Crisis Of Infinite Duh

Above: The Golden Age K-Lo

Earth Two is where the Flash still wears that FTD Florist hat and Green Arrow doesn’t have a beard. Magic still works on Earth Two, and Andrew Sullivan is black.

“starved, stigmatized and barred any legal protections” [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

Andrew Sullivan says that’s how I want blacks in America to live. No, I just want to protect the institution of lunch counters — which are for white people. That doesn’t necessitate marginalizing or making second-class citizens of anyone. It’s protecting the integrity of what lunch is.

Among other differences, Quebec is an independent republic, South Africa abandoned Apartheid earlier than on Earth Prime, and the National Review never hired Ramesh Ponnuru.


Comments: 153


A thread that isn’t about Amy Alkon? I .. don’t know what to say…


The law, in its equality, prevents heterosexuals as well as homosexuals from getting gay married.

Doctor Missus Marita

A Golden Age K-Lo? Apparently you can build the Taj Mahal on Earth Two as well.

(There is bound to be at least one other geek on this thread that gets that joke.)


Aw, man … you have absolutely ruined Thai Ramayana head dresses for me now.


OMG.! The war on Lunch is upon us.

Amy Alkon's Penis

Really, Tbogg’s take on this is priceless:

…I would greatly appreciate it if Kathryn Jean Lopez would kindly shut the fuck up about something she obviously knows nothing about. In return I will defer to her judgment in all things related to Duran Duran, which one of the Mitt spawn looks like he would be the “most gentle lover”, and how long you have to leave a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey out before it is liquefied enough to shotgun straight from the carton.

(In fairness, the future Mrs. AAPenis loves Duran Duran, and I’m nuts about her. But if she spouted K-Lo levels of crazy, I’d build a shit moat around her so tall that even I could never reach her.)


I thought Attaturk had the copyright on bad K Lo photoshops.


Know what sucks?

Here’s what sucks.

I’ve been a daily participant in Sadly, No for well over two years.

And at least half the time I have NO idea what you folks are on about.

Not complaining – except to the extent I need to find a way to be aware of all internet traditions…



Yeah, K-Lo dosn’t know shit about marriage. But I’m willing to listen to what she has to say about lunch.


I’ve been a daily participant in Sadly, No for well over two years.
And at least half the time I have NO idea what you folks are on about.

Fortunately that is not a requirement.


Still, it leaves me wondering why she needs to ratchet up the racism and ‘protect’ lunch counters at all…


Well, thank god.

I was beginning to think we were gonna have to start referring you Sadly Naughts to Alkon-anon.

Cletus von Clausewitz

Since I didn’t get any credit on the other threads for being one of the first bullshit-callers on le affaire dogmerde moat, I am going to jump on this one.
Um…K-Lo is…she’s actually Fu Manchu’s daughter! Yeah and she’s angry that Nayland Smith is attracted to the short order cook at Rockybilt, which is the largest chain restaurant in this reality. She issuing orders about lunch protocol…lunch orders! To…Ben Virginguy who’s a ladies man here…about the rights of honeymooners at the Rockybilt to not have oogy…fukit.


OT to Jennifer: Dave at Orcinus has a post up about Mr. Gwatney’s shooting. I thought you might be interested in reading it, since you knew the gentleman.



If this is the way we’re going to go, I just wish the DC editors would retcon K-Lo into someone sane.


Since I didn’t get any credit on the other threads for being one of the first bullshit-callers on le affaire dogmerde moat

Credit where credit is due, sir. Very well done, Colonel. Very well done indeed.


The Kenosha Kid said,
A thread that isn’t about Amy Alkon? I .. don’t know what to say…
You never did, “The Kenosha Kid”.

(sorry, couldn’t resist)

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I can’t even tell if this is a joke, or if she’s really attacking desegregated lunch counters.

Doctor Missus Marita

Psst… you all need to actually click through to K-Lo to get the post…

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Oh no you don’t. That way leads to madness.


K-Lo is not married, not engaged, not dating, not conceiving (even immaculately), and probably hasn’t had sex yet. Why does she care?

Doctor Missus Marita

I normally don’t recommend clicking through, Mr. Trotsky, but I’m afraid that in this case it’s necessary to see what Gavin is getting at.

It’s only a little bit of K-Lo.

Doctor Missus Marita

K-Lo is not married, not engaged, not dating, not conceiving (even immaculately), and probably hasn’t had sex yet. Why does she care?

Oh, come on. You know she has her fingers crossed for an immaculate conception. Why, oh why hasn’t she been chosen yet?!?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

There’s no such thing as a “little bit” of K-Lo, Marita.

And yes, I do mean to imply a fat joke there. Big deal, wanna fight about it?


K-Lo is not married, not engaged, not dating, not conceiving (even immaculately), and probably hasn’t had sex yet.

The same is true of the officials of what religion? Anyone?


K-Lo is not married […] Why does she care?
Because “marriage between man and woman, raising children is [are] at the heart of civilization”. She just wants someone else to be preserving civilisation on her behalf.


A little bit of K-Lo.

A little bit of strychnine.

A little bit of Bill Ayers.

A little bit of the neighbor’s Doberman Pincer.

A little bit of a bad outcome.

A little bit of a background check.

A little bit of hangfire.

A little bit of hand to hand combat.

A little bit of cops.

Nah. Not buying it.

Not even a little bit…



I just want to protect the institution of lunch counters — which are for white people. That doesn’t necessitate marginalizing or making second-class citizens of anyone. It’s protecting the integrity of what lunch is.”

OK, besides the just bad sentence construction, even K-Lo couldn’t be this crazy. So you forced me to go look at the original:

:No, I just want to protect the institution of marriage — which is between a man and a woman. That doesn’t necessitate marginalizing or making second-class citizens of anyone. It’s protecting the integrity of what marriage is”

I think that she is way more credible on lunch.


A little bit of K-Lo.



CvC – I gave credit to gocart mozart and kiki in the l’affaire shit-moat … sorry I missed ya.


the l’affaire


click through to K-Lo to get the post…

Yeah, I agree with those who just can’t do it. That’s why I went with Tbogg instead.

(And also with Candy’s link to Orcinus. Jeez, that’s one strong-writing dude, that Orcinus).


You’re onto something here. Civil unions are different from marriage in the same way black bathrooms were different from white bathrooms during Jim Crow.

What were all those blacks fighting for during the 60s? After all, they had their own drinking fountains and seats on the bus. It’s not our fault that they wanted more (no doubt a result of sucking at the welfare teat for so long).

Why does everyone always have to be treated the same? Especially when they’re different!


Is there an Ultimate K-Lo? Where instead of getting her powers from biting into a radioactive donut, she got them from being injected with Super Soldier Syrup?


sorry, that was teh l’affaire originally … fucking WordPress, yeah that’s the l’ticket … (whistles)

Coach Urban Meyer

Senator Obama is now trying to erase his personal history by resigning from his radical Left church, after two decades of active membership — that’s more than 1,000 Sunday sermons over twenty years. The media will do their best to help him fuzz over that history, just as they have tried to eradicate the memory of the Twin Towers and Pentagon assaults seven years ago. Yet the evidence is overwhelming by now that Trinity United is a front for the hard Left, which is trying to turn American blacks into another angry proletariat, to be played and controlled by their new ideological masters.

If you have ever wondered why many blacks seem to have difficulty rising in American society and becoming successful as individuals, the malignant spread of Black separatism must count as one big reason. Radical Leftists have been teaching “race consciousness” to black people, just as the Old Left taught “class consciousness” to impoverished people. The stated goal of Black Liberation Theology is to create racial strife, just as the stated goal of Marxist class propaganda was to whip up class war.

This is preaching of race hatred for selfish political ends. The aim is not to help black people to rise and become strong as individuals, but to divide and conquer Americans, to slice and dice them into race, gender and sexual orientations in order to empower the Left. It is the worst kind of human exploitation.

If we really are to have an honest conversations on race in this country, we must identify professional race-baiters who make hay by mentally enslaving vulnerable black people, just as much as they were physically enslaved and exploited during slavery and Jim Crow.


Shorter trolls, or parody trolls, please.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also on Earth 2-
Sadly, No! defends Andrew Sullivan.

And to hop on the RahRahSully bandwagon, if you click through the daily dish link, this all started from a K-Lo brainfart entitled:
Most married people manage to stay faithful.

Whoop-de-doo. Incidentally, Google’s “I’m Feeling Lucky” for “fidelity in marriage” lists the number of unfaithful as 30% for women and 40% for men.


That was pretty funny, Coach.

But you forgot to add, “I’ll be here all week. Try the Lobster Newburgh.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Wow, this Coach Urban Meyer, is he new? Not to cause confusion with Walrus Todd, but I’m coing to start calling this new guy Bucket.

Hey Bucket, when you said:

This is preaching of race hatred for selfish political ends.

Did you realize that you may have been projecting a bit?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Incidently, I think the unnerving part of this, for me, is that I’m no longer shocked by the idea that NRO might defend segregated lunch counters. I mean, it’s not that different from their usual schtick, and after so many posts about Alkon and her legion of nightmares being barely capable of seeing a poor black woman as a human being, I was practically expecting this to bubble up.

In sum, goddamn right-wing has taken away my ability to tell when someone’s just stretching the bounds of an argument for the purposes of satire and/or parody.


Doctor Missus Marita said,
August 18, 2008 at 5:29

A Golden Age K-Lo? Apparently you can build the Taj Mahal on Earth Two as well.

(There is bound to be at least one other geek on this thread that gets that joke.)

I am once again on the verge of un-installing IT just so I can get other things done, like see the sun.


Wow, Coach Meyer, it’s just like Mad Libs…

Senator Obama McCain is now trying to erase his personal history by resigning from his radical Left church, after two decades of active membership — that’s more than 1,000 Sunday sermons over twenty years. ignoring the endorsement of his extremist pastor. The media will do their best to help him fuzz over that history, just as they have tried to eradicate the memory of the Twin Towers and Pentagon Anthrax assaults seven years ago. Yet the evidence is overwhelming by now that Trinity United Karl Rove is a front for the hard Left,Right, which is trying to turn American blacks fundamentalists into another angry proletariat, to be played and controlled by their new ideological masters.

If you have ever wondered why many blacks religious evangelicals seem to have difficulty rising in American society and becoming successful as individuals, the malignant spread of Black separatism religious fundamentalism must count as one big reason. Radical LeftistsNeoConservatives have been teaching “race consciousness” imperialism & millenialism to blackreligious people, just as the Old LeftRepublicans taught “class consciousness”Red-baiting to impoverished white people. The stated goal of Black Liberation TheologyNeoconservatism is to create racial strife, just as the stated goal of Marxist classanti-communist propaganda was to whip up class war.

This is preaching of race hatred for selfish political ends. The aim is not to help black people to rise and become strong as individuals, but to divide and conquer Americans, to slice and dice them into race, gender and sexual orientationsin Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in order to empower the Left Right. It is the worst kind of human exploitation.

If we really are to have an honest conversations on race in this country, we must identify professional race-baitersfear-mongers who make hay by mentally enslaving vulnerable black</strike people, just as much as they were physically enslaved and exploited during slavery and Jim Crow.1930’s Germany

…oops… little Goodwin at the end there, eh?


I want to grow up to be
a debaser.

Debaser (debaser).

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, Bucket:

…but to divide and conquer Americans, to slice and dice them into race, gender and sexual orientations in order to empower the Left. It is the worst kind of human exploitation.

If we really are to have an honest conversations on race in this country, we must identify professional race-baiters who make hay by mentally enslaving vulnerable black people, just as much as they were physically enslaved and exploited during slavery and Jim Crow.

Yes, because advocating for rights for a minority group is much worse exploitation than working them to death.

Tim (The Other One)

Look, disagreeing with you people doesn’t delight me in any way but dammit; I like Earth, Wind, and Fire !

Frankenstein's monster

Earth and wind GOOD!

Fire BAD!


“I’m Feeling Lucky” for “fidelity in marriage”
This does not strike me as a good recipe for marital harmony or stability.


I said Earth Wind & Fire, stupid WordPress link-eater.


Ad hominum attacks on K-Lo? Jeeves, get the smelling salts-I feel faint!


Ad hominum attacks on K-Lo?

I think these are more ad homonup.

Amy Alkon's Testicles

Might want to look up ad hominem (fixed that for you) before you start getting the vapors, bronco. An ad hominem attack is one wherein a person is attacked in lieu of attacking their position, as in “I can discount whatever bronco214 says because he’s a pedophile and a goatfucker.”

What we’re doing here is attacking K-Lo’s ridiculous position AND attacking her personally. The former is on-point; the latter is just fun.

You’re welcome.


Every time Obama is accused of “Playing the Race Card”, McCain should be accused of “Playing the POW Card”. Which he actually does about 10 times a day.

Tim (The Other One)

I would like to thank Rightwingsnarkle for playing the Earth, Wind, and Fire’s card and I would raise that card:

I believe this thread is ‘ficcially hi-jacked !


Earth Two sounds nice. Is that where Amy Alkon doesn’t where a feather boa non-ironically? Is that where K-Lo can get laid?


OK, it doesn’t sound that nice after all.


What would McCain say to the 18-22 year old amputees at Walter Reed who “can’t get excited anymore.”

One month in Iraq and losing your legs tends to rob you of your optimism and enthusiasm for life but then Mr. McBush (whose life will never be at risk again because of some dumbass President) is not too in touch with reality.


I think these are more ad homonup.

When he is spiritually disciplined, thus warned that Divine Mother MahaK-Lo will not grant him admittance to the sacramental lunch counter, does he repent, thus seeking divine grace upon his soul lapse? Not.


You know, gays and gay-friendly folk like myself, wouldn’t mind K-Lo’s argument so much if she actually explained how gay marriage in any way “threatens” straight marriage.

Unless and until she does, she’s just a fucking bigot.

Tim (The Other One)

I can tell you exactly how gay marriage threatens my straight marriage.

Shut up !……………..


I have read the whole Bible and I never did come across the part where the most important thing about the message of Jesus is that fags must be hated and persecuted.

I do remember something about rich men getting into heaven …


You know who else said “Shut up”, Tim?

That’s right: Hitler.

So (if I’m doing this right) Hitler is threatening your straight marriage.

Tim (The Other One)

Nice Godwin Andre !

Now I can’t make love to my wife tonight, let alone make babies at our age.

Groove killer.


…and I would raise that card:

Ouch. I officially give up whenever I see those open-chested spandex jumpsuits.


BTW, I have been inspired to launch my new feature – Dirty Fucking Hippie YouTube Monday.

And you’re all invited.


. But marriage between man and woman, raising children is at the heart of civilization.

I propose that any amendment or propostion that bans gay marriage have a rider attached to it banning divorce. If every progressive politician pushed to link the two, people might notice just how weak the “protection of marriage” argument really is.



I know we disagree and that doesn’t delight me in any way.

I can’t imagine Miss Priss delighting in anything except maybe a giant tub of Breyer’s double churned cookie dough swirl.

But marriage between man and woman, raising children is at the heart of civilization. And we’re in danger of losing it. That can’t be. Redefining it would be the wrong direction.

K-Lo has the bizarre idea that gay people are somehow preventing straight people from reproducing. Straight white people that is. Her idea of civilization is Ozzie and Harriet procreating in the suburbs. Well not really procreating because that’s dirty. I dare say she probably has a theory about holy matrimony followed shortly by the arrival of storks with precious packages. In her mind it’s clean, neat, tidy, pure. And white. Very very white.


Earth Two? See, now I’m getting my D.C. comics mythos all mixed up, ’cause I already assumed K-Lo lived on Bizarro World.

BTW, do you know who I think John McCain should choose as his VP running mate?

Mr. Mxyzptlk.

It certainly has a ring to it: the “McCain/Mxyzptlk” ticket.


Um, I’ve been to tons of straight weddings. If chewy roast beef, the chicken dance, playing that creepy “Daddy’s Little Girl” song and those dancing torso little people isn’t shitting on the institution of marriage, I don’t know what is.

J. Sidney McCain

Hey, this isn’t my Centrum Senior with added Niacin — this is … Niaccm? Oh no! *BZZZRRTTTT*


I know we disagree and that doesn’t delight me in any way.

And I’m not going to say anything either– Andrew Sullivan– about who ate my apple-pumpkin muffin, though whoever it was (and I’m not naming names) was very inconsiderate. And I would like the person who was standing by the coffee maker at 9:38 a.m. (though again I am not naming any names) to know that it is very hurtful to me to whisper (very loudly I must say) behind one’s hand to a fellow co-worker that I am, quote, a “passive-aggressive nutcase.”. Just as same-sex unions are threatening to deeply, deeply harm the institution of marriage, such inter-office whispering campaigns about my attempts to preserve and protect my muffins and other breakfast products cut me to the very quick. I am a human being, you know. I have feelings!


K-Lo’s right, you know. Over hear in the Pacific Northwest they started letting people from the same moieties marry, and the next thing you know, Native American civilization collapsed.



Over hear = Over here. I make fun of an editor, and I miss a typo.



or psychic phenomenon?


I doubt K-Lo eats B&J’s. Her style would be the big cheap tubs of factory farmed feedlot mik product with transfatty faux chocolate chunks. This would explain, in part, what makes her a mad cow. (You are what you eat, after all.)


I am a human being, you know. I have feelings hunger pangs!


John McCain was a Prisoner of War!!! How dare you question K-Lo’s dedication to the integritude of marriage???


About your picture…

Did an illegal west African street vendor convince K-Lo that was a McCain cap?

And then laugh in a not-friendly manner?

Which just proves who the real racists are.


In Earth Two, Zucker starts out as crassly political as he would have gotten over the course of his career and Bill Cosby is renowned for his frankness on race.

Honestly, to be as degenerate and vile with race as the depths the right are allowed to plumb on sex and gender, you’d need an America in which George Allen would need to buy slaves to look mainstream. Literal slavery is a kind of depravity I doubt we’d allow again – but it doesn’t mean we haven’t gotten real creative in the interim.


But marriage between man and woman, raising children is at the heart of civilization.

I propose that any amendment or propostion that bans gay marriage have a rider attached to it banning divorce. If every progressive politician pushed to link the two, people might notice just how weak the “protection of marriage” argument really is.

Not to mention immediate, unconditional annulment of infertile marriage, the criminalization of adoption, and for good measure a rider keeping grandparents five hundred yards from the budding nuclear family at all times.

American civilization is at stake, damn it – if we don’t pump unwanted, attention-starved children into this world, who’s going to live in our exurbs???


unconditional annulment of infertile marriage
Reminds me of a furore a few years ago when some Catholic priest refused to solemnise a wedding because the groom was paralysed from the waist down, and unlikely to do any fathering.
As a homage to K-Lo’s policy that “upholding civilisation is a vital activity (for other people)”, I will let someone else look up the details.


But marriage between man and woman, raising children is at the heart of civilization.

I thought keeping pets and gardening was the heart of civilization.


In Earth Two, “PTSD” is the name of some high-tech police-detection drama on the TV. Or maybe it’s a hospital drama (don’t ask me what the acronym stands for). When people complain about “missing a PTSD episode”, they mean they forgot to tape it.

If we’re going to be pedantic, iz is the heart of civilization.


I propose that any amendment or propostion that bans gay marriage have a rider attached to it banning divorce. If every progressive politician pushed to link the two, people might notice just how weak the “protection of marriage” argument really is.

Abso-freakin’-lutely, Phonecian.

Not only that, people would hopefully be made to think about what this society would be like if divorce was illegal. I don’t think it would be pretty, and I think most people would agree.


What if it turns out that laziness and cowardice are actually the heart of civilization?


But marriage between man and woman, raising children is at the heart of civilization.

Just like golden age Athens, eh, K-Lo?

[Someone’s watching season two of the Wire:
‘Bunk’ Moreland: Boy, them Greeks and those twisted-ass names.
‘Jimmy’ McNulty: Man, lay off the Greeks. They invented civilization.
‘Bunk’ Moreland: Yeah? Ass-fucking, too. ]


Laziness, impatience, and hubris.


And I bet they knew how to close a tag, too.


Larry Wall said,

August 18, 2008 at 13:25

Laziness, impatience, and hubris.

Don’t forget fear.


And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.


No-one is laughing at my PERL joke, and WP has filed my You-Tube clip in the Fail basket. Clearly it is time to go to bed.


G’night, SC.

Speaking of the Fail basket, I have to go off to work soon, meself.


I propose that any amendment or propostion that bans gay marriage have a rider attached to it banning divorce.

And also that not only should it be criminal to have any affair outside of marriage, but that elected and appointed members of government face felony charges for even the appearance of infidelity.


Here’s the K-Lo quote Andrew Sullivan was ranting about:

Thank God, meanwhile, for all who do provide examples of successful marriage in the world. We’re better for you.

Jesus fuck… I still can’t believe this woman is considered an “editor”.


Lesley said,

August 18, 2008 at 6:21

K-Lo is not married, not engaged, not dating, not conceiving (even immaculately), and probably hasn’t had sex yet. Why does she care?

I’m thinking she’s a closet rug muncher. Remember when she mentioned that one of the most influential books she read was an autobiography of Traci Lords?



What if it turns out that laziness and cowardice are actually the heart of civilization?

Then I’m set for life. I could probably be Emperor.

(If I made the effort.)


On Earth 2 I closed that tag.


On Earth 3, I thought of that joke a lot faster.


The problem here is that the gays are not priests. If they were, K-Lo wouldn’t care who they had sex with.


K-Lo remains a lonely virgin on Earth 2 – it’s not THAT bizarre.


Why does everyone always have to be treated the same? Especially when they’re different!

This in a nutshell is the classic conservatoid lament. Thanks Mr. Dick-Head! Nicely done.


The woman thinks about nothing but <a href=” I bet a million bucks she writes Jesus slash fiction in her spare time.


Urban Meyer Wiener up there looks like a cut-n-paste/ stop-n-drop robospammer type thingamajig. Trollish windbaggery, apropros of nothing and signifying nothing.


Why do comments take so long to post?

Is WordPress the Anti-Christ? Are Teh Hamsters of Sadly, No! on vacation?


Susan of Texas said,

August 18, 2008 at 15:03

The woman thinks about nothing but sex [fixed link]. I bet a million bucks she writes Jesus slash fiction in her spare time.

…and I bet K-Lo wishes she were at that convention (or who knows, maybe she did go).


But . . . but . . . if K-lo is so against teh gays, why did she steal that fabulous prop from “Turandot”?

Coach Urban Meyer

Vladimir Putin should be known throughout the world as “Putin the Poisoner.” His signature act — the action that defined Putin’s character for all the world to see — was the radioactive poisoning of KGB turncoat Alexander Litvinenko in London, using polonium-210. The kicker is that you can’t just buy polonium-210 at your local chemical supply store. You can only get it if you have a nuclear weapons industry, because there you need it to start a nuclear chain reaction. It’s a super-tricky substance to control. Putin’s assassins left their traces all over London. Chemically, Po-210 is 250,000 times more toxic than hydrogen cyanide. But the Russians have always favored overkill.

Vladimir Putin had ordered the assassination of Russian journalists and capitalists before Litvinenko, of course. But the Litvinenko murder defined him for the world — or at least the sane and sensible fraction of the world — just as Don Corleone in the Godfather ordered the decapitated horse’s head to be placed in Jack Woltz’ bedroom. Like the bloody horse head, Polonium poisoning signaled a public but deniable threat to Putin’s enemies: Defy me, and I can use the rarest poison in the world to kill you anywhere I choose. And I will get away with it, because everybody else is cowed.

Which is exactly what happened. Putin never paid a price, and in the manner of bullies everywhere, he was emboldened when the Brits failed to respond to Litvinenko’s assassination in the middle of London. That is why Putin’s invasion of the small, free, and democratic Republic of Georgia was predictable. Today the Russian threat to the Ukraine is just as obvious. So the issue is not just the Republic of Georgia: It is the Ukraine, the Baltics, Eastern Europe, and even the Middle East.

So what about Barry O, vacationing back in Hawaii? How is he holding up against a future in which he might have to face Vlad the Poisoner and Russia’s reversion to barbarism? To say it kindly, Barry is Unready — redeless just like Ethelred, and already signaling weakness. According to his official advisor, Susan Rice, John McCain was just too nasty to the raging Bear. This might pass muster in the Disney World of the Left, where you just wish upon a star to make it come true, but in Putin’s mafiocracy they are toasting Obama in vodka. Down the hatch, Barry!

By failing to warn Putin, Obama is inviting more aggression — look for it as soon as he gets elected. Jimmy Carter invited Brezhnev to invade Afghanistan, and Barry O is doing the same with the former Soviet satellites.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Actually, the Traditional Definition of Marriage™ is the union of one man and one woman. Children don’t come into it at all. They have to define it that way because telling adopted kids that they aren’t real people is asshole-ish enough to make wingers balk. It’s a clever strategy, and we should be calling them out on it, like so:

What is it about the union of one man and one woman that is necessary for raising children?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Wow, Bucket is random.


Well, thank heavens The Oscar Meyer spambot has no trouble getting through. Must be BFFs with WordPress.


Why do comments take so long to post?

Is WordPress the Anti-Christ? Are Teh Hamsters of Sadly, No! on vacation?

Oh, I’m still checking the filter manually about 20 times a day. If something ends up in there, I’ll rescue it.

BTW, I’m cautious of deleting any duplicate comments, in case the filter is like, “Oh, that must be SPAM. I’ll mark that person as SPAM from now on.” So if duplicates appear, I’m not rescuing them all out of sloppiness or to make anyone look bad.

On the bright side: The damned filter has gotten a lot smarter, so the comment-delay nuisance is apparently easing up from one day to the next….


Hey, listen, K-Lo, as long as you’re up – could you bring me a nice bowl of chicken with green curry, and a plate of those little fishcake things, whaddya call ’em….todmun. Yeah, todmun. A big plate.

And plenty of peanut sauce.


Dear K-Lo:

I’m married. You aren’t.

Gays have no effect on my marriage.

Your lack thereof? Most likely your problem. Just a hunch.



D.N. Nation said,

August 18, 2008 at 16:00

Dear K-Lo:

I’m married. You aren’t.

Gays have no effect on my marriage.

Your lack thereof? Most likely your problem. Just a hunch.


That’s pretty much the neo-con attitude in a nutshell: nothing is wrong with them, it’s the fault of the world. If their feet get blisters, they don’t get a better pair of shoes… they insist on carpeting the world.


McCain should be accused of “Playing the POW Card”. Which he actually does about 10 times a day.

How dare you accuse Senator McCain, a former POW, of playing the POW card. As a former POW, Senator McCain would never dream of playing the POW card.


Just saw this:
cone of silence

The choice quote:

“The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous,” [McCain Spokeswoman] Ms. Wallace said.

It’s just like the parody, only for real. This is the sort of election news I like to laugh to. The kind where it’s hard to know if it’s the parody or the reality.

Coach Urban Meyer

John McCain is a war hero.


Also: I now know why I thought elections were more interesting when I was in 8th grade. They take place on the 8th grade level, with the same sense of history, fairness, and argumentation. “Cone of Silence,” ha! Maybe the next debate should take place by shoe-phone.


Shorter NRO editors: Now is the time for dogmatism.


Thanks, Gavin.

Audie Murphy was a *real* war hero; he saved lives. But I wouldn’t vote for him for president; the war tore him up too much. But we all know Republicans don’t care about war and heroes. Look at Bush versus Kerry. Bush is a physical coward, afraid of horsies and Mummy and actually fighting instead of playing soldier. And his adoring fans preferred the coward to the decorated war hero.


Smut Clyde,

don’t know much about that priest, but he was absolutely right (in the eyes of the Roman religion, at any rate). Canon 1084 §1 provides that, “antecedent and perpetual impotence to have intercourse, whether on the part of the man or the woman, whether absolute or relative, nullifies marriage by its very nature”.

Surprisingly, the pope doesn’t prohibit marriage if one or both of the parties are sterile. Once I learned this, my marriage and that of everybody else in teh Heart of Civilization began irreparably to crumble. Bad sex-crazed libertine pope, no biscuit!

K-Lo should have a word with him.


Wait, I know what’s going on here!

The arrival of CUM was just a teeeeeny bit convenient, wasn’t it?

I think he’s an Amy Alkon dead-ender, here to punish us for our terminity. Nay, I know that’s what he is!

Therefore, as leader of S,N!, Gary Ruppert should immediately call the lawyers, and file actions against Alkon in federal court – that’s right, make a federal case out of it!

Proof? Who needs proof! My paranoia is enough!


Michael G. said,

August 18, 2008 at 16:50

Also: I now know why I thought elections were more interesting when I was in 8th grade. They take place on the 8th grade level, with the same sense of history, fairness, and argumentation. “Cone of Silence,” ha! Maybe the next debate should take place by shoe-phone.

These days they take place on the 5th grade level. Be prepared for questions relating to YuGiOh and Avatar.


BTW, do you know who I think John McCain should choose as his VP running mate?
Mr. Mxyzptlk.
It certainly has a ring to it: the “McCain/Mxyzptlk” ticket.

If only we could trick McCain into saying his own name backwards and send him back to his own dimension.


Teh Coach on Earth Prime: “By failing to warn Putin, Obama is inviting more aggression — look for it as soon as he gets elected.”

On Earth Two : “By issuing a ‘warning’ to Putin, Obama reveals his presumption and his willingness to grandstand at the expense, if need be, of his country’s security. Someone should tell him he hasn’t been elected–and he won’t be, as his preening self-regard and indifference to the protocols of U.S. elections, and international relations, become clear to all.”

Is that how you do it? It’s like my Sennheiser ear-buds. Twist To Fit!


Jimmy Carter invited Brezhnev to invade Afghanistan

Didn’t the CIA, under Carter, foment unrest in Afghanistan in order to TRICK the Soviets into invading and getting bogged down in their own “Vietnam”?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Didn’t the CIA, under Carter, foment unrest in Afghanistan in order to TRICK the Soviets into invading and getting bogged down in their own “Vietnam”?

Jeez, you make it sound like occupying Afghanistan wouldn’t be a cakewalk.


J. Neo Marvin: That has a familiar ring to it. And see how well THAT all turned out!

Wow, I’m enjoying this unemployment thing. More time to smart off on blogs. Downside, of course, is no money.


Ya know, even my right-wingoid mother is for same-sex marriage on the grounds that “What do I care? How does it possibly hurt me?” If she can’t come up with a rationale, I guarantee K-Lo’s got even less than usual.

telling adopted kids that they aren’t real people is asshole-ish enough to make wingers balk

Yeah, but that doesn’t stop a lot of people from saying it. Trust me, as an adoptee, I can smell that argument a mile away, and it makes me real twitchy. Well, I’m already twitchy (being as I’m the Genuine Article Spastic™ around these parts), but it makes me twitchier. In these halcyon days of medically-assisted reproductive high technology, ain’t no baby quite good enough unless it’s Your Real Baybee™, after all.

Didn’t the CIA, under Carter, foment unrest in Afghanistan in order to TRICK the Soviets into invading and getting bogged down in their own “Vietnam”?

Yes, and I have the quote admitting so from Zipper Brzezinsky in Le Monde to prove it, too. The kicker is, you have to be able to read French, which is the other half of the reason nobody in the US noticed. At the time the article came out, even the few lazy asses in the journalistic corpse who could read French weren’t admitting it lest the wingeratti call them “cheese eating surrender monkeys” too.


You could just have easily stuck this in:

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, Malay and red, and He placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with His arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that He separated the races shows that He did not intend for the races to mix.”

I’m also convinced K-Load is another asshat who believes that the only reason she isn’t married is because some icky kw33r stole her dream man. I’m not sure how she reconciles this with priesthood but when wingnuts try to use logic, their heads deflate.


Wow, I’m enjoying this unemployment thing. More time to smart off on blogs. Downside, of course, is no money.

I hear ya. During the lull until classes start up again, my ass has been pretty much glued to this chair for hours at a time. I may have to take up Cheetos and Mountain Dew in order to fuel my “activity.”


She needs to take a trip up here to Canuckistan. We’ve had same-sex marriage for more than a year (a cause for delight & pride, not only for the queerishly-inclined but for MOST Canuckistanis), & it strikes me as having become noticably more civilized (but what would I know about it, other than having lived in & compared both social contexts, & having a bunch of goofy IQ points & stuff) – poor dear, she’ll need her own hoop-factory to jump herself around THAT inconvenient reality. Or the fact that marriage is in decline, & has been for many years now – & that same-sex marriages might reverse that march toward extinction which the institution has been on … LOLlercoaster alert – “irony is dead” my ass!

The “marriage between man & woman” as it’s being realized by couples today is in absolute terms a historical newcomer … but heck, maybe it’s “central to her point”(-y head) that many a civilization crept along quite comfortably without any formalized cultural artifact like it for many millennia.


It’s not that Bush never stood up to Putin during the nearly eight years of his Preznitcy, no. It’s that senator from Illinois who isn’t even President-elect yet and his élitist Hawaii vacation.

(And of course, Georgia’s mortar/rocket attack which killed over a thousand civilians was no big deal, right?)


Dear K-Lo:

I’m married. You aren’t.

Gays have no effect on my marriage.

Your lack thereof? Most likely your problem. Just a hunch.

I just had a sad and maybe sort of cruel thought. You know the 1980s stock character of the sorta-chubby not-really-unattractive-but-Hollywood-unattractive girl? The one who is friends with the main girl? The one who goes to the prom with the obviously gay guy, who is her platonic BFF?

What if that gay guy could get married? What would happen to the unattractive woman? Do you see how this might be a personal issue?


In other words, what Arky said.


I’m also convinced K-Load is another asshat who believes that the only reason she isn’t married is because some icky kw33r stole her dream man.

Gosh, no. K-Lo isn’t married because she’s a good girl and doesn’t want to make Baby Jesus cry. Her daddy said men want to marry a virgin, but somehow when virgins are being handed out to handsome men she’s left out. All those sluts out there are having sex with all the eligible men instead, and she’s left alone with her worn copy of God and Man in Yale and her good conduct medals from Catholic high school and university.


Ihear ya. During the lull until classes start up again, my ass has been pretty much glued to this chair for hours at a time. I may have to take up Cheetos and Mountain Dew in order to fuel my “activity.”

That would be a huge mistake…

Beware of Cheetohs, which are from the dark side! Trans-fats, salt, artificial cheez flavorings; the dark side are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a flame war. If once you start on a bag of Cheetohs, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it almost did Gavin.


I hear ya. During the lull until classes start up again, my ass has been pretty much glued to this chair for hours at a time. I may have to take up Cheetos and Mountain Dew in order to fuel my “activity.”

That would be a huge mistake…

Beware of Cheetohs, which are from the dark side! Trans-fats, salt, artificial cheez flavorings; the dark side are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a flame war. If once you start on a bag of Cheetohs, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it almost did Gavin.


Candy: No Cheetos and Mountain Dew or we’ll have to stage an intervention. Organic yellow-corn Tostitos and bottled water? Well all right then!


How dare you accuse Senator McCain, a former POW, of playing the POW card. As a former POW, Senator McCain would never dream of playing the POW card.

He’s a noun, a verb and POW.

Bizarro Ann Althouse Am Funny, Empathetic, Sober

Bizarro Kathy Lopez have good haircut, hipster glasses, and female partner with which she has had seventeen commitment ceremonies and weddings (some annulled) in various jurisdictions. She am also blogstress-in-chief for notorious liberal publication National Review.

Amy's Friend's B.H. Neighbor

Yes, MzNicky, and fresh garden salsa. Washed down with iced tea with just a wee bit of pure cane sugar. I feel better already! (Throws out Cheetos and MD.)

Yes, I remember Gavin’s object lesson in Cheeto consumption, EnfantTerrible. How could I forget? I seriously feel sort of sick thinking about it even now. yerp.

good conduct medals from Catholic high school and university.

She may have received good conduct medals but I’ll bet Sister Mary John whacked her knuckles with the sharp edge of the ruler over her lack of progress in composition and English. Teaching sisters in Catholic schools of yore were wont to do that and were not noted for their tolerance of poor academic achievement in general.


Er, I’m not really Amy’s friend, from Bev Hills or otherwise, as you are probably already aware. I hate when I forget to change my name back.



tata said,
August 18, 2008 at 20:12

How dare you accuse Senator McCain, a former POW, of playing the POW card. As a former POW, Senator McCain would never dream of playing the POW card.

He’s a noun, a verb and POW.

That’s exactly what I said in another forum today. I hope it catches on.

Everyone should be thankful that I saw tata’s comment and decided to drop my initial comment of really bad Earth-2 and Crime Syndicate jokes.


When did C-Span start running Songebob cartoons?


When did C-Span start running Spongebob cartoons?

Hemlock for Gadflies

Is K-Lo married? With children? ‘Cause I’d hate to think, you know, that she’s contributing to the weakening of the fabric of society or anything. ‘Cause she’s so, you know, patriotic. Maybe Doofus over at Confederate Yankee would have a poke at that.




sorry, that was teh l’affaire originally …
Does this work in other languages? For instance, do German L33T bloggers write things like “dei Google” when they’re being ironic?
This is the sort of thing I wonder about when I’m lying awake at night, unable to sleep because that’s when the clowns come.


That’s pretty much the neo-con attitude in a nutshell: nothing is wrong with them, it’s the fault of the world. If their feet get blisters, they don’t get a better pair of shoes… they insist on carpeting the world.

With government funds, mind, government funds.


So was it Silver Age K-Lo who was defeated by Little Debbie and her snack cakes of doom?


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