I am dee-pressed
Posted on August 14th, 2008 by Brad
Jeralyn relays some unhappy news:
The Denver Post reports Sen. Ken Salazar will speak Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention, but he isn’t the Veep pick.
Who’s left? According to the Post, only those without a speaking slot at the Convention. That includes:
- Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine,
- New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson,
- Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana,
- Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware and
- former Georgia Sen. Sam Nunn.
With the (possible) exception of Richardson, I think all of those choices are unbearably sucky. Why oh why can’t we have better Democratic presidential candidates?
(And no, Hillary fans, you won’t convince me that Mrs. Clinton had a secret plan to make Russ Feingold her veep pick.)
I thought Wesley Clark was still in the running. No?
I think this is a red herring. Obama’s VP Committee has been tight-lipped about the decision. Telling the DNC schedulers who not to have speak would let the cat out of the bag.
Charlie Rangel isn’t going to speak either, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be the veep.
Someday, I hope to vote for a candidate, instead of against the other guy. This will not be that year.
I’m with Ori. And for that matter, there’s no reason schedules can’t be changed.
Oh, Clark will be out of the country and wasn’t among those who were interviewed or vetted anyway.
Hmm… Paris Hilton made some good points in her campaign video….
Dont be a nattering nabob of negativity! Look at the bright side!
Who’s left?
Bill Ayers.
Um …
OriGuy is spot on. I wouldn’t read anything into what the DNC schedules at this point.
And as much as Biden may annoy me ideologically, he would be a pleasure to watch campaigning against McCain. “Noun, verb and 9/11” remains the greatest quip of the 2008 campaign.
Evan Bayh is a higher-quality Hoosier pol than Dan Quayle?
Does that help?
Let’s just get the climax over with, we’re going to be disappointed. I can’t believe very many people are surprised at that. At least I’m not.
Come on, eight years ago we were saddled jojo lieberman as a veep. It’s going to be difficult, but sadly not impossible to top that one.
The only thing worse than Joe Lieberman in 2000 would be Joe Lieberman in 2008.
What about Chris Dodd? Or some schmoe we haven’t heard of yet?
Actually, I think Biden would be a perfect VP candidate. I’d never vote for him for President unless he was running against a Republican, but he’s WAY better than Bayh, Kaine and Nunn all of whom show Libermainiac qualities.
Biden’s a blowhard who isn’t afraid to take a swing. Good enough for government work, I say.
Why oh why can’t we have better Democratic presidential candidates?
Yea, I don’t like Obama much either.
I think you mean VICE presidential candidates…
Let’s just get the climax over with, we’re going to be disappointed.
Y’know, I had an injunction against my ex-wife. She was supposed to keep that secret!
I think you mean VICE presidential candidates…
An interesting possibility.
No, I meant presidential. If it’s Obama’s final word that counts and he picks someone from the Lieberman Lite list, it’ll be a poor reflection on him.
(And btw, Gore’s selection of Lieberman in 2000 was a critical reason why I couldn’t get enthused about voting for him.)
nattering nabob of negativity! Ah Spiro Agnew we loved him when he was being Nixon’s henchman, we loved him more when he got indicted convicted. Those where the days you kids nowadaydon’t know nothing republicans are crooks or kooks usually both.
Since the liberal blogosphere seems to enjoy prematurely beating Obama over the head with Chris Dodd (as in, Oh nooooo I’m going to have to vote for Fred Phelps now because Obama didn’t pick a good progressive like Dodd as his VP oh nooooooo!), I’ll offer the following word:
As in, you’re a damned fool if you don’t think that deal will come up ad meganauseam during the rest of campaign.
Totally off-topic, but the lie-brul blogosphere should probably address the case of Joe Horn: a Texan who shot two men in the back and killed them because he saw them burglarizing his neighbor’s house – and he did it while on the phone with the 911 operator, and the Texas grand jury decided not to prosecute. There’s a lot of support for Joe among the good ole-boy racists, and some of it gets pretty striking and disturbing. Take a google.
I’m pretty convinced it’s going to be Biden. He’s the logical non-Bayh choice (whose continued prominence in the Veep stakes baffles and scares me). What Jay B said about never voting for him as president but making a good campaign companion.
I agree too, and fivethirtyeight.com pretty much says that “the VP candidate won’t be scheduled to speak at the DNC convention” is just the latest bunch of conventional “wisdom”/MSM meme bullshit.
I’m pretty convinced it’s going to be Biden.
He’s so articulate.
Biden. Right. He really represents Change.
(And no, Hillary fans, you won’t convince me that Mrs. Clinton had a secret plan to make Russ Feingold her veep pick.)
Oh, if only someone had such a secret plan. Russ is my first choice for president every four years, yet he’s never on the ballot. There was some hope this time around, but he’s too smart to get involved in all that bullshit. Bastard.
And no, Hillary fans, you won’t convince me that Mrs. Clinton had a secret plan to make Russ Feingold her veep pick.
She did, ass-hammer! She did!!!!
Her second choice was Santa.
Way to go assholes!
And no, Hillary fans, you won’t convince me that Mrs. Clinton had a secret plan to make Russ Feingold her veep pick.
Thank goodness, since Feingold is much too busy fluffing the Republican nominee to campaign.
Her second choice was Santa.
The racist only hires elves.
Ugh. Ken Salazar. Seriously? He was a possible veep pick?
I lived in Colorado for years – Salazar has always been one of the crappiest senators in the chamber. If he HAD been tapped for VP, I would have considered sitting this election out.
Biden. Right. He really represents Change.
There is literally no choice to be made that will make everyone happy.
Biden’s a dick because of his vote for the bankruptcy bill, but in the real world we live in — and not the one where we believe in political slogans, Biden’s more reliably liberal than anyone else on that list.
Yeah, Dodd is knotted up with Countrywide. I’m glad there are some standards that people are held to when it comes to impropriety (he’s also an Insurance industry stooge) that seemingly only work for the Democrats (Cheney, if it mattered at all, was illegally trading with Iran when he was the VP pick — but who the fuck cared?), but it’d be somewhat nice if civil liberties had at least some voice in the administration. Feingold would be tremendous then.
But from that list Biden is the only one who routinely goes after Republicans with anything that approaches ferocity. What the fuck else do you want in a VP?
Why oh why can’t we have better Democratic presidential candidates?
Because you touch yourself. God is watching…
Regardless of the VP choice, if Obama doesn’t make Stephen Colbert his Press Secretary there will be rioting in the streets.
But from that list Biden is the only one who routinely goes after Republicans with anything that approaches ferocity. What the fuck else do you want in a VP?
It’d be good to see him hammer people, but it’s easy to imagine some irritating geographical calculus precluding him.
Because you touch yourself. God is watching…
God is kinkay!
Obama’s campaign is about Obama. All he needs from the VP pick is someone who won’t fuck up. Some foreign policy experience to deflect some of the Repug crap on that topic would be just an added bonus.
Add those up and Biden becomes a logical choice.
Richardson’s out, because Lou Dobbs says that would be identity politics. Remember, when non-whites run for office, that’s called identity politics.
Call me crazy, but isn’t it possible that Obama hasn’t even chosen his VP yet?
Maybe Obama will pick Steve Jobs who will promise us all a free iPhone if they get electorated.
Oh, and Brad, you’re not dee-pressed you Veep-pressed!
I’ll be here all week. Try the veal!
Hey, I remember Sam Nunn from way back when there were Democratic senators from the South. Would someone care to expound on his unsuitability, so that I don’t have to bother looking him up?
“Bill Ayers” made me lol.
I can go Biden but I want Clark.
but it’s easy to imagine some irritating geographical calculus precluding him
Maybe. But that’s never really been proven to matter.
What matters is:
Will he get a pass from the idiots who run our media? Yes.
Would he be a good lighting rod for criticism: Yes.
Can the GOP whine about some insignificant detail until the moon explodes: Yes. The Kinnock thing. But when their candidate cuts and pastes Wikipedia entries for his policy papers, it won’t take because the idiots who run our media won’t care.
Will he attack the Bush/McCain foreign policy: Yes.
Will his VP candidacy hurt the Democratic numbers in the Senate: No (Bayh’s would) — the DE gov is a Democrat.
Again, I think he’s a vain idiot who runs his mouth off and supported an absolute abortion of a bill and supported the initial Iraq vote — but it’s a much better choice than Bayh
Actually, the best choice from a “strategic” point of view (in so far as its worth anything) would be former FL Senator Bob Graham
I don’t really get this logic because it assumes that the decision has been made and is just being kept mum. Did you think they just weren’t going to schedule the entire bloody convention until the last minute because they might have to replace exactly one speaker?
Everyone on the short list is sufficiently prominent that they’re going to have to at least be considered for a speaking slot, and now is when they’re being doled out. It means nothing.
I think they should choose LBJ’s zombified corpse. Then they’d have all the creepiness of Cheney, but with 80% less evil*.
*Evil percentage estimated based on the assumption that you can’t make a zombie without a few gallons of tears and baby blood.
Nunn was one of the big names for Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. (Although he’s somewhat tempered his opinion in recent years)
He was a Sensible Liberal during the 90s against the eeevil Clenis.
You see where I’m going here.
“Ah Spiro Agnew we loved him when he was being Nixon’s henchman, we loved him more when he got indicted convicted.”
As I recall he pled nolo contendere… to criminal charges of tax evasion.
I can go Biden but I want Clark.
Well, some people say that once you’ve had Biden you never go Clark.
Her second choice was Santa.
The racist only hires elves.
In fairness to Santa, the shop has five foot high ceilings and OSHA would get all medieval on his ass if he was an equal opportunity heightist.
You cannot narrow down the list by process of elimination. For every big name that drops off the top, that opens up room for 3 dark horses at the bottom.
I could go Ayers but I want Kambon.
promise us all a free iPhone if they get electorated.
super sweet! USA USA!
Going to be Nunn. At least, it should be Nunn.
I’ve suspected it was going to be Biden for a long time. I’m still getting emails from Biden all the time which sound, well, campaign-like, and I’m not in his bailiwick at all. I think they’re coming to me because I am on Obama’s email list. I’d not bet the farm but I might bet a cow or two that Biden will be the pick.
I was never a Biden supporter, but I think it would be rockin’ to watch him campaign.
I’d prefer Richardson for a number of reasons, two being that he’d help with Obama’s weakness with the gun-totin’ southwestern crowd and Hispanics. I think, though, that either Biden or Richardson would be good picks for the purpose of winning. What’s important now is to make sure McCain is not elected.
Once again, folks like me who are on the fairly-hard left are just gonna have to eat it. Like I wasn’t expecting that. Ha.
Hey Obama, I’m free.
Why? He’s a has-been, and wasn’t a real benefit to the party even when he was a currently-being. And you won’t pick up Georgia’s electoral votes with Nunn on the ticket, anyway…aside from a few political columnists around the state, no one cares about him anymore.
Someday, I hope to vote for a candidate, instead of against the other guy.
Some day you will live in this land of which you speak, and we will call it Fairyland, and you will get there astride a unicorn, following a rainbow’s path to your gumdrop house where elves and dwarves will serve you candy for breakfast and chocolate for dinner.
Oh, I was gonna add, either Biden or Richardson would help on the foreign policy experience front, too. I think I’d like to see Biden get the Veep nod and Richardson could be Sec’y of State. Richardson would be a great SoS.
I’ve been amusing myself with cabinet picks that would give the wingnuts heart attacks. I think Jesse Jackson needs a spot. Frank Ayers should head up Homeland Security. That would rock.
You see where I’m going here.
So you’re saying he’s from Georgia.
all there is to say: who is Sam Nunn
nunn of the above?
Former Democratic senator from Georgia. We can applaud him for work against nuclear proliferation, but on domestic issues he kinda sucks. Plus, like I said, he hasn’t been a force in American politics for over a decade. So who cares?
And also, if Nunn is chosen because he’s big on foreign policy, it’s worth noting that he was against the first Gulf War.
You might as well make Gravel the VP. Which would be awesome, actually.
Sam Nunn:
Again. Quelle surprise.
You may know former Senator Sam Nunn more familiarly as “¿Who?” or just possibly you may remember him prominent among Michael Bloomberg’s “Wankers for Unity” caucus from earlier this year, and since you may view Nunn as politically old-hat and bland as oatmeal and eggwhite on untoasted wonderbread besides, you may wonder just meowtf quality Nunn possesses which makes him such a popular choice among the blatherative class.
Ah, but then, you are not a Villager, and so you could hardly be expected to bring to the Veepstakes discussion the same expertise as Mort Kondracke, Nicholas
Kristof, George Will, William "Bloody" Kristol, and now of course Brooks, who all have floated the Obama/Nunn ticket at one point or another in the last five months.
You will not know of the Senator’s famed foreign policy expertise, exemplified by his vote against the Gulf War in 1991(seen as a decisive factor in scuttling his 1992 run for the White House). Nor are you likely to be cognizant of Nunn’s long history as an advocate for balanced budgets and restrained goverment spending, illustrated best by his co-chairmanship of the Concord Coalition, whose mention may ring a bell with those who recall the fight with George W. Bush back in 2005 over his efforts to privatize Social Security, which the Concord Coalition, taking its cue from the Bush Administration, calls "Entitlement Reform".*
These are the sorts of things that make Nunn such a perfect candidate to the members of the gasbag brigade, someone who looks "serious", who they can safely recommend knowing full well that they’ll never vote for Obama even if he does choose a Nunn or a Daschle as his running mate. Anyone who actually believes that Sam Nunn would help Obama win the state of Georgia is invited to click here.
* With the added wackball proviso that Social Security "personal accounts" should be mandatory, not voluntary. Because voluntary accounts would cause some people to pull their money out of Social Security and give it to Wall Street, creating a further imbalance. Whereas mandatory accounts would require everybody to give their Social Security dollars to Wall Street, and so magically result in higher Return-on-Investment, which, along with cutting benefits and raising the retirement age, would result in the longterm stability of the funds necessary to ensure that Wall Street’s largest investors are taken care of in their old age. The rest of us, not so much.
God damn it, Barack, stop making us hate you.
Oops, here’s the Wankers For Unity link.
BTW, thanks for the Nunn responses.
You might as well make Gravel the VP. Which would be awesome, actually.
yes thank you.
I’ve discussed Richardson as VP before – I think it’s close to ideal for taking care of the racist idiot vote, because both Obama and Richardson are the kind of minority members that only frothing-at-the-mouth Klansmen actually get worked up about. They’re richer, from better families, and closer to the culture than any white guy any of us know – anyone who decides to stroke their toothbrush moustache and thoughtfully contemplate whether America is ready for a filthy border-hopping guappo or despicable black-a-moor in the White House is going to immediately disqualify themselves as a trusted observer.
He’s also got a lot of Experience(TM), something they tell us is very important. It’d be a wasted opportunity choosing some interchangeable ancient honky instead.
Bill Richardson is huggable. Maybe not viable, but huggable.
I hate WordPress and Sam Nunn
Serious question here; if the Obama camp is seriously considering Sam Nunn as a VP choice, why wouldn’t they also consider Mario Cuomo for the position?
Who cares? Seriously. We’re not talking about someone with Chenely-level power in an Obama administration. Obama’s veep will be the usual nonentity.
It’s like arguing over whether they’re going to paint the loo off the oval office puce or aquamarine. It’s fucking inconsequential.
I am disappointed there is no post following up on Marco’s at 21:14.
Imaginary Hillary VP Suggestions is a natural.
I could live with Biden, at least he knows how to attack republicans and that is key for an Obama VP selection as Obama is on the high road, I want a VP would will grandly label the republicans for the skidmarks they are.
Obama should pick Clinton as his running mate. George Clinton, or at least Bootsy. Reckon what’s Bootsy doin’?
My fave of those mentioned is Bill Richardson also. But now that I mention it, I do think an African-American / Latino-American ticket won’t be likely…
Biden would be a good pick; I think he’s great when he isn’t hypnotized by his own ego.
But I think Obama’s veep pick will be none of the above; someone who isn’t that high on the national radar, but has proven foreign policy and/or military experience.
Clark would have been great for that, if he hadn’t dealt indelicately with the press…but that may actually good that happened with Clark early…
As a member of the rapidly de-crackerizing VA constich’ncy, I can say Kaine wouldn’t be that bad, honestly. But as a Webb voter, I can say they’re looking at the wrong Virginian.
Imaginary Hillary VP Suggestions is a natural.
jesse Jackson.
OK, that was a cheap shot.
GNB has been agitating for Henry “Cupcake” Rollins.
Rollins going on the attack against Republicans is… o a vastly entertaining concept.
Plus, Black Flag could perform at the inauguration. The streets would be awash from all the heads a’splodin’
I think whoever it is, the campaign signs will have OBAMA in huge letters and biden or daschle or nunn or whatever in tiny little letters underneath
I’m holding out for Obama/Cho.
A mostly off-topic thought. I’ve not seen much if any discussion on Cheney’s running mate. I’m a bit scared to ponder too deeply the sort of…person the GOP would foist on its faithful. They’re almost forced to go hard Christian honky to satisfy the knuckledragger base – you know they won’t try anything funny viz. a woman or minority, not this election – and you know they’re gonna try to avoid someone like Cheney because, well, McCain’s already friggin’ old and his whole shtick is the “gravitas” Cheney supposedly brought to the Idiot Boy King’s ticket.
Joel Osteen. You just watch.
Ick. Given that Super Dollar Menu, I’d take Joe Biden. At least he’s an attack dog and knows what going on the ground in Iraq. So Biden, then.
Hillary’s pick would have been Noam Chomsky.
Boy George.
well, really just because Culture Club came up on the iTunes and hey, he’s not doing anything….
I hate to disagree with RB lest I wind up in a recipe, but I think Hillary’s choice would have been Dog The Bounty Hunter.
You know, kind of continuing in the gun/ whiskey/ lawn order trajectory
As long as we’re reanimating dead guys, why not Bobby Seale?
I mean, the platform’s already written….
Hillary’s pick would have been Iron Chef Chinese Chen Kenichi.
Sherpa Tenzing.
Better yet, Iron Chef and Dog could have gone Thunderdome!! Two men enter, one man is VP!!
I think Obama should pick WORDPRESS!
WORDPRESS for director of Homeland Security!!
Sherpa Tenzing.
Ed McMahon.
Ok, now this is reading like an MST3K transcript….
Daniel Inouye. Obama and he will make state dinners luaus and will replace the U.S. Marine Band with a slack key band. Theyll put a dome over the Rose Garden and make it into a tropical greenhouse and tear up the North Lawn to make it a taro patch. Aloha, motherfuckers.
Sherpa Tenzing.
Nah, if we’re going with a zombie it’s gotta be LBJ. I miss seeing his scars and his holding up beagles by their ears.
Hillary Clinton would have chosen Barack Obama but Barack Obama won’t choose her back and everyone thinks he is soooooooooooo conceited.
As long as we’re re-animating dead guys, why not Bobby Seale?
I mean, the platform’s already written….
I think Obama should go with Barney Frank or Bernie Sanders. I figure the explosion of Republican heads will derail any potential Swiftboating up front.
What happened to Wes Clark?
OTOH, as someone just pointed out at the Great Orange Satan, Biden has been the prime mover in the Senate on legislation to protect women from domestic violence.
And then, too, as anyone who caught his impromptu interview with the MSNBC crew way late in their coverage of the SOTU, Biden can be pretty fucking hilarious when he’s stoned. That’s gotta be worth something in a Veep, right?
Still, I think Clark would kick him some Rethuglican ass as the VP.
“Aloha, motherfuckers.” Indeed. And perhaps Cokie Roberts would only be allowed to attend press briefings while wearing a hula skirt and strategically-placed coconuts.
But from that list Biden is the only one who routinely goes after Republicans with anything that approaches ferocity. What the fuck else do you want in a VP?
I have to agree with this. Biden as VP would allow Obama to stay above the fray while Biden went to town.
What happened to Wes Clark?
I heard him say Wednesday that he will be at a business meeting in Milan during the Convention, and has no intention of being Veep.
That said, travel plans are easily changed.
As Nate Silver said:
Obama / Kucinich.
D.C. awash, etc….
Eh. Biden? Not only is he Senator MBNA, he’s also the number 1 reason Clarence Thomas now sits on the Supreme Court. I say, “no”.
Clark? Sucks as a campaigner. Nope.
Bayh? Fuck that noise. What’s the use of purging the DLC if you’re just going to invite them to position someone for the next presidential run?
I think I have the perfect VP candidate for Obama:
He’s white.
He’s old.
He’s very liberal, yet is still beloved by rednecks, Heartlanders, and working-class types.Everyone knows his experience and the skeletons in his closet, and loves him anyway.
What better choice do we have than Willie Nelson?
This is by no means an indication of who the vice presidential nominee will be. It could very well turn out that one of those guys will be it, but even if that’s the case, it has nothing to do with the scheduling. As others have pointed out, it is a way to reveal information, and there’s no plausible reason to do that.
Cokie Roberts would only be allowed to attend press briefings while wearing … strategically-placed coconuts.
over her mouth?
Obama should pick Clinton as his running mate. George Clinton, or at least Bootsy.
Maceo! MACEO! Take it to the bridge!
Ralph Nader for Vice-President! The other candidates are unsafe at any speed . . .
Kathleen, I was thinking the same thing. I’d add “under a plastic bag” to that.
Biden can be pretty fucking hilarious when he’s stoned.
If that is a criterion for high public office, then people should remember the existence of the Mikey Party.
Monkay: I was going to suggest Ralphie earlier, and point out his vegan-ness, but I’ve caused enough trouble already. WARNING: Watch out for incoming mouth-frothing.
I think the obvious choice for Obama’s vice president is Kamau Kambon.
Some people say that he represents the very heart and soul of the far-left extremist views held by Barack Obama and the people who will vote for him.
Kambon is a natural.
I don’t know why no one ever thought of him.
Kamau Kambon for vice president: He wants to kill white people just like all lefties
Did I miss the thread where we got instructions on how to link to you tube vids?
‘Cause I’m about to get testy. I’ve lost several brilliant, poignant, heartrendingly beautiful posts today and they all had YT links.
Why has WP forsaken me?
Kamau Kambon for vice president: He wants to kill white people just like all lefties
Does he want to kill me? I don’t think I can trust anyone who doesn’t want to kill me specifically.
Hillary was going to pick Suckmycock McFucknuts for vice president and you so-called “progressives” went for OBayhma.
Did I miss the thread where we got instructions on how to link to you tube vids?
WP seems to lock them down in Moderation Limbo. In four hours’ time your comments will eventually appear (assuming that you have said enough intercessory masses for them), in what is by then the middle of the thread, where no-one will read them. But we will take your word for their brilliance, poignancy and heartrending beauty.
we will take your word for their brilliance
Cite please.
Since he lost the PUMAs Obama may depend on the Yippie vote.
Is Pigasus still in politics?
Biden will bring in those critical but elusive Delaware votes.
That said, travel plans are easily changed.
Ooooooh, that’d be a nice surprise.
Cite please.
I am quietly confident that Stryx’s promised YouTube links involve footage from the golden age of Prog Rock. Maybe even Magma videos. What more brilliance could you ask for?
Bubba, would that be Suckmycock McFucknuts of the Wisconsin McFucknuts? Because those are some crazy-ass scotsmen…
I am quietly confident that Stryx’s promised YouTube links
For a minute there, I thought you said “Styx’s”, and I silently cursed WP for depriving me of such quality entertainment.
From the CNN political ticker:
I think that we should be allowed to text in our favorite.
I think Obama should go with Barney Frank or Bernie Sanders. I figure the explosion of Republican heads will derail any potential Swiftboating up front.
Al Sharpton; he’s like political kevlar.
Ooh, Salazar would be formidable. In the VP debates he’d bore his opponent to sleep. You can’t rebut if you’re not awake.
I think that we should be allowed to text in our favorite.
Who’s the best dancer?
Richardson and Biden apparently both have speaking spots, so they’re considered out by the CW.
Tom Daschle remains a strong possibility according to some. Not to me, tho – I think he’s still tagged in the zeitgeist as a “loser”….
Wait….so Obama isn’t considering picking Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, Louis Farrakhan or Dr Dre as his VP?
How disapppointing.
Last I heard, Dr. Dre was dead and locked in some white kid’s basement. But as they said upthread, schedules can be changed.
Ahh, Jennifer. You sold me. Willie Nelson it is, then.
Speaking of “high public office”.
Testy, testy, one, two.
Let it be known, I stand by my original statement.
P.S. Seems wordpress likes Sadly, No! links a lot more than youtubes. And I haven’t even linked to Done With Sheep in months!
WARNING: Watch out for incoming mouth-frothing.
I remain unconvinced that mouth-froth, on its own, contains all the nutrients required for a balanced diet.
I propose the VP sweepstakes be limited to people with cool guitars. W. Nelson is definitely in with that beauty he plays. I think Joan Jett makes the cut too. Hers comes with a stock kill switch.
I’m totally down with Joan Jett for VP.
I propose the VP sweepstakes be limited to people with cool guitars.
Dolly Parton.
Joan Jett is totally second tier to Henry Rollins. Guitar or no.
I said it and I’m not sorry.
I’m sorry. What is the dealio with “foreign policy expertise”. What does that mean? If you have worked with foreign government counterparts under other administrations, you have some experience advancing a particular policy in the domain of lower level diplomatic functionaries. But you didn’t formulate the policy, it doesn’t represent your strategic vision, it isn’t the policy positions you would take.
So how does this “foreign policy experience” impact a new president. Well, I’m a west coast wack job with no college and I seem to be able to develop a strategic worldview all by myself. Whoever the new president is, he is going to drive a set of diplomatic policies based upon the strategic vision he brings to bear. I could do it. Bozo the clown could do it. You’re president. It’s what you do.
It’s a subset of that whole “ready to lead?” question. Of course they’re “ready to lead”. Immediately after the inauguration, america’s strategic course, our macro-level direction, will be defined by the individual we inaugurated. For better or worse, that’s leadership in the real world.
Choose wisely…
Oopps. Forgot to switch identities.
Hey, remember that cool part in “The Dirty Dozen” when they cheated in the war game? Yeah, that was cool. Waitaminute, that was Ernest Borgnine too. He keeps coming up. Kinda creepy. Coincidence? I’m not convinced.
From what I hear, ernest Borgnine keeps coming….
Smut Clyde: So much depends upon what you had for lunch.
Bozo the clown could do it.
You know, he’s right.
Bozo the Clown could do it.
Ladies and gentlemen – it’s Obama/Bozo 08!
For the alliteration, if for no other reason.
We all know it’ll have to be Michael Moore, Al Gore, or somebody else fat.
Obama: Clark, Biden or Dodd.
McCain: Carrot-Top, Cheney or (quelle surprise) Britney Spears.
I propose the VP sweepstakes be limited to people with cool guitars.
Surely it is too early to rule out bass players.
Did somebody say bass players?
Denver mayor John Hickenlooper.
Not only would the combination of names be entirely mellifluous and hypnotic–Obama/Hickenlooper–but did your mayor jump out of an airplane to get elected?
Please no Bayh. He ain’t Birch (and I’m an older ex-patriot Hoosier.)
As a cheesehead, I can only hope that Russ continues to be a super patriot and runs after BHO can’t run again in 2016.
o how does this “foreign policy experience” impact a new president.
I think all it means is that at least one of the two of them can find Moscow, Jakarta or Almaty on a map, and know the difference between a Shia and Sunni?
The only veep-stakes I can remember where CW came through was Kerry 2004. Sam Nunn was always the pick of the press corp. and it never, ever happened.
Hopefully it’s Richardson
Say, if Obama picks Richardson and McCain picks Charlie Crist, then that means both candidates would have bearded running mates.
Say, if Obama picks Richardson and McCain picks Charlie Crist, then that means both candidates would have bearded running mates
Very clever, sir.
Yes, good one, Johnny Pez
“Anyone who actually believes that Sam Nunn would help Obama win the state of Georgia is invited to click here.”
Pah! I reject your reality and substitute my own. 😉
Actually, I’d recommend checking the GA poll results from the last few election cycles before claiming that a definitive proof. Obama has already cut significantly into 2004’s percentages, and the addition of former GA Congressman Bob Barr as the Libertarian Party’s candidate has softened the center even more. There was a poll (in June, I believe), conducted by local pollster Matt Towery (a former GOP state congressman in GA) that actually had Obama and McCain tied within the margin of error in GA.
IMO, the confluence of a weak and undesirable GOP candidate, a charismatic Democratic candidate and a well-known LP candidate from GA all combine to make Georgia one of 2004’s strongly red states that could be flippable this year.
The battle lines are clearly drawn. McCain wants to weaken Obama in the Northeast and Great Lakes. Obama wants to weaken McCain in the Deep South and Mid-Atlantic. FL would be a great prize to Obama. GA and/or NC less so, but still substantial. Any VP with strong defense credentials from he Deep South or Mid-Atlantic (e.g. Nunn or Webb) would be helpful in peeling off votes in those regions.
This could be the stupidest web site on the left.
Do you deranged moron’s know Kennedy picked LBJ. And not because he was the hero of the liberals.
It was because he helped win, or steal, Texas.
So if Bayh or Kaine can help win Virginia or Indiana, that would mean Obama would win. I thought that was the plan.
When can the left get a website that isn’t a babbling idiot.
Not to be indiscreet…
…but I have to point out that I also have not had a speaking slot assigned to me at the convention.
Those other guys who haven’t had their speaking slots announced? I don’t want to give anything away, but they would do that in order to provide cover for the guy they were really going to give it to. Just saying…
Let’s get down to cases, Glen. What’s in a Glen Tomkins Vice-Presidency for me?
What do you want, twelve Abraham Lincolns multiplied by Jefferson?