Check out muh new article

New piece up at AlterNet called “The Right’s Five Hilariously Boneheaded Anti-Obama Smears.” An excerpt:


When Bill Clinton first denounced Sister Soulja in 1992, the goal was to help the public understand that obscure black entertainers do not, in fact, reflect the views of Democratic presidential candidates. Unfortunately, this dynamic has not played out as Clinton envisioned it, as John Kerry was repeatedly called upon to reject the views of Whoopi Goldberg and Barack Obama has been forced to renounce just about every black entertainer who has supported his candidacy. One of the more recent examples is comedian Bernie Mac, who made a rather tasteless and sexist joke during an Obama campaign event. While Obama immediately chastised Mac for his crude humor, many on the Right saw it as a great opportunity to ratfuck his campaign by driving a wedge between Obama and supporters of Hillary Clinton.

“Jokes about ‘hoes’ aren’t exactly the best way to reach out to disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters, especially given their resentment over how Obama treated Hillary and his supposedly demeaning attitude toward women in general,” wrote Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey solemnly. Larry Johnson’s NoQuarter blog, a one-time pro-Hillary blog that has now morphed into Obama Ratfuck Central, put it even more succinctly: “Women get crapped on; Obama laughs along.” […]

One wonders why the Obama campaign hasn’t yet released a blanket statement saying, “We categorically denounce, renounce and reject any and all controversial remarks made by any black celebrity ever at any point in time on this or other planets.” It would honestly save them a lot of time.

Read the whole thing… I promise it will be worth your time, peeps 🙂

UPDATE: Link fixed. Yes I am a moron. Thanks for the help, Tig.


Comments: 238


Hm, if you say so… 🙂


Finally, a link I can clickee.


Link goes to page four, folks, so be sure to READ THE WHOLE THING.



I’m doing a story for a major American newspaper about how Obama is at a disadvantage for not hiking up his pants. I’ve heard that some people think that hiking up your pants, as McCain does, is a symbol of caring for the common man, as you’re showing how humble and also POWy you are. I’m wondering what your thoughts are.




Thank you! That’ll be the basis for my story. What a smart post!


MCCAINRULEZ, do you mind contacting Amy here at ‘The Street’. We would like to further discuss Obama’s pants, if you don’t mind.


You’re not a moron, and the article is great. For my taste it could be longer, but that’s a function of my insatiable voracity rather than any actual lack on the article’s part.


I don’t have time for a column today, as I’m leaving for a vacation and my man-servant Pasqual already has my bags in the limo, but I’ll just add that, oh let’s look here in my bag of Brooks phrases…MCCAINRULEZ is a great example of a common man who eats at the Applebee’s salad bar and who doesn’t like Obama because he’s an elitist doodad, or whatever. Okay, that’s it for me.

Wait, Applebee’s doesn’t have a salad bar, you say? Eh, fuck off, it’s just a generalization that’s completely accurate. Like I’d ever step foot in that place anyway.


“Women get crapped on; Obama laughs along.”

So vote Republican ladies!


Thanks, but I think “exercises too much” should have gotten at least 20 billion wingnuts. It ran in an actual paper (v. an on-line Gathering of Smeagols) and the article was produced under conditions that were what my editor would call unacceptable, unethical you’re fired get the hell out before I break your face. And it was so far the fuck out of left field.

Attempts to make him responsible for every African-American ever born I expected (we all look and think alike don’t ya know). Attempts to say he wasn’t an American, had affiliations with scary organizations, sure. Yawn. But his weight?

Make that 30 quintillion wingnuts.


While he’s at it, he should issue a strongly worded statement coming out against any violation of the Ten Commandments, Hammurabi’s Code, as well as the Fashion Police.

Really save time!


They don’t have to denounce/renounce specifically all black entertainers.
The have been already called on to denounce/renounce all black political aspirations to prove they’re ‘white’ enough to be fair to ‘oppressed’ white folk, which point I discussed on blog, Walled-In Pond.
At the top of the blog, I have posted Amy Alkon’s “attack” on me and my tiny dick… (only if the brain is acknowledged as the largest sexual organ could I be even remotely thought to be “well-endowed”…jis’ yer avridge what boy…)…

I didn’t get a chance to thank her (and y’all) for the traffic over the weekend.,..

Quaker in a Basement

On yesterday’s show, Mr. Limbaugh proposed that the GOP should “provoke Obama to play the race card as much as possible.”

It’s like they’re not even trying to be subtle any more.


hiking up your pants, as McCain does, is a symbol of caring for the common man


But I think you get much more mileage by grabbing your nuts, shaking the whole package a bit, and sneering, “I gotcher caring for the common man right here.”


Shouldn’t Bernie Mac’s name be added to the Obama death list?


Brilliant, Brad. Great article. Teh stoopid just keeps on coming from these people.

(“These people”??) Sorry…



I posted a link to your article over at TL, Brad. Just wanted to see what kind of reaction it would get. I did also mention that it was interesting that so many of the items listed keep being brought up by the supposed “left-leaning” individuals there.

So far only a “5” rating. The Agent Flobee followers must not get up this early in the day.


As a black man, I denounce anything derogatory that might come out of my mouth

Off Topic Comment Fairy


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Great article. As much as I love Kerners Are Go!!! and Chozick’s greatest hit – I’m kinda sad that Obama’s fake wailing wall prayer didn’t make the list. I understand that it didn’t get a lot of play outside of fatbiglizards but the fake prayer-media leak-evangelical vote scheme was one of my favorites so far.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, please allow me to say that sentence describing the assessment of Smear #5 is one of the finest statements I have ever seen.


I predict that by the time the Republican National Convention rolls around, the GOP’s entire platform will have degenerated into a series of grunting sounds and vaguely threatening snorts.

Um…”will have”?


McCain/Howler Monkey ’08

Erik Pontoppidan

Keep up the good work Obama.

I’m sure pandering to those vile gangsta rap “artists” will make Middle America even more enthusiastic about you than they are now (snicker).

Between this and his racist “pastor” I’m sure your guys gonna be a big hit with voters in Middle America.

Now only if Obama was smart enough to pick P. Diddy as his running mate.


Now only if Obama was smart enough to pick P. Diddy as his running mate.

I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that in my private set of predicted election maps, 2012 has RICHARDSON (D-NM) triumphing over DOGG (R-NY). Middle America cannot be reached for comment.


Our country is doomed.

Gotta concur on that one, Brad. The New Know-Nothings are heading America right down the lane to third-world status. Nice to know Republicans are so patriotic that they embrace stupidity, hate and gluttony as American values just so they can win an election.


PS: Using ‘middle America’ as a synonym for ‘whitey’ – good to see you’ve been keeping busy, Mr. Mathers. No, I’m not going to use your stage name; you’ll have to calm down a little first. You don’t see Mr. Ice scrapping with the East Coast, do you? You wacky Goddamn white boy.

Bo "P(eep)" Diddley

What makes you think he hasn’t already, muthafucka?

An’ ain’t you heard, whitey? “Middle America” ain’t shit, yo. ‘s all about tha folks of color now, Mista Pontificatoryium. BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now get on outa here and leave these folks alone ‘fore I kick your sorry cracker ass.

Off Topic Comment Fairy

Trying this again—

Awesome wingnuttery in aisle five:

vile "gangsta" "rap" artists

Begging Mr. Pantsapoppin’s pardon, but we never intended, nor expected, that our genre of music would be embraced by “Middle America.” Indeed, one might observe that that is precisely central to the point.


Thanks Fairy!

look how Muslims are controlling the Middle East — WAKE UP!

Good lord they control that place where they live!


I predict that by the time the Republican National Convention rolls around, the GOP’s entire platform will have degenerated into a series of grunting sounds and vaguely threatening snorts.

Oh, I’d say they’re on that turf NOW.
Too fit?
Too popular?
I expect the Convention platform itself will be more like armpit-farts & facial tics – & by election time, who knows? Post-Dadaist interpretive dance? Nihilist performance-art installations? Rolling around in pools of their own excrement & howling?

The sky’s the limit!

A pity McCain isn’t honest enough to pick either David Duke or Pat Buchanan as VP.

Marion in Savannah

OTC Fairy, am I correct that the amazing piece of work that you linked to was posted TODAY to a post from 11 months ago? Talk about being late to the party…

Johnny Coelacanth

“anti-semtic and ant-american garrble”

Oh, it is too funny forever. I, for one, believe that we should pay more attention to ant-american garble. Just the white ants, though. Black and red ants must take responsibility for their communities before they can fully enjoy the picnic basket of American discourse.


Good lord they control that place where they live!

The funny thing is that the point would almost be valid if he (she?) didn’t then immediately treat ‘Muslims’ as a racial designator. Then it just becomes surreal.


And I for one welcome our new ant-american overlords, be they white, black or red.


I also welcome our new semtic overlords, even though their bite can be somewhat more troublesome.

Erik Pontoppidan

Smoking mirrors or a real firestorm brewing? Every time the undercover plot of a North American Union surfaces — those-involved grab their “fanning the flames” blankets and claim the idea is just a figment of somebody’s imagination.

Okay . . . I’ll buy that baloney, at least for now. But for the sake of argument, and to put a little testing water between the hideous sandwiched proposal of a third-world nation, let’s look at some of the downers associated with this type of so-called union.

(1) With America’s government already sunk so deeply in its own quagmire barely operable — do we really need two more shaky governments to deal with?

(2) Out of three nations whose Constitution will be dominant? Our governing body can’t correctly decipher or enforce our own existing laws — much less take on the added burden of two more unsettled crime-laden countries.

(3) Considering that the trade deficit in America is already deeper than the Grand Canyon — who is really going to prosper? Our leaders are so bumfuzzled and baffled they are leading us down so many dark alleys, it will be a miracle if we see daylight again.

(4) With the United States already pouring money into the Mexican economy allowing millions of illegal migrants to work here and send billions back to their families and government — again, who is prospering and who is straddling the short end of the stick?

(5) Both Canada and Mexico have abolished the death penalty, refusing to impose it on the most horrendous crimes. Could this explain why several anti-death penalty advocates have called for a moratorium in an effort to abolish the much needed punishment here in America?

(6) We already have an enormous problem with the diversity of religion and other cultures trying to interfere with the Judea-Christians’ practice of “freedom of religion.” Can we or should we be expected to handle more religious diversity?

There are many other problems Americans will encounter with a disastrous North American Union. And few, if any benefits.


Smoking mirrors

Ooo, those smoking mirrors! Being reflective. SMOKING. You just can’t trust a smoking mirror. WAKE UP, AMERICA!


Without a smoking mirror, I can’t get my cigarettes lit properly.

Erik – the cliché is “smoke and mirrors.” Fix that part, delete the rest, and your comment will be almost worthwhile.


Mr. Pontoppidan,
Your debt is now $2334.56, will I need to bring the law to see this debt paid?


(5) Both Canada and Mexico have abolished the death penalty, refusing to impose it on the most horrendous crimes. Could this explain why several anti-death penalty advocates have called for a moratorium in an effort to abolish the much needed punishment here in America?

Eez a pincer movement, eh?


First those mirrors smoke pot… then they SHOOT UP HEROIN! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

Cut And Paste Repuglican

Hi all you evil LIE-berals! You are all evil poopyheads.

I just learned how to cut and paste. The bonus is that I will get a mug from McPOW as soon as I do enough of this complicated computer programming thingie called cut and paste.

I will have my next cut and paste brilliancy ready for you in a few minutes. This computer programming is really, really hard.

– Erik

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Pedantic speelign puh-leese R GO!

<blockquote?We already have an enormous problem with the diversity of religion and other cultures trying to interfere with the Judea-Christians’ practice of “freedom of religion.” Can we or should we be expected to handle more religious diversity?

Judea-Christians? What’s it matter if the US “handles more religous diversity” if it’s the christian Israelis that are under attack?

a concerned citizen

re: “Gathering of Smeagols”

Arky, I believe they prefer the term “Flock of Smeagols”.


The New Know-Nothings are heading America right down the lane to third-world status. Nice to know Republicans are so patriotic that they embrace stupidity, hate and gluttony as American values just so they can win an election.

I think they’re worse than Know Nothings. It’s more like “How Dare You Suggest We Know Anything!”

Knowledge isn’t power to these people: it’s disgusting.


Out of three nations whose Constitution will be dominant?

Mexico’s. It includes a right to housing. An upgrade to smoked mirrors, however, is not included.


Do the gym buddies Great Leader and Condi work out too much as well? Or just enough?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hooray for messing up tags while you’re trying to nitpick!!!


Translated Erik Pontoppidan said:

Hey! Obama’s a BLACK guy!

Did you know that?


Coach Urban Meyer

Wuzzle-wuzzle-wuzzup, crazy libs? The COACH is back with a brand new SPREAD of WISDOM, ready to hit ya hard and early with some knowledge! After Erik’s done killin ya, why don’t you check me out? Badoodle-boo yah! More and more people are sick of getting lied to every day, and the newsies are finally losing their shirts. Here’s hoping they freeze.

The media tell us that the key to journalism is “good news judgment.” The pros have it, but the amateurs just can’t be trusted, to hide facts the way professionals are trained to do. So is it really news that Senator Obama hung around with America-hating zealots all of his life? Maybe not. Maybe Young Obama was just jivin’ his radical mentors, and making them think he agreed with all their political rantin’ and ravin’. As they say in Indonesia, that’s the easy approach to get along with people — tell them you agree with their head trips, whatever they are, and they’ll love you forever.

That’s what Obama now tells the world about his hot-headed Chicago mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah; he just let the Rev. J think he believed his race-baitin’ white-hatin’ hollerin’ for a thousand Sundays in a row. Actually, Barack and Michelle were just sitting there, yawning and rolling their eyes, and wondering whether the sermon would ever be over. Can we go home now?

Well, at least Obama had a chance to explain away his relationship with the man who brought him to Jesus. Nobody in the media has asked him about Frank Marshall Davis.

What are the odds anyone will ask him before the November election?

If Obama lied to all the Lefties in his life it certainly worked like a charm: The Left boosted his career like a bottle rocket. He is their dream politician. Flaming Reds are still the real base of the Obama campaign. And a lifetime of lying to his friends would certainly explain the Senator’s well-honed skill in tailoring the truth.

So take my word for it, ya just got owned! I’m Coach Urban Meyer, and you were just served a SPREAD of TRUTH! Ding dong dilly!


I just couldn’t NOT respond to the aisle-five wingnut. Saying you’re proud of Bush isn’t just a cry for help – it’s a cry for Haldol.

Speaking of which – oh, look, little Erik’s gone off his meds again.

do we really need two more shaky governments to deal with?

We’re doing just fine up here, smartass. I just WISH Harper’s happy junta was “shaky” – stop projecting.

Out of three nations whose Constitution will be dominant? Our governing body can’t correctly decipher or enforce our own existing laws — much less take on the added burden of two more unsettled crime-laden countries.

First sentence makes me LOL – yeah, it’s time to cower, for soon the poor tiny defenceless USA will be vanquished by the might of Canada & Mexico. Yow, save me the roach from that! You’re smokin’ the GOOD stuff if you actually believe that crap. Thank Bush for your deciphering & enforcement issues, since he’s okay with turning the DOJ into a Gooper fanclub … & there you go again with the projection: Canada’s neither unsettled nor crime-laden.

several anti-death penalty advocates have called for a moratorium in an effort to abolish the much needed punishment here in America

– because they’ve read the research that PROVES capital punishment winds up increasing both crime & levels of violence in every society where that barbaric penalty is enforced. But it is indeed “much needed” – by craven pols who know they can use it to pimp votes from underinformed voters … & sociopaths in positions of authority. Sorry, but “it’s not murder if the state does it” just doesn’t cut the mustard in 2008.

Can we or should we be expected to handle more religious diversity?

I hope so – you’re getting it whether you pout & stamp your little hoof or not. The demographics aren’t going to stand still until you get over yourself. I’m pretty anti-superstition myself, but even I know that more religious diversity ENRICHES society – even if small-minded gits feel threatened by it. You’ve really got the Whaaaaambulance on speed-dial, don’t you? You poor poor dear.

There are many other problems Americans will encounter with a disastrous North American Union. And few, if any benefits.

Oh, what a punchline! We are slain by your wisdom!
Uh, you do realize you’re IN a de facto economic NAU already, & that it’s been no small part of what’s been propping up your dyfunctional economy since the mid-90s, right? That “disaster” has kept your timber industry afloat almost single-handed, just for starters – otherwise, Canada would’ve already nuked it to the ground many years ago. Not to mention the massive gains for US multinationals via the Maquiladoras, all c/o NAFTA. Does your “Dumbass” button go below 9? Could you maybe try giving it a twist to the LEFT, just to see?



As the only liberal you will ever meet who actually, actively supports this idea (please note: economic unions tend to be right-wing projects and the debate over them intra-Republican, which is why Paul supporters were so enthusiastic about opposing it – bring it up with us and you’re going to look as silly as someone barging into an American history consortium boldly taking sides on who Jack Ruby was really working for.), allow me to field your rambling, incoherent, and unwarranted ejaculations.

(1) With America’s government already sunk so deeply in its own quagmire barely operable — do we really need two more shaky governments to deal with?

American government is – thanks to six years of ill-advised federal money giveaways to an alienated super-elite – in shambles, but even at its strongest (the early Nixon administration, give or take) it still wasn’t a match for Canada’s. There’s a reason there are so few other first-rate powers with such small populations – it’s an administrative and economic powerhouse in relative terms.

(2) Out of three nations whose Constitution will be dominant?

Hogwash – no one North American constitution reserves rights forbidden in another, so they’re as completely compatible as state constitutions. By operating primarily within the boundaries of common law, both Mexico and Canada are closer to the dominant US system in terms of justice and basic rights than, say, Louisiana.

Our governing body can’t correctly decipher or enforce our own existing laws —

Sure it can – it just refuses to. You know, because you’ve been electing people on the basis of whether they’re sufficiently sociopathic lunatics – and they take that as carte blanche to suspend habeas corpus and rack up massive files on American citizens for petty, political reasons.

much less take on the added burden of two more unsettled crime-laden countries.

‘Unsettled’ hasn’t applied to either country at any point since 1920, and ‘crime-laden’ is completely inaccurate – in Canada’s case, even in the inner cities crime rates tend to be significantly lower than the American average, and Mexican crime rates tend to hover around normal for their American counterparts.

(3) Considering that the trade deficit in America is already deeper than the Grand Canyon — who is really going to prosper?
Our leaders are so bumfuzzled and baffled they are leading us down so many dark alleys, it will be a miracle if we see daylight again.

A significant part of the trade deficit would be eliminated if Mexico and the US were under the same economic and political regime – the same kind of ‘trade’ goes on within US and Mexican companies that goes on in towns on a border with a dry state. They have looser labor laws, we build maquiladoras on the border and everything US corporations produce there is counted as an import. The trade deficit has nothing to do with North American integration and everything to do with the increasing dependence of the dominant Republican Party and American business sector on China.

(4) With the United States already pouring money into the Mexican economy allowing millions of illegal migrants to work here and send billions back to their families and government — again, who is prospering and who is straddling the short end of the stick?

How preposterous. First, the average income remittance rate even in the states where it is highest never exceeds 20c on the dollar – illegal immigrants pay automatically withheld work taxes without the recourse to the IRS that legal workers have, meaning that AT LEAST eighty cents of every dollar every illegal immigrant in this country makes stays within the economy. (For reference, getting twenty cents of every dollar you give to the highest tax bracket to stay in the country would be an honest to God miracle.)
Second, uniting the economic and political regimes of the US and Mexico would do away with even that discrepancy – remittance from America to Mexico would as meaningfully take money ‘out of the US’ as remittance to Missouri from Georgia would.

(5) Both Canada and Mexico have abolished the death penalty, refusing to impose it on the most horrendous crimes. Could this explain why several anti-death penalty advocates have called for a moratorium in an effort to abolish the much needed punishment here in America?

Supposing a man shot your mother. You go over and shoot him in cold blood. Thirty years later, you find out that the guy you got never did a damn thing – the man who actually did it moved three counties away and died fat and happy.
You can’t take back what you did to the innocent man and you still have no way of getting justice out of the guilty man. The sensible solution is not to fucking shoot people; nobody, not even the courts, are an avatar of perfect justice, and no decision they make should be as irreversible as death. It’s an abomination against man and God; there’s a reason Christ ordered us to turn the other cheek.

(6) We already have an enormous problem with the diversity of religion and other cultures trying to interfere with the Judea-Christians’ practice of “freedom of religion.”

Why don’t you explain for the class what ‘freedom of religion’ means, and for bonus points what ‘Judea-Christians’ means – and those manage to exclude churches like the Quakers, Universalists, and Reform Jews from freely practicing the sacrament of marriage as tradition and scripture dictate.

Can we or should we be expected to handle more religious diversity?

A north american polity would add to the US negligible populations of any religious group outside of the Protestant and Catholic mainstream – each of which is beggared by groups already citizens of the US. Unless you’ve got one very specific church in mind, I don’t think the largely Catholic population of Mexico and largely Anglican population of Canada are much of a threat to your ‘Judea-Christian’ ‘freedom of religion’.


O/T, but apparently we are a blog of 7,000 dwarves now.

She just can’t let go, can she?

Erik Pontoppidan

Your guy Obama is so far deep in George Soro’s pocket that he doesn’t realize that he is taking a loser position.

The far-left led by George Soros is is pressuring the unprincipled Obama into taking a “green” position. So their guy is now outspoken about his opposition to domestic oil drilling even though it is supported by over 60% of Americans. And with gas prices the way they are this is going to be a big fat loser for the Obama camp.

McCain in contrast has been vocal in his support for offshore oil drilling, and after President Bush lifted the executive order prohibiting it, the only thing standing in the way of lower gas prices and energy independence is a “greenie” pandering Democratic Congress.

Given the postion of the American people and our current dependence on foreign oil and our high gas prices this one should be a slam dunk for McCain and the Republicans.


Couch Oscar Mayer said: “Badoodle-boo yah!”

Is that like when a hen cackles after laying an egg?

‘Cause that was a helluva egg you laid there.


“McCain in contrast has been vocal in his support for offshore oil drilling, and after President Bush lifted the executive order prohibiting it,”

Sure. It only took them seven and a half years to get there.

Speaking of high gas prices, have you been watching the commodity markets, young man? I think that you have not.


Your guy Obama is so far deep in George Soro’s pocket that he doesn’t realize that he is taking a loser position.

The far-left led by George Soros is is pressuring the unprincipled Obama into taking a “green” position. So their guy is now outspoken about his opposition to domestic oil drilling even though it is supported by over 60% of Americans. And with gas prices the way they are this is going to be a big fat loser for the Obama camp.

McCain in contrast has been vocal in his support for offshore oil drilling, and after President Bush lifted the executive order prohibiting it, the only thing standing in the way of lower gas prices and energy independence is a “greenie” pandering Democratic Congress.

Given the postion of the American people and our current dependence on foreign oil and our high gas prices this one should be a slam dunk for McCain and the Republicans.


Cut And Paste Repuglican

See? I told you I’d have more cut and paste for you.

Just 4 more and I get a monogrammed totebag!

Now, give me some air. Computer programming is hard, hard work.

– Erik, aka Coach Urban Meyer


My last comment sez:

“Please release me,
Let me goooooo.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Bucket’s latest?
James Lewis at the American Shitter.

Bucket – that sign-off is waaaayyy too tortured.

Take your word for it, we just got owned? Umm, if you are laying the pwnage down like the rocket camping bitch you claim to be, you aren’t supposed to start things with “Take my word for it”. If your strong, be strong don’t go saying “Ding dong dilly!” That’s like yelling “SAY MY NAME BITCH, pretty please with sugar on top”.

In closing, Wuzzle-wuzzle-wuzzup was a bear.


I believe that “ding dong dilly” refers to some sort of wetsuit.

Erik Pontoppidan

Typical liberal response alec.

You can’t refute my arguements using facts and sound logic, therefore you resort to childish name calling.

And you people think Conservatives are stupid?

Cut And Paste Repuglican

Yeah, why won’t you poopyhead LIE-berals respond to all the lies in my great cut and paste posts?

I DARE you to refute my highly documented (the links are just hiding) fact-filled cut and pastes!

– Erik


McCain in contrast has been vocal in his support for offshore oil drilling…

…after first opposing it, then getting a load of the polls showing support for it. Even though he knows that it will make no difference in gas prices in the short term, and probably none at any time, ever.

Straight talk, my ass.


And you people think Conservatives are stupid?

Why, yes. Yes, we do.

Mind-numbingly stupid. Fatally stupid. Too stupid to come in out of the rain stupid.

Really fucking stupid.

They gotcher stupid right here.


Erik: “You can’t refute my arguements using facts and sound logic, therefore you resort to childish name calling.”

There is no imperative to use facts and sound logic to refute “arguements” made without benefit of same.

If you want adult discourse, you can certainly get it here. But you’ve got to bring an “A” game, not the prattling, opinion-laden and unsourced drivel you’ve posted in the last day or so.

Cut And Paste Repuglican

We aren’t stupid.

We’re just so filled with hate, anger, fear and cowardice that sometimes it LOOKS like we’re stupid.

– Erik


So their guy is now outspoken about his opposition to domestic oil drilling even though it is supported by over 60% of Americans.

So you’re saying he’s not a scared little sheeple like you?

Kewl! Where do I vote for him? Can I vote more than once? Can I hold a gun to your head and make you vote for him? What about your mom?


The COACH is back with a brand new SPREAD of WISDOM

TRANSLATION: Take the Jets and the ten points.


After Erik’s done killin ya, why don’t you check me out? Badoodle-boo yah!

Sure – right after you make a comment about an ISSUE … like, oh, say, Iraq, or the environment, or the imploding US economy, or eroding human rights in the US, or campaign finance-reform … you know, things that actually matter to ADULTS.

Mmmyeah, & can you lose the Flanders-Tourette’s while you’re at it, please? “Ding dong dilly?” You’re about half as funny as a septicemic chancre.
“Flaming Reds?” Jesus, man, it’s not 1971 anymore – get a fucking calendar & throw away the bellbottoms. Dubious ratfuckish rants stuffed with dog-whistles don’t get anyone “owned” – other than the cretins who spread them.

Hey, Coach, I’ve got your “SPREAD of TRUTH” right here. (NSFW, as if you didn’t know)


Smoking mirrors or a real firestorm brewing?

I bet them goddamned mirrors is underaged too! Shame on yuo, Erik! Encouraging teen age smoking!

Coach Urban Meyer

Yo yo yo, liberals! Having trouble downing our big tall glasses of knowledge, let alone the spread of rightness bringing da pain? Well chizzeck this out- the Coach and Erik are schooling you front and center on the Sadly, No blog, all over and over again! Obummer’s got a taxation problem, and you better believe that no one’s gonna fall for bigger taxes like Obama wants you to have. McCainiacs are uniting, and there’s nothing you can do! If you thought slavery was a dead issue in the nation — then loosen up, and I’ll tell you why we are all slaves, and will remain that way until the rapture.

Just look at your paychecks (really look at them), and gulp at how much money you are giving your government to foolishly squander your hard-earned dollars away. I’m talking about blue-collar workers who really have to slave away for their little hourly minimum wages that are so archaic it’s ridiculous!

Don’t believe it when you hear the government ranting about how raising the minimum wages to a respectable amount would cripple the economy. It’s you they want walking around on crutches — instead, so they can control your lives to the point of no return.

Let’s look at the price of milk. Almost five bucks for a gallon! Do you realize you are paying nearly one hour of minimum wages, so you and your children can get nourishing milk to drink? This says a lot when God created cows for us to have milk free. Of course, the government had to come up with a way to control and profit from free milk didn’t they? After all, it is their duty to see that nothing in life is free — but trouble. So, after long intense studies they claimed the milk had to be pasturized to purify the milk, and now milk has so many chemicals from cows being fed high-tech grain — you are lucky if you survive after drinking a glass. How much trouble would boiling our own milk be?

If anyone dares to make homemade “moonshine” in stills, way back in the boonies, if caught they will go to jail. The only reason bootlegging is illegal: because the government doesn’t get their fair share in taxes when liquor is bottled in Mason jars and sold to secretive customers. I am surprised the lemonade sold by children at neighborhood lemonade stands, is not taxable or income from yard sales. But don’t make the mistake of ruling it out entirely sometime in the future.

The COACH just brought a SPREAD of truth! Out, chumps!


Hey, Coach.

Do the gubmint microchips make your head hurt?

Can I see the scars from where the surgeons put ’em in?

American McBush Voter

> Of course, the government had to come up with a way to control and profit from free milk didn’t they?

I love the cheap milk I get from a republican down the street. He only charges $2 a gallon.

But all my children died after drinking it. I wonder why?

Anyway, as long as the government stays out of regulating the business of free milk, I’m sure everything will get better.


Yo yo yo, liberals! Having trouble downing our big tall glasses of knowledge

I think you have us confused with your party’s propensity towards jizz-guzzling.

Erik Pontoppidan

What the Coach said is exactly right.

Obama also supports a national gas tax which will make gas prices even higher.

Think gas prices are high now? If Obama gets elected, Americans will be spending as much on gas as the Europeans are.


Hey, Coach? The ESPN message boards just called. They want their troll back.



Obama also supports a national gas tax which will make gas prices even higher.

Got a link? No, of course you don’t. You never do.

Cut And Paste Repuglican

Two more posts!

I can already see myself strolling – please, don’t say swishing – stylishly down the street with my stunning new McPOW totebag.

Perfect for carrying turds to throw at homeless people and to use for my shit moat.

– Erik


My smoking mirrors were jury-rigged with duck tape.


Did the “coach” just cut and paste from an post Sadly, No! already shredded?

Sadly… pathetically, yes:

Silly boy. Enjoy the McMug.


Erik Pontoppidan, just curious; what’s your first language?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Shorter Erik: fisk me please.

Well, I’m a sucker for trolls so:

Your guy Obama is so far deep in George Soro’s pocket that he doesn’t realize that he is taking a loser position.

See, that there’s a positive claim. You gotta back that up. Otherwise it’s not really an argument, but a statement of your feelings – something you should save for the shrink that’s helping you with your bedwetting and erectile dysfunction. Example of how it should be done:
Even according to far-right wingnut WorldNetDaily John McCain is deep in George Soro’s pocket.

The far-left led by George Soros is is pressuring the unprincipled Obama into taking a “green” position. So their guy is now outspoken about his opposition to domestic oil drilling even though it is supported by over 60% of Americans. And with gas prices the way they are this is going to be a big fat loser for the Obama camp.

Umm, some things make so little sense that arguing against them is unpossible. Obama’s unprincipled green position taking? What?
Also, if 60% public support was some magic number, what the hell are American troops doing still in Iraq?

McCain in contrast has been vocal in his support for offshore oil drilling, and after President Bush lifted the executive order prohibiting it, the only thing standing in the way of lower gas prices and energy independence is a “greenie” pandering Democratic Congress.

Umm, McCain was quite vocal in his opposition to offshore drilling until the cheques started rolling in.

Given the postion of the American people and our current dependence on foreign oil and our high gas prices this one should be a slam dunk for McCain and the Republicans.

Yes sirreee, a slam-dunk for sure! </Tenet>


Did “coach” just cut and paste from a Kaye Grogan post Sadly, No! already shredded? From 2005?

Sadly, yup:

Sheesh. Enjoy that McMug, kiddo.


WordPress has earned a McMug and maybe a tie.


Erik Pontoppidan, just curious; what’s your first language?

18th century Danish.


chizzeck this out- the Coach and Erik are schooling you front and center on the Sadly, No blog, all over and over again!

No, you’re displaying your idiocy over & over again – & now that it’s here, you can’t delete it, EVER.

you better believe that no one’s gonna fall for bigger taxes like Obama wants you to have

– like, if you clear $200,000+ pure profit on a home sale? Yep, I bet Jack & Jane Sixpack are shitting in their Keds over THAT impending socialist menace. In reality, many (if not most) Americans have consistently said they’d willingly pay MORE taxes, if that money wasn’t going to wind up wasted on yet another Pentagon war-toy or no-bid contract or corporate subsidy. Thanks for coming. Fail.

How much trouble would boiling our own milk be?

Holy. Flaming. Shit. This is straight outta the John Birch Society Handbook or something. Do you actually stay up nights pondering this dreck? I almost pity you. Almost.

I’m talking about blue-collar workers who really have to slave away for their little hourly minimum wages that are so archaic it’s ridiculous!

Bush made sure they stayed down, & Wet-Start will keep them there. Boy, did you ever fuck the pooch with this one, Coach Bubba. Not everyone shares your, um, selective memory on this stuff. More fail.

McCainiacs are uniting, and there’s nothing you can do!

Elect him, & he’ll shank you in the back, just like he did to his first wife – & to the fellow veterans he stonewalled for so many years in the Senate. If you folks are that into S&M, can’t you just keep it in your own homes? Do you have to inflict it on the entire PLANET to get your jollies? “Nothing you can do” my ass – Americans can beat you like a drum in November, & I think they will. A LOT of former GOP supporters have woken up & smelled the bullshit burning, & they can’t wait to deliver some paybacks for being cheated, terrorized & lied to for so many years on end. Fail O’Rama.

Funny … you dumbfucks never respond to ME.
What’s the matter, kidz? Does jimmypoo play too rough?
Or is it just that your talking-points generator can’t beat facts?
Go ahead – cut-&-paste something now … for me.
If you dare.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Latest Erik: Remember how there was no support from anyone who knew anything about economics for the gas tax holiday? Well, here’s a lawyer – who self identifies as not an economist who I think agrees with me! Check out the update:

Let’s be clear: Clinton’s gas tax holiday is an exceedingly modest proposal. Its value is mostly symbolic. Even if enacted, which is unlikely, it would not do anything to solve our long-term energy problems. At best, it would slip a few bucks into the pockets of America’s hard-hit motorists, and poke a finger in the eye of Big Oil.

IOW, like everyone else who has given it more than a few seconds of thought – the gas tax holiday is either going to worsen the situation at the pump (by artifically and temporarily increasing demand) or have no significant effect.

You go Erik! Those types of arguments are irrefutable (because they are so dumb)!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

18th century Danish.

That’s one stale pastry.

Erik Pontoppidan

Hey Jimmy buddy, still think Obama’s in the lead?

Read it and weep.


I fear the stupids may win.


The Decline of the West: from Erik Pontoppidan to Erik Pontoppidan


Erik Pontoppidan said,

August 20, 2008 at 20:01

Read it and weep liberals.

More like read it and laugh. You said Obama supports an additional gas tax, and provide this link as the proof.

One slight problem, Erik: The article says nothing of the sort.

You are made of EPIC FAIL.


“Read it and weep liberals.”

But when Obama pulls the occupying troops from Iraq, world tensions will be reduced leading to a drop in gas prices. So gas prices will definitely be cheaper than if McFlipFlop gets in.

Unless chimpo gets his New Cold War going like his bosses have told him to do before he leaves office. Telling him to have Georgia invade Ossetia was the first step.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Erik Pontoppidan

“Flaming Liberal said,”

You my friend are too much of a nutcase to even respond to.

Now be a good little boy and put your tin foil hat back on and maybe the gremlins won’t melt your brain.


“You my friend are too much of a nutcase to even respond to.”

As Thunderbird said above, EPIC FAIL.


I am so happy bagging on Amy Aklon brought us the likes of Erik and The Coach – which would be a great sitcom title, btw.

Like a good sitcom, they do make me laugh.


Hey Jimmy buddy, still think Obama’s in the lead?

Percentages say no – but electoral colleges by state (you know, the way the election is actually DECIDED) say your boy’s ass is grass. Funny how I can cite 2 or 3 polls for every one you pull up, eh? Wonder why that is. Hmmm.

Reality – try some sometime.
Oh, & I’m not your buddy.

Thank you for “replying” & enjoy your fail.


WordPress, cut me a break on this one, huh?

Did the “coach” cut and paste a Kaye Grogan post that Sadly, No! shredded back in 2005?

Sadly, Yes.

Enjoy that McMug, kiddo.

Coach Urban Meyer

Yo yo yo, Erik, what’s shakin holmes?

Erik Pontoppidan

Kicking some liberal ass and taking names.

Coach Urban Meyer

We’re the smartest people on the Sadly No blog. Check it, the Coach just wrecked it! Another SPREAD of TRUTH!

Coach Urban Meyer

BDIII, or shall I say, BDummy, all the COACH has got to say about that is that great minds think alike! Badoodle-boo yah!



Boring thread.

Good piece, though, Brad. Thanks…


Erik Pontoppidan

Amen brother, Amen.

The left is gonna crash and burn this election and we’ll be hear to laugh at them when they do.


I thought Obama had Bernie Mac killed. Wasn’t he on the death list?

“Mysteriously passed away from ‘pneumonia’ after a lengthy hospital stay.”

Gary Ruppert Number Two

Obama also supports a national gas tax which will make gas prices even higher.

There already is a national gas tax, idiot. And that Salon article is just about how Obama opposes the useless gas tax “holiday” which will allow the price to remain pretty much the same, and the oil companies can pocket the tax break.

Your trolling here is useless. The primary’s over, and not a single regular commenter here is going to vote for McCane. Run along now.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

But what happened to Bernie Mac’s files?


But what happened to Bernie Mac’s files?

The Socialist Obama Security Officer Secretariat would like to have a forceful word with you about SHUSHING.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

a forceful word with you about SHUSHING.

Actually, a nice man from Team Obama came by and gave me this nice letter. It seems that I’ve been appointed Comptroller.

Erik Pontoppidan

The day after election day the left is gonna be singing this classic Billy Joel song with a few minor adjustments.

“Friday night I crashed your party, Saturday I said I’m sorry, John McCain trashed me out again!”

When I first listened to the song I new those weren’t the words but it did kind of sound like it at first.




BDIII: Got it dude. Good catch! These boys are pa THET ic, aren’t they?

Still — I just LOVE being tag-teamed by Coach Meyer Wiener and Erik Pontopomppadour! [sigh] I think they’re just dreamy. It’s sort of like when my elderly cat, Miss Pampers, nuzzles against my cheek, and then right afterward my other elderly cat, Mr. McGillicuddy, pats at my elbow uselessly with his declawed front paw. All that attention paid! It’s rather endearing, in an annoying sort of way.

I seem to remember that once upon a time windbaggy trolls were ignored rather than indulged. Ah, those were the days. Oh well. By the way, do any of you fine young voters remember the pie script thing? I’m starting to feel as though we’re going to need it, now more than ever, as that lovely Mr. Nixon’s campaign theme used to bleat.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You may be right (wing)
Because you’re crazy
And you lunatics are starting to become a bore

You may be right (wing)
Don’t try to save me
For all I know you may be right (wing)


Oh, I beg your pardon. It would seem there is only one young boy involved in this latest annoyance, who seems to be banging out responses back and forth to himself. I wonder if we should alert the authorities that there apparently is an unsupervised minor sitting alone at home? I worry he might harm himself. Oh well.


If self-congratulation were cornflakes, Coach Urban Meyer would be Kellogg’s.

Erik Pontoppidan

Is this the thread for “Coach Meyer Ate My Balls?”


The big fat incontinent elephant in the room that our trolls fail to acknowledge as they bleat for offshore oil drilling: rampant oil speculation.


I strongly suspect Coach is or is trying to be (and what could be sadder?) the DUmmie FUnnies guy. He’s got the same shitty comic timing, the same faintly humiliating overweening incompetence with memes from five years ago, and the same tone: he generally talks like a failed class clown – yet, by some cruel twist of fate, grown up into a failed man, cursed with a useless sex drive but otherwise unchanged.

I understand that the Flanders nonsense is his cunning gotcha on us – you know, because we’re voting for Obama and yet black people are too terrible to vote – and yet it somehow manages to be both completely transparent and completely asinine. It bears that singular hallmark almost nobody can achieve – someone who is clearly trying to be funny but so completely uncomfortable with the basic concepts of humor that everything he says quickly resolves into a completely explicable failed joke.

And yet he’s useful enough to people as stupid as he is that they put up with him and he’s managed, by sheer ideological fervor, to avoid having to face that he’s completely talentless. His straight lines are funnier, if only by accident, than his joke lines.

Wammy zoom-zoom zazzle.


Erik, do you guys do anything but repeat Fox News talking points and tell everyone how smart you are?

Coach Urban Meyer

Erik Pontoppidan said,
Is this the thread for “Coach Meyer Ate My Balls?”

No, smart guy, This is the thread for SPREAD ‘EM and Smell the Forest Full of Trees, Four-Eyes! Indeedily doo-doo-doodily dee! Haw HAW! Eat it, lie-bruls!


The left is gonna crash and burn this election if we can get it close enough to steal a 3rd one, and we’ll be here to masturbate at them when they do.

Fixed that for ya.

America obviously needs a crash-program to upgrade its bridges – so these trolls can feel safe returning back underneath them, where they belong.


Duelling with Billy Joel songs is like attempting to fart at the kid across the classroom. You’re really only hurting yourself.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

…an unsupervised minor…

Sadly- Billy Joel lyrics. Dude’s in his thirties, at least.


Erik Pontoppidan said,

August 20, 2008 at 20:01

Read it and weep liberals.

Read it and look really confused. The article talks about him not suspending the existing gas tax, not adding a new one.

jesus christ, and here i was thinking of going to a Young Republicans meeting tonight. If this is the best you can do, the free wine may not be worth the copious free whine.


Damn…Boring thread.

Overpostings by fake trolls do not an scintillating read make.

Perhaps the disaffected regular cooking up this shit could find a new hobby.



Typo above acknowledged and regretted.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Duelling with Billy Joel songs is like attempting to fart at the kid across the classroom. You’re really only hurting yourself.

🙁 I’m going to have to put on Don’t Forget Your Second Wind to make me feel better.

Johnny Coelacanth

“oh, erik you are teh smart and funny”
“o coach, you are rilly skoolin the liberals”
“erik you are so right and totally not me talking to myself”
“true coach, and I want to have your eye babies”
“oh erik, have the left hand meet the right hand near the zipper at midnight”
“I loves you, coach, almost as much as I hates myself”


How much trouble would boiling our own milk be?

This is just the best. I’m sure it’s a parody, but I don’t care. It’s full of awesome.

Tim (The Other One)

Eric’s into Billy Joel.

’nuff said…

Johnny Coelacanth

Only the good die young, c.f. McCain, John.


“SPREAD ‘EM and Smell the Forest”

Clearly, a Board of Education somewhere is failing to do its job.

Erik Pontoppidan

Some idiot liberal stole my name further up.

Stop trying to sow discord amongst Conservatives we’re not buying it.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

OT/ and would you believe, from Joe Klein:

Yet another JiSM3 flipflop:

During his weekend interview with Rev. Rick Warren, Sen. John McCain said that if he were president he would have never nominated Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, David Souter or John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court.

McCain wasn’t a senator when Stevens was nominated, but why did he nevertheless vote to confirm Ginsburg, Breyer, and Souter?

Coach Urban Meyer

Also, stop saying I’m also Coach Urban Meyer, because I’m not. I’m only Erik Pontoppidan.

Erik Pontoppidan

Sorry, you liberals confused me. I’m only Erik Pontoppidan, not Coach Urban Meyer.


Knock it off, D.N. We all know it’s you.

Coach Urban Meyer

Now wait just a minute here. I’m Erik Pontoppidan! No I MEAN I’m Coach Oscar Meyer! I mean — dammit! You smarty-pants liberals! Quit stealing my fake names, whoever I am!


Good piece, good format.

Erik Pontoppidan

Erik, stop saying you are not me. Only I am the coach and you are a young man. I like to imagine you as a supple young athlete in his prime, all muscles and sweat glinting in the sun as you… where was I? Ah yes, doodly-wack a zizzle! Liberals are schooled again!

Erik Pontoppidan

Brad, I know you’re a lib and all but doesn’t your site have a strict policy against name stealing?

I demand that you enforce it even for Conservatives.


August 20th, 2008 at 20:27
Did the “coach” cut and paste a Kaye Grogan post that Sadly, No! shredded back in 2005?

Sadly, Yes.

Enjoy that McMug, kiddo.

Someone just got totally pwned.
Seems the “SPREAD of TRUTH” is mere second-hand headcheese.
What a total SHOCK.
Mmm, troll flambe, my fave … no wonder the oleaginous little twat posts so much.
It’s a trollbot! IIIEEE!

Oh, & I guess “kicking some liberal ass and taking names” is code for “getting bitch-slapped over & over & remaining in a perpetual state of denial about it” … what’s the deal with these critters anyway – did The Trout undergo binary fission, or what?

They have to mouth others’ crap, for they lack the frontal lobe capacity to come up with their own – unless you consider “indeedily doo-doo diddly dee” to be the apex of wit.

Needs more brain-cells.


Brad, I know you’re a lib and all but doesn’t your site have a strict policy against name stealing?

My my my, you ARE new here, aren’t you, darling?
Oh you poor naive little he-bitch.
The fun has just begun.




Clem said,

August 20, 2008 at 19:57 (kill)

My smoking mirrors were jury-rigged with duck tape.

I believe you either meant jerry-rigged or jury-built… 😉


but why did he nevertheless vote to confirm Ginsburg, Breyer, and Souter?

Dragon-King Wangchuck: Well, he forgot. Quit making fun of old people, you ageist.


“Brad, I know you’re a lib and all but doesn’t your site have a strict policy against name stealing?”

“I demand that you enforce it even for Conservatives.”

That’d mean that you need to come up with a new nym for yourself, instead of jacking some dead guy’s handle. Twit.

For someone who says “we’re not buying it,” you certainly do live the dream.


Erik, I quite agree with you, in re name stealing. I doubt your pained entreaties will avail you, though. When I, Ann Althouse, insisted that this shameless nom du poste stealing had to stop, it only became worse! If they have no respect for a sensible moderate like myself, there’s no chance you’ll be treated any better. And it’s a shame too because you seem so intelligent and well-reasoned. You have my sympathies, and you are always welcome to comment at my blog.


Woops forgot the link

You guys just got trolled by someone cutting and pasting Kaye Grogan.

Tim (The Other One)

Ann that was mighty “white” of you. Kudos.

Erik Pontoppidan

Your liberal fascist conspiracy to depriev me of my right to hate Islam is further proof that you want the terrorists to win. Your so-called “facts” are merely propaganda tools in your evil plot to destroy America.

Also, I think old men are kind of hot.


Erik Pontoppidan said, August 20, 2008 at 21:36: Brad, I know you’re a lib and all but doesn’t your site have a strict policy against name stealing? I demand that you enforce it even for Conservatives.

Now THAT’s got the ring of authenticity to it:

Whining, yet simultaneously insulting? check.
Making demands for rule enforcement? check.
Making said demands even after having sockpuppeted his own self and otherwise been a very rude asshat? check!

ding ding ding ding we’ve got a wiener!

Coach Urban Meyer

I resent the insinuation that I’m plagiarizing! Furthermore, read my lips: I served under John Kennedy, I worked with John Kennedy – & Obama, sir, is no John Kennedy. Shizzle pizzle frazoont! You just got owned by Da Coachster!


WordPress, please eat my balls. Revisions to follow…


Shizzle pizzle frazoont!

I am in favour of shizzle pizzle frazoont and if John McCain promises it I will do everything in my power to get him elected.


Shizzle pizzle frazoont!

Gary, I swoon for another. The ball is in your court, and you’d better BRING IT if you want me to stay true.


Erik, Coach, Sparky, or whomever the fuck you are, get professional help.

I really mean that because I am fucking tired of being Group therapy for you.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Quit making fun of old people, you ageist.

Look, some of my best friends are old. I mean, old people smell bad, I’m just doing them a favor by pointing it out for them. Besides if AARP’ers can call each other old farts, I should be able to kick their walkers out from in front of them. Anyways, every month I spent hours of my precious time volunteering at a local old folks home – telling all those geeze-bags to lighten up and let the kids play on the lawn. What have you done for old people?


I demand that you enforce it even for Conservatives.

Are you kidding me? You’re lucky you haven’t been banned and forced to watch from the sidelines while we skewer you further!

Majikthise: I am Majikthise.

Pontoppidan: And I demand that I am Pontoppidan.

Majikthise: It’s all right, you don’t need to demand that.

Pontoppidan: All right. I am Pontoppidan. And that is not a demand. That is a solid fact. What we demand is solid facts!

Majikthise: No, we don’t, that is precisely what we don’t demand.

Vroomfondle: We don’t demand solid facts. What we demand is a total absence of solid facts. I demand that I may or may not be Pontoppidan.



Why are we letting Eric hijack the thread with a (plagarized) rant about international trade unions? That’s what ruined The Phantom Menace! Back to Brad’s hilarious article:

Obama has been forced to renounce just about every black entertainer who has supported his candidacy.

Indeed. Here’s Tim Russert interviewing Obama on January 22, 2006:

I refer you to some comments that Harry Belafonte made yesterday. He said that Homeland Security had become the new Gestapo. What do you think of that? …Mr. Belafonte went to Venezuela… and said some things that obviously were noted in this country and around the world… Is it appropriate to call the President of the United States “the greatest terrorist in the world”?

Why ask Obama about Harry Belafonte? What do these men have in common? Hmm…


What have you done for old people?

Just the other day one was going down the stairs and I helped them go faster.

John McCain Blogging Program

This is the automated award program at mccain,com

You will not be hearing from the one – I mean two – fellows posting on your blog as “Coach Urban Meyer” and “Erik Pontoppidan”.

He – I mean they – have been awarded genuine “Rich Means $5 Million” John McCain mugs.

That is all.

Paris Hilton, Relaxing By The Pool

> Also, I think old men are kind of hot.

They have to be wrinkled and have white hair.


Jesus, poor Harry Belafonte. The man’s literally seen America come full-circle … right back to where it was when he was taking shit from McCarthy. Imagine being in HIS shoes right now. Must be like being in a Fellini movie made of pure suck.

So, does this mean that now the media’s going to nail McCain on white-power acts like Prussian Blue & Skrewdriver?
Hey, why are you laughing at me?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Look Bubbles, argue rationally or you’re going to go to directly remedial logic class. This is about how all old people suck, and the old people community should shun old people because they are OLD. P.S. I’m not ageist – for example I also call the elderly OLD as in Those elderly suck because they are OLD!


The fact is, DUmmie FUnnies is a far funnier blog than this one.


Look Bubbles, argue rationally or you’re going to go to directly remedial logic class. This is about how all old people suck

They DO NOT! It’s not their fault if a crowd of people are blocking the sidewalk they’re driving on.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

It’s like Rabbi Hillel said:
If not OLD people, who are we going to put into the fire?
If not now, then they’ll have died by the time we can get to them.

Did I mention that I spend tons of my precious time in old folks homes telling them how much they suck? It’s not easy, because they all smell so bad- it’s hard not to gag. Until you’ve spent at least as much time lecturing the elderly on their shortcomings your opinion ain’t worth doodly squat.


What have you done for old people?

I’ll have you know I just spent three long long LONG days driving my 80-year-old mother across the state and back and not once did I haul her out of the car and leave her by the side of the road. That, my friends, takes courage. Plus yesterday I let the old guy standing in line behind me at Target go ahead because he only had a bottle of Metamucil to ring up and I had simply tons of cheap plastic crap. So there.


The fact is, doodly-wack a zizzle.


Just look at your paychecks (really look at them), and gulp at how much money you are giving your government to foolishly squander your hard-earned dollars away.

Not enough, clearly. The Interstate highway system is falling apart, 47 million people need healthcare, and our schools are grossly underfunded, meaning we are balancing our education budget on the most innocent and needy among us.


I’ll have you know I just spent three long long LONG days driving my 80-year-old mother across the state and back and not once did I haul her out of the car and leave her by the side of the road.

She was in the trunk, right? 😉


Lawn chair on the roof?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Apparently I’ve struck a nerve with all the oversensitive lefties. Well let me ask you this you proggy-woggies, is it ageist if I sa y this:”You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”
Shocking! You don’t have to get old! Because being old is a horrible thing!

Well take this you left-wing bleeding heart McCarty-style-witchhunters – That was George Burns! Fucker was older than old. Old enough to be Tina Turner’s Grandfather. Older than Oh, God! Preactically as old as John Sidney McCain.

So if it’s not ageist for old smelly George Burns to have said that being old sucks (before he died of BEING OLD) than I can say anything I want and nobody is allowed to even think about criticizing me. That’s what the Founding Fathers fought for – Free Speech – which means nobody can say anything bad about me.


I comment on a comedy blog, therefore I’m funny.


The big fat incontinent elephant in the room that our trolls fail to acknowledge
I read somewhere that if you put an elephant in a pan of water and bring it to the boil slowly enough, it will let itself be cooked because it doesn’t notice the change in temperature.
Something like that, anyway.


The fact is, oil prices would be lower if liberals and hippies didn’t keep oil companies from building refineries. That’s a fact, and you can’t deny it. YOU are responsible, all to protect some spotted newts.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

read somewhere that if you put an elephant in a pan of water and bring it to the boil slowly enough, it will let itself be cooked because it doesn’t notice the change in temperature.

Elephant Stew.


Maybe the Oil companies can re-open the ones they’ve idled to drive gasoline prices up, Gary?


47 million people need healthcare

The fact is, why is this MY problem? Why should I have to pay for them? The laws of the free market economics must prevail, they do not allow for this, for it make no sense.


I think Coach Fo’-Shizzle-My-Wiggedy-Nizzle-Bizzle has to be a fake, as no red-blooded fartland conservative would degrade him/herself with such inner-city negroid gutter talk.

Frankly, anyone who talks like that is practically asking to be shot by the police, and will receive no sympathy from me when they are.


If they can’t get blood at the hospital they’ll be coming for yours.

Incentive enough Gary?

Big Fat Incontinent Elephant

I shit my pants. And I’m coming over.


For mikey.

Hong Kong – Hong Kong’s horse racing-mad population appear to have found the first day of Olympic equestrian competition a turn-off, a news report said Sunday.

Spectators queued to be among the first to see the city host its first ever Olympic events Saturday as part of the Beijing Olympics but by mid-morning the stadium at Sha Tin was two-thirds empty.

Many of the initial 10,400 spectators, more used to the excitement of weekly horse races at the same venue, fell asleep during the dressage events, sometimes referred to as ‘horse ballet.’

One of them told the city’s Sunday Morning Post newspaper she was ‘deeply bored.’ ‘The horses just walked from one side of the arena to the other and then back again,’ she said.

‘I thought they were just going through the warm-up exercises but the commentators said the round was over … I really don’t think Hong Kong people will be interested in this.’

As the stands emptied, another spectator said: ‘I expected to see horse racing. I have to say this is the most boring thing I’ve ever seen in my life.’



“The fact is, why is this MY problem? The laws of the free market economics must prevail, they do not allow for this, for it make no sense.”

Those laws also say that Bear Stearns, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and Countrywide must die. And maybe WAMU, Wachovia and Bank of America, too.

But that’s not how it has been playing out so far.


The fact is, in Canada, where they have socialist government controlled health care, you have no choice of doctor. You get lousy medicine not up to USA quality. The have 1 MRI machine in Ontario, and you have to wait for years to get one, or get cancer treatment or a transplant. You would die first. gays and transgendered faggots get priority over white christians, and abortions are mandatory. Do you really want your freedom of choice of health care to get taken away.


“The fact is, why is this MY problem? The laws of the free market economics must prevail, they do not allow for this, for it make no sense.”

The fact is, you already are paying for it, you witless douche.


I remember the smoking-mirror thread. It had everything. Cameo appearances from the Aztec pantheon, and hideous sandwich proposals straddling the short end of the stick.


The have 1 MRI machine in Ontario, and you have to wait for years to get one
It’s just as bad in New Zealand. I ordered my MRI machine 18 months ago, and it still hasn’t arrived. Meanwhile Mikey’s monkey butler already has three MRI machines and a flying car.


Oh Canada!


Bonus comment from the Dressage link (via J— at 22:49 ):

I’ve found the dressage intriguing. Maybe the internet has spoiled me, but seeing a German use a horse for anything but sexual release is fascinating.


you have to wait for years to get one, or get cancer treatment or a transplant. You would die first.

Yeah, and in Magic USAland, if you can’t pay, you have to wait for years to get treatment if you don’t die first.


“You get lousy medicine not up to USA quality.”

Meme, meme, shekel upyoursin.


It’s like Rabbi Hillel said:
If not OLD people, who are we going to put into the fire?

God this is heartless. It’s as if you imagine old people CHOSE to be tedious windbags who can’t find three fucking pennies in the coin purse. And furthermore when you quote Hillel remember the exhortation “Let a man be always decrepit and confused like Hillel, and not passionate and full of vim like Shammai.”


The fact is, I am Gary Ruppert.


Are you sure your not Robert Paulson?


Meme, meme, shekel upyoursin.

The writing on the LOL.


YOU are responsible, all to protect some spotted newts.

Speaking of your penis…


The fact is, there’s so much in Lewis’s post that a wannabe Gary Ruppert trollbot could simply cut and paste random sentences from the post into his or her favorite comment section and have material for the next several months.


Gary Ruppert said,

August 20, 2008 at 22:53

The fact is, in Canada, where they have socialist government controlled health care, you have no choice of doctor. You get lousy medicine not up to USA quality. The have 1 MRI machine in Ontario, and you have to wait for years to get one, or get cancer treatment or a transplant. You would die first. gays and transgendered faggots get priority over white christians, and abortions are mandatory. Do you really want your freedom of choice of health care to get taken away.

The fact is, you’ve never been to Canada.


a wannabe Gary Ruppert



transgendered faggots

Uh —


abortions are mandatory.

Wow. Talk about your zero population growth!

gays and transgendered faggots get priority over white christians

Oh yeah? Well, what about the white christian gays, huh? Huh?


Erik Pontoppidan, just curious; what’s your first language?
18th century Danish.

Bishop Pontoppidan took the Black Pilgrimage to Chorazin. Not many people know that.


Also, I think old men are kind of hot.

You are Waylon Smithers, and I claim my five dollars.


Eh? What? Black puddingage to chorizo?


The fact is, all of you should shut the hell up.


The fact is, you’ve got nothing.

Zing-zingity wham-bam-boom! You’ve just been PWN3D, Coach-style!


The fact is, you are teh SUCK.


Gary Ruppert said,

August 21, 2008 at 0:16 (kill)


G. Worthington Ruppert, esq.

The fact is, in Canada they are so full of political correctness nonsense that anybody is allowed to be a “doctor” even if they didn’t go to medical school and they treat illnesses by smearing moose poop on sick people’s foreheads. In order to protect the self-exteem of these “doctors” the Canadian Government forces actual doctors to wear little mental handicap radios in their ears tuned to a government transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter sends out some sharp noise to keep smart people like Adam Yoshida from taking unfair advantage of their brains. So even real doctors screw up all the time, and this also explains Adam Yoshida’s blog posts.

For those of you who think I’ve never been to Canada, I totally have. Canada is where I met my girlfriend, whom I’ve seen naked. You wouldn’t have heard of her but she’s a dancer and a nurse.


The fact is, I’m voting for Bob Barr.

He told me I could get my own nuclear reactor to provide cheap, unlimited atomic power for my MRI machines.

I’m thinking of letting some canadians use one of ’em.

In exchange for monkey sex, of course…



The reason for the MRI-machine waiting list in NZ is that under the provisions of the Hoteliers and Publicans Amendment Act of 2002, pubs have first dibs on all superconducting magnets, which they use to drag me in off the street by magnetising the fillings in my teeth. The explanation in Canada may be different.


The explanation in Canada may be different.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Tennyson may be a Malkinite mouth-breather, but I gotta admit, that’s a pretty good poster. It’s a shame he didn’t stop with the Snob-ama one, because that was just mediocre.


the explanation in Canada is ALWAYS different!


The explanation in Canada may be different.

Beavers done dammed the ding-dong docks.


the explanation in Canada is ALWAYS different!

It’s like it’s another country!


we like to think that the other countries are other


Canada = Another country
The Past = Another country
Therefore Canada = The Past.


This is no country for old canada…


This is just the country for old canadians


Jesus, poor Harry Belafonte. The man’s literally seen America come full-circle … right back to where it was when he was taking shit from McCarthy. Imagine being in HIS shoes right now. Must be like being in a Fellini movie made of pure suck.

We are all Harry Belafonte now…

If only. Mr. Belafonte had better sense than to engage with the trolling lackwits. If you can’t work the scroll button fast enough, people, remember the pie script. And your blood-pressure meds, because we still have ten more weeks of shit-flinging, pants-piddling and gibbering from every subminimumwage fReichtard, Talibangelical, and self-hating megacorporatist serf on the calendar.

Oh, and good article, Brad.


….I am Amy Chozick’s true source.


[…] News » News Comment on Check out muh new article by jim2008-08-21 06:56:31Of isn’t honest enough to pick either David Duke or Pat Buchanan as VP. enough […]


GR: gays and transgendered faggots get priority over white christians

Our MzNicky:Oh yeah? Well, what about the white christian gays, huh? Huh?

By God, she silenced him! Well played, my good woman!

*polite golf applause*


The oil companies won’t build additional refinery capacity for a couple of reasons, as anyone with the brai of a sea-urchin could have figured out (obviously disqualifying “Gary Ruppert”). 1) there’s not enough oil left to by the refining of which to recoup/amortize the costs, and 2) by keeping refinery capacity reduced, they have a built-in “supply/demand” lever, because they can affect supply easily by having ‘accidents’ or ‘maintenance’ at the refineries, thereby reducing the supply and jacking up the price…


DUKE’s RANTS: Fortunately I remember ‘Collateral’… · Says:
August 21st, 2008 at 13:56

Shit. Now I’m being misquoted by a bot.

1) there’s not enough oil left to by the refining of which to recoup/amortize the costs, and 2) by keeping refinery capacity reduced, they have a built-in “supply/demand” lever, because they can affect supply easily by having ‘accidents’ or ‘maintenance’ at the refineries, thereby reducing the supply and jacking up the price…

Jackpot! Now, for 50 bonus points – & a NEW CAR! – see if you can guess where all that oil from ANWR & offshore drilling will wind up.

Not the USA, that’s for damn sure, because America won’t be able to pony up the dough once it starts coming online, circa 2015-2025. I’m thinking mayhap “starts with E, ends in E, oodles of teeny-tiny countries with oodles of big fat money” or even “a place that now has full rights to start calling America ‘My Bitch’ & also just happens to be holding the Olympics right now.”

Think about what size the global oil reserves will be in another 10+ years … right when China, India, Indonesia, et al, have their heavy industry in full gallop-mode … & just imagine what the cost of oil will be by then. Ouch.






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