ninnies of his caliber don’t pull the same shit when they’re taken to task by someone that disagrees with them.
You’ll see this crap pulled here in spades if these fools try to bully my ass. It’s happened to me on other websites; it’ll happen on this one, too. It’s what they do: maneuver like rats on subway tracks, the GOP, con-servative filth.
Think up something witty to say, Lexaburn? Why should I be the first?
The polls confirm what is going to happen in November – a defeat for the affirmative action candidate Barack Obama. I know these polls pain you, as much as watching Obama flounder in debates and open ended interviews pain you. You liberals really thought Obama was going to shine, didn’t you?
Look, I expect chest-thumping idiocy from you, and you haven’t disappointed. But you liberals are the ones who put up a candidate from a black supremacist church, who has an openly racist wife, and who launched his campaign from the living room of an unrepentant Weatherman Underground terrorist. It’s no good to simper, as you did in earlier threads, that Obama is losing ground in polls.
Well, if that’s the best you can do, Lexaburn, I think Americans have nothing to worry from you liberals.
kc, dealing the intellectual honesty card from the bottom of the deck I see. At long last, have you no shame
Lessee, the black man gets into Harvard Law and is such a gifted student that he becomes President of the Harvard Law Review, making him the very top student in his class.
The white son of an admiral who is also son of an admiral finished fifth from the bottom at the Naval Acadamy class of 800 students and somehow still manages to get a fighter pilot slot over more gifted cadets.
Question: which of these people has benefited from special privileges? If you are a Republican, then it MUST be the black guy.
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All I gotta say to the right-wing triumphalists who think it’s now written that they will win, is, bring it on, douchebags. Throw every thing you’ve got into it — Bill Ayers, Muslim, Indonesia, Michelle Obama doesn’t love America, Reverend Wright, The Surge — every last bit.
Every single solitary thing you’ve got.
Throw it all into it.
Because then, if you lose, I don’t want you to be able to claim, like losing right-wingers and war hawks always, always, always do, that, well, we wuz havin’ ta fight wif one arm tied behind arr backs.
It’s not fair that Obama went to Harvard and I’m still stuck on fry duty. Bullshit. I should be doing the burgers at least. I blame affirmative action and Ayers and Rev. Wright. Yeah, I was caught at my last job dunking my junk into the Frosty machine, but that was so not fair that I got fired. I blame affirmative action.
But when a wingnut politician (or spouse) declares that they are a member of a church, and their “obligation to Jesus” is first and foremost for them, that’s supposed to be a good thing.
Serving your own community of fellow human beings first and foremost is bad, but serving the invisible sky daddy and sky daddy’s church is good. Got it.
Obama’s the type of person that would make fun of my bacne and my moobs. I blame affirmative action and black liberation theology. One of these days, Obama’s going to come in to my Burger World, and then I’m really going to give him the what for. It’ll be awesome when I refuse him service, they’ll all be saying “Go Truth! Go Truth! It’s your birthday!” and telling me how awesome I am. Then you’ll see, you dumb liberals.
Well, it appears that George W. Bush is more interested in becoming President than he is inwinning a war, or something.
This has a pretty funny sentence in it.
Ah, so the bitches actually couldn’t help themselves, eh?
Ah, to be overly anxious to be berated…
First off, TROOF, your reliance on polls only shows that you rely on media coaching. A lot of good those polls did during the primaries. Get your head out of the gutter of politics and into reality, and you’ll see that those polls mean nothing to actual smart people, ok. don’t address me like we’re on TV. I never in my life put any stock in a damned poll, ya idjit. Not that you’d give a damn about that fact, as I don’t give a damn about the polls in the first place. Got that?
It’s funny how one minute you morons claim that “liberals” have no religion, then the next you think we put stock in a damned “religious forum,” the “religious” moderator, the “religious” peabrains in the audience, and the charlatans on TV that exploit their ignoramus asses for political expediency. To address that Rick Warren debate any further is an insult to my intelligence, you shit-for-brains. Just be glad Obama showed up to the damned thing and went first, otherwise no one would’ve stuck around to watch McCain play Walter Mitty up on stage for the umpteenth time.
I ain’t no fucking liberal, asswipe, just like you’re not a challenge enough for me to have to thump my chest. You’re a hack, bitch. A dime a dozen, GOP-smear-du jour-parroting hack. You’ve got nothing that will task me any more than a yawn.
Quite frankly, to tell the TROOF, you’re boring me.
Take that nonsense about radical blackness to the Huffpo, ok. The Pete Pumas hanging out their will join you in your delusions.
Tell your fellow butt-buddy smear merchants that whether Obama’s an “Affirmative Action candidate” or not, whatever they claim he is, he’s also going to do the job the gooks should have to J. Sidney this November.
Got all that, TROOF?
Now, TROOF, proceed to whine like a sweet bitch about me cussing and whatnot, while wracking your brain for something other than crap we heard your idols on the chicken circuit radio shows say last year.
I’ll tell you right now that you’ve got nothing I haven’t heard before.
Take a bow, TROOF.
And as for the rest of you: stop riding Corsi’s jock, and come up with your own material, ok, bitches.
the fact is, any post that starts off with “the fact is” is unlikely to contain any actually facts.
Lexaburn, what are you babbling about? That polls showing McCain ahead don’t matter? That Obama looking squirrely in an open ended interview isn’t damaging? That Obama’s wife, pastor, and terrorist buddies aren’t hurting him?
Foam at the mouth and beat your chest all you like, it won’t change the answer to any of those questions. I eagerly await your next juvenile post.
He said it, not me.
And if you’re so damn ugly, Truthy-pie, a little “make up” couldn’t hurt (plus those fishnet stockings just make your ankles look fatter.)
I tried this earlier, but I assume we’re still trying to spite the vote. The DNC and Tim Kaine are working this:
Interviewer: How many houses do you own, Senator McCain?
JiSM3: I think — I’ll have my staff get to you.
Not only does filthy stinking rich John McCain have so many houses that he has problems keeping track of them, but he’s so filthy stinking rich that he needs staff to track how many houses he has…
Oh and for all you H8rs, Yglesias’ take is full of win.
Hey, I hear Ghouliani is going to be the keynote at the GOP borefest, eh?
What, are the Republicans trying to stay hip by highlighting two adulterers that support illegal immigration among other things.
Soon, you con-servatives will have to affiliate with the dreaded liberals.
It’s Michelle Obama and Obama’s terrorist buddies’ fault that they won’t let me move off of fry duty. This is bullshit. The grease is the reason why I have such appalling bacne, I’m sure, and why girls won’t talk to me or no one respects me. It’s affirmative action’s fault.
Has anyone ever toyed with the idea of Elton Beard’s final, uncompleted project, “No Confederate Yankee”?
TROOF, what are you babbling about? Did you not read the words that I wrote?
Look, this ain’t a talk radio show. You can clearly read the words that I write, and since you’ve acknowledged to have at least browsed my message, I’m sure you understand. Quit trying to obfuscate like that ninny Hannity and comprehend what the fuck other people are saying, ok.
I’ve never been polled in my life, so when I hear that all these so-called polled people are swinging one way or another, it’s like I’m hearing how Santy Claus will come down a chimney on Christmas morning. when I witness idiot like you pulling polls out your ass in order to argue, I chuckle to myself or in your presence, and repeat the phrase above that is in all caps. Do you understand, dork.
As much as you attempt to portray me as angry, I tell you right now, I can sense the deflated countenance behind your own words. You’ve got nothing left, which is why you went back to the bullshit about polls and what-have-you.
Quit while you’re ahead, TROOF.
This motherfucker, TROOF, is now resorting to self-deprecation in order to attack Obama. He’s like McCain on SNL talking about how old he is.
These fools have NOTHING! Nada! Zip!
Step the hell off, you GOP parroting nerds you.
Alert Ted Koppel.
(except I guess we can’t do that anymore…)
Ah, you don’t believe in polls. Because you yourself are never asked questions. Got it. Good luck in your freshman year Statistics class.
I never saw that goat before in my life!
Good luck in that stat class, because it’s affirmative action’s fault that I couldn’t pass it! Well, that and be admitted to college. I mean, that and being able to finish the 8th grade. It’s Obama’s fault.
McCain can’t remember how many houses he live in, eh?
Shit, is it because they’re too numerous or is it because technically he don’t own shit?
Hey, let’s ask Cindy about the homes, as well as what her energy plan is, and her stance on illegal immigration.
Let’s talk to the real McCain breadbasket about America’s economy, not the G.I. Joe she bought back in the 80s.
Awesome day for McCain. First he can’t remember how many homes he has, and now Condi Rice is talking about a (boo scary!) timetable for leaving Iraq.
What the fuck was that, TROOF?
Was that a jab about my not know the science of poll-taking?
Look, you wanna-be GOP wonks would be bitching and moaning again about media bias if the swine media wasn’t doling out those dopey polls, so quit complaining.
Ask yourselves why McCain has been stuck in the low forties since they began placing him in head to head matches against Obama and Clinton. Now the polls are supposedly tightening because the swine media tells ya so. Damned fools, McCain ain’t moved since April, you morons. That’s why they keep inviting Obama to campaign events: McCain wants people to believe that he’s Obama’s VP pick, you morons. When Obama declines, McCain has to crash concerts filled with biker freaks, and offer up his wife’s tits in order to make them pay attention to his gibberish. Hey, McCain did well at Strugis, too, if I recall.
Shaddap, TROOFprick.
Shit, is it because they’re too numerous or is it because technically he don’t own shit?
As much as I hate the elderly (P.S. I’m not ageist) even doddering old senile geezers can keep track of how many houses they have. Sure John McCain managed to misplace all of Iran – but that’s okay because he never ever thinks about Iran at all, ever. But those eight or fourteen houses? He lives in some of them, and more importantly, some of them still contain his stuff. No, the problem is that there are just so many Casa McCains that tracking them all requires full-time staff.
Here’s a slogan – Bank Foreclosed on you? Just squat at one of John McCain’s homes. He’s got so many he probably won’t even notice you.
Yeah, man, Condi’s timetable comments are great news for al Qaeda if I recall what the GOP ninnies were saying months ago.
Good luck with that! Poor PharmaCindy can’t even remember how many siblings she has!
And, Team Obama comes through.
Also, the McCain cribs list has anothe beautiful line:
Seven Hundred Grand. Cash.
Hey, kids. There was a time when I thought one had to read wingnut websites to see teh stupidest comments. But I was wrong! Just check out the comments on WAPO’s “The Trail.” There, you can get a shitload of stupid without adding to the meter count for goober and goober wannabes!
Confederate Yankme complaining about deleted comments at ABC?
Funny, that idiot deletes comments and bans users ALL THE TIME! I’ve been banned there at least twice.
But you liberals are the ones who put up a candidate from a black supremacist church, who has an openly racist wife, and who launched his campaign from the living room of an unrepentant Weatherman Underground terrorist. It’s no good to simper, as you did in earlier threads, that Obama is losing ground in polls.
Where your boy merely dropped his plane in a terror attack on a Navy aircraft carrier killing 43 sailors, and then proceeded to defect and broadcast propaganda for the Viet Cong!
Nice choice, shithead! What’s the matter, couldn’t you get Jane Fonda to run as a Republican?
Lexaburn babbles
Yeah, Lexaburn, you really have a good handle on what’s happening.
Thanks for bringing back Teh Funny, S,N!
The fact is, “large L” Libertarians also argue against compulsory public education, among the grounds we stand on is that its final result is, at great expense, people less educated and capable of rational thought than an average child left alone in a room full of books for 12 years would be. You seem to be demonstrating the veracity of that position.
Good luck in your freshman year Statistics class.
We have thus firmly established that the closest Troofie has come to a college was watching “Animal House”.
Dumdum, calculus is freshman year, statistics is sophmore, but good luck cleaning the elephant shit in the circus tent you call “home”, box boy.
Actor212. do me a favor, and please push your McCain smears everywhere. It will cast liberals in exactly the right light.
Ah, I wonder if I should really enlighten you people about how this will look? Nah, you’re stupid enough to do it anyway. Go for it, liberals!
Gee, Troofie, can’t stand the Truth, eh?
Deny the facts of what I posted, or shut the fuck up, you lying rat bastard. There are adults here trying to talk, and I’m sure that must bore the everliving fuck out of you and give you carpal tunnel syndrome from looking up words on Dictionary.com.
Hey, TROOF, as recent as six months ago, your GOP ilk were yelling about how McCain was this close to being Kerry’s VP. McCain probably doesn’t remember what party he belongs to, which is why it probably took him so long to get to that sham forum the other night. It must’ve taken all of the lackeys at his side and the Secret Service hours to convince him that he was supposed to pander to the evanjellybellies (aka. peons idolizing the “agents of intolerance”) in the big building they were headed to.
Don’t cherry-pick my messages in order to post lame retorts, ok, dork.
How did summer stock go for you this year, Actor212? Did you put just the right spin on Richard III, or are you more of a mincing All’s Well type?
Facts… let see… McCain was tortured into making statements by his VietCong captors. Is this the fact you want to discuss? Really? Or was it your college syllabus?
Cindy: You know, Meghan graduates this year. Maybe we should get her something nice.
John: Meghan? What’s Meghan?
Cindy: Our daughter dear. The toothy one.
John: Ha ha Cindy, of course I remembered our daughter’s name…(three minutes pass) What about him anyways?
Cindy: I thought we ought to get her a nice graduation gift.
John: Oh, like when dad got me a couple jet planes to crash. Well jets are a lot more expensive nowadays, and with my plan to run for president, we need to tighten our belts – save some liquidity just in case we need to loan the campaign a bit of cash.
Cindy: As usual you’re right John. Let’s just use what’s in the “swear jar” – we’ll just get her something with the loose change floating around there…
Lexaburn, I think your meds are wearing off. In the last few minutes you claimed that you don’t believe in polls because you, personally, Lexaburn, never get asked to participate; now we are treated to this gem:
Um, was your presence here supposed to be a smackdown of me? Your fury is making you sound, well, batshit insanely stupid.
And you know this for a fact…how?
1) John McCain crashed his plane into the USS Forrestall.
2) John McCain broadcast propaganda for the Viet Cong….hell, even YOUR side called him on it!
As I said, I’m guessing you couldn’t get Jane Fonda to run as a Republican.
How did summer stock go for you this year, Actor212? Did you put just the right spin on Richard III, or are you more of a mincing All’s Well type?
This weakass shit is the best you can come up with?
C’mon, Troofie…surprise me…show me your sense of humour is a bit more developed than a chimp’s….
Actor212, why I should break the ice and be the first funny poster at Sadly,No?
Anyway, your pathological hatred of Bush aside, your post on your own site shows you to be a bit worried about Obama’s chances. And you should be! If you think the best way to distract likely voters (who now favor McCain) from Obama’s racist church, wife, and terrorist buddies is to push your narrative about McCain as a VC sympathizer – go right ahead. Do it. I think it’s a fabulous idea.
TROOF, you talk to Cindy about meds, ok.
Why is it that you dorks use those worn-out Internet twerp jabs.
And you’re in denial, are you telling me that there were no Republicans hollering about how McCain was schmoozing with Democrats, including Kerry in ’04?
And, look, you’re not going to convince me that those polls matter no matter how many time you attempt the rhetorical trick of linking them to academia, idiot. Your mommy and daddy paid to have you go to school to learn about biased pollsters asking people biased questions about presidential candidates, hmm?
Again, do not cherry-pick my messages to post lame retorts.
Actor212, why I should break the ice and be the first funny poster at Sadly,No?
TRANSLATION: I can’t compete with the people here.
your post on your own site shows you to be a bit worried about Obama’s chances
A bit worried. About as much as I worry about dying of, well, conservatism! 🙂
As for my postings about McCain here, damn, son, you don’t think I really believe them, do you?
You don’t honestly believe that I would slander a war hero like John McCain, and call him a traitor, do you?
A patriot like me, who was serving his country while you were in diapers?
Do I look like Ted Sampley?
Gotcha you stupid ignorant little rat! You walked right into that!
Kids, kids, please. Don’t tease the animals! Let’s go visit the rest of the monkey house then go sit down in the shade and have some pie.
I don’t mean to interrupt all the Truth bashing funnies but
It’s more than half of Cindy McCain’s weight in twenties.
And we’re not talking an abstract this is how tall a stack of bills equivalent to the value of… whatever – They bought a $ 700,000 condo with CASH MONEY. Greenbacks. Moolah. Clams. Smackeroos. Monetary notes. Honking great big bags with dollar signs on them.
And even if the goat was in my room, dressed in a tu-tu with The Truth picked out in sequins, so what? Maybe the ObSquad put it there. Leave me alone!
Maybe if I pretend like McCain’s gazillion homes don’t matter, he’ll give me one when I get really rich because conservatives don’t make fun of my bacne, fat ass, poor grooming habits, and general lack of any form of wit like liberals do like that dumb Obama and I hate him and it’s not fair and I hate I hateh im Ihate hiawejtoaiwe jotwieuroweurew
Dragon-King Wangchuck: I doubt McLame hauled a mess o’ bags emblazoned with big $ signs into the bank teller’s cage. More likely, he cashed in some CDs or whatnot, making them “liquid,” and then wrote a check for the entire amount rather than carry a mortgage. That’d be my guess. Now just simmer down.
This TROOF fucker’s going right back to the “You hate Bush” shit like all the ninnies do. Can’t pull that shit on me, idiots. NO ONE wanted the American president to fail, least of all me. I’m in NY. I cried when Bush gave his speech in front of these workers at ground zero. In ’04, I knew the country wanted him to succeed in Iraq, which was an asinine notion to consider, more than they wanted Kerry to beat him. I do not believe that the constant smears tossed Kerry’s way did him in; Bush had a job to finish, plain and simple. When you dorks doling out smears show up thinking that your bullshit worked in ’04, I direct to the ’06 elections and those seats the GOP are losing left and right.
Now, you all can continue to delude yourselves with polls, smear rags, talk radio blathering, and pundidiocy, but critical thinkers will be celebrating the moment where they all get to reject the GOP’s politics, you dipshit dunderheads.
Have you not been paying attention, morons. Those fuckers are on their way out – BIG TIME!
I’m sure you’re right too, but this isn’t about John McCain getting one of his personal assistants to get the ball rolling on a real estate transaction – this is about letting people know that the fucker doesn’t have a clue about anyone with a net worth less than nine digits.
The Truth is right, libs, and you just can’t see it. You’ve been blinded by your love for black people.
I can’t even tell how many Truths there are any more. I can tell that at least two exist, but how many more??
We Are Legion.
And we only keep the goats because of the flies.
via the dirty fascists who are censoring Bobo Wens,
The McCain response is their classic “Does a guy who” smear smear smear “really want to talk about” insert topic here. You know what Brian Rogers? Yes. Yes they do. No doubt that the Obamas aren’t hurting for money – you can definitely paint them as being a couple orders of magnitude richer than the average American – but the McCains are a couple orders of magnitude richer than that. Obama vacationed in Hawaii on a private beach? Sure – but vacationing on a private beach in Hawaii is a step down in standard of living compared with the normal day to day for the McCains. He’s probably forgotten about one or two of is homes that have their own private beaches.
Yo yo yo, shazzle-shalom gentlemen!
You see, folks, they’re mimicking Rush now. Notice the increase in the mentions of “black” in their nonsense. Rush gave them all the green light to make asinine claims that whites can’t stand up against the scary (when they’re not timid) black peoples and whatnot.
Anyway, I like how the unmarried, harlot-harrying, drug-addicted, bloated bastard that gets paid to shout all day in a studio about something or other is calling a husband/career person a “man-child.”
The GOPussies got their heads gassed, I tell you the truth.
Hey, why don’t Rush run for something instead of running his mouth. Show us “men-children” up, why don’t he.
Let me just say that I don’t hate the rich. If given the opportunity, I’d love to join their ranks. But fuck – that guy is made of money. And this is tailor-made, even when Princess Johnny POW’s-a-lot starts bitchin’ and a moanin’ about his poor treatment – we can just throw his pride in the Celebrity ad back in his face.
Are you familiar with the “many worlds” quantum theory, N.C.? Basically, every time John McCain blames one of his farts on the dog, a new “The Truth” is created.
Fuck that!
The only “rich people” I give a damn about are those that are “rich” in their awareness of GOP bullshit spouted by the likes of TROOF.
I’m chillin’. I’ve got a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food to eat, a bed to sleep in. I’m not wanting for anything, but the pleasure of dismantling GOP bullshit with the precision of a calculator.
Idiots like TROOF keep me very “rich,” indeed.
I dare an idiot bastard to dig in his bag of GOP gobbledygook and pull out that Marxist shit on me.
Let’s see the bastards try.
If given the opportunity, I’d love to join their ranks.
You wouldn’t enjoy it.
For example, today, I had to be up at ten o’clock in order to make a radio gig, and that was too early for my manicurist to come over so now I’m stuck with this godawful hang nail that hurts every time I put on my white cotton gloves so I don’t have to shake hands with the NY Post reading doorman who sports the McCain button on his lapel.
He’s not supposed to wear political buttons, but I haven’t fired him because, silly liberal that I am, I believe the man has a right to feed his family of eight starving children with his hefty union wage, but I digress.
Then, right after that, I had to run over to my bank…that’s MY bank, you read that correctly…and count the vault because someone had been stealing penny wrappers! Can you imagine? Stealing penny wrappers from me, a fabulously wealthy man?
The nerve!
“Erik Pontoppidan said,”
Nice to see that “Amy Alkon” has gone back to using the name his parents gave him. What was little life like as a kid on Alkon street with your little dog Amy, Mr. Pontoppidan?
“The polls confirm what is going to happen in November – a defeat for the affirmative action candidate Barack Obama.”
That one Zogby poll? You do remember that Zogby predicted the day before the 2004 election that Kerry would win with over 300 EV’s. So please keep believing everything you see from Zogby.
Also, you do realize that at this point in 1980, Reagan was down by at least 5 points. I can only conclude from this that you hate Reagan, and therefore America, Jesus, and movies with simian co-stars. Since Clint Eastwood is a supporter of McCain and also made some movies with a simian co-star, elementary Wingnology tells me you won’t be voting for McCain, either… tell me, is there anybody you actually do like?
Lexaburn is a lot of fun. He or she should come around more often.
Stupid Sadly,No! Be more funny!
J Neo, I think Lexaburn should come back often, too. It’s not often that you get to argue with someone who thinks (for example) that polls are misleading because he wasn’t personally polled.
Too funny! I just wonder where his impotent rage is going to go after President McCain wins. That goes for all of you liberals, too – what will you do with yourselves?
Stupid Sadly,No! Be more funny!
Ahh Truthy, my little nugget of hate – I find that I can deny you nothing.
The fact is, I love to hear The Truth speak.
It reminds elitist liberals like me of how superior we are to Truthie’s ilk.
I can see that TROOF likes to misconstrue the words of others, but I was very clear when I said that I have never been polled in my life. Also, I’ve never witnessed Santa Claus coming down a chimney in my apartment, so therefore, I do not believe in the science of polling nationwide. Do you understand the nuance of my message, fool? I’m sure you don’t, but I just thought I’d ask.
I see these polls TROOF and those of his ilk rely on as something akin to a pussy flash from Paris or Britney; something to get idiots within the swine media salivating.
How many polls are you relying on, dorks, if I may ask? Not that I actually give a damn, it’s just that I want to see you actually rush to find all those you can in the effort to convince me that you’re not relying on them to have something to talk about. When you fail in this action, I figure you’re much too dense to actually quit boring me with the nonsense about polls.
There’s no impotent rage coming from me. You don’t know what it’s like to be confronted with a dismantling of your ignorance, imbecile. That’s what you’re reading as anger. I cuss with ease due to the fact that there’s no filter permitting me, just as you and your dork comrades offer wimpy taunts and retorts like chickenshits for the lack of a filter.
I know you’re not REALLY laughing at the fact that I put no stock in polls, which is why you continue to persist on their importance. Explain to me how the polls are tightening when McCain never went beyond 44% in any of them. You dingbats will claim its the negative ads that are driving Obama’s numbers down, but that doesn’t explain away the fact that he’s still in the lead. I guess Obama’s going to be at 12% by the time McCain reaches 48%, right?
Do you idiots realize how stupid you sound with that shit? Why not predict my fortune while you’re at it, ok?
Hey, before you bring up polls again, you tell me what “appeasement” means, and while you’re at it, look up “time horizons,” too.
Buncha double-talking dipsy-doodles.
Lexaburn, it’s going to be fun watching you embarrass yourself over the coming weeks. Come back all you like and when I’m not explaining to liberals how Ayers, Wright, and Michelle are damaging Obama, I’ll try to educate you on statistics, who’s actually running for President, and so on.
And as for your strong argument which is… what exactly? Oh right. “I’m a chest-thumping, shit-throwing liberal and I RULEZ!” Good luck with that.
If you dorks are still to dense to understand what I’m saying, it’;s that in those head to head match up from months back, McCain was always matched evenly with Obama, but not Clinton. This was back when the swine media was still pretending that she didn’t lose in February. Each time they matched up Obama with McCain, it was always in the forties, yet with Hillary, it was in the low fifties. After the months of negative campaigning, McCain is either stuck in the forties, or he’s even lower than they are saying in the first place. See, McCain was supposed to get a so-called BUMP after he became the presumptive nominee; that shit never happened, dorks. He’s always in the same place, so either someone’s lying, or we’re all stuck in a time paradox. Recall the BUMP Obama supposedly got after Hillary slammed down to reality? Well, that was all bullshit, too. There was no bump. Obama has been the lead candidate since March, that’s why the swine media is forever announcing that they’re turning the general election into a “referrendum on Obama;” because they know damned well he’s going to win. McCain ain’t no where near where they’re saying he is.
The polls are bullshit, and so is your reliance on them, dorks.
Got all that?
Sure, Lexaburn. The polls are wrong because the media are swine, and because McCain is stuck at forty, or maybe that proves that the polls are right, it’s all bullshit, and besides no one ever asks your opinion anyway.
I’m sorry, your frothing nonsense isn’t working. Perhaps you’d like to try again. Talking to you is like arguing with the old man on the bus who just shit himself, but without the smell. Definitely a plus that there’s no smell.
I hope you don’t mind if I end this post with my favorite quote from you so far.
“I have never been polled in my life. Also, I’ve never witnessed Santa Claus coming down a chimney in my apartment, so therefore, I do not believe in the science of polling nationwide” – Lexaburn
You liberals just can’t take the fact that your sainted “messiah” ain’t gonna be President. And drooling idiots like Lexabum only further prove how the left are like a bunch of spoiled children with soiled diapers when they don’t get their way.
Face it leftys, your guys toast. This latest stupidity about opposing offshore oil drilling is the last nail in his coffin.
Obama should just cross his fingers and hope Louis Farakhan hires him as his motivational speaker. Otherwise he’ll be flipping burgers in Chicago with the rest of his unaccomplished ilk.
There are even more polls showing McPOW is ahead now.
I’m so excited I am giving myself Golden Showers!
So it looks like Troofie just shut up and moved on, not taking the challenge.
It’s time to post this notificationfor Troofie:
Your ass has just been kicked by Actor212 (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Actor212 Enterprises, a Cayman Islands corporation)!
Tell your friends!
I second what The Truth said above.
I’ve been told by http://www.Mccain.freemug.com that if I post 6 more posts on LIE-brul blogs declaring that McBush is going to win, I will get a special mug emblazoned with the phrase “Get A Life”.
People are ALWAYS saying that to me, so it must mean something, so I’m going for it! Wish me luck, you poopyhead LIE-bruls.
Basically, every time John McCain blames one of his farts on the dog, a new “The Truth” is created.
Yea. “Blames his dog” *wink wink*
It would be about the first cohesive thing out of McCain’s ass since his last Hanoi captor came.
You can win all the polls, and still lose the election. All that matters is the scoreboard. And McCain is not winning on the scoreboard.
Caddy smells like trees.
I just heard about a new award from http://www.mccain.freemug.com!
If you post more declarations of love for St. John on LIE-brul blogs than anybody else in a particular week, he will let you clean one of the numerous bathrooms in one of his numerous houses.
I look forward to winning this contest nearly as much as I dream of licking Cindy’s bloody monthly splashes off the bowl!
I find the idea of McCain having a “swear jar” with 700 grand in it to be disturbingly plausible. And that’s assuming Cindy is nicking some off the top to pay for her ahemprescriptionsahem.
I’m just sort of wondering what the banker said when they tried to pay for the loft using seven million dimes…
Actor212, I’m having trouble keeping you raging morons apart. Are you the one who doesn’t believe polls are valid because he was never personally polled, or are you the one that thinks mocking McCain’s POW captivity is a win theme for Obama?
It doesn’t matter, actually, because you are both idiots, but I am enjoying watching you embarrass yourselves. Just pick a theme, though, and run with it.
ObOnTopic: As for the rest of you liberals – still thinking Ayers isn’t sticking to Obama?
Oh, twoofie. Ayers has been a loser issue for you guys since almost day one, and you’re still on about him?
You guys really are desperate, aren’t you?
Simba, how do you think it is a loser issue? Do you think it is because Ayers isn’t a loathsome sociopath, or is it because although Ayers is a loathsome sociopath, he won’t stick to Obama?
It’s a loser issue because for all the hot air losers like you put out about it, no one cares.
Yeah, see, all, TROOF here has no real argument to present; he’s just aiming limp invectives at my prose. See, that is how all these idiots conduct themselves when they’re actually confronted with an opposing viewpoint. Then they play victim of circumstance, as if someone is holding a gun to their heads to stay here and post bullshit that contradicts their own conduct. I encourage the morons to participate in flame wars. TROOF is now among the number of GOP-parroting buffoons I’ve lambasted into posting gibberish. He’ll claim that there’s nothing within my messages to dispute in the effort to avoid conceding to the point of my message. Since he came here to taunt like a bitch in the first place, he’s not going to argue on the matter of the validity of that hickory-dickory polling he’s relying on. He’s given up on trying to convince us that the Warren forum was relevant, but he still believes that the polling means something, since there are enough so-called liberals pontificating on their importance. I don’t listen to the punditry, so I don’t submit myself to taking seriously the dim-witted arguments of con-servative dorks causing mischief.
The pathetic attempts of those of TROOF’s caliber to play like they’re actually having fun here is yet another example of con-servative dishonesty. The fuckers are tasked with trying to come up with a reason fopr staying here; they’re settle for claiming that they’re having fun, when in actuality, they brains are scrambled and they have no one to console their punk asses. So they stay here in order to save face.
Pathetic specimens like this TROOF imbecile are mere trifles to me, Lexaburn. I cut through their GOP gibberish like a chainsaw through pigskin.
Witness TROOF trying to embrace his dopey reliance on not only his penchant for cherry-picking, but reemphasizing deflated arguments. He’s spent, folks. He’s a GOP zombie with no teeth. Just kick his ass around a bit, then he’ll yell about having a life to live and skeddale from this here fracas. I don’t know about the assholes following his lead by repeating throwaway lines from pricks on the GOP radio shows. I wouldn’t worry about them, though; they’re of no importance. TROOF is obviously their enabler and source of sustenance, from what I’ve witnessed within this here thread.
Aim high, GOP scrubs.
The truth is that one poll has Oldie in the lead. That’s why there are multiple polls. We’ll see if this is a trend or a fluctuation. I suspect its a fluctuation, and Obama is still in the lead.
Cletus and Simba, there is an interesting symbiosis between your posts. Cletus notes that there is one poll (actually two, I think, Zogby and Gallup) that has McCain in the lead; Simba says that no one cares about Ayers.
See, I think you liberals are missing the connection. Obama is profoundly mistrusted by what looks now to be a majority of Americans. My theory is that Ayers is part of the reason for that mistrust. Wright is a big part of it; Michelle screeching her obvious disdain for whites is another (man I wish the Obama campaign would get her out there again!) Obama’s weaselly, lawyerly appearance at Saddleback last weekend didn’t help either.
Poor lexaburn. I suppose I should consider all of his previous posts an attempt to flame me, but it fizzled when he started ranting about Santa Claus and how he is Teh GOP Killerz. I’m not going anywhere, Stats Man; as much as you’d like to see a gap in my posting so you could declare victory, I’m going to be here until November. See you around, nutjob.
And as per usual, twoofie has no proof to back up his wanking.
Hey, I just read that THEY found Martians to poll on this general election, folks. The Martians say that Obama is a little untrustworthy and McCain is better on national security. They say McCain is better with older, white evangelicals, but Obama’s better with younger voters, including younger, therefor, less white evangelical voters. Of Clinton voters, McCain is tied with Obama, with McCain pulling slightly ahead in key battleground states. Obama polls better in African-American districts according to our soon-to-be Martian overlords, but he’s split amongst Latinos and Asians by their assessment. Among hard working Americans…white Americans, he polls slightly ahead again. The pollster asked who “he” was in that last assessment and was obliterated with a ray gun where he stood.
A daily tracking poll suggest that 100% of the Martians want us to stop sending tinker toys up to their planet, while another 98% told the pollsters that America needs to stay the fuck away from their precious, precious Martian ice.
I’ve been sent here by Capt Rove to appear “reasonable”, at least for a repug. So you will see posts from me that are full of lies and vapid assertions, but made in an oh-so-calm fashion.
There is only a couple of people in the GOP that can appear sane, so they spread me thin and I have to post my lies and Talking Points on many LIE-brul blogs.
Please have pity on me.
Oh, hi John. How is Cindy? How is the ex-wife? … I know, she never forgave you for the affair. I like pulling your chain, John!
You want to buy a WHAT? … no, there is no such thing as a Negative House, John….yes, I understand you’re having problems with not remembering how many houses you have, but you can’t buy a Negative House to offset those…maybe I can come up with a scheme to keep some of your Illegals, the ones you use for servants, in one of your houses for a tax deduction…oh, you already do that?
Never mind.
Now I have enough points for a McCain totebag. Laterz…suckas!!
Oh, hi John. How is Cindy? How is the ex-wife? … I know, she never forgave you for the affair. I like pulling your chain, John!
You want to buy a WHAT? … no, there is no such thing as a Negative House, John….yes, I understand you’re having problems with remembering how many houses you have, but you can’t buy a Negative House to offset those…maybe I can come up with a scheme to keep some of your Ille gals, the ones you use for servants, in one of your houses for a ta x ded uction…oh, you already do that?
Never mind.
And as per usual, twoofie has no proof to back up his wanking.
That’s actually a step up for him. Usually his “proof” totally disproves his claims.
P.S. I may have claimed earlier that I was done whining about McCain’s multiple estates – and really I am, for now. But I just wanted to point out that Team Obama is a well oiled machine. Remember that the McCain interview where he botched the question was yesterday and coverage of it didn’t really start up until this morning.
TROOF took up the challenge I laid out to ALL the GOP-parroting dummies here, but he presumptuously believes that I meant to target him. How foolish. I’ve already informed him that he’s a dime a dozen, but the twerp actually believes that he’s tracking me.
Witness as he now wants to pretend he’s been serious all along. He’s attempting to claim that I “ranted” about Santa Claus, but that’s just his attempt at belittling my dismantling of his gibberish about polls.
He thinks I’m trying to chase him away still, but I’ve already doled out why he and all the other GOPussies commit to staying here.
He must think this is Iraq.
Look, TROOFprick, there’s no victory to be had here, man. It’s all a bunch of words. The fact that you’re aiming for a victory here tells me all I need to know about your motivation for being here.
I told you that I’m here to dismantle you nitwits. It is up to you to leave at the according time. You will do so as soon as it dawns on you that you’ve done nothing more than commit to being a dipshit. Whomever you’re supporting will be proud. Are you even a McCain supporter, or are you merely a harpy complaining about liberals and shit. Perhaps, you’re a pollster trying to convince us all of the relevancy of nationwide polling.
You’re a twerp no matter what your reasons for being here are, TROOF. The proof is there in your looking to snatch a victory away from someone here, you dolt.
Recognize that fact and react accordingly.
The TROOF idiot ran off to get a fucking imaginary tote bag.
There’s nothing more to add after that event.
(ring, ring) (answers phone again)
John, quit calling me…no, the pharmac y in Mexico hasn’t delivered Cindy’s order yet…I promise not to look inside it when I get it…no, for the last time, I won’t write you a mortgage on the White House….even if I could, it doesn’t mean you get to live there just because you’re paying on it….John, John, calm down, don’t yell.
(ring, ring) (answers phone again)
John, quit calling me…no, the pharmac y in Mexico hasn’t delivered Cindy’s order yet…I promise not to look inside it when I get it…no, for the last time, I won’t write you a mortgag e on the White House….even if I could, it doesn’t mean you get to live there just because you’re paying on it….John, John, calm down, don’t yell…I’m not a c***, that is what you call Cindy.
The Truth said,
August 21, 2008 at 20:22
Simba, how do you think it is a loser issue?
YOU raised it, loserboy!
You know, between losing track of all those homes, and thinking that $5 million is the cut-off for rich, it kinda puts the fifty bucks an hour for picking lettuce thing in a new light. After all, fifty bucks an hour only works out to a hundred grand a year – less than chump change for John Sidney McCain the Third.
The fucker told me he’s going to be here until November like I’m supposed to be impressed. It’s not like I didn’t tell ALL these GOP idiots that they’ll be whining like sweet bitches to a pimp’s cane.
Then the idiot proceeds to scurry away in pursuit of a “tote bag” contained within the realm of his vivid, yet boneheaded imagination.
I told you all the fucker was tired.
He was tired when he got here, he’ll be tired when he returns in the next 24 hours, and he’ll be tired in November when he witnesses Obama make history. I’d include Obama’s swearing in in January, but I’m sure he’ll have drowned himself in tears at that point, and if it ain’t his, it’s some other GOP bozos tears filling his lungs to the brim.
Worst. Thread. Evar.
Please, somebody put this thing out of its misery.
Worst. Thread. Evar.
Even with the great honking sacks of lewt? Aww, man – that hurts.
Lexaburn, I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. Why would I?
Drive by et al, it was idiots on your team that sunk this thread.
drive-by is right. And it started off so promisingly, too.
Also, gotta love how the jawless wonder gives Tapper a pass, cuz Tapper is a propaganda spewing asshole.
Oh, right, I got my McCain totebag.
WordPress raped Helen Keller.
Of course you’re back, TROOF.
I said that you’d be back in the next 24 hours.
Lexaburn’s family just called. They said their crazy uncle just escaped from the attic again.
And what was left to sink, huh?
This thread was already submerged once you’d arrived.
I like how TROOF is playing like he’s being valiant at this point.
You’ll stay here posting retorts like a dork as I predicted you would.
Way to go, sport.
Yowhowhow…now the idiots are posting playground taunts fit for second graders.
Look, you want me to insult myself for you, you dorks? I mean, I’m blushing off of how hard you’re trying to offend me. You’re not doing very well, but I’m flattered at your efforts.
TROOF came back after recognizing the fact that there was no tote bag, and Erik is here to hold my penis for me while I piss on TROOF’s wimpy retorts.
Here, Erik, TROOF will post another soon.
Erik, here boy.
Eric Pop’nFresh says: “your guys toast.”
My guys toast what?
The fact is, your side is losing the war on English, and miserably. It’s becoming clear that the reason why you all have such a problem with Obama saying Americans should speak more than one language is that you haven’t even mastered English yet.
Why don’t you come back when you can speak something other than that weird incomprehensible wingnut creole of yours?
Your guys toast marshmallows over burning flags?
Your guys toast Hugo Chavez with imported chardonnay?
Your guys toast like I-Roy and Dillinger?
Your guys toast like Ranking Roger L. Simon.
God, I almost shit my pants laughing at the title.
Where is Berke Breathed when we need him?
Tomorrow, we hit the enemy toast.
That’s enemy coast, sir.
Yeah, I’m WAY better than your guys toast.
Drive by et al, it was idiots on your team that sunk this thread.
So you’re just picking up the turds like a good l’il Republican. Figures.
Hey Troofie?
Looks like Dumbya agrees with me: John McCain was never tortured, ergo he’s a traitor and a Viet Cong ally!
And you support him, you goddamn anti-American freak! Go back to Islamabad where you came from!
My toast brings all the boys to the yard and they’re like
“it’s better than yours”
and damn right
it’s better than yours
I could teach you but you have to pay licensing fees