The Ambiguously Gay GOP

Steve at No More Mister Nice Blog links to this NYT story with some background information on the ship the Republicans had hoped to use for their convention in New York City next year:

Mr. DeLay, whose party’s relation with gay voters has been awkward at best, happened to pick a ship with a great reputation among gays and lesbians. Rosie O’Donnell and her partner, Kelli Carpenter O’Donnell, have a travel company, R. Family Vacations, that has chartered the entire Norwegian Dawn next summer for what the company advertises as “the very first gay and lesbian family cruise” with “our very own special brand of gay and lesbian family-friendly fun.”

The ship is also a favorite of Atlantis Events, a gay and lesbian tour company based in Hollywood that has advertised its trips with a different kind of marketing: “Three of the best gay D.J.’s spinning today will keep you dancing until the sun comes up.” The company’s president, Rich Campbell, said he was ready to help Mr. DeLay and his delegates dance the night away.

Maybe it’s a good thing they changed their plans — we would have probably died laughing over the inevitable coverage. And just think of those poor people at The Corner.



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