K-Mart Koulter Keeps teh Krap Koming

Above: Blarg! Der Anschlussel ist so gross!

It’s hard to keep up, but we try. In this edition, Little Debbie’s snack for you turns out to be an approving link (screenshot here) to a terrorist website:

Who is Rita Hauser?: Arafat-Gushing, Israel-Hating Jew is 1/3 of Trio on Team Obama GOP; “Republicans” For Obama Are Islamist-Enablers

  • WSJ reporter Amy Chozick, obviously a liberal, wrote an insufficiently hateful article about Rita Hauser, who is a horrible, self-loathing Jew, a RINO, an Obama-supporter and fellatrix of Yasser Arafat’s dead penis. Thank G-d the New York Sun and Masada 2000 website provide balance.

Whoa. First of all, Masada 2000 is a hate site produced by Kahaneists whose party, Kach, is banned in Israel because it is racist and practices terrorism and whose American arm, the JDL, is classified as a terrorist organization by the state department and as a hate group by the SPLC. Masada2000 is basically the Jewish version of Stormfront. Pam Gellar has also approvingly linked to Masada 2000 without being called out for it by any of her powerful and famous wingnut friends like John Bolton and Mark Steyn; I have no doubt Schlussel will also get away with it scot-free.

Second, if you think Amy Chozick goes too easy on Obama or any of his advisers or proxies, you’re an idiot.

The rest is just garden-variety batshit of the sort that Schlussel produces daily:

More Condi Clueless: U.S. Missed Russian/Georgian Conflict Because . . .

  • I totally could have guessed that affirmative-action hire Condi would be too busy destroying Israel and kissing those cockroach Muslims’ asses to deal with the Russian invasion of Georgia.

When You’re @ “Olive Garden”, Even a Slut “Celeb Endorser” is “Family”

  • Talk about the culture of appeasement! Olive Garden doesn’t even have the cojones to tell that blonde bimbo-slut-whore to stop plugging its product!

Schlussel describes Kendra Wilkinson as a “bimbo extraordinaire” who “live[s] life like a wet t-shirt contestant” and “embodies” “filth and diseases.” Righteously, Little Debbie denounces Ms. Wilkinson’s “peroxided, breast-implanted shenanigans.” Ahem. If you’ll look on the fan club page she set up, you’ll see where K-Mart Koulter proudly describes herself as the “VRWC’s latest and greatest sexy, blonde, and beautiful commentator.”

Meet the New Terrorism Apologists, er “Charity Investigators” . . . The Better Business Bureau?

  • The Better Business Bureau has started to give cover to so-called ‘legitimate’ Islamic charities, but they can’t fool me, buncha terrorist-collaborating, vermin-shielding… [shakes fist]

More Assaults on English: Even a Private School Can’t Set Language?

  • Bilingual education?! Why, if you dirty spics had tried that shit at my Jewish Day School, where we were sometimes taught in Hebrew, we would have shown you a thing or two!

Mid-Week Box Office: Funny But Vile “Tropic Thunder”, Depressing But Poignant “When Did You Last See Your Father?”

  • ‘Tropic Thunder’ pokes so much fun at Hollywood and at ethnicities and races I dislike that I’ll even give it a free pass on making fun of Jewish movie producers, who are, of course, liberal and therefore evil. Unless that was a prosthesis I saw on Tom Cruise’s nose — then I might have a problem. ‘When Did You Last See Your Father?’, on the other hand, I found a wonderful demonstration of filial piety, and a reminder that though not all fathers are perfect, it doesn’t mean that they can’t love — and be loved.

VH1’s New “Fatherhood” Role Model: Is It Just Me . . .

  • Look at this crap VH1 is pushing on us! Luther Campbell, a decent father!? Impossible! He’s not even a decent human being, what with his making his fortune from rapping filthy lyrics and producing porn movies.

Time for a New Game: Spot the Offensive Symbol on Jamie Foxx’s Surf Board

  • I can tell just by glancing at the surfboard Jamie Foxx rented that he wants to be a hippie transsexual Nazi Muslim.

Affirmative Action for Anti-American Actresses: Meet the “Real Reason” Batman Movie is a Hit

  • A few mildly positive blurbs about Maggie Gyllenhaal’s performance in ‘The Dark Knight’ is just more evidence that film critics are trying to destroy America.

A Tale of Two Cooks: Julia Child v. Rachael Ray = Patriotism v. Vapid Capitalism

  • Ahh, the good old days when popular chefs spied for America instead of committing treason against it by wearing a keffiyeh.

Schlussel says she “was never a huge fan of the late Julia Child because her voice annoyed me.” Pot, kettle, shrill. Listen to Little Debbie and tell me she doesn’t make the same sound a tortured foie gras goose makes after a French farmer stuffs corn in its craw.

Thanks for Nothing, King Abdullah; Egypt Returns Iraqis, We Take in Thousands

  • Ok, King Abdullah, if you’re not gonna help us bomb the shit out of Iraq, then you’re not allowed to go there when it’s a smoking crater. Go back to Jordan and take some of these vermin Iraqi immigrants here in America with ya!

Above: “I blow my nose at you so-called Abdullah king,
you and your filthy Islamic k-niggits!”

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 100


You disease-ridden, germ infested, filthy sleazebagette,

I denounce thee!
I denounce thee!
I denounce thee!


Crap, I forgot the screenshot command. Ctrl-alt? Somebody tell me?


I don’t think that works, ITTDGY. Heavy duty exorcism is what we need here. I mean, sweet Jeebus:

We gave the blood. They–including King Abdullah–gave nothing.

First, you dumb bimbo, YOU gave NOTHING. Secondly, the Jordanians gave food and shelter to hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who barely escaped with their lives from your precious experiment in democracy planting.

And as for this

It’s bad enough that America’s public schools and institutions provide bilingual education.

words fail me. Except maybe for ‘joder!’.


Shift+PrtScrn (Print Screen).


…K-Mart Koulter proudly describes herself as the “VRWC’s latest and greatest sexy, blonde, and beautiful commentator.”

Not to mention, Hip, Conservative Info-Babe Commentator!

Sadly, I will not be joining that Yahoo group.


“Koulter proudly describes herself as the “VRWC’s latest and greatest sexy, blonde, and beautiful commentator.””

1 out of 5 isn’t bad, is it?


How dare you compare Schllussssellllll’s level of unaccountability to the fine heritage of Scottish culture (“scot-free”). I hope Mel Gibson is furious with you and shouts “Freedom!” to you at an inappropriate time.


Picture Debbie, K-Lo, and Jonah Goldberg in a threesome.

Have a nice weekend.


As one of the most liberal members of this blog … OTB, WTF?!


Hey, man, you think it’s easy being an expert on everything? Her brilliance is a burden. A brilliant, sexy, beautiful burden…

Malfunctioning Debbie Schlussel Robot

Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims

Insane Frown Posse

Shorter Debbie:

“Radio Shack stopped giving away free batteries, so I don’t have any for my vibrator, thus I am REALLY filled with hate these days. Can anyone send me some free batteries?”


> Picture Debbie, K-Lo, and Jonah Goldberg in a threesome.

I imagine it would look like the scene in Pink Flamingos where Divine cleans up after a little doggy does its job.


Alternate Shorter Debbie:
I WANNA be a Celebrity TOO!!!


It’s bad enough that America’s public schools and institutions provide bilingual education.

And science! What the fuck is up with those commie schools teaching the science? Using YOUR tax dollars!



…Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims Muslims + Can anyone send me some free batteries? = Oh GOD YES YES YES!!!!1111!


Now for some Schlitz. And where are my Newports?


… I didn’t like [Child’s] fattening, buttery, rich style of cooking that mirrored the French.

So, all Deb’s taste is NOT in her mouth.

I like [Ray’s] recipes…

Deb’s taste buds must have been scraped off with an entrenching tool or something.

Where Child was the symbol of class and haute cuisine, Rachael Ray is a lowest-common-denominator-of-pop-culture chef.

Um, Deb… are you arguing that you are, at least in a culinary sense, a classless dolt?

Sadly, Child would probably not have been a success today in the Rachael Ray world that we now live in, because she was not “attractive” or “TV friendly” enough.

Unlike that patronizing Anthony Burdain, the adonis-like Mario Batali, the nymphish Paula Dean or that ex-supermodel Sandra Pinckney.

Although, to be fair, I wouldn’t kick Giada De Laurentiis out of bed for eating crackers. And not only because they’d probably be the best fucking crackers I’ve ever had.


Just let it go. You and I are never going to stop these crazed, deranged, fanatical cretins from spewing their brand of free speech. I think it’s a mistake to give them any more exposure. The worst thing you can do to scum like this is ignore them. Just my opinion.



We ignored the likes of Rush Limbaugh for years while he gained stature. This site helps us know the enemy. Plus it’s funny.


Christ. Apologies for all the typos and grammatical errors in this post. I think I’ve corrected all of them now. Need more sleep. Blarg.


I had the fortunate experience of seeing Maggie Gyllenhaal speak at UNC-CH in 2004. She is amazingly beautiful and Schlussel can suck it.

That being said, here’s Malkin with a Keffiyah!
Malkin’s face, be warned.


Just let it go.

That’s it, people. We’re shutting down this site. Gather what belongings you can and clear out!


Tagg, this site is for people who are predisposed toward being incapable of letting teh st00pid go. Stupid must never be appeased!


Rita Hauser: Obama’s Self-Hating, Terror-Pandering Jewess-in-Chief

Jewess? Is she kidding me? What’s next, Musselmen?


Picture Debbie, K-Lo, and Jonah Goldberg in a threesome.

Have a nice weekend.

Gaaaah! Sweet Jebus noooooo…..

[performs self-lobotomy with garden rake.]


Nasty stain there in your trousers, Deb.


I hope the Triforce gets there in time to prevent the swastika from eradicating the star of David! Unless, of course, it’s a lucky Buddhist swastika, in which it’s probably just smoking a blunt with the peace sign.


WOW. This is like the Meet the Spartans of needless traffic generation.


Tagg said,

Just let it go. You and I are never going to stop these crazed, deranged, fanatical cretins from spewing their brand of free speech. I think it’s a mistake to give them any more exposure. The worst thing you can do to scum like this is ignore them. Just my opinion.

Au contraire! I think we should all suggest, no, demand that Little Debbie be given her own show on Faux News, something that runs nightly in prime time.

I truly believe that the more exposure we give idiots like the Schlusselnator, the more they will be hated and reviled by anyone who can rub two functioning brain cells together.


Is it the clinical paranoia that is making some uncomfortable with pointing and laughing?

Prudence Goodwife

“Totally unbelievable that two rich, handsome men would even date her”

Setting aside her obvious jealousy of other more successful women, let’s take a look at the homunculus who would date miss Gyllenhaal.


Who would believe it.


Oh wow. She actually does call Condi Rice the “affirmative action” Secretary of State. I thought you were filling in the lines. And this from the comments:

I always knew Condi was over-rated. If you actually listen to her speak, it’s clear that she says absolutely nothing. She talks pseudointellectual gibberish. She has been ineffectual in every position she has ever held. She is a useful token, however. Well-groomed, clean, and plays the piano.

Yeah, she was the only black woman they could find who bathed and straightened her hair, so the job was hers! Who ARE these people?


Little Debbie sez:

There’s a reason most conservatives in Hollywood don’t dare out themselves and their ideologies. They don’t get the Maggie Gyllenhaal treatment by USA Today and the Wall Street Journal.

Two of the most dangerously commie-liberal media outlets in the world, obviously in the pocket of George Soros. Heh indeed.


K-Mart Koulter in three words (aka: shorter shorter K-Mart Koulter):

— Stupid cowardly Jew!

— Ass kissing nigger!

— Fucking bimbo slut!

— Cowardly terrorist appeasers!

— Filthy lazy spics!

— Asshole dirty pimp!

— Hippie Nazi bastard!

— Hollywood elitist scum!

— Keffiyeh wearing bitch!

— Fucking Iraqi shits!


That’s it, people. We’re shutting down this site. Gather what belongings you can and clear out!

Tagg is going to miss us.


If we didn’t have Debbie, Seth MacFarlane would have to invent her. At least, her voice would be funnier if it were funny.


Damn! I missed three word Debbie for the “Tropic Thunder” one:

— Violent perverted wackos!


Several years ago, I hired a mover who got the Better Business Bureau’s seal of approval… He called my parents’ home and told me he was wearing my dresses and underwear

Therefore, all Muslims are terrorists.


Therefore, all Muslims are terrorists.

And they’ve already gotten to the BBB.


David Neiwert has pointed out numerous times that when you ignore extremists, it gives them permission to expand their activities, because they think it means everyone approves of them. He writes about communities that decided to ignore neo-nazi groups and later found themselves up to their necks in violent white-power fucknozzles.

Ya gotta shine the light on people like Schlussel, because people need to see what a bunch of fucknozzles they are.


He called my parents’ home and told me he was wearing my dresses and underwear

That’s so hot.


OTB, what the hell did we do to you?


I’m sure this has been pointed out before, but “Debbie Does Politics” must be a reference to “Debbie Does Dallas,” the ’78 cinematic tour-de-porno in which Bambi Woods takes on the entire Dallas Cowboys football team. Mustn’t it? What’s up with that? Speaking of fucknozzles, as Scott points out……


I’ve already gotten the “Obama hates Israel” thing as a smear email forward from a right wing relative.


White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Ya gotta shine the light on people like Schlussel, because people need to see what a bunch of fucknozzles they are.


Besides, suddenly turning on the lights always surprises and scares the cockroaches!


So . . . Franklin Roosevelt’s OSS, spying on the Nazis, was teh roxxor right wing patriotic but when it became the CIA it was LEFT wing? The CIA became LEFT WING? WTF is wrong with you Debbie? I guess it makes sense that the left wing CIA bumped off Che Guevara, at least on the planet from which you crashed to earth.

But I’ve got some bad news for you, Debs. Julian Child’s Baking With Julia is on my DFH PBS station every Saturday. For a while they ran the show she did with that Dirty Frenchman, Jacques Pepin. (I loves me some Chef Pepin!) They also carried In Julia’s Kitchen With Master Chefs. Julia Child loved French culture, and was bilingual, Debbie. BILINGUAL!!!11! IN FRENCH!!!111! I myself, a DFH Leftist Elitist, am quite fond of her shows, and her voice has grown on me over the years, something I suspect your voice could never do.



Its hilarious to watch her be Bill Maher’s (and everyone else’s) punching bag.


Now THAT is some explosive bloggorhea.

That being said, here’s Malkin with a Keffiyah!
Malkin’s face, be warned.

NOW we know the REAL reason her eyes are so brown, eh?

David Neiwert has pointed out numerous times that when you ignore extremists, it gives them permission to expand their activities, because they think it means everyone approves of them.

Bullseye. Peer-group approval is a LOT tougher to maintain if the rest of us are all too happy to crash the party & point out just how full of horseshit your Kool-Aid-orgy is, & can prove exactly why. Argue only if you’re sure you can make it stick – otherwise, just shit in their punchbowl (via a couple of big ripe glistening facts), & leave with a jaunty “bon appetit!” If you’re lucky, some of them might even thank you for it later.

To paraphrase Mother Jones: educate the ignorant, & afflict the stupid. Good clean fun!


Besides, suddenly turning on the lights always surprises and scares the cockroaches!

You REALLY shouldn’t compare Schlussel to a cockroach. There is a long and ugly history of her people being depicted as vermin and those wounds are still very fresh. Really, can you blame the cockroaches for being angry? They have no more connection to wingnuts than do you or I.


That “assaults on English” post, for those of you who don’t follow all the links, isn’t really about bilingual education at all.

The article Debbie links to is rather vague, but from what I can tell, it’s not about students demanding education in Spanish, but about a school that has a rule that students are only allowed to speak English.

There’s a lawsuit, which alleges that a child was kicked out of school for “refusing to sign the ‘English only’ pledge.”

And the school justifies it thusly:

“[The Wichita diocese] contends the rule was implemented at St. Anne Catholic School as a legitimate response to inappropriate behavior by a few middle school students.

‘This case is about a matter of discipline,’ Jay Fowler, the attorney representing the Catholic Diocese said Monday. ‘Catholic schools embrace all cultures.'”

What can that mean? What kind of misbehavior could possibly necessitate the banning of all foreign languages?

A very bizarre case.


What can that mean? What kind of misbehavior could possibly necessitate the banning of all foreign languages?

Probably some monolingual kids thought those Hispanic kids were talking about them in that funny furrin talk.


Bill — Actually, Debbie mostly does Mr. Greenfield, the owner of the sporting goods store where she works. Here’s an unusually long plot summary (esp. for someone typing with only one hand):


As is usually the case with best-selling porn titles, there is a whole carload of follow-ups. My favorite title in the sequels was “Debbie Does Dishes”.

As for exposing and ridiculing Ms. Schlussel (and is that name onomatopoetic, or what?) and her ilk, I absolutely agree that the more they are shown to be the ignorant, racist boobs that they are, the better. And, yes, ignoring them will only encourage. As the legal doctrine reminds us, Qui tacet consentit (silence implies consent).

Expose them to the light of day and they will hopefully shrivel up and blow away (eventually).


We have quite a number of Bosnian immigrants in our area. Our local grocery store employs them. They are pleasant people and I enjoy dealing with them.

Some people didn’t like it that they spoke their native language while they were working at the store. “Why, for all we know, they could be talking about us and laughing at us!” seemed to be the primary reason for objecting. They complained to the store’s management. For a while, the store was going to make the Bosnians speak “English only” while at work. Fortunately, my neighborhood is filled with DFHs, some of whom are wealthy and well-connected DFHs, and that plan was scrapped. Sadly, it seems that as time goes on fewer are speaking the native tongue anyway. Assimilation.


That’s it, people. We’re shutting down this site. Gather what belongings you can and clear out!

Women, children and sort of idealized versions of the complete liberal, coastal enclave residing, pot smoking, bike riding, nearly vegetarian, hip hop loving, soccer playing Mets fans first.



That’s it, people. We’re shutting down this site. Gather what belongings you can and clear out!
Anybody seen my hookah? And the, um, tobacco that goes with it?

Probably some monolingual kids thought those Hispanic kids were talking about them in that funny furrin talk.
Actually, that’s exactly it. And it’s not just kids. According to this,

Sister Margaret answered that her goal is the safety of
all the children. She said the school has to be conscious of what’s
being said, such as detrimental and disrespectful comments.

It seems that finally someone is thinking of the children.


The worst thing you can do to scum like this is ignore them.

There’s just no way that red-blooded, testosterone-rich manly men could ever ignore a super-ultra-extremo-sexy babe-alicious hottie like Schlussel.


I have to say that seems kind of odd coming from a Catholic school. All the churches in my state seem to be embracing the Hispanic immigrants, and have done a lot of work to help the people affected by the raids at Marshalltown and Postville.

The Church can’t really afford to alienate what is potentially the largest group of parishioners in a country where membership is declining and they can’t recruit priests. The protestants are making inroads with the Hispanic community as it is. Seems pretty stupid and shortsighted. Much better to get some bilingual staff, so they can tell Sister Margaret she’s being called The Old Battleaxe From Hell.


lawnguylander said,

August 15, 2008 at 18:53

That’s it, people. We’re shutting down this site. Gather what belongings you can and clear out!

Women, children and sort of idealized versions of the complete liberal, coastal enclave residing, pot smoking, bike riding, nearly vegetarian, hip hop loving, soccer playing Mets fans first.

Me Y-chromosomal Ohio-lander will hold down fort.

ITTDGY just pawn in game of life.


Candy said,

August 15, 2008 at 19:08

I have to say that seems kind of odd coming from a Catholic school. All the churches in my state seem to be embracing the Hispanic immigrants, and have done a lot of work to help the people affected by the raids at Marshalltown and Postville.

Yeah, you’ve got a point there. Latin America is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, Catholic strongholds in the world. This school is pretty fucking stupid for pissing off Spanish speaking migrants. I totally expect the school shutting down within five years due to a lack of enrollment.

Ann Althouse Brings All The Boys To The Yard

Oh, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie. You don’t need to go on and on about that young, lithe, nubile, mostly-organic Hefner concubine. Plenty of us know where true beauty lies, and by “true beauty”, I mean “fetish for slightly shopworn Rubenesque possibly-natural blonde”. Let’s do lunch sometime, and that’s “lunch” spelled N-O-O-N-E-R; we won’t go anywhere near Olive Garden, I’ll bring my own olive oil.


Ol’ TAGG has been a busy boy, between shameless blog-whoring at Tbogg’s to monitoring the SN! output. At least he had the decency to ixnay the Tbogg blog-wronging when the sad news came of Satchmo’s demise.


When does her face get completely absorbed into her neck?


Goddamn, it’s a reg’lar HTML Mencken blogsurge. I like it.


Dan said,

August 15, 2008 at 19:54

When does her face get completely absorbed into her neck?

When she has more chins than the Hong Kong phone directory. Just a few more to go!


Sister Margaret answered that her goal is the safety of
all the children. She said the school has to be conscious of what’s
being said,

Especially when it is being said by brown children, who are 15% more likely to be plotting a terrorist attack.

Schlussel's Nutsack

Im thinking what she really needs is a giant sammich photoshopped in her next entry on this site.


Some people didn’t like it that they spoke their native language while they were working at the store.
Does anyone else get that feeling that deaf people, when they’re Signing away to one another, are actually laughing at you?

Bitter Scribe, the sexy, blonde, and beautiful commentator,

Hell, you liberals should be lucky those priests and nuns aren’t beating the crap out of those kids for speaking Spanish, like they did with all those Injun kids in the late 19th/early 20th century. By God, the church back then knew how to deal with upstart young brown-skinned punks who dared to have a sense of ethnic identity.


Does anyone else get that feeling that deaf people, when they’re Signing away to one another, are actually laughing at you?

Oh, great, like I needed another reason to never leave the house . . .


Debbie is so not Rubenesque that Peter Paul Rubens just stuck his decayed hand out of his casket and started pulling himself out. He’s coming for you, false Althouse.


“Who’s that girl Smokey’s talkin’ to?

She’s a big one….”

I didn’t think she was that fat from her website picture, but daaaaaaamn!

It’s Friday, I a’int got to go to work…and I a’int got shit to do!


I’d say Debbie is more of a “Dollar Store Coulter” than K-Mart. Only problem, lotsa poor (brown skinned) people shop at both stores. Must be Hell for Debbie, looking for that $1 bottle of wine to drink with her $1 mac-and-cheese.


Debbie is so not Rubenesque that Peter Paul Rubens just stuck his decayed hand out of his casket and started pulling himself out.

Would you settle for Brouweresque?
In the interests of fair-mindedness, I also give you Brouwer’s Portrait of Bimler.


Debbie is so not Rubenesque that Peter Paul Rubens just stuck his decayed hand out of his casket and started pulling himself out.

I am reminded of Botero.

And also, of course, post-9/11 Botero


damn html tags


How about this Rubens?
Schlussel [right]: “Well if you’re not going to eat that…”


… I didn’t like [Child’s] fattening, buttery, rich style of cooking that mirrored the French.

Fucking idiot. It didn’t mirror the French, you twit, it was French. A clue would have been her two part book series, Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

Julia Child used to say “Don’t be afraid of your food.” Meaning use all the fucking butter you want, life is too short to eat crap.


How about this Rubens?


One more time…

How about this Ruebens?


Linkee says

Error 500 – Internal server error
An internal server error has occured!
Please try again later.

I blame WordPress.


More Brouwers (because he is one of my favourite painters):
Bimlers in Party Hats.


FY WordPress stripped out the link from my last comment. Hmmpph. Google Image Brouwer bauer_mit_zweimaste.


More stripping please.


Schlussel’s overheated schit is SO much better if you imagine it being voiced by Gilda Radner as Lisa Loopner.


Debbie Schlussel would look a lot nicer if she didn’t wear so much eyeliner.
Around her mouth.


-a swastika next to a Jewish star (since Muslims outrageously equate the two and like swastikas, since they–Muslims–are the new Nazis)

It’s outrageous to equate a group with Nazis! Especially for Muslims to do that because they are Nazis!!!!1!!ONE!!! (<–this is okay though)

But yeah, I wouldn’t rent something that had a swastika or a traitor flag on it.


Like Debbie, I am getting a little bit tired of people who suggest that this country somehow “deserves” bad things to happen based on stuff we did.

Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”

That no-good America-hater Gregory Peck said that, I think.


Wasn’t the total number of refugees we allowed in like 88 in 2005?

Thousands? When? Where?


I clicked the Jamie Foxx link to see if you were exaggerating the crazy. Oh foolish, foolish me.

Foxx has bragged that his father is Muslim (which means by Islamic law, he is, too), and it looks to me like this surfboard has all the Muslim symbols on it–a swastika next to a Jewish star (since Muslims outrageously equate the two and like swastikas, since they–Muslims–are the new Nazis), a faux peace sign, and references to the awful “Hedwig and The Angry Inch,” a musical about a gay German eunuch transsexual.

If Lil’ Debbie is writing in English, I’ve experienced a stroke or aneurysm and can no longer read it.


Wasn’t the total number of refugees we allowed in like 88 in 2005?

Thousands? When? Where?

I think she has “refugees” confused with “detainees”.


Let me get this straight – according to the exerpt Ben posted above, “references to… Hedwig and the Angry Inch” are “Muslim symbols”?


Re Jewish star (it’s called ‘Star / Shield of David’, you dumb bimbo) and Muslims: actually, Muslims have used and venerated the Shield of David for centuries, chiefly as a magical symbol, a part of or the entirety of the Seal of Solomon used on amulets, medicines and such. In addition, Islam actually frowns on the use of religious symbols, including the crescent, hence the prevalence of calligraphy. As a consequence, there were a plenty of Muslim households where you’d be more likely to find the Shield of David than a crescent. Now put that in your irony bong and smoke it.


a swastika next to a Jewish star (since Muslims outrageously equate the two and like swastikas, since they–Muslims–are the new Nazis)

So Muslims identify Jewish people with Nazis and are themselves Nazis. Doesn’t that mean that they identify with Judaism?


Well,now I know what happened to Ann Coulter.

Debbie evidently ate her. Bones, gristle and all.

But hey, she’s “tiny” and whatnot.


She sounds like a drunken Fran Drescher with a mouth full of Ho-Hos™ and novocaine.


[…] like Lewinsky, performing a certain sex act on Yaser Arafat and Palestinians in general. Sadly, No! memorably described this passage: …Rita Hauser…is a…fellatrix of Yasser Arafat’s dead […]


Good thing you found those pictures of Schlussel…she likes to threaten to SUESUESUE anyone who uses “her” personal property (the picture from her web.)

Best comment I’ve read about her is that she looks ready, willing and able to suck-start a Harley. But Miss Psycho-Liar only likes to lash out at people who can’t or won’t hit back. Why she hasn’t been before her state bar’s Character & Fitness board is a mystery.


(Is it just me or) Does’t that particular subset of wingnuts seem to have a very profound anal fixation?


(Is it just me or) Does not that particular subset of wing-nuts seem to have a very profound anal fixation?


[…] like Lewinsky, performing a certain sex act on Yaser Arafat and Palestinians in general. Sadly, No! memorably described this passage: …Rita Hauser…is a…fellatrix of Yasser Arafat’s dead […]


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