Repeat after Brad: Spite is good for you. Spite works. Spite wins elections

David Brooks has stumbled across a point so obvious that I’ve made it a billion times:

The Education of McCain


McCain and his advisers have been compelled to adjust to the hostile environment around them. They have been compelled, at least in their telling, to abandon the campaign they had hoped to run. Now they are running a much more conventional race, the kind McCain himself used to ridicule. The man who lampooned the Message of the Week is now relentlessly on message (as observers of his fine performance at Saddleback Church can attest). The man who hopes to inspire a new generation of Americans now attacks Obama daily. It is the only way he can get the networks to pay attention. […]

And the inescapable fact is: It is working. Everyone said McCain would be down by double digits at this point. He’s nearly even. Everyone said he’d be vastly outspent. That hasn’t happened. A long-shot candidacy now seems entirely plausible.

Obviously, I don’t buy Brooks’ line about how McCain had always intended to run an “honorable” campaign but was coerced by the Big, Bad System into changing his tune. McCain came to the realization on his own is that the only way he wins this thing is by firing up the rabid right-wing crazies who voted for Bush enthusiastically in 2004. And because he can’t fire them up in a positive way — after all, they hate him because he never kissed their asses with the same enthusiasm that Bush did — he has to go negative and focus the GOP faithful on hating Obama.

And look, we’ve seen this sort of thing before: no matter whom the Democrats had nominated for president, the GOP slime machine would have spent five months shrieking about them being traitors who want to take away your guns and replace them with bundles of condoms and arugula. Hell, if the Dems had nominated Joe Bleeping Lierberman for president this year, you can just bet that McCain would have smeared him as a self-hating anti-Israel left-winger for some reason or another (seriously, after the wingnuts freaked out about Obama’s horrifying edict that children should learn Spanish, I’ve learned that nothing is too stupid for this crowd).

My question is, where are the spiteful counterattacks? If Obama can be attacked for exercising too much, there’s gotta be something — anything — you can use against McCain. Spite the vote, people! Spite it all the way to victory!


Comments: 264


McCain is a feeble old liar who smells bad.


McCain is a feeble old liar who smells bad.

That’s a good start.

The one line I wouldn’t use is that McCain is angry and has a short temper — in a lot of voters’ eyes, that makes him a dream candidate.


a point so obvious that I’ve made it a billion times:

Clearly a liberal lie.


You know, it might be worth assembling a YouTube mash-up consisting solely of McCain’s weak and clueless giggles.


I feel really bad that John McCain and his staff used to be just like Jesus and the Apostles until they had not perfect polling, and then John McJesus and APOWstles were totally forced against every last bit of their will and objection to use the exact same electoral strategy as every Republican for the last 40 odd years.


I am all for spite in replying to McCain’s daily wankery, but can we drop the “he’s old and wears diapers, etc…” crap? Frankly, it’s old and the elderly vote.


Frankly, it’s old and the elderly vote.

That is a paradox — the GOP can afford to spite vote because the constituencies they alienate — Latinos, blacks, homosexuals, academics — are all minorities.


I think Obama brought the funk today, at least.




Frankly, it’s old and the elderly vote.

Frankly, the elderly also drive cars until somebody tells them they can’t.

John McCain is the definition of can’t.


Oh, WordPress…

Gary Ruppert Number Two

Well, I’ve noticed that when McCain’s giving a speech, he keeps his eyes open so wide he ends up looking just like the Heaven’s Gate cult leader.


“And the inescapable fact is: It is working. Everyone said McCain would be down by double digits at this point. He’s nearly even. Everyone said he’d be vastly outspent. That hasn’t happened. ”

Well, no. But he’s been vastly outraised. Obama will be spending that money at some point. I just wish he were doing so now.

Your Uncle Bastard

“McCain: Country First…well, except when I’m making propaganda films for the North Vietnamese…uhm, erm, uh…zzzZZZZZ…damn kids! Get the hell offa my lawn!”

Your Uncle Bastard

John McCain is the definition of can’t.

This is so money!

Your Uncle Bastard

…he keeps his eyes open so wide he ends up looking just like the Heaven’s Gate cult leader.

Could this be because he was once mistaken for a Vietnamese cheerleader?


Coach Urban Meyer

The American people must wake up to the the facts. The Democratic Party has moved well to the left of liberalism, and Barack Obama is — by his record — as far left as one can get in the party.

Sorry America, but we can’t afford an Obama presidency. It would be political and social mayhem having a Democrat House, Senate, Supreme Court and Executive branch. For many decades the United States would be held under the sway of a very unjust, destructive force. Our citizenry would have to deal with the extreme rulings of a Supreme Court gone wild. There would be no more checks and balances.

Liberal judges would change our country’s disposition. Even if Americans were roused from their lethargy and subsequently voted in a Republican president and Congress, it would be too late. They would not be able to neutralize the highest court of the land.

Once a liberal Supreme Court is installed, all traditional values will be null and void. Everything will change to satisfy the progressives’ mind-set. Nothing would be sacrosanct, from the war against terror to the right to bear arms, late-term abortion and the varied definitions of marriage.

America needs a Republican president who will appoint judges to the Supreme Court without a litmus test. Only then can liberalism’s hold of our federal benches be defeated. Our country might then be spared from the dictates of a black-robed oligarchy.

I’m Urban Meyer, and the SPREAD of TRUTH says I’m right! Out.


“Frankly, the elderly also drive cars until somebody tells them they can’t.”

Then they take buses to polling places. McCan’t? I am there with you. Elderly = might as well be dead? Good way to lose.


What I’d like Obama to do is drop the whole “While I think he’s a hero, and I respect his service…” shit. Fuck that noise. Republicans have not only never shown an ounce of respect for Democratic veterans, they have actively denigrated their service. We don’t need to go that far (and I would disapprove of it if we did) , but we can certainly stop kowtowing to it.

And I’m with the poster above who said drop the Depends shtick. I’m only 43, but I’m already getting uncomfortable with ageism. Point out his gaffes and memory lapses? Abso-fucking-lutely. But let’s stay away from the old man stuff.

(I mean the campaign should stay away from it. Sadly No and commenters should mock him in any way we see fit.)


Frankly, Marco, I’m not sure you get the point of this post, but I appreciate your concern.

If only we were all concerned enough, then the republicans will be nice to us.

In other news

Surely he has some thoughts on what it all means that go beyond canned answers culled from the same speech he delivers every day.

Sadly, No!
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | Homepage | 08.19.08 – 1:26 pm | #


John McCain is afraid of the Future. He wants to stay safely wrapped in the policies of George Bush and Dick Cheney.

John McCain is angry that the World has passed him by; that the World no longer claps their hands for him; that he’s not the Big Man on Campus anymore.

Not sure how you distill that to bumper sticker length, just yet, but I think tying him to Bush’s arrogant, “It’s my turn!” attitude could be effective.

Oh yeah – remember “I’m the President! I’m the Presdent! I’m the President!”?


OMG, I love Couch Urban Meyer. High-larious!

Your Uncle Bastard

I’m Urban Meyer, and the SPREAD of TRUTH says I’m right! Out.

So you’re “Out.” Hmm. Probably not the message you intended to transmit, since one of your GOP platform planks is irrational hatred of teh ghey. Bully for you!

Word of advice: Rethugs should never try to attempt “humor” by claiming street slang as a viable means to communicate stupid, baseless fallacies – it just highlights how intellectually bankrupt your whole posse is.

You. Are. Priceless!


No, I get the point, but thanks for your concern regarding my concern.

Your Uncle Bastard

McStain: the poster child for Aricept?


Well, I’m too lazy to google the linka, but Poorman has been on McCain’s traitorous Commie-loving actions, both during the war and in Congress, since Day 1.

Beyond that, how about McCain’s First Wife = Liberal Democrats? We loved him once (not really, but go along with me here), but he broke our hearts to go off with some trollop. Reminds the Mythical Swing Voters that McCain is a fickle flipflopper who can’t be trusted—but when you’ve been in Washington as long as he has, can you be blamed for surrendering to special interests?

[Not to brag, but I think I hit all the rhetorical attacking points in that last sentence.]


I appreciate your thanking me for my concern about your concern.


“I appreciate your thanking me for my concern about your concern.”

I meant to add “fuck you” for spite value. Damn me!

I mean, no – DAMN YOU!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Bucket and his continuing non-sequitation of commentarianism is a thing to behold. SCOTUS? Really?

You’re Urban Meyer. See how much better that is without the Coach? But about your TRUTH SPREAD – that doesn’t make any sense. Not even wingnut sense. It’s just words words words.

The “Out.” is kinda cheesy – unless you actually mean it and this is the last we’ll be seeing of you.


McCain is all recently botoxed-up. He looks like a cross between Mary Tyler Moore, the Joker and Boo Radley.

So vain, McCain.



Must Read;

Obama needs to get smart really quick. Stop saying nice things about McCain. Even when he attacks him he attacks him nicely.


So who is Obama supposed win over by being spiteful?


traitors who want to take away your guns and replace them with bundles of condoms and arugula.

Okay, that line just cries out for some Photoshopping goodness. I’m thinking a big full-body shot of Ted Neugent attempting to jack the local 7-11 while holding that, er, threatening bouquet.


“So who is Obama supposed win over by being spiteful?”

His base.


Who said Obama is supposed to be spiteful, owlbear1?

That’s somebody else’s job.


Awesome endorsement from Brooks: The system totally sucks and McCain’s response is to suck with it! Fantastic message to bring to the 90% of Americans who think the country is on the wrong track.

Coach Urban Meyer

Well, he’ll never win the COACH over, because I know truth and reality, and Obummer isn’t either, folks, not a one. So peep some of this truth and reality out, lefty hefties. Neither speeches nor resolutions are going to make any difference to the Russians, to the Iranians or to any other belligerent nation. We know it, they know it and the world knows it.

Apparently Barack Obama doesn’t yet know it, judging by his initial response to news of the Russian invasion of Georgia, which was to call on “both sides” to cease fire and then go to the U.N.

Later he changed his position to correspond to John McCain’s more grown-up position that Russians have to pay a price if we expect them to change their behavior.

The real question is whether we can force the Russians to pay a serious price without ourselves paying a more serious price than we are prepared to pay. The Russians have already pointed out that the United States needs their cooperation on international problems.

These problems include the war on terrorism and perhaps the biggest problem of them all, Iran’s movement toward building nuclear weapons that can be used either directly by Iran or– more likely– by turning some of these nuclear bombs over to terrorists whom Iran has been supplying with other weapons.

There are two problems: (1) What are we going to do? and (2) What are we going to say?

There are lots of things we can do, if we don’t care about the repercussions– but of course we do care. The only thing we have complete control over is what we say.

We have been saying far too much already, especially in proportion to what we were prepared to do. This is a problem that began long before this administration. Sometimes it has seemed as if our foreign policy is to speak loudly and carry a little stick.

I’m Coach Urban Meyer, and I just dished out a SPREAD of TRUTH. Ya dig? Out.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I think JiSM3’s weak spot is still the fact that he’s filthy stinking rich. I’m not talking affluent like the Frosts and their jewel encrusted countertops or even wealthy like Whole Foods shopping Obamas.

I’m talking as filthy stinking rich as a certain someone who has already appeared in this election campaign.

Cindy McCain has an estimated net worth of $100 million.
Paris Hilton recently received her inheritance of £60 million or roughly $111 million.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh Bucket. That’s just getting worse and worse. Ya dig? Whooo, we’re getting close to McCain vintage argot. What’ll be next – Ya cotton to mah meaning? Prithee, kennest thou my troth?


So Obama will be just left the task of apologizing, as the Corp. Media blames him regardless and then keeps putting McCain tonguejackers on the air, squealing about Johnny’s victimization?

Spite works ONLY when you own the information distribution.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Kinda like this:

“[McCain] was in a panel the other day with me, Rick Warren, some of you may have seen it — and Rick Warren asked him — how do you define rich? He said, maybe he was joking, he said, “$5 million.” Obama added, “Which I guess if you’re making $3 million a year, you’re middle class. But that’s reflected in his policies — where, you know, for people making more than $2.5 million, he’s giving folks a $500,000 tax break. And so this is a fundamental difference in this election. What I’ve said is we’re gonna give 95% of working families a tax break, but it’s gonna be ordinary folks.”

Also, note the ending of the article:

“This is going to be a close election. It’s going to be a close election, even though people know George Bush has done a miserable job.”

He told a group of donors in San Francisco Sunday that he was gonna win despite attacks by the Republicans’ “machinery” and today he told the group he was prepared to fight back.

“We’re going to have to hit back and we’re going to have to fight hard and we’re going to have to work hard,” he said. “We’re going to have to earn this election.”

Ann Althouse Is Not Amused OR Confused By Fake Names

Coach Urb is kinda lame. I’d pick him last for a dodgeball team after all the Gary Rupperts were already picked.


OK libs. We’ve used our super evil mind control rays to make The Honorable & Saintly John POW McPOW (R-POW) roll in the muck. Time to move in for the kill and make him film his meth-fueled encounters with Jeff Gannon.

(Om, Om…)

Dragon-King Wangchuck

P.S. Say hi to pedestrian while you’re reading that.


One of the reason the ‘polls’ are so close is because is much more profitable for the entire industry. Same goes with TV and Radio.

They work the numbers to make it look close.


Spite works ONLY when you own the information distribution.

Yup. A point so obvious we need to make it a billion times.


So who is Obama supposed win over by being spiteful?

Well, Brad, apparently, for one…


John McCain: He’s Not Able.


Well, no. But he’s been vastly outraised. Obama will be spending that money at some point. I just wish he were doing so now.

One of the posts at fivethirtyeight just today made this point. He is spending that money. Except, instead of spending it on TV spots, he’s using it to absolutely demolish McCain on the ground. Phone banking, canvassing, GOTV, McCain’s campaign is a joke in these areas, and Obama’s is a machine. Just keep reminding yourself, Presidential elections aren’t won on the national level. If McCain takes a lead nationally, this is meaningless unless it’s accompanied by state movements.


Seems simple to me. There’s a WHOLE bunch of folks who would NEVER vote for Obama. There’s a WHOLE bunch of folks who would NEVER vote for McCain.

The whole point of the entire campaign is to move a few percent of the population that are more flexible, less doctrinaire or locked ideologically, not one-issue voters one way or the other. For McCain, that means the racists and people who are afraid of change, who will accept a narrative of weakness, fiscal irresponsibility (tax and spend) and large government spending programs (socialism). For Obama, that means tying McCain to clearly failed policies, particularly foreign (Iraq/Afghanistan), economic, health care, education, infrastructure and environmental.

Compounding the challenge is that these small groups of voters must be reached in specific geographic regions due to the vagaries of the electoral system.

Both will have some success with their messaging, but the WAY the message is presented will ultimately be the deciding factor. Now I don’t know. Brad could be absolutely right. It may be in a pure negative messaging bloodletting, Obama will be more successful than McCain. It is also possible that Obamba’s more positive, hopeful messaging style and frameworks will win over more of this narrow population than will McCain’s Rovian AtackAtackAtack strategy.

You have to make some decisions, and you have to live with the outcome. Obama’s team has done a better job, so far, than any other candidate from any party. So I’m prepared to believe they have a reason for what they’re doing. If they turn out to be wrong, especially in a year like this, it will be a huge lesson…


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Speaking of oily JiSM3…

Michael “Why yes, that is McCain’s cock in my mouth” Scherer has just returned from vacation. Would you believe that his first post in over a week required a correction UPDATE? One of his office mates, perhaps Tumulty, may have mentioned his bias is showing.

Example: consider his link regarding oil industry donations – there’s even a graph. This is how Scherer uses it:

Exxon employees have given more money to Obama than McCain.

Thankfully, we have his commenters:

I thought your best reporting ever came while you were on vacation, Michael.

Posted by Florida | August 19, 2008 10:41 AM


Hey, I’ve got a better idea.

Let’s play by our own Marquess of Queensbury rules, like we do every election.

Then when the Republicans steal it, and use our army, our weapons assistance, our tax dollars, and our reputation to inflict war, famine, and disease on the world, we can say, “Well. It’s not my fault. I did everything I felt comfortable with to prevent it. My conscience is clear!”

Just like every election.

It’s not like I’m suggesting that we say McCain’s adopted child was illegitimate. That’s what republicans do. And did.

I’m saying McCain is a near senile, lying, corrupt hypocrite who’s spent his entire life using his POW status as a magical +20 shield of immunity.

AKA the facts.


People, what’s wrong with you all? Are we not Sadly, Naughts!? Is spite something that must be earned? Naught! I say. Spike, like profanity, is its own reward. Its reward is in the look of shock on the faces of Dockers-clad men with Gramps McCain haircuts. It’s in the pearl-clutching of Republican female Stepford clone wanna-bes. It’s in jingo-laden country music, in American flags made in China, in the tears of tiny children when they hear gas is too expensive to drive to Disneyland.

Wherever Republicans build shit moats, they’ll find us there, full of spite and laughing our heads off.


Is anyone with a brain still able to even WATCH television “news”?

No fucking information, just hateful idiots with blow-dried oversprayed hair trying to out-shallow and out-asshole each other.

Who the fuck can even watch this stuff anymore? Am I totally alone in this?

Crotch Urban Meyer

McCain is an honorable man! He was a POW!

Spreadin’ the cheeks. Poop!

(need to pound this too)


and replace them with bundles fagots of condoms and arugula

How’s that?


Sorry, but I think McCain’s age is a legitimate issue. He’s old enough to die of natural causes while in office, leaving the country in the hands of — who? Bobby “Exorcist” Jindahl? Mike “Theocracy” Huckabee? McCain’s veep has a pretty good chance of making John Ashcroft look like a middle-of-the-roader. It’s completely mad to say McCain’s age must never be a campaign issue.


Hey, I’ve got a better idea.

Let’s play by our own Marquess of Queensbury rules, like we do every election.

Were not playing by our rules. Were playing by the rules set by the owners of the information distribution.


Apparently Barack Obama doesn’t yet know it, judging by his initial response to news of the Russian invasion of Georgia, which was to call on “both sides” to cease fire and then go to the U.N.

Then again, whenever he deigns to express a strong opinion on foreign affairs, he is promptly deemed “presumptuous”. So as long as we’re “digging” shit, Urban, how about just admitting that there’s nothing he could say that you would ever approve of, and stop wasting our time already?

Ya dig? Out.

Sure, whatever, Mister…Hep Cat was it?

tiny fascist turd

The Democrats need to learn that you can’t kill a gutter rat by standing on the curb doing the finger wag. At some point , you have to climb down in the gutter and rip the little fucker’s throat out. You can always return to the high road later.


Ya cotton to mah meaning? Prithee, kennest thou my troth?

Say…what are ya, some kinda wise guy?


I’m going to go into an HTML recovery program, I swear.

Shorter Bucket:

We need a president who won’t kowtow to the Russians and Iranians. Vote for a geezer who capitulated to the Vietcong. The grown up position is to bomb, bomb Iran!

This price that the Russians will pay us will be another fucking cold war.

Someone swiftboat this rich bitch poseur. NOW.


Couch Oscar Meyer apparently forgot that “John McCain’s more grown-up position” was initially to grant Georgia immediate NATO membership. Of course, doing so would have immediately obligated all NATO members to come to Georgia’s defense, possibly amounting to a declaration of war.

McCain changed his mind three days later.

So if by “more grown-up position” Couch means ‘get all Stone-Aged at first and then come to one’s senses when the drugs wear off,’ then yeah, I guess Obama did adopt McCain’s position. Of course, that’d be before McCain actually adopted it himself, but hey, timing’s not important, right?

Tim (The Other One)

This 55 year old says it’s time to kick an old man in the nuts. Gotta do it.

I think Obama’s starting this week.

a concerned citizen

It seems as though McCain is running on the “Make a Wish Foundation” platform. He was a POW for 5 years, and he waited his turn like a good little boy, so we should just let him have whatever he wants, or you hate the troops.

It’s such a ridiculous argument that I don’t even know how you go about puncturing it — variations on it sure worked well for W and his daddy, and almost worked for Hillary. There are a huge percentage of people in this country that view the presidency as a monarchy. “Looking presidential” is more about looking like a bona fide member of the US aristocracy than anything else. To those people, McCain’s steadfast support of Bush and his pandering makes him look more presidential rather than less, even if they hate Bush. For these people, McCain’s age will never be an issue. People like their popes and kings older than dirt. They do not like them young, sexy or black.

Oh, and “Urban Meyer”, give it up. You have no business fake-trolling here if you can’t consistently use the phrase “Democrat party” (though “Democrat-ick party” is an acceptable substitute — either way, quit spelling it right.)


Hey Coach, what are ya saving your points for? The hat or the pens?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Say…what are ya, some kinda wise guy?

Why I ‘otta! HMrff- Nyuk nyuk nyuk!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You have no business fake-trolling here if you can’t consistently use the phrase “Democrat party” (though “Democrat-ick party” is an acceptable substitute — either way, quit spelling it right.)

Also acceptable:
Dhimmicrat Party
Demon-crat Potty
Demo-not my guns! without my guns I’m not a man!-crat


Billmon’s got an excellent posting about the whole Georgia/NATO mess over at teh Great Orange Satan; quite informative. Basically Russia is now of the opinion that either Europe/US backs off this NATO expansion posture on their borders or Russia, who is the single biggest supplier of oil and natural gas to Europe, will happily let Europe freeze in the dark this winter.


Obama looked like an empty suit at Saddleback. Well, he is a lawyer, and he and his wife have been riding the affirmative action gravy train for decades now.

But still – that was embarrassing.

Remember how all you liberals kept waiting for Obama to debate McCain? I got news for you, without a script Obama is going to struggle, and it’s going to be ugly.

Bring the spite, liberals – that’s the heart of your political philosophy anyway. You are a party founded on identity politics; of course you can bring the rage.



Coach Urban Meyer = Bucket?

Cuz I’m seeing multiple references to a troll named Bucket, but no comments suitably nym’d are showing up in my browser or RSS reader.


I’m thinking that Obama announces his VP choice this week (likely Biden), and then hopefully gives him/her and the surrogates orders to go out and tear McBBQ’s balls off all through the convention – on the issues – using McSame’s own words against him. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Or the campaign will do fuck-all and lose another election by whimpering before the awesome heterosexuality of the uber-manly war hero party.

Coach Urban Meyer

Badoodle-boo yeah, liberals! The Truth just brought out a SPREAD of TRUTH, now comes the Cool Coach to lay down a little SPREAD of WISDOM. Peep this, ya lefty loonies: You’re watching the Olympics and finding yourself bedazzled by the feats of utterly dedicated, amazing athletes when a commercial intervenes, likewise promising a bedazzling feat, this one by a major U.S. corporation. It’s the sort of thing that just could alter American lives for the better.

The TV scene is a broad meadow with steeply rising mountains in the background, and first there is a small, rural gas station of many years back, and then a bigger one, and then even fancier ones. Soon there are words about progress and about a car to come in 2010 — the Chevy Volt — and how it can successfully evade the gas pump for surprising distances. The final building on your screen disappears. Progress is the return of a pristine-looking meadow.

OK, you say. General Motors is hyping a product. So what? To get the complete answer, you would need to read a superbly executed Jonathan Rauch piece in the July/August Atlantic Monthly, but here is an abbreviated version. This gigantic but much-pummeled corporation is staking a goodly portion of its future on developing a car that may never work. The risk is summed up in the need for a kind of miracle battery doing things no battery has ever done before. But if GM gets there, my oh my, what an incredible vehicle you just might have.

“If it (the Volt) meets specifications,” Rauch writes, “it will charge up overnight from any standard electrical socket. It will go 40 miles on a charge. Then a small gasoline engine will ignite. The engine’s sole job will be to drive a generator, whose sole job will be to maintain the battery’s charge — not to drive the wheels, which will never see anything but electricity. In generator mode, the car will drive hundreds of miles on a tank of gas, at about 50 miles per gallon. But about three-fourths of Americans commute less than 40 miles a day, so on most days most Volt drivers would use no gas at all.”

Several things strike me about all of this, not the least of which is the free market riding to the rescue in an energy crisis that not a few people blame on the free market, or at least on dastardly capitalists doing greedy things with the connivance of corrupt politicians. General Motors itself was slammed when it rid itself of the EV1, an electric car it had developed but found it couldn’t sell.

So keep dissing industry and you’ll find yourself behind us McCainiacs in line for freedom. I’m Coach Urban Meyer, and you’ve just been bulled over by a spread of wisdom! Bang-alang, boom!


Truth must be pretty happy now after 7 years of republicans. Two wars, massive deficit, crumbling infrastructure, Katrina, 9/11, and so on. Yep, McCain’s gonna be a great leader–who will preside over our slide into depression, chaos and military overreach. McCain will be snorting out of the public trough just like in the Keating 5 scandal, because even 100 million dollars in your wife’s bank account isn’t enough. And affairs–he’s learned is that if you sleep around, you can be president!

If McCain wins, the Republican party will not survive. You better pray for an Obama win, so Democrats have enough time to clean up after the Republican orgy of greed, theft, and wetsuit orgies.

tiny fascist turd

>Remember how all you liberals kept waiting for Obama to debate McCain? <

That was a debate? Looked more like a rigged dog and pony show for the benefit of the religiously insane.I wish Obama had told the god boggled fuckwits to piss off .
I would LOVE to see the churches have their tax exemtions revoked for involving themselves in the political process.


I’m thinking a big full-body shot of Ted Neugent attempting to jack the local 7-11 while holding that, er, threatening bouquet.

No no no.
He’s brandishing the arugula, and wearing the condom in place of a stocking.

Amy Alkon's Testicles

Coach Urban Meyer = Bucket


Tim (The Other One)

what Legalize just said..


The Truth said,
August 19, 2008 at 20:57
“Obama looked like an empty suit at Saddleback. Well, he is a lawyer, and he and his wife have been riding the affirmative action gravy train for decades now.”

Translation: Psst! Obama’s black! Black, I tells ya!



If Obama can be attacked for exercising too much, there’s gotta be something — anything — you can use against McCain.

He look like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. He must be a transspeciesist!

T-r-a-n-s-s-p-e-c-i-e-s-i-s-t…yup, spelled it right!


Am I totally alone in this?

No. I quit watching network news when the local station started running “Andy Griffith Show” reruns at 6:30.




If McCain wins, the Republican party will not survive. You better pray for an Obama win, so Democrats have enough time to clean up after the Republican orgy of greed, theft, and wetsuit orgies.

That, I believe, would be an Orgy of Orgies.

Truly, a MetaOrgy.




Sorry America, but we can’t afford an Obama presidency.

Well, we sure didn’t thrive under Republicans, so move the hell away from the wheel and let the adults drive again, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmK?


Heh, you can never have too much of an orgy.


“McCain came to the realization on his own is that the only way he wins this thing is by firing up the rabid right-wing crazies who voted for Bush enthusiastically in 2004.”

Rabid right wing crazies such as myself will never vote for McCain. You need to talk to more of us if you want to talk accurately ABOUT us.

Oh, and Senator Obama is not black. He is multiracial.



The Truth just brought out a SPREAD of TRUTH, now comes the Cool Coach to lay down a little SPREAD of WISDOM.

Hey, coach, spread this, beeyatch…


John McCain: Like Chicken McNuggets only deadlier.


Black, I tells ya!


Shorter Coach Urban Mayer:


I don’t see what the poroblem is with voting for McCain. He’s the only other person besides me brave enough to film propoganda for the enemy.


And I like his attitude towards marriage.


Rabid right wing crazies such as myself will never vote for McCain.

Thank goodness

You need to talk to more of us if you want to talk accurately ABOUT us.

Good lord, why? It’s not like y’all’ve said anything new in the past 10 years. Still hate gays, minorites, women, education, free speech, so forth and so on. We’ve heard plenty from right-wing crazies the past seven years, and y’all’ve been wrong every time. Buzz off, man.

Oh, and Senator Obama is not black. He is multiracial.

Oh, do shut up. Seriously. Where do you get off uttering such bile and what does it even mean? Obama’s still far too black for a large number of the populace, such as our “Truth” troll. Probably you, too, being a “right-wing crazy” and all.


Now before we go on telling Trey to lighten up a little, note what he said on the thread before this one right after posting the above:

I will not be visiting again.

Oh well. Farewell, Trey. Had you stayed around a little longer, you could have joined Iris, Matt McMahon, SowellFan, and others in the human-to-trollbot transfer, but as is, we never really got to know you enough.


And did you see him crash all those planes?? He made me look good in comparison!

The Savings and Loan Industry

Thanks, John! Couldn’t have ripped off America without you!

Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds

McCain. I’m a fan! Heh indeedy!

(my endorsement should detonate whatever coolness factor McCain ever had)

Kathryn Jean Lopez

I are a fan aswell!


Me too. McCain is, as the kids say, the “mac daddy.”

Lee Atwater's Shriveled Soul

I love McCain. He’ll bend over and take it like a man.


Yo yo yo! McCain is radical.


The sniveling brats who comprise the majority of people under 70 should vote for McCain because cool people like me say to do so.


Okay, so I’m new to this party. Where’s the chips and dip?

Oh, right. I, um, love John McCain, because he was at least born in this country. And isn’t that shifty, conniving Barky Oloser.


Seems simple to me. There’s a WHOLE bunch of folks who would NEVER vote for Obama. There’s a WHOLE bunch of folks who would NEVER vote for McCain.

The whole point of the entire campaign is to move a few percent of the population that are more flexible, less doctrinaire or locked ideologically, not one-issue voters one way or the other.

You also have to get your base out to vote. There was a lot of very vocal right-wing hate of McCain up until a few months ago. McCain wants to make sure they hate Obama enough to leave their trailer parks and vote for him, rather than sitting this election out or voting for Barr.


Just think, if you’re a fan of McCain, you get to talk about politics with me every day! Won’t that be fun!

Also, gonna finish that? Because if you let me finish that, it’d be central to my point of how we’re best friends now.


And you know Thomas Sowell is da TROOF bomb, ‘cos he’s black, yo?


Vote for McCain or I’ll rip out your throat and use your vocal cords for shoe laces.

Yay, McCain!

Tim (The Other One)

” I will not be visiting again. ”

See ?? Golden !

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Thanks AA Balls for explaining the Bucket thing. Perhaps a bit too contrived.

Speaking of Bucket, it’s a Troof-Bucket double-team! That’s too much trollery for me, so I’ll just take a page from their playbook and wander off into a complete non-sequitur.

John McCain recently claimed Obama will increase taxes on home sales. AS it turns out, the only people paying higher taxes on home sales under Obama’s plan are people making $200,000 or more in profit. That’s right, at a time when a record number of homeowners are underwater and foreclosures are at an all time high, John McCain thinks that the average home sale nets at least $200,000 in profit.


The McCain camp’s flaws:

Sneezy (or, can’t pass a physical)
Doc (or, whatever you get when you steal prescription drugs from charity)
Happy (bombing, that is)
Bashful (about actually answering press questions)


“Rabid right wing crazies such as myself will never vote for McCain.”

Yeah right. McCain = further avoidance of accountabilty for you. Plus he’s not a black fella.

“You need to talk to more of us if you want to talk accurately ABOUT us.”

Pass. None of “you” allegedly principled folks stood up and objected during the past 8 years, for fear that someone might steal your wallet. You had your chance to “reach out.” Senator Obama is way too good for ya’ll. If it was up to most of us he would be wearing a Motorhead t-shirt, flipping you off, and telling you to kindly get fucked. So, … kindly get fucked. 🙂


Y’know, Obama’s doing the exact same thing that beat Clinton, right?

And McCain’s trying to do the exact same thing Clinton did, right?

What’s that old saying about madness?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Whoah, I’m getting out of touch, commenting on a time delay almost.

So the game is funny endorsements for JiSM3…

Here’s the only one that counts.


John dropped a bomb on me , baby,John dropped a bomb on me …


“Badoodle-boo yeah, liberals! The Truth just brought out a SPREAD of TRUTH, now comes the Cool Coach to lay down a little SPREAD of WISDOM.”

Christ, who’s writing this, Fred Durst?

Wikipedia, regarding the EV1: “The end came when GM decided it was cheaper to sue the State of California to roll back clean vehicle regulations than it was to build electric vehicles. [citation needed] ”

Epic. Funny.


NobodySpecial: true, but this time McSame doesn’t have to appeal to more than half of Obama’s base. He just has to appeal to the loony right, and just enough of the mushy middle.


I was a traitor for throwing away my medals, but John McCain is a hero for giving broadcastrs for the enemy.

John McCain's Nurse

Sir, it’s time for your pills and daily skin cancer screening.


Why doesn’t David Brooks have a job he is more qualified for, like…


I mean, to me, “the system” is a set of ironclad rules imposed on the majority by an overly bureaucratic minority. In this instance, though, the system is imposed on McCain by the free press and the entire American electorate.

I don’t like these discussions about how mean the candidates should be, because they pretty much always ignore the larger issue. It’s always phrased as a variation of “My candidate is losing because the press is wholly incompetent and the electorate is composed of morons” and the question is almost always, “How can my candidate better appeal to morons who make decisions based on emotion rather then facts?”

But to me, the much more relevant question is, “How can we get the voters not to be morons, or, at the least, how can we change the system so that our own stupidity is less harmful?”

I guess I’d just like to hear a bit about what might make the system a little less broken, rather then sort of just assuming it’ll get better if our guy is in office.


Did someone say pills?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Chain e-mail from barath at dKos.


Accountability, Christopher. Actual accountability for political, social and business leaders. Real accountability and real consequences. That would make it better.

Not that I give that any chance of ever occurring.


We don’t have to lie about or slander McCain. He’s already a target-rich environment as it is. For the savings-and-loan debacle alone he deserves to be tarred and feathered. The guy has so many negatives it’s hard to choose one, but that’s one of my favorites. “Keating Five” needs to become a meme everywhere.

McCain Blog Trolling Reward Points

I mentioned his most Holy White-Hairedness on at least twenty of those icky poopy-headed LIE-beral blogs.

Do I get a mug yet?

McCain's Depends Pusher

Psss! Hey Senator, I got quite a deal here! A whole gross of your favorite diaper cheaper than your servants can buy them at China-Mart.


Legalize: He’s IGNORING states (Indiana, for one) and playing on a smaller board than Obama. He’s counting on national press and free media and deemphasizing GOTV measures until (if ever) the last minute. And he can have all the wingnuts he can get to vote for him, but it will be less than voted for Bush.

No, he’s walking around dead. The only reason he appears to have life is because the media needs the corpse to move so it looks like a race.

State Bird Google Search

I just learned to use Google! Let me see, which state has the Songbird for its state bird? I gotta stay away from that state. Too many memories of my time as a POW.

Oh, did I mention, I was a POW!

Thank you from this POW!

And no, I did not EVER tongue Dubya when we kissed.

— John-Boy

Amy Alkon's Testicles

Well I didn’t contrive it, D-KW, you little thug. Why are you trying to silence me? I’ve explained this to you a million times, I DO NOT MAKE A GOOD VICTIM. Ima sic Crid on you, you turd. Ha-ha! It’s so funny. Also sad and pathetic. Also harassment. Next time I talk to inner-city kids (WHICH I DO MONTHLY) Ima tellem “don’t be a troll, you pathetic turds. Where’s my gourmet lunch?”


I mentioned his most Holy White-Hairedness on at least twenty of those icky poopy-headed LIE-beral blogs.

Do I get a mug yet?

You get a cup.

But you have to share it with another girl.

Cindy McCain's Stomach

I just CAN’T handle those damn amps! I hope Cindy sticks with poppers, base, meth, dmt, and pony.

Her servants don’t have to go to such a bad part of town to get those, either.

Kind of a win-win situation, as they say.

Litters Of Negro Children

“Next time I talk to inner-city kids (WHICH I DO MONTHLY) Ima tellem “don’t be a troll, you pathetic turds. Where’s my gourmet lunch?”

Will you talk to us, even if we’re a litter?


“No, he’s walking around dead. The only reason he appears to have life is because the media needs the corpse to move so it looks like a race.”

That’s certainly possible. However, this sole reason appears to be enough to keep a senile, petulant, deranged old man viable in a year where the Dems should win walking away. McCain has been successful in relying on the media to help him define Obama because Obama has thus far operated under as if the GOP would ever run an honorable campaign under any circumstances. The media simply will not question McCain unless Obama and his suggorgates force them to.

I believe that Obama has a plan here. That plan is to let the old buffoon wear himself out until tomorrow or the next day, and then unleash the Biden, Clark, Hagel, Kerry, Bill, Hillary, Webb, et al on McCain’s ass. I do not believe that he can wait until after the convention or even DURING the convention, because at that it will be a McCain gush-fest, while the noise machine steps it up. Obama needs a good week and a half to two weeks of constant McCain slaughtering in the press. Not bits and pieces like we’ve seen (I believe these have been trial balloons to see what works). But wholesale demolishing of the man’s record, coupled with a firm rebuke of the pundits who whine at any suggestion that McSame is less than the uber-manly blah blah blah hero that their narrative describes him as.

McCain will appear to have life no matter what, until the media actually questions him. Until then, there are just enough morons to buy it. That’s all McCain needs: just enough morons in just enough states.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

you little thug

Well, I’m more of a moderate sized thug actually.

I find it interesting how her going to inner-city schools to sermonize and moralize at them is considered “volunteer work”. I think we have a pretty good idea about how those talks would go-

Keep your pants on, geez you little trollopy cunts would throw a leg over anything that stayed still long enough. Well don’t ‘cuz Coach Urban Meyer spreads the truth and that’s all the spreading that should be going on. And stay offa my lawn. And see the dentist. P.S. I’m not racist.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Whoops, sorry about getting all that Alkon in the JiSM3 thread. Ummm, McCain’s old and rich! All of you that lost your jobs in the past few years? McCain’s cashing your paychecks – and for what? Being OLD.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Can I just repost what owlbear said?

Spite works ONLY when you own the information distribution.

There we go. Because she’s right in this instance. Spite doesn’t work for the Democrats, for similar reasons to why you never see the presidential candidate for the communist or socialist parties of America on television. The media’s corrupt, and won’t allow any of that on their programs.

Tell you what, guys. Advocate spite. Demand, on air, that churches have tax-exemption revoked across the board.

Then when you’re down here in the trenches with all the other left-wing parties that have no voice anymore, because the media is right-wing corporate scumbags, I’ll bite my tongue off rather than say, “told you.”




Horseshit would require a proportionately larger moat…



They have been compelled, at least in their telling, to abandon the campaign they had hoped to run. Now they are running a much more conventional race, the kind McCain himself used to ridicule.

This never would have happened if John McCain was still alive!


Sorry, but I think McCain’s age is a legitimate issue. He’s old enough to die of natural causes while in office, leaving the country in the hands of — who? Bobby “Exorcist” Jindahl? Mike “Theocracy” Huckabee? McCain’s veep has a pretty good chance of making John Ashcroft look like a middle-of-the-roader. It’s completely mad to say McCain’s age must never be a campaign issue.

His age is a legitimate issue not because he might die in office – a president of any age can die in office.

His age is an issue because he doesn’t have a future. He’ll live what, maybe another 15 years? Why in fuck’s name would you hand the reins over to a guy who will be dead in 15 years? What’s his incentive for not fucking everything up beyond repair? He won’t be around to pay the consequences. And his kids won’t have to either, thanks to his wealth.

That’s why you don’t want old fucking geezers running the show – because they’re going to check out before the chickens come home to roost.

That having been said, I have no problem with anyone hammering away on McCain’s age. Obama isn’t going to win the over 60 voters anyway – a good number of those folks still remember the “good old days” of segregation and Jim Crow with great fondness.

This election isn’t going to break along racial or gender lines so much as along generational ones.


Spite works ONLY when you own the information distribution.

True, but if delivered with finesse (raw spite only works for Republicans), the modern media’s tabloid nature overpowers the party line and runs with it. If it’s giggly enough (“There’s old Gramps McCain yelling at clouds again”), they cannot resist.

Obama has to walk a very fine line, and so far I think he’s done pretty well. He has to go a gentle “There you go again” (without St. Ronald’s smarmyness) as if dealing with a very young child (which is the same way you deal with a very old fart). McCain needs to be made to look silly (easy), but not to the point of sympathy (hard).


Horseshit would require a proportionately larger moat…

As long as we remove the dogshit before I have to start digging…

Tim (The Other One)

“This election isn’t going to break along racial or gender lines so much as along generational ones.”

Which means the kids better damn show up !


my wife has an exceptionally spiteful photo of a certain candidate not named obama that could be of great use in this regard, one that could make major news. we just don’t know what to do with it. the obama campaign will (i’m guessing and finding out as we speak) want nothing to do with it so we have to decide whether or not to bring full fuck-you-spite out in public with our names attached.

tis a conundrum. because i believe it is only by being a total fucking dickhead that obama can win. rising above will end with him (as someone else said) chilling in the cloakroom with kerry, comparing notes on losing. but i’m against getting a full rectal exam from the rethuglicans in our government. sigh.


my wife has an exceptionally spiteful photo of a certain candidate

Mail it out.


I’m not sure this ad is sufficiently spiteful, but I do know it’s a gut punch and should run in every battleground state during every highly-rated show every week from now to the election.

Seriously, it’s that good. It needs a few tweaks, but the message couldn’t be more spot-on.

Just go and watch it.


Spite works ONLY when you own the information distribution.

I’ll be reading the whole thing once I get to the pub, but owning the networks to spew malicious bullshit, requires a commitment to the malicious bullshit, you can’t just whip it out every two years and then go back to ‘honest and trustworthy.’

A professional ratfucking network is as insidious as a professional torture bureaucracy. In fact I would argue that one leads to the other.

Tim (The Other One)

Mail it. You know they’d kick you in the nuts Robert and they ‘aint goin’ away.


Ok, I’ll try it again.

This ad needs to be tweaked only ever so slightly…even without tweaking it’s a gut punch and should be running in every battleground state during every top-rated show every week from now until November. It’s that good.

Just go, and watch. (Apologies if you’ve already seen it but even then, it’s good enough to watch again.)

Hopefully that dirty whore WordPress will let this post this time.


Ok, since WordPress is a dirty whore that holds up any post containing a link, just go on over to youtube and look up “Approval Ratings: The Public v. McCain.”

This is an amateur ad that should be cleaned up just very slightly and run from now until November. It’s that good. Go watch.

It’s acceptably spiteful and it’s 100% factual. This kind of spite we can definitely pull off.


Mail it. How many wetsuits are in the picture?


All I can say is that based on what I hear making phone calls for the Obama campaign, the attack ads/emails are working, and it’s mostly older people being influenced by them. It’s now or never for our spite attacks.

Release the damn photo, Robert Green. Send it to Wonkette — they’ll publish it. And that’ll get it started.


I can’t view Youtube videos here in the OR. How about a TV Guide synopsis?


Obama isn’t going to win the over 60 voters anyway

So my parents and in-laws are just fictional constructs?


OB-GYN – it’s a graph showing how, as Bush’s approval ratings have fallen, McCain’s support for him has gone up and up and up. The voice-over is great – talking about how as the public gave on Bush, one man supported him more and more… “they campaigned together, as soldiers died…they ate cake together as New Orleans fell” while showing pictures of smiling Bush & McCain with cake…then shows (and tells) how often McCain has voted with the president…”77% in 2005, 85% in 2006, 95% in 2007, and 100% in 2008. As this presidency winds to a close, ask yourself: do you support George Bush more today than you did 4 years ago?”

Simply a flat-out gutpunch. I can’t think of any way they could respond other than the usual whining. It just can’t be pushed back or twisted into a positive.


Brandi – I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of percentages. Obama isn’t going to win over half of the over 60s. Go look up any of the polling that’s broken down by age group, and you’ll see that’s the only group he has no chance of winning. He breaks even more or less with the 50-60 age group, comes out a little ahead in the 40-50, and does better with the youngest voters.


I’ve been of two minds about this issue. On the one hand, it would be really great to see Obama get down there in the gutter with McCain and rip his head off. I’d like to see him really hit McCain both above and below the belt.

On the other paw, I really feel that part of Obama’s immense appeal all along has been the appearance of honor, of decency, of policy informed by sober reflection upon the facts. I still think it’s very important that he maintain that impression. And in so far as the cynic in me can be suppressed, it’s also the right thing to do and I’d like to believe that these are true things where Obama is concerned.

I think there’s a happy medium for the Obama campaign. Michael Moore lays it out pretty succinctly in the Rolling Stone article linked to above. He needs to fight back when he’s attacked, absolutely, no punches pulled. He needs to embrace the idea that he’s a liberal (even though we know he’s really not a liberal, he can’t be seen as running away from the liberal wing of the party). And he needs to hammer away at the facts, and present them fairly and clearly.

What he doesn’t need to do is resort to Rovian tactics and screechy finger-pointing. He needs to be the adult. If he plays it right, this man who was smart enough for the Harvard Law Review ought to be able to make himself seem like the more mature of the two candidates.

I share mikey’s view that Obama’s campaign has been phenomenal, and I have a feeling they know what they are doing. We’ll soon see. I hope he’ll come out of the convention playing hard to win, as an adult.

Now – as far as the gutter fighting is concerned, I see that as our role. Not just in the liberal blogosphere, but in letters to the editor, call-ins to local radio shows, and don’t forget the blog comments on news articles in the newspapers which allow them. Work those resources, and get the word out. Mention McCain’s umpteen different mansions and his pill crazed thief of a wife. Question the idea that someone is a Big War Hero just because he was shot down and captured. Talk about his flip-flopping and his stand on reproductive rights and social security, thinkgs dear to most Americans if the polls can be believed. Let Obama and his campaign sail along above it, working on substantive issues, not wimping but not attacking McCain’s age and wife.

We’ll do the dirty work.


My God. All this angst and Amy Alkon and you guys miss what is possibly the funniest story of August: The National Review Institute cancels the shittiest vaudville show since white folk gave up blackface.

Dogshit Moat Salesman, Dogshit Moat Sales, Inc.

Whenever y’all get around to fishing the shit motes out of your brothers’ eyes, send ’em on over this way.

Market research has led to the conclusion that people are more concerned with the stench than the type of shit in a shit moat, and shit motes stink like the ass of a dead elephant.

I’m having a hard time keeping up with demand for our newest product, the Shit Mote Shit Moat, available in the Tuscany Style of course.

You can contact the site administrator for my email address.

Get cracking.


The YouTube Jennifer was referring to, above:


The YouTube Jennifer was referring to, above:


Fucking WordPress.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

Oooohh, what’s the picture, Robert?


Obama’s Flyin’ Hawai’ian Pulled Pork:

2 1 lb boneless pork tenderloins
1/2 cup red Chinese BBQ sauce–Char Siu, Spare Rib, etc.
1/2 cup mirin–sweet sake
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/2 cup pineapple juice
1 cup sweet onions, diced
Chili sauce to taste (2T for mild, 4T for medium, 1/4 cup for hot)
Romaine lettuce and/or rolls

Set slow-cooker on high and fry onions in a little oil until just browned. Add all liquids and reduce heat to low, simmer for 10 minutes. Add whole tenderloins and cook at low/medium low for at least four hours, stirring occasionally and using a wooden spoon to pull apart the loins as they cook. Will result in a sweet-and-sour Hawai’ian-style red pulled pork that can be served with Romaine lettuce wraps or on rolls with a green salad. Serves 6-8.


You mean nobody wanted to “donate” $500/ticket to see Jonah dribble crumbs down his shirt and laugh at his own Simpsons jokes?

I’m shocked!


The National Review Institute cancels the shittiest vaudville show since white folk gave up blackface.

That is funny. They’ve been pushing that shit hard at the Corner the past week.

In any event, the post-election cruise is still on. It’s the antithesis of elitist.


It’s the antithesis of elitist.



Always copy before posting, young grasshoppers. Always copy before posting.


And just look at all the testimonials regarding the cruise:

“I liked the balance or instruction, conversation, sightseeing and relaxation. It is a relief to be able to express a conservative viewpoint with others and not be put down.”

“The panel discussions were the highlight! I enjoyed the cigar smokers and the cocktail parties for the accessibility of the speakers.”

“The seminars were outstanding. I appreciate spontaneous discussion and tenaciously held principles without pulled punches.”

The NRO Cruise: Where racists and warmongers feel at ease.

Clutchpearls McFaintingcouch

The National Review Online cruise was quite the relief. Rather than go through the tedium of learning the names of all the help, we could just call all the porters George. And not a one of them said “ma’am” or “sir” in that facetious tone that so many of the uppity ones use nowadays.

National Review Cruises

You need to check this out for the real poop – er, scoop, on how much FUN we have on our cruises.


Jennifer is spot on about that ad.

Bush so obviously sucks general anus and McCain so obviously sucks Bush’s anus, yet nobody put the two together before so simply and starkly. Brilliant.

100% in 2008.

St. BBQ McSame. It’s Just More Anus Sucking.


[…] contrast, there is this bit of hyperventilating: [N]o matter whom the Democrats had nominated for president, the GOP slime machine would have spent […]


Old people’s votes don’t get allocated like a state’s delegates so Obama isn’t going to write them off just because he might not get over 50%. And Bush didn’t win them by a huge margin in 2004 anyway. 52% vs. 47% for those 65 and older so I’d go after them hard if I were him. Interestingly, if you change the measure to 60 and older Bush’s lead was higher 54% to 46%. Must be a heavier concentration of wingnuts who are now in the 64-68 age range. Note also that voters over 60 while slow and dangerous behind the wheel, made up 24% of the vote in 2004.


52% vs. 47% for those 65 and older so I’d go after them hard if I were him.

Might there be some issue that old people are interested in that could be exploited?


52% vs. 47% for those 65 and older so I’d go after them hard if I were him.

You’re talking lots of Viagra, right?


Bill O’Reilly’s demographics are in the 65-dead range.

The two people I Sadly Know who devote themselves to Fox News are over seventy and holding off dementia, or not, with drugs and denial.

Hell, older voters should be screaming about the Great Depression and the fiscal irresponsibility. Why aren’t they?


photo has been taken for a major magazine and will be out soon. there are some…outtakes, and there is some room for mischief. a lot of room.

but i fear the ratfuckers, i really do. and i blog and comment under my real name, unlike shit mote veteran for truth.


527 group.


but i fear the ratfuckers, i really do. and i blog and comment under my real name, unlike shit mote veteran for truth.


What’s with the casting of asparagus?


So I was checking out the NRO Cruise site and found the following:

Kathryn Jean Lopez has been featured in Playboy* and praised for her “editorial daring.”



Erik Pontoppidan

Thats right, keep up all of your childish hopes and dreams about so called “change” leftys.

Your guy Obama is a touchy feely motivational speaker without any substance or conviction. He just says what he thinks his leftist base wants to hear.

He reminds me of another opportunist without any convictions, Bill Clinton. Mark my words leftys, Obama’s pandering to the far left is gonna cause him to crash and burn this November.

Recent polls show McCain in the lead in the vital swing States of Florida, Ohio, Colorado and Nevada. In addition to his lead in all the traditional Red States.

If any of you leftys plan on leaving the Country after McCain wins, better start packing now and save yourselves the trouble later.


He reminds me of another opportunist without any convictions, Bill Clinton. Mark my words leftys, Obama’s pandering to the far left is gonna cause him to crash and burn this November.

Yes, pandering certainly fucked Clinton up, electorally-speaking.


i blog and comment under my real name, unlike shit mote veteran for truth.

Silly, that’s just ITTDGY using a fake name!

The guy in the Cubs hat who was shy

Candy is right.

Obama’s biggest asset, and, I believe, what got him the nom, is DIGNITY.

That is the selling point.

DIGNITY cannot be sullied. DIGNITY, in the end, always wins.

OK, stop snickering, y’all.

The Man can handle holding up the dignity thing. We can do something else. We can, as has been suggested, make sure that everyone knows Jamakane is not DIGNIFIED.

Dignity, and integrity, for someone who has been in public life for as long as jamakane has, should be easy to portray. But in his case, Sadly, no.

If someone vying for the highest office in the land found himself in the position jamakane did Saturday night – outside the rules, outside the Cone of Silence – and if that person were DIGNIFIED and concerned, above all, with avoiding even the appearance of impropriety, he would have made a big show of following the rules despite attendant difficulties.

I can even write the Repub script:

“My friends, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to be in the special sanctuary offered to me by my good friend the estimable Reverend Warren during the time I was trusted to be in isolation from the discussion he was involved in with my esteemed opponent.

“For that reason, I had my Secret Service detail stand outside the door of a nearby Appleby’s, where, after a brief detour to their delicious salad bar, I voluntarily sequestered myself in one of their spacious and well-appointed men’s rooms.

“I can assure all of you, my friends, that as I sat, in total isolation, in that stall, cut off from the world, much in the same way I was in the Hanoi Hilton, during my grueling POW experience, which I will never forget, but which, for reasons all true patriots understand, I am extremely reluctant to talk about, I could not hear a thing.

“At one point, my friends, I tapped my right foot, impatiently, thinking of some of my wonderful Republican colleagues in the Senate, with whom I am so proud to be associated. Alas, there was no answer, though I tapped again, to make sure.

“Desperate to get my message to the American people, through my great friend the Reverend and his wonderful chapel, I let my own urine – urine, my friends – dribble on to the floor, and carefully, with my own finger, and knowing I was temporarily inconveniencing the fine Mexican-born janitorial employees of that wholesome American restaurant, I pushed thoose drops of pee into the sign of the cross.

“Finally, my detail let me know that my esteemed opponent was finished professing his beliefs, and I was released from my captivity, which while nowhere near as burdensome as that which I endured at the hands of my VietCong captors so long ago, was still somewhat nerve wracking.

“At least now, my friends, I can speak of this recent Appleby’s captivity, as I cannot about my valiant and noble captivity in VietNam, because that was just too difficult an experience, and you, my friends, know how reluctant I am to tell you I was a POW.

“And so, my friends, never forget the piss cross on the floor, tap three times if you want me, and may God Bless America.

“I’m jamakane, and I approved this massage – uh, message.”


Your guy Obama is a touchy feely motivational speaker without any substance or conviction. He just says what he thinks his leftist base wants to hear.



Can the Graphics Department at SadlyNo! headquarters PLEASE come up with a nice image of John McCain taking an oil rig up his ass… or do we have to do it ourselves?


I don’t know about spite, however, I strongly disagree with the way the Obama camp handled Wes Clark. His comment was not fringe by any means: all he said was, sure, mcCain served his country, but being shot down on your first flight does not make you a military strategist or expert. What was so wrong with this? And it’s not like some lefty blogger said that, it was the General who was in charge of the Bosna war that stopped an atrocious genocide, in a most competent way, with minimal casuallties and reasonable cost. I just don’t get it, what’s so unseemly in that comment for Obama to distance himself?

Here’s why this matters a lot. GWB approval is at 25-30%, while John-100yearWar-McCain is at 45%+. There is a significant portion of the electroate who thinks that we still need to beat the crap out of the Arabs, it’s just that we need somebody who is better at that. To these folks the worse the economy gets, the higher the gas prices go, the more and more it seems like it’s the damn Arabs’ fault.

In that regard mcCain with all his military cachet seems like a better bet than Bush to these folks. To counteract the Dems need to pound Wes Clark’s points, not to disown them.


Now – as far as the gutter fighting is concerned, I see that as our role. Not just in the liberal blogosphere, but in letters to the editor, call-ins to local radio shows, and don’t forget the blog comments on news articles in the newspapers which allow them. Work those resources, and get the word out. Mention McCain’s umpteen different mansions and his pill crazed thief of a wife. Question the idea that someone is a Big War Hero just because he was shot down and captured. Talk about his flip-flopping and his stand on reproductive rights and social security, thinkgs dear to most Americans if the polls can be believed. Let Obama and his campaign sail along above it, working on substantive issues, not wimping but not attacking McCain’s age and wife.

We’ll do the dirty work.

Pursuant to what Candy said, here’s an example of how one skirmish in Operation Ratfuck might unfold: All the major lefty blogs could, for example, on the same day link to the ad I linked, and encourage all readers to view the ad and forward it to others on that same day. Suddenly, you’ve got a viral video with a million or more views in a single day. Someone – or a lot of someones – brings to the attention of Keith Olbermann that there is this amateur ad that is getting swamped with attention…he picks it up and runs it, maybe even updates for the next few days how many people have viewed it. You use it to work the local media too.

Before you know it, there’s a full-fledged ratfuck going on.


Erik Pontoppidan said

Now there’s a blast from the past. What have you done with Matt McMahon?

P.S. Versuch einer natürlichen Geschichte Norwegens, mf’ers!


We could constantly point out the similarities between McCain & Mr. Burns.
The looove NoocUlar power! Hate the environment. They look alike.


John McCain – the competence of George W Bush tempered by the age and wisdom of Montgomery Burns…


John McCain: Emerging from Eight Years of Asshole

Erik Pontoppidan

With the threat from Islamic terrorism, Iranian fascism and Russian and Chinese expansionism, America needs a President who understands these threats and how best to deal with them.

John McCain served his Country in Vietnam and was a Prisoner of War for five years. In addition to his 20 plus years in the Senate participating in many foreign policy decisions.

B. Hussein Obama has no real world experience of any kind. He is as ignorant as a school boy of the state of the world and believes the UN is the official guardian of our National Security even after their unlimited disastors in places such as Rawanda and their inablity to deal with Saddam Hussien, Darfur, Bosnia the list goes on and on.

The idea that Barack Obama would cut our Nation’s military spending in this day in age shows that he is too niave to be President of the most powerful Nation on Earth. He isn’t even fit to be President of Jamacia.


ITTDGY—something up with your link. My browser just displays a bunch of garbage. I’m guessing the server isn’t sending the right MIME type (image/gif).

Erik Pontoppidan

“Shit Mote Veterans for the Truth™³²®© said,”

“Erik Pontoppidan said

Now there’s a blast from the past. What have you done with Matt McMahon?”

I was on vaction in Italy for a month my lefty friends, sorry I wasn’t able to enlighten you with my insights for a while. Any way I enjoyed Italy but I’m glad to be back home.

You will be hearing alot more from me as the election draws near, I assure you.


It just shows a typical LindseyGraham-John McCain / Burns-Smithers scene when I click on it, Simba B.

How’s this one?

How about this?

(I know I’m axin’ for trouble with 2 links. FU Würdpress!!)


With the threat from Islamic terrorism, Iranian fascism and Russian and Chinese expansionism, America needs a President who understands these threats and how best to deal with them.

Jeezus Christ’s Tits in a Mason Jar, will these idiots EVER stop piddling in theri pants? I haven’t seen broadband fear like this since back in the sixth grade, when jimmy capps told hal wood on monday he was going to beat him up on friday. Over the course of that week, hall had a complete mental, emotional and physical meltdown. To the point that on friday, the beating he went willingly and resignedly to take was a relief.

Gad, dood, those muslims can’t get you from there. You’re safe….



John McCain served his Country in Vietnam and was a Prisoner of War for five years.

Well, maybe if he’d been better at it, he wouldn’t have gotten caught. Never thought of that, did you.


Well, maybe if he’d been better at it, he wouldn’t have gotten caught.

Didn’t he have a gun or anything? What kind of Republican is that?


A fucking GUN?

He had a goddam Jet Fighter.

Didn’t you listen to The Clash?

Ok, it was an A-4, so it wasn’t a REAL Jet Fighter.

But it was close enough.

Geez, they gave the Airborne Infantry guns. When I was in Vietnam, I had like FIVE guns. We managed to stay out of the clutches of the NVA.



John McCain: Because America’s not quite fucked up enough yet.

Or would that be ‘Not fucked up enough quite yet’?

Gary Ruppert Number Two

photo has been taken for a major magazine and will be out soon. there are some…outtakes, and there is some room for mischief. a lot of room.

What is it? Any hints? Cuz it sounds like it’s just McCain picking his nose or something in between camera takes if it happened during a photo shoot for a magazine.


“John McCain served his Country in Vietnam and was a Prisoner of War for five years”

Yeah I know, I’ve read the transcripts from the “Hanoi John ” radio show.

Karate Bearfighter

“Erik Pontoppidan said,

August 20, 2008 at 2:06

John McCain served his Country in Vietnam and was a Prisoner of War for five years. In addition to his 20 plus years in the Senate participating in many foreign policy decisions.”

Always good to hear from another Kerry voter.


one word: GOITER!


The idea that Barack Obama would cut our Nation’s military spending in this day in age shows that he is too niave to be President of the most powerful Nation on Earth.

The most powerful nation on Earth does about half of all military spending, and is slowly getting forced out of two countries by a bunch of Muslims with RPGs.

Meanwhile the second most powerful nation on Earth is laughing itself silly selling cheap-assed goods to Walmart and buying up the first most powerful nation’s assets.


OT, but not really…

I just passed a muted TV with CNN on here in the lobby of motel hell. The text said ‘McCain Choice Made’ over footage of Joe Lieberman. has nothing on this at the moment, though.

Anyone know what’s up?


Fuck John McCain. How many divisions does he have?

I mean today. How many does he have today?


I mean today. How many does he have today?

Let’s see here…He’s got the NYT, the WaPo, all the FAUX noose outlets of course, ABC, NBC, CNN, and if you carry the three, ummm…

None. He doesn’t have any divisions. Time to nuke the mf’er.


In addition to his 20 plus years in the Senate participating in many foreign policy decisions.

A few of which were even somewhat defensible….



“Fuck John McCain. How many divisions does he have?”

That depends on which one of the voices in his head he’s listening to at the moment.


Well, someone at AP believes in Freud:

AP Called Lieberman a “prick”


Spite wins, you say?

Let’s roll that tape back & look at it one more time.
Run it again, Dave … uh oh.
Bush won in 2000 with the Supremes, & he won in 2004 with massive vote-caging & a little demon named Diebold.

You don’t need spite – you need rage.
To hell with ratfucking, it’s a chump’s game, unless you own the courts & the media – & a soul with its own “on/off” switch. Oh, & forget about EVER calling Goopers out on their bullshit-fetish, once you’ve willingly joined their kinky paradigm. Wrestle the pig, get a big dry-cleaning bill … & a very happy pig. Playing dirty has a pricetag. Why bother pimping your conscience away, when you don’t have to? The weapons you need to decapitate the GOP & shit down its lizard neck are already right there for you to use at will. Facts. The Dems have enough of them to put Wet-Start down like Old Yeller.

Keating 5.
Cindy’s purloined pills.
USS Forrestal.
Vicky Iseman.
Ex-lobbyists as advisors with ties to SLORC, Suharto, et al.
Bush’s 3rd Term.
“100 years”
Free barbecues, massages & pedicures for reporters.
Shoes by Ferragamo.
“The Iran-Pakistan border”
That’s in two minutes, off the top of my head. Zero percent bullshit, ratfuck-free & USDA-certified authentic beef. MORE than enough to sink him like a stone. Use them often & without mercy.


In addition to his 20 plus years in the Senate participating in many foreign policy decisions.

Such as the time where, through careful diplomacy, he brought in troops from Czechoslovakia to defuse the volatile Pakistan-Iraq border situation.


WereBear said,

August 20, 2008 at 3:07

Well, someone at AP believes in Freud:

AP Called Lieberman a “prick”

Holy Joe is lucky that the word ‘pin’ was not involved.

Erik Pontoppidan

This phrase just popped into my head a few minutes ago: Washed Up

For those who don’t want to get into the age thing, it’s not a bad substitute, imo. There’s also: gold-digger, President’s Pet, kept man…



MzNicky said,

August 19, 2008 at 21:22

Am I totally alone in this?

No. I quit watching network news when the local station started running “Andy Griffith Show” reruns at 6:30.

I quit watching on April 20th, 1995, moments after CNN anchor Bernard Shaw, standing next to the smoldering ruins of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, intoned, “For those of you tuning in for coverage of the O.J. Simpson trial, we apologize for the interruption”.


All the major lefty blogs could, for example, on the same day link to the ad I linked, and encourage all readers to view the ad and forward it to others on that same day. Suddenly, you’ve got a viral video with a million or more views in a single day. Someone – or a lot of someones – brings to the attention of Keith Olbermann that there is this amateur ad that is getting swamped with attention…he picks it up and runs it, maybe even updates for the next few days how many people have viewed it. You use it to work the local media too.

Do it – but please don’t call it “ratfucking” … that’s a golden oldie known as direct action. May as well use it – it’s not as if the anarchists will sue you.

Some might argue my “Cindy’s purloined pills” tip is inciting a ratfuck – but ugliness in itself doesn’t define a ratfuck & it isn’t a very robust objection when you’re talking about a potential First Lady doing crimes to feed a serious drug addiction. Shit, I’ll give Big C her druthers: if it was ME hitched to that antediluvian gob of putty, you can bet I’d be scarfing extra meds too. But that doesn’t invalidate the issue: illegal acts committed by the candidate’s wife. Robbing those drugs from a charity just makes it all the more worthy of notice: is this what you want in the Whitehouse until 2012? If that was Michelle Obama doing that, this would already be over. That nasty double-standard means you need more solid dirt to bury the bastards … luckily for you, the McCains & their campaign team are happy to oblige.

Just to be crystal-clear: what Bush did to McCain, what Rove did to Kerry, what Cheney did to Valerie Plame, THAT is ratfucking. Spreading lies. Destroying your target’s rep, regardless of the tale’s truth. Good luck getting a lot of cheering on the left for that brand of politicking. Looks like the GOP has even worn it out, & they’re masters at it.

With the threat from Islamic terrorism, Iranian fascism and Russian and Chinese expansionism, America needs a President who understands these threats and how best to deal with them.

… which according to you is the man who thought Iran & Pakistan shared a border, & who couldn’t distinguish between Sunni & Shia, as well as claiming that the Mahdi Awakening was inspired by the Surge it predated. Rock on, dude!

In addition to his 20 plus years in the Senate participating in many foreign policy decisions.

… like whether to bone Vicki Iseman in HER limo or HIS jet. Like to live life on the edge? Try that line out with a Korea or Vietnam vet sometime, one with buddies who are/were POW/MIA. You can post us about it from the Emergency Ward, if you bring a Blackberry with you. Don’t worry, they’re old enough to tire before they’ve seriously injured you. Just make sure they’re not armed first.

B. Hussein Obama has no real world experience of any kind.

I didn’t know they grew candidates in vats now. Interesting. His years in the Senate or as an organizer in Chicago were merely mass-hallucinations, then? I see. Does one train to be that idiotic or does it just come naturally?

You will be hearing alot more from me as the election draws near, I assure you.

At least until you’ve got enough points for the tote-bag. Then you’ll vanish away, our merry laughter at your back, never to return … but at least you’ll have that tote-bag. (PS: no matter what your pastor told you, Spell-Check is not satanic, & you’re in dire need of its services – I spelled better than you when I was nine)


“Read it and weep leftys!


Suck it & swallow, E.P.!



and so on …

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

According to the Bush administration definition of torture, McCain was never tortured!

Hate to say it, but Andrew Sullivan is brilliant!


One for the Christians;
McCain? Unable.


Hate to say it, but Andrew Sullivan is brilliant!

I also hate to say it, but that was my first reaction as well. Fuckin’ duh–this was staring us all in the face for years.


I tend to agree with Brad. Obama will wind up being Dukakis II. I remember him leading in polls until mid-summer. I don’t expect a McCain landslide, but I do expect to wake up to President McCain November 5th. That lead is slowly melting away, with a huge assist by that liberal media. The American people are too fucking stupid to know where their interests lie.


Read it and weep leftys!

You’re right – that kid with the cleft lip made me cry.


Obama will wind up being Dukakis II.


…this is one of those posts that’s going to be stuck at the top all week, isn’t it?

Shit Moat Salesman, Conglomerated Shit Moat Sales, Inc.

We are proud to announce the merger of Dogshit Moat Sales, Gooseshit Moat Sales and Shit Mote Shit Moat Sales to form Conglomerated Shit Moat Sales, Inc.

We can now serve all areas of the Shit Moat market, including:

Shit From Dogs With Heads Greater Than The Size Of Lucy***

Shit From Dogs With Heads Lesser Than The Size Of Lucy***

Shit From The Canadian Goose

Shit From Shit Motes Removed

Shit From Shit Motes Cast Out

Shit From Shit Motes Fished Out

All are available in the Tuscany Style of course.

Shit Moat Salesman, Conglomerated Shit Moat Sales, Inc.

*** means that no one on earth understands what a dog with a head the size of “Lucy” looks like.


Erik- It’s a close race, with Obama carrying a narrow lead by most measures. As it has been since late June.


Erik Brad– It’s a close race, with Obama carrying a narrow lead by most measures. As it has been since late June.

It didn’t need fixing, but this doesn’t hurt it.


The American people are too fucking stupid to know where their interests lie.

Or to know that it’s a good idea to keep their tires inflated.

Well, we will see, won’t we?

Brad can keep us occupied, while we wait, with details of how we could find pigeons to regularly pass falsehoods off to their trusted correspondents. I mean, that’s where I really doubt I could hold up my end.

Tim (The Other One)

“when jimmy capps told hal wood on monday he was going to beat him up on friday”

I fuckin’ hated that day and I wasn’t even there.


John McCain – Will his combover be ready at 3 AM?

Just Alison, without Qetesh

B. Hussein Obama has no real world experience of any kind. He is as ignorant as a school boy of the state of the world

Unlike, say, GW Bush, you had never left the fuckin’ country before? Unlike John McCain, who can’t tell the difference between Pakistan and Iran, Shi’ite and Sunni, or his arse and a hole in the ground?

The idea that Barack Obama would cut our Nation’s military spending in this day in age shows that he is too niave to be President of the most powerful Nation on Earth.

Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick, man: the US already spends more than the entire rest of the world combined on weapons. What more do you want? How pathetically terrified are you, that even with all that behind you, you’re still afraid of everything that squeaks? What a pathetic little turd.

Just Alison, without Qetesh

The most powerful nation on Earth does about half of all military spending, and is slowly getting forced out of two countries by a bunch of Muslims with RPGs.

Those guys are into Role-Playing Games? Never thought I’d see the day.


The main trouble with spite is,
spite is what the repugnicans do very well.
It’s the ONLY thing they do well (okay, that and war profiteering).


Reading Bucket’s use of “hep cat” yoof language is about as agonizingly, sphincter-curlingly painful as being 16 years old and watching your dad put on a backwards baseball cap and do a “rap” about how it’s cool to keep off drugs and stay in school. In front of all your friends. While breakdancing.

A Different Jake H.

FWIW, there is an Iran-Pakistan border: in fact, the Iranians have started building a border fence because apparently things are even more fucked up on the Pakistan side than the Iranian side.

It was the nonexistent Iraq-Pakistan border that McCain was talking about, or was trying to talk about since it doesn’t actually exist.

Erik Pontoppidan

Hey jim, buddy, I think I just one upped ya!


Hey! That’s “former POW antediluvian gob of putty” to you, mister!


Contrary to your claims herein, we take utmost exception to the appropriation of the word “ratfucker.” You’ll be hearing from our New York Law Firm shortly. Thank you and Good Day.


“All are available in the Tuscany Style of course.”

But what of Cream Corn from the Socket of Davis?


“Hey jim, buddy, I think I just one upped ya!”

Not really. Over time, McCain’s support has been dwindling away in several of the key medium-sized states. OH, FL, NC are all ties within the margin of error. VA is a statistical dead heat. Barr is drawing off McCain’s support in GA, which puts the state in play.

All those states went red in 2004, and McCain absolutely must take all of them in order to win. If he loses any one of them to Obama, then he must make up the loss by capturing blue states with sufficient electoral votes to replace the ones lost.

For example: If McCain loses FL (27 EVs), then he’s got to capture NY (31) or CA (55), or multiple blue states in order to make up the loss (MA + NJ = 27). Given that McCain is having trouble keeping traditionally red states in his corner, I don’t give him any chance of being able to peel off any traditionally blue states.

If McCain loses two or more of the iffy red states (OH, FL, NC, VA, GA), then it becomes statistically impossible for McCain to win, regardless of the popular vote.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Actually, OH was always Obama’s until the July 21 Rasmussen poll (McCain +10) which is obviously a wacky outlier. 538 still has the thing going for Barack, but the trendline looks bad. Of course, that one wacky OH poll basically flipped 20 EV’s from blue to red, or about half of Obama’s lead from before.

Current polling indicate a statistical dead heat (except today’s by Rasmussen which shows McCain’s advantage at +5 – incidentally, they also have the smallest sample size). I think this is a result of McCain’s dumping tons of money into the state – and now, especially with the Rasmussen polls giving his advisors and strategists ammo to back the Ohio or nothing plan – he’ll be locked into it. Can Obama win Ohio back? He certainly has the resources to do it. Can Obama win the election with the 20 OH EV’s? That he can as well – the current projection is Obama +25 EV’s and that’s with OH going McCain.

But even if you ignore what’s going on in Ohio, the race is tightening up. The past month of non-stop McCain attacks has made a dent. Now if only something was planned to occur sometime soon in order to change the narrative again and turn that trendline around…


“But even if you ignore what’s going on in Ohio, the race is tightening up. The past month of non-stop McCain attacks has made a dent. Now if only something was planned to occur sometime soon in order to change the narrative again and turn that trendline around…”

You mean like Obama coming back from vacation?

For all the conservative hoots and clicks about how McCain is closing the gap, they kind of missed the part where Obama had to go on vacation and basically give them the entire playing field for a week before they could make up any ground. And they still can’t close the deal.

For me, the question is ‘how come McCain couldn’t do better in a week where his opponent was on vacation and not actually campaigning?’

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Actually, I meant running mate announcements and this little convention thing coming up.

Important point right now though – we shouldn’t spin things to make Obama look invulnerable or inevitable. Right now all the smart money’s on Obama, and all the projections still have him out front – but not by the crushing landslide he had a month ago. This is good news – it still holds off the “underdog” narrative, it slows the tide of McCain fluffing. What’s that I say? Yes, the amount of media fawning and falling over themselves to make JiSM3 not look like an idiot is actually less than what they want it to be. Because they think the race is close.

One of John Marshall’s readers has a very astute take on it:

It’s pretty TL for a reader comment, but don’t DR – actually read the whole thing.


“Important point right now though – we shouldn’t spin things to make Obama look invulnerable or inevitable.”

Point well taken, though I wasn’t trying to do that. I just find it amusing that the GOP’s amen corner, having resigned itself to having a standard-bearer that hardly any of its members wanted, is now desperately grasping at any kind of spin whatsoever in order to make McCain look like Captain Inevitable, scourge of t3h l3fty P0l1tbur0.

When I see people like Erik posturing and declaiming, it makes me think of that ancient video game which, when you inserted a quarter, replied, “Ah . . . A CREATURE for my amusement!”

Whereas Erik, if he hangs around, will simply be feeding quarters to the machine with nothing to show for it.

I would add that it’s not that the media *think* the race is close — they *need* for it to be close. Their amount of viewership relies on having something interesting for the audience to watch, and audiences don’t care for horse races when the winner-to-be is already pretty obvious. Given that need, I don’t find it at all surprising when the media act to enable one candidate, preferring him over someone else, in order to preserve the election-as-a-horse-race illusion.


[…] News » News News Comment on Repeat after Brad: Spite is good for you. Spite works …2008-08-20 16:54:57Mail it. You know they’d kick you in the nuts Robert and they ‘aint goin’ […]


[…] progressives are in a dither. “Attack!! Attack!! Attack!!”, “Fight back!!”, “Go negative!!”. It’s all really quite expected. The more I think about what I wrote yesterday about the […]

yes, spite does work

don’t hate me for linking to the Capitalist Times, in this case it’s relevant…

Kung fu hippie from Gangsta City

Reading Bucket’s use of “hep cat” yoof language is about as agonizingly, sphincter-curlingly painful as being 16 years old and watching your dad put on a backwards baseball cap and do a “rap” about how it’s cool to keep off drugs and stay in school. In front of all your friends. While breakdancing.

boom tsch, boom-tsch

I’m Ki-ki’s dad and I’m here to say
Don’t do any drugs to-day
Don’t, don’t, don’-don’t, don’t, don’t do it!
A huh ahuhahuhahuhahuhahuhahuhahuh
If you don’t
want to be a fool
listen to your dad
and stay in school!
Stay, stay, stuh-stuh-stay stay stay in school.
Stay, stay, stuh-stuh-stay stay stay in school.
Stay, stay, stuh-stuh-stay stay STAY IN SCHOOL!

Respect (your elders)!


Back to Brooks and the babbling that brought this on … Does he wear his favorite Tintin costume when he comes up with this shit? Not the trenchcoat but the knickers? And is John McCain really Captain Haddock, minus the salty charm? I wonder.

Poor David — He’s taken all the sexy out of Chevy Chase and replaced it with chicken soup for the electoral soul and bandaids for all the little Republican ouchies. McCain, that darling boy, forced I tell you forced to go negative and spiteful by the cruel harsh world and it’s scummy ways. And just when he was all set to inspire a new generation with his hammy goodness.


Please remember to use his full name, John “Songbird” McCain — complete with link — to spread that meme as far and wide as you can. Thank you!


[…] News » News News Comment on Repeat after Brad: Spite is good for you. Spite works …2008-08-22 08:29:26Mail it. You know they’d kick you in the nuts Robert and they ‘aint goin’ […]


A bit off subject, I suppose, but here is a wild ass idea: let’s not defend ESTABLISHMENT ass-kissing Obama, and actually find candidates that want to represent real progressives? Real change?

I know, far-fetched idea, voting our wants and desires, but I’m a wild guy.

I suggest McKinney. I suggest Sheehan. I suggest Obama will bring as much change as did Nancy & and her useless, Bush enabling Congress: None.

I always enjoy the eviseration of the nincompoop weasel wingnuts here, I need the laughs… but hey, let’s freakin’ CHANGE something this time, whattya say?

I say a vote for Obama is a vote for a Pelosian style administration. Wishy-washy Republican-lites. She’s slightly less appalling then ATC bribe-taking, man-loving Hastert. Seems Nance is wedded to AIPAC from her frequent speeches there, oh wait, Obama and McCain likes them too, so I guess Israel approves of our candidates while a poll shows 62% of us silly Americans want better presidential candidates, but I digress..

I’ve had enough of the Democrats, and never had any use for Republicans. Seem like the same party to me. You?


[…] buy the lies just so they can pretend to have a rational reason to vote against Obama.  But they have no reason to vote for John McCain. Even now, the Republicans who said they couldn’t stand McCain are pretending to LOL at you […]


[…] buy the lies just so they can pretend to have a rational reason to vote against Obama.  But they have no reason to vote for John McCain. Even now, the Republicans who said they couldn’t stand McCain are pretending to LOL at you […]


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